01-15-1969 • 155 _Regular Meeting jan. 15, 1969 • 4:15 P.M. Commissioners Denny, Cowles & Van Dusen present, also Supt. Scoville & John Dunn. Frank Scoville stated that his retirement would be effective February 1st. Supt. Scoville was given a gift by the Employees and Commissioners . Motion duly made, seconded & carried that John Dunn be designated as Supt. of Pinevies Cemetery for the coming year at a salary of $6,000. Receipts: Sale of Lots $ 505.00 Foundations 24.00 - Vault rental 30.00 Openings 0.00 $1 Franklin Scoville submittea a voucher for $150 for the following tools owned by him and which were voted by the Commission to be be purchased for use at Pineview: 1 Set Socket Wrenches, Miscl. End wrenches, Lawn Roller, Scott Seeder, 18" Sears Rotary Mower, 12" Goodall Trimmer, Post Hole Digger, 4' Saw (1 man) , 5t Saw (2 Man) , Pipe wrenches, Pipe Cutter, 2 Hand says ' 1 H.P. Briggs-'& Stratton Motor (Horizontal) , "'umerous-Misctl:- tools, etc. Discussion on improvements to the appearance of the Office - ,'Rug,:drapes, paint, etc. Supt. is authorized to go ahead with the' same. -Di's'cussion on need for new hand mowers. Supt. sees no need for additional units at this time. He is auth- orized to have all hand mowers checked over and made ready for next summers use. Meeting Adj. at 5:45 P.M. i Sec aryy. Regular meeting Ydb. 51 1969 $:30 OE.M. Commissionser Cowles & Van Dusen present, also Supt. Dunn. Receipts:. Sale of Lots $ 150.00 Interments 360.00 Vault rental .00 - Motion made, seconded & carried to place $10,000 now on Cert.,•,of Deposit in 1st Nat Bank in 5% Special Acct. Also to '? place-$7.,470.33 now in Glens Fallsifat . Bank-& Tr. Co. Savings Acct, into 5% Spec. Acct. Supt. is authorized to have 500 new deed forms printed at Spotlight Program Co for $30.90. Further discussion on making a Chapel room in the front part of the Vault. Supt. stated that Smith's Equipment Co. has a Wheeihorse tractor with a 36" mower CEMETERY COMMISSION Town of Queensbury - 1969 Budget Cost of Improvements: Improvements to Pine View Cemetery $3,900 New Equipment: New Dump Truck $6,000 Power mowers 900 6;900 $10000 Maintenance: Personal Services $24,000 Repairs to existing equipment 300 Gas & oil for trucks & Equip. 400 Bond for Supt. & Comm. 75 Heat, Light & Tel. 600 Miscellaneous 400 25,775 REVENUES: Sale of Lots, less perpetual care $6,000 Fees for Vault rental 75 Fees for opening graves 4,500 Fees for setting monuments 600 11,175 Requested Budget Appropriation 25,400 S ANNUAL REPORT 1968 CEMETERY COMMISSION - TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Balance January 1, 1968 $ 6,720.14 RECEIPTS Sale of Lote $ 7,700.00 Openings 5,660.00 Vault Rent 50.00 Foundations 813.00 Investment Income 475.00 Extra Work, Rhodes Lot 25.00 $14,723.00 DISBURSEMENTS Supervisor, Town of Queensbury 75% Sale of Lots $ 5,775.00 . Openings 5,660.00 Vault Rent 50.00 Foundations • 813.00 Extra Work, Rhodes Lot 25.00 $12,323.00 Receipts $14,723.00 Disbursements 12 323.00 Net Income $ 2,400.00 Balance Jan. 1, 1968 6,720.14 $ 9,120.14 Balance as per Bank Account, December 31, 1968 $ 9,12014 Investments as of January 1, 1969: $1,000.00 Central New York Power Corp. General Mortgage Bond, Due 1974 $1,000.00 General Motors Acceptance Corp. Due 1975 $1,000.00 General Motors Acceptance Corp. Due 1975 $7,470.33 Savings Account Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company $10,000.00 Certificate of Deposit #003892, First National Bank of Glens Falls, Matures February 28, 1969.