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`� ` TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518) 761-8201 Community Development - Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Permit Number: P20140097 Date Issued: Friday, August 22, 2014 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20140097 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 523400-295-018-0001-056-000-0000 Location: 25 WILLOW Rd Owner: SETH & KAREN FRENCH Applicant: SETH & KAREN FRENCH This structure may be occupied as a: Above Ground Pool By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the C� /I property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, /d Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20140097 Application Number: A20140097 Tax Map No: 523400-295-018-0001-056-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: SETH &KAREN FRENCH For property located at: 25 WILLOW Rd in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: SETH& KAREN FRENCH 10 GOLDFINCH Rd Above Ground Pool QUEENSBURY,NY 12804-0000 Total Value Contractor or Builder's Name /Address Electrical Inspection Agency ISLANDER POOLS & SPAS 2133 ROUTE 50 NY Plans&Specifications 2014-097 POOL- above ground 24' Deck around pool < 120 sq ft, no permit required $40.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Wednesday,April 15,2015 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the To of Qu nsb ;4 T i . . . . -:ril 15,2014 /9J 4}4 SIGNED BY ' l \ for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement • Town of Queensbury Building & Codes Office Use Only Received: SWIMMING POOL PERMIT APPLICATION Tax Map ID: 01450 r 8- 1-st o A permit must be obtained before beginning constructiony O 97 Permit No.: 717 0! Permit Fee: $ 4-10;,4 Site PlanNariance No.: � t Date: ( r l- ti. �1 a ISS 17-a- .11 " 2. Tax Map ID: • �9Jr.I -1-sea _ APR 0 4 2014 a 3. Pool Location Address: Z S \N tLLOLI 'RD p 7 TOWN OF QUlENSBURY 4. Zoning Classification: et310E11,64.- BUILDING&CODES 5. Site Plan Review,Variance or Subdivision Approvals(list) 6. Property Owner: Sen\ CP-e-t4 Phone: ta� 636-5 7 9 Mailing Address: 2 S butuo w R•oA0 City: Qu.aas '' °1 Nt4 itGO'( I S LANOz2 Poon-S (Ste GORE 1-1- (S ti)7. Contractor's Name: Phone: t Mailing Address: 2133 �`4p j P.E 0 . S> City: $AwsTehl SPA , Ny 1202-0 8. Contact Person for Building&Code Compliance:nS e-TA �YtcrVct� Phone t'6) 63 o-S-79 S ABOVE-GROUND OR INGROUND? A.f3ovE 44(u1/2 SIZE OF POOL: 'HI ec(L neg-pet-n.4 MANUFACTURER: S NA4kLInt€ 4,0-eo Ap(,• o. - dsafk0.,kru MATERIALS USED IN CONSTRUCTION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): W, G l /� c/ AA e 1- Steel/Vinyl Fiberglass Gunite Poured Concrete Other Declaration: I acknowledge no construction activities shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit. I certify that the application, plans, and supporting materials are a true and complete statement/description of the work proposed, that all work will be performed in accordance with the NY State Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations. acknowledge that I have read the application &plot plan requirements and I or my agents will obtain a certificate of occupancy before use of the pool. e— /� �^ Print Name: TFe1me1s. Signature: Date (`i/II Name/Title Town of Queensbury Building&Codes Swimming Pool Permit 518-761-8256 -fhars 9-11 Pool Inspection Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement Office No. (518) 761.8256 742 Say Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Date received: NAME: LOCATION: 4• PERMIT#: INSPECTED ON: —am/pm r(ve: am/pm Depart: am/pm Inspec or's Initials: Above Ground: In-Ground: Pool e around 'f •ool or and •■� 4 feet above *rade 2 inch maximum .. clearance to grade from underside of fence 4 inch maximum ..� clearance in fence •ickets Wall deohave self .� closingg device or alarms 30 second Alarm.time Surface Motion �■■ Alarm Laddersecured in place ��■ and latched Deck gate <56" to ��■ no more than " spacing in •ate o•enin•s Gate opens outward, self �■. closin• Padlock or providedddron �■. •ates or ladder Indoor pool all doorsself . alarmedper �■ closing or per AG 105.2 Item 9 Timer poolpump (no • �■. lu• in timer allowed Final electrical Vehicle access gate .-� closed &locked Ok to issue C/C Are—_ COMMENTS: /40 ' 8 n*4-a9 > - �- � 9 P Rp4 r TOWN OF QUEENSBURY PJM 1 BUILDING DEPARTMENT QD Based on our limited examination,compliance i Q......_ with our comments shall not be construed as g indicating the plans and specifications are in ¢ l i l t dfi full compliance with the Building Codes of Ni- • . I �ERGH ��t�� k, New York State. I 1 Pgo l a r I 1 A AeoY �u,JD - - - moi (54" H • ` ` , t tiv tCS. Soy kl It f , a� t-`1�-- Fxlsr.tEPTrc i4 Q • Attention Fiv±rr^ Owner g� 1�I p o oSE� TANK ti Please assure you are familiar with t et ,�. r r Sr;;S 1 'n ool Enclos arequirements specifc'€ in `� i .h k �� happy to-toi•G C; hat Requ' - - ••• •• , •'. % .. i i /q.� meet p-r Appendix G Of the / — !— flew York .tate R:.sidential Cod L:Q . / 2¢ ---3 / C.1 4.1 / / / / / LJ/ / / ./ / / / / 4_// / / ' --..I DJ 't-tr ..N OF QUEENSBUR j i -- BUI DING & CO/ES Pt� �"711qPER.- ' PERN11�Q1�N FR VE PERSONALIVMEASC I Revi we. r y: �� OM THE PROP R-D-HE DISTANCE tu t=' i Tt: L THEURE(S� OR Sf)1_ SlGNATUR 1Li) ` ' I aer-V‘Iit_t_OW ROAD Si PLA ,.r ►" = 2D=o" JDwc 1 of4 5 2 xMEAD, . C " MEAD, Rn se Pe 5 o P5 / 24' .Dii. .' 8oVE G(Zou. p sr Housr WALL (NOhf,A ) ! , 12' r fizoposey PECKr Pttoposc D 3(c"Ht R4iLit,iel l , M T ._... i ,/_ r__ri I. ,- 21 it1 1 . OAP6bcvl , 1�6 �i a� _llinI , ' H POOL \ZaLL 11/ II I I r 1 1 I OrC I ' n 1 I - ' r ..ar,_. .,! 1 1 1,l} 1.,61.1-_. ;r--tll.. '�' -- vL1G.+!-ii l4.._N---H.. _�'t.__,' ._�..-. ! ...�tk[.I,, L ..__ X.6. __ !. .Yi..._hl.�l+c_.��_..KI1___1L-. ( 0 1.-1 , 1 Exlsr. Cyraa2E(LA WN) ra 1 `-COr.IQ. Pcur�1DATI OA i 1 EXI Or° C.1 FLOOR. JosSr@ -pAGE CAP !lo"c-c6P.)rIl1DTSt4buY4 . —.2"x 8" PIER— (2 REG. WITH 4"x4" PasTS SGE j T4,L &L s : ,. SG C.`I ( d 1.4 A —A Pt446 4t2 F 1 A. 2 ENov e SEG77b l oT Ex t sTQ,git/N43 n it XNsrALC 16W AMONG; posrs �l Fo = /joie Ai pp srEps . (SEE 1w6 iti Pop-. Loc.ADDOIJ) $, r-1 C.t. \AJoop MAr6b2,At$ 4/21 1312t ssuae 1126S-reD, ALL. HARDWARE IS g"`vAMiaE) OR C:Orgr60 Fall ouTpco(2 CO►JDIT 1 on)$. D1/444 20lc4 \� SI- a " til . a-___ • DTaP of- 2001- WAIL ii, an I ( LL AR T- i , 1.(6-1-824.- C RaI�IN4 s)(sTcNt li I. P 1 Do7A1LJ TA ��c • 61 ! SHEET -->::: s; ///7 I 2 X 4FI.oOCZ • I Jo1sts e 1621/C-C ' X4rr e ; �ry��) / PIER pas,-, • • _ _ t _.__-F CrYP) CJ DGGKIrII� i I. 7 . tii I —F .....,, i LTYe.� Pr, SEE D�Y,q / ir , FDR. Pt ESS - == 1 (ry p) Dw4.4.4 t1 Sr". -;.- -- _ _ fir' III 2r�v lr Pgopose, 5 i E (y� __iii raAx,oYHtNau REGe3 Deer- krs k- .FR6 M I AIG _ Op) seE,DW.�i Via. aur #4 . I %21I — 1 '- oit EXISC. RAItIN/"% -- 1 REND E seC?! I)hi DG exj5T 1 / ----- V I — 1� _. gAILI,� 1N5 01-1- p°STS(C-4c H siDE) — —i y- _EXIST .176C.14 AN9 Rett-cligi IDW y 3 of. %X`f oT OM geol.: ALL RAILIJCis.ToBE36" HEIGHT I J" 4 Top Qgi-L_ (ix(0)-'- - , ! . i f ?R.°PosED 2'x2"SAL.OSTCR SCNor 51400,4 ..sT -II Mi it LLA_L ; IC RAkoNCi Cry p) y,RAIL Posy .. A I !I iz, i , ,, ,: , , TopDt- POOLWALL I°XIoN'DEGkIN6� Q SCI , K ..� izaithuct Iv IiI Y X - - `��J "" 3I0�X Net NEA: "` €; �,; 4AL. SULTS .‘ " i 1 ill "OL/ �' ; ci FLooR Joist 2"X5��FAC. 2 Ppt � �., ; i Cep. J A -I ��, FRAMWCj 1 X(o" G / Sj T r©N A -A 1" MAX .r" Dac.klNy i L RAIL VDST CoNNECTlon1 Typ, u, ��._. _> i ! 11 11 C DATED J 1 <4 EG iC IN 41 DKk SCREtas r I f i o' G .a BEu 0 I ^ V:IF.,/ ' ! e'Botts , f s . LockINCl 2xlQ'I 71(8"" Ple:R ' CjATz f r J015Ty�l,) 8 p t �� , p d /`Ek15T. rjRkDE , i� il u / 4 A Ay l h_J9_IIG._. L 1Xs I ( " 5 " HEX NEAP NLS Q&WS '`4 aePoST egeoiSED IN i I o X ,d rr W 4ASHEiv.1,, 1'` BALUDtERS I `ED > 12:---1; 2x $ q' t (5orNS+DE' 47 STEips AND BEAM ' I _--v' ; HAND RAILINGS - _ - £,BD7N sIDE p1 1•� 4 ( Boni SIDES) 4X4. p, r ' 11a '° StCri00, ,g=�B DE- 179-1L.779}1!.". "P" �_._. � ._...______.. __.�.____ MTS r_ _Gx_:�st-_D ck - - - EXIST 6RRILINy uT5 �/� yr DWy 4 Of 4 DEC. DeTALis 5 ti- ' s. 13A1-VStsns skALL. Fid Ito stem/ No whe inch