1976-03-11 SP 225'
RESOLVED, that Audit- Of. ,Ulls -as listed in Abstract No. 76-3 numbered
238 through 338 be accepted with the. exception of number 279, Audit
totaliAg ,$24,892.42 and be it further
RESOLVED, fKlTucl Number 264Mar. +Michel Brandt abstains on.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None
On motion the meeting was adjourned.'
Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk
Michel Brandt, Supervisor
Daniel Olson, Councilman
Robert_ Bgrbet,Councilman
Harold Robillard, ` Councilman
Hammond Robertson, Councilman
J. David Little, Town Counsel
PRESS! Lee Coleman, 'Tri ' County News
GUESTS: Representatives from the Town Volunteer Fire Companies
Meeting Opened 7: 34 P.M.
Public Hearing Opened-Notice Shown- Fire Contracts
Councilman Barbet= s ry of the fire._ p} tr ct -contracts start:with ' a J
constant yearly' bam of, 24,6Q0;,gnda�pergifitage cif funding,,for 1,01001
assessed valuatiow in-the companies district. . .
This is a five year contract. . .
Supervisor Brandt-Thanked Councilman Barber and the Fire Protection
Committee for their help in the negotiations. . .
Councilman Olson- noted that the Town and each fire company will now
know how they stand financially to make .up their ,budgets. . .thank all
those who helped in the negotiations. . .
LesA Baird-questioned the board as to when new negotiations will be
started. . .
Councilman Barber- the summer of 1980. . .
AR-W)L IiGitroouced ,by Mr. Robert' Barber who nio�ed its adoption,
seconded by r. ' chef Brandt:
WHEREAS, there has been duly established in the"TTown of Queensbury
a Fire Protection District known as "Town of Queensbury Fire Protection
District" °embracing ail of 'the' territory of said_ Town, 'and ' `
WHEREAS, it is proposed that contracts be entered into with Bay Ridge
Volunteer Fire Co. , Inc. , West Glens Falls Volunteer Fire Co. Inc, ,
North Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co. Inc. , South Queensbury Volunteer
Fire Co. Inc. , and Queensbury Central. .Volunteer Fire Co. Inc. , for
the furnishing of fire protection to such district and
WHEREAS, `due notice has been given off,a public hearing to be held
at the Town Office Building, Bay and kavilind Roads, in said town
on the llth day of March, 1976 at 7 :30 P.M. to consider such contracts,
the notice duly specifying the time and place of the hearing as
aforesaid, and
WHEREAS, said hearing having been held and all persons appearing
having been heard,: i-t is hereby,
RESOLVED, that this Town Board contract with the said Bay Ridge
Volunteer Fire ,Co. Ine.., Vest Glens Falls Volunteer.Fire Co. Inc. ,
North Queensbury 'Volunteer °Fire" Co. .Inc. , South Queensbury Volunteer
,Fire Co. Inc-.,-, and `Queenabury Central Volunteer Fire CoInc. , for
the furnishing of fire protection to duch :district,and it is further
RESOLVED, that the said contracts be executed on behalf of this
Board by the Supervisor.
-- Duly adopted bythe following vote
Ayes:" Ir,.. Lson, Mr. Barber; Mr. Robillard," Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None
.-r RF.SOTITTTnN Nn_ Rfi; Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its
adoption, secnnded by Mr. Robert Barber:
WHEREAS, pursuant to due notice-'a-public hearing. was held by the
Town Board of the`town-of Queensbury on March"11; .1976, at 7:30
P.M. at the Town Office Building, Bay and Haviland Roads in said
town on l`the' attar of enteting, into contracts Stith West Glens Falls
Volunteer Fire Co. , Inc. , North Queensbury Rescue Squad Inc. , and
Bay Midge Volunteer :Fire'Co. Inc. , for provid ng 'ambulance service
to the Town of Queensbury and
WHEREAS, no one has appeared in opposition to said contract and it
is de+smed Fft the public interest of the :residents of..`said town to
enter into such contreacts for ambulance service, it is hereby
" RESOLVED,,.,�'l tt the•2own Board of the Town of Queensbury enter into
contri�� th. thw�'West Glens' Falls ,Volunteer Fire Co. Inc. North
.Queensbttr*oRescne Squad; Inc. , and Bay 'Ridge!:Volunteer Fire .Co. Inc. ,
for the furnishing of general ambulance service in the Town of
Queensbury and -it-is further
RESOLVED, ,that: " the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to
exeucte comtaaidta with each of said companies on behalf:-of the
Town Board:- `'
Duly adopted by therfollowing vote:
Ayes : Mr:-:Olson, ° Mr Barber, Mr. Robillard, _Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: - None
Supervisor, Brandt-fkCalled for thet sigfting d#kthe,Fire and Ambulance
Contracts by the respective Fire companies and Ambulance Services. . .
Signing of-Contracts. . ,.-
On motion thd,,.meeting Ywas-'radjournt&
Donald; A. Chase
Town Clerk, Town'-%66 Queensbul
' 24G
RESOLUTION NO. 72, Introduced by Mr. Hamisond Robertson who moved its
adoption, secon a by Mr. Michel Brandt:
WHEREAS, diverse and numerous complaints have been receivwd by the Town
Board of the Town of Queensbury-calling td the attention. df the said Town
the desire -of'.-the inhabitants of the Town to establish certain .roadways
within the Town as being appropriate for the, use of snowmobiles for
recreation and commerce, and
WHEREAS, it is provided by the Town Law and otherwise that the Town
Board may make ordinances , rules and regulations regulating the use
of streets and highways in particular, for the use of snowmobiles, and
WHEREAS, Section 1130 of the Town Law .requizes a public hearing upon all
proposed ordinances on due notice as provided for therein, and
WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held on February 10, 1976 at 7:30 P.M.
at which -all persons were heard both in favor of and opposed to the
proposed Ordinance, Now Therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the following ordinance be adopted by the Town of Queensbury
Ordinance Number 43
Section 1. Definitions.
(a) Town. Whenever the word Town is used herein it shall mean
the Town of Queensbury.
(b) Terms, vords' and phrases used in the ordinance -shall have
the same meaning .as such terms, words -and phrases have as definedin
Section - 21.05 of the Parks and Recreation .Laa* of the State of New York.
Section 2. Operation on Town Streets and,-Highways.
The opera on of snowmobiles on highways and public ways of the
Town shall be subject to- the applicable provisions of Article
25 of the Parks and Recreation Law of the State of New York, and
the rules, regulations, restrictions and conditions set forth
Section 3. Permitted Highways. Only the following
streets if-gWwgpa of the ToOn are designated as uncongested
for the purpose of operation 6f snowmobiles on the shoulders
thereof as authorized by the Parks and Recreation Law:
A section of Peggy Ann Road (also known as Old Forge Road)
0. 75 miles in length extending from Wintergreen Lane westerly to the
westerly boundary of ' the Niagara Mohawk. Power Corporation-*easement.
Section 4.z.. Closing Highways as Hazards. The Supervisor
of the Town;tEie Chief of Police, or his designee, is hereby
authorized at any time to close any street or part .thereof in
the Town of Queensbury to the operat#on° of snommob les which
in his judgement may constitute a safety or health hazard. ..
Section 5. Limited Operation on Highway. Whenever authorized
or directe C—a- state of local police officer, a snowmobile may
be operated,on Aty portion of the highway for the purpose of an
emergency, as authorized by the Parks and Recreation Law, . Section
Section 6. Conditions and Restrictions. Whenever the operation
of a snovmobitt is permitted on the shoulder, roadway or inside bank
of any Towns"Street or highway, or portion thereof, as provided in this
ordinance, the following conditions and restrictions are hereby imposed
to all such snowmobile operations, in addition to these requirements set
forth in the Parks and Recreation Law:
(a) Prohibited Operating Hours. No person shall operate
on any Town Highway between the hours of 9 P.M. and 7 A.M. , except
on Fridays and Saturdays, the prohibited hours shall be between
Midnight and 7 A.M. No person ,under thecae of' sixteen (16) years
shall operate a snowmobile on any TownYH1ghway unless he or she is
accompanied by a person over eighteen (IS) 'years of age.
(b) Financial Security. It shall be unlawful for any person
to operate a snowmobile on any Town Highway or an any Town Highway
or on any public lands thereof unlesssthe owner or operator of such
snowmobile is insured against public liability and carries with him,
i proof of such financial responsibility, such as a certificate of
liability insurance of the type, coverage and minimum amount as defined
I and required of owners 'and operators of motor vehicles by the Vehicle
and Traffic Law of the State of New York. ,ASuch proof shall be displayed
by the owner or operator of any snowmobile upon request to any 1aw
enforcement officer or to any perm who has suffered 'or claims to have
suffered either personal injury or damage-to-property as a--result of the
operation of such snowmobile by such owner or operator.
(c) Direction of Operation. No person shall operate a `e�nowmobile
within the street or highway right .of way of the Town between sunrise
and sunset, except on the right side of such way., and in the same
ko direction as the highway traffic. Operation in other public places
*�+ shall be only in the direction, ' if any, marked by appropriate route
4 direction markers.
(d) Unatttended.Snowmobiles. It steal l 'be unlawful for any owner
or operator to leave or allow a snowmobile -to be unattended on any Town
highway or public place while the motor in running, or with any key
for starting same left in the ignition or elsewhere in said 'snowmobile.
(e) Obedience to Vehicular Traffic Controls. Each person operating
a snowmobile ,ot any Town highway shall observe strictly all vehicular
signs and signals and all other rules and regulations applications
applicable to vehicular traffic, and shall obey orders and directions
of any state or1tocal police officer or other law enforcement officer
authorized to direct or regulate traffic.
S16ction" . Failure to corlply with any of the provisions of this
locallaw ifiUrl ,be deemed a violation and the violator shall be liable
to a fine of not less than Five ($5) Dollars nor more than Ten ($10)
Dollars for a first offense, for a second offense, by a fine of not
lessrthaw-Tow ($10) Dcollavw nor more than-Twenty Five . ($25) Dollars,
or by imprisonment of not more than ten (10) days, and the third or
any subdequeut offense within one (1) year shall be punishable by
a fine not to `exceed One Hundred ($100) Dollars 'or by imprisonment not
to exceed- thtrty '(30) days, or by both such .fine and imprisonment. In
addition to •the aforesaid `penalties, the 'Town 'Board of the Town of
Queensbury ,institute any proper action, suit or proceeding to prevent
restrain, correct or abate any violation of this .ozdinance.
Section B. All ordinances or pa ts , thereof of the Town of Queensbury
inconsTstentw-Tth the provisions of `this ordinance are hereby repealed;
provided, however, that such repeal shall be only to the ext8nt of such
inconsistency, and . ii all other- respects 'this ordinance shall be in addition
to the other ordinances regulating .and governing the subject matter covered
by this ordinance.
Section 9. Effective 'Date .'his ordinance shall take effect
immediately upon filing, as required by law, provided, however, that
no sn i la >4hal 1, 'b be o A era ted under the
p � provisions thereof until
,such times 'ass dth*£:signs and -markers are installed or constructed in
�_J accordance with the Parks and Recreation`°Law. of-the' State of New York.
Duly adopted by the following votee
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. , Barber, ;Mr °Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None