1976-03-23 ZZ
Michel Brandt-Supervisor
Daniel Olson-Councilman
Robert Barber-Councilman
Harold Robillard-Councilman
Hammond Robertson-Councilman
J. David Little-Town Counsel
PRESS: Lee Coleman, Tri County news, WREN -
TOWN OFFICIALS: Thomas Flaherty, Floyd Martindale, George Liapes ,
Harold Boynton, Betty Eggleston
GUESTS: Mr. Montesi, Mr. Evert VoothtgXr. Robert Stewart, Mr. Kane,
Mr. Bly, Mr. Champagne. Mr. Grindrod
Meeting Opened: 7 : 36 P.M. Salute to the Flag-Councilman Barber
Mr. Montesi- What is the ,justification for having this rezoned?
(18 Meadow Drive)
Councilman Robillard- This is the recommendation of the Warren Co. Planning
Board and the Queensbury Planning Boards.
Mr. Evert Voorhis- 5 Meadowview- You rezoned Conklin.. why do you have
to rezone the other people?
Councilman Robillard- We are holding the meeting to get the public opinion
on this.
Mr. Evert Voorhis- question the board as to why some residents were not
notified by mail of the hearing. . .
Councilman Robillard- noted that residents were sent notices, everyone
within 500 feet of the proposed change. .'.this is not required by law but
is a courtesy of the Town.
Mr. Montesi- noted his fear of the creaping aspect to the rezoning(2changes. . .
questioned the constitutionality of rezoning.
Councilman Barber- noted that the Town only has to advertise in the
legal .ads of the newspapers. . .noted that the Board feels that this would
make the area more contigious to the design of Quaker Road. . .in conjlmction
to Conklin Plumbing and the properties to the South.. . We are also trying
to avoid spot zoning. . .
Mr. Kane-1 Meadow Lane- Did Niagara Mohawk request the change?
Didn't the gas station change some time ago?
Councilman Olson- Thw 'gas station property died go through a variance. . .
Neither party requested the rezoning. . .
Mr. Kane- when you rezone this can't we expect you to go down through
Quaker Road behind the house and rezone .them?
Councilman Barber- Any property that is contigious to Quaker Road or
abut Quaker Road is commercial or will be. . . Quaker Road is the commercial
center of the Town of Queensbury. . .
Mr. Kane- noted that he objected to the rezoning. . -.
Councilman Barber the property contigious to Quaker .Roa-d up to the
development of Meadow Lane and Meadow Drive is C-3 (Niagara Mohawk Property)
Councilman Robertson- we are trying to,-,make the area more coftfor.Ang by
changing from an M-1 to C-3. . .
Mr. Robert Stewart-Attorney- representing Albany Engineer Systems-questioned
that this was the first time that he ever sa* property rezoned when the
owners did not request it? There is no reason, , what they had in mind, what
there reasons were. . .
Councilman Barber-we are trying to avoid spot zoning. . .we are taking
the recommendation of the Town Planning,,,'�tarc dn&-the County Planning
Board. . .
Mr. Stewart- questioned what is going to happen to that property. . .noted
that the master plan has not stated thatfthis- sbmld be commercial or the
S.E. corner be commercial. :
Councilman Barber- The Master plan is not in effect. . .
Councilman Robertson- we have the recommendation of the Planning Boards
there is `no thought to do any-thing. . .we are -making contjX#0us parcels. . .
only intent to avoi spot zoning-.
Mr. Stewart- what concerns me is that when someone asks for a rezoning
you turn him up side down to find'out what he wants what is going to be
done. . .but on this we have not heard a reason why. . .wouldn7t it be
better to wait for a proposal from one of the people and examine it
and see its merits and decide on the basis of known fact. . .then rezone
blind in advance. . .
Town Counsel- In my opininn this does not constitute spot zoning. . .
Supervisor Brandt- The Hearing is closed. . .8:00 P.M.
N Hearing Opened 8:00 P.M. . No one spoke for or against the proposal. . .
a Supervisor Brandt- noted that this was attempted- in 1965 but somehow
was not now completed properly. . .this will formalize what was attempted
before. . .in favor of the consolidation..-.f
Hearing Closed. . . 8: 03 P.M.
No one spoke for or against the proposal. . .
Councilman Olson- questioned if thiW"*ai 8imtilar to our other no parkiiig
ordinances. .
Councilman Uer- this is similar to the one at` Northway Plaza.. .
noted that this would benefit the community. . .Noted that the Police
Chief-Fire Chief of Queensbury Central and Fire Marshal met with
the Aviation.-Mall and i'iv aed a plan for the no parking! zone. . .
Mr. Kane- Does the Police have a right to arrest in the Mall. . .parking. . .
CouYtc Imim Bm ber- in the fire laha.`
Councilman Robillard- noted the 10.00 dollar fine. . .
1 Supervisor Brandt-¥Closed:f earing , -8:06)P.M.
,RESOLLiTIOW _-r 8-7r<°i.Introdbted by ft. Michel{#Bratldt.° o moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson:
WHEREAS; the.:T Board has expreaied-4 desire to, reaont" property of
V.S.H. Realty.`frrotw an Tai-1 td C--3 C3aitifit do and ftagara Mohawk'
Property from an R-3 to C-3 Classification and
WHEREAS, a Public 'Hearing 'was°held >pursuant 'to' Bect on' 11:100 of the
Zoning Ordinance- of then Town of putensbury fot the rezoning of the
described area as such districts are shown on the official Zoning Map
of the Town of Queensbury and provided for in the Builkng Ordinance
in the Town of Querensbt ry 'tnd*
WHERES�of°thehearinBawas held pursuant to notice- duly given at a
Meeting g and in the Town Hall, Town of Queensbury.'
County; New-,York,. 23rd,4 ' 1'76 at which all parsons desiring
to be' heard in.a f *or=-ef< said rezoning =akd'r thio", desiring to be heard
in oppositi.on��to, were given an opportunity, and were heard and the Publib
Hearing having been thereafter closed, Now Therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the following property in the Town of Queensbury as
shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto and made part hereof is hereby
rezoned and it is further
RESOLVED, that the necessary changes be made upon the zoning and depart-
mental maps of the Town of Queensbury so as to .indicate the location ,
of the premises being rezoned as defined in regulated pursuant to the
provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and mdp- of ±the Town of Queensbury
as amended, and it is further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed
to give the necessary notice of such change in- rezoning to the departments
and agency having jurisdiction in the matter.
SCHEDULE A. 109-3-36 V.S.H. Realty, presently zoned M-1
Tax Map Numbers-Qsby.
Neighboring Property: S&E Henry Knoblauch 109-3-35
E Henry Knoblauch 109-3-27
N Quaker Rd.
W Ridge Road
109-3-38 Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. presently zoned R-3
Neighboring Property: N. Conklin Plumbing & Heating 109`-1-7
E. Betty Berg 109-3-28.1
S. Quaker Road
W. Ridge Road
Duly adopted by the following vote.:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robiliard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 888 , Bay Road Consolidation-forth coming from
Thom s alloway Bonding Attorney will be found on page. ya
—RESOLUTION NO, Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its
adoption, seconddd by Mr. Robert Barber:
WHEREAS, The Aviation Mall has requested in writing pursuant to Section
1640-A of the Vehicle and Traffic Law. of the State: of New York that the
Town Board establish regulations regarding parking in the Aviation Mall and
WHEREAS by Section 1640-A of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of
New York the Town Board may upon written request of- the- owner or person
in general charge of the operation of contrpl of the shopping center
regulate parking therein by loeal' 1aw or ordinance and
WHEREAS it is provided by , Subdivision 7 of Section 130 of the Town Law .
that the Town Board may enact ordinances, rules and regulations regulating
the use of Public Places by motor and. other vehicles, and restricting
parking of vehicles therein, and
WHEREAS, said Section 130 of the Town Law required a Public Hearin upon
all proposed g -
p posed ordinances upon due notices provided for therein, and .
WHEREAS, diverse and numerous complaints have been received from Fire
Officials and Police Agencies calling attention to the hazardous
condition created by the Parking -of motor vehicles in Fire' Lanes in the
Aviation Mall, and
WHEREAS a proposed Ordinance was presented to the Board and after due notice
a public hearing was held thereon by the Town Board on the 23rd, day of
March, 1976 at 7: 30 P.M.E. S.T, at the Town Office Building, Bay and Haviland
Roads, Glens Falls, New York, and that the Town Clerk gave notice of such
hearing by publication theeeof in the official town newspapers at least
once prior to the date specified for such hearing, specifying the time
when and the place where such hearing will be held and in general terms
describing said proposed Ordinance and
� 1
WHEREAS, all persons were heard both in favor of and opposed to,
therefore be it
RESOLVED, that Ordinance Number 44 by the Town Board be as follows:
Section 1. For the purpose of this ordinance, the words, "vehicle"
"parked" , and is shall have the Meaning defined in the Vehicle
and Traffic Law of the State of New York,
Section 2. No vehicle shall be parked or. left standing in the Aviation
Mall Shopping Center at a distance closer• than thirty (30) feet from
the curb in front of, to the rear of anon' the side of buildings
containing a door used by the public in generate for entering in and to
such buildings, and further prohibiting the parking or standing of
vehicles within thirty feet (30') of sprinkler connections or controls
or hydrants situate in said area.
u7 Section 3. All ordinances or parts thereof of the Town of Queensbury
•-+ inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed;
provided, however, that such repeal shafil be �ofily to the extent of such
inconsistency and in all other respects this ordinance shall be in
addition to. the other- ordinances regulating and governing the subject
matter covered by this ordinance.
Section 4. Any Police Officer, or official of the Fire Department
is hereby authorized upon finding a vehicle parked or standing in the
areas prohibited hereby, to cause the same to be removed from such area
and the owner or person using such vehicle, shall be responsible for the
payment of reasonable charges for such removal not to exceed'Twanty-Five
Dollars ($25.00) , and for thenpayment of reasonable charges for storage
of such{ vehicle, not to exceed*-,One 'Dollar ($1.00) par' day .therefor.
Section 5. Any person violating any provision of Section 2 of this ordinance
shall upon couviction-be punishable for- first` offense by a fine not to
exceed Ten Dolrl. s $10.00)- and, fo.v*,i� second offense by a fine of not less
than Ten Dollars ($10.00) nor more than Twenty-Five ($25.00) , or by
imprisonment for not less than two (2) days nor more than ten days (10) .
The third -€ su'bVwgvi4i6t off4mw,vithin one (1) year shall be punishable
by a fine not less than Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00)• nor-more than One Hundred
Dollars ($100.00) , or by imprisonment not to exceed thirty (30) days or by
both_-such -des1m& sq=snt.- a In ,`addition to the aforesaid penalties,
the Town Board of the Town of Queen_sbury may institute any proper action,
suit of proceeding to prevent, restrain or correct or abate any violation
of this ordinance.
Section 6. A violation of this 'ordinance° shall constitute a traffic
infraction within the meaning of Section 1800 of the Vehicle and Traffic
Law of the State of New York.
Section 7. . ►is, ordinance.•shall take effect .immediately..
Duly adopted by the followipg vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson., Mr. Brandt
Noes: ' Money r-;.
Absent:. . None,-
Councilman RobertsoniNOted' tha�t' the West Glens Falls, Water rates must
to revised this will be the first change, in approximately 20 years this
will put the district back in a solvent basis. . .
RESOiuTrI k.: Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson vho moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Harold Robillard:
WHEREAS, the. Town` Board of the ,Tom►r of Queensbury has recommended to
establish a more realistic water budget to bring in balance its anticipated
revenues and expenditures, and
WHEREAS, operational costs have increased significantly because of the
inflationary economy, Now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that rates fcr the West Glens Falls Water District be established
as follows :
Unit Per Six Month Period
Family Use 10.00
Bath or Shower 4.00
Toilet 4.00
Add'l Bath or Shower 2..00
Add'l Toilet 2.50
Hose May Billing 6.00
Pool 5.00
Store 10.00
Metered Water Rate .44 per. thousand gallons
Minimum Billing $15.00 per six month period
Trailer 18.00
Lunch Room 6. 00 and be it further
RESOLVED, that this become effective May 1, 1976.:
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr." Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
&;GQ,LUXION NQ 91 introduced by Mr. 44Rohertson who moved its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Barber.
WHEREAS, the' Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has recomaended to
establish a,More realistic water budget to bring in balance its anticipated
revenues and expenditures, and
WHEREAS, operational costs -have increased 'signifcantly because of the
inflationary economy, Now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that rates for the Shore Colony. Water District be, established
as follows:
$ 69.00 per season.
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the season be May 1st to November lst.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. O1son,. Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt.
Noes: °Bone.
Absent: None,.
Councilman Robertson stated before the above resolution-Shore colony
is a summer area which operates for six months the operating cost of
this district has increase so that rate increases are necessary. . .
0 U ' ON NO, I . Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt:
WHEREAS, certain obligations are due and payable from the Police-Highway
Building Construction Account and
WHEREAS, funds for such payments are not currently available, therefore
be it,
RESOLVED, to transfer $880.00 from the General Town Fund to the
Police-Highway Building Account, such transfer to be repaid as
soon as funds are available.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr< Barber, Mr." RObillard Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None
Councilman Robertson- Did the Police Chief investigate the Junk Yards?
Town Clerk Donald A. Chase- Mr. ThOodbre' Merrill told me that the Chief
had investigated the Junk Yards and approved them.
RESOLUTION N0, 93, Introduced by Mt. Haumond Robertson who moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson:
WHEREAS, the following applicants have made application to the Town Board
of the Town of quteensbury for the renewal of their. Junk=Yard Licenses for
u'� the year 1976 and said applications have been accompanied by the proper
P'4 license fee of $25.00 in accordance with the Queensbury Junk Yard
Ordinance as adopted on June 9, 1966.
Name Address
Q Main igo's Auto' Parts -. . - Luzerne Road, Glens Falls,N.Y.
Pete Mosher 1, Luzerne =Road, glens Falls, N.Y.
Morgan K. Combs R.D.#3 VanDusen Road, G1ens. Falls,N,Y.
Herbert Anderson R.D.#3 VanDusen Road, GlensFalls , N.Y.
Robert Sanderlf R.D43"VsnDusen And Sanders Rd. '
G1insFalls, N.Y.
West Side Auto Supply R.D.#2 Corinth Rd. Glens Falls , N.Y.
WHEREAS, then applicants have agreed to cw*ly with "aLl, of the provisions
of said o tfiaaur+e,. subject 5tv certd n� vnditions +therefore' be it
RESOLVED, that the renewal of the Junk Yard Licenses to the above
listed applicants for the year 1976 be and the same are hereby
aPProvid-,`t{ah#;be it further,
-RESOLVED that the Supervisor i`s hOr-ehy 4uthori ied- and directed to
Tissue' said 7r l i licenses and dep8ait the fees `im the General
Fund of the Town.
Duly.'a ptedt 'the` following �vvtei,
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: -None
Absent: None
! Queensbury ToWh Board. ;
L _ RD1 Bay' at- Haviland'Ragds
Glens Falls, New York 12801
It is requ+sated that Mr.:- Leslie :Ryokewica of Chestnut Ridge
Road, Town �af,kQueensbury, be. =reappoittte€ , td the. Assessment Board
of Rev fw for the Town-f of Queensbury.
Mha ymkewical s previous aofointmeynt ex*tted December 31, 1975
and he iew fbr-the last two years.
Thank you for your consideration of this matter .
/espectfully yours,
Gerald Sawn
Acting Assessor
Town of Queensbury
RESOLUTION NO 94 Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt:
WHEREAS the term of Leslie Rymkewicz of Chestnut Ridge Road, Town of
Queensbury has expires on December 30, 1975 and
WHEREAS Leslie Rymkewicz wishes to be reappointed to this Board, Now
Therefore be it
RESOLVED, that Leslie Rymkewica of Chestnut Ridge Road, Town` of
Queensbury be and he hereby is reappointed to the Board of Assessment
Review with his term to expire December 30, 1978.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: *one
Absent: None
Notice has been received -from the. Warren County Planning Board and the
Queensbury Planning Board in regard to the George Weeks application for
rezoning. . .
RESQLUTION NO 95 Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Harold Robillard:
WHEREAS an application has been made by George W. Weeks for a rezoning
of properties in the Town ,of{. Queensbury, Warren County,; New York herein-
after described in Schedule "A" from an R-3 Classification to a C-3
Classification and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Queensbury, Section 11.100 and
the Town Law of the State of New York Sections 264 and 265 provide that
a proposed amendment or change in the Zoning Ordinance of} the Town be referred :
to the Planning Board of the Town of Queensbury and the Warren County Planning
Board and a Public Hearing be held therein, and
WHEREAS the within application has been referred to the respective Planning
Boards, each of whom has issued their report to the Town of Queensbury, Now,
Therefore be it
RESOLVED, that a Public Hearing on such Application be held by the Town
Board of the Town of Queensbury on Tuesday, April 27th, 1976 at 7: 30 P.M.
at the Town Office Building, Bay and Haviland Roads, be held, and that
notice thereof be published at least 10 days in advance thereof in the
official Town Newspapers and it is further
RESOLVED, that property owners within five hundred feet be notified
of the hearing in writing.
SCHEDULE "A" That Tract or Parcel of Land situate in the Town of
Queensbury, County of Warren and State of New York, being a petition
of the premises designated as Parcel No. 4 on a map made by Rist-Frost
Associates, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a rail
road spike set in the center line of West Mountain Road at a point where
the easterly line of land now or formerly of Walter Robinson crosses
said road and running thence along the center line of West Mountain Road
North 52° , 41'x, 25" East, a distance' of 515. 21 feet to a point; thence
North 49° , 26' , 25" East and along the center line of West Mountain Road
a further distance of 415.64 feet to -a point; and thence North 470 43 '
35" East and along the centerline of West Mountain Road a distance of 336. 75
feet to a. point; thence North 81" , 59' , 00" West a distance of 208.47 feet
to a point; thence along a course of North 84° , 48 ' , 46" West to a point
50 feet easterly of the brook that traverses the lands of George T. Weeks,
- - --
2 �
thence in a Southwesterly direction along a line parallel to and 50 feet
easterly of said brook as it winds and turns to a point in the easterly
boundary of lands now or formerly of Walter Robinson; thence South 06' , 42' ,
. 49" West and along° the easterly line of Robinson` to the point or place of
beginning.. . .
r .
Being -a Oortion of 'the lands'' conveyed to George T. Weeks by the
County of, Warren` by Deed dated January 14, 1969 and recorded in the
Office, of the Warren County Clerk on January 16 969 in Book 503 of
Deeds at page 524.
Intending to describe the eastern most portion of the lands of Weeks
{ bounded on the East by West Mountain Road and on the West by a line parallel
to and 50 feet easterly of the aforesaid brook crossing the lands of Weeks.
-Communication from Bill Perry to hold a Carnival at the Queensbury Plaza
April 26 to May 8.th- Proof of Insurance was shown. . .°
Councilman Robertson asked that the Chief of Police comment on the proposed
Carnival in the Ouennsbury Plaza. . .before the next meeting. . .
-Police Dept. Report der February 1976' -0on file. . .
uj -Water DepartmentReports January and February 1976 on file. . .
C4 Supervisor Brandt-
- Supervisor . . March 23, 1906
A.6410 Publicity $3,000.00
Opera 1,000.00'
Baloon Festival 1,000.00
Chamber of Commerce 1,000'.00'
Miscellaneous 500.00.
A.3510 . . Dog Warden
.2 New Van 3,000.00
A. 7310 Youth> Programs
. 2 Picnic Tables . . . 5004.00
Grills 560.00
Ping Pong 'Tables ,. $. x200:00
Shuffleboand Courts 300.00
A. 8090 Environmental Control 1,000.00
Stated via newsps a, reports ?that State' Per Capita Aid will be increased
by 8,000: dol 'a=rs more "t n -anticipated and restored the Donavan Plan . . .
Noted sale of Water Bonds at an interest rate of 7.8902 interest due
October 1st. 240,000 dollars at a cost of the gale of the bonds approximately
49,000. . . received 177,000 dollars for. �sale: of the bonds which will leave
112, 000 deficit. . .On the General Town Budget the Sales tax was budgeted low
and will be fncreasedn78, 000' above budget and the per- capita coming in
about 8,00!fl °above budget shows 'a surplus of $86,`000 however we have incured
a c*stimate of $25';400 in extra costs in snow, removal. : it, apprears we will
have a, rply= ,of approximately 61,000 dollars in the General Town Fund.
I' am * this Water Dist is a° separate "entity and must raise its own money
however the deficit" of the Water Dist becomie a full obligation of the Town,
and in hopes we can hold the tax rate at a minimum I combined the figures
just to look at the total picture of whets happening since the water
district repre0wits approximately 75% of the town, at least in assessment
we will show a net deficit of 51,400 dollars. We have not provided for
funding of the sewer district and agency and improvements to the landfill.
There is a good chance for Federal Revenue Sharing surviving. . .which would
be important. I would like to proposed some budget cuts although I realize
that we are talking about a surplus in the General Town Budget I would
still like to cut costs where we can to try to stay in the lowest tax
posture possible for our community as a whole. Reviewed the proposed cuts. . .
as printed above. . .
Supervisor Brandt - opened for discussion
Councilman Barber- question where the 25,000 dollar deficit in the snow re
moval account came from?
Supervisor Brandt- It. .came .from a communication from Mr. Garb it was
actually 30,000 dollars.
Councilman Barber- It 4f6# '0e:fdr"at
mi xer*_
_0 rate As rmmn-* �4.:V; . r� onr �;. eht last �ear, . .
regarding the Chamber of Commerce- noted 'the he felt it was `important since-
they encourage industry to come into the community. . .
regarding. the Dog Warden- Van- felt he deserved anew van "he is riding around
in a"1903 rattle trap" and I would not ride in it. . .
regarding the recreation-feels the amount is too small townrry about cutting
regarding Environmental Control I agree this sho*ldlilke under the Queensbury
Zoning and Planning Board function. . .
Noted that he disagreed with Mr. Garbs figures and would go with the Book-
keepers. . .if there is nokisnow we are in good shape. . .
Supervisor Brandt- I took Mr. Garbs figures at face value. . .we will look at
that. . .Noted that he drove an. older car and felt that the dogs could ride
in an old vehicle. . .
Councilman Barber- Noted Mr. Davison has done an good job trying to
quill the dog problem in the Town. . .noted that the rear end of the
truck broke down couldn't find parts and finally it was taken from
an old water dept. van. . ..
Councilman Olson- noted that the van was borrowed from the County and is
• Civil Defense Vehicle. . .no 116nies were paid for it. . .a few weeks ago
• wheel fell of it and again found pacts in a junk yards. . .
Councilman Barber- noted that Mr. Garb was asked to find a used vehicle
and was never done. . . if we can spend around 3,000 dollars to quill
the dog problem it is well spent. . .
Councilman Olson-noted he. felt that government should advertise the
community and felt if the Balloon Festival was cut from the Town and
County Budgets they wo*l:d move to Saratoga and we would not have the
39,000 people coming into the community. . .
Supervisor Brandt- felt the County could carry the town for the balbon
festival. .,.
Councilman Olson- felt that the pi=10. materials were a one time charge.
noted that the area at Gurney Lane w being used and even Cerebral
Palsy used it for their children. . .
Supervisor Brandt- noted he just wished to curb its expansion. . .
Introduced the motion. . . to cut $10,500 from the budget. . .
Councilman Robertson- How much interest is due on April lst. on the
Bond Anticipation Notes? Would you agree that it is approximately
Supervisor Brandt- That- is correct. . .
Councilman Robertson- Also budgeted under 9,710 is 313,821 dollars
for interest on bond anttkipation notes if my 158,410 is correct
which is half of that number half of it is due on April 1 and the
other half is budgeted to pay on the other notes or what ever financing
is done. , I see no accounting of that on your numbers. . .if my figures
are correct leaves us a surplus of 44,000 dollars in the water department.
Councilman Barber-As usually, excuse zee I have to be very careful here,
but I will be, cautious, delicate, with Mr. Garb this evening, due to the
fact that he is not here, however his del4gate is here, Mr. Martindale. I
did receive some facts and figures today that were rather alarming tome
and do not support Mr. Garb' s philosophy. In 1974 the fiscal year ending
December 31st., we spent in persoTakA and contractual services $72,027.98,
in 1975, we spent fmm persoiifkkl services and for contractual services
$76,478'87>,.: to date the fiscal year 1976. with the horendous winter that
we had, this past winter, and it was tough, particularly because I probably
developed some of that toughness, *ecspent $66,878.10 to date. It is interest-
ing to note also that as of December 31st, we had a surplus of $14,400.00
in the snow budget and we transferred those monies from the snow budget into
1 the general fund or into the highway fund, I should say, to upset some
i deficits in Mr. Garba budget. What I am really saying is that we do not
�. have a deficit of twenty five or thirty thousand dollars, that has been
communicated to your office. Our bookkeeper Mr. Merrill, gave me these
figures this date today and told me that through his records have reflected
so far this year an expenditure totallAgg. $66,878.00. If last year we spent
$76,478.00 and we had a surplus of $14,400.00,�$omething is terribly, terribly
wrong with Mr. Garb's figures, so if that ass"Elie case we are ahead of the
game already by $10,000.00 as offosed from the present figure of ¢:66 this
year as opposed to 176 last year and you take into addition the $14,000.00
we had in surplus we are ahead of the game $25,000.00. So instead of saying
we have a deficit of $25,000.00 we really have a surplus of $50,000.00 which
really accounts to, if you subtract that from your net deficit here of
$51,000.00 we only have a deficit of $1,177.00. So I therefore propose
that we look at these figures a little bit closer and we don' t take the money
out of Opera, which I think is important to the community the Balloon Festival
I think is important, however I can conceive that the County should take
this over.
I .e
i I �
I do not like mixing water department funds with general town funds.
I believe it is very misleading to the ppblic.,
Supervisor Brandt- you may, be correct we will review them. . .
Councilman Robertson- :felt there are obligations of the town that should
go forward. . . I. admit ,timesare tough but I do not feel that we can stop
the programs .atd say get off. . .
Supervisor Brandt- You are saying that anything in the budget should be
Councilman Robillard- within reason. . .
ISupervisor Brandt- motion stoped because of lack of second. . .
Councilman Olson- commented that he was please that the local banks bid
on the Town's bonds. . .
Open Forum 8:48 P.M.
Mr. Woolsey- noted that he felt that the budget should be reanalyt.zdd. '
Councilman Barber-- noted that the figures that were used were from the
Town Bookkeeper. . .
N Mr. Myron Grindrod-noted a lack of inform,atian between each one of you. . .
= if one is declaring there is a deficit and -one ar` urplus NoWt1king should
be done. : .
ccile °Barber-l; believed that, has .been clari€ .ed. Mr. Brandt has already
indicated that ,the -25,000 dal-larsdefioit was from a commication: from Mr.
Garb the facts and figures that I had, were from the bookkeeper as of this
date. . .
Mr. -'-i� - .I .ea not to A ee$ed=�vith i r. Barbe�r'a facts and figures and
I spa not - p essod V:kth 1 . -.Bj�a 44s facts fibres I assumed you
the board,-are zxjpr king or , our -cwpum 1py, 4. and not,,for the benefit of each
individual why _cannot you,megt befabre a meeting and present something
factually. to -4*,, citizens.-.,. .
Councilman Barber- we appreciate your oopinion however let me indicate to
you,Mr. Montesi;...,notsd that many hors. w.e € °spent on the 1976 budget and
many cuts weee made iti,it. red public hearizigs were held on the budget. . .
we have kept the tax rate stable. . .
Supervisor Brandt- I would like to point out to Mr. Barber I do appreciate
the efforts t ,. 9 4 I also see the there is a ,-240,000 dolly ,item
do October 1,W.,_--interest on the, Water ,Bond which the last Board did -not
provide for, I want to point out there is a 10,000 dollar payment on the
Police Highway Building that is due and payable on a note that was not
provided for, I want to point out that I too have been extended a little bit
without even, so, much as the ntrgduct�ion by the past supervisor of how
the hell the budget was made, or what items were included, or what they
stood for. I am talking also about the whop Town Board. If everybody
worked on the budget why don't you surface and explain it to me.
Councilman Barber-I think we have done an adequate Job, and I think
Councilman Robertson explained that the,, April -let. obligation as far as
the Water District is concerned is not in fact as it is.
Mr. Grindrod-Is t .'; .
his going toIse?
E Mr. Brandt-Certainly. The interestt rate is running higher than it was
L21 last year—The only way that can be picked up is with an increase in tax.
That is another thing, I have asked for a committee to study the sale
of water chaired by Mr. John Silva and Mr. ,-S.R, Wilson to be a member
and Bob .Madden to be a member to make a study of cost factors that we would
incur ;in tre ng-°water for neighboring municipalities and to try and
propose and draft a price structure which would encourage water sales
to those municipalities and in the long run reduce the cost to the resident
of Queensbury. :They have accepted this responsibility and are going to
work with our water department in an analyses of that, and report back
and as soon as I have that report I will give you a copy of it.
Mr. Robertson-noted that Mr. Brandt and himself has a different set of
proprities. You hit me with some numbers tonight, you had time to prepare
them, I did not.
Mr. Bly- Questioned why Mr.� Robertson; Va gs of native from the Town
Board does not come to every Recreation meeting.
Mr. Robertson explained that he does not believe that he should attend
all of the Recreation meetings because he does not feel that he has
to go and hold their hand so that they may make a decision.` -We appoint
these commissions to do a job and carry out their responsibilities.
If they need guidance I will give it to them to the best of my ability.
Mr. Robillard- You are out of order Mr. Bly. We have spoken to -the
Chairman of your commission at length back in December, This problem
came up and he said he did not want -us at those meetings. There was
no need to have us there at every meeting. You are an arm of the Town
Board and if -you can not function without us holding your hand then
you should not function at all.
Mr. Voorhis-regarding snow removal, I think Carl Garb is trying to tell
you something. I think what he is saying is that next December 31st
if things stay the way they are you are going to be -in the �hole$25,000„
If you get a mild fall you will come out even.
Mr. Tarana-When is the appointment going to be made for the Conservation
Advisory"Council, and also what about the proposed cut in the Council
Mr. Brandt- As it stands tonight, the budget is $1000.00. ' -The appointments
will be strict Ty a matter when we can get to then
Mr. Champagne-Thanked the Board for the position that they took tonight.
I- am willing to -set rdo with all of the Town Board in some kind of harmony,
the anomosity that was shown by this Town Board tonight is not good for
the town.
Mr. Robertson-stated that he was the head of the Water Dept. Committee
and he-Vould still work with the •Water "Dept. on'water pr63octs. I do not
want to have; any misunderstanding as to: what this new'edmission is going
to do or 'hat going to do. The ultimate responsibilit y rests with this
Board and Tlthink that we are quite capable `of carrying out this
responsibility. However if you want to make this ' new-comm 'ssion it
is strictly your prerogative and I will not challenge it.
Mr. Brandt-This committee will- put, in their time to' make a" fed
analyses forme and it will be 'shared by everybc'dy.
Unknown-Is it an official commission appointed by an individual?
Mr: 'Brandt-If' it -is an official commission, `I have appointed it.
it is official as `far as I look at it. There is no compensation involved.
NO,_,,.966 Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its adoption,
secon. y Mr. Daniel Olson
RESOLVED; that Audit of Bills as listed in Abstract No. 76-3A numbered
339 bed t ftb5- Q$g00 be accepted.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None
On motion the meeting was ,ad,journed.
Respectfully submitted,
Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk