1989-06-05 SP 2X6 33f SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING JUNE 5, 1989 7 :05 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Supervisor Stephen Borgos Councilman Marilyn Potenza. Councilman Ronald Montesi Councilman Betty Monahan Town Attorney Paul Dusek 1400t.,ing Opened by Town Super. vasor Stephen Borgos Supervisor Borgos-This meeting has been called for the purpose of having a workshop session on various matters, other business and a request for executive session to discuss personnel matters , and a matter relating to litigation. We do have a visitor tonight that has asked to speak to the Board. . .requested that Paul Dusek introduce this person. . . Town Attorney-Paul Dusek-Introduced Mr . Bob Stewart, Attorney for Charles Wood. . .noted that a Mr. Bob Sears a representive of a party interested in a parcel of property off Aviation Rd . owned by Charles Wood had approached my office , questioning if that parcel could be sewered. . . noted that the parcel is not in the sewer district (map used) The Town has the option to extend the sewer district or a contract of some nature, the first step is to approach the Town Board to get their reaction. . . Attorney Bob Stewart-Spoke to the Board regarding the exact location of the property. . . (map shown) Mr. Wood ownes 30C;--400 ' of road frontage from New Aviation Road back to Old Aviation Road . . .My purpose here tonight is to get an indication from the Board how they feel about extending sewer service to this parcel of land, and if acceptable how would this be accompli.sheti? It is Mr. Wood' s expectation that he would have to pay to bring the pipe to his property. . . in a price that we could live with. . . Councilman Monahan-Questioned the Town Attorney regarding a contract vs . extension of a district . . . Town Attorney Paul Dusek-noted that it appeared that easements may have to be obtained to serve the property. . . Supervisor Borgos-Your question Mr. Stewart, does the Board feel inclined to talk to you in terms of providing service in some fashion? What is the feeling of the Board? Entire Board indicated that there was no problem with the concept . Discussion held in regard to the cost of such a project, contract vs , extension of disc . and the buy in costs of the proposed sewer. . .bonding of the Central Qsby. Quaker Road Sewer Dist . . . Attorney Bob Stewart-The property in question is zoned residential noted that there is a possibility that Mr. Wood would approach the Town Board to request a rezoning to Commercial use . . . I think it would be fair of me to report to Mr. Wood that if he is willing to expend what it would cost to bring the pipe to the property, join into the sewer system and pay his share of daily costs and some modest buy into the district that, you people as a group would not be opposed. . . Supervisor Borgos-This is probably in line with our thinking to sewer as much of the Town as we can. E Town Attorney Paul Dusek-Regarding the proposal . . . contract VS . extension. . . from a legal standpoint my preference would be an extension of the district only because it simplifies the billing procedure . . . noted that the district could be just widened to include just that parcel . . . Councilman Monahan-Questioned. if we would need a projected flow? Supervisor Borgos-We will need an estimate, we will also —' need approval from the City of Glens Falls and an approval from D.E.C . which should not be a problem. I t - RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION OF DISCLOSURE j R_E_SOLUTION NO. 308, 1989 Introduced by Mrs . Betty Monahan who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr, Ronald Montesi : i E WHEREAS, there is a position open in the Queensbury Parks and Recreation Department entitled Summer Youth Program Coordinator, and WHEREAS , Patricia Borgos has applied for and has been recommended for the position of Summer Youth Program Coordinator by Harold Hansen, Director of Parks and Recreation, after evaluating all applications received to date and having employed Miss Borgos previously, and WHEREAS, Patricia Borgos is the daugher of Town Supervisor Stephen Borgos, and WHEREAS, under the Town Code of Ethics , Section 3(g) any person of blood relation or through marriage can only be hired upon disclosure to the entire Town Board and their consent, IOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby recognizes and approves of the appointment of Patricia Borgos to the position of Summer Youth Program Coordinator in the Parks and Recreation Department . Duly adopted this 5th day of June, 1989 by the following vote : Ayes : Mrs . Potenza, Mr. Montesi , Mrs . Monahan Noes : None Absent : Mr . Kurosaka Abstain : Mr . Borgos Councilman Monahan-I would like to also add that Pat served in this position last year, she served very well and before that she also had experience with the Recreation Dept . under the arts and crafts and she certainly comes to us with a very good background and well recommended. RESOLUTION OF DISCLOSURE RESOLUTION NO. 309, 1989 Introduced by Mrs . Betty Monahan who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mrs . Marilyn Potenza : WHEREAS , there is a position open on Queensbury Parks and Recreation Department entitled Pool Lifeguard/Swim Lesson Instructor, and WHEREAS , Ronald S . Montesi , Jr. , has applied for and has been recommenderl for the pnsi +-1on of Pool Lifeguard/Swim Lesson Instructor, by Harold Hansen, Director of Parks and Recreation, after evaluating all applications received to date and having employed Mr . Montesi previously, and WHEREAS, Ronald S . Montesi , Jr_ . , is the son of Town Councilperson Ronald S . Montesi , and WHEREAS , under the Town Code of Ethics , Section 3 (g) , any person of blood relation or through marriage can only be hired upon disclosure to the entire Town Board and their consent , N()W, TITEPEFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby recognizes and approves of the appointment of Ronald S . Montesi , Jr. , to the position of Pool Lifeguard/Swim Lesson Instructor, in the Parks and Recreation Department . Duly adopted this 5th day of June , 1989, by the following vote : Ayes : Mrs . Potenza, Mrs . Monahan, Mr. Borgos Noes : None Absent : Mr . Kurosaka Abstain: Mr. Montesi Councilman Monahan-Again I would like to comment that Ron Jr. has served in this position before, he has served us very well and he has a great background, he is a good addition to the Recreation Dept . RESOLUTION APPROVING EQUIPMENT LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN SOUTHWORTH MACHINERY, INC. , AND TOWN OF QUEENSBURY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT RESO_L_UTION NO. _310, 1989, Introduced by Mrs . Marilyn Potenza who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Ronald Montesi : WHEREAS , the Town Highway Superintendent, has determined a need for an equipment lease agreement for one (1) new Caterpillar D4H Tractor, Serial No . 8PB3178, and WHEREAS , Southworth Machinery, Inc . , has offered to provide said Caterpillar D4H Tractor in accordance with an equipment lease agreement for the amount of $1 , 416 .49 per month, consisting of twelve ( 12) monthly payments , the original of said agreement being presented at this meeting, and WHEREAS , pursuant to Section 143 of the Town Highway Law of the State of New York it is necessary for the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury to review and approve of the amount -% to be paid for the lease of the Caterpillar D4H Tractor, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby approves of the lease of one ( 1 ) new Caterpillar D4H Tractior, Serial No . 8PB3178 , for an amount of $1 , 416 .49 per mon+_li , consisting of twelve, ( 12) monthly payments, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Highway Superintendent of the Town of Queensbury is hereby authorized to execute the proposed equipment lease agreement presented to this meeting, and ISIS TT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this pi:rchase shall be. paid for from Town of No . : D-1659785 . 600 . Duly adopted this 5th day of June , 1989, by the following vote : Ayes : Mrs . Potenza, Mr . Montesi , Mrs . Monahan, Mr. Borgos Noes : None Absent: Mr . Kurosaka Councilman Monahan-Is this form in compliance with Audit and Control? Town Attorney Paul Dt_isek-I have not-, reviewed it with them personally but this is the same format that we used last year when I first came to the Town for the landfill . . .at that poirrt 'I had done a lot of research and among the things -that I researched was . .to have a lease with an option put in as this one does that they will offer a machine at a certain amount is legal . . . AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION TO RETAIN SERVICES OF MIKE CUMMINGS REGARDING COMPUTERIZED ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS RESOLUTION NO. 311 , 1989 Introduced by Mr. Ronald Montesi who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Stephen Borgos : WHEREAS , on July 26, 1988 , the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury passed Resoll.ttion No . 313 , retaining Mike Cummings to act as consultant to and assist Margaret Freeber. n with problems encountered with the computerization of accounting systems at a rate of $15 . 00 per hour for services rendered, the cost of such service not to exceed the total sum of $3, 000 . 00 , and WHEREAS , the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury wishes to amend said Resolution retaining the services of Mike Cummings , such that the cost of such services shall be increased to an amount riot to exceed the total sum of $3 , 500 . 00, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby amends Resolutin NO. 313, passed on July 26, 1988 , retaining the services of Mike Cummings , such that the cost of such services shall be increased to an amount not to exceed the total sum of $3, 500 . 00 . Duly adopted this 5th day of June, 1989, by the following vote : Ayes : Mrs . Potenza, Mr . Montesi , Mrs . Monahan, Mr. Borgos Noes : None Absent: Mr. Kurosaka RESOLUTION TO AMEND BID SPECIFICATIONS FOR STATE POLICE SATELLITE OFFICE RESOLUTION NO. 312, 1989 Introduced by Mrs . Marilyn Potenza who moved for its adoption, seconded. by Mr. Ronald Montesi : WHEREAS , the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, by resolution no . 489, dated November 10, 1988 , authorized the advertising of bids for the construction of a building to house the State Police Satellite Office, and WHEREAS , the Town Board is desirous of amending bid specifications by Addendum #1 , a. copy of the same being present at this meeting , NOW, THEREOFE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the ToWn of Queensbury hereby approves Addendum #1 , which shall be attached to and become a. part of the original plans and specifications for the building to house the State Police Satellite Office, and hereby directs that the bidding process be continued and all persons previously obtaining a set of the bidding documents, be furnished with said Addendum #1 . Duly adopted this 5th day of June, 1989, by the following vote : Ayes : Mrs . Potenza, Mr . Montesi , Mrs . Monahan, Mr. Borgos Noes : None Absent : Mr. Kurosaka RESOLUTION TO REJECT BID-BAY & HAVILAND ROAD TRAFFIC SIGNAL RESOLUTION NO. _ 313, 1989 Introduced by Mr. Ronald Montesi who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mrs . Marilyn Pr_ltenza.: WHEREAS , resolution no . 171 , dated March 14, 1989, previously authorized the advertising for bids for the design and construction of a traffic signal for the Bay and Haviland Road intersection, and WHEREAS , the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has evaluated the bids , the bid documents, and the opinion of Paul H. Naylor, Highway Superintendent, who has recommended that the bids be rejected, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby rejects all bids upon the grounds that the Town Board , desires to re-evaluate the specifications for the traffic light such that a resolution be considered for adoption which would standardize the purchasing of traffic light fixtures and to evaluate the purchase of said traffic light through State Contract. Duly adopted this 5th day of June, 1989, by the following vote : Ayes : Mrs . Potenza , Mr. Montesi , Mrs . Monahan, Mr. Borgos Noes : None Absent : Mr. Kurosaka RESOLUTION CHANGING HEFTING DATES/TIMES FOR THE MONTH OF JtTNT?' RESOLUTION_ NOS 314, 1989 Introduced by Mr. Ronald Montesi w-ho moved for its adoption, seconded by Mrs . Betty Monahan: RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury will hold its regular Town Board. Meetings as follows : 7 : 30 P .M. June 13th 1989 at the Queensbury Center and 6 : 30 P .M. on June 22nd . 1.989 at the Queensbury Court Building, Bay at Haviland Rds . , Queensbury, N .Y . 12804 . Duly adopted this 5th day of June, 1989 by the following vote : Ayes : Mrs . Potenza, Mr. Montesi , Mrs . Monahan, Mr. Borgos Noes : None Absent:Mr. Kurosaka X- ,1 RESOLUTION CHANGING MEETING DATES/TIMES FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 315, 1989 Introduced by Mr . Ronald Montesi who moved for its arloptiora , seconded by Mrs . Marilyn Potenza : RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury will hold its regular Town Board Meetings as follows : 7 : 30 P .M. on July 11 , 1989 at the Queensbury Center, and 5 : 00 P .M. on Jul.y 25 , 1989 at the Queensbury Center, Bay at Haviland Pds . , Queensbury, N .Y . 12604 Duly adopted this 5th clay of June , 1989 by the following vote : Ayes : Mrs . Potenza, Mr . Montesi , Mrs . Monahan, Mr. Borgos Noes : None .Absent : Mr . Kurosaka (Town Board moved into workshop session on personnel needs throughout various offices , sewer contracts for businesses on Route 9) RESOLUTION CALLING FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION NO. 316,_ 1989 Introduced by Mr. Marilyn Potenza who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mrs . Betty Monahan: RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby moves into executive session to discuss personnel matters related to performance of specific individuals, a matter of litigation related to Building Construction and update on personnel related to professional employment. Duly adapted this 5th day of June 1989 by the following vC�te Ayes : Mrs . Potenza, Mr' . Montesi , Mrs . Monahan, Mr . Borgos Noes : None Absent :Mr. Kurosaka On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Miss Darl.een M. Dougher Town Clerk-Queensbury