10-04-1972 177 • • Regular Meeting Sept. 13, 1972 4 P.m. Commissionsers Van Diseq, Cowles, Day, and Supt: John Dunn present. A discussion took place regarding purchasing grave lots back, that were sold in 1922 to Franj'k C. Hooper Lot 299. We felt if there was 10 ' left from the monument already erected we would buy back 10 ' x 24' secion at 75% of price they paid for that portion of lot which wss 40 per squre foot. Mrs . Berryman sent letters to Supt. John Dunn and all commis- sion members regarding her previous complaint. Secretary had res- ponded to her letter. Progress of road discussed. Approval was given to purchase $10,000 of the Detroit Edison Comnany General and Refunding Mortgage Bond, due June 15, 2001 and $15,000 of Philadelphia Eletric Company First and Refunding Bonds , due Aug. 1, 1996. Actual approval was given Sept 9, 1971 but omitted by error from the minutes . Meeting adjourned at 5 p.m. Secretary Regular Meeting • October 4, 1972 4:15 P.M. • Commissioners Van Dusen, Cowles, Day, and Supt. John Dunn present - Receipts : Interments $835 Sale of Lots 700 Foundations 162 $1697 Paving of Main drive , mtuary circle area along with road next to office are completed including final coat on road to office and parking lot at rear of garage at approximate cost of $10,000. Shoulders are being worked on using soil from new graves . Adjourned at 5:15 p.m, i(1 ear Secretary J