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41LIMA TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518) 761-8201 �� } Q r3, Community Development - Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Permit Number: P20140048 Date Issued: Wednesday, January 07, 2015 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20140048 has been completed. Location: 5 BROWNS Path Tax Map Number: 523400-296-011-0001-004-000-0000 Owner: R2M HOLDINGS, LLC Applicant: R2M HOLDINGS, LLC This structure may be occupied as a: Fireplace By Order of Town Board Garage Attached TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Single Family Dwelling Issuance of this Certificate of Occupancy DOES NOT relieve the property /14-- owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Planning Board Director of Building&Code Enforcement or Zoning Board of Appeals. O.` .411140. fivi TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20140048 Application Number: A20140048 Tax Map No: 523400-296-011-0001-004-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: R2M HOLDINGS,LLC For property located at: 5 BROWNS Path in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: R2M HOLDINGS,LLC Fireplace 6 CHIPPEWA Cir GarageAttachedQUEENSBURY NY 12804-0000 Single FamitD welling $200,000.00 Total Value $200,000.00 Contractor or Builder's Name I Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications 2014-048 Lot 1, House No. 5 Brown's Path SFD 2,374 sq ft, attached garage 985 sq ft 1 Fireplace gas burning $622.55 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Thursday, April 09,2015 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town Quee bury• /We s s s : s ril 09,2014 i SIGNED BY 1r' t for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement OFFICE USE ONLY TAX MAP NO.p?�Q,� PERMIT NO. 1 4 w 0 FEES: PERMIT�d�,S ECREATION � �- � `1; 1 60'4'60'4' � ' GINEERING ppli 4g7 (If acable) . -i PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE: APPLICATION FOR ZONING APPROVAL & BUILDING A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. PERMIT REVIEW BEFORE ISSUANCE OF A VALID PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTIIONAPPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO APPLICAN BUIL ED R , ,A F L ' . 1-/---e— OWNER: MIA �/ "1/� .e.- (1-A1 4�1 - .i.,_i/I / J ADDRESS: \J ADDRESS: `j1��4 :I `��, PHONE NOS. • R--66‘.5- PHONE NOS. , / ` 1, J`r. CONTACT PERSON FOR BUILDING & CODES CO PLIA CE: i / ti / ' � LOCATION OF PROPERTY: _ A 7 CU -"1#111/I-Th Le ii, 4/ 4 I° ...1; ' PHONE: HAS THERE BEEN A SITE PLAN REVIEW; VARIANCE OR SUBDIVISION APPROVAL? ' v' IF SO, INDICATE APPLICATION NO. AND D TE OF APPROVAL: S1�.k, O ES NO ReNOS- &)--7,,, ,s ceffn,ve L. seer, i i, t PLEASE INDICATE MEASUREMENTS AS REQUIRED BELOW: CHECK ALL THAT z PROJECTYOUR o Oec Q p O C3 D I-- APPLY Ci w u_ P w ° LL ° � w � P w W p J W Q a = = z Q C. z° Cl H O C7 U r- u) NCO O � OU. a- _ ots SINGLE FAMILY v/ 2r 235# /0/ TWO-FAMILY MULTI-FAMILY (NO. of UNITS ) TOWNHOUSE BUSINESS OFFICE RETAIL- MERCANTILE FACTORY OR INDUSTRIAL ATTACHED GARAGE(1,2,3) 9Ljl CC�a 541 � 0 OTHER IF COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL- NAME OF BUSINESS: -' ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST: 4G FUEL TYPE: �}c' HEAT TYPE:/#/%.2 *HOW MANY FIREPLACE(S): / AND/OR WOODSTOVES S : _a____ ZONING CATEGORY: ?-i ARE THERE WETLANDS ON THIS SITE? %Z.' IS THIS A HISTORIC SITE? PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR ADDITION: c?//7 , in:;71„,/.7 //� e-_-- *Please complete a separate Application for"Fuel Burning Appliances& Chimneys"available in our office Town of Queensbury • Community Development Office • 742 Bali Road, Oueen.shur, 1\1V 17Q114 B 3-LGL 11-05 ARE THERE STRUCTURES NOT SHOWN ON PLOT PLAN? ARE THERE EASEMENTS ON PROPERTY? I acknowledge no construction activities shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit. I certify that the application, plans, and supporting materials are a true and complete statement/description of the work proposed, that all work will be performed in accordance with the NY State Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed, I or my agents will obtain a certificate of occupancy. I also understand that I/we are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. I have read d gree to thebove. Signed 1� / f) Director of Building & Codes: 761-8256 (for questions regarding Building Permits, construction codes or septic systems) Zoning Administrator: 761-8218 (for questions regarding required permits, the permit process, application requirements or to schedule an appointment) r Permission is hereby granted to the above This application / proposed action described Applicant to erect or alter the building herein is found to be in accordance with the described herein in accordance with said zoning Laws of the Town of Queensbury. Application: BUILDING & CODES APPROVAL ZONING APPROVAL DATE DATE QUESTIONS? CALL 761-8256 OR EMAIL codes�a queensbury.net Office Use Only VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION Operating Permit Issued: Yes No www.queensbury.net Occupancy Type: Construction Classification: Assembly Occupancy Limit: Special Conditions: Town of Queensbury • Community Development Office • 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 r OFFICE USE ONLY /� TAX MAP NO. PERMIT NO. 1 �I�el'PERMIT FEE APPROVALS: ZONING TOWN CLERK APPLICATION FOR SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT: A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE WORK BEGINS.APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BEFORE ISSUANCE OF A VALID PERMIT. _ � � ) „nom OWNER: G l�� /�— INSTALLER: G/JI�Y��• ° f�E'L�Y.'x'7i1 ADDRESS: v11i// 3 & it Q 4 ADDRESS: Ai 1- -,•-• , , , w)�.,5, PHONE NOS.77g �rW �74)'���3 7 PHONE NOS. 7L)7 ig,t LOCATION OF INSTALLATION: !r'2e7aYL�J /J R„zie t 7 & 5T f'Jc . G' RESIDENCE INFORMATION: YEAR BUILT NO.OF X COMPUTATION= = TOTAL DAILY FLOW BEDROOMS GARBAGE GRINDS / 1980 or older X 150 gallon per bedroom = INSTALLED? /22 1981 -1991 X 130 gallon per bedroom = SPA OR HOT TULW 1992-present 3 X 110 gallon per bedroom = T5-7(3 INSTALLED? PARCEL INFORMATION: / ,/ TOPOGRAPHY: Flat rolling ✓ Steep slope %Slope ✓ SOIL NATURE: Sand Loam v7 Clay Other ✓ GROUNDWATER: At what depth? 5 r ✓ BEDROCK/IMPERVIOUS MATERIAL: At what depth? 4//14. ✓ DOMESTIC WATER SUPLY: Municipal /Well (If well: Water supply fr�o}� septic File, //�J 7,/1 ., system absorption is 4 , ft.) pry fl)€- ill d 'I2 P1i'i\ „moi J,.07)c1 ✓ PERCOLATION TEST: Rate is minutes per inch [MPI] (Test to be completed by a licensed professional engineer or architect.) PROPOSED SYSTEM FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION: All individual sewage disposal systems must be designed by a licensed professional engineer or architect(unless installed in a Planning Board approved subdivision). TANK SIZE: 12V GALLON (MIN. SIZE IS 1,000 GAL.) Add 250 gallons to the size of the septic tank for - each garbage grinder, spa or whirlpool tub. SYSTEM TYPE: 22 / ❑ ABSORPTION FIELD (WITH NO. 2 STONE) Total length 509 ft. Each trench 52% X 4-' D SEEPAGE PIT(S) (WITH NO. 3 STONE) How many? Size? ❑ ALTERNATIVE SYSTEM Bed or other type? ❑ HOLDING TANK SYSTEM Total required capacity? Tank size? Number of tanks? NOTE: ALARM SYSTEM AND ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL WORK MUST BE INSPECTED BY A TOWN i APPROVED ELECTRICAL INSPECTION AGENCY. PLEASE REVIEW LIST PROVIDED. i For your protection, please note that pursuant to Section 136-29 of the Code of the Town of Queensbury, any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material misrepresentation or failure to make a material fact or circumstance known by or on behalf of an applicant, shall be void. I have read the regulations with respect to this application and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of QUESTIONS? CALL 761-8256 OR EMAIL Qu ju -- ry Sanitary ewage Disposal Ordinance. coaesca?aueensburv.net . .4'' ISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION Li �Y i. A,J www.queensbury.net Ig :tura of e' on porfsible Da a I�” ' Town of Queensbury • Community Development Office • 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 B 5-LGL 6/06 I h e\<1.--0°.1 g) _ . „ . _ „ .. Cl.::.. ._ Fire Marshal's Office '(,iurr of(tit el,shi1t';, -42 R:i., fti.,.d • ';'le.'r.'t!st,,tr .,',.'Zl, i i'1 •1_)'f.;r . Michael 1, Palmer, !-ire &'far41,?i• Gary '/ Iii. Pirity Fire Al:;Y<,,,, , APPLICATION FOR FUEL BURNING APPLIANCE & CHIMNEYS Application is hereby made to the Building &Codes Office for the issuance of a Building & Use Permit pursuant to the New York State Fire Prevention & Building Code. The applicant or owner agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances,regulations, and all conditions that are part of these requirements and also will allow all inspectors to enter premises to perform required inspections. IMPORTANT NOTE TO APPLICANT: ROUGH-IN AND FINAL INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED. OWNER: i.-1/�)L Hl�)4/I/ �LL INSTALLER/BUILDER: � I7R Ie Ire /9 e f�� ADDRESS: K"--71:?'C yo IV ,Jf r7 ADDRESS: -/ 75 6.-7 /01h AQC r X12.41 /1/1"J Y PHONE NOS. -DC 9e,�5,�" �?f"/ -p / �i ,, PHONE NOS. 79tr-G?�xJa2z7 LOCATION OF PROPERTY:4/0r / �J/$'j• /42//`T//] SUBDIVISION NAME: 3-erh. , J J2 LOCATION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION AND/OR INSTALLATION: 1,07-1/g J > (.ta k CONTACT PERSON FOR BUILDING&CODES COMPLIANCE: lii t') L PHONE:792--42 �5 ✓ FUEL BURNING APPLIANCE WOOD COAL PELLET GAS OIL INFORMATION STOVE FIREPLACE INSERT ✓FIREPLACE,FACTORY BUILT* FIREPLACE,MASONRY FURNACE(GARAGE ONLY) /�j L *IF FACTORY BUILT,PLEASE PROVIDE: MANUFACTURER NAME: k�'f /420,01/79/7 MODEL NO.//—g17// LISTED BY:/4-)A/2 /2b 111 o NUMBERgy27—1 h gPSQ/V6 QUESTIONS ? CALL 761-8205 or 761-8206 CHIMNEY INFORMATION BLOCK BRICK STONE OR EMAIL: firemar'shaI queensbury.net MASONRY** - CHECK ONE ✓ VISIT OUR WEBSITE TILE STEEL SIZE IN FOR MORE INFORMATION INCHES r,r/w. ueer plsbur et FLUE CHECK ONE ✓ DOUBLE CHIMNEY WALL TRIPLE WALL INSULATED DIRECT VENT LINER CHIMNEY MATERIAL CHECK ONE ✓ V **IF NON-MASONRY,PLEASE PROVIDE: MANUFACTURER NAME: ,�1//!i 2 1Jrr/ ✓te MODEL NO. 7 4PL/I: 44// 9754( ADDITIONAL NOTE: CONSTRUCTION/INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO NYS FIRE PREVENTION &BUILDING CODE AND/OR MANUFACTURERS REQUIREMENTS. CONSULT AVAILABLE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY HANDOUTS REGARDING REQUIRED INSPECTIONS. fbp \ k_t -6 Town of.Otteensbru Michael F. Travis Highway Highway Superintendent Home: (518) 798-0413 Department 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 Thomas R. Vanness Deputy Superintendent Office Phone: (518) 761-8211 Home (518) 745-0929 Fax: (518) 745-4466 DRIVEWAY PERMIT www.queensbury.net DATE: //I1')/ APPLICANT NAME: gt5 c TELEPHONE NO.: 79/ faq6P-11 +41 ADDRESS TO BE INSPECTED: I7 / ‘102/1,4 p RETURN ADDRESS: CP a/ .46 drz L' ),41 Applicant must show exact location and width of driveway(s) to be connected to the highway by placing stakes at the specified location. The Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Queensbury has reviewed this application. The following action has been taken: STEP 1: ( ) Preliminary Approval NEED: ( ) Slight swale ( ) Deep swale ( ) Level with the road ( ) Level with the top of the paved wing Size culvert pipe to be used (if necessary) ( )12" ( )15" ( )18" ( )24" ( )36" Preliminary inspection completed by: Date: Approval by Highway Supt: Deputy Supt: Upon completion, please resubmit this approved permit for a final approval. STEP 2: ( ) Final Approval ( ) Rejected Date: Michael F. Travis, Highway Superintendent Thomas R. Van Ness, Deputy Highway Superintendent Utility Pole (hP) 150.62' ZON tNG REQ UIREMENTS.- ►4 Zoned .................................. Lot Size................................1 acre Minimum Lot Width......... too, Minimum Setbacks Proposed Front ..................–........ 30' Side, .............. -- ............. 25' Rear................................30' I Ornamental Blacktop Tngs Driveway Iron Rod Found, 0.15'East of Corner w� Proposed Driveway 13. Concrete Monument Lands Now or Formerly of Richard & Cheryl Brown Book 709 Page 206 296.11-1-3 L =38.62' n i, 34.89' °3536"W, BROWNS PATH 34.89' DEEDREFERENCE. L Conveyance toR2MHoldings, LLCbr deed dated September 13, 2013, filed in the ,ei Waren CountyClerks Offi'cem Book 4854 ofDeeds atpage 45. MAPREFERENCES' I. Map entitled'Af4 IPLEROWFARMSSUEDTV1510NlpmparedbyScudderAssociates, 0% dated June 16, 1'189, filed m the Warren County Clerks Office, on October31,1991 as mapnumberA 1-146." Iron Rod Found (Held) MAPNOTES 1. Boundary information shown hereon was campiled from map reference 1 and an actual field survey conducted on July2G' 2013. 2. North orientation and bearing base permagnetic2013. 3. Warren County taxparce1296.11-1-4. 4. The location of undergmandimprovements or encroachments, ifany exist or as shown hereon, are not rertl&ed Theretnaybe other underground utilities, the eAistence of which are unknown. Size andlocation ofaB underground utiE9es mustbe venfled by the appmpnate authorities. The Underground Fac&iiesFra&vhve Organization mustbenahi& d prior to conducting testborings, excavation and construction. 5. Thissumey waspmpared without the benefit of an up to date abstract of title 6. Reproduction orropyiogofthis docvmentmaybe a violation ofcopynghtkaw unlesspermission of the authorand/or copyrightholderis obtained. 7 A copy ofthis document withouta pmper application of the surveyor's embossed seal should be assumed to be an uatuthorieed copy. 8. Farcelsubjectto DeclarationofCovmn tsmdRestrictionsforMapleRowFarm Subdivisioryfiledin Warren County Gerk's Officeon Apn128,1992m Book 851 ofDeeds atPage 157. 506°3850"W 176.19' Lot Numbers Upermap Reference 1 4"Maple Lands Now or Formerly of °�4"Maple Brian J/. & Helen Williams Book 1312 Page 270 296.11-1-5 4� Iron Rod Found Iron Rod Found ES TO THE OR SIGN(S) 30'Setbac' ------------- Proposed Leach Area AREA =1.004+acres I 20'mirt. , 430 " ' .'�95 ,•1.0 / � j Er. w _40' 1.0'— Electric Hand Hole Cable TV N81 °5055"W P.alac/al– L =38.62' n i, 34.89' °3536"W, BROWNS PATH 34.89' DEEDREFERENCE. L Conveyance toR2MHoldings, LLCbr deed dated September 13, 2013, filed in the ,ei Waren CountyClerks Offi'cem Book 4854 ofDeeds atpage 45. MAPREFERENCES' I. Map entitled'Af4 IPLEROWFARMSSUEDTV1510NlpmparedbyScudderAssociates, 0% dated June 16, 1'189, filed m the Warren County Clerks Office, on October31,1991 as mapnumberA 1-146." Iron Rod Found (Held) MAPNOTES 1. Boundary information shown hereon was campiled from map reference 1 and an actual field survey conducted on July2G' 2013. 2. North orientation and bearing base permagnetic2013. 3. Warren County taxparce1296.11-1-4. 4. The location of undergmandimprovements or encroachments, ifany exist or as shown hereon, are not rertl&ed Theretnaybe other underground utilities, the eAistence of which are unknown. Size andlocation ofaB underground utiE9es mustbe venfled by the appmpnate authorities. The Underground Fac&iiesFra&vhve Organization mustbenahi& d prior to conducting testborings, excavation and construction. 5. Thissumey waspmpared without the benefit of an up to date abstract of title 6. Reproduction orropyiogofthis docvmentmaybe a violation ofcopynghtkaw unlesspermission of the authorand/or copyrightholderis obtained. 7 A copy ofthis document withouta pmper application of the surveyor's embossed seal should be assumed to be an uatuthorieed copy. 8. Farcelsubjectto DeclarationofCovmn tsmdRestrictionsforMapleRowFarm Subdivisioryfiledin Warren County Gerk's Officeon Apn128,1992m Book 851 ofDeeds atPage 157. 506°3850"W 176.19' Lot Numbers Upermap Reference 1 4"Maple Lands Now or Formerly of °�4"Maple Brian J/. & Helen Williams Book 1312 Page 270 296.11-1-5 4� Iron Rod Found Iron Rod Found ES TO THE OR SIGN(S) wcd g -lb Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement - Residential - .nal .spection Office No. (518) 761-8256 Arrive: • -D , �• ►,:.art: Date Inspection request received: Inspector's Initia NAME: R PE'�Gr#: r y—o"t LOCATION: Jr 42 f-o w n sc h D•VE: /— !.6 TYPE OF STRUCTURE: (.S F ,� Comments: Yes No N/A 4" Building Number Address visible from road Chimney Height/"B"Vent/Direct Vent Location Fresh Air Intake 3 inch Plumbing Vent through roof minimum 18 inches Roof Complete/Exterior Finish Complete Platform at all exterior doors Handrail 4 or more risers Guards at stairs,decks, patios more than 30 inches above grade Guard at stairwell at 34 inches or more Guard at deck, porches 36 inches or more Handrail Termination at Newell Post or Wall Interior/Exterior Railings 34 inches to 38 inches Deck Bracing/Handicapped Ramp Compliant Grade away from foundation 6 inches with 10 feet 6 inch clearance to sill plate Gas Valve shut-off exposed/regulator 18 inches above grade Interior privacy/trim/doors/main entrance 36 inches Bathroom/Kitchen watertight Safety glazing/Window in stairwells safety glazing Interior Smoke Detectors/Carbon Monoxide Detectors Every level: Every Bedroom: Outside every bedroom area: Inter Connected: Battery backup: Attic access 30 inches x 22 inches x 30 inches(height)in accessible area Crawl Spaces 18 inch x 24 inch access, 1 sq.ft.-150 sq.ft.vents Bathroom Fans, if no window Plumbing fixtures Foundation insulation to floor/Sticker on Panel Duct work sealed properly/Blower Door Test Certification Floor truss,draft stopping finished basement 1,000 sq.ft. Emergency egress below grade (9 Gas Furnace shut-off within 30 feet or within line of site Y Oil Furnace shut-off at entrance to furnace area �5,�e� Furnace/Hot Water Heater operating / Low water shut-off boiler 70 Relief Valve(s)installed I Heat Trap/Water Temp 110 Enclosed Stairs Sheetrock Underside minimum 1/"Gypsum ��— Basement stairs closed rise>4 inches Garage Floor Pitched l Garage fireproofing/'/,hour fire door/door closer Gas Logs in Sealed or Glass Enclosure Final Electrical; Energy Saving Light Bulbs 50% Final Survey Plot Plan //I Arc Fault Breaker Habitable Spaces/Tamper Proof Receptacles Flex Gas Pipe Bonding As Built Septic System/Sewer Dept. Inspection Sticker Site Plan /Variance required Flood Plain Certification, if required Okay to issue C/C or C/0[Temporary/Permanent] r u,ss s'lcyvfitc5e ac IS 6 C e- er L:1Building&Codes Forms\Building&Codesllnspection Forms1Residential Final Inspection Form_revised_100405.doc; Revised January 7,2008; Revised 6/26/08;Revised 12/22/10, Revised 04/13/11 1' UGS /- 3 Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement - Residenti• Fir .1 Inspection Office No. (518) 761-8256 Arrive: ,--7 aAgra epart: l -LID a !pm Date Inspection request received: Inspector's initials: NAME: R \ Nvia;irt P - IT#: CLl• 4 e' LOCATION: c A 1"h Lx)A S 1-"er-a-1n Di'TE: J— (p-- 15- TYPE OF STRUCTURE: P., F h i Z \ REC-T Ica Comments: Ye. No N/A 4" Building Number Address visible from road V Chimney Height/"B"Vent/Direct Vent Location Fresh Air Intake 3 inch Plumbing Vent through roof minimum 18 inches ✓/ Roof Complete/Exterior Finish Complete ✓ Platform at all exterior doors Handrail 4 or more risers / Guards at stairs, decks,patios more than 30 inches above grade �/ Guard at stairwell at 34 inches or more Guard at deck, porches 36 inches or more Handrail Termination at Newell Post or Wall /// Interior/Exterior Railings 34 inches to 38 inches Deck Bracing/Handicapped Ramp Compliant ✓ Grade away from foundation 6 inches with 10 feet 6 inch clearance to sill plate Gas Valve shut-off exposed/regulator 18 inches above grade Interior privacy/trim/doors/main entrance 36 inches Bathroom/Kitchen watertight Safety glazing/Window in stairwells safety gl- ing Interior Smoke Deteors/Carbon Mnoxid= Betectors Every level: V Every edro : • Outside every bedroom a a: Inter Connected: Battery backup: / Attic access 30 inches x 22 inches x 30 inches(height)in accessible area ! Crawl Spaces 18 inch x 24 inch access, 1 sq.ft.-150 sq.ft.vents V Bathroom Fans, if no window • Plumbing fixtures Foundation insulation to floor/Sticker on Panel Duct work sealed properly/Blower Door Test Certification Floor truss,draft stopping finished basement 1,000 sq.ft. Emergency egress below grade Gas Furnace shut-off within 30 feet or within line of site Oil Furnace shut-off at entrance to furnace area Furnace/Hot Water Heater operating Low water shut-off boiler4 Relief Valve(s)installed/Heat Trap/Water Temp 110 Enclosed Stairs Sheetrock Underside minimum 1/2"Gypsum Basement stairs closed rise>4 inches Garage Floor Pitched � Garage fireproofing/'/.hour fire door/door closer /---/--- (3 M OA (V009._.5ç) ,1i?E - Gas Logs in Sealed or Glass Enclosure 46c---V 00 9, , -C ��� Final Electrical; Energy Saving Light Bulbs 50% p�i3) hl=-t otos Final Survey Plot Plan -------> 1J(_C-�� Lia i 6 5 '� Arc Fault Breaker Habitable Spaces/Tamper Proof Receptacles Flex Gas Pipe Bonding s Built Septic System/Sewer Dept. Inspection Sticker 6yek Site Plan /Variance required i Flood Plain Certification,if requiredOkay to issue C/C or C/O[Temporary/Permanent] / \ SRL �' • 1 r u SS eD s-k�n�>r )..t)IS b r f e.uer F\t?�a C` iS\WeLN V L:\Building&Codes Forms\Building&Codes\Inspection Forms\Residential Final Inspection Form_revised_100405.doc; Revised January 7,2008; Revised 6/26/08; Revised 12/22/10, Revised 04/13/11 • • P= THERMAL ASSOCIATES • Quality. Comfort. Satisfaction. TH Associates 21 Thomson Ave.Glens Falls, NY 12801 518.798.5500 Fax 798.5620 R,Z M Holdings do Bob Springer 11 Quarry Circle Way Hudson Falls, NY 12839 518-792-2955 We, Thermal Associates, performed a blower door test the project at 5 Browns Path, Queensbury, NY, to determine the air changes per hour, for R to M Holdings on January 2, 2015. Testing procedure performed as per ASTM E779. The result of the test is: ( 2150 CFM50 x 60 Minutes) / ( 47,927.7 cubic feet ) = 2.69 ACH50 Adam DeVit Blower Door Tester Thermal Associates www.thermalassociates.com Septic Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date In ion requ-i - =�• Queensbury Building &Code Enforcement Arrive: Z�-i a ( � 4'=••rt: am/pm 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: /.1 LOCATION: tP 'h6,(�1-[�1 NRPECT ON: RECHECK: Comments and/or diagram Soil Type: Sand/ Loam / Clay Type of Water: Municipal / Well Water Waterline separation distance ft. Well separation distance ft. Other wells: ft. Well Casing Length 50' + / - Y N N/A [150'to well required if NO] Absorption Field: Total length ft. Length of each trench ft. Depth of trenches ft. _ _ Size of Stone Seepage Pits: Number Size: x Stone Size: Piping Size Type Building to tank Tank to Distribution Box Distribution Box to Field/ Pit Opening Sealed: _Y_ N End Cap _Y_ N Inlet/Outlet Pipes&Baffles _Y N Manholes 12"or less below grade _Y_ N [provide extension collar if Yes] Y N Location / Separations Foundation to tank ft. Foundation to absorption ft. Separation of Pits ft. Conforms as per Plot Plan Y N Engineer Report and As-Built . Y T N ETU Maintenance Contract _Y_ N provided Location of System on Property: Front R-ar Left Side Right Side Middle Front Middle Rear stem Use Sta s: Approved Partial Approved and needs to be re-inspected, please call the Building &Codes Office Disapproved L:\Pam Whiting\2010\Building Codes Forms\Inspection Forms\Septic Inspection Report 03 29 10.doc Utility Pole (hP) 150.62' ZON tNG REQ UIREMENTS.- ►4 Zoned .................................. Lot Size................................1 acre Minimum Lot Width......... too, Minimum Setbacks Proposed Front ..................–........ 30' Side, .............. -- ............. 25' Rear................................30' I Ornamental Blacktop Tngs Driveway Iron Rod Found, 0.15'East of Corner w� Proposed Driveway 13. Concrete Monument Lands Now or Formerly of Richard & Cheryl Brown Book 709 Page 206 296.11-1-3 L =38.62' n i, 34.89' °3536"W, BROWNS PATH 34.89' DEEDREFERENCE. L Conveyance toR2MHoldings, LLCbr deed dated September 13, 2013, filed in the ,ei Waren CountyClerks Offi'cem Book 4854 ofDeeds atpage 45. MAPREFERENCES' I. Map entitled'Af4 IPLEROWFARMSSUEDTV1510NlpmparedbyScudderAssociates, 0% dated June 16, 1'189, filed m the Warren County Clerks Office, on October31,1991 as mapnumberA 1-146." Iron Rod Found (Held) MAPNOTES 1. Boundary information shown hereon was campiled from map reference 1 and an actual field survey conducted on July2G' 2013. 2. North orientation and bearing base permagnetic2013. 3. Warren County taxparce1296.11-1-4. 4. The location of undergmandimprovements or encroachments, ifany exist or as shown hereon, are not rertl&ed Theretnaybe other underground utilities, the eAistence of which are unknown. Size andlocation ofaB underground utiE9es mustbe venfled by the appmpnate authorities. The Underground Fac&iiesFra&vhve Organization mustbenahi& d prior to conducting testborings, excavation and construction. 5. Thissumey waspmpared without the benefit of an up to date abstract of title 6. Reproduction orropyiogofthis docvmentmaybe a violation ofcopynghtkaw unlesspermission of the authorand/or copyrightholderis obtained. 7 A copy ofthis document withouta pmper application of the surveyor's embossed seal should be assumed to be an uatuthorieed copy. 8. Farcelsubjectto DeclarationofCovmn tsmdRestrictionsforMapleRowFarm Subdivisioryfiledin Warren County Gerk's Officeon Apn128,1992m Book 851 ofDeeds atPage 157. 506°3850"W 176.19' Lot Numbers Upermap Reference 1 4"Maple Lands Now or Formerly of °�4"Maple Brian J/. & Helen Williams Book 1312 Page 270 296.11-1-5 4� Iron Rod Found Iron Rod Found ES TO THE OR SIGN(S) 30'Setbac' ------------- Proposed Leach Area AREA =1.004+acres I 20'mirt. , .43.0"1,, .'�95 ,•1.0 / � j Er. w _40' 1.0'— Electric Hand Hole Cable TV N81 °5055"W P.alac/al— L =38.62' n i, 34.89' °3536"W, BROWNS PATH 34.89' DEEDREFERENCE. L Conveyance toR2MHoldings, LLCbr deed dated September 13, 2013, filed in the ,ei Waren CountyClerks Offi'cem Book 4854 ofDeeds atpage 45. MAPREFERENCES' I. Map entitled'Af4 IPLEROWFARMSSUEDTV1510NlpmparedbyScudderAssociates, 0% dated June 16, 1'189, filed m the Warren County Clerks Office, on October31,1991 as mapnumberA 1-146." Iron Rod Found (Held) MAPNOTES 1. Boundary information shown hereon was campiled from map reference 1 and an actual field survey conducted on July2G' 2013. 2. North orientation and bearing base permagnetic2013. 3. Warren County taxparce1296.11-1-4. 4. The location of undergmandimprovements or encroachments, ifany exist or as shown hereon, are not rertl&ed Theretnaybe other underground utilities, the eAistence of which are unknown. Size andlocation ofaB underground utiE9es mustbe venfled by the appmpnate authorities. The Underground Fac&iiesFra&vhve Organization mustbenahi& d prior to conducting testborings, excavation and construction. 5. Thissumey waspmpared without the benefit of an up to date abstract of title 6. Reproduction orropyiogofthis docvmentmaybe a violation ofcopynghtkaw unlesspermission of the authorand/or copyrightholderis obtained. 7 A copy ofthis document withouta pmper application of the surveyor's embossed seal should be assumed to be an uatuthorieed copy. 8. Farcelsubjectto DeclarationofCovmn tsmdRestrictionsforMapleRowFarm Subdivisioryfiledin Warren County Gerk's Officeon Apn128,1992m Book 851 ofDeeds atPage 157. 506°3850"W 176.19' Lot Numbers Upermap Reference 1 4"Maple Lands Now or Formerly of °�4"Maple Brian J/. & Helen Williams Book 1312 Page 270 296.11-1-5 4� Iron Rod Found Iron Rod Found ES TO THE OR SIGN(S) W I' Blacktop Driveway o I S F Iron Rod N06'38'50"E o 7\ Concre R=25.D0' L = 38.62' Ch = N37°35'36"W, 34.89' o, s �I Dai Ornamental Trees I'A TSI BROWNS L arl us i'v'o w or Formerly of Richard & Cheryl Brofm Book 709 Page 206 296.11-1-3 Edge of Pavement Catch Basins GENERAL NOTES INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING IS TAKEN FROM A SURVEY DRAWING PREPARED BY DARRAH LAND SURVEYING Lot Numbers aper Map Reference 1 50638'50"W Loads Now or Formerly of Brian /P. & HeIen #1114ams Book 1312 Page 270 298.11-1-b (Telephone Pedestal Transformer WORK IS TO BE AS SHOWN & NOTED AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS, TRADE ASSOCIATION PUBLISHED RECOMMENDATIONS AND GENERALLY ACCEPTED LOCAL CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY PRACTICES. CAD FILE NAME ACAD\M0S\6R0WN\SUR\C-1 SCALE AS NOTED DRAWN BY DRAWING TITLE SEPTIC AS BUILT PLAN DRAWING No. AB -1 n N G Q 3 � Ul U } F- z < W o<z t— " s ;wo z U O fes/, Q J N w<� 0 �z� 3 J z O g -' Y J E wW �W�o Q o a C Lr— oma- n O zs� U ~ f _ 76 7 N U F w VJ t Q.2 SCO© �jz ,Q N V mm' Q Q Z IY UU EL ao -D Fn T �'� o T �¢ Ga L n aL U k 0 o F O -r.. N a O O E Ld (D to > L Ld WORK IS TO BE AS SHOWN & NOTED AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS, TRADE ASSOCIATION PUBLISHED RECOMMENDATIONS AND GENERALLY ACCEPTED LOCAL CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY PRACTICES. CAD FILE NAME ACAD\M0S\6R0WN\SUR\C-1 SCALE AS NOTED DRAWN BY DRAWING TITLE SEPTIC AS BUILT PLAN DRAWING No. AB -1 ....____, pEr � nvit ; t•EB 2 5 2015 TOWN Y BUILDING& CODES / (Pa._4 c 6 Srii 0 K S . • .. : : COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL INSPECTION SERVICE,INC. • Main Office 176 Doe Run Road-Manheim,PA 17545 M[JNICIPA[.CERTIFICATE - ELECTRICAL APPROVAL Pct No..2°VI ('err. N° 2 7 7 0 9 Cut-in Card No Owner l.p, /4.....1.c.4.4.46..4--' • • Location 13.1 c.: .�...s:....1',Fr.,�/1 t .:a.t:,>ti.nSAy..6.Gr : . Installation Consisting of,,.,.,2,9,Q,c?t„!!4 .;„. ,,r1A3.4.t :G.s 7;1 /, pc. tit 3 ,3.,,x/1 i • • Installed By D.i.o.k,en/} ....,. Q114 T.................................Lic.No. . The conditions following governed the issuance of this certificate,and any certificate previously issued is • cancelled:- This certificate only covers the electrical cquipnlialt mid installation conditions as of date. Upon the I . introduction of additional cituipmenl or alterations.application shall be promptly made fur inspection. Inspectors of this Company shall have the privilege of making inspections at any time, and if its rules are violated, the Company shall have the right to revoke this certificate. Date -5-AI --) / INSPFCTOR.....� 2'Y44")m1-1--- Member N,F.P.A..I.4.V..I. TO 39dd 018Nf1W NOZI t8ST86L tZ :8t STOZ/SZ/Z0 1.00•d VIM 186L bb-S l S LOZ!SZ/Z0 amielea X I d /ally Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement - Residential Final Inspection Office No. (518) 761-8256 Arrive: k. :� ,u'1�r•,,+";/ 1-_- - rt: % a Date Inspection request received: �i r- . Inspector's Initials. NAME: R N\ -1-r BC.p CQ t,n, P IT#: /4/ O LOCATION: 6 6 r Qu-�tl`.�1�t 11 DATE: / A.J.2/'LY TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Comments: Ye/lo /A 4" Building Number Address visible from road -- -- — ------ Chimney Height/"B"Vent/ --r y�- \_ �. � Fresh Air Intake _ _ x t�� 3 inch Plumbing Vent through roof minimum 18 inches NLS Roof Complete/Exterior Finish Complete Platform at all exterior doors Vi Handrail 4 or more risers V/ Guards at stairs,decks, patios more than 30 inches above grade ✓ Guard at stairwell at 34 inches or more j Guard at deck, porches 36 inches or more ✓/ Handrail Termination at Newell Post or Wall �/ Interior/Exterior Railings 34 inches to 38 inches Deck Bracing/Handicapped Ramp Compliant / Grade away from foundation 6 inches with 10 feet J/ 6 inch clearance to sill plate J Gas Valve shut-off exposed/regulator 18 inches above grade J ` Interior privacy/trim/doors/main entrance 36 inches — F t k% 5\'1 1.c — ; Bathroom/Kitchen watertight Safety glazing/Windowin stairwells safety gI�ing Interior Smoke De ors 1 Carbon Monoxid�Detectors / (� Every level: Eve Bedrgd'm: �r// / 4 13pt•� V---v2,ER Outside every bedroom ea: ✓ V ���/// Inter Connected: Battery backup: Attic access 30 inches x 22 inches x 30 inches(height)in accessible area Crawl Spaces 18 inch x 24 inch access, 1 sq.ft.-150 sq.ft.vents Bathroom Fans, if no window , } k.)(`EiM - M RAE Plumbin fixtures Foundation .. ` Q_ i3OFF.1 e L., Lk)1 V,IT1j Duct work sealed properly/Blower Door Test Certification Floor truss, draft stopping finished basement 1,000 sq.ft. Emergency egress below grade Gas Furnace shut-off within 30 feet or within line of site ,r —N-kg-( 1,"st N�`-- Oil Furnace shut-off at entrance to furnace area / w/ K_ Furnace/Hot Water Heater operating � � `,t Low water shut-off boiler Relief Valve(s)installed/Heat Trap/Water Temp 110 Enclosed Stairs Sheetrock Underside minimum W Gypsum N E� \-2=1 iAL� , Basement stairs closed rise>4 inches Garage Floor Pitched Garage fireproofing/34 hour fire door/door loser1---- 1-", --c 1P-- - L7L)Q� Gas Logs in Sealed or Glass Enclosure �``Jt L Final Electrical; Energy Saving Light Bulbs 50% e�VOaj r Final Survey Plot Plan Arc Fault Breaker Habitable Spaces/Tamper Proof Receptacles s> E- Cit \..-ljON Flex Gas Pipe Bonding As Built Septic System/Sewer Dept. Inspection Sticker —' c.c�j 4hZ-t-,HC-C _L�I t-, Site Plan /Variance required Flood Plain Certification, if required 512-'FN';,. '1 4./. tom',"V70A—T Okay to issue C/C or C/0[Temporary/Permanent] / e _ 0 E F(. c-2 Lb E2_—� L:\Building&Codes Forms\Building&Codesllnspection Forms\Residential Final Inspection Form_rev d 106405.doc e� January 7,2008; Revised 6/26/08; Revised 12/22/10, Revised 04/13/11 Ric—�cxpt _ o.;cam A7 ►u).bo k-K i F D DCC 1-0 M 9t7C, N1® ndac g `l Foundation Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: am/pm DepartC3' m/pm 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: Rv!M PERMIT#: I - a 7 g LOCATION: Co U (\S NokAn INSPECT ON: /b o)D-J(I TYPE OF STRUCTURE: S F- 3 Comments �L N N/A Footings ( Piers - Z Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place - The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Footing Dowels or Keyway in place Foundation Dampproofing Foundation Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil poly for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. L:\Building&Codes Forms\Building&Codes\Inspection Forms\Foundation Inspection Report.doc Last printed 12/18/2013 2:44:00 PM Am el& Town of Queensbury Fire Marshal 114W742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 761-8205/761-8206 fax 745-4437 Factory Built Gas Fireplace/Stove Inspection Report Notice:New York State requires that all UL Listed,factory built appliances be installed according to the instructions and specifications contained in the Installation Manual accompanying the appliance.No deviation from the manufacturer': instructions or specifications is allowed. Permit# \ —b'- Schedule Inspection »--(-14Time lb'. ®m pm anytime Inspect Name \:)- 7_1"-"i 101. \--)1L ,(7-) Address (5- i3Pl t,,6 1'3I i) `s A Rough In_F't • t Appliance Manufac rer 5R1�6__,E .A Model# c et.v+A)tt-i i A K3Y---1-17:1- Direct ----1 Direct Vent Factory Built ChimneyFlue Size Double Wall Triple Wall Insulated I Yes No N/A Comments Floor Protection Clearances to Combustibles(all sides) / ��< .? Firestop(s) Vertical Chase d /� ,,�J" Wall Penetration X ®J ? 44 Vent Clearances to Combustibles Vent/Chimney Termination Chimney height must be 3 feet above roof penetration;2 feet above any combustible construction within 10 feet 4 Gas Shut-Off Valve Combustion Air Hearth Extension (if any) Mantel Height above f/p opening Witness Operation Tank Placement(if LP) CO Detection CSST Bonding White—Building Dept. YeIIoi—Customer Pink—Fire btarshaI ..14114111110111.1 Town of Queensbury Fire Marshal A" 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 761-82051761-8206 fax 745-4437 Factory Built Gas Fireplace/Stove Inspection Report Notice: New York State requires that all UL Listed,factory built appliances be installed according to the instructions and specifications contained in the Installation Manual accompanying the appliance.No deviation from the manufacturer' instructions or specifications is allowed. Permit# i y–'a </V Schedule Inspection /6 Time Z.:45—am M1.time Inspector Name•RAM-4a Ie • Address 5 Bro el-S. P •) Rough In I al_ Appliance Manufacturer Model# Direct Vent Factory Built Chimney Flue Size Double Wall Triple Wall Insulated Yes No N/A Comments Floor Protection Clearances to Combustibles (all sides) Firestop(s) Vertical Chase _ Wall Penetration Vent Clearances to Combustibles bT et-D Vent/Chimney Termination E C —6 M D R '\ Chimney height must be 3 feet above roof NJ penetration; 2 feet above any combustible k'ij` , r �� � L C-Lt 1 E_ construction within 10 feet • 1 CC R7 .3 vte Gas Shut-Off Valve Combustion Air Hearth Extension (if any) Mantel Height above f/p opening Witness Operation Tank Placement(if LP) CO Detection CSST Bonding White—Building Dept. Yellow—Cust)mer Pink—Fire Marshal Rough Plumbing / Insulation Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date In i ection req • •t rec. •d: Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement Arrive: .:, .t! ,/p 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initials NAME: R L I-A \(E_�--v-u QE6 PERMIT# 1� —O�B LOCATION: _S �',C�I�fJt s PATR---\ INSPECT N: 9-Z,--lit TYPE OF STRUCTURE: 6\--U REcAccAA Y N N/A Plumbing under slab Rough Plumbing /Nail Plates Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place 11/2 inch minimum Drain Size Washing Machine Drain 2 inch minimum Cleanout every 100 feet/change of direction ,�` Pressure Test Drain /Vent )(;v Air/ Head 'c , 5 P.S.I. for 10 ft. above highest connection for 15 minutes Pressure Test Water Supply Piping Air / Head 50 P.S.I. for for 15 minutes u_ t3'P A.) .` nsulation / Residential Check/Commercial Check ��w� a -2,5cWindow Sealing /// k Tyvek or Similar Exterior Sealant \--X_) \?..-22 Q Zc\ Proper Vent, Attic Vent Door/Window Sealed (No Insulation) 0-- Duct/Hot Water Piping Insulation V-z��` ' If required unheated spaces 4A0A Combustion Air Supply for Furnace R Duct work sealed properly/ No duct tape Ca LA Blower Door Test Air Sealing COMMENTS: Rough Plumbing_Insulation Inspection_02 05 13 Rough Plumbing / Insulation Inspect' an ! port Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Ins ection req d: /^j//2� Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement Arrive: s ; 742 Bay Road. Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initial . NAME: U M t w - PER9T#: J Com` LOCATION: -S 16 �1 INSPECT ON: Z�Y TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Y N N/A Plumbing under slab Rough Plumbing / Nail Plates Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place 11/2 inch minimum Drain Size Washing Machine Drain 2 inch minimum Cleanout every 100 feet / change of direction Pressure Test Drain /Vent Air/ Head 5 P.S.I. for 10 ft. above highest connection for 15 minutes Pressure Test Water Supply Piping Air / Head 50 P.S.I. for for 15 minutes / Insulation / Residential Check / Commercial Check `, C,—�—�� � Window Sealing Tyvek or Similar Exterior Sealant Proper Vent, Attic Vent Door /Window Sealed (No Insulation) Duct / Hot Water Piping Insulation If required unheated spaces Combustion Air Supply for Furnace Duct work sealed properly/ No duct tape Blower Door Test Air Sealing COMMENTS: Rough Plurnbing_Insulation Inspection_02 05 13 Town of Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement Office No. (518) 761-8256 C7-17/ Framing I Firestopping Inspection Report I kCill(11 Inspection request received: f Name: AN1 ��U ( d ►v� S^ i< Inspected on: � �mLocation: i wh5 ^.�'C Arrive: .41011/1," . Permit No.: _ , L, (;'4 Inspector's Initials i.,, TYPE OF STRUCTURE: N NIA *aming COMMS S: � � � Attic Access 22"x 30"minimum Jack Studs/Headers Truss Specification Provided Bracing I Bridging Joist hangers Jack Posts/Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed properly 12"O.C. Headroom 6 ft.8 in. Stairwells 36 in.or more Exterior Deck Bracing Headroom 6 ft.8 in. Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate 1 '/2(w) 16 gauge(8) 16D nails each side Draft stopping 1,000 sq.ft.floor trusses ���ArC Anchor Bolts 6 ft.or less on center (,i Ice and water shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1,2,3 hour Fire wall 2,3,4 hour Firestopping Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in cavity min. Garage Fire Separation House side%inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X Ceiling/wall Windows Habitable Space 1 Bedrooms 24 in. (H) 20 in. (W) 5.7 sf above I below grade 5.0 sf grade Design Professional Sign-off, if required Framing/ Firestopping Inspection Report Town of Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement /---� Office No. (518) 761-8256 fdt"-L-s' Framing / Firestopping Inspection Report Inspection request received: ?,45/i L Name: f )11 4 a( (c „ srfu .. Inspected on: Location: 5 �3r o�.vn S i Arrive: a.m. Z, p. Permit No.: o(//—U i�[� �!T Inspector's Initials: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Y N NIA COMMENTS: Framing Attic Access 22"x 30"minimum Jack Studs I Headers Truss Specification Provided Bracing 1 Bridging Joist hangers Jack Posts I Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed properly 12"O.C. Headroom 6 ft.8 in. Stairwells 36 in.or more Exterior Deck Bracing Headroom 6 ft.8 in. Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate 1 1/2(w) 16 gauge(8) 16D nails each side J\\ Draft stopping 1,000 sq.ft.floor trusses L \ a Anchor Bolts 6 ft.or less on center Ice and water shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1,2,3 hour ' Fire wall 2,3,4 hour \7j Firestopping c Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in cavity min. Garage Fire Separation House side Y2 inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X Ceiling/wall Windows Habitable Space/Bedrooms 24 in.(H) 20 in.(W) 5.7 sf above/below grade 5.0 sf grade Design Professional Sign-off,if required Framing/ Firestopping Inspection Report Rough Plumbing / Insulation Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection requ• • =1 .: Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement Arrive: -hc) am/1111 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's InitialS:: NAME: R PERMIT #: ) �) (2- LOCATION: LOCATION: ('� �"�?t t�`3 P ;21-1 INSPECT r . -1/-/11 TYPE OF STRUCTURE: S F.b Y N N/A Plumbing under slab E 1 13S1t� Rough Plumbing /Nail Plates S NSC�4t — � �i\� Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place 11/2 inch minimum Drain Size �' Washing Machine Drain 2 inch minimum Cleanout every 100 feet / change of direction Pressure Test Drain Vent A" /-Hea 5 P or 10 ft. above highest connection for 15 minutes ressu e Test Water Supply Piping Air/ Head k 50 P.S.I. for for 15 minutes Insulation / Residential Check/ Commercial Check Window Sealing Tyvek or Similar Exterior Sealant Proper Vent, Attic Vent Door/Window Sealed (No Insulation) Duct/ Hot Water Piping Insulation If required unheated spaces Combustion Air Supply for Furnace Duct work sealed properly/ No duct tape Blower Door Test Air Sealing COMMENTS: Rough Plumhing_Insulation Inspection_02 05 13 Town of Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement /0 Office No. (518) 761-8256 Septic Inspection Report Inspection request received: ? 3/�t( Name: a t i o t ✓. 'S Inspected on: 9//X Location: S (irUWn j 01;14 c Arrive: dP A10 'efo7":.m. Permit No.: f 1"-A 0IN Inspector's Initials: Comi"andlor dia•ram Soil Type: Sand/Loam I Clay Type of Water: Municipal/Well Water Waterline separation distance ft. Well separation distance ft. Other wells: ft. Well Casing Length 50'+/- Y N N/A [150'to well required if NO] Absorption Field: Total length ft. Length of each trench ft. Depth of trenches ft. Size of Stone Seepage Pits: Number Size: x Stone Size: Piping Size Type Building to tank 4..,� i OGA-k 'AO Tank to Distribution Box Distribution Box to Field/Pit Opening Sealed: __Y_N End Cap Y_N Inlet/Outlet Pipes&Baffles _Y_N Manholes 12"or less below grade Y N [provide extension collar if Yes] Y N Location 1 Separations Foundation to tank ft. Foundation to absorption ft. Separation of Pits ft. -V7 Conforms as per Plot Plan Engineer Report and As-Built Y N ETU Maintenance ContractP rovided Y N Location of System on Property: Front Rear Left Side Right Side Middle Front Middle Rear System Use Status: pproved Partial Approved and needs to be re-inspected, please call the Building&Codes Office Disapproved Septic Inspection Report Town of Queensbury Building &Code Enforcement Office No. (518) 761-8256 / — ----"c L Septic Inspection Report Inspection request received: ?/3 V V n 1 ? i...Name: m {ti .i5 /Sr ' t^50nspected on: > ..„„ii/ Location: C 6(s1S104\� Arrive: _o � p.m. Permit No.: , y —D►-1 Inspector's Initials: ..70 0.7 L ,NJ Com ents and/or diagram Soil Ty' Sa a y Type of Water: Municipal/Well Water Waterline separation distance `r ' ft. h \ :2‘.:-3 x 'f..- _ '� X117-Q Well separation distance ft. - Other wells: ft. Well Casing Length 50'+I- Y N N/A0 [150'to well required if NO] Absorption Field: Total length 7.- ft. Length of each trenchcft. Depth of trenches Z_-, ft- {LL IM AFi EQ-.r,AV Size of Stone 3:c-z_ Seepage Pits: Number Size: x Stone Size: Piping Size Type Building to tank .p_.\-- \ 4-y- -- `L�`i7 Tank to Distribution Box u" p�L Distribution Box to Field/Pit Lk" VC_ TO t-0t PJIC_ cZ7 _-_R_ -- Opening Sealed: _Y__ End Cap NN Inlet/Outlet Pipes&Baffles ✓NN � ���� � � ��� Manholes 12"or less below grade ✓Y_ -Qa [provide extension collar if Yes] Y ---Ti;�0 ()\ .--- c=c- j 3 Location/Separations Foundation to tank VO ft. EiE �"`\--VAk\-)M L 5 • Foundation to absorption 7-0 ft. Separation of Pits ft/ 1 ‘b$• Q �U --.‘ Conforms as per Plot Plan Y Vg, M , Bo1��p Engineer Report and As-Built _Y_✓N ETU Maintenance Contract provided _Y_N Location of System on Property: Front Rear Left Side Right Sidi, Middle Front Middle Rear System Use Status: Approved Partial Approved and needs to be re-inspected, please call the Building&Codes Office Disapproved Septic inspection Report .� � -3 Town of Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement i 6/ es Office No. (518) 761-8256 Framing / Firestopping Inspection Report Inspection request received: I Name: l��d(rn Inspected on: t j Location: S Q rc, P IArrive: /MAW a.m. .m. Permit No.: / q- YL/ Inspector's Initials: Wier°F.. TYPE OF STRUCTURE: S F -N\ — 11J��C' C�iOi N NIA COMMENTS: CIJaming' � �T F Lt.�� �1.� Attic Access 22"x 30"minimum Jack Studs/Headers Truss Specification Provided Bracing I Bridging Joist hangers Jack Posts/Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed properly 12"O.C. Headroom 6 ft.8 in. Stairwells 36 in.or more Exterior Deck Bracing Headroom 6 ft.8 in. Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate 1 1/2(w) 16 gauge(8) 16D nails each side Draft stopping 1,000 sq.ft.floor trusses 62-- Anchor Bolts 6 ft.or less on center ._ > �n� f)LL/_D 9"0 _ ti\ Ice ater shield 24 inches from wall (' 1�1 aration 1,2,3 hour \ V--1 T' � 1`11CT V re wall 2,3,4 hour enetration sealed 16 inch insulation in cavity min. Garage Fire Separation House side 1/2 inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X `\ Ceiling/wall r N `N1 `. Windows Habitable Space I Bedrooms 24 in. (H) 20 in. (W) 5.7 sf above/below grade 5.0 sf grade Design Professional Sign-off, if required Framing/ Firestopping Inspection Report 1 ue- 1-3 Rough Plumbing / Insulation Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Insiection req •str: •ived• Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement Arrive: =DCS al 4 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initia - NAME: R "t! PE' IT#' / 4/1,71g LOCATION: �jf�[�/1 S a INSP ON: K—a6,--/Y TYPE OF STRUCTURE: S F-o Y N N/A Plumbing under slab Rough Plumbing / Nail Plates --n-kg Plumbing Vent /Vents in Place iAULE 11/2 inch minimum Drain Size Washing Machine Drain 2 inch minimum 6` Et-)1 kF3E +%)315-\-- �� Cleanout every 100 feet / change of direction Pressure Test Drain /Vent Air / Head B C, cc C' 1\ 5 P.S.I. for 10 ft. above highest connection for 15 minutesE%a' 1 \ 1 Pressure Test Water Supply Piping ' 'Co 5 b\ Air / Head 50 P.S.I. for for 15 minutes Insulation / Residential Check / Commercial Check Window Sealing O C3E14022 Tyvek or Similar Exterior Sealant `Y 50\\ 0 V Proper Vent, Attic Vent 6P T ._ Door/ Window Sealed (No Insulation) Duct / Hot Water Piping Insulation If required unheated 4-ma. Combustion Air Supply for Furnace Duct work sealed properly/ No duct tape Blower Door Test Air Sealing COMMENTS: Rough Plumbing_Insulation Inspection_02 05 13 Town of Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement Office No. (518) 761-8256 Framing I Firestopping Inspection Report Inspection request received: \ Name: BL t'\ \-\COLD \ TG Inspected on: as '- Location: ����`�����J�.h 1"�1 Arrive: 4. Le a.m./ Permit No.: ' y -CL\ Inspector's Initials: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Fcp Y N NIA COMMENTS: Framing Attic Access 22"x 30"minimum Jack Studs I Headers Truss Specification Provided Bracing/Bridging Joist hangers Jack Posts/Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed properly 12"O.C. Headroom 6 ft.8 in. Stairwells 36 in.or more Exterior Deck Bracing Headroom 6 ft.8 in. Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate 1 '/2(w) 16 gauge(8) 16D nails each side Dra stopping 1,000 sq.ft.floor trusses chor Bolts 6 ft.or less on center ce and water shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1,2,3 hour Fire wall 2, 3,4 hour Firestopping Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in cavity min. Garage Fire Separation House side 1/2 inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X Ceiling/wall Windows Habitable Space 1 Bedrooms 24 in.(H) 20 in.(W) 5.7 sf above I below grade 5.0 sf grade Design Professional Sign-off,if required Framing/ Firestopping Inspection Report Town of Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement C (o c e. -\ C� / U 12- Office No. (518) 761-8256 G,awl Framing / Firestopping Inspection Report Inspection request received: KI/ 'g--/i Name: a J1l I-10l J\ '"- S Inspected on: !..aslili Location: :-5 13(6tArn j (\4-1-- 14 Arrive: o . _ ..m. '11111111Permit No.: 14 v 6(- Inspector's Initials: �� TYPE OF STRUCTURE: , iler- Y N N—X1 COMMENTS: QF Ll�11r,RF2. Attic Access 22"x 30"minimum Jack Studs/Headers / LCFgAL �'R�� ‘..‘) . _._'c,) "."\11)Truss Specification Provided V / Bracing/Bridging QE 5��< R� 1� N` f�\l Sip �/ Joist han ers 4 C't Qom. F C) b 1 \ VG- g 5?, �L-�P5 Jack Posts/Main Beams C _C—H�C4 Exterior sheeting nailed properly / �E�IQE� 12"O.C. t -- A1L1tvG C'fli-1 g-Q EbV-- zVL1 Headroom 6 ft.8 in. 6\ Rip --TV-06K----__5 Vb c Stairwells 36 in.or more Exterior Deck Bracing 01 .t, _ Headroom 6 ft.8 in. Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls ✓ 40 \ %1 1_lr cjQ C.A 6 Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate l`d\ Xbbl16— 100 ' 16 gauge(8) 16D nails each side C�`AG Q opping 1,000 sq.ft.floor trusses �� L�� pokJGE_ 1 aJ g n v L� EISA ci`-1C3 �� Anchor Bolts 6 ft.or less on center - j / ` F -i`-kc-4 .-Q-- a �S\�CtAL MW‘0 CDPD — PRG _ i-1 AV.J �� Fire separa , , our Fire wall 2,3,4 hour Firestopping Penetration sealed Ei)1 (\t` C ,cj(Z �-1� -1-0 C k-S-- F 16 inch insulation in cavity min. —\---0 - ©� - O Garage Fire Separation X00 Ft House side 1/2 inch or 5/8 inch Type X \ \ L\__ --- Garage side 5/8 inch Type X ( �Dip Ceiling/wall `=- �� U{v C 0ZEVF 1\ZC‘\01K) Windows Habitable Space/Bedrooms c TS V— \ _OC.-FT-C\©Ia.-) 1 3 24 in.(H) G --171;- O ( j-1-II.3 ` t 20 in.(W) gradeRT < EfT f t A��FN\- WL 5.7 sf above/below �� �M �t� 5.0 sf grade Design Professional Sign-off,if required Framing / Firestopping Inspection Report Town of Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement — (G� Office No. (518) 761-8256 Framing / Firestopping Inspection Report Inspection request received: ) f 17(11ci Name: r\a HO A) ��s t LC Inspected on: _ 1S / Location: 5 owl D/ 7 i-I Arrive: 4-114.-1110 a.m./p.m. Permit No.: b/ -[ - O f E 1/ -0L6) Inspector's Initials: t1�' TYPE OF STRUCTURE: 1 Y N NIA COMMENTS: Framing Attic Access 22"x 30"minimum Jack Studs l Headers Truss Specification Provided Bracing!Bridging Joist hangers Jack Posts I Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed properly 12"O.C. Headroom 6 ft.8 in. Stairwells 36 in.or more Exterior Deck Bracing Headroom 6 ft.8 in. Notches/Holes 1 Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate 1 '/2(w) 16 gauge(8) 16D nails each side Draft stopping 1,000 sq.ft.floor trusses Anchor Bolts 6 ft.or less on center Ice and water shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1,2, 3 hour Fire wall 2,3,4 hour Firestopping Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in cavity min. Garage Fire Separation House side I/2 inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X Ceiling/wall Windows Habitable Space/Bedrooms 24 in.(H) 20 in.(W) 5.7 sf above/below grade 5.0 sf grade Design Professional Sign-off,if required Framing/ Firestopping Inspection Report Foundation Inspection Report Office No.(518)761-8256 Date Inspection rAlD s el; : Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: Ilt/ rpir, Depart: am/pm 742 Bay Rd.,Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initi:1 : NAME: c)Q! tiC7 � T#: ILA --t) -‘?)--t) -‘?)LOCATION: RU �10 0 1 INSPECT ON: -1?• f 4 TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Comments Y N Na Footings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement M E-ET\ ►G RT'-['k: 1 oCE of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. AVE ���\ Foundation/Wallpour r b �A��` J _T Reinforcement in Place `7� J c�� � j�j Footing Dowels or Keyway in place fir-��vt�T\ CA-RCA O ` Foundation Dampproofing Foundation Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: uz /) ` A 12 incht�E-k width 6T 6 inches above footing ����j 6 mil poly for wet areas under slab \ is3Quwl: Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab kb � �E�UL �� PVC/Cast/Copper �� � TNS , Y ETE:P_ matt Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- � �-� C-iA3O1 To Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. 6-VS1o _105'I) 640* L:\Building&Codes Forms\Building&Codes\Inspection Forms\Foundation Ins n Reportdoc Last printed 12/20/2005 9:24:00 AM \ ��\ � � 11\6 Foundation Inspection Report Office No.(518)761-8256 Date Inspection req •st r: : v:i: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: = M. Depart: At-_,a- 742 t=% 742 Bay Rd.,Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initi: .: , NAME: C') C)CD) �C ' 14��C� P " /T#: \y —Ok-kc6 LOCATION: (3 Al'5 l\-\ INSPECT ON: — TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Comments Y N N/A Footings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Footing Dowels or Keyway in place Foundation Dampproofmg Foundation Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump E71— �� ���F F Footing Drain Stone: \12 inche width 6F�? Ec)t \�v3 V-Y C- t �TI J G 6 inches above footing 6 mil poly for wet areas under slab C 0(D � �p CPT\-- \0 Backfill Approval F PEZ\ E`�� O e.,N13 cA5c1 Plumbing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper k'`�1 ti` R -�`��� `-�T�� . Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior et` R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. L:\Building&Codes Forms\Buiiding&Codes\Inspection Forms\Foundation Inspection Report.doc Last printed 12/20/2005 9:24:00 AM Foundation Inspection Report Office No.(518)761-8256 Date Inspection req ,�re •• ed: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive:<-3 (SC) : ' '1 Depart: Ja arr�� 742 Bay Rd.,Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspectors Initials f"— NAME: L6:2\ P: iT#: t - ( 4 LOCATION: •5- ' YT l\ IN` ' CT ON: ^7 — l LI— TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Comments Y N N/A Footings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Footing Dowels or Keyway in place Foundation Dampproofmg Foundation Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump V Fe Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width V) C P`-LTi F_ La O V._ 6 inches above footing 6 mil poly for wet areas under slab L--QDJ EiT C CaC11‘ Backfill Approval H 1)3 Plumbing Under Slab OR q0‘ 1\ PVC/Cast/Copper �, 6�\\� Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- 6\ LTV Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. 166Th Ll PO pl0 f ROB c3 L:\Building&Codes Forms\Building&Codes\Inspection Fors\Foundation Inspection Report.doc Last printed 12/20/2005 9:24:00 AM =cO 1 -v OF P?a,E , vie clez. ___ro.cit--oc,r e cC)cq g 0 Foundation Inspection Report Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection request - :' e : Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: 10=Ci. as Depart: 1(nre:1-- ,_ 742 Bay Rd.,Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: , NAME: R e ( 4014( n - ' RMIT#: f" ',e)1 9 CS LOCATION: LD C C' In INSPECT ON: '`1 I TYPE OF STRUCTURE: S i— Z ,‘- -cTSot Comments Y / N N/A Footings ka.: +JiF?1 c� FV.-,... n 0/ Piers Monolithic Slab 1. Reinforcement in Place vV The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Footing Dowels or Keyway in place Foundation Dampproofing Foundation Waterproofing il) if Footing Drain Daylight or Sump / >" BUR t ED koN L1._ rJl �,J Footing Drain Stone: 7_70E s . PIji_C)e 1 6 I inch width 6-�0 4A. KR#�1y 4(4 inches above footing �`-�� Tr.) 6 mil poly for wet areas under slab / V_E Mt- D ‘ , @ C Backfill Approval / DV- 8 TA c Plumbing Under Slab YY PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- _ Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. L:\Building&Codes Forms\Building&Codes\Inspection Forms\Foundation Inspection Report.doc Last printed 12/18/2013 2:44:00 PM (, ) eei I--3 Foundation Ili nection Report Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection 1 pque rec Queensbury Building &Code Enforcement Arrive: \'..% - /"art: Z.I ca �m 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: � qq ,. .'t/ Q NAME: � a M �-t� � t r1�/� ' - ' IT#: � �'—' � ll 7 LOCATION: Q rob) s PI--k-\A INSPECT ON: Co W I T-i'y TYPE OF STRUCTURE: SF 6 3 \ 136 J;,b) Comments Y N N/A Footings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. Foundation/Wallpour einforcement in Place ceVFooting Dowels or Keyway in place 1 JFoundation Dampproofing Foundation Waterproofing :b\�C ` \--- • Footing Drain Daylight or Sump7/ Footing DrainStone: �' T 0o g F1C4-t LL. kO1\L 12 inch width *- 6 inches above footing0 �Er� � v ��� 6 mil poly for wet areas under slab / � p �R,j�� � 1� Backfill Approval / \ E- V-‘ �� `t T���'flt� Plumbing Under Slab v PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. \ ._ Pki-) __ V)/5\---Ba\&,\--4:, L:\Buildin &Codes Forms\Building &Codes\Inspection Forms\Foundation Inspection -(e'o —` 'VD v,b` 9 \ 9 Pp�oc Last printed 12/18/2013 2:44:00 PMo (7 ,� (� w N lf—U L/ • Foundation Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection re•uest - ,' •-d: -11 Queensbury Building &Code Enforcement Arrive: s ' ►' depart: 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initia NAME: RA RMIT#: 7 LOCATION: ,j P KOW^t A F INSPECT ON: --/1-1<1 TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Comments Y N N/A Footings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. > ounclation/Wallpour t \-1— V--E_LK Reinforcement in Place -1 1°0 4j ?j-00 Footing Dowels or Keyway in place Foundation Dampproofing Foundation Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil poly for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. L:\Building&Codes Forms\Building&Codes\Inspection Forms\Foundation Inspection Report.doc Last printed 12/18/2013 2:44:00 PM Foundation Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: I a r pm Depart: a=nb a 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: R of(Y1 PERMIT#: __ /-C) LOCATION: ,rD t) h S reQ*‘A INSPECT ON: La -) TYPE OF STRUCTURE: S Comments Y N N/A Footings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place 1 Footing Dowels or Keyway in place �l Foundation Dampproofing Foundation Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil poly for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. L:\Building&Codes Forms\Building&Codes\Inspection Forms\Foundation Inspection Report.doc Last printed 12/18/2013 2:44:00 PM Foundation Inspection Report Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Ins•• tion r-' = : •i ': Z t Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: -111- W. l epart: 9E4: 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initi= '*' NAME: PN a- M L- d 1 ( PERMIT#: G� q -' LOCATION: 5 r r>ui,ex C , r f I INSPECT ON: (7/3 /y TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Comments Y N N/A `Footings Piers — Monolithic Slab .;34 �1 � Reinforcement in Place2 \ � The contractor is responsible for — providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Footing Dowels or Keyway in place Foundation Dampproofing Foundation Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil poly for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. L:\Building &Codes Forms\Building&Codes\Inspection Forms\Foundation Inspection Report.doc Last printed 12/20/2005 9:24:00 AM s„ q Utility Pole (hp) 150.62' ZONING REQUIREMENTS.' Zoned...................................MDR Lot Size................................1 acre Minimum Lot Width......... 100' Minimum Setbacks Front ............... ........ ..... 30, Side................................25' Rear................................ 30' MAPNOTES L Boundarrhummationshownhereon was compiled Arammapreference 1 andanactualfieldsurvey conducted on ft*26, 2013. Lands Now or Formerly of 2 North orientationandbevmgLaseperma,metic2073 Richard & Chetral Brown 3 Warren County taxparce1296.11-1-4. Book 709 Pot.7e 206 Ornamental 296.dd-1_g 4. Thelocation ofundergroundimtprovementsorencroadh ents,,ifanyerist, orasshownhereon, are Blacktop notcerd&ed Theremaybe other underground utilities, the existence of which are unknown. Size Drivewy Trees mdlocationofallundergroundu6lifiesmustbeveri,iedbytheappropriateauthorities. The Underground FadlitresProtective Organization must benotlfied prior to conducting test borings, 'vkwr' excavation and construetron. 582°0734'E — 5. TTvs survey wasprepared without the benefit of an up to date abstract of title. Iron Rod 15.4' 249.97 Iron Rod Found, Found G. Reproduction or copying of this documentmaybea violation ofcopyright law milesspermission of 0.15'East (Held) the author and/or oopyrightholderis obtained. of Corner _ 30'Setback 7 A copy ofthis document withouta properapph'cahon of the surveyor's embossed seal should be assumed to be an unauthorized copy. 8. Parcelsubject to Declaration of Covenants amdRestridionsforMapleRow Fran Subdivision, filedin v Proposed Warren County Clerk's Office on Aprd 28 1992m Book 851 of Deed5 at Page 157. gym' I LeachAtea 506°3850"W AREA =1.00 acres ' f 176.19' 'LRoefteNreunmc ebeZr s 20'mrt. =wiperMap 10' Maple 4 26.0' 0, 60' 629' — ' 1 Proposed " w ti Lands Now or Formerly of I— Proposed Residence H H� 4 Maple b Gar}Ee '5.6T. � Brian W. & Helen Williams Proposed Driveway - 05� 1'005 l ,i Book 1312 Page 270 13.0` 13.0 l 14b' ` 25} 296.11–i-5 ___ ___40' 0.5'__________30'Setback__, \ \ 1.0' 10' Sign Electric Posts 35.0' Hat:�•dHole (Telephone Concrete \ ` C,Ible TV\( Pedestal Iron Rod Monument \ ` \ N81 °5055"W Rdestal--" Transformer Found 225.64' — — _ — — _ Int i ,__ t✓C "��r.JY EdeofPavemenf -LrM.'F r!MTANr?€ R =25.00' 8.62, - IH -- L =3 Ch=N37U536"W, Catch �12c �t-� �'tlP '� �'.fv'`�1C TIH-- 34.89, BROWNS PATH Baah � P� '0urt ,rj Ki' 0R SIGN(S) DEEDREFERENCE. — 0 Iron Rod Found L ConveyanretoRZMHokiings,LLCbydeeddated5eptember13,2073,fdedinthe �`� � �°r `" Warren County Clerks Of6cein Book 4854 of Deeds atpage 45.x° m �pq"MRDa' ��� �_ �t') �' y p,. 05086 </ 1 +DftTE:. �� REY�SIONS RECORD/DESCRIPTION DRNFfER �,g ��q Proposed Plot PlcTlt Jhe H �(t , '',ry` � i � yay°EME '�� LandsNoworFom+edy °f �mxnmx w. MAPREFERENCES.' rr . d ua w"n 2013 20 nic IZ2MIYOICII%Pg'Sr LLC TORNOF QUmV55URY WARRENCOUNTY,NEWYC L Map entitled 'NL9PLER(jWFARMSSUSDNLSION; prepared by Scudder As, P �. ate`} -, ' t,�urev.' lam N Darrah Land Surveying PLLC 130rIg( dated fume 16 1989 filecl in the Warren CountyClerks Office on October3l, 1991 as i' `-" ' V' ' ``�' , - -- a . _ t tam xD mapntmherA l-146 =1arbb \(rsyr }� - eXpl,�p. y3ppg 55MaItavitfeRoad Mechedcvffe NewYork12118 v' Phare: (518)7984692 5l�r.. 10) GENERAL SANITARY NOTES: CONSTRUCTION NOTES: GENERAL NOTES CAD FILE NAME THE BEST DESIGNED AND INSTALLED SEPTIC TANK SYSTEM WILL EVENTUALLY FAIL WHEN SEPTIC TANK IS PUMPED, THE SEPTIC TANK, BAFFLES/TEES HOUSE SEWER CONNECTION AND TANK SEPTIC TANK TO BE SET LEVEL ON 6" LAYER OF COMPACTED GRAVEL OR STONE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING IS TAKEN FROM CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION NOTES: y, SCALE AS NOTED TO FUNCTION PROPERLY WITHOUT PERIODIC MAINTENANCE. OUTLET PIPE SHALL BE INSPECTED. BAFFLES/TEES THAT HAVE DETERIORATED AND NO LONGER PERFORM A PLOT PLAN DRAWING PREPARED BY VAN DUSEN & STEVES ;y`o 1`a'1ftm ?.,'N' DRAWN BY REQUIREMENTS: AS DESIGNED MUST BE REPLACED. CRACKED OR BROKEN LINES MUST BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED. SEPTIC TANK TO HAVE SCH 40 PVC "T" AN INLET AND OUTLET. THE ARCHITECT SHALL OBSERVE SYSTEM INSTALLATION; CERTIFY THAT INADEQUATE SEPTIC TANK MAINTENANCE CAN RESULT IN CLOGGING OF THE TANK AND SEWAGE INLET 12" BELOW FLOW LINE 6" ABOVE FLOW LINE THERE ARE NO WELLS EXISTING WITHIN 100 FEET OF THE BOUNDARY THE CONSTRUCTION FOLLOWED THE APPROVED PLAN; FURNISH AN "AS -BUILT" PLAN TO �'tF BACKUP INTO HOME AND/OR SEWAGE OVERFLOW ONTO GROUND SURFACE. FAILURE TO PERIODICALLY ANY COMPANY EMPLOYED TO CLEAN AND SERVICE THE SEPTIC TANK AND SYSTEM MUST BE A OUTLET 14" BELOW FLOW LINE 6" ABOVE FLOW LINE OF THIS LOT EXCEPT AS SHOWN. THE TOWN OF MOREAU 1 DRAWING TITLE CLEAN SEPTIC TANK COMMONLY RESULTS IN CLOGGING OF SOIL SURROUNDING THE ABSORPTION FIELD D.E.C. PERMITTED SEPTAGE HAULER. SEPTIC TANKS SHOULD NOT BE WASHED OR DISINFECTED AFTER 3" AIR SPACE ABOVE "T'S" TO TOP OF TANK Size..'...'.........................' it acre PROPOSED SEPTIC PLAN I BY OVERFLOWING SOLIDS NOT REMOVED BY SEPTIC TANK. BEING PUMPED OUT. THERE SHALL BE NO DEVIATION FROM THESE PLANS DURING CONSTRUCTION _ 1 -20-0 1. PRIOR TO SITE DEVELOPMENTS AND NOTES Width........ 100' WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE ARCHITECT, THE DEPARTMENT 2. AFTER SITE PREPARATION, PRIOR TO FILL PLACEMENT (SYSTEMS IN FILL ONLY THIS DESIGN IS INTENDED TO PROVIDE SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL FOR THIS LOT ONLY. NO SEPTIC TANK ADDITIVES SHALL NOT BE USED IN THE SEPTIC SYSTEM. ADDITIVES ARE UNNECESSARY FOR THE NO ROOF, FOOTING, FLOOR, COOLING WATER, BACKWASH DRAINS, ETC„ SHALL BE OF HEALTH, AND THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING DEPARTMENT. Setbacks ADDITIONS INVOLVING LIVING OR SLEEPING AREAS MAY BE ADDED TO THIS HOUSE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL PROPER OPERATION OF THE HOUSEHOLD SYSTEMS AND MAY CAUSE THE SLUDGE AND SCUM IN THE SEPTIC CONNECTED TO THE SEWAGE SYSTEM Front..............................30' No.1 DESCRIPTION CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT NEW YORK STATE DIG SAFE FOR LOCATION DATE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH AND REDESIGN OF THE SUBSURFACE DISPOSAL SYSTEM. THE SEAL AND SIGNATURE TANK TO BE DISCHARGED INTO THE ABSORPTION FIELD RESULTING IN PREMATURE FAILURE. THE MATERIALS AND SPECIFICATIONS NOTED ON THE PLANS MUST BE UTILIZED OF ALL KNOW SITE UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY EXCAVATION WORK ON THIS PLAN SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDES CERTIFICATION FOR EXPANSION OR REPI_ACEMENT. THERE SHALL BE NO CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY FACILITIES (SEPTIC SYSTEMS) UNLESS ALTERNATES ARE ACCEPTED AND APPROVED IN WRITING BY ON THE PROJECT. REVISIONS DRAWING No. DO NOT DISPOSE OF EXCESS HOUSEHOLD GREASE AND FAT DOWN THE DRAINS WITHIN 100' OF A CLASSIFIED BODY OF WATER. THE ARCHITECT C-1 NO GARBAGE GRINDERS ALLOWED UNLESS INSTALLED AS INITIAL CONSTRUCTION OF THE HOUSE, AND THE SEPTIC TANK SIZE IS INCREASED BY A MINIMUM OF 250 GALLONS WHENEVER SEPTIC TANKS ARE TO BE ABANDONED (I.E.WHEN PUBLIC SEWERS ARE INSTALLED TO HANDLE HOUSE TO SEPTIC TANK 4" PVC SCHEDULE 40 PIPE WITH TIGHT JOINTS FOLLOW ALL MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPONENT INSTALLATION "' HOUSEHOLD WASTES) THE TANKS SHALL BE REMOVED OR PUMPED OUT AND REFILLED WITH SOIL MINIMUM SLOPE = 1/4" PER FOOT UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE ARCHITECT. W 0 NO SUMP PUMP, CONDENSATION LINES WATER SOFTENER, SPAS, HOT TUBS OR WHIRLPOOLS SHALL TO PREVENT FUTURE CAVE-INS. N BE DRAINED INTO SYSTEM. SEPTIC TANK TO PUMP CHAMBER - 4" PVC SCHEDULE 40 PIPE TIGHT JOINTS, INSPECTIONS OF SANITARY FACILITY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE CONDUCTED > DO NOT POUR OR DUMP EXCESS CHEMICAL CLEANERS IN THE SINKS OR TOILETS. MIN. SLOPE 1/8- PER FOOT. BY THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BACK FILLING PIPES, TANKS, WELL SEALS ETC. f z z DWELLING TO HAVE WATER SAVING FIXTURES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LESS THAN 2 GPM 0 SHOWER HEADS LOW WATER USE TOILETS, SINK FLOW RESTRICTORS.. NO VEHICULAR PARKING OR TRAFFIC SHALL BE ALLOWED ON ANY PORTION OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL AREA PUMP CHAMBER TO DISTRIBUTION BOX - 2" PVC SCHEDULE 40 PIPE TIGHT JOINTS, NO ROOF, FLOOR, FOOTING, COOLING WATER, BACK WASH DRAINS ETC. SHALL BE Wa NO MIN. SLOPE. PITCH BACK TO CHAMBER TO ALLOW FOR DRAINAGE CONNECTED TO THE SEWAGE .TREATMENT SYSTEM AND ALL DISCHARGES SHALL BE I— m w � w OBSERVE WATER CONSERVATIVE PRACTICES. DO NOT DISCHARGE ROOF DRAINS ONTO GROUND NEAR SEPTIC SYSTEM OR ALLOW THE DISCHARGE DIRECTED AWAY FROM TREATMENT AREA. a w o FROM ROOF DRAINS TO GO OVER THE LEACH FIELD SANITARY DISPOSAL FIELD 4 PERFORATED PLASTIC PIPE MEETING ASTM STANDARDS S Z SEPTIC TANKS SHALL BE INSPECTED ANNUALLY TO DETERMINE SCUM AND SLUDGE ACCUMULATION BY FOR USE IN SEPTIC SYSTEMS, MAX SLOPE = 1/16" PER FOOT. CAP ALL ENDS. NO VEHICULAR PARKING OR TRAFFIC SHALL BE ALLOWED ON ANY PORTION OF THE U a� , THE HOMEOWNER OR A QUALIFIED SEPTAGE HAULER. THE AMOUNT OF BUILD 0 NOTED AT EACH THE SUBSURFACE DISPOSAL FIELD TS DESIGNED FOR DOMESTIC WASTE WATER ONLY SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM CONTRACTOR IS REQUESTED TO INSTALL SAFETY FENCE � � o 0 INSPECTION SHALL BE RECORDED AND MAINTAINED IN A RECORD BOOK. THE TANK SHALL BE PUMPED THE SEPTIC FIELD IS DESIGNED BASED ON THE PROJECTED FLOW RATES ANY USE OF THE BUILDINGS DISTRIBUTION BOX SHALL BE NEW YORK STATE HEALTH DEPARTMENT APPROVED AND AROUND THE PERIMETER OF THE SEPTIC AREA TO ELIMINATE TRAFFIC OR PARKING IN Q Q WHENEVER THE BOTTOM OF THE SCUM LAYER IS WITHIN THREE INCHED OF THE: BOTTOM OF THE OUTLET THAT HAS A GREATER DISCHARGE OF WASTEWATER FLOW THAN DESIGNED WILL REQUIRE SHALL BE SET BY WATER LEVEL OR OTHER APPROVED METHODS. THIS AREA. w BAFFLE OR SANITARY TEE. REDESIGN OF THE SUBSURFACE DISPOSAL SYSTEM. I _1 --I O'D o o MOST TANKS SHOULD BE PUMPED EVERY TWO OR THREE YEARS FILL TO BE CLEAN SANDY LOAM. PERCOLATION RATE IN PLACE TO BE NO LESS THAN 1" UPON' COMPLETION OF THE INSTALLATION OF IHE SANITARY SYSTEM, AND INSPECTION BY >_ u o a IN 5 MINUTES NOR MORE THAN 1" IN 20 MINUTES. FILL MATERIAL TO BE APPROVED THE (ARCHITECT AN AS -BUILT PLAN SHALL BE PREPARED BY THE ARCHITECT 2 ° z N a BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. A CERTIFICATION OF THE INSTALLATION ALONG WITH THE AS -BUILT PLAN SHALL -E BE SUBMITTED TO THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO �' = v o r o - ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. W° a> - 00 < 2 NN IpsO. <0 O ° Q SEPTIC, SYSTEM DESIGN p L ^ Oi x a OF U , LEGEND �w InU) >U -WE Blacktop Driveway .t Londs Now or Formerly of ` k BicGard & Cheryl Brown Book 709 Poge 206 w' 296.11-1-3 Iron Rod Found, 249.97- 0.15' East of D Corner z_ 44'-0" 25'-0" 10' MIN. Utility Pole (typ.) I 30' Setback I --------- ------------- -----------TOE OF SLOPE- -----� I _._ N06438'50"E = 150.62' £ I N i { a I N N TOPlIlIIii O;Fi;�l1lI1ii I SLOlIlI PE PT -1 ow 1 0 5 NEW LATERALS iIIElIl�I Rii I ALS W ®50-0 AREA 1.004± LO n �~ Nj o oa- acres 0 O a. aI i -�Cbo Io 20'-0" Q+ n 10'-0 w - I £ ''(' Ill Ill Ill III Ili O 53'-10" iI ii ii ii i; 0 w I i _ 0 I �a" I Proposed EB NEW 1,000 GAL. DOX o i I J D I i Driveway l SEPTIC TANKo 'a I TOP OF SLOPE r V _ - - - - _ - - - 30 Setback ---- £--'---- __ _____ I I NEW WATER N � a N LINE .n £ TOE OF SLOPE r7 Sign Posts I 25'-0" 44'-0" 25'-O" _ _ N81'50'55"W Concrete - - - - - - - - - - - — Monument 225.64 L -R =25.00' L = 38.62' Ch = N37'35'36"W, 34.89' I l t Edge of Pavement C BROWN:5 PA TH patch Basins _< USING THE FLOW DATA FROM ABOVE, AND SPECIFYING THE FILL MATERIAL TO BE BETWEEN - - PROPERTY LINE 1" IN 5 MINUTES AND 1" IN 10 MINUTE IN PLACE PERCOLATION RATE, A CONSERVATIVE APPLICATION RATE OF 1" IN 15 MINUTES OR 0.8 GALLONS PER DAY PER SQUARE FOOT OF TRENCH IS CHOSEN. — - - - - - - — 10'-0" PROPERTY LINE SETBACKS THE REQUIRED SIZE OF THE SEPTIC SYSTEM IS. E E UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC SERVICE DESIGN FLOW - 3 BEDROOM HOUSE WITH WATER SAVING SS SS SANITARY SEWER FIXTURES AT 110 gpd PER BEDROOM = 330 gpd W W WATER SERVICE SEPTIC TANK - PROVIDE NEW 1,000 gal TANK (IN RESIDENCES WHERE A GARBAGE DISPOSAL IS TO BE INSTALLED AN ADDITIONAL 250 gal. OF E/P EDGE OF PAVEMENT CAPACITY WILL BE PROVIDED IN THE SEPTIC TANK AND A GAS COLLECTION BAFFLE) ABSORPTION FIELD - 11 TO 15 MIN. PERC. RATE - APPLICATION RATE .8 gal/day/sq. ft. - 330 gpd DIVIDED BY .8 gal/day/sq. ft. = 412.5 sq. ft. OF TRENCH REQ'D. AT 2' WIDTH PER LATERAL. USE 5 LATERALS AT 50' = 500 sq. ft. OF APPLICATION AREA. S06'38'50"W I 176.19' Londs Now or Fouery of TEST PIT INFORMATION m - PERCOLATION TEST INFORMATION ,4 Brian W. & Helen W liams ;_,_,u - Boo' TEST P11 iiYFORF1A17Oi TAKEN - 16 JUNE 1989 BY: -,. K 13 1 TES - - t1 -Pae [70 1 PIT "INFORMATION fAi�E11 16 JUN I 296.11-1-5 SCUDDER ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS SCUDDER ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS Y TP -1 PT -1 0-13" TOPSOIL PRESOAK TIME: 7:24 a.m. DEPTH: 10" 13-21" LOAMY SAND, MOTTLING STARTS ® 13" I 21-35" SILTY CLAY LOAM 35-72" SILT LOAM, VERY FINE SANDS RUN # I11Aa MARK 1" DROP (MIN.) BASED ON EXISTING SOIL TEST AND PERCOLATION " TESTING SITE WILL REQUIRE A MINIMUM OF 36" FILL ON 1) 9:19:45 5" 9.75 SITE TO CONSTRUCT SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM 9:21:00 6" 2) 9:33:00 5" 12.DD I I 9:34:00 6" 3) 9:45:30 5" 11.5 9:47:30 6" 4) 9:59:30 5" 12.00 I 10:01:00 6" 5) 10:12:30 5" 11.5 FILL VOLUME ' SYSTEM WITH TAPERS AP a , TOP OF FILL AREA = 26 x 75 1950 S.F. ! m w oz u TP -1 BUFFER AREA = 10' EACH SIDE I �¢ Z W W \ THEREFORE LIMIT OF BUFFER AREA = 10' x 85'+10' x 26' = 1,960 S.F. JLL a N MIN. VOLUME FILL = TOP AREA + LIMIT OF BUFFER x DEPTH (36" Mli) 27 C.F/C.Y. J Q v; 11 ff MIN VOLUME FILL = (3,910) x 3'/27 ` O Et c MIN. VOLUME FILL = 435 C.Y. a w �� a SYSTEM WITH TAPERS 0� ®�w W a AREA OF TAPER = 25'x110'/2 x 2 + 25' x 46'/2 = 0 V) Sw o o VOLUME OF TAPER 7,225 S.F. x 1.5' = 10,838 C.F./27 = 401 C.Y. o MIN. TOTAL FILL VOLUME 435 + 401 = 836 C.Y. WORK IS TO BE AS SHOWN &+I' NOTED AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS, TRADE ASSOCIATION PUBLISHED RECOMMENDATIONS AND' GENERALLY ACCEPTED LOCAL CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY PRACTICES. _-- CAD FILE NAME ACAD\MBS\BR0WN\SUR\C-1 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION NOTES: y, SCALE AS NOTED ZONING ;y`o 1`a'1ftm ?.,'N' DRAWN BY REQUIREMENTS: THE ARCHITECT SHALL OBSERVE SYSTEM INSTALLATION; CERTIFY THAT THE CONSTRUCTION FOLLOWED THE APPROVED PLAN; FURNISH AN "AS -BUILT" PLAN TO �'tF Zoned...................................MDR 1 THE TOWN OF MOREAU 1 DRAWING TITLE Lot Size..'...'.........................' it acre PROPOSED SEPTIC PLAN I PERIODIC OBSERVATION OF SANITARY FACILITY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE CONDUCTED BY THE ARCHITECT ��1 $� 70 , SEPTIC PLANS Minimum Lot I _ 1 -20-0 1. PRIOR TO SITE DEVELOPMENTS AND NOTES Width........ 100' 2. AFTER SITE PREPARATION, PRIOR TO FILL PLACEMENT (SYSTEMS IN FILL ONLY Minimum 3. DURING PERCOLATION TESTING OF THE STABILIZED FILL (SYSTEM IN FILL ONLY Setbacks 4. PRIOR TO BACKFILLING PIPES, TANKS PITS WELL SEALS ETC. Front..............................30' CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT NEW YORK STATE DIG SAFE FOR LOCATION 5. AFTER FINAL GRADING AND SEEDING Side................................25 OF ALL KNOW SITE UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY EXCAVATION WORK Rear................................30' i ON THE PROJECT. DRAWING No. C-1