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2012-533 Aviation Mall (West Entrance)
TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 7-12 Bay Road,Queerisbury,NY 12804 i902 (518)761-8201 Coninninity Development-Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Nuinber: P20,120533 Application Number: A20120533 Nbp No : 523400-302-005-0001-092-011-0000 I'vriilicisioiiishereby gr-,ititedt(:): AVIATION MAL LNEWCOLLC: property locatcd at: 578 AVIATION Rd 111 #11 in the T'o%vii of Queensbury, tO COI)StIII(I or place at tile above location in accordance witli application together with plot plans ancl other infortnition heret e I ,incl approved and in cornpli,ince with the NYS Ui)iforni Building(:odes' arul the Queensbui-Y Zollilig )rdillallcc. Tvrte of Construction Value Owiter ,\ddress: AVIATION MALL NEWCO LLC sigil 4 CLINTON Sq SYRACUSE', NY 13202-0000 Total Value Contractor or Builder's Nance: / z\ddrcss I'Jectrical lrispcctiorl .-\gency A.J. SIGNS 1399-9291 842 SARA7r0GA Rd BURNT HILLS NY 12027-0000 Phliq& Specifications 2012- 533 AVIATION MALI, - west eiitrance sign F'reestanding Sign - Change of copy mily $0.00 PERMIT FEE PAID -THIS PERMIT EXPIRES- (Ifik looger period is reqUired,sari application for an extension must be inade to the code Enforcerricrit Officer of tberown of Queensbury before the expiration(Lite.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury; Motiday, December 17, 2012 BY NfJ) SIC S ; I for flicTowii o,f Queetisbury. Director of Building&Code 1'inforceinent OFFICE USE ONLY / `l e TAX MAP NO3DD '!� IG} ERMIT NO.1 G; \5... 3PERMIT FEE APPROVALS: DEPOSIT L \f -(.7 -NV' SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION: A permit must be obtained before installation of your permanent sign. All applicants'spaces on this application must be completed and must appear on the application form. OWNER: lRf�i11(1.3 rvfg,v46e 141)r 6 a INSTALLER/BUILDER: 4-J• Si6,r ADDRESS: 6 ) '4u/F1 T/OiJ 80412 Q ' O(2_y ADDRESS: Y Z S/42.0-7-06.1 /Z!) LLS ti`f PHONE NOS. - !3- mak/1"" PHONE NOS. 3 ( LOCATION OF PROPOSED INSTALLATION:(LEGAL ADDRESS) 4L1 I41T/oiJ r14*4,i_ 67.f"41//4-770,'J /21) QuLL.,..u,3any A/y BUSINESS COMPLEX/PLAZA/MALL NAME: 40,4 T,o.J lf/14 C 4- BUSINESS NAME: Ali q-r r on1 ill (- CONT ACT CONTACT PERSON FOR SIGN CODE COMPLIANCE: cid ki-/J A4sT�'7Zrd4 PHONE: 67?---)i3 - Fe1f,- /y TYPE OF SIGN PROPOSED: freestanding wall awning projecting IF SIGN IS TO BE ILLUMINATED,PLEASE INDICATE: internal —External _Incandescent _Neon _Other L 6-7)! 42t-fc px,;- DO SIGNS CURRENTLY EXIST ON THE PROPERTY? es _No !!!! IF YES,LIST ALL EXISTING SIGNAGE: f Ytero $,c; ,yT (-0L,..,caLB�,�a t, ��why Fin D, S 1GN.r4ci 'T1. ,#* ' S)6.0.5 Uri h , The application creates a change lyleu( C4-6Q-ec ccP O nI in the following existing site Change in nundber of signs fr to conditions(fill in all applicable Change in setback for sign fr to spaces): _Change in size of sign from to Change in height of sign from to ,ju21'' r Change of wording/copy from: RL'I^touL t1 446-Ss-16e_ rftLwrto: L•(S r A-Nc_,4o2 sr ' Sign Wording/Copy: 4JtrifotJ1/2l4(..L. / TA-2G-c:i, S.61-4.52 JcP6N.oy, &au-T-6Ai, brad, Tjovnk 2�Gyc rcA'''T tr �r r� ,7-Nr_3' Sign size: Length 22S" x Width 20S- =Total Sq. ft. Sign Height(freestanding sign): 2-6S- Color osColor and Material to be used: B R01-61L) TL-(1..._24 Co TTI4- -5.1m Ds- — If,u,t `y,/ P6,-yC44.60.1.,(7e- Provide 2 copies of a scaled drawing or surveyed plot plan with the following information: o Location of sign (walls signs: drawing of the facade the sign will be located on,indicate sign on facade) o Height of freestanding sign QUESTIONS? CALL 761-8256 OR EMAIL o Depth of projecting sign codesRqueensburv•net o Distances from front and side property lines. VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION ✓ Provide 2 drawings or photos of sign design. www.queensburv.net ✓ Provide Applicant and Owner's signature (permission for placement of sign on the property or building). Declaration: To the best of my knowledge,the statements contained in the application,together with the plans and specifications submitted,are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with,whether specified or noted,and that such work is authori d by the owner. APPLICANT SIGNATURE: \, DATE: If/7 A-d/2-- I hereby authorize the appli -nt to place a sign on my property or building. / / Olt NEB SIGNATURE: G DATE: 1 l ( 7 /2 l L (-0 A.:oLs 4-66 Ail- Q., lJ Town of Queensbury • Community Development Office • 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 "j4Nlit.11,j 6 P \ -3" 3 3 ,e;:,_____ 6461' PH. 518.399.9291 FAX. 518.688.0179 Roads. ermirafruf Hills, New York 12027 www.aisigns.com 842 Saratoga Burnt 228 in C AV I AT I 0 N ._.._ti M A L L N ®TARGET sears ii ._ in BON•TON DICK'S T1•mCILK tO n*nn010 coons ® REGAL • -'N, Ninety tNine CINEMAS "'z55 [..111... 177 in ? ' f Russet Brown Terra Cotta _-_ Sandstone White Acrylic Proposed By Date Accepted By Date Customer accepts responsibility for job specifications as presented by signing this document. This signature also pertains to accompanying documentation. binding estimate, and other job specifications as required. Price does not Include fees and Tabor to secure permits. This design is property of AJ Signs and can not be used or reproduced in any way without express premission given by AJ Signs NOUMV -av t%BA ^ n.ZAXRas mu rwwv� � Lib93S S.VdO1b�tR IS _© e O I? NCn9 Q d01tl9ll0�; 3 1a19B A HLYB y d,A xWil�n ai9Y3 ff J 00 P sorra s u m s9us'rc M _ rni90e9�i n ®a 931ni13� ©�i u•z+. SIT R Sia �a la �R �n sswru cs T �zs �" ma xR lgYxS O�Vtl m �u a�<� W � �•09 69 9C GS �� t6