05-07-1969 -- 1 ST
Regular meeting
May 7, 1969
4:15 P.M.
_ Commissioners, Cowles & Van Dusen present, also Supt. Dunn.
Chairman of our Commission, Charles Denny died on April
15th. A moment of silence was observed in his memory.
Sale of Lots $$55.00
Foundations 405.00
Sale of Logs 77330.$55
$ $5
New area in front of the Single interment has now been
cleared an&some roots and vines still remain intermixed with
the top soil. . Supt. Dunn suggested that Clarence Elms has a
bulldozer with a rake-tooth attachment on the blade which
could be secured to clear most of this debris and thus avoid]
a great deal of hand work. Motion duly made, seconded & carried
that we hire Mr. Elms' dozer for this purpose.
Meeting adjourned at 5:10 P. . 4n/ '
Regular Meeting
June 4, 1969
• 4:20 P.M.
Commissioners Cowles & Van Dusen Present, also Supt. Dunn.
Discussion on the future organization of the Commission
in view of the death of the Chairman, Charles Denny. It was
agreed that Sidney Van Dusen, presently the Secretary, should
act as chairman. Supervisor Solomon has asked for recommendation
for a successor for Mr. Denny on the Commission. It was agreed
that we suggest the name of Joseph Regan for this position.
Secretary is to transmit this suggestion to the Queensbury Town
Board for its consideration.
Sale of Lots $900.00
Interments 5$0.00
Foundations .4 .00
Discussion on the shortage of_ available lots for sale.
Supt. was asked to make a list of all available unsold lots,
so that he & :the Commission would know exactly what is now
available. Supt. Dunn stated thatthere is now need for one
new hand lawn mower. He was authorized to purchase same from
Sears Roebuck & Co.
Meeting adjourned at 5:10 P.M.
Sec? ' ary