CC-000129-2016 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building& Codes (518)761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: CC-000129-2016(brp moo-+-tFD)) Tax Map No: 226.12-1-43 REVISED Permission is hereby granted to: Clute Enterprises,Inc. For property located at: 333 CLE`JERDALE RD In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto tiled and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance Type of Construction Owner Name: Larry Clute Retail-Mercantile-Addition $25,000.00 Owner Address: 6 HOLDEN AVE Total Value $25,000.00 Queensbury,NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Clute Enterprises,Inc. 6 Holden AVE Queensbury,NY 12804 RENEWED Plans&Specifications Commerical Addition 360 s.f:to San Souci Location:92 Mason Road,Cleverdale $0.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Friday,May 6,2016 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the exl2iration date.) Qu Dated at the Town o eens 4Thu ,2010 SIGNED BY: for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement -- •.....-FICE USE O................................NLY r--- TAX MAP NO. /J J� r r % PERMIT NO. ' ' Date FEES: PERMITRECREATIONr , .r �—� `ENGINEERING ti ' ..................................... ...... -- .............__-------- (Ifapplfeafalp ej' ; Stamp PRIAPPNCIPAL STRUC7'L�R "-- TR ZONING APFROVAL &BLDIlVG PERMIT A PERMITMUSTBE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION.APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BEFORE ISSUANCE OF A VALID PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCOO_ N. APPLICANT/BUILDER:_ �} �>C-- SIGNER: ADDRESS: �: ` � ADDRESS: PHONE NOS. ( PHONE NOS. ': 7 CONTACT PERSON FOR BUILDING&CODES COMPLIANCE: PHONE: �� LOCATION OF PROPERTY: SUBDIVISION NAME: PLEASE INDICATE MEASUREMENTS AS REQUIRED BELOW: CHECK ALL THAT z PROJECTAPPLY O YOUR z0 O Cy O O � co C! q lu JO� ix co ui LL 6 0. Cr 000 SINGLE FAMILY ~ aT0 TWO-FAMILY MULTI=FAMILY (NO.of UNITS___) TOWNHOUSE BUSINESS OFFICE RETAIL- MERCANTILE FACTORY OR INDUSTRIAL ATTACHED GARAGE(1,2,3) OTHER IF COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL-NAME OF BUSINESS: ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST: �j c� �� HEAT TYPE:�'�� e`_-' '�'-� Fll�L TYRE: HOW MANY FIRS PLACE(S):—(;�—AND/OR WOODSTOVES(S):—.L/-1— ZONING CATEGORY: ARE THERE WETLANDS ON THIS SITE? IS THIS A HISTORIC SITE? �� PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR ADDITION: \ r -Please complete a separate Application for"Fuel Burning Appliances&Chimneys,available in our office Amb rlOn Of( [eellSbll ■ B XGL I1-0S ry Consmunity Development Office•742 Bay Road,Queen96tLYN. NY7�flne fO8ZIAN'funqsuaano'PvOdhuff ZfZ-aO!901u.71udolaaaczfq!unuttuoD.funqsuaanbfoualo MEM ,L MUP 90-11 ID11f a eo!#o ino ul al ITAe sA8uwj,40g ssoueqddv Buime lani,joj uojIeoiIddV ejejades e 0191dwoo Ose8ld. :NOUJOCIV NODNiaiine JO 3snO3SOdONd 4311S OIHOISIH V SIHI SI 43115 SIHI NO SaNVU3M 3HSHI 3UV—:,kjjOt)31V0 DNINOZ :(S)S3AOISC)OOM'dO/ONV------­-*(S)30Vld3NI:J ANIM MOH. —3cfAllY31-1 :adAi i3nj :IS03 NOII3nIJISN00 a31vvyLLs3 :SS3NIsn9J0 3+YVN-IvIlAisnONI NO IVIDIJ31NV400 di )J3HIO IviNisriGNI NOANOMV:1 31UNVOUBVY -11VISU 301:1:10 SS3NISnq 3snOHNMO.L (—S.UNn;O'ON) k1mv:i-ainvy Ikilvqv.+OM.L AlINVA BISNIS > > A -oi V -04 "n P 0 z 0Q-0v x . fr 3: m M:- M 0 cn 0p 2 0 103r021d 0 ;o z unok 01 klddY I Iz IVHIllV)I33H0 r M0139 a38in032I SV s-LN3vy32Insv3vq3IV3I0NI=-ISY:nd I :31NVN NOISIAICIens 'Ai*d3dOIJd:J0 NOIIVOOI .3NOH44—:30NVI-IdVYO0 S3000 V EftalinsldOi NOSN3d IOVINOO 'SON 3NOHd SON 3NOHd :SS3Haav :SsaNaav Q d3NM0 2ao-iin8tINVOI1cIcIV 'NoiionVISNOD 1104 V JO 3ONvnssi atioj3e maIA3v 01 J.Darens siNO11V*IlddV ONINN1936IIWH3dOl"312104as O3NIVI8Os8IsnwIIYQI3d V JIMW DAUawna�97VA 0 UdcTV DMNoz U01 NOLLVDI7cfcrV uuruDmus wcuaivrad Boliddeg)......................................................... 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AMO 3Sf13o1ddo eCOMcheck Software Version 3.7.0 �(, Envelope Compliance Certificate 2007 New York Energy Conservation Construction Code Section 1: Project Information Project Type:Addition Project Title:PLAN NO.041007 Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 92 MASON ROAD LARRY CLUTE DANIEL WILLIAMS CLEVERDALE,NY CLUTE ENTERPRISES WILLIAMS&WILLIAMS DESIGNERS 6 HOLDEN 509 GLEN STREET QUEENSBURY,NY 12804 GLENS FALLS,NY 12801 518-793-7277 518-798-4687 Section 2: General Information Building Location(for weather data): Warren,New York Climate Zone: 15 Heating Degree Days(base 65 degrees F): 7635 Cooling Degree Days(base 65 degrees F): 366 Activity Type(a) Floor Area Kitchen 180 Other 55 Kitchen 144 Section 3: Requirements Checklist EnvelopeDcode. Climate-Specific Requirements: Component Name/Description Gross Area Cavity Cont. Proposed Budget or Perimeter R Value R-Value U-Factor U-Factor(a) Roof 1:Ail-Wood Joist/Rafter truss 10 30.0 0.0 0.035 0.051 Roof 2:All-Wood JoisURafterirruss 216 30.0 0.0 0.035 0.051 Exterior Wall 1:Wood Frame,Any Spacing 56 13.0 0.0 0.091 0.074 Exterior Wall 2:Wood Frame,Any Spacing 420 13.0 0.0 0.091 0.074 Floor 1:Slab-On-Grade:Heated,Vertical 4 ft. 7 — 10.0 — — Floor 2:Ail-Wood Joist/Truss 216 30.0 10.0 0.025 0.042 (a)Budget U-factors are used for software baseline calculations ONLY,and are not code requirements. Air Leakage,Component Certification,and Vapor Retarder Requirements: D 1. All joints and penetrations are caulked,gasketed,weather-stripped,or otherwise sealed. 0 2. Windows,doors,and skylights certified as meeting leakage requirements. C] 3. Component R-values&LI-factors labeled as certified. 4. Insulation installed acoording to manufacturer's instructions,in substantial contact with the surface being Insulated,and in a manner that achieves the rated R-value without compressing the insulation. C] 5. Fireplaces installed with tight fitting non-combustible fireplace doors. E] 6. Stair,elevator shaft vents,and other dampers integral to the building envelope are equipped with motorized dampers. C] 7. Cargo doors and loading dock doors are weather sealed. E] 8. Recessed lighting fixtures are:(i)Type IC rated and sealed or gasketed;or(ii)installed inside an appropriate air-tight assembly with a 0.5 inch clearance from combustible materials and with 3 inches clearance from insulation material. Project Title: PLAN NO.041007 Report date:05/04/10 Data filename:D:ICOM-CHECK1041007 SANS SOUCI-92 MASON,CLEVERDALE.cck Page 1 of 9 F-I 9. Vapor retarder installed. -Section 4: Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed envelope design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans,specifications and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed envelope system has been designed to meet the 2007 New York Energy Conservation Construction Code requirements in COMcheck Version 3.7.0 and to comply with the mandatory requirements in the Requirements Checklist. When a Registered Design Professional has stamped and sign e this age e a e t testing that to the best of his/her knowledge,belief,and professional judgment,such plans or cifications are in complia ce With thib C Name-Title Si nature V Date A. u .7 fit' Project Title: PLAN NO. 041007 Report date: 05/04/10 Data filename: WCOM-CHECK1041007 SANS SOUCI-92 MASON,CLEVERDALE.cck Page 2 of 9 � o COMcheck Software Version 3.7.0 Interior Lighting and Power Compliance Certificate 2007 New York Energy Conservation Construction Code Section 1: Project Information Project Type:Addition Project Title: PLAN NO,041007 Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor. 92 MASON ROAD LARRY CLUTE DANIEL WILLIAMS CLEVERDALE,NY CLUTE ENTERPRISES WILLIAMS&WILLIAMS DESIGNERS 6 HOLDEN 509 GLEN STREET QUEENSBURY,NY 12804 GLENS FALLS,NY 12801 518-793-7277 518-798-4687 Section 2: General Information Building Use Description by: Activity Type Activity Tyoe(s) Floor Area Kitchen 180 Other 55 Kitchen 144 Section 3: Requirements Checklist Interior Lighting: 1. Total proposed watts must be less than or equal to total allowed watts. Allowed Watts Proposed Watts Complies 444 340 YES 2. Exit signs 5 Watts or less per sign. Exterior Lighting: C] 3. Efficacy greater than 45 lumens/W. Exceptions: Specialized lighting highlighting features of historic buildings;signage;safety or security lighting;low-voltage landscape lighting. Controls,Switching, and Wiring: E] 4. Independent controls for each space(switch/occupancy sensor). Exceptions: Areas designated as security or emergency areas that must be continuously illuminated. Lighting in stairways or corridors that are elements of the means of egress. E] 5. Master switch at entry to hotel/motel guest room. Cl 6. Individual dwelling units separately metered. 7. Each space provided with a manual control to provide uniform light reduction by at least 50%. Exceptions: Only one luminaire in space; An occupant-sensing device controls the area; The area is a corridor,storeroom,restroom,public lobby or guest room; Areas that use less than 0.6 Watts/sq.ft. 8. Automatic lighting shutoff control in buildings larger than 5,000 sq.ft. Project Title: PLAN NO.041007 Report date:05104/10 Data filename:D:1COM-CHECKt041007 SANS SOUCI-92 MASON,CLEVERDALE.cck Page 3 of 9 Exceptions: Areas with only one luminaire,corridors,storerooms,restrooms,or public lobbies. 9. Photocell/astronomical time switch on exterior lights. Exceptions: Lighting intended for 24 hour use. ❑ 10.Tandem wired one-lamp and three-lamp ballasted luminaires(No single-lamp ballasts). Exceptions: Electronic high-frequency ballasts: Luminaires on emergency circuits or with no available pair. ® 11.Transformers meet minimum efficiencies listed in Table 805.6.1 or 805.6.2. Section 4: Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed lighting design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans,specifications and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The osed lig ng$ stem has been designed to meet the 2007 New York Energy Conservation Construction Code requirements in COMch kV rsion 3 Q a d to comply with the mandatory requirements in the Require-}m,'ents 1Ch'ecklist. l*r V�t Name-Title Sig ature V Date f r , i Project Title. PLAN NO. 041007 Report date: 05/04/10 Data filename: D:ICOM-CHECK1041007 SANS SOUCI-92 MASON,CLEVERDAL€.cck Page 4 of 9 COMcheck Software Version 3.7.0 Interior Lighting Application Worksheet 2007 New York Energy Conservation Construction Code Section 1: Allowed Lighting Power Calculation A B C D Area Category Floor Area Allowed Allowed Watts (ft2) Watts I ft2 (B x C) Kitchen 180 1.2 216 Other 55 1 55 Kitchen 144 1.2 173 Total Allowed Watts= 444 Section 2: Proposed Lighting Power Calculation A B C D E Fixture ID:Description 1 Lamp/Wattage Per Lamp!Ballast Lamps/ #of Fixture (C X D) Fixture Fixtures Watt. Kitchen(180 sq.ft.) Linear Fluorescent 1:48"T8 32W/Electronic 2 3 64 192 Other(55 sq.fL) Compact Fluorescent 1:Spiral 20W/Electronic 1 1 20 20 Kitchen(144 sq.ft.) Linear Fluorescent 2:48"T8 32W/Electronic 2 2 64 128 Total Proposed Watts= 340 Section 3: Compliance Calculation If the Total Allowed Watts minus the Total Proposed Watts is greater than or equal to zero,the building complies. Total Allowed Watts= 444 Total Proposed Watts= 340 Project Compliance= 104 Interior Lighting PASSES:Design 23%better than code. Project Title: PLAN NO. 041007 Report date:05/04/10 Data filename:0:\COM-CHECK\041007 SANS SOUCI-92 MASON,CLEVERDALE.cck Page 5 of 9 eCOMcheck Software Version 3.7.0 �(, Mechanical Compliance Certificate 2007 New York Energy Conservation Construction Code Section 1: Project Information Project Type:Addition Project Title:PLAN NO.041007 Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 92 MASON ROAD LARRY CLUTE DANIEL WILLIAMS CLEVERDALE,NY CLUTE ENTERPRISES WILLIAMS&WILLIAMS DESIGNERS 6 HOLDEN 509 GLEN STREET OUEENSBURY,NY 12804 GLENS FALLS,NY 12801 518-793-7277 518-796-4687 Section 2: General Information Building Location(for weather data): Warren,New York Climate Zone: is Heating Degree Days(base 65 degrees F): 7635 Cooling Degree Days(base 65 degrees F): 366 Section 3: Mechanical Systems List Quantity System Tvoe&Description 1 HVAC System 1:Heating:Central Furnace,Propane,Capacity 100000 kBtu/h/Cooling:Hydronic Coil,Capacity 100000 kBtu/h/Single Zone Section 4: Requirements Checklist Requirements Specific To: HVAC System 1 : 1. Newly purchased heating equipment meets the heating efficiency requirements E] 2. Discharge dampers prohibited with fan motors>25 hp 3. Balancing and pressure test connections on all hydronic terminal devices 4. Integrated air economizer required Generic Requirements: Must be met by all systems to which the requirement is applicable: 1. Load calculations per ASHRAE Fundamentals 2. Plant equipment and system capacity no greater than needed to meet loads - Exception:Standby equipment automatically off when primary system is operating - Exception:Multiple units controlled to sequence operation as a function of load E] 3. Minimum one temperature control device per system ci 4. Minimum one humidity control device per installed humidification/dehumidification system C] 5. Automatic Controls:Setback to 55 degrees F(heat)and 85 degrees F(cool);7-day clock,2-hour occupant override,10-hour backup - Exception:Continuously operating zones - Exception:2 kW demand or less,submit calculations 6. Automatic shut-off dampers on exhaust systems and supply systems with airflow>3,000 cfm 7. Outside-air source for ventilation;system capable of reducing OSA to required minimum 0 8. R-5 supply and return air duct insulation in unconditioned spaces R-8 supply and return air duct insulation outside the building R-8 insulation between ducts and the building exterior when ducts are part of a building assembly - Exception:Ducts located within equipment Project Title: PLAN NO.041007 Report date: 05/04/10 Data filename:D:ICOM-CHECK1041007 SANS SOUCI-92 MASON,CLEVERDALE.cck Page 6 of 9 - Exception:Ducts with interior and exterior temperature difference not exceeding 15 degrees F. ri 9. ducts sealed-longitudinal seams on rigid ducts;transverse seams on all ducts;UL 181A or 181 B tapes and mastics - Exception:Continuously welded and locking-type longitudinal joints and seams on ducts operating at static pressures less than 2 inches w.g.pressure classification 0 10.Mechanical fasteners and sealants used to connect ducts and air distribution equipment Lj 11.Hot water pipe insulation:1 in.for pipes<=1.5 in.and 2 in.for pipes X1.5 in.Chilled waterlre€rigerantibrine pipe insulation: 1 in.for pipes<=1.5 in.and 1.5 in.for pipes>1.5 in.Steam pipe insulation: 1.5 in.for pipes—1.5 in.and 3 in,for pipes>1.5 in. Exception: Piping within HVAC equipment. Exception: Fluid temperatures between 55 and 105 degrees F. Exception: Fluid not heated or cooled with renewable energy. Exception: Runouts<4 ft in length. © 12.Operation and maintenance manual provided to building owner F-I 13.Balancing devices provided in accordance with 603.15 of Mechanical Code for New York State 14.Thermostatic controls have 5 degrees F deadband Exception:Thermostats requiring manual changeover between heating and cooling Exception:Special occupancy or special applications where wide temperature ranges are not acceptable and are approved by the authority having jurisdiction. 171 15.Stair and elevator shaft vents are equipped with motorized dampers n 16.Three-pipe systems not used Section 5: Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed mechanical design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans,specifications and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The p osed me hanical systems have been designed to meet the 2007 New York Energy Conservation Construction Code requirements in CO c eck Ver i n 3. .0 and to comply with the mandatory requirements in the Re uirements Checkl 1 i hUMV0. Name-Title Si re Date �t�lV Project Title: PLAN NO. 041007 Report date: 05/04/10 Data filename: D:1COM-CHECK1041007 SANS SOUCI-92 MASON,CLEVERDALE.cck Page 7 of 9 eCOMcheck Software Version 3.7.0 8/1 Mechanical Requirements Description 2007 New York Energy Conservation Construction Code The following list provides more detailed descriptions of the requirements in Section 4 of the Mechanical Compliance Certificate. Requirements Specific To: HVAC System 1 1. The specified heating equipment is covered by Federal minimum efficiency requirements.New equipment of this type can be assumed to meet or exceed 2007 New York Energy Conservation Construction Code requirements for equipment efficiency. 2. Fans with motors>25 hp may not be equipped with discharge dampers. 3. Hydronic heating and cooling coils must be equipped with a way to pressure test connections and measure and balance water flow and pressure. 4. An integrated air economizer is required for individual cooling systems over 65 kBtu/h in the selected project location.An integrated economizer allows simultaneous operation of outdoor-air and mechanical cooling. Generic Requirements: Must be met by all systems to which the requirement is applicable: 1. Design heating and cooling loads for the building must be determined using procedures in the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals or an approved equivalent calculation procedure. 2. All equipment and systems must be sized to be no greater than needed to meet calculated loads.A single piece of equipment providing both heating and cooling must satisfy this provision for one function with the capacity for the other function as small as possible,within available equipment options. - Exception:The equipment and/or system opacity maybe greater than calculated loads for standby purposes.Standby equipment must be automatically controlled to be off when the primary equipment and/or system is operating. - Exception:Multiple units of the same equipment type whose combined capacities exceed the calculated load are allowed if they are provided with controls to sequence operation of the units as the load increases or decreases. 3. Each heating or cooling system serving a single zone must have its own temperature control device. 4. Each humidification system must have its own humidity control device. 5. The system or zone control must be a programmable thermostat or other automatic control meeting the following criteria:a)capable of setting back temperature to 55 degrees F during heating and setting up to 85 degrees F during cooling,b)capable of automatically setting back or shutting down systems during unoccupied hours using 7 different day schedules,c)have an accessible 2-hour occupant override,d)have a battery back-up capable of maintaining programmed settings for at least 10 hours without power. - Exception:A setback or shutoff control is not required on thermostats that control systems serving areas that operate continuously. - Exception:A setback or shutoff control is not required on systems with total energy demand of 2 kW(6,826 Btu/h)or less. 6. Outdoor-air supply systems with design airflow rates>3,000 cfm of outdoor air and all exhaust systems must have dampers that are automatically closed while the equipment is not operating. 7. The system must supply outside ventilation air as required by Chapter 4 of the Mechanical Code for New York State.If the ventilation system is designed to supply outdoor-air quantities exceeding minimum required levels,the system must be capable of reducing outdoor-air flow to the minimum required levels. 8. Air ducts must be insulated to the following levels:a)Supply and return air ducts for conditioned air located in unconditioned spaces (spaces neither heated nor cooled)must be insulated with a minimum of R-5.Unconditioned spaces include attics,crawl spaces, unheated basements,and unheated garages.b)Supply and return air ducts and plenums must be insulated to a minimum of R-8 when located outside the building.c)When ducts are located within exterior components(e.g.,floors or roofs),minimum R-8 insulation is required only between the duct and the building exterior. - Exception:Duct insulation is not required on ducts located within equipment. - Exception:Duct insulation is not required when the design temperature difference between the Interior and exterior of the duct or plenum does not exceed 15 degrees F. 9. All joints,longitudinal and transverse seams,and connections in ductwork must be securely sealed using weldments;mechanical fasteners with seals,gaskets,or mastics;mesh and mastic sealing systems;or tapes.Tapes and mastics must be listed and labeled in accordance with UL 181A or UL 1818. - Exception:Continuously welded and locking-type longitudinal joints and seams on ducts operating at static pressures less than 2 inches w.g.pressure classification. 10. Mechanical fasteners and seals,mastics,or gaskets must be used when connecting ducts to fans and other air distribution equipment, including multiple-zone terminal units. 11. All pipes serving space-conditioning systems must be insulated as follows:Hot water piping for heating systems:1 in,for pipes—1 1/2-in.nominal diameter,2 in.for pipes>1 1/24n.nominal diameter.Chilled water,refrigerant,and brine piping systems:1 in.insulation Project Title: PLAN NO.041007 Report date:05104/10 Data filename:D:1COM-CHECKW41007 SANS SOUCI-92 MASON,CLEVERDALE.cc k Page 8 of 9 for pipes­11 112-in.nominal diameter,1 112 in.insulation for pipes>1 1/2-in.nominal diameter.Steam piping:1 112 in.insulation for pipes­11 1/2-in.nominal diameter,3 in.insulation for pipes>1 112-in.nominal diameter. • - Exception:Pipe insulation is not required for factory-installed piping within HVAC equipment. Exception:Pipe insulation is not required for piping that conveys fluids having a design operating temperature range between 55 degrees F and 105 degrees F. Exception:Pipe insulation is not required for piping that conveys fluids that have not been heated or pled through the use of fossil fuels or electric power. Exception:Pipe insulation is not required for runout piping not exceeding 4 ft in length and 1 in.in diameter between the control valve and HVAC coil. 12. Operation and maintenance documentation must be provided to the owner that includes at least the following information:a)equipment capacity(input and output)and required maintenance actions b)equipment operation and maintenance manuals c)HVAC system control maintenance and calibration information,including wiring diagrams,schematics,and control sequence descriptions;desired or field-determined set points must be permanently recorded on control drawings,at control devices,or,for digital control systems,in programming comments d)complete narrative of how each system is intended to operate. 13. Each supply air outlet or diffuser and each zone terminal device(such as VAV or mixing box)must have its own balancing device. Acceptable balancing devices include adjustable dampers located within the ductwork,terminal devices,and supply air diffusers. 14. Thermostats controlling both heating and cooling must be capable of maintaining a 5 degrees F deadband(a range of temperature where no heating or cooling is provided). - Exception:Deadband capability is not required if the thermostat does not have automatic changeover capability between heating and cooling. - Exception:Special occupancy or special applications where wide temperature ranges are not acceptable and are approved by the authority having jurisdiction. 15. Stair and elevator shaft vents must be equipped with motorized dampers capable of being automatically closed during normal building operation and interlocked to open as required by fire and smoke detection systems.All gravity outdoor air supply and exhaust hoods, vents,and ventilators must be equipped with motorized dampers that will automatically shut when the spaces served are not in use. Exception:Gravity(non-motorized)dampers are acceptable in buildings less than three stories in height above grade. Exception:Ventilation systems serving unconditioned spaces. 16. Hydronic systems that use a common return system for both hot water and chilled water must not be used. Project Title:PLAN NO. 041007 Report date: 05/04/10 Data filename:DXOM-CHECKt041007 SANS SOUCI-92 MASON,CLEVERDALE.cck Page 9 of 9