As-Built Septic Letter 4 RECEINIED Ed ward K. L E e 8Ward Lane, PO Box 190 AAJ(� iti 9 20% Cloverdale, New 'York 12820 518-744-4411 ` rrauNC � � a w�wW r Aug ust 19, 2W 6 Mr. & Mrs., Paul Shiamb 1 Sullivan Road Lake George, New ork 12845 Re. Acceptable As-Built Existing Septic System Located at. 45 Sullivan Road, Lake George, New York, Single ParrriN aidentW YAt[ n Dear Mr., & lisµ harrrb ; Regarding the above: I. The planned renovations call for the expansion of the existing single family residence. There will be no increase In the number of bedrooms (3 before and 3 after renoVatiorns), Consequently, the existing as-built septic system its acceptable and is compliant with the current NSCDOH code. Specifically: : 1. House serer. ,. 1,800 gallon pyre-east concrete septic tank. 8.. Distribution box. 4. Three fifth'foot absorption trenches. Please free to contact me with any questions or comments .n e y. dwar LaPoint, PE 8 Ward Lane, P,O Box 190 Cleverdale, New York 12820 518-744-4411 +elle el eairrivail co 1 ef11