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TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761.8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Permit Number: RC-000325-2016 Date Issued: Friday, June 2, 2017 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number RC-000325-2016 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 309.18-1-17 Location: 57 TWIN CHANNELS RD Owner: ROBERT WEINMAN Applicant: Apex Solar Power This structure may be occupied as a: Residential Alterations 455 s.f. Rafter Upgrade for Solar Panel Installation By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance,or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. `j TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 Community Development - Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: RC-000325-2016 Tax Map No: 309.18-1-17 Permission is hereby granted to: ROBERT WEINMAN For property located at: 57 TWIN CHANNELS RD In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance Type of Construction Owner Name: ROBERT WEINMAN Single Family-Alteration 5520.00 Owner Address: 57 Twin Channels RD Total Value $520.00 Queensbury,NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Demarse Electric 64 MAIN ST Queensbury,NY 12804 Plans&Specifications Residential Alterations 455 s.f. Rafter Upgrade for Solar Panel Installation $ 68.25 PERMIT FEE PAID -THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Saturday, May 27,2017 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town o ueens ry; edt a 1, 2016 SIGNED BY: for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE APPLICATION Office Use Only Date: fs-`23 - [(.0 Permit No. �toe)-2;' lvw. Tax Map ID s oc — I - Permit Fee fl-C,- 1%0 Zone Historic? _Yes No Rec Fee Subdivision Name Lot# Site Plan# Project Location �,� Subdivision# TOWN BD.RESOLUTION 86-2013: $850 recreation fee for new dwelling units--single family,duplexes/two-family,multiple family, apartments,condominiums,townhouses,and/or manufactured&modular homes,but not mobile homes. This is in addition to the permit fee(s). Primary Owner(s) O V t AVVk a VA Address '; V_J)CAOt, kDWV Phone/Email Applicant Address 1 n � t (A Phone/Email ` D� -'�,� Contractor tt Address Phone/Email Contact Person for Building& Codes Compliance: ( (/t A phone St <1B TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION ,/Check all that apply New Addition Alteration 1Ss floor sf 2"d floor sf TotaI sf Height Single Family V Two-Family /� Multi-Family (#of units Townhouse fTOVWNO c '9"i;,1 Business Office '1 Retail-Mercantile MAI I LU lu Factory-Industrial F EllILDIN & CODES Attached Garage (1, 2, 3, 4+) Other Town of Queensbury Building&Codes Principal Structure Application revised January 2016 If commercial or industrial please indicate name of business Proposed use of building or addition Source of Heat(circle one) Gas Oil Propane Solar Other Fireplace: Complete a separate application for Fuel Burning Appliances & Chimneys Are there structures not shown on plat plan? Are there easements on the property? Site Information: a. Dimensions or acreage of lot b. Is this a corner lot? Yes No c. Will the grade be changed as a result of construction Yes No- d. Public water or Private well (circle one) Public Private e. Sewer or Private Septic System (circle one) Sewer Private Value of all work to be performed (labor or materials) DE'CLAR MON.- 1. I acknowledge no construction shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit and will be completed within a 12 month period. 2. If work is not complete by the 1 year expiration date the permit may be renewed, subject to fees and department approval. 3. I certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement / description of the work proposed, that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes,local building laws and ordinances,and in conformance with local zoning regulations 4. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed, I or my agents will obtain a certificate of occupancy. 5. I also understand that I /we are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. I have read and agreetothe above: PRINT NAME: 'l 9_(� �- � _ DATE: SIGNATURE: DATE: For office use only Operating Permit lssued: Yes No Occupancy Type Construction Classification Assembly Occupancy Limit Special Conditions Town of Queensbury Building&Codes Principal Structure Application Revised January 2016 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING DEPT°' rMENT Based on our limited compliance with our comments sh.Y. con i�y(�ted as indicating the plans ars, catioA NW)FFICES full compliance with the i�Ldtding SWUpf yECTORNew York State. Layton E n s i n E Er R s St. George Project Nu TOW!, 1K6tUtt%S1RRyT- BWOAgo 309.18-1-17 RC-000325-2016 S Weinman, Robert dG57 Twin Channels Road Rry L Res. Alt. (rafter upgrade for solar panels) ATTENTION: Chris Hall REFERENCE: Robert Weinman Residence&Garage:547 Twin Channels Rd.,Queensbury,NY 12804 Solar Panel installation Dear Mr.Hall: Per your request, we have reviewed the attached layout and photos relating to the installation of solar panels at the above-referenced site. Based upon our review, it is our conclusion that the installation of solar panels on the existing roof structure of the house is adequate.But installation of solar panels on the existing roof of the garage will require retrofits to the structure at all solar locations per the attached detail. See the attached calculations for adequacy of the retrofits. The design of solar panel supporting members is by the manufacturer and/or installer. The adopted building code in this jurisdiction is the 2010 Building Code of New York State and ASCE 7-05.Appropriate design parameters which must be used in the design of the supporting members and connections are listed below: Ground snow load:50 psf per the Building Code of New York State(verify with local building department) Design wind speed for risk category II structures:90 mph(3-sec gust) Wind exposure:Category C Roof Structure(house):20 Rafters Qez 24 in O.C.(no retrofits required) Roof Structure(garage):20 Rafters u124 in O.C.,sister new 2x6 to existing rafter Solar panels will be flush-mounted,parallel to and no more than 6"above the roof surface.Thus, it is our conclusion that any additional wind loading related to the addition of these solar panels is negligible. The attached calculations verify the capacity of the connections against wind,the governing load case. The rails shall be attached at 48" O.C. maximum with adjacent rails attached to alternating rafters using 5116" diameter lag screws with a minimum of 2" thread penetration into the rafter. During design and installation,particular attention must be paid to the maximum allowable spacing of attachments and the location of solar panels relative to roof edges. The use of solar panel support span tables provided by the manufacturer is allowed only where the building type, site conditions, and solar panel configuration match the description of the span tables.Attachments to existing roof joist or rafters must be staggered so as not to over load any existing structural member. Waterproofing around the roof penetration is the responsibility of others. All work performed must be in accordance with accepted industry-wide methods and applicable safety standards. Vector Structural Engineering assumes no responsibility for improper installation of the solar panels. Our conclusions are based upon our review of the photos and drawings which indicate that all structural roof components and other supporting elements are in good condition and are sized and spaced such that they can resist standard roof loads. Roof framing type,size,and spacing are as indicated in the attached photos and drawings by Apex Solar Power.A representative of Vector Structural Engineering has not physically observed the roof framing. Very truly yours, ��©F NCy� VECTOR STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING,LLC �Q T. y NY FIRM LICENCE:COA009721 CO 4 CQ C> qC r2 7 2t�16 Roger T.Alworth,P.E. 0o 06 -;y9 0 rMAI Principal `tp eFht t�tuRY RTAlcmp �C5 S l ON - 5-20-2016 9138 S. State St., Suite 101 1 Sandy, UT 84070 1 T (801) 990-17751 F (801) 990-17761 www.vectorse.com Job NO.: U1886-0318-161 DESIGNED: CMP ECTORDATE: 05/20/16 E f7 O I I"i E E FZ 8 PROJECT: Robert Weinman Residence SUBJECT: PV Panel Calculations Com onents and Cladding Wind Calculations Label: Solar Pane[Array Note:Calculations per ASC E7-05 SITE-SPECIFIC WIND PARAMETERS: Basic Wind Speed[mph]: 90 Notes: Exposure Category: C Used the following effective areas: Importance Factor, I: 1.00 Zone 1: 12 Zone 2: 12 Zone 3: 6 ADDITIONAL INPUT&CALCULATIONS: Height of roof,h[ft]: 15 (Approximate) Comp/Cladding Location: Gable/Hip Roofs 7*s B s 27" Enclosure Classification: Enclosed Buildings Zone 1 GCP: 0.9 Figure 6-11C (enter largest abs.value) Zone 2 GCP: 1.7 (enter largest abs,value) Zone 3 GCP: 2.6 (enter largest abs.value) a: 9.5 Table 6-2 zg[ft]: 900 Table 6-2 Kt,: 0.849 Table 6-3 Kj: Figure 6-4 (leave blank for negligible topographic effects) K2: Figure 64 (leave blank for negligible topographic effects) Ky: Figure 6-4 (leave blank for negligible topographic effects) Kz,: 1 Equation 6-3 Kd: 0.85 Table 6-4 Velocity Pressure,qh[psf]: 14.96 Equation 6-15 GCPi: 0.18 Figure 6-5 (largest abs.value) OUTPUT' ,- — GC P—4'h r j:, Zone 1 Pressure,p[psf]: 16.16 psf(1.OW,Interior Zones*) Zone 2 Pressure,p[psf]: 28.13 psf(1.OW, End Zones') Zone 3 Pressure,p[psf]: 41.59 psf(1.OW,Corner Zones*within a) (*a=assumed=3') Lag Screw Connection Capacity: Demand: Lag Screw Size: 5/16 Max.Trib, Max. Cd: 1 fi Pressure(1.0 Max Attach. Area Uplift Embedment: 2 in Wind)(psf) Spacing(ft) x P (ft) Force Capacity: 205 Ibs/in.emb. Zone 1: 16,2 4 12 194 Number of Screws: 1 Zone 2: 28.1 4 12 338 Total Capacity: 656 lbs Zone 3: 41.6 2 6 250 Demand<Capacity: CONNECTION OKAY JOB NO.: U1886-0318-161 T� � E n G i n E E R S PROJECT: ROBERT WEINMAN RESIDENCE SUBJECT: GRAVITY LOADS CALCULATE ESTIMATED GRAVITY LOADS 0 HOUSE Increase due to Original DEAD LOAD (D) pitch loading Roof Pitch/12 5.3 Composite shingles 4.9 1.09 4.50 psf 112" Plywood 1.6 1.09 1.50 psf Framing 3.0 psf Insulation 2.0 psf 112" Gypsum Clg. 2.2 psf M, E & Misc 1.3 psf DL 15.1 psf PV Array DL 3.0 psf ROOF LIVE LOAD (Lr) Existing Design Roof Live Load [psf] 20 ASCE 7-10, Table 4-1 Roof Live Load With PV Array [psf] 0 2015 IBC, Section 1607.12.5 SNOW LOAD (S): Existing With PV Array Roof Slope (:12): 5.3 5.3 Roof Slope [°]: 24 24 Snow Ground Load, p9 [psf]: 50 50 ASCE 7-10, Section 7.2 Terrain Category: C C ASCE 7-10, Table 7-2 Exposure of Roof: Fully Exposed Fully Exposed ASCE 7-10, Table 7-2 Exposure Factor, Ce: 0.9 0.9 ASCE 7-10, Table 7-2 Thermal Factor, Ct: 1.1 1.2 ASCE 7-10, Table 7-3 Risk Category: II II ASCE 7-10, Table 1.5-1 Importance Factor, I5: 1.0 1.0 ASCE 7-10, Table 1.5-2 Flat Roof Snow Load, pf[psf]: 35 38 ASCE 7-10, Equation 7.3-1 Minimum Roof Snow Load, p,,, [psf]: 0 0 ASCE 7-10, Section 7.3.4 Unobstructed Slippery Surface? No Yes ASCE 7-10, Section 7.4 Slope Factor Figure: Figure 7-2b Figure 7-2c ASCE 7-10, Section 7.4 Roof Slope Factor, Cs: 1.000 0.836 ASCE 7-10, Figure 7-2 Sloped Roof Snow Load, ps [psf]: 35 32 ASCE 7-10, Equation 7.4-1 Design Snow Load, S [psf]: 35 32 YE T JOB NO.: U1886-0318-161 n E E R S PROJECT: ROBERT WEINMAN RESIDENCE SUBJECT: LOAD COMPARISON Summary of Loads Existing With PV Array D [psf] 15 18 Lr[psfj 20 0 S [pfsf] 35 32 Maximum Gravity Loads: Existing With PV Array D+ Lr[psf] 35 18 ASCE 7-10, Section 2.4,1 D+S [psf] 50 50 ASCE 7-10,Section 2.4.1 Maximum Gravity Load [psfl:l 50 50 Maximum Member Forces: LOCATION House GEOMETRY Span(ft) 13.00 (Approximate) Solar Panel Start, a (ft) 0.00 (Approximate) Solar Panel End, b(ft) 13.00 (Approximate) Truss/Rafter Spacing(ft) 2 Member Forces Existing With PV Array Ratio Vertical Reaction,V1 (lbs) 646 646 99.9% OK Vertical Reaction,VZ (lbs) 646 646 99.9% OK Moment @ Center, M (lbs-ft) 2101 2099 99.9% OK Moment @ Max from PV Array, M (lbs-ft) 2101 2099 99.9% OK Because the increase in gravity loads is less than 5%,this addition meets the requirements of Section 3403.3 of the 2012 IBC and is permitted to remain unaltered. Noor F �V C=) F;Z JOB NO.: U1886-0318-161 PROJECT: ROBERT WEINMAN RESIDENCE SUBJECT: GRAVITY LOADS CALCULATE ESTIMATED GRAVITY LOADS a- GARAGE Increase due to Original DEAD LOAD (D) pitch loading Roof Pitch/12 9.4 Metal Seam 5.7 1.27 4.50 psf 112" Plywood 1.9 1.27 1.50 psf Framing 3.0 psf Insulation 2.0 psf 112" Gypsum Clg. 2.2 psf M, E & Misc 1.3 psf DL 16.1 psf PV Array DL 3.0 psf ROOF LIVE LOAD (Lr) Existing Design Roof Live Load [psf] 20 ASCE 7-10, Table 4-1 Roof Live Load With PV Array [psf] 012015 IBC, Section 1607.12.5 SNOW LOAD (S): Existing With PV Array Roof Slope (:12): 9.4 9.4 Roof Slope [°]: 38 38 Snow Ground Load, p9 [psf]: 50 50 ASCE 7-10, Section 7.2 Terrain Category: C C ASCE 7-10, Table 7-2 Exposure of Roof: Fully Exposed Fully Exposed ASCE 7-10,Table 7-2 Exposure Factor, C,: 0.9 0.9 ASCE 7-10,Table 7-2 Thermal Factor, Ct: 1.2 1.2 ASCE 7-10,Table 7-3 Risk Category: II II ASCE 7-10, Table 1.5-1 Importance Factor, Is: 1.0 1.0 ASCE 7-10, Table 1.5-2 Flat Roof Snow Load, pf[psf]: 38 38 ASCE 7-10, Equation 7.3-1 Minimum Roof Snow Load, pm [psf]: 0 0 ASCE 7-10, Section 7.3.4 Unobstructed Slippery Surface? _ Yes Yes ASCE 7-10, Section 7.4 Slope Factor Figure: Figure 7-2c Figure 7-2c ASCE 7-10, Section 7.4 Roof Slope Factor, C5: 0.582 0.582 ASCE 7-10, Figure 7-2 Sloped Roof Snow Load, p5 [psf]: 22 j 22 ASCE 7-10, Equation 7.4-1 Design Snow Load, S [psf]: 22 22 �$ 22221 ® ` � " ` J ;; §tea m ■ ■ ■ § § ¥ # KR # ! w2 b 2&(Spa§ �_ /E /§ � as\o_ § ■ # « ! § ! § m ° ° 00 4# 14 14 &t �� CK � § ■ ! � '� )/ \ = s } 2m7 � 9 � /�- / {cu g & e}§ § ° o CRITERIA § "BM/HDR" a 8 § ] i( @ agR § $ !± @ ` 5 *PLIES �- § 0 CL . 7React*m to ! � & ° �- § \ * ° ) s=;/ 0 ± m 7A�a « !, \ ( ƒ� j } § )/E ui ) � \ ƒ/@ )§ E 00 � ® § 2 .�. - JOB NO. U1886-318-161 ENn Q in E E R S DATE 5/20/16 PROJECT ROBERT WEINMAN GARAGE RETROFIT SHEET OF SUBJECT GARAGE ROOF RETROFIT DESIGNED CMP CHECKED FASTEN RAFTERS TO EXISTING 2x RIDGE PLATE w/ A35, ALTERNATE SIDES SISTER EXISTING RAFTERS w/ NEW 2x6 RAFTERS TYP. EA. RAFTER, JOIN w/ (2) ROWS 16d SINKERS 12" O.C. STAGGERED EXISTING 2x4 'y RAFTER VERIFY/ATTACH CEILING JOIST TO EXISTING 2x RAFTERS w/ (6) 16d SINKERS CEILING JOIST NOTES: ALL HARDWARE TO BE SIMPSON STRONG-TIE U.N.O. ALL NEW MEMBERS TO BE DFL #2 U.N.O. EXISTING RAFTERS THAT ARE SPLIT OR HAVE DEEP NOTCHES SHALL BE REPLACED OR SISTERED TO AN ADDITIONAL RAFTER o NEW CONSULT ENGINEER WHERE CONDITIONS DIFFER FROM THAT SHOWN T �- ALL RAFTERS UNDER SOLAR PANELS ARE TO BE RETROFIT AS SHOWN �, � Akio r- * ix LL co Lu t� 7 y Z o OBCI4 'X R0-FFS 51 ON 5-20-2016 NY FIRM LICENCE:COA009721 9138 S. STATE STREET # 1 0 1 leo 11 990- 1 775 SANDY, UTAH 64070 leo 11 990- 7776 FAX WWW.VECTORSE.COM < Z �o O Z W w J O OO LLI O2OO �4 ¢ uF 0 ,H `❑J£ w o iz a J W U, (DZZJ 7 W d Z W m Q W h ❑O = ❑ S = U. 992 U¢ U (n F- F C� LU Ow�w z X ¢ J m m�a�v_ o m z yZZZZZ FnEO(nCnr z o rc U }}}}q v ¢ F, y O O O O W W o o O O 5$ z Z d Q N NNMN Nl d a a d Li{{��1 W 21_S V S O JO EL ❑ z a ut 5 a S ¢ m �n w o � o K u z� d z J a F- g N U X U W oW W z n O 0 ? o ❑g z z o } 4Ln >O c CL i Zui a X W K O � O�0 z z i= w n 3 0 LO J w0. 2 ❑ w o gwz W LU w a o (n co H a w a ? 'n ?S'>� N LU a F Z O cQ > cn W JN _ z �ry Cl) ti�by 3 Cl) Q � H J o Y oF 0 wN N N T � U i W F- a N ❑ 2 \of� ' m\/U) % rr, Cl) (C) ƒ)N) > E0D3 2§3 C -` k 00 \}\ @, @ %q -z 0 \)\ $ X )§j 9 / z 5 7; )2 !k | , & mj §§ k) \ \ �/� ) m ` \ Cl) $ / o > j m ) m `� � � \ ;cn > § ; {§§k 4 k 4 `d§2 cn { { § |ge m ] @ §) - ; !> e §m § k 2 } o « A; 0 mE§/ 04 2 / : » m Fa 2?0. § $ § n �.. 2 ° } § k k �jk �� qemE\Eem m ( \ § zzm@ i > / / r � » . � , LO 1-. -1 � :"." /� � z . 2§ k LU� � § 5 \ V)CL �� \ 2 - z ) G k § ) { � . § 0 ul O :uj � ' § § kk § $ & ! @ cc / 2 � - � ) R5CLfn \§ $ � . \ / j} 0.t I AA l<y x y : 2 ! -L k& ' \& X x , _ YY Ne 0 � 0 � �) F- 0 .. . Xx 0 ) %4y Ney � _ } � @ ) � \ § � | . $ /§ i . ! ! . � (D # % 0 ]y MY CLU) . .,. ,. . z��:s " « § d § ` ,.0 ... . ; ; § ) 2 § � n § � � , 0 ` (A . . & § . � Ox � CD . � ( /! ƒ� ) m j » z ] O § ) ¥ C � ) . RuT hi . ` ; D fn 0 � . � § _ � 2 ) O � � rn Q � § ) § ) r § �¥§ e / I � k ` q � ] ) \z -119 ) �� k � : { ( ƒ 9 ) ( � e = Ke k \ / \� 1r; . 9/ ® G wA � � � u aOr6� O� qa z Do Co Oz CZ p�C w Aw 3 C:G) rL] m o COY m r m C) z < mOC [if0 [n© bm z z m m m (TA mrn + + o 0 9.A m m m I I I � y I I I I z m z I I Oy Q'�a r rr A I z q m ry- c nim i I dmr zz m O 6 _ 1q m� I I Oy �ZLa n Zm x0 O y z n n v zF xr m Kq 'G.pi mO II U5 i u � D� mih� cQ 75 M t n p y X c C lam :l:G�o a w n n i �n m Z O'n z n n m ZO z N i Om m 0 c 2. n ~ DN M-n a n c $ Fe Ily uom y a N m m $ m Dm 9 0 f;D - D I y, Z 0 m z I I m C I I m I U) o Omm J l� nmO / ; _ �CTv 0( X10_ w�O_ CNi�rn o2r OZ 0 m 0 n 0 z c> A m a b m�mgumi O n mQi 1 v I N=O Mm n n c n c �n �ooc zz n n z w I�r v n �n � {w f m 8 z A 2 Y 0 I m m m a c z I r r q. m m 0 m O a m ® Q O m �w5 H i < m rn z t m m m I o - ci ' t w ti m _v G8 9 0. s n 0 j c N 2 N m z 00 G] m z a 'o 01 oN D wo 0 2 c�mDc m a P SiaMr.Sl pmo �� m D < U m Two 6i ZA. - z zt m m Ty9mrm �A� Yco a m la N m .Zy7 r'm �C z�m 6 m b J-t m sO• AON 7mC 0. C?,yy�Z O�rm m TrtrtII 3 i _bz�� D �(l1� D V c GTmn r, mm� w �O mam GOYm gy=m f7 . ;p zb ry Ci mW mA� N G M nmo GAO A x m m 0C an a� CZ i m m z O D ri o r JOB NO. U1886-318-161 E n G in 1 E E R S DATE 5/20/16 PROJECT ROBERT WEINMAN GARAGE RETROFIT SHEET O F S U BJ E CT GARAGE ROOF RETROFIT DESIGNED CMP CHECKED FASTEN RAFTERS TO EXISTING 2x RJDGE PLATE w/ A35, ALTERNATE SIDES SISTER EXISTING RAFTERS w/ NFW 2x6 RAFTERS TYP. FA. RAFTER, JOIN w/ (2) ROWS 16d SINKERS 12" O.C. STAGGERED EXISTING 2x4 'y RAFTER VERIFY/ATTACH CEILING JOIST TO EXISTING 2x RAFTERS w/ (6) 16d SINKERS CEILING JOIST NOTES: ALL HARDWARE TO BE SIMPSON STRONG-TIE J.N.O. ALL NEW MEMBERS TO BE DFL #2 U.N.O. EXISTING RAFTERS THAT ARE SPLIT OR HAVE DEEP NOTCHES SHALL BE REPLACED OR SISTERED TO AN ADDITIONAL RAFTER dF N,� CONSULT ENGINEER WHERE CONDITIONS DIFFER FROM THAT SHOWN ALL RAFTERS UNDER SOLAR PANELS ARE TO BE RETROFIT AS SHOWN ��P�`G� T A4 cu �p ©��149- ��\ ©SFS S I ON P4 5-20-2016 NY FIRM LICENCE:COA009721 9 13B S. STATE STREET # 113 l (80 1 ) 990- 1 775 SANDY, LITAH 84070 (SO 1 ) 990- 1 776 FAX WWW.VECTORS,E.COM Mono Multi Solutions MENNEN OMEN ME TSE Universal ■ ■■ ■ 1millMODULE 60 CELL MENEEM MEMO■ MULTICRYSTALLINE MODULE ■■■■� 245 -26OW PA05.08 POWER OUTPUT RANGE 15.9% � g Our most versitile product • Compatible with all major BOS components and sysierm t MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY designs Q~+3% One of the industry's most trusted modules POWER OUTPUT GUARANTEE Field proven performance As a leading global manufacturer of next generation photovoltaic products,we believe close Highly reliable due to stringent quality control cooperation with our partners Over 30 in-house tests {UV,TC, HF, and many morel is critical to success. With local %J presence around the globe.Trino is In-house testing goes well beyond certification requirements able to provide exceptional service Pip resistant to each customer in each market and supplement our innovative, reliable products with the backing Certified to withstand challenging environmental of Trina as a strong,bankable partner. We are committed conditions to building strategic,mutually 2400 Po wind load beneficial collaboration with 5400 Pa snow load installers.developers,distributors and other partners as the backbone of our shared success in driving Smart Energy Together. LINEAR PERFORMANCE WARRANTY 10 Year Product Warranty • 25 Year Linear Power Warranty Trina Solar Llmlled www.liinasolat.corn `m100% 0 �ddlfionQf yclue • 6 90% = {ram Trina Solar's/in warrant y Tcinasolar 0 80% Smart Energy Together Years 5 10 15 2p 25 ■ Trrnastandard hrdustrystimdad THE Universal MODULE TSM-PA05.08 DIMENSIONS OF PV MODULE ELECTRICAL DATA(STC) unit:mm 941 Peak Power Watts-P'.uk(WpI 245 250 255 260 Power Output Tolerance-P"k 1%) 0-+3 o ,us�nox m Maximum Power Voltage-V-IV) 29.9 30.3 30.5 30.6 eox o Maximum Power Current-lMOP(A) 8.20 8.27 8.37 8.50 P=AM[P q yl Open Circuit Voltage-Voc IV) 37.8 38.0 38.1 38.2 4-0.11 'Wam6"oxr Short Circuit Current-Isc(A) 8.75 8.79 8.88 9.00 Module Efficiency 9m(%) 15.0 15.3 15.6 15.9 STC-Irradiance 1000 WIm',Cell Temperature 25°C.Air Mass AM 1.5 according to EN 60904-3. Typical elfclency reduction of 4.57 at 200 Wdm=according to EN 60904-I. a b Iw to ELECTRICAL DATA(NOCT) Maximum Power-PMx IWpI 182 186 190 193 Maximum Power Voltage-Vnwr(V) 27.6 28.0 28.1 28.3 Maximum Power Current-Imo,(A) 6.59 6.65 6.74 6.84 °"e4acaar�ea.clxosa A. _q Open Circuit Voltage-Voc{V) 35.1 35.2 35.3 35.4 � Short Circuit Current-lsc(A) 7.07 7.10 7.17 7.27 NOCT:Irradiance at BCD W/m'Ambient Temperalure 20•CWind Speed 1 mis. - BT2 visa MECHANICAL DATA Back view Solarcells Mullicrystalline 156 x 156 mm(6 inches) Cell orientation 60 cells(6 x 10) Module dimensions 1650•992=35 mm(64.95x39.05x1.37inches) Weight 18.6kg(41.0 lbs) Glass 3.2 mm(0.13 inches).High Transmission,AR Cooted Tempered Glass 700/3000 mm Backsheet White Frame Black Anodized Alumintum Alloy 35 A-A .f-Box IP 65 or IP 67 rated Cables Photovoltaic Technology cable 4.0 mml 10.006 inches'). 700/1000 mm I-V CURVES OF PV MODULE(245W) Connector MC4 orMC4 Compatible 10.0' q m 10DOw m' -- -- TEMPERATURE RATINGS B� WARRANTY 7.1 8WW/rn= _i Nominal Operating Cell 10 year Product a 6m r 600wlm= j Temperature(NOCT) 44°C(±2°CJ Workmanship Warranty I 5 Temperature Coefficient of Phu. -0.41%10C 25 year Linear Power Warranty U 400 400VHlm' 3� Temperature Coefficient of Voc -0.32`y/0C (Please refer toproduclwarrantyfor detaik) 2a 20OWJm° Temperature Coefficdeni of Isc 0.0570/°C OP 0.°' 10.- 20.00 30.m 409° Valiage(V) MAXIMUM RATINGS Operational Temperature -40-+85"C Maximum System 600V OC(UL) Voltage Max Series Fuse Rating t5A CERTIFICATION a C&ascSA- PACKAGING CONFIGURATION Modules per box;30 pieces i � w t« B Modules per40'contalner:840 pieces CO wfto COMP W NI {` kyr CAUTION:READ SAFETY AND INSTA LLATiON INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THE PRODUCT. Trinasola 02014 Trino Solor Limited.All rights reserved.Specifications included 4n this dotasheet are suhleet to change without notice. Smart Energy Tocgel;her s o l a r+ - a @ z Single Phase Inverters for North America SE3000A-US/SE3800A-US/SE5000A-US/SE6000A-US/ SE7600A-US/SE10000A-LIS/SE11400A-US SE300DA-US §0800A-US. SESOQQA-US SE6000A-US C?U PJUT SE760DA US SE1000pA-U5 SE11400A US Nominal AC Power Output 3DOD 39DO 5000 6000 7600 9980 @ 208V ........................................... .. 10000 240V ... ........... ... 11400 VA MaxVA .AC Power Output 3300 4350 5400 @ 208V 6DDD .••••••••. 8350 10800 @ 248V 5450,[a?240V,• 1O Z40V 22000 CO utput Voltage Min.-Nom:Max.I'1 ......'......... ... ......... ..... 183-208-229 Vac - / - AC Output Voltage Mln.-Nom:Max.I'1 ........... 211-240-264 Vac V, ✓ ✓ ✓ V, ✓ .......•......•..................I......... AC Fre uenry MIn Nom:Max.l'1 9...........::.................... .............. 59.3-60-60.5(With HI country settin 57-60-60.5............. .............,.. ii'i 208V Y. ..... ......... �...,....,.... Max.Continuous Output Current 12,5 48 @ 2D8V ........... ...Hz 16 a1 Qa 24QV,.. 25 „32,. 42 240V 47.5 A GFDI Threshold .... ................ ....... ....�......�°?......... .. ............... ..... r.................. Utility Monitoring,lslanding Protection,Country Configurable Thresholds -" """"""`......• INJ.� Yes Yes MaxirnumpCPower(STCE............. 4050 . 5100 .....6750 .Blo) 10250 - Transformer less,Un rounded �• �����•• � ��•�����•��••�' 13500 .....15350 ................. ........................ Yes .... ..... .......,.,. Max.Input Volta$e..................... . ............•....................I.....................,.500..............•..,....................................... ,.. ... Nom.DC in ut Volta a Vdc P......,..$.................. . ............ 325 @ 208V/350@ 240V... ....,...,.........,..................... vdc.... 18 .. . Max.input CurrenN'I 13 16.5 @ 208V 33[a 2D8V ............ 4S ............................. ...... .15:�.G1a.a40V,. ... 30.5 Z40V 34.5 Adc 1.... ........4 ........�............ Max.Input Short Circuit Current ""'•`•• •••23- ................... ............................................ ...... ........... Reverse-Polarit Protection ...............Yes..................................................,........ Adc Ground-Fault Isolation D....I........ an ..........................................................."....•.... 6DOkoSensitivity ................................................. Maximum Inuerter Efficiency98 ........ ....97.7.... ....98.2.... 98,3.... 98.3 97.5 @ 208V 98 q, CEC Weighted Efficiency 97.5 98 r�1 97.5 97@2D8V ••�•������•�" .................... .............,. ..98 F .240V ......97.5 97 5 Z4QV 97.5 Nighttime Power Consumption :. .... Al)I]ITpONAL FEATURES <4 Supported Communication Interfaces R5485,RS232,Ethernet,2ig8ee(optional} ..... ......... ........ .............. .... Revenue Grade Data,ANSI C12.1 Optionali'} y................. g p Rapid Shutdown—NEC 2014690.12 """'"• '••• ••• ...... Functionalit enabled when SolarEd era rd shutdown kit is installed ai 5 ARI]C©MPLIANCE ..Safety UL1741 UL16998 UL1998 CSA 22.2 .................I....... r..........:....... Grid Connection Standards � ��••� �"' lEEE1547 ....................................... .................... Emissions ................................................... ... FCC art15 class 8 •"""' INILT 'L-LgTION SP CIF(CAT ONS AC output conduit size/A7,trin� 3/4"minimum/16-6 AWG 3/4"minimum 8.3 AWGDC input conduit size/q o .... .........`.......!„AWG ran a 3/4”minimum 1-2 strip s 16-6 AWG3/4"minimum/]-2 strings/&. ....... . .............. 14-6AWGDimensions with Safety Sw ........'.................... .............. 30.5x12.5x10.5�........ ..,'n.,....30Sx12.5x7.2/775x315x184 .... ..........775 x SIS x 264._...,.... ........ 51.2/23.2 54.7 mm••• ...................... ..... ... ><.24.7 g8.4 J 40.1 ..... ,....,•.......,. Natural k�... Cooling convection Natural Convection and internal Fans(user replaceable} fan(user .................................... ................................25....I.........,..............,. re laceable Noise .p..........). ..................................... ........... Min:Max.Operating Temperature ............................................................... dBA Rarjge,...,,,..... -13 to+140/-25 to+60(-40 to+60 version availab le;5f) F/ C .. Protection Rating.............. NEMA 3R...................................,..,.,............. i1}Far other regionaY settings please contact SalarEd esu.•• "" ""..................••- 6 PP�rt. ........ ��l fl higher current source maybe used;the inverter will Idrnif Its Input current to the values stated. Revenue grade inverter P/N;SEn-A-US0o0NNR2 fos 7600W it ner;5E7600A-USMNNR7). N!Rapid shutdown kit P/N:SE10WASp.S1. I Is7-40 version P/N:SE-MA-US000NNW(for 7500W i6vener:SE760oA-U5002NNU4;. SUnSPEC �6 1 Mounting systems for solar technology solar system 1 � 1 Y i EVEREST SOLAR SYSTEMS XPRESSRAIL SYSTEM METAL ROOF SOLUTION XPressRail 22 Module End Clamp 40 Material:Aluminum Material Aluminur, XPressClip Burndy WEER Lug 6.7 00 Material:Glass fibre reinforced polyamid,EPDM Material:Aluminum 4..s Self-Tapping Screw 6x36 Burndy KMC WEEK CLIP Material:Stainless steel with EPDM Washer Sw8 6 x 36 mm Material:Stainless steel Use with Everest Mid Clamps to bond modules M K2 Slot Nut With Clip to the XpressRail Llaterib: S;dinle5`s=,eel,G ass'ibre reinforced polyamid XPressLock Set Material:Aluminum,Stainless steel Module Middle Clamp Material:Aluminum Contractor is solely responsible for work safety and accident prevention regulations and corres- ponding standards and regulations of the applicable occupational safety and health agency are followed.Please see full safety guidelines on the Everest Solar website at htt p:!!www.eve r e st-s o I a rs y st a ms.c o m/u s!down loa d sit a ch n ita I•i of orma d o n.h tm I. INSTALLATION OF XPRESSRAIL SYSTEM: STEP BY STEP 0 MOUNT XPRESSCLIPS Distances between two clips are project specific and Align XpressClips horizontaliy with each other using a chalk can be calculated by our calculation software Everest Base: tine,and mark the position of the rail on the roof.Mount otherwise the maximum distance for: each XpressClip onto the high bead.Point the K2 logo up _ - , Roof edge area:15.7 inch toward the roof ridge.The minimum distance from the roof -Roof middle area:29.5 inch;for cross-bracing 19.6 inch edge must be 59 inches,The XPressClips are each fastened - In order not to compromise structural integrity,never with nvo self tapping hexagonal screws 6 x 36 mm with attach two XPressClips to the same top beads EPDM seal washers. For rail joints directly on a top bead:ahvays fasten XPrem- No pre-drilling!Except in the case of overlapping Clips to the respective closest top beadof the rails. trapezoidal roof sheets,to avoid spaces. �s Thickness of steel trapezoidal sheet:min.0.0239 inch, Importantl At the end of each rail,a XPressClip must gauge 26(assuming 52213 psi) - be fastened to the last top bead!The cantilever of the Thickness of aluminum trapezoidal sheet:min 0.039 inch, rail must not be more than 9.8 inches. gauge 18(assuming 28282 psi) M.dcndh.rcquirwl XPrcr•Lhp, .vlf topping s<rewy with Tightening torque based on flush fit. sealing washer Materials requus•d_XPressClip,sapping s4rvws with sealing washer INSTALL SPEEDLOCK The XPressLock must always be mounted in the middle of the rail.First insert an M K2 slot nut level with a XPress- PLACE XPRESSRAIL j Clip and turn it clockwise by 90".Screw the XPressLock, Guide the XPressRail diagonally into the upper groove of I over the XPressClip with the M K2 using an ME 20 counte the first two XPressClips attached on the roof and push up- c sunk head screw,The XPressClip fastens the XPressLock. ward until they can go no further. and therefore the rew of rails4w . Lay XPressRail onto the supporting area of the XPress- Clips and push into the lower groove. Tightening torque 10.3 Ibfdt(14 Nm), Materials required:XPressRail Matenals required M K2, XPressLock, Hexagon socket countersunk head screw ME x 20 0 CONSIDER THERMAL EXPANSION The XPressRail must always be built in the clamping range approved by the module manufacturer ATTACH MODULES i However,due to thermal expansion,we recommend that First,insert the slot nut M K2 in the XPressRail and tum the rows be interrupted after 20 ft;they most be interrupted 90°clockwise.If the end and middle clamps are supplied after a maximum of 27.6 ft(2 x 13.8 it),.The minimum spat- as a set,please attach the whole set in the rail.Clamp the ing for thermal break is 1.2-2 Inch between two rails. solar modules onto the rails according to the manufacturer's The modules may never be attached over the ther- r information. mal expansion joint. Tightening torque moment 10.3 Ibf-ft(14 Nm). Materials required:XPressRdil I Materials regwredy K2 slot nuts,end damps, Allen bolt M8,locking washer SE tom! LOCK XPRESSRAIL IN PLACE WITH ADDITIONAL Each module at the end of a row is to be fastened with end XPRESSCUPS clamps and Allen bolts M8 and slot nuts. .' In the low beads,add XPressClips onto the rail,push the XPressClip up on the rail,Then slide the XPressClip down Important Instructions for assembly f until the top groove of the XPressClip is engaged in the flange -Slot nuts at bull}Dints of the rails must be avoided! of the rail and slide the XPressClip sideways on the rail Never mount middle or end clamps directly onto the r, until it is positioned on the tap bead of the trapezoidal roof. rail joint or rail end!{Distance:min.0.8 inch from end - damp) Matenals required:XPressclip -The modules may never be fixed over the thermal ex- pansion joint. FASTEN XPRESSCLIPS Y, Attach each XPressClip with two self tapping screws 6 x 36 ' mm_The number of additional clips required depends on THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING AN EVEREST SOLAR the wind and snow loads SYSTEMS MOUNTING SYSTEM. Screw the self-tapping screws flush. l Mateudh required:XPrc•_aUip,,,If tap}urry%,w,v,vAl+ sealing washer ADHERE TO CLIP SEQUENCE AND SPACING Insert every fourth clip with the K2 logo facing downward to the roof edge in order to prevent the rail from shifting. Everest Solar Systems, LLC xPrKSRarl System Tedmral Flyer t.LK9te813 noir.,^nrtuges are for pkalrallve purposes only Sped!rcatiom are 3809 Ocean Ranch Blvd. >uMertlacna VevmhoutMke.Alsake of—pr«lucush"k wixeel to Iveco t$uta,Sysecros tams and cwrdrlions.rrrclvurng IIK- The XPressRail System is simple and fast Suite 111 r.J' , Lrin,lr�dwarrar„ysrilot,wrre. to install. Please contact us for further Oceanside, CA 92056 assistance: Tel. +1.760.301.5300 info@everest-so arsystems.tom SERVICE-HOTLINE+1 760.301.5300 www.everest-solarsystems.com New York State Insurance Fund Workers'Compensation &Disability Benefits Specialists Since 1914 199 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK,N.Y.10007-1100 Phone:(868)997-3863 CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE J '� A A A A A 273913685 LOVELL SAFETY MGMT CO., LLC 110 WILLIAM STREET 12TH FLR NEW YORK NY 10038 ❑ .. . Scan to Validate POLICYHOLDER CERTIFICATE HOLDER DEMARSE ELECTRIC INC TOWN OF QUEENSBURY PO BOX 313 742 BAY ROAD GLENS FALLS NY 12801 QUEENSBURY NY 12804 POLICY NUMBER CERTIFICATE NUMBER PERIOD COVERED BY THIS CERTIFICATE DATE G2340 338-9 362030 04/01/2016 TO 04/01/2017 5/23/2016 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICYHOLDER NAMED ABOVE IS INSURED WITH THE NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND UNDER POLICY NO.2340 338-9 UNTIL 04/0112017, COVERING THE ENTIRE OBLIGATION OF THIS POLICYHOLDER FOR WORKERS' COMPENSATION UNDER THE NEW YORK WORKERS' COMPENSATION LAW WITH RESPECT TO ALL OPERATIONS IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK, EXCEPT AS INDICATED BELOW. IF SAID POLICY IS CANCELLED, OR CHANGED PRIOR TO 04/01/2017 IN SUCH MANNER AS TO AFFECT THIS CERTIFICATE, 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE OF SUCH CANCELLATION WILL BE GIVEN TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER ABOVE. NOTICE BY REGULAR MAIL SO ADDRESSED SHALL BE SUFFICIENT COMPLIANCE WITH THIS PROVISION. THE NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY IN THE EVENT OF FAILURE TO GIVE SUCH NOTICE. THIS POLICY DOES NOT COVER CLAIMS OR SUITS THAT ARISE FROM BODILY INJURY SUFFERED.BY THE OFFICERS OF THE INSURED CORPORATION. PRESIDENT L� tj GREGORY DEMARSE 1r s. VICE PRESIDENT b MARVIN DOBERT MAY 2 7 2016TWO OF TWO EXECUTIVE OFFICERS DEMARSE ELECTRIC INC TOyNN OF� 3 NS'B,URY SLIP THE POLICY INCLUDES A WAIVER OF SUBROGATION ENDORSEMENT UNDER WHICH NY3IFJAGREES TO WAll E'ITS.RI OF SUBROGATION TO BRING AN ACTION AGAINST THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER TO RECOVER AMOUNTS WE PAID IN WORKERS'COMPENSATION AND/OR MEDICAL BENEFITS TO OR ON BEHALF OF AN EMPLOYEE OF OUR INSURED IN THE EVENT THAT, PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE ACCIDENT, THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER HAS ENTERED INTO A WRITTEN CONTRACT WITH OUR INSURED THAT REQUIRES THAT SUCH RIGHT OF SUBROGATION BE WAIVED. THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS NOR INSURANCE COVERAGE UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICY. NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND DIRECTOR,INSURANCE FUND UNDERWRITING This certificate can be validated on our web site at https://www.nysif.com/certicertva1.asp or by calling (888)875-5790 VALIDATION NUMBER:483028932 • • r • IM ex solar AUTHORIZATION FORM "TO ACT AS AGENT FOR" vie':l 1A Aa A owner of the premises Iocated at: t5 TM V'1 C1t"vr Town of Q t V Tax Parcel # u S _ 1 - (1 , hereby designate: �� ` pouktv , as my AGENT regarding my Permit Application for: 0.t W L&V tV Date Signature � p CSL Idl E LAW2 a 2J 17 TOWN DI C2 & CODES NORTH , auiLoiNG cc�Fs Electrical Inspections LLC NORTHEAST ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS, LLC 65 Albermarle Road Scotia, NY 12302 PHONE: (518) 852-0826 (518) 866-1663 ELECTRICAL INSPECTION CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the electrical wiring and equipment, which is introduced by the named applicant, is in the accordance with the National Electrical Code and local utility company. It also complies with the application on file at the date listed. Date of Final Inspection: 11/9/16 job#: Weinman Applicant: Apex Solar Address: 57 Twin Channels Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Owner: Robert Weinman Permit#: RC-000325-2016 Equipment Installed (26) Trina TSM-PD05.08 Modules (26) P300 Optimizers (1) SE6000A-US Inverter C&K A$ /e.1"or Steve Reynolds Electrical Inspector