12-11-1969 160
Regular Meeting
November 6, 1969
4; 25 PM
Commissioners, Van Dusen, Cowles & Regan present with Supt
John Dunn.
Receipts for October 1969
Interments $ 315.00 -
Lots Sold 355.09
Foundations 189.00
$ 859.00
Motion duly made, seconded and carried that Sid Van Dusen
sell his lot back to the cemetery, Lot #612 Sec 27-Wah-Ta-Wah
for $216.00, the price he paid for it in April 2, 1952.
It was also duly motioned, seconded and carried that the
Lot of Agnes Fish be bought back from her at her reouest
for the sum of $65.00, which she purchased in July 8, 1957
Lot #691 Sec 26 Wah-Ta -Wah
Motion duly made, seconded and carried that John Dunn the Supt.
purchas 2 20" Mowers and 1 ' 12" Trimmer; The mowers from
Sears And the Trimmer from Grassland.
Motion Duly made, seconded and carried that Frank Cowles
invest $1000.00 in the Savings Account of The Glens Falls National
Bank and ?Trust; and $20,000.00 in 8% U.S. Treasury Notes
Short serm due in May 1971
Meeting adjourned at 5;15 PM
Regular Meeting
December 11 , 1969
4; 30 P.M. _
Comissioners, Van Dusen, Cowles & Regan present with
Supt. John Dunn;
Receopts for Novembe 1969
Internments;. $665.00
Lots Sold 450.00 ( Wilson Clark & Wood)
Foundations .**75.00
No further business to come before the boad, the meeting was
Adjourned at 5 P.M.
datv2A .7727,44-A-