2014-060 Metro Mattress TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ` O 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20140060 Application Number: A20140060 Tax Map No: 523400-296-017-0001-051-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: METRO MATTRESS CO. For property located at: 870 STATE ROU I E 9 in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: APERIO PROPERTIES LLC Sign 7 SOUTH SHORE Dr Total Value SOUTH AMBOY NJ 08679-0000 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency SIGNWORKS NEON CORP. 27 CAREY Rd OUEENSBURY.NY 12804-0000 • Plans &Specifications 2014-060 METRO MATTRESS Wall /Canopy Sign 80 sq. ft. SIGN change of copy and increase in sign size. wall/canopy- 80 sq ft to replace 59.2 sq ft with change of copy $62.40 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town f Que sbu Fri , a 28,2014 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building& Code Enforcement , I >.� 1 ; 2014 Office Use Only i'i' Town of Queensbury Building&CodesReceived: SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION . � -.. 'ax Map D: P-16, 17 -/-5/ Permit No.: S © t'O•d Permit Fee: $ to • - bt -'�1 Iia„{.) Date Applicant M ' :o : iv: 3'1 Tax Map ID 52.3 PP-A 17-r0o1-C61- Address ,Z(piQA E Rp, UV,—Sy 1TA_j_ Zoning —-_ ReC.!{F_gS_'Z/2rj11,Y[,�46 a 6_3C2?,g Property Owner A P_Es,IO_?P O pl6 Tl E4 ContractorlAgent✓lbta WOR IC j$si (n ZP. Address 9.$8 ta4-ENS3', Address aZ CARP/ Rib, ea So_K- _Lgq.Gheos ausNY t2.so( avFsN At rNina c>a Phone 91"I,_?a9 366 Phone SIR-14c-nj O Contact Person for Sign Code Compliance:NE1(a, Day Phone:S_I_S 5 (�3Ct) Building Street Address: S'in&cRCt Rot?.F-Q]Qy6aE&S2Wa/Q1 i 1,143.01 Site Plan,Variance,or Subdivision Approvals pp y1 . Location of propose°installation I RTD_ST TIGl7Sla 9v_cIvnik sat* 1J. tn i- Easiness Complexf.'laza'Ma:l nacre -I- I Business name itErRo_tratISEss Type of Sign proposed IR€cava 4 Eacasn NG Ruin),NCs i if sign is to be illuminated,indicate I Afr internal __external _Incandescent _neon _otherfl,t I Do signs currently exist on property? I Yes _No(if yes,list all existing signage) I Change dlrordlwprsgeORpta7CgI From to - S I Sign Wording f CM I I Sign Size Length 4a7_` x Width "=Total sq.ft., I Sign Height(keestardit:1 Color&Ma;ei&to be Lsec Bus G -s_ ard,,FTA gRtG Tris application creat a a change In the _New LNOfJca_ following existing site commons(RI In all Change in number of signs from to applicable spa ChdIye in setback for sign from _ _ to I _Change in size from to r Change in height of sign from to Declaration: Tc me Gert of my krowleoge,the statements contained in the application, together with the plans and specifications submitted,are a true=a-id.co mpfate statement d at proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the ZorYma Ordnance_and all other laws catling to the proposed work shalt be complied with.whether specified or noted.and that such worts authorized Dy L'e owner. APPLICANT-PRINT NAME .4 ` k&_ - e - ' k '- t. APPLICANT-SIGNATURE ,l , x 1 _ Ode; Declaration: I he-eov a V raze the applicant,o place a scn on my poi-n.t4, .:frc^^. OWNER-PRINT NAME Nick Ansari Okewwi...:- OWNER-SIGNATURE Date_ 2/9/2014 Tamm of Oueensaur.EiIM_h S Codes Sign P •m$pppltalion. 51&761-825 6c° l (tobv . „... A'"- ; :-,.,480'GRAPHIC AREA " . _ __ ._ .... *t _ .. +..._. N✓-,'P.:.. &-, n.,YTF ....iwd,. _ '46,...-.41,-.........., .�:y..i1W"Rm2{M^"MlI - - k y� Jrn(y D Serta / < � METRO.MATiTRESS uP TO CLEARANCE CENTER 75%i OFF. . .. �• � ;�M -- �. ......... - `r'.'....." .. r 1._•..+.w . - -. ,2, ".-1 I _... .. ..,. . • © _ _ i __ L 4 Y4 g.4 1� "yy" sill tAflT 1a...J�. 9 R .• .. 1 •-.. •--•• A �1' ry+. . .011111111.0104 'opPRIPS• AREA OF NEW AWNING GRAPHICS I b "-.,�.t�'p- `f' A=24"X 480"/144 __-_� » ~ _ -' f;•!"1 A=11,520 SG.IN/144 �.:K!"- I A=80 SQ.FT. - - Mk�RQMATTRESS"`�"`�`" t�at,�E,. link -- 4 r -.-' t jjti:Jt - TI ,'. f.-'.,-1...=_ �.pw fly SCALE: 1t4•1.o' _ .I , tJ �$ _ __�__=-•• • R7 c-..7.- -a � IIMfO k� SKETCH N140�2B.METROMATR2ESSLOD05{2 j♦,. �`�--a - J Si BE /� PREPARED BY FRED A.EARLY ,A�lAPI _ rt,_ __— � �C���?p KE uaaPAroweawmaRPwnoKfsrae (RVc. --- ---1--- _ - -- T V QM Rd..QUilanibUry.WY 12004 - wesw.eM�IwmMm,." a en,.w..o.n.,.wanmab�.,wr.w - _ PA:51&]ISW00-idOP]1]d]IIB-f¢61&116dJ[Q Y“"""�.'ubh n"�"ia a•♦wux:mi.w•mFe b ew,...F Y�mr.wae .. .. � � -_� �• .. �p'�" `a^.-.a�i:a: E-c :I �gend wi sb,."bme",.. B1°•"e`""'tlnY"°"4""" ' r @MU EXISTING AWNING GRAPHICS 2'2"X 26'=52 SQ.FT. ti PLSIGN GRAPHIC AREA 28'-0"AWNI G SECTION A=26"X 238"/144 , 27' G iP. 0 A=8,528 SQ. IN./14 A= 59.2 SQ. FT.TOTAL O 0 . 'I: METRO MATTRESS DISCOUNT SUPE SLEEP . NOTE; EXISTING AWNING FRAME TO BE RECOVERED 87, BUILDING WALL AREA 0„BUILDING FRONTAGE A=.20(14'X 97') _� A= .20(1,358 SQ. FT.) - A=271.6 SQ. FT. TOTAL METROMATTRBSt . .,.Yro.'"r rt."-.._1.4..7`. .-7:r„�T' — -rn” ,-n Mr.' 1 .,;. .�.– j .'� I, . ' d 4 III Bi—TNTN ENTRANG ._= a _��., 1 ! 1 lik ` ,µ • - 2.7 p _ ,. �y,, i fe y,-,---' . _ .:r-"�..,�"-- r te..,. %`i 1---7:-:...„..--b--- .t) WGrOrliefrril,g3 SKETCH#111201 METROMATTRE59 Qt35Y-AWNING-P 0/ //��''�� y /� �� PREPARED BY FRED A.EARLY ® METRO I i Ia 1=I l_ (/_O/ /� MET LABORATORIES AUTHORIZATION#E-212384 IIII����� l' I. 'QL1L1 DESIGNS:AnydesigNerlwoany lied bySereof Is roresslythe proped ofSigtthe written NOMINAL 10" X 12� 27 Carey Rd.,Queenstwry,NY 12804 the use of deslgnwor1 s rk or any facsimile thereof Is expressly prohibited without the written i Consent of Slgswoiks end any written consent Is subject to payment In full for said Pit 518.745-0700-1-800-333-5700-Fatc 518-745-0702 deslgrilaftwark service at St imuli&ramal rates,all deslgnelemvork will bereI_ a to E-mail:signworkneoncorp@vedzan.net Signworkaondemend ©2011