Application 742 Bay Road, Queeirsbrory, NY. 12804-5902 June 15, 201 Jaqueline Wheeler 83 Olid Coach Road Diamond Point,NY 12824 Re: Single-Tamil :l°Iome 4 Gunn Lane Tax Map Parcel: 27.17-1-17 Dear Ms, heeler- l am writing you with regards to document the recent d.is,cu;ssiens 'between your st ents .pit Hutchins Engineering and LLaura, Moore of my office relative to the above-referenced project,. Upon my review l find that -your proposal will require an A.rea Variance, prior to the commencement of the project. Specifically, an Area Variance is required as your plan offers the construction of a single family home can a parcel that does, meet the minimum requirement for frontage on a public highway. I understand that,you and your agents are working on compiling the necessary application material, as such; this letter will serve as the necessary denial Netter forthe processing. of' your prcgject plans,. Should you have any questions or comments regarding your application, please do not., hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, Craig Brown Zoning Administrator Cly/sly Cc. Hutchins Engineering L; CFaig Brown'2016 LettaskQkfi al Wheeler 6151,6.doe °° 11a aim rad. Nrrtra yI BerJar1y ... A food PIracc Io Lior^, ' 169 Haviland Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Hutchins Engineering Phone: (518)745-0307 9 g Fax: (518)745-0308 June 15, 2016 Town of Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals 742 Bay Road Queensbury NY 12804 Re: Jacqueline Wheeler 34 Gunn Lane - Cleverdale - Lake George -Tear-down & Rebuild Tax Map ID: 227.17-1-17 Dear Chairman Jackoski & Board Members: This office along with Jon Lapper, Esq. represents Jacqueline Wheeler with respect to a tear- down of an old camp and out-buildings and the construction of a new 3-bedroom residence upon her Cleverdale parcel. Enclosed please find 15 copies of an area variance submission package, consisting of applications, site plan and details and architecturals. Also involved with the project is the construction of new stormwater management practices, shoreline buffering, landscaping and an enhanced treatment wastewater system. Area variance relief is being sought for the parcel's lack of road frontage upon a public road, all other zoning requirements are met. We respectfully request that this item be placed upon the agenda of the board at one of the July meetings. Please contact me if you have any questions or if you require additional information. Best Regards, *4 Lucas W. Dobie, P.E. Enclosures Cc: Jackie Wheeler Jon Lapper, Esq - BPSR G.Thomas Hutchins,P.E. AREA VARIANCE APPLICATION Review Process 1) Required Pre-Submission meeting with staff to determine general completeness to be held no later than 1_ ek °)rior tai deadji(e de . Call (518) 761-8238 for appointment. 2) Submittal of complete application: 1 original & 14 copies of the application package by monthly deadline. 3) Determination of application completeness. All necessary information must be provided and appropriate fee(s) paid for consideration for placement on an agenda for that month. 4) Incomplete applications will not be considered for placement on any agenda until all missing information has been supplied. 5) Submittal to the Warren County Planning Department, if applicable. 6) Zoning Board meeting, generally the third and fourth Wednesday of each month. You will be advised in writing as to which meeting to attend. 7) Following the meeting, you will be provided with a copy of the resolution stating the Board's decision on your application. If your application was approved, the next likely step is a Building Permit. Final plans/drawings must be provided for the next phase of review. If your application was denied your project cannot proceed as submitted. Documentation Requirements,: Please submit 1 oris incl and .14 co ies of the completed application package to include: o Completed Application: all pages completed, signed & dated o Pre-Submission ion Me tiL gt : signed by staff& applicant/agent o Denial Letter,: from the Zoning Administrator oa�ivr eus : request for a waiver from the applicant regarding submission requirements. o Cgo qt eYd. o Survey: stamped, dated & signed o Fee Zonin ff .&&., ont et inform ti r Craig Brown, Director of Planning, Zoning & Code Compliance craj b ,aueensbur .fir t Laura Moore, Land Use Planner li'-no�orr,-CctoueensbLItY.Llet Sue Hemingway, Office Specialist 518 761-8238 sueh Lqeensburv.net Visit our website at r ..cL qn! ury.rif t for further information and forms. 0 Area Variance Revised March 2014 Town of Queensbury •Zoning Office•742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804• 518-761-8238 General Information Tax Parcel ID Number: 227.17-1-17 Zoning District: WATERFRONT RESIDENTIAL(WR) Detailed Description of Project [includes current& proposed use]: TEAR DOWN EXISTING NON-CONFORMING CAMP&SHEDS,CONSTRUCT NEW 3-BEDROOM R'C' XIIE,NCE W(ATTACHED .. GARAGE,NEW ENHANCED TREATMENT WASTEWATER SXSTEM,S I IDItPi% Ai LIQ NIP►NAwIEMENT&LANDSCAPING„ w Location of project: 34 GUNN LANE,CLEVERDALE-LAKE GEORGE licantName: JACQUELINE WHEELER Address: 83 OLD CO _.. ... ACH ROAD DIAMOND POINT,NY 12824 _.......�. _ ...Y__._ �_.. __-...m... .- ------ �a_ �._ .._ m.. �.��m.�_ � ..... .. Home Phone Cell: (407)720-2161 Work Phone._......_. ....... Fax �. ..... .._ -, mm _ ..... .--------.. _.. _._ _. - m.._..__e..._.m.... __... .�.w.... .. MOM E-Mall:' MAJ12@AOL.COM gent'sName: Address, 169 HAVILAND ROAD QUEENSBUHUTCHINS ENGINEERING RY NY 12804 Work Phone (518) 745-0307 _ m Fax (. 518)745-0308 ...C-mail._ HUTCH. THUTCHINS@HUTCHIN ENCINEERING.COM LAPPER:JCL@BPSRLAW.COM Owner's �._.. ��.-w... Address s Name _._...._.•SAME AS A����.,_ caner ( ppLICANT) Phon_._e .___._. ._ ._.._ �_m .,. _m..._._..... . Hame Cell _'W&W Phone..... _ _... __.._._._.__,____- Fax _ ... ..w... _ ....... ... ------ _..... _.. ..... . . ..... . .. __., . — �m.._..-. ___...W. --- E-mail 1 Area Variance Revised March 2014 Town of Queensbury®Zoning Office® 742 Bay Road ® Queensbury, NY 12804 •518-761-8238 Site Development Data .._. Type _ .ww_ ..._.m.. ... q ... . ft.._.._ Area 1 T e Existin9 s ft. Proposed Total sq. ft. Additions A. Building footprint 1015 1575 2590 Detached Garage ----- ���.�.. ._�....-..._� �� 230...... (23.0)-. �-,�...m. �........�... ._...� C. Accessory Structure(s) D. Paved, gravel or oth����.,_.. _ -......w...�...._ _ .....�� .�.. ....� �. _._._...er hard surfaced area 1505 25 1530 . ... ., WALKS,WALLS&DRIVEWAY�PERM PA.__....VERS):. _-. .... .... .. .......�........ .__ � .. .......�.. ...... _____. .. E. Porches! Decks Soo (150) 350 &PATIOS(W/PERM PAVERS) F.W._BOULr....._.. .._.. ..._.... �._� �.. _��.... .. Othe DER AREAS 425 (425) -- .. Total Non-Permeable [Add ..._. .__..� — --.—._.-...w. ..__. ..�. ..�.- ... _ ... _..._ A-F] 3675 795 4470 H. Parcel Area [43,560 sq. ft. / acre] 18,073 ----• 18,073 I. Percentage of Impermeable Area Site [I=G/H] 203/ °0 4.4% 24.7% Setback Rei uirements Area Re�.wired _ ._ _. ,�.---- Existin q g Proposed7 -Front [l] 30' ----- ----- .._ ......... ..-.. . �_..._... _. _ Front [2] Shoreline 63.3" 44.4 4.0' Side Yard 11] ��.�.. ... ... ...pe w....... ��...���,.. _ _...__- ...� [ ] 20.0' 3.7' 21.5' NORTH SideYard [2]� 20... �..._ of... _ 5._ . _..�...-........-.. 8.5' 23.2' SOUTH _ Rear Yard 1 100.1" 43.7' . _. ..........____ ....... ...... _.... .m ._. ..._._ Rear Yard [2] Travel Corridor .. . ._.... 28'HOUSE � ._...__ ___... .� ..... Height [max] _... __... 16'+/-HOUSE 27'10" Permeability 79.7% 4.4% 75.3% — ._... _ __. No. of parking spaces 2 Area Variance Revised March 2014 Town of Queensbury ®Zoning Office s 742 Bay Road ® Queensbury, NY 12804®513-761®3233 Additional Project Information 1. Will the proposal require a Septic Variance from the Town Board of Health? NO 2. If the parcel has previous approvals, list application number(s): 3. Does this project require coverage under the NYS DEC Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program? Yes ✓ No 4. Estimated project duration: Start Date SEPT 2016 End Date AUG 2017 5. Estimated total cost of project: $675,000 & Total area of land disturbance for project: 14,750 SF Floor Area Ratio Worksheet FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) --The relationship of building size to lot size, derived by dividing the total building floor area by the lot size in square feet, yielding a percentage. - Zoning Distract Symbol Floor Area Ratio [FAR] Waterfront Residential WR 0.22 ...Commercial Moderate/Com mercial Intensive C f CI 0.3 Main Street ..._ _..W___ �.�..............._� ..........mwma _....� �_.._ __._.__._.......�...�.__ MS 0.3 A. The combined area of all square footage, as measure from exterior walls of all structures on the property, including all floors of the structures, garages, basements and attics with more than five (5) feet of ceiling height and covered porches. Building square footage does not include: Open deck, docks and that portion of covered docks extending over water and one storage shed of one hundred twenty (120) square feet or less. Any additional sheds will be included. (See"FLOOR AREA RATIO"). B. Commercial or industrial: the total area in square feet as measured from the exterior of the outside walls of a building or structure, and when applicable, the sum total of all floor areas of the principal and accessory buildings or structures on the project site- Parcel j rea 18,073 s f fB. _ .._W. _ �_..._m f ) ft. see above definition _ .._... Existing Floor Area 1150 CABIN&135 SF SHE Sq. r^ mn nn Additional or a . Proposed... .. __.. Flore2816 SQ. ft. .. ._..._._ a.�. � posed Total mFloor rea 3966 SQ. ft ... E. able Floor Area.. 3976.._.._ WW _a-22 (see Total Allow Area x 0.22 see above to If E is larger than D, a variance or revisions to your plan may be needed. Please consult w/Staff. 3 Area Variance Revised March 2014 Town of Queensbury®Zoning Office®742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804•518-761-8238 Compliance with Zoning Ordinance Requesting relief from SECTION: 1794-050 Need relief from the requirement(s) listed below which can not be met by the project as proposed. [Check all that apply] ❑ Setback ❑ Buffer Zone ❑ Lot Width 9 Other ROAD FRONTAGE The following questions reflect the criteria for granting this type of variance. Please complete them; use additional sheets if needed. 1. Whether an undesirable change will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby property will be created by the granting of this area variance? 2, Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance? 3. Whether the requested area variance is substantial? 4. Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district? 5. Whether the alleged difficulty was self-created? 4 Area Variance Revised March 2014 Town of Queensbury •Zoning Office • 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804•518-761-8238 Applicant/Owner: Jaqueline Wheeler - 34 Gunn Ln - Cleverdale - Lake George Area Variance Balancing Test Narrative 1, No undesirable changes will be produced in the character of the neighborhood nor will there be a detriment to nearby properties. The parcel presently contains a non- conforming camp and several out-buildings, with no stormwater management practices. These structures will all be removed and an attractive new home will be constructed, which will meet the required setbacks and will significantly increase the lake setback. In addition, stormwater management practices and increased shoreline buffering and plantings will be provided. Z The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved without pursuing the requested area variance, as the parcel is landlocked and is accessed through a private right-of- way. it is not feasible to adjust the boundary with neighboring parcels in order to obtain road frontage upon a public roadway. 3. The area variance requests could be viewed as minimally substantial as the parcel is existing and non-conforming with no road frontage upon a public roadway and no changes are proposed for the parcel's boundaries. All other zoning requirements will be met. 4, Granting the requested area variances will not have an adverse impact upon the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood. The granting of the requested area variance will allow the project to be undertaken, which will provide environmental improvements to the parcel and thus to the neighborhood and lake through new stormwater management, plantings and an enhanced treatment wastewater system. 5. The difficulty could be considered self-created in that it is the applicant's desire to undertake the project, however the applicant had no part of the original subdivision of the parcel, which created the land-locked parcel, accessed via a right-of-way. Submittal of a Stamped and siqned SURVEY P depicting existing n proposed conditions shall include the items as noted below. __n ........... A. GENERAL SHEET# - 1 Title, Name,Addr applicant of� licant& erson��e pp p responsible for preparation of drawing S1 2 Deed ATTACHED 3 North.�arrow,-Tax Ma IDprepared ..� w ..�.. __...—__...�...-...._.. �-_...__. .,. ..._ __ �...�.. .....-...��w..m�..�...�._�m...�___._. Map , date p rep ared and scale[minimum 1In. =40 ft.] Sl,S2 4 , Boundaries of the.__.._�_.._..����.....�_.. .�... - ..._ _�. ...�_..... ....��.�m....__._._.._. property plotted to scale, zoning boundary S1 5 Principel structures, accessory _ _._..�-,_.._.�...� _._._. ...�..._.� .. _.�� ......._-_.._. � .... structures with exterior dimensions -� S1,S2 6 Site improvements incl. outdoor storage areas, driveways, parking areas, etc.: existing!&proposed Sl,S2 7 Setbacks for all structures and improvements: exist ��-�- _-..�._.-.� _.._.... _ .- p existing &proposed S1,S2 S ' Elevations and floor lens of all proposed and affected p p p cted structures ARCH B. _.�... �.... _ �.�..._ �.....-__..m..._a ATER&SEWER ._...._SHEET_#����� .... 1 Project sewage disposal facilities, 1 g p design details, construction details, flow rates, and number of bedrooms proposed S2,S3 l] septic S2,S32 Water supply [i.e. well] & on adjoining lots with separation distances to existing or proposed on-site water supplyand septic � 3 Separation distances for proposed sewage disposal system to well and water bodies S2 ........ ._.... — .. ..._m.._ .. ___ u .� .. ...m_ ....... 4 Existing public or private water supply [well, lake, etc.]. Method of securing public or private water, location, S2 designtion of water supply including daily water usage �..�.. and construction 5 Percolation test location and results S2 C. W ._.�._._. -.._. .._.._ ._. - ... ... .__.... PARKING i PERMEABLE A _... .��m_ .....�.�._.�...��__._._.0 _ _ ..�.., ........ I EAS SHEET 1 Number of spaces required for project including calculations and justification: existing $%proposed S1,S2 2 [e.g., grav�el�nvp��ki.... s.,. .... - _..m �m.. .�..... ._-� .._........__..__ .. .... .. ng p es, number to be removed, number to maintain and type of surfacing material 1,S2 paved] 3 ' Provision for pedestrian and handica ecce.........---.�� p ss and parking: existing�proposed Sl,S2 4 Design details of ingress, egress,loading areas and cutting: existing&proposed N d Sl,S2 5 Location and character of Teen areas [existing andproposed], modification to teen � g [ g g area, buffer zone to � Sl,S2 in undisturbed 6 Lighting, location and design of all existing and proposed outdoor lighting TYPICAL RESID IN TIAL LIGHTING D. _.. ._ ADDITIONAL SITE DEVELOPMENT._. ...-....... __ .-.... AND MISCELLANEOUSSHEET# 1 On-site&adjacent watercourses, streams, rivers, W.........-�_. ......_.... u. lake and wetlands S1,S2 2 Utility/energydistribution system [gas, electric, solar,WteiepWhonne]Y:WnWUexisting &p_r oposed S1 ,S2 3 Location, desigand coidetails fall existing and prposed site improvements including: drains, Sl,S2 culverts, reteinng fences,fire emergency zones and hydrants, etc. 4 Square & proposed bldg. area proposed for office, manufacturing, retail sales or other commercial�activities: RESIDENTIAL existing q. - �,Signage: .. .. - - _ .._ .m.m.m.m.m...��..... W „�._. �......... e 5i na e: Location, size, type, design and setback: exising &proposed RESIDENTIAL __g aIT Waiver Request: provide letter with application requestinnywaivers. pIease reference specific items NONE gCommercial/Industrial Development requiressubmission of Landscaping, Stormwater Management, Grading RESIDENTIAL,S2 Lighting Plans n Identfor ification of Federal, State or county permits required for the project together with a record of application o NONE _ necessary permits 5 Area Variance Revised March 2014 Town of Queensbury -Zoning Office- 742 Bay Road ® Queensbury, NY 12804 -516-761-3233 „Pre-Submission ConferenceyForm M[179-4-0 1.. Tax Map ID 227.17-1-17 2. Zoning Classification WATERFRONT RESIDENTIALAWR) 3. Reason forReview: M pd y” p p y qy 4. Zoning Section#: t N .µ 5. Pre-Submission Meeting Notes; Outstanding Items To Be Addressed Include: Deed ✓Yes No General Information complete Yes No Site Development Data Complete Yes No Setback Requirements Complete Yes No Additional Project Information Complete Yes No FAR addressed Yes No Compliance with Zoning Ordinance Yes No Checklist items addressed Yes IT No Environmental Form completed - Yes _ No Signature Page completed „Yes No - _ w ri __. .....: a% ..m. .... _ _ �4 . 1 ate,��.W �., �,,�� �R� �.�. �Y g�.w �... ... Ie �C, ..... a _ " .� C 4� Staff Representative: Applicant I Agent: mm " Date: 6 Area Variance Revised March 2014 Town of Queensbury®Zoning Office• 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804•518-761-8238 Signature Page This page includes the 1.) Authorization to Act as Agent Form: 2.) Engineering Fee Disclosure- 3.) Authorization for Site Visits, 4.) Other Permit Responsibilities 6.) Official Meeting Disclosure and 6.) Agreement to provide documentation required. ...........___...... ..... ......... ...................... ............... .......... OWNER's AGENT FORM: C�::)rrlp�_ete t1he fo�llowing if the OYVN�5�,R of the is no. 1�e b L I pil')Pe�-Y t th, same as the applica"nt Owner Des lg ini-a!heS. H, ic TC NS MG,BPSR- ON LAPPER ' A Asagenregardjft� Variance Site Plan Subdivision , For Tax Map No. 22717.Section - Block 17­ Lot Deed Referenice, 5Tlj_ Book 84 Pace 2/11/16 Date OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE /41 ------------ . ..... ------ .- --- - - - ......... AV::,Pi iCAN-I's AGENT f:,0RNV Complete the following if the APPLICANT is unable to attend the meeting or wishes to be represented by another party: Owner, JAQUELINE WHEELER Designates, HUTCHINS ENG,BPSR-JON LAPPER As ageni regarding: - Variance Site Plan-Subdivision For 1-ax Pvlap 227.17 Section Block 17 Lot Deed ReferPnc� ,,Ij -s31i Book 934 Page 2/11/16 Date RE, Z 57AT E APPLICANT SIGNATU .................................. 7 2,1 ENGMEER� ING FEE DISCLOSU E: Applications may be referred to the Town consultilIg -engineer for review of septic design, stormi drain. age, eta. as deter lined by the Zoning or Planning Department. Fees for engineering review services will be charged directly to the applicant. Fees for engineering review will not exceed $ 1,000 without notification to the applicant. 3,} AUTHORIZATION FOR SITE VISiT& By signing this page and submitting the apptication materials attached herein, the Owner, Applicant, and his/her/their agent(s) hereby authorize the Zoning Board or Planning Board and Town Staff to enter the subject properties for the purpose of reviewing the application submitted. 4.) ORIER PERMIT RESPONSIBILIVES: Other permits may be required for construction or alteration activity subsequent to approval by the Zoning- Board or Planning Board. It is the applicant's responsibility to obtain any additional permits. 5,) 041-ICIAL MEETING MINUTES DISCLOSURE: It is the practice of the Cominunity Development Depailment to have a designated stenographer tape record the proceedings of meetings resulting from application, and minutes transcribed from those tapes constitutes the official record of all proceedings. 6.) A2G VIIENT 1-0 PROVIDE DOCUNIENTAO-ION IRED: 1, the undersigned, have thoroughly read and understand the gEEL _ jg_ instructions to., submission and agree to the submission requirements, 1 acknowledge no construction activities shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit. l certify that the application, plans and Supporting materials are a true and complete statement/description of the existing conditions and the work proposed, and that all work will be performed in accordance with the approved plans and in conformance with local zoning regulations, l acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed, I or my agents,will obtain a certificate of occupancy as necessary, I also understand that 11we may be required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy I have �ead and, agree .o the above, 1 LINE WHEELER it ;Mita cantRhnt V carne -[Applicantrj Daw signed SiignatUff,- [Agent] Prnlr Narne [/..,agent] Date signed .`''.rea `laid,ante Revised Mard-i 2014 `fh�ce �- 74.2 Bay Row - ()'ueen%'bu�y, N)l 128,04-51,8_761-8238 )wn—of u eens'C'U ry 7uninq (D 3 ;m WARREN COUNTY—STATE OF NEW YORK a; PAMELA J. VOGEL, COUNTY CLERK 1340 STATE ROUTE 9, LAKE GEORGE, NEW YORK 12845 COUNTY CLERK'S RECORDING PAGE *`*THIS PAGE IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT—DO NOT DETACH"** Recording: Cover Page 5.00 Recording Fee 35 .ao Cultural Ed 14. 25 Records Management - Coun 1.00 Records Management - Stat 4.75 Additional Names 0. 50 BOOK/PAGE; 5313 / 84 TP584 5 .00 INSTRUMENT #: 2016-1140 RP5217 Residential/Agricu 116.00 R Receipt#; 2016391887 P5217 - County 9.00 Clerk: TR sub Total : 190. 50 Rec Date: 02/19/2016 11: 32 : 18 AM Doc Grp: RP Descrip: DEED Num Pgs : 4 Rec'd Frm: COMMUNITY TITLE AGENCY Partyl: YANNEY CAROL K IND/EXTR Party2 : WHEELER JACQUELINE B Town: QUEENSBURY W, N G*** I hereby certify that the within and foregoing was recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office, Record and Return TO: State of New York. This sheet constitutes the Clerks endorsement required by Section 316 of the Ileal Property Law of the State of New York. BARTLETT PONTIFF STEWART & RHODES PC ONE WASHINGTON STREET Pamela 3 Vogel PO BOX 2168 Warren county Clerk GLENS FALLS NY 12801 EXECUTOR'S DEED THIS ENDENTURE,made the 01 day of 2016,between Carol K. Yannev, 2211 Albany Ave., TVest Hartford,Connecticut 061171,Individually and as Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Robert H. Yannev, late of 4Vest Hartford, Connecticut, deceased, party of the first part. and Jacqueline B, Wheeler, 8_31 01de Coach Road, Diamond Point, New York 12824, party of the second part, V,"ITNESSE-IM, that the party of the first part, by virtue of the power and authority given to the party of the first,part by the said Last Will, and Testament,and in consideration of Eight Hundred -I-went� Thousand and noel 00 Dottar(s 1 ($820,000,00, la"ful money of the United States, and other Twenty good and valuaNe consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, her heirs and assigns forever, ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings -and improvements thereon erected. situate. I r_ , lying and being in the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren State of Nev, York and more particularly described in the U N Uj Schedule A attached hereto and made a part hereof. -A BEF",,,,G the same premises described in a deed from Barbara Y. Haradan to Robert H C6 Yap eyn dated April 16, 199') and recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office on April 21, U_ 0 LC) 1993 in Liber 881 of Deeds at Page 166. E EOO Robert H. Yariney died on April 20, 2015 in the City of West Hartford. Connecticut, and Carol K. Yanney was granted Ancillary Letters Testamentary by the Surrogate's Court of Warren County, __\'ew York on September 17, 2015. Together with all right, title and interest, if any, oft e party-of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above-described premises, to the centerline thereolf. Together with the appurtenances. and also all the estate which the said decedent had at the I time of the death of decedent, in said premises,and also the estate therein,which the party of the first part has or had power to convey or dispose of, whether individually, or by virtue of said Will or otherwise. To have and to hold the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, her heirs and assigns forever. And the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever. Subject to the trust fund provisions of Section Thirteen of the Lien Law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed. Carol K. Yanney ndividuAwill and as Executri 6f the La and Testament of Robert H. Yanney STATE OF CONNECTICUT) ) ss: Ln)F ST COUNTY OF N4�' ��� �� ) On the 11�r day of F,6,,A':::j in the year 2016 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Carol K. Yanney, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same in her capacit and that by her signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of whicl d individual acted, executed the instrument. No tory Public 428710IvOTARY PUBLIC My r PIM 810N XPIRE AME 310 X319 2 SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot,'piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren, State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGILNUING at a point on the shore of Lake George, marked by an iron pipe driven in the ground for a corner in the division line between the lands of the Estate of Fred G. Fielding, deceased, and lands of Abbie H. Gunn, running thence easterly along said division lire and a prolongation thereof a distance of one hundred seventy-five feet (175 ' ) thence southerly at right angle to said first mentioned line a distance of one hundred feet (100' ) ; thence westerly parallel with the first mentioned line to the shore of Lake George at high water mark; thence northerly along the shore of Lake George at high water mark to a point opposite the point of beginning; thence easterly along the division Line first hereinabove described to the point of beginning. Together with the right, title and interest of the party of the first part in and to the land under the waters of Lake George bordering on and adjacent to the above described premises. Being a part of the premises described in a deed from Abbie H. Gunn to Fred G. Fielding dated December 2, 1918 and recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office December 16, 1918 in Book of Deeds 140 at Page 24. Also granting and conveying right of passage in common with others for persons and vehichles over a strip of land extending northerly from the rear of the premises hereby conveyed and along the easterly side of a lot of land formerly owned by Abbie H. Gunn to provide ingress and egress to theright of way deeded to bred 0. Fielding dated March 7`h , 1928, and recorded in Warren County Clerk's Office March 10'h, 1928 in Book of Deeds 175 at Page 370 to the public highway which leads to Ripley's Point. RECORD&RETIJRh4 f'LE7 , PONTIFF, ST WART RHODES ' P.O. so;(X168 '3""'s Falls,NY 12801.2168 F