1976-02-10 118, Mr. Fred Austin- I can sell to anyone. I care to at any price I care to. we can I., see if any tovm wants it 2 it to any municipality 3, put it out to bids Councilman Barber- Does that apply to Highway Supt. Mr. Fred Austin- I do not know. Councilman Barber- It is my understanding it does not. r. Garb -how many loads of strap iron have you sold to a scrap vendor? Superintendent Garb- Two or three I b&fie. personally Councilman Barber- Has there been any occasion that yougreceived monies other than the town and utilized that money for other purposes other than the town. Superintendent Garb- No Councilman Barber- Did you ever receive money from scrap and then have a party for your men or somethina of that nature? Superintendent Garb- No, Councilman Barber- I ask these questions because these questions are being brought th to the Town Board, and as long as we rave gone this far we will go the rest of the route. Councilman Barber- Do you presently plow any private roads? Superintendent Garb- Not to my knowledge, no. Councilman Barber- I have no further questions . Councilman Robillard- stated that several resident of'_West Glens Talls voiced their comp a nts on the service of Cable T.V. I request that Supv. Brandt request from Cable T.V. h� rhgresentXt1 ab P ebent February 10, 1976 to answer complaints. Mr. Elmore- complained about the work sable T.V. did in the Twicwood Area in repairing driveways. . . Councilman Olson- 'VM e the public for coming out and speaking in regard to the Highway Siti tion. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase, Town Clekk REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 10, 1976 MEMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt-Supervisor Daniel C. Olson-Councilman Robert Barber-Councilman Harold Robillard-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman J. David Little-Town Counsel a PRESS : Lee Coleman, Tri County News TOWN OFFICIALS- George Liapes , Harold Boynton, Jerry Sawn, Floyd Martindale GUESTS-Mr. Thomas Murphy-Qsby. Supervisor, George Stec, Mr. Brown, Donna Clark, Mr. John Weeks, Mr. Paul Lampson, Mrs. Bovair, Mr. Scheler ` Mr. Stewart, Ann Marie Schene, Mrs . Elmore, Mr. Pat Nelson, Mr. Bob Dean Mrs. Grove Meeting Opened 7 : 34 P.M. Salute to the Flag-Councilman Robillard 4 V V PUBLIC HEARING- Notice Shown- Mobile Homes on Warren Lane Opened 7 : 35 P.M. Ltr. read: BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT January 14, 1976 BLANKET RECOMMENDATION FOR WARREN LANE MOBILE HOMES I recommend approval for the following nine (9) applications for mobile homes situated on Warren Lane as follows : 1. Earl N. Ward 2 . Maurice C. and Cathy A. Combs 3. Joan Cordelia Combs 4. Darwin R. Carter 5 . Jeffrey Washburn 6. George W. Billings , Jr. 7. Gary Burch 8. Henry Steves 9. Richard A. Didio This will resolve a very undesirable situation of long; stand- ing. If these are approved all applicants. will be required to r-+ abide by the ordinances of the Town. C�? I also wish to thank all these people for the cooperation given to this department in the hopes of bring this to a successful conclusion. /s/ Harold E. Boynton Asst. Building Inspector Town of Queensbury Supervisor Brandt - asked if anyone wished to speak for or against the applications No one spoke., Councilman Robertson-noted that this is a long standing problem. . . Councilman Olson- there are areas which need corrections such as septic systemxand wells which can not be done until spring this must be put in as a condition in the resolution. . . Harold Boynton- any violation that are in effect when it is found in the spring will have to be rectified. . . Hearing Closed RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PERMIT FOR MOBILE HOMES RESOLUTION N0, 49. Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt : WHEREAS, Maurice and Cathy Combs , Joan �Combs, Richard Didio, Henry Steves , Gary Burch, George Billings, Jr. Jeffrey Washburn, Darwin Carter and Earl Ward have made applications in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Oueensbury entitled; ORDINANCE FOR TFE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES and MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home at property situated at Warren Lane, and i WHEREAS, thlb to*,#h boa-'d has cohducted a public hearing in connection with _. off said application and has heard all persons desiring to be heard in favor of or against said application, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said applica- tion and at said public hearing are sufficient to authorize the issuance of the permits requested by said applications, and WHEREAS any violation that is found in the spring will be required to be rectified, now therefore be it • RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance permission is hereby given to Maurice and Cathy Combs , Joan Combs , Richard Didio, Henry Steves , Gary Burch, George Billings Jr. , Jeffrey Washburn, Darwin Carter, Earl Ward to locate their mobile homes at property situated at Warren Lane, and that the Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to issue such permit in accordance with the terms and conditions of said ordinance. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt , Noes : None Absent: Mr. Barber (Councilman Barber was not present at this point in the meeting) PUBLIC HEARING-Notice Shown-ORDINANCE TO EMIT AND REGULATE THE OPERA- TION OF SNOWMOBILES ON PUBLIC HIGHWAYS AND PLACES IN THE TOWN OF OUEEITSBURY Opened 7 : 30 P.M. (Councilman Barber-now present) Ltrs. read R.D.#2 Bennett Road February 9, 1976 Gentlemen: Please be advised that the members of the West Mountain Community Church located on Aviation Road Extension in the Town of Queensbury voted unanimously against the opening of the Aviation Road extension and the Fuller Road to snowmobile parking and traffic. We are opposed to this proposal because of the problems we feel will arise during our Sunday morning* worship-) and Sunday School Services , mainly the safety of our children while thev are entering and leaving Sunday School and the safety of members ' children who live on Fuller Road. Thanking you for your consideration. Sincerely, /s/ Fern Hall Church Clerk Members of the Town Board February 10, 1976 Town of Queensbury Dear Sirs: Business has taken me from town this night. So, this letter rather than my presence must serve to inform you of my concern over the request to make Butler Pond Road a snowmobile trail-road. My absence doesn' t lessen my concern for my community, my neighbors , my family and my property. For some time now snnwmobilers have made a mockery of the .face that Butler Pond Road is not a trail, as they run up and down it , park their trucks and trailers in the road - at times completely blocking traffic. They park across driveways and even in driveways. There seems to be no concern when they run up and down my driveway over the property. What would happen if you gave them licenses? Deep in the woods and part way up the mountain adjacent to Butler Pond Road, you already afford them a large parking area all plowed and ready. The hill is always plowed and sanded right to the area. Yet they use the church parking lot at the foot of the mountains . Perhaps there are far too many beer cans and garbage there to find a good spot. Still I find no good reason to allow them, by law, to spread this lack of concern to the foot of the mountain. There are literally miles and miles of trails to enjoy above the snow- mobile parking lot. It ' s a great sport, to be sure, but one that needs to be free to be really enjoyed. It just can't be free around homes and traffic. I can see no sound reason to extend these basically great trails over such an insignificant distance that is in itself so restric- tive. to the sport and full of dangers for all conderned. Why take away from others this mountain road where hikers and skiers can also enjoy the woods in winter. But it is not just hikers, skiers and pedestrians (kindergarden children) who need your concern on these mountain roads. What day has the most traffic? Sunday. We must maintain the safety around the church where the children play and the elderly leave their cars nearby. This road narrows more each wintry week. Untethered snowmobiling would make safety untenable. I've stressed the safety of community and families. What of the snow- mobiler? This is a hilly, blind, twisting road and at times heavily traveled by logging and pulp trucks. I dare say by their size a snow- , mobile wouldn' t cut a tire as the wheel ran over the machine. As 100% of the residence on Butler Pond Road are against such a move, I believe their needs should weigh heavily on your decision. Respectively, /s/ Ralph M. Nestle P.O. Box 81 Butler Pond Road Glens Falls , New York 12801 February 8, 1976 Members of the Town Board Town of Oueensbury Town Office Building , Bay Road Glens Falls , New York 12801 Gentlemen: I have noted with interest several recent articles in the local papers dealing with the designation of "Aviation Road Extension" as a "snowmobile road" . Although Butler Pond Road has not been mentioned. I can only assume that this road is included in the proposal under con- sideration. The purpose of this letter is to object in the most strenuous terms to the inclusion of Butler Pond Road as a snowmobile route. Although safety is the primary consideration. I question also the factor of accessibility. How will the snowmobiles get to Butler Pond Road? Where will they park the trailers? Our family is now living through its third winter season at this location, and although Butler Pond Road has never been designated as a legal route for snowmobiles , we have observed a steady increase in snowmobile traffic along both sides of the road and at times in the middle of the road. We have often counted 50-75 snowmobiles in a two hour period driving on the road. There have been several occasions when we have noted groups in excess of 15 machines using this road. Several times the road has been completely blocked by stalled machines or groups of snowmobile operators stopping to talk in the middle of the road. On many occasions snowmobiles have crossed through our garden and raspberry patch without any regard for our property rights. Our driveway has at times been blocked by car-trailer combinations that have found our property a convenient place to park. I believe that the location of a snowmobile parking area on West Mountain Road, with a special connecting trail throught the woods across city land and away from homes has merit, but I do not believe that the Aviation Road Extension-Butler Pond Road route is in the best interest of all. It should be pointed our that Butler Pond Road is narrow, hilly and winding. It is very difficult to see cars and trucks to say nothing of a small snowmobile. Just last winter, I almost hit a group of three snowmobiles headed downhill on the road (without lights) in the late afternoon. I am sorry that I cannot attend the February 10 meeting in person, but I must be in Albany until approximately 10: 00 P.M. I understand that our neighbor, George Stec, will be at the meeting to further discuss this matter. Cordially, /s/ Stephen Borgos NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Division of Law Enforcement Hudson Street Warrensburg, N.Y. 12885 February 9, 1976 Mr. Donald A. Chase Town Clerk Town of Oueensbury Queensbury Town Office Bldg. Bay at Haviland Rd. , R.F.D. 1 Glens Falls, N.Y. 12801 Dear Mr. Chase: It has been brought to my attention by Environmental Conservation Officer Robert Henke on this date that you would like our (Department of Environmental Conservation-Division of Law Enforcement) comments on your town' s proposed snowmobile ordinance that is to be the subject of a Public Hearing on February 10, 1976. Officer Henke and I breifly reviewed the proposed ordinance as published in the January 28, 1976 edition of the Saratogian-Tri-County News and found that it possibly could be modified in the following areas: Section 6. Conditions and Restrictions. Wording could more Clearly spell out opening shoulders and inside banks. On Road- ways of such highways or portions thereof in case outside banks or ss oulders are determined by the town to be impassible or non-existant by reason of prevailing snow conditions or conditions of terrain. Section 6 (a) . Prohibited Operating Hours. "Any Town Highway" would include all operation within right-of-way: of all town roads - even those not named in ordinance. Is this what the town intends? Section 6 (c) . Direction of Operation. Seems to be lacking provisions for daytime operation - single file- keeping right, as required by State Law. Section 7. Punishment —inconsistent with Section 27.11 P&R which provides for a fine of up to $100.00 for any violation. Time does not permit a complete, legal review, but we are forwarding these comments for your consideration and we appreciate the opportunity to do so. Of course we remain neutral on all proposed local ordinances , officially being nei�-her for nor against. Sincerely, /s/ John P. Urbaetis Supervising Env. Conservation Officer JPU:MJD Region 5S cc: William E. Petty, Regional Director Robert A. VanBenschoten, Director of Law Enforcement Mrs . Arnold Brault-Peggy Ann Road- presented the board with a petition signed y 63 residents in opposition to the proposed snowmobile ordinance. (on file in the Town Clerk' s Office) Mr. George Stec-Butler Pond Road- representing residents of that road- spoke on the existance of the Warren Co. Snowmobile trails and noted 3 that he felt snowmobile should be kept on the trails. . . felt that the opening of these few roads would only benefit a few not residents such as in the North Queensbury and South Queensbury areas. . .approved of using the City Farm property of access to trails and proper parking. . . Donna Clark-approved of opening the roads noting other communities such as e uzerne and Hadley, Dan Weeks- Pinewood Rd. - in favor of opening roads-noted that if the roads cue used the parking problem fors-frn t:eka tnrthe'°roads ,would be eleviated. . .notdd signs placed outs help the problem slowing cars and snowmobiles down. . .questioned if the fire lane roads could be used? Supervisor Brandt-Noted other areas of possible use- Buckee Road and the wn and County property on Gurney Lane which has some merit and some problems. . .Also the City Farm Property, noted that from the proposed parking lot to the Co. trail there are several streams to cross with approximately 2j miles of clearing to open it . . .very difficult to do in this year. Mr. Paul Lampson-West Mt. Road-viewed the main problem as being parking Mr. Carl Barber- who will enforcerthe law? Supervisor Brandt- The nueensbury Police or the Conservation Dept. Mr. Carl Barber-Would like to see half of Peggy Ann opened past the hi-line. . . Mrs. Bovair- Peggy Ann Road-voiced her complaint snowmobiles running amain the morning how will this be stopped also noted that none of the snowmobiles have asked permission to run on their property. Mike Elmore-Queensbury-there is an access trail that comes off the power liners that-goes through the city property- there are two trails. . .noted that if Peggy Ann was opened from Lupine Lane to Power Lines then you could reach city property then the trails . . . to Potter Road to private property to City Farm Property and the Warren Co. Trails . Mr. Schulian-Peggy Ann Road-it is now illegal to use Peggy Ann Road and it is intolorable what will it be when it is opened? Noted. machines running outside his house at 2-in morning. . . if it can not be enforced now how is it going to be enforced later? Mr. Thomas Murphy-Warren Co. Supervisor for Queensbury-Noted that the Butler Pond Road- parking lot will take care of outsiders--noted that the road was bad this year—proposed solution- build a parking lot at the bottom,of hill to help and build a trail to the County Trails . . . Suggested that Peggy Ann-Fuller and Aviation Road be opened for the remainder of the year to help the people this year, noted that tits^season will only last three or four weeks more. . . Noted that in Luzerne and Warrensburg there has not been any accidents because it has proper signs ect. with the Police Patrol and proper signs I would suggest to open these three roads. Mr. Robert Pollack- opposed to the opening of the roads to snowmobiles- r. Stewart) opposed to opening of roads-voiced his opinion that if others can drive hundreds of miles why can't the residents of the town travel a few miles to use the trails. . .we will organize against this. . . Mrs. Schulian-Peggy Ann Road- voiced her concern over children walking on the si es of the roads to- get to school buses and the snowmobiles also using the sides of the roads . . . there are several children in the area. . .w-Ul the Police have escorts for our children. . . Unknown- complaint regarding the condition of Butler Pond Road too icy to pull the snowmobile trailers up. . . Mr. Stec- noted that the City Farm property was ideal for a parking lot and access to the trail. . . knows way'rto reach trail. . . Mrs. Brault- opposed to roads being opened--fearful for children safety. . . Mr. Weeks-suggested that for this year just use smaller trails . . . get the easements to continue for the rest of the year. . . Mrs. Elmore- spoke of other trails that could be used with easements. . . Mr. mil#at '.mooted that snowmobiling was a family affair most snowmO ers° use extreme caution. Mrs. Schulian-Peggy Ann Rodd-noted that there tre eme snnwmobilers that do not ollow rules. . . Mrs. Pat Nelson- noted that you find good and bad in everthing and everbody there are good snowmobilers. . . Supervisor Brandt- requested help from Mr. Stec. in finding the trail. . . Is V Mr. Bob Dean- felt that the main problem was the .parking of trailers. . . Mr. Stewart- questioned the liability of the torn with snowmobiles on the road- Town Counsel- the same as for cars . . . Mr. Murphy-Supervisor-we must let the people out of the back yards. . . noted that easements must be had before trails can be made and put in operation, this takes time. . . Mrs . Grove- noted---brow narrow Fuller Read is. . .opposed to the opening o the roads 3 . . . suggested Unknown- summarized that the people on the4roads do not want snowmobiles on their roads. . .noted that there were several suggestions that would place the snowmobiles off the road. . . Councilman Robertson- noted that we have a problem with land locked snowmobiles running inthe back yards of Oueensbury. . .we must solve the problem. . .questioned the attorney-how long can we waite until we have to make a decision if we do not extend what is advertised but probable cut it down. . . Town Counsel-It can easily be done in the legal time limit. . . Councilman Robertson-possible solution to use just one road and part of that Peggy Ann t i.s mast be reviewed . . , not use the other roads that were proposed. . . .would not make any decision until this proposal can be studied. . . Councilman Robillard- there is a solution to the problem but I will in no way take part n opening Fuller Road or Avaition Road, a dangerous situation. . .too narrow. . .and winding:.The Town Board should take a good look at the Water Shed property with Mr. Stec and see if we can get a trail there—and look at a small piece of Peggy Ann Road and open up there—we have an obligation to the snowmobile owners and also the home owners . . . . in regard to ,opening up these roads there is no way we can adopt an ordinance in less than a month to have no parking on these roads so the season would be gone. . .believe the County Board should explor-e the opening up of Gurney Lane Health Camp which would connect to Buckbee Road to the trails. . . Mr. Murphy-Supervisor-felt that Gurney Lane area is not sufficient for parking. . . felt that it would be a great help to salt and sand Buckbee, hill. . . more. . . SSu er�visor Brandt- noted that w parking lot was opened last week at the oottom of BuckbeeaRoad. . . . noted that a lot has come out of this meeting and a solution should be able to be made. . . Hearing Closed 9 : 25 P.M. RESOLUTIONS : RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SIGNATURES RESOLUTION NO. 50, .Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS, the First National Bank of Glens Falls was authorized as a depository of the funds of the Town of Oueensbury, and WHEREAS, the First National Bank of Glens Falls be and hereby is authorized to pay out from time to time funds on deposit with it to the credit of the Town of Oueensbury upon checks, drafts, notes , acceptances or trade acceptances signed in the name of the Town of Oueensbury by any one of the following, to wit: The Town Supervisor or.- Deputy Supervisor, and WHEREAS, the Town Supervisor and Deputy Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury be and they hereby are authorized from time to time to borrow money from the First National Bank of Glens Falls in such amounts, for such length of time and at such rates of interest and upon such terms and conditions as said officer or officers may deem expedient and to secure the payment of money so borrowed and to evidence the indebtedness thereby created, to execute and deliver in the name of the Town of Queensbury notes or other like obligations of the Town of Queensbury signed in the name of the Town of Oueensbury by the Town Supervisor and Deputy Supervisor and to pledge as security for the payment of said notes or other obligations shall be .in such form and contain such terms , provisions and conditions as may be deemed proper by such officer or officers, and WHEREAS , the First National Bank of Glens Falls shall not be in any manner responsible for or required to see to the applications of any of the funds of the Town of Queensbury deposited with it or borrowed from it , as herein provided, and WHEREAS, the Town Clerk of the Town of Oueensbury shall file with The First National Bank of Glens Falls a certified copy of this resolution under the seal of the Town together with a list of the persons occupying �-- the positions mentioned in paragraph 2 of this resolution and authorized to act hereunder, the' First National Bank of Glens Falls shall be entitled to presume conclusively that the authority of anv such persons named in said list continues until The First National Bank of Glens Falls is notified in writing to the contrary by the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, that Mr. Michel R. Bfgndt, Supervisor and Mr. Daniel C. Olson, Deputy Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury be and they hereby are authorized to rent in the name of the Town of Queensbury one or more safe deposit boxes in the vault of the First National Bank of Glens Falls and to execute a .lease of -same. The said bank is herebv authorized to permit free access to said box or boxes when requested to do so by the Town Supervisor or the Deputy Supervisor appearing Q in person together, who are hereby authorized to remove any or all of the contents of, and surrender said box or boxes and to cancel the lease or leases at any time, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that this resolution shall be in full force and effect and Veinding upon this Town until rescinded and until written notice thereof shall have been delivered to The First National Bank of Glens Falls , and be it .further RESOLVED, all previous resolutions of like tenor are hereby revoked as of this date. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. BeAradt Noes : None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO AMEND APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN THE OUEENSBIJRY WATER DISTRICT 1976 BUDGET RESOLUTION NO, 51. Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Harold Robillard: WHEREAS, deficits will exist in several account codes in the Oueensbury Water District, therefore be it, RESOLVED, to Transfer $ 240.00 from SW1 8310.1 to SW1 8310.2 Transfer 491.00 from SW1 8330.4 to SWl 9040. 8 Transfer 1, 529. 00 from SW1 8340.4 to SW1 8310.4 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT A DEED FOR A HIGHWAY RESOLUTION No 52 Introduced by Mr. Daniel:Olson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: 194- WHEREAS , Henry J. Sleight has executed and offered a deed for Town Roadways , not less than fifty (50) feet in width, which is described in Schedule "Ai' attached hereto and made part hereof_ , and WHEREAS , Carl A. Garb, Superintendent of Highways, has advised that he recommends to this Board that it accept this land for highway purposes into the Town highway system, and WHEREAS, the deed has been approved by J. David Little, Esq. , Counsel to the Board, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the aforesaid be, and the same is hereby accepted and approved, and the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause said deed to be recorded in the Warren County Clerk' s Office, after which said deed shall be properly filed in the office of the Town Clerk, and be it further RESOLVED, that these new roads are hereby added to the official inventory of Town Highways , and described as follows : ROAD NO. 360-Helen Street 343-Heinrich St. DESCRIPTION: Helen St. -Beginning at Dixon Road westerly to Dead End. Heinrich St. -Northerly Distance of 0.20 ending at Helen St. MILEAGE: Helen St. 0. 12 Portion of Heinrick St. 0. 20 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent : None (note: Ltrs. from Thomas Flaherty, Carl Garb, J. David Little and description of roads from Raymond Buckley on file) Councilman Olson- requested that the Board establish the pay schedule or t e re Marshal with the conditions that a monthly report be submitted by the Fire Marshal on his activities and his functions, what districts he had been in and his communications he has had with them, fire companies and chiefs, and a list of hies inspections on a monthly basis , to each Town Board member and the Supervisor Supervisor Brandt-I will second that. I think there is a real need for communications Mere that apparently caused a problem in the past and I think your resolution would solve that. . . conversation Councilman Robertson- Has there been anynin the .last week with any of the individuals invo ve that brings you to that point? That we will have better communications and onntrol. . . Councilman Olson- I have talked with the Fire Marshal a while back and I un erstoo m to tell me that there was a lack of communications last year in his office with the board, this is what I am basing my resolution on. Councilman Robillard- I .had the same discussion with Roger Hewlett and he assured me t at there was a communications gap but it would not exist in the future if he was reappointed. Supervisor Brandt- I also had a similiar conversation. Councilman Olson- My feeling would be to have another year to see if we can' t recti _y t e situation. Councilman Barber- Have you had any indication from the Fire Companies as a group t at they are satisif_ied with Mr. Hewlett as a delfgate? Supervisor Brandt- I hAve from three of the fire companies one-.of the fire companies is on the fence and the other one was somejwhat negative, I also think that can be worked out. Councilman Barber- I have had personAL assurances from Mr. Hewlett that . he will endeavor to communicate with this board on a monthly basis and he will endea-Vor_to improve his relationship with the company that is on the fence and the other company that has some doubt.about the crediba.bility-'of his office. Knowing Roger Hewlett for a number of yearslfeel confident that once that commitment ha* been made that he will follow through hopefully. Councilman Robertson- I am afraid my big hangup is I would have like to work out some sort of an assurance from the fire companies that they were concern—we getting their reports. . . this is my main concernwe are not in a position to supervise I am not in a position to judge, that is what started the whole problem and I had hoped that somebody would take the time to set down and try and iron out the problem without trying to run it out on the table two or three times without some thought behind it. . .I am not against the salary but I think the time to resolve the problems is before hand not six months down the road. Councilman Rob kI - I think they have been resolved to my satisfaction. . . o not think you will ever get a unanamious decision from the fire companies for a fire marshal and I think that is why this Town Board has the main control over the fire marshal rather than disgurse the funds to the fire companies. If Mr. Hewlett does not live up to his obligations then there is a route of public trtkl and I would not be remiss in going this route if it happens again, until then I am satisfied with his response. v7 .-� Councilman Barber- The salary should be retroactive to the first of the Tear. . . RESOLUTION TO SET SALARY SCHEDULE FOR FIRE MARSHAL RESOLUTION NO. 53 . Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption' seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt: RESOLVED, that the salary of the Fire Marshal be and hereby is fixed in the amount of $4, 500 retrq_active to the first of the veaa-, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Fire Marshal is to submit to the Town Board a list of activities and functions in each district and a list of communications with the fire companies and fire--chiefs and inspections made on a monthly basis. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr.: Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None Sy2ervisor Brandt-t-° haas txftenTl,each stielliofi Ydutaodgp ro+p a+e s rry:-rofT-brow e cdgi r es�nt fi*a4cial�s1tianofnaoM Tmn h is potfttially~ a problem there is no question. I am not sure I have all the figures projected exactly I have tried to be a little on the conservative side in projecting the costs of floatin*he bond perhaps the picture I am drawing is more bleak than what really exists but only time will tell. It could also be worse than I am projecting. I also gave you a copy of a proposal of budget cuts that could help off set some of the loss that I foresee. I do not think it is appropriate to act on that tonight and I would rather have you look at that and .discuss it and think about it until out next board meetin*nd, at that time make a motion or proposals in resolution form to handle the problem. Councilman Robillard-I can not agree with that I see some things that are very distrzvsing to me and one is under Police, number one, Dispatchers after Manpower :tends a savings off1Q500 I think this is being penny vise and pound foolish by a fact that we have a net work.. that has been funded by the Federal Government for the last year and a half, I agree that it probably came two years too early for the Town of Oueensbury before we were ready, but the man power was there we put it to use and I think- we put it to good use. In the Town of Queensbury we are growing and out there we have without a doubt a 1. 2 million dollars. setting out there and as far as .I am concerned this dispatcher acts as night watchman. I think to eliminate this money from the budget and having that property sit out there with no one around I think you are just asking for trouble when it comes to vandalism and many other areas . I feel that the number of calls that come to the queensbury Police in recent weeks and months have tripled, I monitor them calls at home every night between midnight and six I bet they ti r are on the air a dozen times with calls from people who have problems in nueensbury. The service is there, I think when we went through the Sheriffs department we had a certain amount of trouble, we were not getting our calls and the response was curtailed and I think if we follow this route we will just aak.:;.for trouble. I would be very very much opposed as hairman of the Police Committee in the Town of Queensbury to try to saveV 0, 500 with the elimination of the dispatcher, -which has' proved to be a valuable service to the Town of Ouennsbury. Councilman Barber- I would like to suggest, Mr. Supervisor. that the Town Board mam ers Ra adequate time to review the budget, projected cuts as you have presented. In my opinion they have had adequate timethere has been conversation amoung use now, that we have had an opportunity to review the document before us I would like to uphold your philosophy i of openness to the press and as long as we have reached the question this evening* we should follow it through and go forward� if you do not mind sir. Supervisor Brandt-I put these out for every Js-,: scrutiny, there is no question that there are cuts in here that are proposed in areas that have been a service to the Town. I think that if we choose not to make any cuts we can live with it, it will certainly cause a pretty stong erosion in our cash position, that could be harmful. I think we should look at these nn an individual basis rather than as a blanket proposal and try and ma#e selected cuts wow we can best afford to do it. Councilman Robertson- First of all I want to make sure that I understand your purpose in makTng` these cuts , if I am correct in the numbers you are giving me , your main concern is some�68,000 dollars that you feel is in the water district account, is that your main thrust of your so called erosion? Supervisor Brandt- Well , no. The erosion comesfrom many sources certainly part which s the cost: of, the net cost of the Water Bond which is only projected. Councilman Robertson- That is my point but the figures, but I am trying again to understand what you are trying to do, the figures you gave me that I think you are look+nAa.t , they are not here, The major thrust of that is that you are talking; about your failure, or the projected cost of the Water Bond Issue, that is what you are really saying that is the major item that I see there. You are worrying about some loss of revenue from the Donovan Funds , you are worrying about some loss of revenue from State Aia cut back, that is 37, 000 dollars. . . Supervisor Brandt-Thirty Seven thousand dollars is a lot of money. Councilman Robertson- You are also trying to put in selling bonds$57 ,000 dollars your estimate of interest at$210,000 dollars this kind of thing to make� a picture. I think what I am driving at is this that is terribly out of proportion with the general town budget because noTw of those dollars no matter what we do are available to the Mater District. Under the law any charges that come out in bonding funding anything else are strictly chargable to the water district there is nothing we can dog while I realize we have to look at the tax payer in the water district we also look at the tax payer in the non water district and we can not mix those things up and thrown these things up in a hodge podge and say we are funning out of money. When you take those numbers out of the budget I think we are crying wolf, I really do, I appreciate the cost of the water bond and nobody is any more aware of them than I am, but it is not the function of the general .town fund, and no matter what we do with the General Town Funti "we are not going to help that situation. Supervisor Brandt- I am fully aware of that. Councilman Robertson- I want to make sure the public is aware of that. Supervisor Brandt- Still you are going to incur the cost and someone as to pay them and the water district are still defined as I read the law and as I understand it,, that if they can not pay it then it becomes an obligation of the town as a whole. Until there are provisions for repayment the town as a whole' hastto forward the money as I under stand it. Councilman Robertson-The District has been created to, the provisions in the taxing powerstist ere to provide the money for the water district and we have to do it, and that is what the law says and I do not believe we should penalize the rest of the town and services because of the water. �3 1 Supervisor Brandt- I do not think there is any question that what would have to happen to take a note from the water district which would then have to repay it. Never-_the_less there are still outstanding costs that were cuts in State Aid 'that are going to require, at least in my opinion to try to cut services where we can. I propose some potential cuts for your consideration. Councilman Olson- What do you want us to do, investigate this our self before the next meeting? Supervisor Brandt- That is what I am proposing, Bob is proposing that we handle-it right now, really there is no motion on the floor. Councilman Olson- I agree with Ham, the monies you set a-_side for preparing bonds ,legal feeg and other things, I believe that is a complete charge to the water district. Supervisor Brandt- There is .no question, it is , but it still has to be paid as I under-stand-it by the general fund if the water district does not have the money in hand. The water district, as I see.,does not . I do not plan to be a financial expert, that is my understanding with the law and I see a potential problem and I am trying to bring it forth to everybodies attention. Councilman Barber- Do you feel that there is going to be d deficit of tt� approximatel-yIT57,000 dollars that you will be able to achieve by cutting certain services that are budgeted for fiscal year 1976. My point being isj that it is not very difficult to make a decision on some of those services budgeted by brin"them forth this evening and the proposed cuts that you have offered here I think should be generated to the public this evening Q and it is not going to take much thinking on my part to make a decision in many of these areas,, some areas it willlbut as long; as we have breached the question I would like to have it breached entirely. I would like to have if you do not mind sir, your cuts as offered� to the Board and offered to tie Public. Supervisor Brandt- You mean to make this a public record? Councilman Barber- My point being is that the document that you have offered this evening as proposed cuts were budgeted as services , non essential service in some areas but still services to the community such as publicity, there `- is a budget oiJ3,000 dollars to the opera, you project that you prefer to cut that out and we do not offer any money to the Lake George Opera Festival, do I understand that to be correct? Supervisor Brandt- That is correct, what I am .proposing is that consider each one o t ese items , these -in my estimation are items which can be deALJr with, we can make a decision yes, we want to maintain them or no we do not want to maintain themland that is up to the Town Board to do. What I have tried to do is to anaylze places where there really is a potential of making that decision, I am not trying to make that decision for the board, but rather bring it forth to the Board and let them make the decision, on each item. On a line by line item, now I personally think we should look at them until the next meeting however that is strio?.ly up to you people and if you want to .take them on a line by line item,,I will put them out and you can vote on each one. Councilman Robertson- No,my purpose, because I think we are also in an area that t e-Bu get has bean proposed it has been adopted by the Town of Queensbury after a public hearing`:I:hvre was very little discussion really from the public,,on various items and to come up at mid-stream and in-a crash program and say that we are going to cut budgets and cut programs that are on going, I basically am opposed to it. There are some items in any budget that I might not approve of 100% and I might give different ' priorities then some other items every member on the Board and the final budget was a composiL-. I just duo not share your view onnour financis are that severly strained at this particular --poi-at in tine. But I do believe we should give this to the public and publish it in the media, and let' s see -what reaction we get. My position basically, I will tell you right nov that I am going to be very reluctant to make any cuts . . . . Councilman Olson- There are several items in this proposed cuts,by the Supervisor t at I am stro�y opposed to but I do -not think that I am going to Zet into them individually tonight. This budget that we are working with for the year 1976, I have worked on three budgets in the three years I have been a Councilman but this last budget we prepared every Councilman put many hours and 1hany nights and weeks and we went through each budget item one at a time, the five of us , and we really cut these things down as close as we could. I do not think with the anticipated revenues that we have to come injwe have underestimated some, some have come in larger� I honestly do not think we are in any financial situation within the town budget, I am not that concerned with it myself, I think we are in pretty good shape. Su er�viso_r Brandt- I am ,concerned about it I feel with the loss of State Aid and some cost overcruns that we must get any economies -we an where ever we can, and I propose we look at each one and decide w,"�ther we want rf to or don' t, and that is really up to the Board. Councilman Robillard- I think we are all concerned about the budget; and I think we s ou d be very very careful. about what money we spend, the Governor has proposed that we make these cuts but they are not a reality yet, and they may be and when the time comes at the end of the year or in mid year when we have to make cuts,;that is the time to look at it and look at it hard. I would not be against cutting in certain areas with a budget that balances at the end, of the fiscal year, but I think right now it is a pie in the sky, and Governor Carey says he is going to do this and do that the next thing is if he does them is something else. I do not think the programs are going to be cut back that far. The Donovan Plan, if the dollars do not come in that is just that much less road is going to get paved so that is really not a deficit , when you say 12 ,000 for Donavan Plan, it is something we will not receive,we will not do. Supervisor Brandt- This is just a matter of communicating with you telling you exactly what I see as a fiscal officer and making you aware of it , the longer we leave these potentieil cuts go, the more of them that will be spent and the less that can be cut� in fact and I think it is something that we need to look at and address our--selves to. Councilman Robillard- I think you will have your answer from Albany by April. Councilman Olson- complemented the Supervisor for his concern and putting together o t e information for the Board. . . I do not agree with you. . . Supervisor Brandt- I say these are possibilities.. I am not saying that they should—necessarily he done-, I am saying these are places where we can cut if we want to consider them. Councilman Barber- I do not disagree that that is a good philosophy i we have to come to that point that we �ave to cut that this is an area that we can consider buflthere are other areas as well and you are only considering ncca7(e�sential services, there are essential seervices that can be pruned as well, but to solely horn in on approximately$22,800 dollars you want to cut back on recreatinn.proposal it would thaRoW,#. Y-- castrate the recreation program ,.,-- - I do echo Councilman Robillard philosophy in respect to the dispatcher for the Police I am sure that if we are con- fronted with cut backs we will apply ourselves as we did this past year in proposing the original budget where we took all the fat out so we could maintain the base rate as has been the past six years we will again perform as we flidethe ghat year. We worked hard and many many hours and we felt that it was a realistic budget a good budget and we know the problems that you are concerned with. Again I think it is premature at this point to really knuhkie,'do n, I appreciate what you have done on advising us and I hope that that ' s all it is. If it is a philosophy your trying to generate that you want to start cutting now.then I will take a back seat position, a reserved position, I can not support until I have a better appreciation of what is going to be forOt coming down the path, from Albany as well as what we are going to be doing.where are anticipated revenues are in the Town. Councilman Robillard- Manpower---no one says it is going to stop in June if t -continues in une then we have that surplus funds in the Police Department. . . Suurvi_sor Brandt-Again pI did not make any motions� I bring the motion forth and-I thin7ever�'6ody should look at it, I think answers will be forth coming; from the State level, cost that we actually incur as we get into this bond and each one of these things we have to be watching, at this point I think these are places that I can identify w4co- we can make cuts with the least problems that I can see. We have to look at them Af the next meeting and see what we can do at .that time. Councilman Robillard-We have right now before the Town Board a contract problem with the Fire Departments and I think this is one area that we can hold the line. . .we will have to loot: to youfor some direction pretty soon, as fiscal officer. Questioned the statts of the Fire Contracts. . . Councilman Robertson- noted that we should set the hearing for the Fire Contracts. . . Town Clerk-Donald A. Chase- requested an ^.amount that would be in the Town Clerk' s Office so that if any asked an amount could be given. . . The datails 'either have to be in the advertisement or the office for the public . . . RESOLUTION TO SET PUBLIC HEAPING ON FIRE CONTRACTS RESOLUTION NO. 54, Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt: WHEREAS, there has been duly established in the Town of Queensbury a Fire Protection District embracing all of the territory of said Town of Oueensbury and the Town Board has provided for Fire Protection therein by contracts with five (5) volunteer fire companies and 1�7iEREAS, the said contracts for fire protection expire December 31, 1975 and the Town Board -deems it in the public interest of the residents of said town to provide for such fire protection and T•IHEREAS, Section 184 of the Town Law requires a public hearing upon CSI the contract provisions for such fire protection service, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT Q RESOLVED, that a public hearing on said proposed contract terms will be held by the Town Board of said town at the Town Office Building, Bay and Haviland Roads in said Town on -the 11th day of March, 1976 , at 7: 30 P.M. E. S.T. of that day and that then and there the said Tolm Board will hear all persons interested in the matter, and the Town Clerk of this Town be and he hereby is directed to prepare and have published and posted in compliance with the law, the necessary notices of such hearing. Duly adopted by the following vote: `— Ayes : Tor. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent : None RESOLUTION TO SET PUBLIC HEARINGS ON AMBULANCE CONTRACTS RESOLUTION NO. 55, Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr, riichel Brandt: TTHEREAS, there has been duly established in the Town of Queensbury Ambulance service for two volunteer fire companies and one private ambulance service and the Town Board has provideed- for this service by contracts with these three services and WHEREAS , the said contracts for ambulance service expire December 31, 1975 and the Town Board deems it in the public interest of the residents of said town to provide for such ambulance service and WHEREAS, Section 184 of the Town Law requires a public hearing upon the contract provisions for such ambulance service, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT �I RESOLVED, that a public hearing on said proposed contract terms will be held by the Town Board of said Town at the Town Office Building, Bsy and Haviland Roads in said Town on the 11th day of March, 1976, at 7 : 30 P.M. E. S.T. of that day and that then and there the said Town Board will hear all persons interested in the matter, and the Town Clerk of this Town be and he hereby is directed to prepare and have published and posted in compliance with the law, the necessary notices ,of such hearing. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt 19:6 9,6 Noes : None Absent: None Councilman Barber- The proposal was made by Mr. Brandt that the most that the Town,, Could offer at this point in timeto the five fire companies would be $1, 000 dollars per company. . . Councilman Robertson- we will meet once mare with the .fire companies next Monday night we wi 1 have either, yes1we can do better ) and what it is or no we have to stay. . . - Councilman Robillard-This is one area we could stay with the budget adopted y the T own Board. Councilman Barber- The fire co' s noted that burden of the audit required by the Board and the increase in water rates the $1,000 will just cover these two items. . .We have a verbal commitment from two of the three ambulance services that they would accept the contract the third ambulance co. was not in attendance. . . Conncilman Robillard- I think we have to have the companies live within the budget every year. . . Councilman Barber-noted if Queensbury Central' s threat was not idle then if they close we will have to restructure. . . Councilman Olson- what was the raise on the Ambulance Squad? Councilman Robbet ,'` 800- pet xd.quad. . . proposed. . . . Councilman Robillard-There has to be a form*ia devised were we can just at the end of the year pencil the contract and that' s itytkat is what you have to live with. Councilman Robertson- noted that there should be a long term plan for t e contracts. . . OPEN FORUM: 10: 15 P.M. Plinney Tucker- Are your proposals for cuts being published in the paper? Supervisor Barndt- It is very long for publication. . . Councilman Robertson- It will offered to the press. . . REPORTS: -Justice Court Statement on file -Building & Zoning report for January, 1976 on file -Dog Warden' s report for January, 1976 on file -Town Clerk' s report for January, 1976 on file -Summary of 1975 Year End. Accounts Balances . . found on page 197 Councilman Barber- First Meeting of the Landfill committee this Friday at 7: 30 Town Office Building. . . RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson, who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Harold Robillard: UgsouTTi T� nm Nn 5 w RESOLVED, that the Audit of Bills as listed in Abstract No. 76-2 numbered 98-237A and totaling 100, 903. 07 be accepted and be it further RESOLVED, that Audit number 147 and 196 Mr. Michel Brandt abstains on. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: None Abstain: ; 147 and 196 Mr. Brandt 1n • On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully Submitted, Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk SUMMARY OF 1975 YEAR END ACCOUNT BALANCES GENERAL TOWN FUND: i Banance 254,292 .19 Encumbered 22, 746. 90 1976 Budget Anticipated 100,000. 00 Surplus 131,545 .29 HIGHWAY FUND: Banance 5, 529. 95 PINEVIEW CEMETERY: Balance 23, 810. 30 Encumbered 86.00 `-Q 1976 Budget Anticipated 10,900.00 Surplus 17, 824. 30 Q PAYROLL: Balance ZERO AGENCY & TRUST- Balance 12 ,448. 15 OUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT: Balance 6, 880. 23 Encumbered - 191. 00 Surplus 6, 689. 23 WEST GLENS FALLS WATER: Balance 3 ,360. 92 SHORE CDLONY: Balance 792. 21 WATER BOND W.G:F. EXT. #1 : Balance 7.30 14ATER BOND ACCOUNT: Balance 41 ,208.96 Encumbered 817.00 Surplus 40, 391. 96 LIGHTING DISTRICTS : Balance 13, 358. 94 1976 Budget Anticipated " 6, 000. 00 Surplus 7, 358.94 SEWER DISTRICT'S: Balance 1,407. 97 1976 Budget Anticipated 800.00 Surplus ' 607. 97 OUEENSBURY DRAINAGE: Balance 706.04 QUEENSBURY FIRE PROTECTION: Balance 1 ,856. 33 1976 Budget Anticipated 1 ,800. 00 Surplus 56. 88 CAPITAL FUND: Balance 3, 747 . 60 Encumbered 520. 00 Surplus 3, 227 . 60 POLICE/HIGITWA° BUILDING ACCOUNT: Balance 3 , 931. 85 LANDFILL EQUIPMENT RESERVE: Balance 2.8 ,831 . 89 REVENUE SHARING: Balance 2 , 309 . 65 LAND FOR REC. USE RESERVE: Balance 38 , 907 .17 RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY RESQUITTnN Nn_ 45_ Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Harold Robillard: WHEREAS, the General Electric Company is the largest employer in Waishington County with over 1,300 persons employed in the Company's plants at Hudson Falls and Fort Edward, with an annual payroll of approximately $15, 000,000.00, J WHEREAS, these two plants pay annual Town and County, Village and School taxes of $308, 973.95, in that County, WHEREAS, a substantial majority of General Electric Company employee's reside in the Town of Queensbury (326) County of Warren, with assessed valuation in excess of $2, 000,000.00 and contribute substantially to the Tax base of the Town of Queensbury. WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has ordered the General Electric Company to reach a level of zero PCB discharge into the Hudson River by September 30, 1976. , WHEREAS, General Electric officials and egnineers have stated that the zero discharge limit cannot be net by that date, WHEREAS, the Department of Environmental Conservation is, therefore, ordering this Company to comply with a ruling that is not only un- realistic and unreasonable but apparently impossible, WHEREAS, the order of the Department of Environmental Conservation, if allowed to stand, would, in effect, force the closing of these two plants throwing at least 1,200 persons out of work 3 WHEREAS, a petition bearing 1, 068_ signatures of General Electric workers was presented to State Commerce Commissioner John S. Dyson on Wednesday, January 14, 1976, charging that Environmental Conservation Commissioner Ogden R. Reid is wrongfully putting environmental conser- vation ahead of the State's economic well-being, , WHEREAS, we, the members of the Town Board of the- Town of Queensbury, feel, as do the employees of General Electric Company, their families and residents of our communities, that it is time for the State of New York to put the economic welfare of its citizens ahead of environmental concerns, and WHEREAS, we feel that the limit of discharge of PCB' s requested is technically unfeasible, Now, Therefore, bo-it RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby requests Honorable Hugh Carey, Governor of the State of New York, to intercede in this matter.,on=behalf of the employees-in order that some reasonable and equitable solution to this problem may be arrived at without causing economic disaster to our area, and we further request that the Boards of the. Town oU'Xingsbury, Town of Moreau and the Town of Fort Edward, where many of these employees reside, take similar action on behalf of their constituents and we further request that the Clerk of the Board mail copies of this resolution to the following: The Honorable Hugh L. Carey Governor �of'New: York State. Albany, New York 12200 Senator Jacob K. Javitts Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Senator James L. Buckley Senate Office Building u� Washington, D.C. 20510 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 24, 1976 �- MEMBERS PRESENT Michel Brandt-Supervisor Daniel Olson-Councilman Robert Barber-Councilman Harold Robillard-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman J. David Little-Town Counsel PRESS.:. , Lee Coleman, Tri County News TOWN OFFICIALS: Ray Buckley, Harold Boynton, Mrs. Joan Robertson GUESTS: Members of the Mobile Home Association, Mr. Conklin Meeting Opened 7: 30 P.M. Salute to the -Flag Councilman Robertson BID OPENING-NOTICE SHOWN-42 FUEL 'OIL Town Clerk-requested to open bids. . . .. ' PRICE PER GALLON Non-COLLUSION Oak Street Oil Co. , Inc. 9 Horicon Ave.. Warrensburg, N.Y. 12885 .369 Attached Warner Pruyn division of Finch Pruyn Sales, Inc Quaker Road Glens Falls, N.Y. 12801 .378 Attached Tessier & Ia=aco Ent. , Inc. DBA Noyes Oil, Co. Warrensburg Rd. Lake George, N.Y. 12845 .375 Attached McEnaney Oil Corp.