1976-01-13 l5 REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 13, 1976 MEMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt-Supervisor Daniel Olson-Councilman Robert Barber-Councilman Harold Robillard-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman J. David Little-Town Counsel PRESS : Lee Coleman, Norman Mjaavedt, Tri-County News T014N OFFICIALS : Thomas Flaherty, George Liapes , Harold Boynton, James Davidson, Betty Eggleston, Phyllis Joslyn, Raymond Buckley Thomas Murphy GUESTS: Mr. Flynn, Mr. John Morabito, Mrs. Sylvia Dougher, Miss Hamelin, Mr. Weeks Meeting Opened: 7: 31 P.M. Salute to the Flag. Ir., MOBILE HOME PUBLIC HEARING-Notice Shown—Hearing Opened 7 : 37 P.M. e-1 01 Mobile Home application of Gwendolyn Hamelin of Connectidut Avenue to place a mobile home on Ohio Avenue-Hardship reasons shown. . . Building & Zoning comments : approved. . .Trailer is a 1974 model, New York Seal #275 . Is a replacement of old trailer which was re- moved in August or September. Lot has been enlarged to give proper setbacks. Town water is available. Septic will be installed by Granger as per plan. Mobile Home will be tied down as per State Law. Miss Hamelin-noted her financial hardship and would like to provide a home for her four year old son. . . noted that she presented the Town Board with a petition from the residents of the area noting that they had no objection. Supervisor Brandt-call on anyone else to speak No one spoke. . . Hearing Closed. 7 :40 P.M. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PERMIT FOR MOBILE HOME RESOLUTION NO. 28 , Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert YBhrber':..__,: WHEREAS, Gwendolyn Hamelin has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Oueensbury entitled; ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES and MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE T014N OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NF4 YORK, to locate a mobile home at property situated on Ohio Avenue, and WHEREAS, this town board has conducted a public hearing in connection with said application and has heard all-,persons desiring to be heard in favor of or against said application, and WHEREAS , it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application and at said public hearing are sufficient to authorize the issuance of the permit requested by said application, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, permission is hereby given to Gwendolyn Hamelin to locate a mobile home at property situated at Ohio Avenuq and that the Building, Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to issue such permit in accordance with the terms and conditions of said ordinance. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr— Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent : None i 152 RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF DUES AND ATTENDANCE AT CONFERENCE RESOLUTION NO. 29, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, seconded by MY. Hammond Robertson: RESOLVED that $14.00 dues for 1876 membership in the Capital District Chapter of the New York State Building Officials Conference be paid, and be it further RESOLVED, that permission is given to George Liapes and Harold Boynton to attend all conferences related to the above listed organization and that all expenses incurred are a proper town charge. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: None Councilman Barber commended Mr. Liapes on being the President of.-nfhe Capital District Chapter of the New York State Building Officials Conference Inc. RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT A DEED FOR A HIGHWAY RESOLUTION NO. 30 Introduced by 'Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, secnnded by Mr. Daniel Olson: WHEREAS, Barry Converse and Roberta Converse offered a deed to certain premises known as Warren Lane in the Town of Queensburv, to the Town of Queensbury in unrestricted form, to be utilized by the Town in such manner as the Town might deem beneficial for Town purposes, and WHEREAS, by Resolution Number 235, passed by the Town Board of the Town of Oueensburv, December 9 , 1975 the Town of Oueensbury accepted { the gift 'of said premises , and directed the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury to record said deed in the Warren County Clerk' s Office, — adding the same to the official inventories of Town properties , and WHEREAS by reason of numerous difficulties created in the past and presently existing, the Town Board deems it to be in the best interest of the Town and inhabitants thereof_ , to add the same to the official inventory of Town Highways. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the premises described in schedule A hereto annexed be and the same hereby is accepted and approved by the Town as a new road to be added to the official inventory of Town Highways, and described as follows : ROAD NO. 357 DESCRIPTION: Beginning at Burch Road easterly to Dead End. NAME: Warren Lane MILEAGE: 0. 25 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: None (Schedule A. is on file in the Town Clerk' s Office) RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT A DEED FOR A HIGH14AY RESOLUTION NO 31. Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt: WHEREAS, Reginald B. Hewitt has executed and offered a deed for Town roadways, not less than fifty (50) feet in width, which is described in., Schedule "A" attached hereto and made part hereof, and WHEREAS, Carl A. Garb, Superintendent of Highways , has advised that he recommends to this .Board that it accept this land for highway purposes into the Town highway system, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the aforesaid be, and the same is hereby accepted and approved, and the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause said deed to be recorded in the Warren County Clerk' s Office, after which said deed shall be properly filed in the office of the Town Clerk, and be it further RESOLVED, that these new roads are hereby added to the official in- ventory of Town Highways, and described as follows : ROAD NO. 358-Zenas Drive 359-Reginald Drive DESCRIPTION: 358-Beginning at Dixon Road westerly to Reginald Drive 359-Beginning at Zenas Drive southerly to Dead End. NAME : Zenas Drive Reginald Drive tf� +-� MILEAGE: 358- 0. 08 359- 0. 09 N x Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: None Supervisor Brandt: Next on the adgenda my request to appoint a personnel secretary. A job that has never been within the town government, it is a new job, I am asking for it by law I can appoint it, however, I need the consensus of the family that runs this tpwn, certainly I don' t. I am asking for it for a definite reason, I think that there is a strong need for some leadership to resolve some problems that we have in the town, one of which is certainly the dump. I do not think we should rush into a hasty answer there, I think we have to do our homework and it is going to require quite a bit of work to put it together. We have an unsual work load with the water bond coming up there are many many other needs that we should examine sonn. One of which is an over all recreational plan for the town, these things are going to take a considerable amount of home work and I am asking for a secretary to personally help me in conducting these matters. Letter: January 9, 1976 Town Board Town of 2ueensbury Gentlemen: Pursuant to Section 29, Subdivision 15 , of the Town Law of the State of New York, I hereby appoint Mrs . Shirley Shenk of 9 Pershing Road, Glens Falls , New York as my Confidential Secretary. Respectfully, /s/ _ MB: dac Michel Brandt Supervisor Town of Queensbury RESOLUTION TO SET SALARY SCHEDULE FOR CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARY RESOLUTION NO. 32 Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Harold Robillard: RESOLVED, that the salary of the Supervisor's Confidential Secretary be and hereby is fixed in the amount of $8, 300. 00. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes: Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : Mr. Olson Absent: None Unknown: Will this be a full time job? i i Supervisor Brandt: Yes Mr. Flynn-questioned the need for a secretary since other-Supervisors did not have one and asked if this would raise taxes? Supervisor Brandt-On the surface to create a new job certainly it increases the obligations of the town however I might point out that:7in the past administration we had a full time engineer who was paid at a higher rate, 153,000 dollars a year or there abouts, that position has been cut back to a half time position. Certainly one of the functions that the engineer ptkformed was to assist the supervisor in handling many of these problemsjwithout him I would like to create this position and at no increased cost, and I think it can result in some savings in the long run. . . it would not result in any increase from what we have budgeted at the present time to handle the job, to handle the over all administration of the town. Town Justice James Davidson-noted his request for help for his department which was not accepted. . .also noted the increased work load for one person to handle— listed several areas and the salaries for the personnel that do the court clerk work noting that Queensbury' s salary was much lower. Supervisor Brandt-noted that one of the girls would now be free : > to work more for that office— the qualifications and description of the job do differ and I think that is part of the reason why I am asking for a salary schedule above that which you are discussing. Mr. John Morabito-13 Westland Avenue-You made a point that the secretary was going to do some of- the same work as the Engineer, I find that difficult to believe, I was wondering what type of an engineer you had in mind? Supervisor Brandt-It is a common known fact that the engineer acted as an assistant to the supervisor in past administrations and that included in negotiation work and in exploring and discussions to set up new ordinances and new concepts in law and it would be in this capa&ity that I would use a secretary rather than an engineer. Sylvia Dougher-I was confidential secretary bookkeeper for the town I am just asking now are you going to have a bookkeeper besides a ; secretary? Supervisor Brandt- We have a bookkeeper as you know . Sylvia. Dougher- And you are retaining a bookkeeper at what salary? Supervisor Brandt-He is a man power employee. Sylvia Dougher- I question the manpower, if manpower is done away with then I assume that you would still be paying him or someone in this capacity am I right, so in other words there would be two people getting over 8,000 dollars for the job that I had done before? Supervisor Brandt- That is right. Councilman Olson- My personal.` feelings for this appointment I have nothing against the lady you propose I am definately opposed to the salary schedule. As Mr. Davidson brought out we have competent Department Heads that work in the town we have full time employees that that is their livehood. . . the majority of the people that work for the town are under paid. I would be strongly opposed to bring in a new person creating a new position with a salary much greater then some of our capable personnel that we have presently. Councilman Barber-I had the occasion this evening to meet the young lady in question and she is a very talented young lady at least her credentials speak well of her. I was impressed by her presentation however as I have indicated to Mr. Brandt -in confidence as well as in private, I have indicated to him that if this position is to be justified it has to be justified by filling another position of a person who was either here or was here. I have been assured that there is one position that is open however presently we are findipp; ourselves with three different psopLe in addition to filling Mrs. Sylvia Dougher' s position since she left the office of confidential secretary and bookkeeper approximately a year and a half_ ago or a year ago. Now we are looking at a fourth addition position and I am finding it difficult to rationalize and justify. I think the woman in m mtion -is a very fine perepn however#8300� dollars I can not find justification for that position. Councilman Robertson: My position is I agree with all the things that you say� the only thing that I can say in thinking it all over is that there is two conflicting points of law, if you will, one is the power of the Supervisor to appoint::add two, is the power of the Town Board to set salaries and I am reluctant even though I feelvery much as you do about the salary I am reluctant to tie the hands of the Supervisor by voting no on this one salary which is his appointment. I feel it is up to him to justify to the people of this town the expenses of money that he makes as well as myself. He is the leader, he is the e--+ guy that pooposed this he has to set up his office as he sees fit ^t I don' t like it in terms of our full time permanent employees I do not like it in any of those forms but I do have to feel that I must say that it is within his pp,taut}ive to establish his of_f_lce and his confidential secretary and I have to let the people of the town decile A ther he is right or he is wrongs>nn this one issue. I thin: that would negate the intent of the law of him to provide an office surroundings which he can comfortably wofkJI think I will have to support the resolution. Councilman Robillard- I will echo Councilman Robertson' s sentiments I .feel that Mr. Brandt has a major responsibility I feel that he needs a confidential secretary he has set forth what he feels is a fair salary. as a town official I will keep a close eye on this department to make sure we get our monies worth, •and if it doe-an't work I am sure we will make the motion that this position will be abolished. I feel that setting here in good conscience that the popular think to do would be to vote no but I do not always do the popular thing many of you know that so I feel that I will have to support the Supervisor in this move and keep politics out of it. Councilman Barber- In a comment to Councilman Robertson I have to support your logic to the degree you have set forth I do not in all good conscience like the salary schedule because the justification LO not there presently. As you have stated it very plainly and very Opintly is that the justification will have to be with Mr. Brandt and the citizenery of this town and I there- fore will concur with you Councilman Robertson. RESOLUTION TO REVISE WATER RATES RESOLUTION NOT 33,, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Harold Robillard: WHEREAS, operational costs have increased significantly because of the inflationary economy, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that rates for water service in the Town of Queensbury be established as follows: Queensbury Water District Proposed Water Rates Unit per quarter Family Use $ 7 . 75 Bath of Shower 7. 75 Additional Bath of Shower 3. 05 Toilet 7. 75 Additional Toilet 6. 30 Shop 7. 75 Garage 12.40 Office 14. 05 Store $15. 60 Restaurant 25.10 Dental Fountain 12.40 Bar 37. 00 Mobile Home 23. 30 Hose Use, May and Aug. Billing 12.40 These rates are effective May 1st. 1976 Queensbury Water District Proposed Metered Water Rates First 10, 000, 000 gallons . 62 per thousand gallons Second 10, 000. 000 gallons . 54 per thousand gallons Next 20,000, 000 gallons .48 per thousand gallons All over 40, 000,000 gallons .44 per thousand gallons Minimum Billing per Quarter $13. 00 Allowable usage per minimum billing 15 , 000 gallons These rates are effective February 1st. 1976 and will be reflected in the May Billing. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robil:lard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Bf�Awdt Noes: None Absent: None Councilman Robertson- This is the second raise in rates in this district in a year noted that the new rates are realistic rates and will allow the payment of all the operating costs on our water charges. . . the raise is necessary to put the Rsby. Water District and Filtration:3 Plant on a sound fiscal basis. Supervisor Brandt- to sucessfully'..:_esll -the 'bbnds iwe�-must have the rates raised to have our house in order. . . Supervisor Brandt-requested Mr. Thomas Murphy to speak on snowmobile J trails and the possibility of opening roads to snowmobiles. . . Thomas Murphy - Warren County Supervisor for the Tom .of Queiansburv- spoke on the history of the trails and their problems . . .noted the need for certain roads such as Aviation Road extension, Fuller Road and Peggy Ann Road to be open for certain hours with restrictions as to the use of the roads to allow residents to enter the Warren County Trails. . .Requested that it might be of some assistance to have input from Snowmobile Clubs in the preparation of the Ordinance. RESOLUTION TO SET PUBLIC HEAPING- RESOLUTION NO. 34 Forthcoming from the Town Counsel to be found on parre 164 RESOLUTION TO APPROPRIATE SURPL'uS FUNDS WITHIN THE GENERAL TOWN FUND RE5QLUTTON NO- IL Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS , surplus funds exist in various appropriations within the General Town Fund for the year 1975 , and, ?JHEREAS, deficits exist within various account codes within the General Town Fund for the year 1975 , therefore be it, - RESOLVED, to Transfer $ 134. 70 from A 1110.4 to A 1110.1 Transfer 35 . 00 from A 1220. 2 to A 1220.4 Transfer 536. 00 from A 1990.4 to A 1330.4 Transfer 39. 00 -From A 1410':,2 to A 1410.4 Transfer 40. 00 "'from A 1450. 1 to A 1450.4 Transfer 75 . 00 from A 1990.4 to A 1910.4 Transfer 87 . 00 from A 31.20. 1 to A 3120.4 Transfer 400. 00 from *-3ftt0.ft to A 3410.1 Transfer $ 100. 00 from A 1990.4 to A 3410. 1 Transfer 4, 243. 00 from Surplus to A 7310.4 Transfer f9. 00 from A 1990.4 to A 7510.4 Transfer 16. 00 from A 8010. 1 to A 8010.4 Transfer 1, 368. 00 from A 8160. 1 ,,to A 8160.4 Transfer 213. 00 ffom A 9040. 8 to A 9060. 3 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent : None RESOLUTION TO APPROPRIATE SURPLUS FUND WITHIN THE HIGHWAY FUND RESOLUTION NO. 36, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its a doption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: . WHEREAS, a deficit exists within one Highway Machinery Account-at year end 1975 and surplus exists in another Machinery account, therefore be it RESOLVED, to Transfer $49.'00 from DM9030. 8 to DM9060. 8 C1 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. .Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt } Noes : None Absent : None COMMUNICATIONS : Ltr. from Mr. John Bergeron ,to request a rezoning of his property from (12-5 .1 and 6 of Block 1 Tax leap number 44 from R-3 and R-4 to C-3 .) Councilman Robillard-question the rezoning. . .noted that it might be considered spot zoning and therefore would not be acceptable. . . the best chance to have this project approved would be to go before the zoning board and present a variance proposal. . . Mr. Bergeron-noted that he would do this . . . Councilman Robillard-We have several applications for mobile homes on Warren Lane. . .now that we have accepted Warren Lane into the Highway system to make those residents legal residents of the, Town I would move to hold a joint public hearing on the mobile homes. ' RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PUBLIC HEARING RESOLUTION NO. 37, Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS, Maurice C. & Cathy Combs , Joan Coxdelia Combs, Richard A. Didio, Henry Steves, Gary Burch, George W. Billings Jr. , Jeffrey L. Washburn, Darwin R. Carter, Earl N. Ward, have made applications in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Townkof Oueensbury entitled ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate mobile homes outside at property situated at Warren Lane, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determir -j that said application complies with the requirements of said ordinance, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application are sufficient to justify -further consideration by this board, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, the town board shall conduct a public hearing on said application on February 10th, 1976 in the Queensbury Town. Office Building, Bay Road, and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give proper notice of said public hearing in accordance with the provisions of said ordinance. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Bradt Noes : None Absent: None MONTHLY REPORTS -Supervisor's monthly report for November 1975 placed on file. -Building and Zoning Report for December 1975 placed on file. -Highway Report November 1975 placed on file. -Budget Control Sheets for November 1975 placed on file. -Dog Warden' s report for December 1975 on file. -Town Clerk' s report for December 1975 on file. -Planning Board Minutes on file. YEJKRLY REPORTS BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT SUPERVISOR' S REPORT MONTH DECEMBER 1975 TWELFTH (12th) MONTH NUMBER OF NUMBER OF PERMITS AMOUNT PERMITS AMOUNT ONE FAMILY 5 170,000.00 93 3,15 MULTIPLE FAMILY 1 35,000.00 3 93,000.00 OTHER APARTMENTS COMMERCIAL 1 15,000. 00 13 454,55700 N - MOTELS SEASONAL DWELLINGS GARAGES PUBLIC , SIGNS 8 145 ALTERATIONS-ADDITIONS 8 83, 600.00 152 798,580.00 SEWAGE SYSTEMS 11 139 MOBILE HOMES 20 DEMOLITION 1 13 SWIMMING POOLS 1 31 DOCKS 1 4 5,000.00 TOTALS 38 307,400.00 668 4,597,175.00 MONTH DECEMBER 1975 TWELFTH (12th) MONTH 121 Field Inspections 1543 Field° sp&u 18 Violations Cited 247 Violations Cited 15 Violations Abated 211 Violations Abated a -- Court Actions 5 Court Actions $751. 00 Total Fees for Month $11 ,432 . 00 Total Fees of Yr. Mileage Reading December 31, 1975 44, 850.0 Reading November 26, 1975 43,624. 7 Total mileage December 1975 1,225. 3 Respectfully submitted, /s/ George P. Liapes Building Inspector Town of Queensbury BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL REPORT 1975 INCOME 12 MONTHS OF 1975 CODE A 2110 Zoning Fees 1, 325.00 A 2555 Building Permits 12, 123. 00 A 2655 Maps, Books, etc. 85 . 25 A 1570 Demolition Permits 130.00 Total Receipts 1975 13, 663.25 Fees Returned CODE A 2110 Zoning Fees 25.00 A 2555 Building Permits 160.00 Total returned 1975 185.00 TOTAL FEES RECEIVED -1975 13,478. 25 PAID TO SUPERVISOR IN 1975 13,129. 95 (this represents receipts for 12 months Dec. 1974 thru Nov. 1975) Balance in Checking Account as of Dec. 31, 1975 843. 00 13,972. 95 a 494. 70 Less December 1974 Fees �eespectfully submitted, George P. Liapes Building Inspector Town of Queensbury TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Receiver of Taxes and Assessments January 1, 1975 to December 31, 1975 RECEIPTS : Water D Queensbury $ 199, 081. 26 Shore Colony 690.00 West Glens Falls 4,022.08 $203,793. 34 TAXES Town & County 11232,003. 87 School-Lk. Geo. 560,103. 94 Queens. 2,478,092.41 Hudson Falls 2, 793.50 4,272 , 993.72 PENALTIES : Water 1, 088. 77 Town & County 1,498.53 School 3,236.11 5 ,823.41 Total receipts 4,482, 610.47 PAYMENTS: Supervisor 1,262,533. 20 Co. Treasurer 179, 087.42 Lake Geo. School 560, 103.94 Queens. School 2,478,092.41 Hudson Falls School 2, 793. 50 Total payments 4,482, 610.47 IS7 Dated: Jan. 12, 1976 Betty Eggleston Rec. of Taxes& Assessments F610 Town and County Taxes Tax Levy of 1974 for Tax Year 1975 Amount of Warrant $1 ,505,135. 06 Less : Taxes collected by Treasurer $72, 936.92 Payments to Supervisor 1,052,916.45 Payments to Treasurer 179,087.42 1,304,940. 79 Total returned taxes $ 200,194.27 Union Free and Central Schools 1975 - 1976 Am't of Total Taxes Taxes Tax Levy Collected Returned Lake George Central $ 623,871. 39 $ 560,103.94 $ 63, 767.45 Union Free School 2, 752,987.42 2,478,092.41 274,895 .01 Hudson Fall Central 3,257. 96 2 ,793.50 464.46 Respectfully submitted, /s/ Betty Eggleston Receiver of Taxes TOWN COURT Januayy 7 , 1976 1975 ANNUAL REPOP#T TOWN COURT COMBINED FINES, FORFIETURES, ETC. PAID TO AUDIT AND CONTROL Jan. - Dec. 1975 BY JAMES A DAVIDSON AND JOHN S. CARUSONE TOWN JUSTICES, TOWN OF QUEENSBURY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 78,086.23 COMBINED CASES HEARD JAN. - DEC. 1975 BY JAMES A DAVIDSON, AND JOHN S. CARUSONE TOWN JUSTICES, TOWN OF QUEENSBURY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 722 Respectfully smibtted, /s/ Phyllis .E. Joslyn, Court Clerk Queensbury Town Court TOWN COURT January 7, 1976 1975 ANNUAL REPORT TOWN JUSTICE JAMES A. DAVIDSON FINES, CIVIL FEES, BAIL FORFIETURES FORWARDED TO MONTH NO. CASES A&C JANUARY 100 $ 1,485 . 00 FEBRUARY 148 1,811.00 MARCH 212 2 ,720. 68 APRIL 225 3 ,041.50 MAY 189 2,422. 35 JUNE 187 2,920.00 t ,t: JULY 248 $ 4,029.00 AUGUST 212 3,841.75 SEPTEMBER 304 4,915.00 OCTOBER 220 3,413. 60 NOVEMBER 229 2,969.00 DECEMBER 230 3,269.00 TOTALS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,504 $ 36,837.88 Respectfully submitted, /s/ Phyllis E. Joslyn, Court Clerk QUEENSBURY TOWN COURT TOWN COURT January 7, 1976 1975 ANNUAL REPORT t1� TOWN JUSTICE JOHN S. CAMSONE FINES, CIVIL FEES, BAIL MONTH NO. CASES FORTIETURES FORWARDED TO A&C Q JANURARY 151 $ 2,559.00 FEBRUARY 212 3,427.00 MARCH -158 3,640.00 APRIL 232 4,515.00 MAY 160 3,110.00 JUNE 224 4, 320.00 JULY 165 4,090.00 AUGUST , 188 3,427. 60 SEPTEMBER 198 4,001.50 OCTOBER 137 1,813. 50 NOVEMBER 185 2,464.00 DECEMBER 208 3,880:75 TOTALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,218 , . . o . . . . . . . . . $ 41,248. 35 Respectfully submitted, /s/ Phyllis E. Joslyn,Court Clerk OUEENSBURY TOWN COURT ROBERT A. REID, M.D. 8 HARRISON AVE. GLENS FALLS, NY. 12801 Telephone RX2-7360 To: Members of the Town Board of Queensbury From: Robert A. Reid, M.D. Health Officer Re: Annual report for year 1975 Dear Mr. Streeter and members of the Board: I am always at a loss as to how extensive to make this report, since much of what I do does not make for relaxed reading: During the year you have had several communications from me regarding specific inspections which you wished to have done. I refer to the landfill site on Luzerne Rd. , U, which I regret did not help you much in approaching the problem from the standpoint of a Health problem; inspection of several homes with Mr. Boynton (who seems to be doing an excellent job) ; a letter regarding the Copper Kettle restaurant; and a few other miscellaneous items. In addition, I have some 18 letters written to me by residents of Queensbury about various complaints. I have replied to each, made a number of inspections, written second letters on occasion, and spent numerous hours on the tele- phone. . . in the attempt to improve or correct situations which did not warrent your deliberations. Of the latter group of complaints (the 18 letters) I did not forward copies of the correspondence. I am enclosing a copy of a letter to Mr. Ray Wynn, which was a complete failure in correct- ing any of the -problem. Numerous phone calls with the Wynns likewise accomp- lished nothing. The problem remains, One point that the Wynns told me was in error, was my .belief .that .the town sewage .line .ran by this area. I would appreciate your letteing me know if there is a town line running north on Ridge Rd- Quaker or on Quaker Rd. itself. I have received numerous reports of the usual communicable diseases throughtout the year, but there were no true epidemics. Only four`�cases of hepatitis or mononucleosis were reported to me from the schools (in contrast to a large outbreak in 1974 -- of hepatitis) . I have had several conversations with Colgate Phillips, Queensbury' s school physician, regarding mutual problems. Two immunization clinics were held at school, with three being scheduled for thiscommi:ng year. 201 immunizations were given by me at the High School a wehk ago; I do not happen to have the number of immunizations given at the elementary school last February 26th. If my memory serves me correctly I believe that my current four-year term is up as of Decmeber 31, 1975. I would Ise appreciative of an appointment to another such term; I would likewise be appreciative of a raise, although this is hardly the economic climate to puch this issue. Therefore, I' ll leave that up to you should you decide to appoint me again. I again make the offer to come to any of the Board meetings at which you might wish my presence Mr. Streeter' s predecessors did not seem to feel that my being there to deliver my report (or for any other reason) was of value. Sincerely yours, /s/ Robert A. Reid, M.D. , Health Officer Town Clerk January 1, 1976 The following is a list of activities in the office of the Town Clerk for the year &f 1975: Licenses sold: 2097 Male and Spayed Female Dogs 252 Female Dogs 40 Kennel .Dogs . 9 Kennel License 24 Lost Licenses 4 Transfer to new owners 1 Void Licenses 1063 Resident Fishing 295 Hunting 365 Hunting and Fishing 899 Resident Big Game 72 Archery Stamps 12 Lost License Certificates 10 Trapping Licenses 21 Non Resident Fishing 37 Non Resident 7 day Fishing 2 Non Resident Hunting 7 Non Resident Big Game 58 - Free Fishing 67 Free Hunting 65 Free Big Game 80 Marriage Licenses 189 License and Ordinance Permits 21 Search and Certified Copies 1 Delinquent Dog Report Fees paid to the Supervisor as a result of the sale of Conservation licenses : $ 712.50 'L Dog Licenses: $ 604.25 Marriage Licenses : 200.00 Search and Certified copies 42. 00 License and ordinance permits 5,192.00 Delinquent Dog Report 36.20 Paid to the County Clerk for Conservation Licenses: $ 15, 888.00 County Treasurer for Dog Licneses: 5, 823. 30 N.Y. S. Dept. of Health for Marriage Licenses : 40.00 Parks and Recreation: 152. 00 Received from Warren Co. Treas. for 1974 Dog License sale: 2,625.16 Respectfully, /s/ Donald A. Chase Town Clerk DOG WARDEN'S OFFICE January 13, 1976 Town Board Town of Queensbury Dear Sirs: I submit this report for the year 1975 of my activities as dog warden. I answered a total of 809 complaints which compares with a total of 828 last year. I picked up .a total of 256 dogs which was three less than last year. Mileage of 17,292 showed a decrease of 1,815 miles traveled. Seven cases were brought before Justice Court the same as last year. The enumeration of 2795 dogs ern the town represents an increase of 220 over 1975. A total of 397 summons were issued against delinquent owners. May I take this opportunity to thank the Board for my appointment for the coming year. Respectfully submitted, /s/ JFD:dmd J. F. Davison Dog Warden V.F.W. Presentation Mr. Ross Co&nder of the Glens Falls V.F.W. Post 2475 and Mr. Daley Queensbury V.F.W. Post 6196 presented the Town With A Bennington Flag to be used in 1976. Supervisor Brandt-thank the Commanders for their generous contribution to the Town. . . OPEN FORUM Mr. George Billings-inquired as to the status of the mobile homes. . . Supervisor Brandt- the mobile homes will have to have a public hearing To become legal in their present location. . . Mr. John Chatlender-12 Haven Lane-complained about the _'s unlicensed unregistered snowmobiles that run on the roads and aerie a hazard. . . Supervisor Brandt-I will turn this problem over to the Chief of Police. . . . Mr. Don Weeks-suggested that other snowmobilers such as those that have CB units could help the police in patroling the areas for unlicensed and unregistered snowmobiles and those running on the roads. . . Mr. Willies Flynn- voiced a complaint in regard to speeding on Aviation Road Mr. John Marabito-questioned the Board as to their procedure of not allowing discussion heft- tbo final vote on the water rates. . . Town Counsel noted that this was proper proceedure. . . 1644 T Supervisor . Brq; t-I agreeiwith you and perhaps we can in the futtre open up a time before the vote for discussion on such a matter as this.-. Councilman Robillard-reported that the Queensbury Police Association had settled on a contract. . . RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS RESOLUTION NO. 38, Introduced by Mr.Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mt. Michel Brandt RESOLVED, that the Audit of Bills as listed in Abstract No. 76-1 numbered 1-97 and totaling 61,531. 37 be accepted and be it further RESOLVED, that Audit number 52 Mr. Michel Brandt abstains on and be it further RESOLVED, t& Audit number 28 Mr. Daniel Oleon abstains ons Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olsnn, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: None On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk RESOLUTION TO SET PUBLIC HEARING ON SNOWMOBILE ORDINANCE RESOLUTION 80: 34. 1976, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber: WHEREAS , diverse and numerous complaints have been received by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury calling to the attention of the said Town the desire of the inhabitants of the Town to establish certain roadways within the Town as being appropriate for the use of snowmobiles for recreation and commerce, and WHEREAS, it is provided by the Town Law and otherwise that the Town Board may meke ordinances, rules and, regulations regulating the use of streets and highways in particular for the use of snowmobiles, and WHEREAS, Section 130 of the Town Law requires a public hearing upon all proposed ordinAtices on due notice as provided for therein. NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED that a public hearing on the following proposed ordinance be held on the 10th day of February, 1976 at 7 : 30 P.M. and that the Town Clerk give notice of such hearing by publication of a notice thereof in the official Town newspapers, once at least ten (10) days prior to the date specified for such hearing, specifying the, time when and the place where such hearing will be held and, in general , describing the proposed ordinance. ORDINANCE TO PERMIT AND REGULATE THE OPERATION OF SNOWMOBILES ON PUBLIC HIGHWAYS AND PLACES IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BE IT ENACTED AND ORDAINED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, AS FOLLOWS : Section 1. Definitions . i j (a) Town. Whenever the word Town is used herein it I shall mean the Town. of Queensbury. (b) Terms , words and phrases used in the ordinance shall 1P yt have the same meaning as such terms, words and phrases have as defined in Section 21.05 of the Parks and Recreation Law of the State of New York. Section 2. Operation on Town Streets and Highways. The operation o snowmobiles on highways and public ways of the Town shall be subject to the applicable provisions of Article 25 of the Parks and Recreation Law of the State of New York, and the rules, regulations, restrictions and conditions set forth herein. Section 3. Permitted Highways, Only the following streets or hig3 hways of the Town are designated as uncongested for the purpose of operation of snowmobiles on the shod ders thereof as authorized by the Parks and Recreation Law: (1) Fuller Road - west from West Mountain Road. (2) Peggy Ann Road — west from Wintergrean Lane. (3) Aviation Road Extension - west from West Mountain Road. Section 4. Closing Highways as Hazards. The Supervisor tt: of the Town_tie=ef of Police, or his designee, is hereby •-� authorized at any time to close any street or part thereof =� in the Town of Queensbury to the operation of snowmbbilbs, which in his judgment may constitute a safety or ,health hazard. Section 5. Limited Operation on Highway. Whenever authorized or directed by a state or local police officer, aF snowmobile may be operated on any portion of the highway for the purpose of an emergency, as authorized by the Parks and Recreation Law, Section 25-05 . Section 6. Conditions and Restrictions. Whenever the operation of a snowmobile is permitted on the shoulder, roadway or inside bank of any Town street or highway, or any portion thereof, as provided in this ordinance, the following conditions and restrictions are hereby imposed to all such snowmobile operations, in addition-to those requirements set forth in the Parks and Recreation Law: (a) Prohibited Operating Hours. No person shall operate on any Town Highway between the hours of 9 P.M. and 7 a.m. , except on Fridays and Saturdays, the prohibited hours shall be between Midnight and 7 a.m. No person under the age of sixteen (16) years shall operate a snowmobile on any Town Highway unless he or she is accompanied by a person over eighteen (18) years of age. (b) Financial Security. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a snowmobile on any Town Highway or on any public lands thereof unless the owner or operator of such snowmobile is insured against public liability and carries with him, pro6f of such financial responsibility, such as a certificate of liability insurance of the type, coverage and minimum amount as defined and required of owners and operators of motor vehicles by the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York. Such pro6f shall be displayed by the owner or operator of any snowmobile upon request to any law enfdreement officer or to any person who has suffered or claims to have suffered either personal injury or damage to property as a result of the operation of such snowmobile by such owner or operator. (c) Direction of Operation. No person shall operate- a snowmobile within the street or highway right .of way of the Town between sunrise and sunset, except on the right side of such way, and in the same direction as the highway traffic. Operation in -othbr public places shall be only in the direction, if any, marked by appropriate route direction markers. (d) Unattended Snowmobiles. It shall be unlawful for any owner or operator to leave or allow a snowmobile to be unattended on any Tswn highway or public place while the-motor is running, or With any key for starting same left in the ignition or elsewhere in said snowmobile. (e) Obedience to Vehicular Traffic Controls, Each person operating a snowmobile on any Town highway shall observe strictly all vehicular signs and signals and all other rules and regulations applicable to vehicular traffic, and shall obey orders and directions of any state or local police officer or other law enforcement officer authorized to direct or regulate traffic. Section 7. Failure to comply with any of the provisions of this local law s-Tull be deemed a violation and the .violator shall be liable to a fine of not less than Five ($5) Dollars nor more than Ten ($10) Dollars: for a first offense, for a second offense, by a fine of not less than Ten ($10) Dollars nor more than Twenty Five ($25) Dollars , or by imprisonment of not more than ten (10) days. and the third or any sub- sequest offense within one (1) year shall be punishable by a fine not to .exceed One Hundred ($100) Dollars or by imprison- ment not to exceed thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. In addition to the aforesaid penalties, the Town Board Of the Town of Queensbury may institute any proper action, suit or proceeding to prevent, restrain,correct or abate any violation of this ordinance. Section 8. All ordinances or parts thereof of the Town of Queensbury inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed; provided, however, that such repeal shall be only to the extent of such inconsistency, and in all other respects this ordinance shall be in addition to. the other ordinances regulating and governing the sub4ect matter covered by this ordinance. Section 9. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect immeT3-a eCy upon filing, as required by law, provided, however, that no snowmobile shall be operated under the pro- visions thereof until such times as the signs and markers are installed or constructed in accordance with the Parks and Recreation Law of the State of New York. Duly adopted by he following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 27, 1976 MEMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt-Supervisor Daniel Olson-Councilman Robert Barber-Councilman Harold Robillard-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman J. David Little-Town Counsel PRESS: Lee Coleman, Norman Mjaavedt, WBZA GUESTS : Attorney Einstadt TOWN OFFICIALS : George Liapes , Harold Boynton, Thomas Flaherty Meeting Opened 5 : 03 P.M,. Salute to the Flag. Supervisor Brandt-stated that the members of the Town Board wlshbd to attend a meeting in regard to the proposed sewer project, thus the Town Board meeting was being held at 5: 00 P.M. RESOLUTION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR NUMBER 2 FUEL OIL RESOLUTION N0. 39 Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: