ZBA staff notes packet 7/27/2016 Staff Notes
ZBA Meeting
Wed . , July 27 , 2016
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Town of Queensbury
Zoning Board of Appeals
Communily Development Department Staff Notes
Sign Variance No.: PZ 177-2016
Project Applicant: Omall Family Limited Partnership
SEQR Type: Unlisted
Parcel History- AV PZ-01751-2016; SP Mod 1'Z-174-2016; SP 20-20,14; SP 9-2013i
Meeting Date: July 0, 21116
Description of Propose
Applicant proposes installation of ars additional will sign for a tenant in the business plaza. The pr9jeet
includes updating,all signage. The plaza is to have three tenants where one tenant.proposes,two wall
signs; one on the north side on new entry at 100 s,q. ft.,, and one on the, east side at no greater than 45, sq., ft.
The applicant requests the following relief: ReRef requested from number of allowable wall sign's per
tenant in a business plaza in the Commercial Intensive zone–C1.
Section 140 S,ins far which permits are required—location of signs and size of sigris
The applicant pi-oposes an additional wall sign for Tenant One, In a business complex a tenant is only
allowed one wall sig,n,
I'Criteria, for considering a Sign Variance according to Chapter,267 of Town Lawj
In m aking,a determination, the board shall conslder-
1. Whether an undesirable change will he produced in the character of the nefghborbood or a detriment to
nearby properties will be created by the granting of this sign variance. Mfii.fillal impacts to,the neighborhood
may be anticipated.
2. Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by sone method, feasible for the applicant to
pursue,other than a sign variance. Feasible ahep'natives may be limited as the proj"t includes fa ad upgrades.
for a new entry way where Tenant One is proposed to have two entrances. The fagaide upgrade is for the north face
that would include signage for Tenant One then a new sign fh9a,de is proposed f6r Tenant One and Tenant Two our
the,east facie where a rnajority of the parking is located,
,3. Whether the requested sign variance is substantial, The relief requested may be conisidered substantiat,
relevant to,the code, 'rhe rel ief requested is for a business complex tenant to have two sligns where only One is
a I I owed.
4. Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or impact on, the physical or environmental
conditions in the neighborhood or district. The project as proposed may have a minimal impact within the
5. 'Whether the afleged difficulty was self-created.. The difficulty Illay beQonsldered self-created.,
taff ciornmen!sj
The applicant proposes a,modification, to an, approved site: plan to renovate the front fagade to create a new
enttyway to,the building. The plans show the location oft e north face and cast face fbir Tenant Gine
signage to, be Floor Master Carpet One, The project also includes a new fteestanding sign to, be in the
planter b,ox listing the three tenants and to be internally illuminated.
Zoning Board Appeals
Community Development Depart merit Staff Not es
Warmn County PlanningDepartment, M161-0
Project Review and Referral Forni,
Rievie�wwed by Departinent on,Tay 11, :20,16
Project,Name: Ornall Family Limited Partnership
Owner: Or nalll (Family U united Partnership
County 'runjecW: Ju111 -0,5
Current Zoning: P
Community:: tueensbuar
Project Description-
escriptio nmApplicant,proposes Installation of aro additional wall)�sigin for a.tenianit in the business plaza.,The project irwelluades updatingi
all aigrra e.The phi a is'to have three teflents'where one tenant pr poses,two wall signs, range on the north.side on rue +
entry'at 100 sub.tt., and one on the east s'id'e at no,greater than 45,sq.ft. Relief requested from nuimbf er rtif'allowable,Wall
signs per tenant in a business plaza
Site Location:
102 Quaker lid- Ward
Tenn Map Nutimber(s):
Staff Motes,
The Issues here appear to be of a local nature involving local) Issues,without any significant impacts
aun rlbsp; nlbsp, ouruty properties or reso!ure,es, nbsp, Staff recommends no county nm, aet bused on,the information
submittedUbsp, according to the suggested) review criiteria of IMYS enera,l lwwluuruieiipai Law Section,239applied to
ttur~ nbs;p, proposed project. <br/>
Local nuetionn5to date (if any):
County Planning Department:
Local Action./Final Disposit;i:uann.,
Warren County Planning Department Date Signed Local t:Di"i'"icial Coate Signed
Town of lueensbury Zoning Bowdl of Appeals
Connimoinity DeveloPment Department Staff Notes
Area Variance No.: PZ 191-2016
Project Applicant: Kiwberly Lockhart, PC
Project Location: 3,57 Ridge Road
Parcel Histo'IT: 13P,2015-479, 16 sq., fty fs signending; no other sign permits found
SEAR Type: Unlisted
Meeting Date. July .7, 2701
Description of Propose
Applicant proposes to remove existing, freestanding sign and place a,new 16 sq. ft.; 8 ft., in height freestanding
sign less,than 15 ft. fronli the front property line.
The applicant requests the fbilowing, relief. Relief requested from minimum setback requ I irlements for such sign.,
in the Commercial Intensive zone–CL
,Secti )n 140 Signs for whigh nermits, are rea'' ired—locati
gn of signs
The applicant proposes to remove an existing free standing sign to, install a new 16 sq ft sign with two,tenants.
The sign is to,be located 3.6 ft from (he property line where a 15 ft setback is reqWred.
kriteria for co nsi derin g a S ign 'Va ria n ce accord ing to, Cha Pter 267 of T
In, making a determination, the board shall consider:
1. Whether an undesirable change will] be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a,detriment to nearby
properties gill be created by the granting of this sign variance. M iai:mal impacts to,the neighborhoold nay be,
2. Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some rnethod,, feasible for the applicant to
pursue, other than a sigri variance. Feasible altenlatives,�may be avai lable to,place the sign, in a compliant location. "I'lle
location of the existj[jjg sign is in a lawn area ofthe business,
3. Whether the requested sign variance issubstantial. The rellief requestcd rnay be considered 50stantial relevant to
the code. The relief requested is 11.4 fl,
4. Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse effect Or impact on the physical or environmental
conditions in the neighborbood or distrilet. The project as proposed may havea minfinal impact within the d istri ct,
S. Whether the alleged difficulty was self-created. The difficulty may be con8idemd self-created.
Fs—taff comments], '
The applicant proposes, to remove an existinfree standing sign to install a 16, sq ft sign. The applicant has
the images of the existingand proposed signage. The survey also, shows the cunTrt
and prposeiglocation,
Warren Countylanai Pepart rtn>jit
r ojvct Revise and Referral Form
Reviewed by,Department on July, 11, 2016
Project Name: Kimberly Lockhart, PC'
Owner: Thnorna;s Callaghan, l)C
ID Number: !BY -16-AV-19`1
Current Zoning. Cl
Community: Oueensbuiry
Project Ike°stri prt;i n
Applicant proposes to,remove existing freestanding sign and place a new 16 sub.ff,®; 8 ft. in height freestanding sign less
than 15 ft.,from the front property lime Reiief requested from minimum setback requirements,for such sign.
357 Ridge Rd-Ward
Tax Map Number(s):
Staff Nates:
The lssues mare appear to be of a local n i ture invio[vinlg laical issues without any siiginiifieent impacts
on , oaunn1y properties or resennrnes, nbsp; Staff ret,oarnrnends no,county irmp .et based an the information
submrnl ed , according to thei suiggestedreview criteria of NYS General Municipal Law Seliction 239 applied to
the .nbsp,; proposed project. <br
Local oct'imis to dote(if any):
Counity Planning Department:
Local, A do ndFinal Disposition.
Warren County Planning Department fate Signed Local Offichal Date Signed
Town of Queensbury Zoning Bolaird of Ap,peals
Community Development Department Sitaff Notes
Area Variance No.: PZ 173-2016
Project Applicant Jeff Baertschi & Kirst Mello
Project Location-, Assembly Point Road
Parcel History: n
SEQR Type: Type 11
Me:eting Date, July 27, 20116
Dleseri Etiol,nof Proposed Project-1
Applicant proposesconstruction of a 2,367sq. ft. sin gle-f4mily dwelling with floor area of x,662 sq. ft. Project
includes nem septic, associated site work and parcel merger of two lots.
lRefief Required-
The applicant requests the following relief. Relief requested from minimuni property line setbacks and from
height restrictions for the WR,zoning district.
Section 179-3-040 establishment of districts idimens,ionalreguirem�jnts
The WR zone requires 25 ft side setbacks where the applicant Proposes 20, ft on the south side; then the rear,
setback is, required to be 30 ft and the applicant proposes,22 R 10 in. A variance is also requested fuer the height
where 28 ft is required and the applicant proposes 32 ft 3in.
Criteria for considering an Area Variance acclarding to C'hRptcr 267 of Town Law:
In making, a determination, the board shall consider:
1. Whether an undesirable change will be! produced in the character of the neighborhood or as detriment
to, nearby properties will be created by the granting of dais area variance. Minor impacts, to the
neighborhood may be anticipated.,
2. Whether, the benefit sought by the applicant tan be achieved by soine method, feasible for the
applicant to pursue, other than an area variance. Feasible alter�natives may be considered limited due to
the existing parcel configuration and the adjoining, fight of way
3. Whether the requested area variance is substantial. The relief requested may be considered moderate
relevant to the code. The relief requested for the south side setback is 5 flt The relief for the rear setback is
7.17 ft ('22 ft fin is 22.83 ft). The relief for height is, 4.25 ft in excess, of 28 ft allowed for,height 1(32 ft 3, in
is 32.25 ft).
4. Whether the proposed, v2riance will ave an adverse effect or impact o'll the physical or
environmental conditions ki the neighborhood ar district. The project may be considered to have
minimal inipact on the physical or the environmental conditions,of(he area..
5. Whether,the alleged difficulty was self-created. The: difficulty may be considered self-created.
Staff comments:
The applicant proposes, inerging two parcels 239.12- ,-4 and 43 as one parcel and to construct a single &mily
home. The plans show the location of the new home and septic. The applicant has indicated the water supply
will be from the lake through as connection on as lot north of the .project site. The project also, includes permeable
pavers and a swale to assis:t in stormwater management on the site.
Zoning Board Of' Appeals
Community 1 velopme,nit Department Staff Notes
Warren County Planning Department,
Prgje t Review and Referral ' 'orr°n
Reviewed by Department on July 11, 2016
Project Name: Jeff Baart8chi & Kihrst Di ellla
Owner: Jeff Ba its hmi & First i iflellla
ID Number: BY-116-AV-17
County P'rupcct4: Jul-16-10
Current Zoning. WR
Community- Queensbury
Project Description:
Applicant propos s,construction,of a 2,'367'sq. th, single-family dwelling with floor area of5,662 sub. ft. Projects includes
new septic, associated site work and parcel merger of two (lots. Relief r�--pu testedfrom minimum property,line setbacks
and from heigiht heightrestrictions for the WR zoning district.
Site Location:
Assembly Point Ad- Ward tl
Tax Map Number(s):
239.12-2-42 4
Staff Nates,
The issues,here appear to be sof a local nature involving Vocal issues without any significant imparts;
on '; nbsp, o,unty proporlles or r sm,rcos.&,nb p, Staff recommends no cou i�nty impact based on the infcrrmation
suabrnitt,edl rubsp according to tbo suggested review criteria of NYS General Mu niuci,pal Law Section 239 applied to
th a&nb.sp proposed)project, <br,l>
Local actions to date(if any).
County Planning Department:
Local Acti:on:/]Fq inal Disposition,
Warren County Planning Department DateSigned Local Official Date Signed
To�wn of Queensbury Zoningi Boardof' Appe�als
C'ommulnity Development Dep,artment Staff Noles,
Area Variance No.,, PZ 179-2016,
Project Appficant: John & Victoria Weinhold
Project Location: 51 Helen Drive
Parcel History: BP 5340,SFO; UP 5785 in round pool; BP 2002-562 septic Bit.,
SEQR Type: Type pe 11
Meeting Date- July 7, 01
Ll)escripi�ion of Proposed Project: I
Applicant proposes to remove an. existing 4-foot.wood picket fence facing Heinrick. Street and construct a 6-foot
tall white vinyl privacy fence in the front yard, facing Heinrick Street; 459.19 1 with 160ft. plugs portion.
connecting to house on Fleinrick Street, The project includes a 6 fl. fencealong the rear property line and two
sections facing Helen Drive.,
"Fhe applicant requests tine following relief. Relief requested from height restrictions for fences located in, the
front yard and type of fence in the Moderate Density Residential one -MDR,
Section 179-5-070 Fence
The code allows f"or four foot 1"ences in the front yard non stockade. The proposed fence is to be 6 A stockade
and will. be located on Heinrick St and Helen Dr.
Crit'e' ria for con8idering,asi Area Variance according to Chapter 267 of TewnTa7w,
In making a deterinination, the board shall consider.
1. Whether an undesir2ble change will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment
to nearby properties will be created by the granting of this area variance. Minor impacts to the
neighborhood inay be anticipated.
2. ''Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some methold, feasible for the
applicant to pursue, other than an, area variance. Feasible alternatives, mmay be considered for a
compliant fence height.
3. Whether the requested area variance is substantial., The relief requested may be considered moderate
relevant to the code. The relief requested is 2 ft in, excess of the allowed fence height and stockade.
4. Whether the proposed variance will have art adverse effect or impact on the physical or
environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district. The project may be considered to have
Minimal impact on the physical or the environmental conditions of the area.
5. Whether the alleged difficulty was self-created. The difficulty may be considered self-eteated.
LIstL,f—f Comments.-
'The applicant proposes to install a 6 ft fence for,459 ft +/-,along 1.4clen Dr and Heinrick St, The:applicant has indicated
the need for the,fence includes privacy,security,, children safety and for their dqp. The appflunt has indicated they
contacted their neighbors and 27 electronic signatures in smport of tile fence. The plans show the location of the fence
oil, tile propel1y.
Town of Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals
Community Devell oprise oaf Depairtme nit Staff Notes
Area Variance No,— PZ 181-iOL6
ProJelet Applicant: Jacqueline Wheeler
Project Location: 34 G awn a Lane
Partel Histor
I Y; BP 93-208 replace boathousew/ porch
SEER Type: Type 11
Mciefing,Date. July 27, 2016
Description of Proposed Pro,jrctr
Applicant pu-oplosesdei°nolition, ofe,xi,stii.igcainpaii,doL[tbuildiiigs., A,ppl,icantp,wopose�g,coiis�tr,Lictionofa2,590sq. ft.
(footprint),with a, latal, floor area of 3,966 s . ft., 3-beldroom, single-family home on a parcel that does, meet the Millimriuml
requirement for frontage, on a public highway. Project includes installation of storniwater managernent, shoreline
buffering, landscaping,and enhanced wastewater system„
Relief Requi
The applicant requests the, fal loiiinkrefief: Relief requested for no road frontage in the Waterfront Residential
Section 179-4-050 Frontggc�re ji,,r ments.
Pa rce Is are to leave 5,0 ft of physical road fron tage. Th e existi ng I at will have 0, ft of road frontage.
Criteria for considering an Area Variatice accordhy to Chapter 267 of Town I Law-
In making a determination, the board shall consider.
I. Whether an undesirable change will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or as detriment
to nearby properties will be created by the granting of this area variance. Minor impacts, to the
neighborhood may be anticipated.
2. Whether the benefit sought by, the applicant can be achieved by some method,, feasible for the
applicant to, purssue, ~ than an area variance. Feasible alternatives may be considered limited due to
the existing parcel configuration.
I Whether the requested area variance is substantial, The relief requested may be consider-ed substantial
itTeva nt to the code. The irlie:f requested is 50 ft for physical road frontage.
4. Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or
environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district., The project may be considered to have
minimal impact on the physical or the environmental conditions of the area.
S., Whether the alleged difficulty was self-created, The difficulty may bie considered self-created.
Staff com
11 hie applicant proposes demolition of existing home: and constructing a new home on the parcel. The parcel is
pre existing, the mal property records indicate the cottage, was,constructed in 1943: The plans submitted show
the location of the existing home and new home with storm.water controls and new, sepific.
Warren County Planning Department JU116-08
Project Review and Referral Form
Reviewed by Department n,jolly 11, 2016
Project Name: Jacqueline Wheeler
OWMr: Jacqueline,Wheeller
ID Number: QBY'-16-AV-181
County ProjeCO: JU1,16-08
Current Zoning: WA
Community: Queensbury
Project Description,
<p>Applitant proposes demollition of existing camp and outbuildings. AppfiQant proposes constructi,on aanbsp, 2,590
sq. ft. (footprint)writh a total floor area of 3,966 sq.ft,, 3- bedroom, single family hiome ,,oin ai parcel thiat does
meet the minimurn requirement foir frontage -,on a public highway, Projact includes installafion of stormwater
Management, s�hor�eline buffedng, landscaping and enhancedwastewater system, Relief requi8sted for no,road
<,P><br i>
Site Location:
34 Gunn Lame- Ward I
Tax as Number(s):
Staff Notes:
The issues here appsar to be of a local nature involving lboal issues without any significant impacts
on&.nbsp; ",Co,unty properties or,resourcesAnbsp, Staff recommends no county impact based onAfte information
8ubmitted&nbs,p,according to,the suggested revierjjterla of NYS General Municipall Law Section 239 applied to
theMbsp; proposed project. <blr/>
Local actions to date(if any),-
County Planning Department:
Local Action0inal Disposition:
Warren County Planning Department Date Signed Local Offlelal Date Signed
Town of' Queensbury
Zoning Board of Appeals
Community Devebpmieni Department Stall Notes
Sign Variance No. PZ 111-2816
Project Ap lieant: Heidi Underwood (Adirondack Enrichment
SEAR Type: U alis ed
Parcel History: CC-229-2816 orn'l. Alt.; O-1.35-2016 Adk Ernrichm,emnt Sign
Variance No. 825 yr. 1983 62 sq. ft. FS sign in ROW; BP 787"
freestanding sign 62 sq. ft.
Meeting Date: July 27, 01
I crip�tion of Proposed P"rrn
.pplir=t p° prises installation of a sed. ft, fivestanding sign fuer Adirondack Enrichment. Current site
has one pernuitted; bile T'o. Bp' 7879, 62 sq. ft. freestanding sign.
belief legnrireal:
The applicant requests the following reliefl eliefm guested fro number ofallowable freestanding signs
in the Commercial intensive:wane–CI
ectio n 140 Signs hi h ennits, are;requir —numb r pff�s,i L
The applicant proposes an additional free standing sign where only one free standing sign is allowed.
Criteria for considering a Sign Variance according to Chapter 26'7 of Town
In making a determination, the board shall consider,
1.. '! nether armn undesirable change will be produced in the character of the nei hberhor od or a
detriment to nearby properties will be created by the granting of tbi,s sign variance. Minimal impacts:
to the neighborhood may be anticipated,
. Whether time benefit sou ht by the applicant can be achieved by some method., feasible for the
applicant to pursue,,, other than a sign, variance. Feasible alternatives may be limited as the property has
two buildings,and the property is a corner lot with all: access on Glenwood Avenue. Als,o, the business
location is behind the ice creamportion of the building,
. Whether the requested sign variance is substantial. ""1"Ire relief re nested may be considered
substantial relevant to the code. The relied requested is for a parcel to have more than one free standing
sign where only one :is allowed.
4. Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or
environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district. The project as proposed, may have a
minimal is pact within time district.
5, Whether the alleged difficulty was self-created. The difficalty may be considered se[C-created,
Lstaff comments: '
The applicant proposes to install a 9 sq ft sign for Adirondack, Enyichment. The business is to operate in
the rear portion of the building where Sprinkles ice cream operates at the front half The applicarit has
indicated that the bus,iness entrance is not visible frorn Glenwood and. the sign would provide direotion to
Zoning Board of Appeals,
Comimunity Development Department Staff Notes
Warren County lanning Departent JtPI16-09,
Projet Review and Referral Form
Reviewed by Department on J'uly 11, 2016
Project Name- AdirondaQk Enrichment
Oivner: "eld Undanvoodl
ID Number: OBY-16,-S;V-188
Con my Project-4: JU116-019
Current Zoning- C1
Community: Queensbury
Project Description:
Applicant proposes installation of a 9 seq. ft. freestanding sign,for Adirondack Endchrnerit., Current site has,one
permitted; file No. BP 7879, 62 sq.ft, freestanding sign. Relief requested from number of al,lowable freeslanding signs.
Site Location:
60 Glenwood Ave-Ward'2
Tax Map,Nurnber(s):
Staff Notes:
The issues here appear to be of a local nature involving 1iocai [[sues without any significant impacts
o,n&nbisp,,&,nb,sp,Cocunty properties or resourcesAnbsp; Staff r:ecommendls no,county impact based on the information
submitted according to thie suggesteld review criteria.of NYS General Municipal Law Section 239,applied to
the proposed project. <br 1>
Local actions to date(:f"army):
County Planning Department:
Local Action:/Fin al Disposition:
Warren County Planning Departinent Date igned Local OM621 — rate Signed