1976-03-02 SP Special Meeting March 2, 1976 Members Present: Michel Brandt Supervisor Daniel Olson Councilman Robert .Barber Councilman Harold Robillard Councilman Hammond Robertson Councilman Guests present: Lloyd Demboski, County Supervisor Lee Coleman, Glens Falls Newspapers Diane Mathis, Tri-County News Meeting was —opened at 7:30 P.M. with a salute to the flag. G-3672 �i.t f meeting of the Town Boar) of the Town of r"' Queerasbury, Warren Counter, New York, held at 9��_..._ /*---4 in , New York, ir. said Town, on the , day of `�`�- � , 1976, at 7 l ° o'clock r -L.M. , Eastern Standard 'lime. The meeting was called to order by and upon roll, being called, there were PRESENT: #.VAOJ . - cq ti ABSENT: " xxa following resolution. was of f e r e d by 1rtw. Rr" , when scar =.z ItF,- ac"option, seconded by VW, -&.*_ , to-wit: RESOLUTION DATED '1N► ,,,, .1-' , 1976. --9 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CONSOLIDATION AND SALE; OF $E►,Mr OOO SERIAL BONDS-.0# THI, TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, tai Rk',, COUNTY, NEW YORK, VOR VARIOUS PUBLIC IMPRM714MITS. BE IT RESOLVEDt by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, as foilows: Section 1. Of the $650,000 serial bonds authorized bkr a bond resolution dated June 27, 1968, to pay the cast of the corstruc+iron of impr:'vements to serve the/i*OuIV Queen sbury Water District trl he Tow r,r- Ot eensbury, Marren County:, New York, there shall be issued and sold 0?25,000 bonds. Such bonds shal..l mature $22,00Q in each of the years 1977 and 19780 $'23,000 in each of the years 19 1119 t�; 1985, both inclusive, $24,000 in each of the years 1986 to _1990, both ii-A, 'usiv , .grad $25,000 in `eacb of the yezar:s 1991 to and shall. be conso4dmted with other Tissues of bands of said Town as hereinafter authorized. It is hereby determine-d that the ,ter ioex of probable usefulness of the a.f'oresi.tid specific ob ect or purpose 1i9 forty years, provided, however, that such bonds sh::,ll mature over a period not in escass of thirty years, pursuant to sub- divisi.-,n I of paragraph ',a of Section ll.nO of +:he Loxial. Finance Law, computed from June 28, 1958, the date of the first bond anticipation df� d 2� note L a,-�� red in itnti cipro-Aan of the bo;,,'ida authorized for the aforesaid specific object or purpose. It is hereby further determined that funds of said Town available from a source other than the proceeds of ? rands or bond anticipation 'notes it the amounts of $18,275.86 on June 29, 19700 $17,275.86 each on June 29 in each of the years 1971 and 1972 and $17,275.86 on June 28 in each of the years 1973 and 1974 , and $17,620.70 on June 27, 1975, were used to partially reduce outstanding bond anticipation 'notes of said Town for such purpose, such amounts nonstituting the first six installments of the principal amount of such indebtedness. It is hereby further determined that funds rat said Town .available from a source other than the proceeds of the bonds or bond anticipation notes in the amount of $20,000 will be used on April 1, 1976, to partially reduce out- standing bona :anticipation notes of said Town for such purpose, such amount cons,"Atut;ing the seventh installment of the principal amount of such indebtedness. Section 2. ©f the $4,175,000 serial bands authorized by a bona resolution dated October 10, 1(:;73, to pay the cost of the cola- former strttcf c s ,.:. a water system to serve the/Queensbury Storage and Distribution District in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, there shall be issued and sold as a second series of bonds, $3,864,000 'bonds, the principal amount of $105,1100 having heretofore been paid off on January 22, .1974, as a first series of the aforesaid total authorized amount. Such 'second series of bonds shall mature $124,000 in 1.977, $121,000 in 1978, $120,000 in each of the years 1979 to 1981, both inclusive, '$130,000 in each of the years 1982 to 1984, bath inclusive, $143,000 in 1985, $141,900 in 1986, $141,400 in each of the years 19:87 to 1989, both inclusive, $145,400 in 1990, $1.44,400 in each of the years 1991 and 1992, $141,400 in each of the years 1993 and 1994, $140,900 in 1995, $145,000 in 1996, $147,000 in 1997, $145,000 in each of the years 1998 and 1999, and $144,000 in each of the years 2000 to 2004, both inclusive, and �f o C- -3-; shall, he th other issues of bonds of said Town aS hCreinafter authorized. It is hereby determined that the period Of ;-.rnhable usefulness of the .aforesaid specific object or purpose. is forty ;dears, pursuant to subdivision 1-'Of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law, computed from December 14, 1971, the d. ke of the first brand antIicipati.on note issued in anticipation Of the sale of the first serie! of bonds referred to above. The date -�;f the first bond anticipation note issued in anticipation of the sAl.,e of the second series of bonds authorized to be sold herein was October 10, 1973. it is' hereby further determined that funds of said Town available from a source other than the proceeds of bonds or born.rl as!itici-aa:tion notes in the amount of $100,000 was used on June 27, 1975, to partially reduce an outstanding bond anticipation note of Said Tt)wn for such purpose, such amount constituting the first InStallment of the principal amount of such indebtedness. It is here-,-by further determined that funds of said Town available from a sr)v.r----,- r,�, per than the proceeds of the bonds or bond anticipation note: in the amount of $106,0'00 will be cased on April 1 , 1976, to partim-11y reds cP an outstanding bond W nticipation note of said 'down for such purpose, such amount constituting the second installment of the principal amount of such indebtedness. Section 3. Of the $437,000 serial bonds authorized by a bond resol.utinn. dated November 29, 1973 (wt .ich superseded a $3800000 bond resolution dated December 14, 1972) , to pay fo= . cbst +uf the construtctic►n m Of a eater distribution system to serve the/South Quepnssbury Water District No. 1 in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, ,New York, there shall he Issued and sold $391,000 bonds.. Such bonds shall mature $12,000 in each of the years 1977 to 1984, both inclusive, $14,000 in each of the years 1983 to 1989, both inclusive, and $151000 in each of the years 19,.90 to 2004, both inclusive, and shall be consolidated with other issues of bonds of said Town n ..4_ as hereinafter authorized. It is hereby determined teat the period Of "roba.ble usefulness of the' aforesaid specific object or purpose is forty years, pursuant to subdivision 1 . of paragraph a of Section/ 11.00 of the Local Finance Lary, computed from December 21, 1972, the date of 'the. first bond anticipation note issued in anticipation of the bonds authorized for the aforesaid specific object or purpose, It is hereby further determined that funds of said Town available fYom a source other than the proceeds of bonds or bond anticipation notes in the amount of $12,000 each were used on June 28 in each of the years 1973 and 1974 and $12*.000 on June 27, 1975, were used to partially reduce Outstanding bona anticipation notes of said Town fOr SU h. purpolse, such amounts constituting the first three install- ments of the principal amount Of such indebtedness. It is hereby further determined that funds. of said grown available from a source other than the proceeds of the bonds or bond anticipation notes in the amount of $10,000 will be used on April 1, 1976, to partially reduce outstanding band anticipation notes of said Town for such purpose, such amount constituting the fourth installment of the principal amount of such indebtedness. Section 4. Of the $1,0601,000 serial bonds authorized by a bond resolution dated November 7, 1974, to pay the cost of the con- struction of a water distribution system to serve the/Wester Queeneebury Water District in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, there shall, be issued and sold $1, 328,000 bonds. Such bonds shall mature $32,000 in each of the years 1977 to 1992, froth inclusive, $35,000 in each of the years 1,993 to 1995, both inclusive, $42,000 In 1996, $40,000 in 1997, $42,000 in 1998, $47,000 in 1999, and $48,000 in each of the years 2000 to 2004, both inclusive, and shall be consolidated with otheer issues of bonds of said Town as hereinafter authorized. It is hereby determined that the period of probable, usef;11 ness of the aforesaid object or purpose is forty years, pursuant tr+ Pubdivision 1 Of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law, computed from Deceer 12, 1974, the date of the first t Ito F bond anticipation note issued in anticipation of the bonds authorized for the aforesiiti object or purpose. It is hereby further determined that funds of Faid Town available from a source other than the pro-- ceeds :r the t)onaq or bond anticipation, nf:zten,, i.n the a..,nount of $32,000 will !1P Ised on April, 1, 3-976,,, to arti,:n11y zl-educe Outstanding bond antic-fpation notes of said Towiri for such purpose, such amount con- stitut-ing the first installm*Ot of the principal amount of such indebtedness. Section 5. Of the $296tOOO serial bonds authorized by a bond resolution dated October 21,r ,,`1965,, to pay part of the cost of the COnstr"Ctit-)r, of improvements to serve the Bay Road Water District in the Town of Queenabury, Warren County, Neiq York, there shall oe issued and sold $210,000 bonds. Such bonds shall mature $11,000 in ea&l of the years 1977 to 1085, both inclusive, and $31,100 in each of the years 1986 to 199 1 5",,"both inclusive,, and shall be consoli- dated with c^ther issues of boh4iof sair' "own as hereinafter authori2ed. It is �!r0-n, detorninF,d that the perio(,� f Pr,_'_'sable usefulness of object- or purpose is forty years, provided, that such borc3s shall mature over a period riot in excess Of tic T­.,rstlant to subdivision I of paragraph a of Section 11-00 of the -1.13ocal Finance Law, computed fron, October 22, 1965f the date of the first bond anticipation note issued in anticipation of the bonds authorized for the aforesaid object or purpose. It is hereby further determined that funds of said Town available frow, a source other than the proceeds of the bond or bond anticiaption notes in the amount of $7,400 each were used on October 1, 19670 April 1 In each of the years 1968 to 1970, bot!,,; inclusive, June 30 in each of the years , 1971 to 1973, both inclusive, and April 1 in each of the years 1974 and 1975, were used to partially reduce outstanding bond anticipation notes of said Town for such purposes, such amounts, constituting first nine ihitt,allments of the principal amount of such indebtedness. It J,s hereby further determined that funds of said Town available from a source other thar, the proceeds of the bonds or bond anticipation not'O: in the amount of $19,400 will be to -64 used on April 1. V;76, to partially reduce -)Utstanding bond ant°icxpatz.on notes of said Town for such purpose, such amount constituting the tenth installment of the ;;ar-Ins i.pal 4mount of such in-lebtedness, Section 6. The 570,000 serial. �onds authorized '.ay a bond dateil June 10, 1975, to pay the cost of the relocation and roconstru-°l:i.on of a rater Iine in the Bay Road Water District in thff; own of ueensbury? Warren County, New Fork, shall mature 000 in e ch of the years 1977 to 19861 both inclusive, $2,500 in each Of the 1987 to 1994, bbih inclusive, and $3,000 in each of the dears t995 to 2004, both inclusive, and shall be consolidated with other issues of bonds of said flown as heLeinafter authorized. It is rer„ebjr determined that the period of probable usefulness of the aforesaid spec l f is ObJeet or purpose 'A's .f'` rty gears, pursuant to suh('4..vi.siOn I of paragraph Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law, .oz'$ Ut:I-d from:July 31, '1975,: the :°ste ref *he fi�:st, pond antici- pati.on note :*r)� anticipatlon of tlle bonds authorized for the �- aforesaid specific object; or purpose. Section 7. The serial bonds desoribed in the preceding sections hereof, :.rem hereby authorized to be consolidated for purposes of sale into one bond issue, aggregating $6,088,000. Such bonds shall each be designated substantially PUBLIC IMPR.OVMEENT (SERIAL) BOND, 19760, shall he dated March 1, 1976, shall be of the denomination of $5,000 each, except three bonds in the denomination of $1000 each, shall be numbered from l to 1220, both inclusive, and shall mature in numerical order in the amount of $203,000 on April. 1, 1977, $2000000 on April l in each of the years 1978 to 1981, both inclusive, $2100000 on April 1 in each of the years 1982 to 1984, both in- clusive, $225,000 on April 1 in each of the years 1985 to 1989, ` both inclusive, $230,000 on April 1 in each of the e r y a s 1930 to 1998, both inclusive, and $2101000 on April 1 in each of the years 1999 to 2004, both inclusive, and shall, bear interest payable on October 1, 1976 and semi-annually thereaftc x,)n April 1 and October 1. Su&} bonds shall bear interest at such rate as may be necessary to se1j the same, which rate shall be determined in the .s .j:t manner-- *rno,eed in section 59.00 of the Local Finarre 1.:a.w; provided, however , ash&t i.) the maximum number of rates which may be bid shall not e.�: r2e,.i femur ,, (ii) only cane rate of interest may 'he bi;� for bonds ;:,; w:.+ -rime "-„na.turlty, (iii) the fir,^.r 7.!"t3 t� diffe3'!?::"Sr! e bAtween the ? 3 a ” and lowest interest rate llir' may not exceed one and ore-Y, f per centum per annust, and (iv) variations in rat-,es of inter ",O,' so hid shall be in ascending progressior in order: of am `:„w ri.ty s” that the rate of interest on any signle maturity of sai..O �.^,nds shall not be less than the rate of interest applicable to and° .irior maturity. Such "bon3s shall be i,r+ bearer coupon form with the iarivi.l��ge of conve"t 'Y,",nt.a bmands ~ i.stered as to both ... .e5 pr inc i..arl and Vinterest, and shall be payable as to ' ft-h,..pri.ncipa1 1; t-'rest in l.awf;xl Money of the Unit.el States of America t The First stational B nk of ens F&1 ls s F New ot; , at t ion of the 'holder, at Manufactureg H a Truss, , in Ne . i cyrnc�a��ar w York, New York, wh.i.(-,h by ctantx ct are . � . , �3 .' a �R.. , 'ie issue::. 'T . oe afi-n esn ie 6 t4�e individua imaturities seoar=ate section "I".1c h bonds shall he aigned in the name of said Town of Queensbury, New Fork, by its Supervisor, and a .facsimile of its corporate seal shall be imprinted thereon and attested by its Town C-Uerk, and the interest coupons shall bear the facsimile sig- nature of said Supervisor. Section 8. It is hereby determined that the bond resolutions referred to in Sections 1, 2, and 4 of this resolution were superseded by a band resolution dated May 27, 1975 duly adopted by the Town Board of said Town on such date, which resolution was amended by a resolution adopted by the Town Board of said Town on July 22, 1975. Section . All other matters, except, as provided herein re- lating to sucb ;7)onds, shall be determined by the Supervisor. Such bonds shall t°ont-ain substantially the reci+ - -if validity clause provided for it °potion 52.00 of the Local Finance Law and shall. �. ro H ,s,,..�h o and 1 addition t �....�.� :f�..,_�rs contain � :�,:� .,a�:.; �.� .�, rn: :.;�dz� ' ivy. 0 those required toy Section 51,00 of the Local Finance .x..;aw, as the Supervi.o4 :shall. determined. Section 10 , The faith and credit of zi i Torn of Queens,bury, New y ..,,. :,i e .., y -irrevocably pai..cd4:;,.Y to payment. 'Of the pr in- a.rd interest on such 'bbnds as the Same respec t ively become dur: ;; ,a.��;°atle. To the extent not paid from revenues derived from or ,')ther av:ailable funds, an amount sufficient to pay the . ;in:c;i :Aai. of and Snterest on said bonds shall annually be a.s e ® Ravi >d and collected from the several lots or parcels of I'ar. Sri they the .�. fcrr!said Districts :x. he ,;fanner provided by law, M^ . if not raid from such source, all the taxable ,real proaoerty TM paid Town shall be subject: to the levy of za•f� valorem. ta.xc-^ ,.i f r, ,y,�t limitation as to rate or amount sufficient to pay the px i,nzs ,r f a i crest on. said bonds as the same shall become due. Section i'a TI,, w,u' rs and dc�t xe r �)f �-� -er t�:�# �: �.,, , .r �r,cli bones for say. , -ondA.cting, t`.- sale and awa.r.dirg the bonds, are hereby de_ legatee r-- tote S°.z r�ri sr r , who shall,. �sdve; t jsr— suc`n bonds for safe, condUc+r award the bonds in such ::canner as he shall deem best for 1-1he interests of said Town, provided, however, that in the exercise of t:hes lelegated powers, he shall comply fully with the provisions of the Local Finance Law and any order or rule of the State Comptroller applicable to the sale of municipal bonds. The receipt of the Supervisor shall be a full acquittance to the purchaser of such bonds, who shall not be obliged to gee to the application of the purchase money. Section 12. This resolution shall take effect immediately. S Wig- The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote zs X011 call, which resulted as follows: VOTING VOTING VOTING ` Nlov ` VOTING �. 3"VOTING __.. The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted. r � STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF WARREN ) It the undersigned Clerk of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, DO HEREBY CERTIf'Y: That I have compared the annexed extract of the minutes of the meeting of the Town Board of said Town, including the resolution con- tained therein, held on the day of , 1976, with the original thereof on file in my office, and that the same is a true and correct, transcript therefrom and of whe whole of said original s© far as the ,name relates to the subject natters therein referred to. I FURTHER? wERTIFY that all members of said Board had clue notice of said meeting. IN WITNESS wIlEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of said Town this j'2` day of 19 76. �s�A C� CX•..�. Town Clerk (SEAL) e P3� r%r 6 i -Ltr. from Fire Marshal and Aviation Mall re: Fire Lanes : on file. . . RESOLUTION TO- SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR TRAFFIC REGULATIONS AT THE AVIATION MALL REA0W�° L Nd a .,' � Introdue secon - y Mr. Draniel, Olson: Robert Barber who-moved its adoption, WHEREAS, Aviation Mall hAs requested in -writing pursuant to Section 1640-A of the Vehicle &nd Traffie Law of ,the ,State of ftw York that the Town Board establish regulations regarding parking in the Aviation Mall, and WHEREAS, by Section 1640-A of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York, thil tbun' Boat4-mot qr upon fwritrten re' ues't +af,the owner or person in general' cht tge of the `operation ovi dontrol of the shopping center to regulate parking therein by Locate=L&w of Ordinance, and WHEREAS, it is.�'provtded byi"3u°bd Vision 7 of: Section 130 of the Town Law that the Town Board may enact ordinances, rules and regulations regulating the use of public places by motor and: otheer vehicles, and restricting ' parking of vehicles therein, and WHEREAS, said Section 130 of the Town Law requires a public hearing upon all proposed ordinances upon due notices provided for therein, and WHEREAS, diverse and numerous complaints have been received from fire UD officials and police agencies calling attention to the hazardous condi- � tion created;b� the #&rking�{of, mbtor� vehicles in.. fire lanes . in a the Aviation Mall, a NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; that.',& p"licJhegring on the following proposed parking ordinance be held on the 23rd day of March, 1976 at in'the Torn- Of pie+ BUIlftng .,Riy-,And Haviland Roads, Glens Falls, New York, 12801 and that the' Town'rClerk give :no•tic ,of such hearing by publication of notice thereof in the official town newspa ers, once at Ieaet ten $10) days` prior to°,'the dataospftified- for such hearing, specify- ing the time when and the place where such hearing will be held and in'` general the terms describing said proposed ordinance. ORDINANCE `TO" ESTABLISH A NO PARKING ZONE IN THS AVIAT-2ON�MA L IM` 3'HE` TCYWN OF' QUUNSSURi` . BE IT ENACTED AND ORDAINED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, AS FOLLOWS: = Section x'14..!-Fob►'`the purpose of this ordinance,-the words_ "vehicle" . "parked", and"standing" shall have the meaning defined in the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York. Section 2. No vehicle shall be parked or left standing in the Aviation Mall Shopping Center at a distance closer than thirty (30) feet from the curb thAlibnt 'of,,` to the reer of and on"" the side of buildings containing a door used by the public in general for entering in and te- shuditgs, and°`€nrthei�° pr+ahibd flag tie,ppaarkig or standing of vehicles within thirty.' fret (30!�)- of-&ptinkier"connections or controls or hydrants situate in said area. Section 3li >..Al c,6rrdififtceer er�,paitte thereof-of thsi Town of'-Quaensbury inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed; provi '= °ve ,"thht 'at h repeal Shall bt; oftly] to-, thckakten't of such inconsistency and in all other respects this ordinance shall be in addition to the other ordinances regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this I ordinaitio Section 4. Any Police Officer`;. or` bff otal of the :Fire Department is hereby authorized upon finding a vehicle parked or standing in the areas prohibited hereby, to cause the' Mama Wtalkohovid ftaik. auch, areas, and the owner or person using such vehicle, shall be responsible for the p&fit•of r"fftafile charg es-°fer{bench°x emoes 1,.not 'to a eaaend. Twenty+Fi to Dollars ($25.00) , and for the payment of reasonable charges for storage of such vehicle, not to exceed One Dollard ($1.00) per day therefor. Section 5. Any person violating any provision of Sec-tion 2 of this ordinance shall upon conviction be ,Moioo)ishable for first offilKiiY' ► ►"one i t toeroned esn 'bollits gtltd' fob.'' a J Z12 f second offense by a fine of not less than Ten Dollars ($10.00) nor more than Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) , or by imprisonment for not less than two (2) days nor more than ten days (10) . The third or any subsequent offense within one (1) year shall be punishable by a fine not less than Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00) nor 'mope than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) , or by imprisonment not to exceed thirty (30) days or by both such fine and imprisonment. In addition to the aforesaid penalties, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury may institute any proper action, suit or proceeding to prevent., restrain or correct or abate any violation of this ordinance. Section 6. A violation of this ordinance shall constitute a traffic infraction within the meaning of. Section 1800 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. Duly adopted,by the. following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Rob6ttaan, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None . Supervisor Brandt- notified the Board of a March-=25th meeting with the Planning Board RESOLUTION TRANSFERRINQ�IENGINEER,'S CAR TO THE WATER DEPT. JZS"TION -N0: - 70_ introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who.mgved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt: WHEREAS a 1973 Dodge Sedan was originally purchased for the Town Engineer and WHEREAS the Town Engineer' s position has been reducdd so that he is only working part time, Now, Therefore be it RESOLVED, that the 1973. Dodge Sedan be transferred to the Water Dept. and that an appraisal of this vehicle be obtained and the amount paid by the Water Dept. to the General Town Fund. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes; Mrr.rOlson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes None Absent: None RESOLUTION`70- APPOINT MEMBER TO- RECREATION COMMISSIO t Introduced `by Mr, Robert Barber. who moved its adopt on sec- onde by Kre Daniel. Olson: WHEREAS the term of Joan Kubricky of Star Route, Glens Falls, New York, has -sxp red " ,a momeber of the Recreation, Cosaission, and WHEREAS Mvsj. Joan Kubriekyll wishes to be reappointed, ;Now, Therefore be it RESOLVED, that Mrs. Joan Kubricky of Star Route, GlensFalla, ' New York, be and hereby is appointed ast'a member of the Recreation Commission, her term to expire on February 27, 1981. Duly, adoptek-by the fo119wing vote Ayes4 Mr. Olson, Xr- _,Barber, Mr. ;Robi.11a3rd,-,Mr,. Robertson Mr. Brandt Noes; None Absent: None j RESOLUTION ADOPTING RIGHT OF WAYS FOR- SNOWHOBILES ,ON PUBLIC HIGHWAYS WHICH WILL BE A NEW TOWN ORDINANCE, WILL BE FORTHCOMING FROM THE TOWN COUNSEL AND WILL BE FOUND ON PAGE N M o. 7 a„ i 2 3 Ltr. February 26, 1976 Carl Garb Superintendent of Highways Town of Queensbury Bay at Haviland Roads Glens Falls, New York 12801 Dear Carl: At, the direction of .the Town Board, I am b in ing to your attention' thg,,ptovis&ons of the Local, Finance haw , t resolution �of the Town ,Board, re'APecting , by the Hi hwa be mot;. try l m�.tatidns upon expenses made- . g y < partment and b �, �iu as the Superintendent. Under prior law, a limitation was placed u the amount of equipment which a Town Superintendsigi of ` hwas rld with- out the a g �' , . � �rchase, approval of the Town Board, whih'h' llmi.ted fh'W efUi"horization for purchase of equipment without prior .approva1 of the board to the extent � of any amount exceed $500.' .-� i�g By m�s�c#ifioaton of t'�i#s 'layl� in- I970� the law Cq provied Ghat the &down Highway Superintendgnt may be authorised to purchase equipment without priorr approval in. an amount fixed by the Town Board. The a obvious intent o this.f aiaendment was to expand the previously existing -$:500 l mitation. By resplut.ion No., 22 for .the .year 1976 :a $500 limitation was nottetheless imposed upon the putcha4 sing power of the Highway Department. The necessary conclusion to draw frost the foregoing therefore is that there is a $500 spending limit plated upon the Highway Department for the entire;year 76,. ltd Any, expense exceeding $500 would therefore re uilre the prior a uthorization`and approval ` of the Town Board. For your information, f want .beyondkmy own research in this connection and contracted the Division of `Legal "Services of ,t:he State who confirmimed by research. if there are any questions, 'please feel ffee . to contact me. Very. truly yours, JD ►/.Prc/`tw; J. Dhb3d Little, . .., 'Town- A torhey Councilman Barber- noted that he recei�de 'soles-comseinications from-the community in regard to the proposed' cut in t'ne monies not in- faVpx o t this.- vile bring this, up at next meeting, . . �. Councilman A"#A4fd- maa`. 'calla in re y ga'td"�to�� `��nality�'of, Cablt t T.V. asked Su gtry "r.Ta;. contact_, the. Cable., T�,V. Co. Mr. Nolan. . . in regard to mite cow! ��.�� • _ . . _ Tewn Ca nsel.r ,-, .. y A t ed that he would. �cAl' the ' naniion and have them sendtheatlea,�ani: ulatgna. . . Councilman 018 n suggested` that the guperviaet- s lid a letter to -Mr. 'Nolan naming thw_ oow .ainents. . . . Superv*sor.,B*4 I wild xdo s Councilman -01"-fxgc#Aya4 re quested thatftlie fuhding for the Ball,6m Fee#a x.. ±eC' �t. ce`=not he�",cut,- they would like to know what=w dome ". . .,ther budget are befng made up. . . Councilman Barber- has the formu6t., for departmental spending been set up? SupervAsor Brsna -. no - `we are ha" 4 g meetings with Audi-t and Control on this. . . A short dituut..was ,held i.n ;r�r,a to the Industrial Park a joint project of Marren nd 'Washings tidal .. iervisor 'hl d Damboski stated that Warren County has made The"obligat!6i1 t 'the mo des' i but , Washington County has ,not. . . this has to be a joint effort. . . r 1 Ltr. received: 90 John Street Hudson Falls, New York 12839 February 23, 1976 Mr. Michael Brandt Queensbury Town Supervisor Bay Road Queensbury, New York 12801 Dear Sir, On Thursday, February 5, 1976, at about 4:00 P.M. , I was involved in an automobile accident in the Town of Queensbury. �nway Drive The accident took place .on the Old Aviation Road sustainedrby individuals remise that the injuries intersection. it is an to property was a direct `result of negligence by the involved and the damage Town of Queensbury in maintaining the raids in that vacinity. Accumulation of snow on the sides of the icedcovered and showedtnonevidence ofysandingnarrow. The road surface itself. was or salting making the interse+etion extremely' slipptery. Following is a description of the accident. i s proceedingNeast on the New Aviation Road. I met a red light at the intersection Road and Greenway Drive. After the light changed, I turned left onto Greenway Drive where I encountered the ice covered road. The road in inclined at this point and although was traveling at a speed of approximately 2 to 3 m/p/h, it was difficult to coritrol my car and stop at the stop sign at the intersection of GreenwaDve�aad Ilencountered Mrs. MarionmSmith's ' a right hand turn onto Old Aviation car which was stuck in the middle of the road. Mrs. Smith had attempted to travel up the Old Aviation, Road but because of the neglected road conditions, 'she,.wds unable td continue. Her wheels ' would only spin on the ice Mrs. Smith and' a pedestrian, Mrs. Millita Patch, of Queensbury,' who had come out of her house to help Mks. Smith were gett agasalt from the truck of the. Smith car to put under the wheels for traction. Seeing Mrs. Smith's car, I turned my wheels to the right to avoLd her but the wheels would not hold on the ice covered road causing,-my car to slide into Mrs. Smith's car. The left sides of our cars collided causing considerable damage. But, much more unfortunate was the fact that both,:Mr ,., ;Smith';and Mrs. Patch were injured in the collision aitt, required medical care. The road conditions were so bad that even tho ambulanee and the- sheriff's patrol cars had difficulty maintaining control and slid as they ,arived on 'the scene. �c For varification of the above details, I refer you to the investigating Qf f icer'a_ report. Contact Deputy Catone, ; Warren County. Sheriffs Department. I maintain that the above described accident, with resulting injuries and property damage would not have occured with only mkfiioil maintaftahce by the Town of Queensbury,. Therefore, I intend to seek the advice of counsel and possibly file suit against the Town for damages to my .auto- mobile, any claims against myself as a Yesult 'of injuries- involved and- any inerease, in my automobile insurance premiums relative to the accident. Subsequent to the accident, the Greenway Drivw andfbid Aviation Roads have been Barricaded while heavy machinery was employed to clear the area of accumurate ce and snow. Why is it 'that this kind of action has to follow an accident where personal injury and property damageis in v ied than be carried out on .a routine basis in order to protect and preserve, the commnity? It is sad ;commentaty on the municipality ,of the Tow of Queensbury that incidents of this nature. oecur when all of the resources to pfevent their occurance are readily and easily available. I have enclosed estimates of the damage-to Mrs. Smith' s car and my own and will forward evidence of any other claims I receive in connection with the accident. I will appreciate your immediate hank you. d attention to this situation and look forward to a speedy reply. i 21 Sincerely yours, /s TJW:dmw Thomas J. Willette, Sr. Enclosures CC: Queensbury Highway Superintendent Town.Attosney , Deputy Catone Daniel `Robettson -- Loomis Agency John Sheehfn ° Sheehan Agency Marion,.Stith Millita Patch I REPORTS: TO: TOWN BOARD r G _ . FROM FIRE MARSHAL DATEI MARCH 2, 1976 RE: MONTHLY REPORT FOR FEBRUARY FROM j REINSTATO1ENT OF SALARY` ELEVEN WORKING DAYS nt x TOTAL HOURS -' a 34 INSPECTIONS MADE• 16 VIOLATIONS - 3 REINSPECTIONS - 2 MILEAGE - 35.2 miles MEETINGS - AVIATION MALL (2) -FIRE CHIEFS (1) COMPLETE RE'FttING= OF ALL DISTRICTS IN' 3 RING BINDER. 9 HOURS REQUIRED. Roger G. Hewlett A discussion was held on the change in the. Fdew'Zode-Councilman Barber asked the C14"A to`riotify the Fire Marshal Stmt he should contact the Fire in,,r ;{to °the, _e d change in the otdinatkbe. Th* flown Board�' is �lookinE input on the proposed change from this.Fire'°protection Committees.- RESOLUTION: AUTHORIZING SPECS,CENSUS RrS103 NCB-:"ZjL Introduced by Mr. Harimroud Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber: W—HERFAA.S th To �Board feels that a Special Census for the Town of Queensbury, wild. be benefic al, in many aspects and WHEREAS the 1980 Census will not be available to the'- town until 1982, therefore be it RESOLVED that, tt {-&tiger stir' is- r o-s eted by the Toxin Board to apply for a• Spae iall'ei ins f which the apphi tion must be made by August of 1976 and be it further RESOLVED that this Census take place between March 15 and May 15, of 1977 making °°al3fable its 1978, at a :cost estimate of $7500.00 Duly opted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr.' Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None J U6 I Councilman Robillard reqquested that the Supervisor to inform the Town Engineer that he will...have to submit a report on a monthly basis. . . On motion the meeting was adjourned. - i Respectfullysubmitted, Donald A. Shase Town Clerk Town of-Queansbury REGULAR MEETING MARCH 9, 1976 MEMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt-Supervisor Dani&l Olson-Councilman Robert Barber-Councilman Harold Robillard-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman J. David Little-Town Counsel PRESS: Lee Coleman, WWSC, Tri County News TOWN OFFICIALS : George Liapes, Harold Boynton, Carl Garb, Ray Buckley Mr. Norton, Mrs. Richardson GUESTS: League of Women Voters, Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Brodie, Mr. Spoor, Mr. DeSantis, Mr. Krebs, Mr. Noonan, Mr. Campbell, Mrs. Henderson Meeting Opened: 7 : 34 P-M. Salute to the Flag. . .Donald A. Chase Town Clerk PETITION PRESENTED: Patrick Reilly from Glens Falls High School-presented the Town Board a petition in regard to the following: "The cross country ski trails which begin in Crandall Park in the City of Glens Falls and extend into the Town of Queenabury are an important Warren County recreational resource worthy of presertation. A portion of these beautiful trails extends dnto,-private land and is used only through the kind permission of its owners. This privately- owned land deserves to be purchased as a public park for the people of Warren County. The owners of this land are willing to sell it for -such purposes. WHEREFORE, the undersigned residents of the City of Glens Falls and the Town,of Queensbury do hereby petition the Warren County Board of Supervisors, the Town Board and the Common Council of the City immediately to take all necessary steps jointly. to acquire the land into which the Crandall Park cross country ski trails extend." Noted in presentation that over 1000 signatures were on the petition. PUBLIC HEARING ON SIGN ORDINANCE NOTICE SHOWN. OPENED: 7: 37 P.M. -Mr., Hamilton Hoffman-Signs of Progress-read of pages of recommendations he would like to see changed in the proposed ordinance and upon finishing the list was turned over to J. Arthur Norton, Chairman of the Planning Board for` hs consideration. -Mr. M. Brody-Royal Travel Agency- opposed to the proposed ordinance noting a financial loss in his business=extr ly= limited: in' the size of the signs he could place because of the size of his building. . . . -Mary Grey-League of Women Voters- ! The Glens- Falls Area League of Women Voters has consistently favored the f passage of a new sign ordinance for the Town of Queensbury. This evening we would like to mention several specific sections of the proposed ordin- ance which we support. Referring to the addenda on the back page of the copies of the sign ordin- ance, in section 17 we are in favor of (a) , which states : No new advertising i