Haviland HOA narrative RECEIVED
JUN 17 2016
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Tow-rehouses Haviland
Homeownerl,j Asf�;ooia#ion, Inc. i
PO Box 4313
Queensbury, New York 12804
June 15, 81 I I
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Town of Queensbury I
Laura Moore, Land Use Planner
749 Bay load
ueensbury, NY 12804 !
Dear Laura-
Please have the Town Planning board accept the final landscape plan that was
inspected on 1 1/$5/2015 by your inspector (BF) with notations made in red ink.
Spaces that were circled without nates (missing trees) have not and will not be
planted. I have made pencil notes indicating that we plan to add 10 or 11 trees
behind units 59 and 63 along Haviiand Road within the next five years to provide
some privacy and sound buffering. We have also encouraged townhome owners to 4
add plantings to their property and adjacent common areas. Many already have and
will continue to beautify their properties and the common areas.
None of the AH and IST for Aquatic Bench were planted by Amedore Hames and
there are no future plans to do so.
The planned walking trail and gazebo have been eliminated. We took a survey of 34
owners with the following results on 8/25/2015: Walking TYail 0 yES, 32 NO and 2 did
not respond: Gazebo 5 YES, 27 NO and 2 diol not respond. We have the signed
questionnaires supporting the results. I
Sincerely, i
Michael Denias, Chairman of Landscaping Committee