11-03-1971 1 69
Oct . 7th, Cont' d.
Interments $ 560.00
Foundations 4$.00
Total $1,208 .00
Discussion on the question of continuing the employment of
Louis Corlew in view of his advanced age. Because of our feeling
that possible injury at his age would present many problems for
the Town in regard to workmen' s Compensation, Modion was duly made,
seconded and carried that Supt. Dunn notify Mr. Corlew that we will
not be able to continue his employment.
Discussion on the subject of improving the roadways in the
Cemetery before snow and cold weather arrives. Supt . was directed
to proceed with as much improvement to the roadway to the office
and to the rear of the garage as would be possible within our budget
and as weather permits.
Meeting adjourned at 5 :25 P.M.
Pr- ident .
Regular Meeting
• November 3 , 1971
4:15 P.M.
Commissioners Colles & Van Dusen present , also , Supt . John Dunn.
Receipts : •
Interments $575.00
Foundations 224.00
Lots 700.00
TOTAL $1,499.00
Further discussion on improvements to the roads within the
Pine View Cemetery. Supt . stated that work would be able to start
shortley after November 12th.
Meeting adjourned 5 :00 P.M.