Staff Notes ZBA Mtg Wed August 24 2016 minus draft res Staff' Notes ZBA Meeting Wednesday, August 24, 2016 @7pm Queensbury Zoning Board of AppealsAgenda Meeting: Wednesday, August 24,2016 TIme, l 00- 1 ),.00�pm ueen5bury Act Vities Center -742 Bay Reed Agenda subject to change and may be found at: www.queens'bury.net ueerl~ns'bury.net New Husfiless: A alicant s i~hr sta cher Della Bella l n'4{ urian lam 04-2016 2 Fami Iia Della,IL.LC sted Agent(s) Christopher Delta Rella Lm 6.t6acres,portion of4; 7&2.36 nares Location 293 Quaker[Coed-W "Lon g Ward No. Tax Id No, 29&20-1-5 and 29620-1-1.9 Meet uu Vilna ter 14t7��r Cross Ref PZ-0136-2016,B TH Q7- 'S` fb Wmrre;n Count"_ "anin, August 2ll lig Chevrolet Buick Glki[C adi c,, is 21112-324 Sign for Buick,GMC C il:' aa,BP 2006-344 ' i for IIontiac Jluick G C Public Hca rira August 24 2016 Adirondack Park Agency O/a, Nnaiea.t Dvacriotion Applicant proposes to relocate tho word block.64 Cadillac"'to the cast side of the building,separating from the existing word block"G Mr1C' Bui&'to be 44;45 sq,Ilt,and Cad.illae block to be 7'.85 sq.ft. The ocntar block Ydth 3 wall suns was 4+1- sat, it,and new two center black is buss.Applicant received previous approvals IVr 3 Wal l suns. New configuration is for four wall sigma, Relief re uesterl Motu nueaber of aal:louwablc wall si ass. Applicant s , ereena,C.Coornbes Ansa Variance No P,14-0193-2016 Owner(s)" ereena C.and John M.Coomber SEQRA Type —Type11 Agent(s) nJa Laat' ize0.34 acres Locat'ioo IOS SirdsalI Road—'Wwrard 1. 7Anuin _ WR 'Ih'"aurd;mita. Tate ld No 299.17-1-39 Section 179-5-060 Cross fret` Lop 2007-261 dock Warren County Planning aaAa r"blic llerrrin A4u ust 24„2416 Adlr,nduek l"u:rk Agtncy rVa Pr ieet llaaCscrlattiop Applicant proposes to remove a 33 1t.by 3 fl.dock and install a 40 ft.by 4 it.dock. Relief requested.frorua mirair7Z7ua setback requirements for a 4*ck. A licaarrt sMichael Dorman .Area Variance No PZ-020-2016 Claurraegs) MiO ruel&Kathleen Dorman;Monty& SrMRAType T1+pC ll Barbara Calvert An ent s Town Center--Nace tagineering,P.C, Lot Size 234 acres Lot atiun 35 Bonner Drive—Ward 3 zoning, MDR word No, Tax Id No 295.11-1-5 "Section 179-3-040 Cross Ref SS PZ-207-2016 Prclirnin StRU__ %rnren C'uunt 'Planniaa rn�a Public Hearing August 2421116 Adirondack Park Agency Ila Yroiatet Description Applicant proposes subdivision of a 2.54,acre parcel into 4 lots,0.50 ac,0.40 ac,fro ac,and 0,594c. Project is for four singlo-family homes. Lots 2&3 to be cunstruuetcd with hammerhead. Project includes waterline extension and septic systems For each lot. Relief re uestcd from minirnuT.LPSuired 1.01 sines for t;ho MDR zoning district. Pagel of 2. Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda Me etIng: Wednesday, August 24, 2016 Time: TOO- 1,1 DO pasti Queensbury Aclivitles Center-742 Bay Road Agendo subject to change and may be found at: www.queensbury.net Apgli2LTito Brett I .&.Pamela T,West Area Variance No FZ-0210-2016 , Owner(s) Brett R,&Pamela T,.West RA T e 11 AgcrLt(s) Hutchins Engineering I Bartlett.Penti ff.Stee et t& Lot Size 0.96.Acfc(s) Rhodes Location 106 Bay Parkway,northwasl point of Assem,bly Zoning WR Word No. Point—Ward I Tax Id No 2,26,15-1-17 Section 179-3-040 Cross Ref AV P,Z-0095-2016;S?PZ4089-2016;AV 47-2,OV; Warren County Planning August 2016 BP'2447-571 dook,deck;BP 200,7-359 Res.,Alt.;BP 99-566 dack.,BP 97-676 boat shchor,docks& covered porch Public Hearing August 24,2016 Adirondack LI ALD EMLWa_qOjj2LjW Applicant has submitted a revised varlame ans AV 05-2016 was overtamed by The APA,. The applicant proposes to reirave a 159 sq,I deck add I'tion. The project still consists of a 785 sq,ft.,3-season]akeslde addition,880 sq,Ift-add ition of a Porte oochere with two new porches on the Bay Parkway side of the home. Thc project includes removal of 654 sq.ft.patio I deck and front porch,SO sq.ft., accessory structure,and 3,545 %q,ft or drive and voulkways. Relief requested from shoreline setback,side setbacks,expansion of a nonconfon-ninZ stege u and�for�second, aur e, Applicanys) Saxton Sign Corp.for Concord Pools Sign Variance No PZ0211-2016 Qjtv�cBig,Doom LLC $EQ 1j"t— unlis�ed Agent(s) Saxton Sign Corp. Lot Size 1.93 Ao*) Location 60 Big Boom Road-Word 4 Zoning CLI Ward No. Tax Id No 309.17-1-24 Scetion Chau Oer 140, Cross Ref SV PZ-0133-2111&,CO-00075-70 16 Concord Pools Warren County Planning August 2016 M's;SP 39-2015 Public Hearing I August 24,2,016 Adirondack Park Agency n7a Proect Desierithdoi! Applicant requests.approval for the:installation of a 61.34 sq.ft. free&IandfiiS sign wheTea 54,5 sq.ft-sign —appmved by the Zoning Board of Appeals-on May 25,2016. Also,the applicant:requests approval for installing the sign parallel to 1-87 rather tbAn facing north and south as the Z8A appmwed plans indicated. Relief requested from number of Allowable freestanding signs and max injurn sip,,size in,a CLI zoning district. Applieant(s;) -Saxton Sign Corp.,for G&G.'Boat and ft Stara Si I Rn Variance No PZ-0212-7416Owner(s) G&G Boat N k,V,Storage;LICA Giomone Real S Type Unlisted Estate PaEterT nt $axton Sig"Corp, Lot Size 2.53; 1.45 Acre(s) Location ?4 Big Boom Road-Ward 4 Zoning CLI Ward No. Tax Id No 309.17-1-2311, 73.22;23.23 Section Cha tar 140 Cross Ref CC 5001-2016— G&G Boat north cold storage bldg, Warren County Planning August 7016 Site Plan Review No.4'8-2414 Public Hearing Auest 24,2016 Adirondack Park Agency DIO, P roiect Description Applicant proposes to install a 6134 sq,ft.,freestanding sign to be located at the:back of the property. Tax Parcel No. 309.17-1-234.21 and facina 1-87.Relief vested FFOM maximum.sign size for such Sig in a,CLI g2aipg district. _q7 Applicant(s) Pam]Shambo,It Area Varian.ce, No PZ-0213-2016 Owner(s), Paul SbamboSEQRA Type Unlisted Agent(s) alarm- .. Lot Size 0.66 acres Location 31 Sullivan Road—Ward I Zoning %VR Ward No. Tax Ed No 2895-1-20Section 179-3-040 Cross Ref BP 917-250 SFD,,,9P 97-250 PorchP BP 4-427 Warren Cou My Planning nfa pool,BP 2414-426 shed Public Hearing August 24,21116 Adirondack Park Ageng n/a P Wect.ag'aliotion Applicant proposes construction of a 3,024 sq.ft residential addition w1floh inaludes a second story above a new garage and addition to existing homed new floor area 3,'94$,sq.ft. Relief requested from mininium setback and floor area ratio requirementsfor the UR zoning district. Any foFilhor business which may be PrOpEfty 11TOUght before the Hoard. Page 2 of 2 'Town of Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals Community Development Department Staff Notes Sign Variance No.: PZ 204-20,16 Project Applicant. Christopher Della Bella SEQR, Type- Type Unlisted Parcel History- P'Z-0136-201,6; ROTH 207-2015 Sign for Cbevrolet Buick GN1C CadillacP 2012-324 Sign for Buick GMC Cadillac; BP 2006-344 Sign for Pontiac Buick, GMC Meeting Date: Au g,ust x,4,2016 W Description of Proposed Proje Applicant has withdrawn the application at this time. Applicant proposes to relocate the wording block"Cadillac" to the east side of the building; separating from the existing word block"G,MC & Buick7to be 44.45 sq. ft. and Cadillac block to be 7.85 sq. ft. The center block with wall signs was 5441- sq. i4t. and new two center block is less. Applicant received previous approvals for 3 wall signs. New configuration is for four wall signs. Relief requested frorn dumber of allowable wall signs. Town of Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals CommunIty [Development Department Staff' Notes Area Variance No.; P1.93-2016 Project Applicant: Sereena C. Cooinbes Project Location: 108 Birdsall Road Parcel History: RP 2007-261 (lock SEQR Type: Type 11 Meeting Date- August 24,2016 Description of Proposed P roj ed: Applicant proposes to rernove a 33 h. 'by 3 ft. dock.and install a 40 ft. by 4 .R. dock. Relief requested frarn rninknum setback requ ii-enients for a,dock. Relief Requi, The applicant requests the following relief: Relief requested from ininirnurn setback requirernents for a dock. Section 179-5-060 Docks, boathouses, mooringg—Waterfront Residential Zone, W The applicant proposes to replace an existing 3 ft by 33 fl, dock Witha a 4 ft by 40 ft dock where a 20 ft setbaekis requires and a.0 ft setback is to remain. Existing,dock was approved as a 3 ft x 40-ft dookat a Oft setbaQk AV 36-2006. Criteria for,considering an Area Variance according to Chapter-267 of Town Law: In toaking a determination,the board shall consider: I. Whether an undesirable change will be producedin the character of the neighborhood, or a detriment to nearby properties will be created by the granting of this area variance. Minor impacts to the neighborhood niay be anticipated. The applicant is replacing a dock in the same location and expanding the dock widthby one foot. 2. Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an, area variance. Feasible alternatives, may be limited as the dock was approved in the location peer court decision arrangement. 3. Whether the requested area variance is substantial. The relief requested may be considered substantial relevant to the code. The relief requested is 20 ft the east side of the property where the existing setback, is to rernain, 4. Whether the proposed variance will. have an adverse effect or irnpoet on the physical or enviroarriental conditions in the neighborhood or district. The project may 'be considered. to have minimal impact on the physical or the environi-nental conditions of the area. The dock width is within the applicant's property. 5. Whether the alleged, difficulty was self-created. The difficulty may be considered self-created. The applicant proposes replacement of a 3 ft x 33 ft, dock :with a 4 11 x 40, ft dock at 0 ft setback from the east property line. The dock location was,previously approved as part of AV 36-2006 with a 0 ft setback and a aft x 40 ft dock. The applicant has indicated during discussions with dock builders that a 4ft width is a common width. The applicant has explained there are four sections with, the fim three being rolled and the fourth to be a floating segment. The narrative submitted indicates the neighbors with deeded access are in agreement with the dock as proposed. Town of Queens,bury Zoning Board' of Appeals Community Development Department Staff Notes Area Variance No.; PZ 209-201.6 Project Applicant: Michael Dorman Project Location: 35 Bunner Drive Parcel History: S,B PZ-207-2016 Preliminary Stage SEAR Type: Type 11 Meeting Date: August 24, 2016 Des eription of Proposed Pro jo�et: Applicant proposes subdivision of a 2.54 acre parcel into 4 lots,eael'i less than 1/2 acres. Applicant proposes development of a hammer head road section instead of a ul-de-sae. Relief requested from minimurn required lot sizes for the M DR Zoning district, [Relief Reqtt�ir�cdj The applieantreqtiests the fol towing relief-, Relief requested from minimum uequired lot sizes for the MDR zoning, district, Section 179-3-040 Establishments of District Dimensional recluirements. The MDR zone requires 2 acres per lot when not residential lots proposed are not connected to town sewer and water. The applicant proposes on-site septic and municipatmater. The lots sizes proposed are for 4 lots to, 0.50, OA9, O<60 & 0.59 acres. Critcria for considerini Rn Area Variance according to ChaPter 267 of To,$Vn LaW:j In making a determination, the board shall consider. 'I. Whether an undesirable change will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties will be created by the granting of this area variance. M,inor impacts to the neighborhood maybe anticipated. The applicant has indicated the lots are similar sizes to the adjoining parcels aloin the same street. 2. Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant,to pursue, other than an, area variance. Feasible alternatives may be considered linifted, due to the size of the lot and the zoning requirements for development. 3. Whether the requested area variance is substantial The relief requested may be considered substantial relevant to the code. Where relief requested for lot 1 is 1.5 ac, lot 2 is 1.51 ao, lot 3 is 1.40 and lot 4 is 1.44 4. Wbetbes- the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district. The project may be considered to have minimal impact. The applicant proposes disturbance of more than, an acre where a stornmater pollution prevention plan is required for the subdivision development. 5. Whether the alleged difficulty was self-created., The difficulty may be considered self-created, Staff comments The applicant proposes a 4-lot subdivision of a 2.54 ac parcel, where 2 ac per lot is,required. The applicant has explained that two of the lots ate proposed to be developed immediately by the applicant's sons,and a third lot is being sold to a friend. The applicant has indicated the lots are similar to the neighboring lots. The project includes development of a harninerhead turnaround, the extension, of Bonner Drive and the extension of the waterline, Zoning Board' of Appeals Community Development Department Staff Notes T 1),t I L.-�!I):`�I)�P 1°Y 7 P I 1 1. 0 ,[V I FED Town of Queensbury Planning Board 71 R ESO LMON-P I anning Board,ReeDaimendation to Zoning Board of Appeals Area Variance PZ 207-210,16 MICHAEL DORMAN Tax Map ID,295.11-1-5 / Property Address: Bonner Drive/Zoning: MDR The applicant has submitted an appl,ication for the,following: Applicant Proposes to subdivide a 2.54 acre parcel for 4 loss to 030, 0.49,0.60&0.59 acres. Project for four single family homes. Lots 2&3 to be constructed with hatninerhead and waterli ne installation. Pursuant to Chapter 1'8subd ivision section of the ZoWng Ordinance,subdivision of land shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance; Relief sou ot for creating lots less Ilion 2 acres. Planning Board shall pivvide a reconunendation to the,Zoning Board of appeals. The Town of Queensbury Zoning, Ordinance, per Section 179-9-070, J 2 b, requires the Planning Board to provide a written recommendation to the Zoning BoaW of Appeals for projecis that require both Zoni,tig Board of Appeals &Planning Board approval; The Planning Board has bTiefly reviewed and discussed this applicalion, the relief request in the Variance application as well as tine potential impacts of this project on the neighborhood and surrounding community, and found that: MOTION —T9 M_AKEqA_.Rf;gQM EL PiNT !2 ME,N�DAT�ION ON' BEHALF OF IME A N ZONINCv BOARD OF ,l'"1'1 AL ARKAVAIU .NCE NO. PZ 207-201A 9 N 1.0 A M' R M- N Introduced by Paul.Sehonewo If who moved its adoption, and a) The, Planning Board, based on a limited review, has not idmitified afty significant adverse impacts that cannot be mitigated vAth cunent project proposal - Motionseconded by George Feront. Duly adopted this le day of August, 2016 by the, following vote: AYES: Mr, Deeb, Mr, Scbonewolf, Ms. Whitc, Mr. Magowan,Mr.Ferone,Mr. Shnier, Mr. Hunsinger NOES- NONE 111topic, SIVOL8220,114'ax: 519.745.4407 �7,12 Bay RoW, Qwoisbury,NY 128041wwv.�lLiceii.sbiory.iiet Town of Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals, Community Development Department Staff Notes Area,Variance No,.,, PZ 210-2016 Project, pplicant- Brett R., & Parucla T. West Project LocatiGn: 106 Bay Parkway palvel History. AV PZ-0095-2016; SP U-0089-2016; AV 47-ZG07; BP 2007-571 dock, deck; BV 2007-359 Res. Alt.,; BP 99-566 dock; 81197-676 beat shelter-,docks& covered porch SEQR Type: Type II Meeting Date: August 24,2016 Descri pt io n of Proposed project, Applicant has submitted a revised variance as AV 95-2016eras overturned. bythe APA. Theapplicantproposes to remove a 159 sq. ft. deck addition. The project still consists of a 785 sq, ft,, 3-season lakeside addition, 880 sq. ft. addition of a poste cochere with two new porches on the Bay Parkway We of the hare. The project includes removal of 654 sq. ft, patio/deck and front porch, 80 sq, ft. aecessory structure, and 3,545, sq. ft, of drive and walkways. Relief requestcd from shoreline setback, side setbacks, expansion of a noacor4rrning structure, and for a second garage, lief'1equirr The applicant requests the following relief, ROieftequested from shoreline setback., side setbacks,expansion of a nonconforming structure, and for a second garage. Section 1.79-3-040 establishment of districts Proposed three,seasoned porch is to he 26ft (east),and a back porch(west) to be 25.7 ft., from the shoreline where:a 50 ft. shoreline setback is required. Sootion 179-5-020 accessory-structure Proposed Porte-cochere to be located at the (non-shoreline) front of the house where a detached garage already exists on the site. The proposed porte-cochere, is considered a second garage. Section 179-13-0 10 Continuation--ex:pansion of a non-con'Coriting structure The proposed additions along the shoreline are eXpallgion of a non-conforming structure where the expansions do not ineet the required setback of the waterfront residential zone. Criteria for considering an Area Variance according to Chapter 2,67 of To In making a deterinination, the board shall consider: L Whether an undesirablechange will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties will. be created by the granting of this area variance. Minor impacts to the neighborhood may be anticipated, The applicant has indicated.additional shoreline plantings on the east side of the property and the existing vegetation will assist sciren the additions i1orm, the shore view, 2. Whether-the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some: method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance. The feasible alternatives may be possible to reduce the overall size of the additions proposed. 3. WWether (be requestet] area variance is substantial. The relief requested may be considered substantial relevant to the code. Relief requested for the three season porch 23.4 ft and the back porch 24.3 ft. 4. Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or impact on. the physical. or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district. The project as proposed may be considered to have minimal impact on the environmental conditions of the site or area. The applicant has included new stormwater measures that did, not exist,prior and proposes a new septic systein. S. Whether the alleged difficulty was self-created. The difficulty may be considered self-created. LS—Itaff comments-I The applicant proposes expansion of an existing non-conforming home with a three season porch on,the shoreline side of the home, a new back poach area and a,front porch on the non-shoreline with.a new porte- cochere roof area. The project also includes anew septic installation and a conversion,of the driveway area to permeable pavers, The APA denies the previous,variance and the applicant has, changed the application by removing an existing 159 sq ft attached porc.h that violated the shoreline setbacks. Zonim Board of Appeals id Community Development Department Staff Notes Warren County Planning Department AtigI6.09 P�roject Review and Referral Form Reviewed by Dop�artMent Our August 15, 2016 Project,Name: West, Breit R., & Pamela T. Owner: Brett& Pamela West ID Number: OBY-16-AV-0210 County Project#: Aug 6-0 CUITC111;Zoning: WR Community: Queensbury Project Description. Construct lakeside 3-season room, 2 porches, porte-cohere, remove existing asphalt pavement driveway &amp; install permeable paver driveway. Also construct stormwater[practices aamp, landscaping. Site Location; 106 May Parkway, Northwest Pol nt of Assembly Pol nt Tax Map Nuniber(s)- 2,26.,15-1-17 Staff Notes: The issues here appear to be of a local nature involving!local issues without any significant imparts on&nbsp',&r1bsp,;County'properties or resources.&n4sp-, Staff recommends no county impact based on the information submitled&nbsp, according to the suggested review crifteria.of NYS General Municipal Law Section 239 applied tri the&nbsp; proposed project. <br/> Local actions to date(if any): County Planning Dccpsrtrneilt* �,NCI Local Action:/Flins] Disposition; 811612016 Warren County Planning Departnient Date Signed Local Official Date Signed PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO THE WARREN COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT MTHW fl4 DAYS 01-`HNAL AMON Town of Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals Community Development Department Staff Notes Sign VaTiOrnee No.: PZ 211-2016 Project Applicant: Saxton Sign Corp. forConcord Pools SEQR Type- Type Unlisted Parcel History: SV PZ-0133-2016; CO-00075-2016, Concord Pools /ti s; SP 39-2015 Meeting Date. August 4, 201.+6 Description of Proposed Projlecta Applicant requests alTroval for the installation f a 61.34 sq, ft. ficestanding sign he a 54,5 sq. ft. sign was approved. by the Zoning Board of Appeals on May ,5, x016. Also, the:applicant requests approval for installing the sign parallel to,I-87'rather than facing north and south as the ;BA approved plans indicated. Relief reqtiested from maximum sign sim in a CIJ zoning district. Relief Req "I'lic applicant requests the following relief. Relief requested from maximum sign size in a CLI zoning district. 'Section-1411 Si ns for which permits are Muired-number of free standing si ns, and size Applicant requests approval of a free standing sigria ge at 61.34 sq ft where here a 54,, sq °f . sign was approved and a 45 sq ft is the maximum allowed. Criteria for considering a Sign Variance according to Chapter 267 of' "own Law: In makhmw a determination, the board shall consider: 1. Whether an undesirable change will, be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearbproperties will be created by the granting of this sign variance. Moderate impacts to the neighborhood maybe anticipated. 2. Whether the benefit sought 'by the applicant can be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than a sign variance. Feasible alternatives may,be considered to install a compliant 45 sq ft sign. The second sign free standing sign has been granted as part of SV PZ 13 3- 2016. 3. Whether the requested sign variance is stibstantial. The relief requested may be considered substantial relevant to the code. "'I"he: ir-lief requested is, 16.34 sq ft in excess of 45 sq ft. The applicant was granted a 54,5 sq ft sign. and the existing sign is 6.84 sq ft in excess. 4. Whether the proposed variance will have an. adverse effect or impact on. the physical. or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district. T,he project as proposed 11-lay have a moderate impact within the district as the: sign exceeds the size allowed for the zone and the previous approval. 5. Whether the alle:ged difficulty was self-created, The difficulty may be considered self-created. Staff comments:I The oversized sign was discovered during a follow-up site inspection to verify compliance with, the sign variance. The building, peniait was applied for and issued for a sign that was compliant with the sign variance. The applicant now requests approval of the installed sign.of 61.34 sq 11 sign that was previously approved for a 54.5 sq ft at 18 ft in height for Concord Pools. "rho plans show the sign location to be horizontal with the property line/Northway where the approved plan was for a, sign perpendicular. The applicant has, indicated that the larger sign allows, for notice to potential, clients to exit the Northway. Zoning Board of Appeals Community Development Department Staff Notes Warren County Planning Department Project'l Review and, Referral, Fora Reviewed by i elpart meat on August 15, 2016 Project Names SaxtonSign Corp. forConcord Pools Owner: 60 Big Boom, Ind, LLC IIIA Number: QBY-1, u, -021'1 County Project Au€g16-10 Current Zoning: CLI Community: Queensbury PMIect Description Install a larger free-standing sign than approved at ZBA., Approved 51„5 sq ft. installed 61,'34 sq It slgn. Site Location 0 Big Boom Rd (Concord Parols) Tax Map Number(s): 309.17-1-21 Uif Notes: The issues here appear to be of a local nature Involving local Issues without any significant impacts on&nbsp:&nbsp.Gounty proper'Iies or reseur esAnbsp; Staff recommends no county,irnpaol based on the informatlon. submitted nbsp, according to the suggested roil w criteria of NYS General MuniCipal Law Section 239 applied to the&nbsp; (proposed projeot. .4br/> Local actions to plate(if any)- County ny)-Co unty Planning Department, NCI Logia] ,etiorK./FIn.a] Disposition: 8/1 Warren County Planning Department Date Signed Local Official Date Signed PLEASE RETURN THIS TCrI."1v�'TO THE WARRE,N COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT WITHIN 10 DAYS OF FINAL ACTION Town of Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals, Communlify Development partment 5taff Notes Sign, Variance No.- PZ 212-2016 Project Applicant- Saxton Sign Corp. for G&G Boat and RV Storage SL IT Type- Type Unlisted Parcel History: SP 413-9S, SP48-14—self storage boat and rv, SP 5943 pool sales Meeting Date- August 24,2016 Description, of.Propose Applicant proposes to install a 61.34 sq. ft. freestanding sign to be located at the back of the property 'Fax Parcel No. 309,17-1-23,21 and facing 1-87, Relief requested from maximum sign size for such sign in a, CLI zoning district. Rqdief Required: The applicant requests the folloMng relict". Reliefre(piested from maximum sign size for such. sign in a CLI zoning district, Section 140 Signs for which permits arc��' �-number of fice standing signs and size of sig Applicant proposes a free standing sign,at 61.34 sq 11 her 45 sq ft is the maximum allowed., criteria for considerin.g a Sign Variance according to Chapter 267 of'Town Law: Inmalcing a determination, the board shall consider: f. Whether an undesirable change will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties wa ill be created bthe granting of this sign variance. Moderate impacts to the neighborhood may be anticipated. 2. Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than a sign variance. Feasible alternatives may be considered to install a compliant 45 sq ft sign., 3. Whether the requested sign variance is substantial. The relief requested may be considered substantial relevant to the code. The relief requested is 16.34 sq ft in excess of'45, sq ft. 4. Whether the proposed variance will. have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the nei0borbood or district. The project as proposed may have a moderate impact within the district as the sign exceeds the size allowed for the zone S. Whether the alleged difficulty was self7created. The dil"ficulty may be considered self-created, IStaff"comments- The applicant proposes,to, install a sign of 61.34 sq ft sign The plans show the sign location to be perpendicular with the propetly lineNorthway. The applicant has, indicated that the larger sign allows for notice to potential clients to exit the Northway. In addition applicant is aware that.lots,are to be combined as, shown.on plot plan for compliance. Warren County Planning Department Atmgl6-11 Project Review,and Referral, Form RevieweA by Department on August 15, 2016 Project Name: Sexton Sign Corp for G&G, Boat & RV Storage Owner: 60 Big Boom Rd, LLG ID Number: BY-116- V-0'21 County Project#; Aug 16-11 Curren,t Zoning- CLI com'"'luslityz Queensbury Project Description: Install free-standing sign at 1-87 property side with 15'setbaGk., Site Location- 74 Bog Boom Rd - G&G Boat& RV Storage Tax Map Number(s): 307,17-1-23.21, 309.1;71.23,22„ 309.,17-1-23.23 Staff Notes: The issues here appear to,be of a local nature involving local issues without any significant impacts onUbsp;&nbsp„County properties or rasources.&nbsp, Staff recommends no county,Impact based on the information su bmitted&n bs p, according to the suggested review criteria of NYS Ge ne ral Municipal Law Section 239 applied to 'the&nbsp, proposed project. <br I> Local actions to date(if any): County Planning Department: NCI Loud Action-./F inn] Disposition: EVIMO16 Warren County Planning Department Date Signed Local Official Date Signed PLEASE RETURN THIS POR M TO 114U WARREN('OXJN, "PLANN)N(-DrqbARTNTEZVF WITHIN 10 DAYS OF FINAL ACTION Town, of Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals Community Deve[opmenl Department Staff Notes Area Variance No.: PZ 213-2016 Project Applicant: Paul Shambo, 11 Project Location: 31 Sullivan Road Parcel History: BP 97-250 SFD; RP 97-250 Porch; BP 2014-427 pool; BP 2014-426 shed SEQR Type: Type Unlisted Meeting Date- August 24, 2016 [DescriRtitter,of Pi�ogosed Projectil Applicant proposes construction of as 3,024 sq. ft. residential addition. Relief requeste (°from, Tninimurn setback, and floor area ratio reqWrements,for the WR zoning district Relief Req uj red:I The applicant requests the following relief, Relief req,uested from minimum setback and floor area ratio recluirernentsfor the WRr zoning district. Section 179-3-040 Establishments of District DimensioLal re The applicant proposes a 3024 sq ft residential addition that is to be located 27.8 ,l the front propetly line where a 30 ft setback is required. The project also includes, increasing the floor area of the home where 0,23% is proposed and 22% is the maxitnum allowed. The current floor area is 2,684 sq ft and 3,948, sq ft is proposed total 6,632 sq ft (includes a new garage, living space above and a living area connected to the existing home.) Criteria for considering an Aiva Variance according to,Chapter 267 of Tow In making,a determination,the board shall consider: 1. Whether art undesirable ebange will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or- as detriment to nearby properties will be created by the granting of this area variance., Minor impacts to the neighborhood may be anticipateda The applicant has indicated neighboring ho=,s have garages either detached or attached, 2. WWether the bej)efit sought by the applicant carp be aehieve,4 by some inethod, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other (han art area variance. Feasible alternatives may be limited due to the location of the existing lioine and location of the septic area: 3. Whether the requested area variaticeis substantial. The rel ief requested may be considered minimal relevant to the code, The rel ief requested is 12 ft to the front property lure and l% in excess for the floor area ratio, 4. Wbetter the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or etivironmental conditions in the neighborhowl or district. The project may he considered to have, minimal r impact on the physical or the environrnentajr conditions of the area, 5. Whether the alleged difficulty was self-created. The diffiQuItymaybe considered self-created. The applicant proposes a residential addition that includes attached gam with new living space on the first level that includes kitchen and dining area. The area with the new garage will also include living space above for bedroorns and bathrooms,. The plans show the elevations and floor plans of the existing and.the proposed house plan arrangement.