06-07-1972 1174
used to dig a grave . We felt it appeared to do all we wanted it
to do. "e recommend that it be purchased.
Regular Meeting
May 3, 1972
4:00 p.m.
Commissioners Van Dusen, Cowles, Day, and Supt. John Dunn Present.
Receipts : Interments $605
Sale of Lots 560
Vault 75
N1.2 41v
Mr. Van Dusen sent a letter on the 21st day of April to the
Queensbury Town Board recommending that they take steps to purchase
the Case Uni-Loader #1537 or equivalent water cooled Diesel Pay Loader
with Back-hoe .
Discussed fee for vault use in spring when late snow preventing
gettin into abandoned. cemeteries. It was felt that where we had no
control over whether we can get in an abandoned cemetery due to road
conditions we must reaffirm our %25 vault fee regardless of the time
of year. The vault fee was set on work involved in putting a body
into vault and removing it rather than on length of time of stay.
We received report that town supervisor directed Supt. John Dunn
to remove a dead elm tree in the West Glens Falls Cemetery.
Meeting adjourned 5 p.m.
Regular Meeting
June 7, 1972
4:00 P. M.
Commissioners Van Dusen, Cowles, Day, and Supt. John Dunn present.
Receipts Interments $ 570
Sale of Lots 800
Foundations LO1
• x;1771
A demonstration of a Hydrocat Articulated Loader with
Industrial 53 H P VW engine was given. Present at this demon-
stration only in addition to the above were Lloyd Demboske,
Harold Robillard, Carl Garb, Floyd Martindale, Mr. Gray of.
Gray Truck and Equipment Salest a driver and assistant. They
are going to submit a bid for Fay Loader we needed.
A discussion was also held on purchasing a cement mixer.
Ir. Dunn is going to investigate various types and prices and
report back to us.
Meeting adjourned 5:15 p.m.
727,e, ,Oeti
Roger U. Day, Secretary
Regular Meeting
July 5, 1972
4:00 p.m.
ry Commissioners Van Dusen, Cowles, and Supt. John Dunn present
Receipts Interments 575
Sale of Lots 750
Foundations 154
Misc . 40
(moving a babiest
body) $ 1519
Meeting adjourned 4:45 p.m.
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Regular Meeting
Aug. 2, 1972
4:00 p.m.
Commissionsenr Van Dusen, Cowles, Day, and Supt. John Dunn present.
The following guests were on hand : Robert Le Febvre, Watts Braman,
and Carl Garb.
Receipts Interments 660
Sale of Lots 800
Foundations 12