12-06-1972 178 • Special Meeting October 12, 1972 2 p.m. Commissioners Van Dusen, Cowles , and Supt. John Dunn present Meeting to antrove bill for rental of machinery and equipment from Russell 'Harris Paving Contractor operated by Rober Lefebvre for road improvement. • 14/22a-etti_‘ Pr sident • Regular Meeting November 1, 1972 4:00 p.m. • Commissions Van Dusen, Cowles , Day and Supt. John Dunn present Intermenta. x450_ -_ : �l Sale of Lots 700 • Foundations 27¢. gal • $ 1428 g.4 • It was reported by John Dunn that shoulders or new pavement • are near completion. The commissioners agreed that plans were to be made to have all our records micro-filmed at the Municipal Center. Motion was made and passed to purchase 16 " bucket for the back-hoe at approximate cost of $150. Meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m. Secretary • December 6, 1972 4 pm. • Commissioners Van Dusen, Cowles, Day, and Supt. John Dunn present. Interments $790 Sale of Lots1475 Foundations 258 Vault 50 I 2573 P. Action retorted at the December meeting;. Mr. Van Dusen retorted • that all books were micro-filmed and films have been placed in the • vault at the Town Hall. 179 A 16; bucket for back-hoe has been ordered. A letter is to be sent to Supervisor Solomon asking that money be encumbered from surplus cemetery funds for 1972 for a station wagon in the amount of approximately $2700. We desire to purchase said station wagon but will be unable to get delivery until after the first of 1973. • Meeting adjourned at 5 p.m. • Secretary Regular Meeting January 3, 1973 4 p.m. Commissioners Van Dusen, Cowles , Day, and Supt. John Dunn present Interments $1080 Sale of Lots 400 $1480 Mr. Cowles suggested we purchase $10,000 of triple A bonds from Pacific T & T, Inc. at 71 % --2008 (maturity) . Price to yield iet,.e 7.30%. Cost 99 3/8 per 100. It was approved . Sixteen inch bucket for back-hoe received. Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. • X(riter ' Jai "( Roger U. Day