09-13-1972 177
Regular Meeting
Sept. 13, 1972
4 p.m.
Commissionsers Van IAisep, Cowles, Day, and Supt John Dunn present .
A discussion took place regarding purchasing grave lots back,
that were sold in 1922 to Frank C. Hooper Lot 299. We felt if
there was 101 left from the monument already erected we would buy
back 101 x 24' secion at 75% of price they paid for that portion
of lot which wss 00 per squre foot.
Mrs. Berryman sent letters to Supt. John Dunn and all commis-
sion members regarding her previous complaint. Secretary had res-
ponded to her letter.
Progress of road discussed.
Approval was given to purchase $10,000 of the Detroit Edison
• Comrany General and Refunding Mortgage Bond, due June 15, 2001
and $15,000 of Philadelphia Eletric Company First and Refunding
Bonds, due Aug. 1, 1996. Actual approval was given Sept 9, 1971
but omitted by error from the minutes.
Meeting adjourned at 5 p.m.
Zete- .07
Regular Meeting
October 4, 1972
4:1[ P.M.
Commissioners Van Dusen, Cowles, Day, and Supt. John Dunn present
Receipts : Interments $835
Sale of Lots 700
Paving of Main drive, mortuary circle area along with road next
to office are completed including final coat on road to office
i and parking lot at rear of garage at approximate cost of $10,000.
Shoulders are being worked on using soil from new graves .
Adjourned at 5:15 p.m. u r(�
Secretary �/