05-08-1973 181 •
Regular Meeting
• April 4, 1973
9 A. N.
Commissioners Van Dusen, Day, and Supt. John Dunn present
Receipts : Interments 1070
Sale of L&-s 800
Supt. John Lunn reported on storage building. We could secure
one (14 ' x 20 ' ) metal storage building for approximately $851
from Clens Falls Insulation Company. rte &uthorized Purchase
of this building for the sum of $851 from this company.
We have received an offer for the 1957 Chevrolet truck of $25
for junk. We authorized sale as soon as we receive approval
from Town Board.
We also authorized the Purchase of three Sears 20" gas lawn
mowers for approximately $50 each.
Adjourned 9 :45.
Regular Meeting
May 8, 1973
9 a.m.
Commissioners Van Dusen, Cowles , Day and Supt. John Dunn present
Receipts : Interments 875
Sale of Lots 875
Foundations 510 •
Storage building has arrived and is in process of being erected.
The 1973 Ambassador Station ;•Wagon has arrived. Cost $2890 purchased
at State Contract. Supt. Dunn to look into getting sign for side
of car.
John Ross expressed an interest in purchasing an additional 175ft.
of property on quaker Road. le would like to discuss this further
with Town Board Cemetery Committee and Mr. Ross.
Mr. Van Dusen brought up agrin having stone sign for Pineview •
Cenetery at entrance . He willllook into this and report back next month.
We authorized purchase of Indoor-outdoor carpeting approximately
61 x 12" .
We authorized purchase of flower plants for garden in front.
Meeting adjourned 10 a.m.
t/Irr 6'4
Regular Meeting
June 7, 1973
10 a.m.
Commissioners Van Disen, Cowles, Day and Sunt. John Dunn presait.
Receipts :
Interments 300 •
Sale of lots 675
Foundations 9f)
Erection of storage building com"leted. Sign has been put on
side of new car.
No report yet on stone sign at entrance.
Next meeting 1 p:m. July 5th.
Meeting adjourned 9 :145 a.m.
77:74,1 olft(s,
Regular Meeting
July 5, 1973
7 p.m..
Commissioners : Cowles, Van Dusen, and Supt. John Dunn present
Receipts ; Interments 545
Sale of Lots 1080
Foundations 168