2015-473 rA Town of Queensbury• Building&Codes Enforcement Office•742 say Road• nbur NY 12844 4 i 0 i 2015 DEEP HOLE/PERC TEST Request for Town Engineer Revie TOWN OF QUl^FNSI3URY BUILDING & CODES SOI J 3 Property Owner: Wf .�t�t' } Phone: Y�•dUt� Property Owner's Address: D� t � Location of Test: C—a Tax ID#: *Applicant's Engineer: Phone: f Applicants Agent: Q ,• �rlQ Phone: Additional Notes: 7. Reason for Request? New Septic System Replacement Septic System Failed Septic System m 0 Subdivision ❑ Site Plan Review C co U) 2.Are Wetlands present? YES NO UNKNOWN 0 U *Note: Applicant is r@guired to engage an engineer for design and testing of the system. The Towi 0 a� Engineer's responsibility is to witness system testing only. 0 -- O ( 0 a 0 PLOT PLAN: Plot plan, to scale, to be submitted with applicationCD m CL L U-) a) FEE SCHEDULE: a. $200 Fiat Fee Date Paid: 0// 4 Check No.: �5 b. OR Fee to be determined during To Be Determined: Site Plan 1 Subdivision review process SIGNATURE: In carrying out the provisions of Article IV, the Local Board of Health or the enforcement officer may engage the services of a qualified professional consultant for expert review and recommendation arising from the carrying out of the provisions of Art. IV, including but not limited to the review of plans, specifications and reports, attendance at inspections, dye tests, deep hole test pits, septic related deep hole and percolation tests, system installations, and any other aspect of any matter contained in this Art. IV, and any costs incurred in such review shall be paid to the Town by the owner of the property before any approval can be granted under this Art. IV shall become effective within 30 days of presentment of an invoice for same, whichever is sooner. Such costs shall not exceed $1,500 without prior written notice to the party to be charged with same. My signature below indicates I have thoroughly read and understand the instructions, agree to the submission requirements and have completed the application. 1 also fully understand that additional engineering fees may be necessary per Town of Queensbury Local Law 136-14D. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: 4 Date: SIGNATURE OF AGENT: Date: LoAzzlI5 Original (B&C File) Canary (Planning) Pink(Applicant) Gold (Town Clerk) THE North Country Office Cha ,e4 375 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 ---T P: (518) 8120513 F: (518) 812-2205 COMPAN I ES www.chazencompanies.com H Engineers Hudson Valley Office (845)454-3980 Environmental Professionals Capital District Office (518) 273-0055 Land surveyors Landscape Architects Planners October 8, 2015 Dave Hatin, Director,Building and Codes Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury, New York 12804 Re: Soil Testing Verification 565 Boy Rood(Old Coach Manor) Queensbury, NY 12804 Dear Mr. Hatin: As requested, Chazen has witnessed onsite soil testing for the above referenced location on October 7, 2015. The purpose of this testing was to investigate subsurface soils conditions for a proposed septic system design. The system is proposed as a replacement for an existing system. The testing was performed by Ethan Hall of Rucinski Hall Architecture. Only one soil test was performed on the southeast portion of the property in the open area approximately 380 feet from the site entrance intersection with Bay Road. The soil profile consists of the following: 0"-8" Topsoil 8"-28" Loamy sand (moist) 28"-60" Clay(trace to mostly clay)with loamy sand mix (moist) Mottling at 28" Groundwater seeps start at 48" If you have any questions or require additional information please do not hesitate to call me at (518) 824-1926. Sincerely, Sean M. Doty,PZ, LEER AP RECEIVED Associate Manager, Municipal Engineering Services cc: File Chazen Engineering, Land Surveying&Landscape Architecture Co.. P.C. Chazen Environmental Services, Inc. The Chazen Companies, Inc. _ E C14 Nc o i - - G _ II r j, m a"= h 8 I, co cs Y• ch } c3 0 m 0) U Q� a U A A N LD o ? 4U) cn I $ N U G u; N O N cti CJ7 c l T r Queensbury Web Map �* 4 i l l l l l�l l l l(•' I r f; I awl Fail,, l,, I (7cjunt j '..lilt II B �lJ- w I IIID � r \5 � III { Ilt l{ilk I I I I II I I Map is for GENERAL REFERENCE ONLY, III I 842 Fee l l Printed 10/2/2015 1 : 10583 Page 1/ 1