2012-253 SLEEPY'S The Mattress Professionals O.* TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ..j . 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20120253 Application Number: A20120253 Tax Map No: 523400-302-008-0001-047-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: FRIENDS REALTY ASSOCIATES. LLC For property located at: 216 QUAKER Rd in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: FRIENDS REALTY ASSOCIATES, L Sign 421 SEVENTH AVE 15TH FLOOR Total Value NEW YORK,NY 10001-0000 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency SERVICE PRO SIGN&LIGHTING 732-308-7780/917-295-7251 234 BOUNDARY Rd UNIT 105 MARLBORO NJ 07746-0000 Plans&Specifications 2012-253 Sign Permit- 136 sq ft facing Quaker Rd SLEEPY'S the Mattress Professionals $408.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of ensbury; Frid ,J. ne 22, 2012 SIGNED BY ` for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Co Enfooement • OFFICE USE ONLY 7 TAX MAP NO.30,:13-1—Li?PERMIT/PERMIT NO. ,� PERMIT FEE �CI Cit, APPROVALS DEPOSIT SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION: A permit must be obtained before installation of your permanent sign. All applicants'spaces on this application must be complet d and must appear on the application form. D OWNER: f-; 4A-s• P441...-17S'J c,�'jl s L L -• INSTALLER/BBUILDER: CO-v)CL J R:7,/'b.+. *LI '�I r)6 v ADDRESS: / I Si,� vi 4 /1 f 15.14f,-,,,i.7) -4,y ADDRESS: )3 (fP O',c1 j iL' V4;l/OS 1 e'1470-4--ADAA'1., ,) y L, PHONE NOS. 'I 5'u, y- 1 S--.° PHONE NOS. 731 -30g- ? no / 9/7 - In ),J-s"---i LOCATION OF PROPOSED INSTALLATION:(LEGAL ADDRESS) .1 i ( 7 i,/6'f ,J)_ P.04-(1, Y 2S4'11/LY` 4' 11 ?C y BUSINESS COMPLEX/PLAZA/MALL NAME: BUSINESS NAME: S L E p 7' S CONTACT PERSON FOR SIGN CODE COMPLIANCE: ` RY I/ G,A2 -4.O PHONE: 7/ / - 1 'S - )1--Cl TYPE OF SIGN PROPOSED: _freestanding wall _awning _projecting IF SIGN IS TO BE ILLUMINATED,PLEASE INDICATE: alnternal External Incandescent Neon Other DO SIGNS CURRENTLY EXIST ON THE PROPERTY? _Yes 'No IF YES,LIST ALL EXISTING SIGNAGE: The application creates a change New in the following existing site Change in number of signs from to conditions(fill in all applicable Change in setback for sign from to spaces): Change in size of sign from to Change in height of sign from to Change of wording/copy from: to: Sign Wording/Copy: -C4-41.4 7-5 -)12.- ��/�- 1 SS I'!7)O)-i SS, 0tiA-,s Sign size: Length 3 x Width/.. (,.S=Total Sq. ft. /36 so-7- Sign Height(freestanding sign): Color and Material to be used: 4, Lis j ci at_ Jl 6,— j�fi*-c j ✓ Provide 2 copies of a scaled drawing or surveyed plot plan with the following information: o Location of sign (walls signs: drawing of the facade the sign will be located on,indicate sign on facade) QUESTIONS? CALL 761-8256 OR EMAIL o Height of freestanding sign codes(a queensbury.net o Depth of projecting sign o Distances from front and side property lines. VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION ✓ Provide 2 drawings or photos of sign design. "'---...______www.queensbury.net ✓ Provide Applicant and Owner's signature (permission for placement of sign on the property or building). Declaration: To the best of my knowledge,the statements contained in the application,together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, and al o r laws pertaining to the proposed work shall b complied with,whether specified or noted, and that such work' autho e by the owner. l � APPLICANT SIGNATURE: - � (-1/ I i I hereby authorize the applicant to pia a n on perty or bu ing. 1�^� / OWNER SIGNATURE: �� �C � DATE: S. /% //1 __.-- 17.-,.,1„, C% I, . ,) Townn of Queensbury • Community Der lopinent Office ' 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 FRIENDS REALTY ASSOCIATES, LLC do A.A.G. Management 421 Seventh Avenue, 15te floor New York, New York 10001 Tel. 212-564-7250 Sleepy's Signage Approval Date: April 20, 2012 Location: 216 Quaker Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 I, David Grossman, a managing member of Friends Realty Associates,LLC ,the owner of the real property and shopping center located at 216 Quaker Road, Queensbury,NY, have reviewed Service Pro Sign &Lighting's proposed signage as per Sleepy's A2 Rendering Pages 1 through 4. I approve and authorize Service Pro Sign&Lighting to install Sleepy's signage as per the drawings,at the cost of Sleepy's. David Grossman (Signature) (Print Name) Friends Realty Associates,LLC Managing Member (Company) (Title) April 20, 2012 (Date) ,... • I I , . The Mattress Professionals ; _ t- _ .. r A2 ;-- 216 QUAKER RD QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 Quaker Rd _ • — CCODE ALLOWANCE : SIDE SIGN UP TO 165 SQ FT AS PER VARIANCE FROM 19 PEW* FRONT SIGN UP TO 100 SQ FT PLUS 10 SQ FT FOR EVERY +'. I� +t _ ` 10 LINEAR FEET OF SET BACK 1 MAX 200 SQ FT *awl"' _� PROPOSED:TWO 36"LINEAR SIGNS ON RACEWAYS Zak 151441P• w 0 i r 136 SQ FT EACH IMINFINIMIIITIMP t. 41, i� a COMns Dr mss. SUBMITTAL IBI CLIENTIGOMAACTOn DATE E APPROVED This rendering was created by SERVICE PRO SIGN&LIGHTING C]APPROVED AS NOTED and must not be used or reproduced by any person or company outside of your organization without written concent of ❑REVISE AND RESUBMIT SERVICEPROSIGN&LIGHTING. f3 P 1 a- Location: 216 QUAKER RD CLIENT Nils onavirltum tedOoo5s ceo R Drawn 3y: LF Dote: 4-9-12 D arrn;?No.. PROA2 QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 biles Evsel°ncccneBERMO SONc Iorreima eecceeenng .rot: i 1taiitMC. MAINTENANCE prepCrodayoubys rocEPNomottiUsnol Revision 1: Revision 5: Description: SLEEPYS :a be mown to owe outride your Revision 2: Revision 6: PAGE E 234 BOUNDARY RD.UNIT 105 71wIIIAEtSrME/EOIrNlawllrr agarrmnnnOrstrooeulearep�oYrcac.c, Revision 3: Revision 7: 1 MARLBORO,NJ 07746 MbItednanylaticn. Revision 4: Revision 8: vnrvnaE Q c _ QUAKER ROAD - WNSLt,iuu.or (COUNTY HIGHWAY) -- t x EXISTING PYLON SIGN 2— I TO BE REPLACE p �„ Al ,B n, M2 516NKYCIC—G'.y —,161-711 �L. ❑ G !.I °: SiGN❑ Ib�. .. �-�` • Ti.--_ GAS GSI G� _. _ MANHOIE ' - lJ • _ :BOX 5TO, LANE_ Rpw � Al zls IIll �Q y:� AREA OF BUILDING I.- FACAI E TO BE MODIFIED LANDS OF CRUSHED STONE }' THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY I > NOTE: �,� sC NOT ALL ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASPHALT5C LOCATED }i b1E 6C ; .. . � II—SB evEs IGnrvrte MNUMN S —SB N w STAGE PAVED IP'ER ; ECT 40-0 " _ A N e (FUTURE) Al — ' OW VE THRU 9 W "•'pi h ;� /� i I 'I I �YI �d'� c°., `. _.:-.- .... .,,.. . rnnxMocr� I