2014-298 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518) 761-8201 Community Development - Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Permit Number: P20140298 Date Issued: Monday, August 11, 2014 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20140298 has been completed. Location: 51 HIGHLAND Dr Tax Map Number: 523400-290-010-0001-005-001-0000 Owner: JONATHAN M BOWERS Applicant: JONATHAN M BOWERS This structure may be occupied as a: Deck By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Occupancy DOES NOT relieve the property l/' 2/ ) 4ke. owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance, or V other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Planning Board Director of Building&Code Enforcement or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 / Community Development-Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20140298 Application Number: A20140298 Tax Map No: 523400-290-010-0001-005-001-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: JONATHAN M BOWERS For property located at: 51 HIGHLAND Dr in the Town of Queensbury, to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: JONATHAN M BOWERS Deck $2,200.00 DAWN D. BOWERS Total Value 51 HIGHLAND Dr $2,200.00 QUEENSBURY NY 12804-0000 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address • Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications 2014-298 DECK 300 sq ft 15'x 19' $50.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Wednesday,July 15,2015 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Toeensbu[Q/ Tu.' ,t a ,July 15, 2014 SIGNFf BY �ans / y' for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building& ~de En'a rcement Town of Queensbury Building & odes 09 201 Else only \ juL Received: ACCESSORY STRUCTURE A iPLIGATIONr QUEEnsRutiY A permit must be obtained before beginning carstri�fion Tax• ap ID: ago,.In.4_ 6 nv,� ING&C�!Permit No.: �y1. 9 g For any structure other than residential principal structure(house)to include,but Permit Fee: '1 D pd not limited to: garage, shed, dock deck, carport, pole barn, greenhouse, etc. Site Plan No.: Refer to Informational Brochure No.r3 Accessory Structures-Sheds/Fences -7- Date 7(41 rT Applicant C7 /�QGIl R c Tax Map ID 210. /O--/—,S/ Address S/ / ///Cae( PA Zoning Qu� 4/y /� Oy Phone 36 �' -.2.2 b5! Owner -S Cunk_2. Contractor/Agent 3-,g-efit1 Address / r Address / ' Phone /r Phone Contact Person for Building&Code Compliance: Day Phone: Building Street Address: Subdivision Name: 2.,gici.56.„Rnme..„ Lot#: Historic Site: Yes _No Estimated cost of construction: $ .oR a 0 0 Are there any other accessory structures on property? If yes,please list: Type of Construction: Check all that apply Please indicate measurements as required below 1u Floor sq.ft. 2° Floor sq.ft. Total sq.ft. Height Boathouse Boathouse with Sundeck 07 7- V8 Deck 3 O O Detached Garage(#of cars_) Dock Pole Barn Porch-Open "Porch-3 season,Covered,Enclosed Shed Other Accessory Structure(s) "Considered floor area&must comply with FAR(Floor area ratio)requirements if located in the Waterfront Residential zone. Town of Queensbury Building&Codes Accessory Structure Packet 516-761-8256 • Please include two(2)sets of the following documentation with the application fee: 1. Accessory Structure Application 2. Plot plan drawn to scale with the use of a survey map, if possible[40 scale-1 inch=40 feet] a) Indicate proposed structure,showing setback dimensions from all surveyed property lines b) Show location of all existing structures on the property c) Show location of water supply(well or water lines) d) Show location and configuration of septic disposal system or sewer line 3. Structural Drawings to include: Floor Plan;Foundation Plan;Cross Sections; Elevations 4. Registered Architect or Engineer's Stamp(signed & sealed) under the following circumstances: Residential addition or alterations with construction costs over$20,000;Any commercial construction Other Notes: 1. Changes to Plan-Any changes prior to or during construction will require submittal of amended plans [review and re-approval are necessary]. 2. Withdrawn Permits -20% of the initial fee is retainable by the Town of Queensbury. No fee is refundable after 1 year from initial application date. 3. Additional Review-All Applications are subject to Zoning Administrator,Code Compliance,and Structural plan review CHANGES TO RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CODE EFFECTIVE 1-1-2011 (INFORMATIONAL) Residential Building Code • New driveway requirements for structures located over 300 feet from main road; • Spray foams are allowed to be exposed in rim joist box area only,must be covered by 15 minute thermal barrier all other areas; • Protection against decay requirements; • Landings are no longer required on the outside of secondary doorways less than three risers provided no doors swing over steps; • Vent stacks must be 18 inches minimum above roof for all structures New Electrical Requirements • Arc fault breakers required in all habitable spaces for receptacles; • GFI protection for all other receptacles in kitchens,bathrooms,garages,and unfinished basements; • All receptacles must be tamper resistant; • Carbon Monoxide detectors must be located within 15 feet of sleeping area; • All corrugated stainless steel piping must be bonded to the common ground for electrical service New Energy Code Requirements • Blower door tests required by credential contractor or structure inspected by air barrier supplier and certified compliant; • Programmable thermostats required; • Lighting must be 50%energy saving light bulbs; • Separations between dwelling units must have minimum of R-10 in common wall of each dwelling unit; • Res Check inspector's checklist must be available at time of insulation inspection Declaration: I acknowledge no construction activities shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit. I certify that the application, plans, and supporting materials are a true and complete statement/description of the work proposed, that all work will be performed in accordance with the NY State Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed, I or my agents will obtain a certificate of occupancy. I also understand that Ilwe are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. ✓I have read and agree to the above Print Name: \/OU't 6 E R5 Signature: Q. " 5W 5tLt GC1� Date: O Town of Queensbury Building&Codes Accessory Strudure Packet 518-761-8256 91111106. l'h wtA /' /cl Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement - Residential Final Inspection Office No. (518) 761-8256 Arrive: am/pm ��ppee t: %3Orn/pm Date Inspection request received: inspector's Initials: �/��1� 1 //// q �/ NAME: 6a rS PERMIT*: l L_a 7 d LOCATION: / 1Q n d (J r DATE: / TYPE OF STRUCTURE: cr K Comments: Yes_ No NIA_ 4° Building Number Address visible from road Chimney Height/'B'Vent/Direct Vent Location Fresh Air Intake 3 inch Plumbing Vent through roof minimum 18 inches Roof Complete/Exterior Finish Complete Platform at all exterior doors Handrail 4 or more risers Guards at stairs,decks,patios more than 30 inches above grade / Guard at stairwell at 34 inches or more J Guard at deck,porches 36 inches or more Handrail Termination at Newell Post or Wall I 'or Railings 34 inches to 38 inches Bra ' /Handicapped Ramp Compliant Grade away from foundation 6 inches with 10 feet 6 inch clearance to sill plate Gas Valve shut-off exposed/regulator 18 inches above grade Interior privacy/trim/doors/main entrance 36 inches Bathroom/Kitchen watertight Safety glazing/Window in stairwells safety glazing Interior Smoke Detectors/Carbon Monoxide Detectors Every level: _ Every Bedroom: _ Outside every bedroom area _ Inter Connected: Battery backup: Attic access 30 inches x 22 inches x 30 inches(height)in accessible area Crawl Spaces 18 inch x 24 inch access, 1 sq.t-150 sq.R vents Bathroom Fans,if no window Plumbing fixtures Foundation insulation to floor/Sticker on Panel Duct work sealed properly/Blower Door Test Certification Floor truss,draft stopping finished basement 1,000 sq.ft. Emergency egress below grade Gas Furnace shut-off within 30 feet or within line of site Oil Furnace shut-off at entrance to furnace area Fumace/Hot Water Heater operating Low water shut-off boiler Relief Valve(s)installed/Heat Trap/Water Temp 110 Enclosed Stairs Sheetrock Underside minimum 14'Gypsum Basement stairs dosed rise>4 inches Garage Floor Pitched Garage fireproofing/%hour fire door I door closer Gas Logs in Sealed or Glass Enclosure Final Electrical;Energy Saving Light Bulbs 50% Final Survey Plot Plan Arc Fault Breaker Habitable Spaces I Tamper Proof Receptacles Flex Gas Pipe Bonding As Built Septic System/Sewer Dept. Inspection Sticker Site Variance required Floodd Plain Certificetion,if required Okay to issue C I C or C O I Temporary/Permanent] L:1Building&Codes Forms1Building&Codes lnspedion Fom 1Residential Final Inspection Form_revised100405.doc; Revised January 7,2008;Revised 626108;Revised 12/22/10, Revised 04/13/11 Town of Queensbury Building &Code Enforcement yh tabo6s W Office No. (518) 761-8256 Framing I Firestopping Inspection Report Inspection request received:n Name: Cs CI .iytn s ((�� Inspected on: o�4(—PI "Nis!Jr( } t Q r4 fs! Dt Arrive: i4a i A e.m. Permit No.: 141 - q9 Inspector's Initials: Sr S TYPE OF STRUCTURE: tie Ct( Yvt N NIA COMMENTS: Framing Attic Access 22"x 30"minimum Jack Studs I Headers Truss Specification Provided / Bracing/Bridging �/ J Joist hangers / / Jack Posts/Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed properly 12"O.C. Headroom 6 ft.8 in. Stairwells 36 in.or more Exterior Deck Bracing Headroom 6 ft.8 in. Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate 1 '%(w) 16 gauge(8) 16D nails each side Draft stopping 1,000 sq.ft.floor trusses Anchor Bolts 6 ft.or less on center Ice and water shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1,2,3 hour Fire wall 2,3,4 hour Firestopping Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in cavity min. Garage Fire Separation House side 1/2 inch or 518 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X Ceiling/wall Windows Habitable Space/Bedrooms 24 in.(H) 20 in.(W) 5.7 sf above I below grade 5.0 sf grade Design Professional Sign-off, if required Framing /Firestopping Inspection Report fr c o 1-3 ( • Foundation Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection re. eiv- Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: Z. a< ,% Depart: =1ati a 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initial . S NAME: A OD 8 r S "ERMIT#: 14)- a9 8 LOCATION: 51 -1-F Or INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: 0 Cl VA Comments Y N N/A �' Footings. Piers vZ Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Footing Dowels or Keyway in place Foundation Dampproofing Foundation Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil poly for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. L:\Building&Codes Forms\Building&Codes\Inspection Forms\Foundation Inspection Report.doc Last printed 12/18/2013 2:44:00 PM I HAVE PERSONALLY MEASURED THE DISTACE 1 1 peirle unit FROM THE PROPERTY LINES OR SIO THE..., MS 41111111.1144 SW P OPOSEDSTRUCTUREO 7D E 1 0-g ,-- sera GNATURE mrd NO F . -; . .. . : __ :407-r 1 _ gra/f C . • -) lc li._ cliiir rillOpIrrusito TOWN OF QUEENSBURY sr'= jc BUILDING DEPARTMENT _ ��-�.rd t. : Based on our limited examination,compliance 1. - _ _ - with our comments she not be construed as i / -° ' indicating the plans and s eafications are in <i / _I:.: o =::—, New Yor Codes of `i fi +-�-- ea soarsz i // .��/ �. p New Yo • SS /tat4J �/`/ ' ' - " _ �� !i-- ��d1' 6,-. ` • , Gum -- , 777 7/ /,‘ z ---__ tat , NN . 1:411111L f // \ rfr" V-.4*- / j '— Z- II / 11/ 4" ' '' ' VI 'r kt-ACil .iiiior ,... ... pi _id,.._ ,..__. ., ,_ :. i „ilk ... y ___ „.: si, IF. _ _ ( CT *111 ' . Ns. 7 grit-s-, iiii,'. . 4,,;- , i--____-- _..._- . . } , c 1 yz .-, i h ►►' 1 —/J / i r° 7\ . 1 • ' fl : ?. tJ' orri70 Vi - r- . ni 1 ,A*-criji , i / / / / �/ / /SW id i / arc-arm 4 / 41/1/ m --1} — -- ® / i ��l A - Ma miry.. b = 3 NI EMENENI t NNW pt at ar me SSacirvat lit it ar t sur m apt s ixeus a SODS a SDR/ DIE IMAM (yy� y fww�r sr�s ({AS Ip Q1aDdYKate Ll at A— .. : r1 Ai RANI sr MINIMS \,.. ; ' I ' I- . It , I f, I i ; 1 i 1 I i I 1 1 1 • 1 . I. ,1 ! 1 • , A , : • ! I : i 1 • 'r I. III.- 11 II- I - 1, .1 .. ,,,R; 1 I L 6i H; !. . . 1 . .) .. !.. .. I. --I----I-- } I. . . -: • i 1 ---t --I- - 1- . - I • -1-. I. I I I I --I"- 11 ' I . li i. , i • I 1 • : ..... . t I I i ! HA I 1, 1 ! 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LEGEND: TREE & �lE�a1=TP.TIO�: PROTECTION NOTES: TEST PIT INFORRltJATIO!►1i LOCATION MAP scA�:,- 3404 SOIL TEST PITS EXMYNED SEPTEMBER 16.2004 " `SOIL TEST PITS EJ(AMwFT7 NOVEMBER 18,2005 :- :::: :::::: :::: N ' RIGHT-OF-WAY 1. NO CLEARING OF VEGETATION SHALL OCCUR AND NO r DUSEN AND STEVE'S 169 HAVN.AND RD QUEENSBURY NY 12804 '`t' « �v -. . r °:,?; "PROPERTY LINE:-:;7}":t"i•;':}"ii�i•>�:9::•iiC{:rmm::imm EXISTING 50 BY VAN,.,., ,_... ,,„ ... EBY THE CFiAZEN COMPANIES, GLEN STREET eSw I, • • • •..,, • • • • •.. • •........................ STRUCTURES SHALL BE BUILT WITHIN THE AREAS SHOWN ON GLENS EALLS,NEW YORK 12180-1 ,,: - - - -320- - - EXISTING CONTOURS ! °rr. - - - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ TOWN of QUEENSBURY TURNAROUND EASEMENT THE MAP AS BUFFER AREAS AND AREAS WITHIN 100 FEET OF ,TPI : i w % +ry °' � Weida SETBACK LINES STREAAAS ASD WETLANDS FJ(GI PT FOR THE FOLLOiMNG: THE 0 e INCttEs. TOPSOu ut STREAM TPS ` i(+ t Ann Comers ; .. . • 3 BUFFER AREA (SEE TREE & WEGETAtON CLEARING OF DEAD, DISEASED, AND DYING TREES; THE 8 tz INCHES, IOAMr VERY TINE SANG 0$ INCHEs, TOPSOIL ,� ; , „ " . P' �,, g ` 22-711NCHES, VERY FINE SANG ,; 8 721NCHES, SAND , :. , • I PROTECTION NOTES pl dt2 FOR RESTRICTIONS) = •' ave PROPOSED LOT LINE . .. INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF UTILITIES AS DESCRIBED IN TP2 '' ' I 4 72-120INC NI CERT LOAM 43 �•-- F• ' � , - WETLAND DELINEATION LINEAN - THE UTILITY EASEMENT IN THE DEED FOR EACH LOT; THE 0 8 jNCHES; TOPSOIL r y SDAnyeide �. -- / • 8-23 INCHES, LOAMY VERY FINE SAND , ` r• Ob INCHES, TOPSOIL •�' .. • :t � 1 YJETLAI DS ; INSTALLATION OF DRIVEWAYS ON LOT 3 A.ND LOT 4 WHICH 23.72 INCHES. VERY FINE SAND 16.54 INCHES, SANDY LOAM y - • - • ' . ' : / - OHW OVERHEAD WIRE 1 CLEARING FOR SUCH SHALL NOT EXCEED 18 FEET IN WIDTH 7244INCHES, SILTY CLAY .°* `�•'- O 'TEST PIT /PERCOLATION TEST 1 ' WITHIN THE BUFFER AREA FURTHER, ON THE LOTS THAT R. ,, {, ' `�4 781NCHES, SANDY CLAY LOAM ... - / a r I:` f ; en Ona-xsJ (atrzt++J TREE LINE r C CASE PRIME &MARGARET A. PRIME OWN, THE EXISTING TRAILS, 0-1 `, 04I . j `, / 1 1 1 r 0-16 INCHES. TOPSOIL - -_ _ 04 INCHES, .�, _ 1425 INCHES, LOAMY VERY EINE SAND r •, - EXISTING CLEARED AREAS, AND EXISTING GARDENING AREAS . , 7l''• •• ',EXISTING TREES > 6 DOH j"4-16 INCHES, SANDY CLAY LOAM ' ' WITHIN THE BUFFER A.RFAS AND AREAS WITHIN 1M, FEET OF 25-71 INCHES, VERY FINE SAND, MOTTLING AT6-5INCHES , � `C10871NCHES, CLAY LOAM PROJECT (, AREAS OF SLOPE > 25R - - - l s „, STREAMSESND WETLANDS SHOWN ON THE MAP MAY BE 11 1� TP4� SITE ( 4 MAINTAINED BY THEM, SO LONG AS THEY OWN THE LOT(S) t �� 1 WHERE SAID MAINTENANCE IS BEING PERFORMED. THIS RIGHT a10 1-INCHE , LOAMY solL TEST Plrs EXAMINED JUNE 28, zao7 . ' ` / _ 10 21 INCHES, LOAMY VERY FINE 3/WD ' BY THE CHAZEN COMPANIES,100 GLEN STREET ; /1C.. ` TO MAINTPJN SUCH AREAS SHALL BE EXTINGUISHED WHEN EACH 21 62 wcHEs, VERY FINE snND, tiarnwc AT zs INCHEs GLEtu FALLs,NEvv YORK lneo - / LOT IS SOLS TO THE NEXT OWNER. - 7 o E' i � ✓ 2. ON LOT 2 WITHIN 100 FEET OF STREAMS AND WETLANDS, TP5 Tp11 t J��., AW CLEARING D ND CUTTING OF VEGETATION MAY OCCUR AS 0.8 INCHES, TOPSOIL 06 INCHES, TOPSOIL / v . :` 1. SINS" JNNN � r air at 1 8-23 INCHES, LOAMY VERY FINE SAND / 4p r U i, 1, ALLOWED UNDER EXISTING LAWS AND REGULATIONS. THIS 2331 INCHES, VERY FINE D fs80 INCHES, SANDY LOAMA OAM"\ . I' - , NO MOTTLING OBSERVED 1r/ EF 1 - �- RIGHT TO CLEAR AND CUT VEGETATION WITHIN 100 FEET OF 41-73 INCHES, LOAMY SAND BEDROCK NOT ENCOUNTERED Golf cx�e iS i M f �� ` .� 1 �r R A a111t11A11lJW 1 STREAMS AND WETLANDS SHALL NOT APPLY TO LOTS 1, 3, AND 4 t ,e' ti t " - PW '�` ` �. `_ Saw Alue ~ rn� a 1 0-9 1NCHES, TOPSOIL Ob INCHES. TOPSOIL 0 _ 9.23 INCHES, LOAMY VERY FINE SAND 830 INCHES, SANDY LOAM, BROWN S 7A+ i'3 /7 -7 f C, - ' : :.. ��" -� \ ./_ - I I t S 00 E X73, . f _ 2367 ES. VERY FINE SAND, MOTTLING AT 57 INCHES 30-60 INCHES, SANDY LOAM,. DARK BROWN ""`yAN° . - OHW . ' �\ ' L Ill "' --rr 9.84 d allow A ' NO MOTTLING. OBSERVED "' "' ` 0176• E J Sere Nr ww nr I n'7 WCFt BEDROCK NOT ENCOUNTERED , - \� raw �xa`Ala afa aver. eiary ~ 1 /a a O-9 INCHES, TOPSOIL y \ S 1098 ..� . - 1.GAb AA(1) >�f"t> _•^ -:.. -- �. . S J415'56• E 9-25 INCHES, LOAMY VERY FINE SAND * TP13 \ 1 - ;`_ _tet . ... 't', .:, ::.-.. -�'-'�i .� `` .\ 107.49 t~ AVr r/�+b✓ 4 -7 INCHES.LOOAMY" ND, MOTTLING AT 57 INCHES 0.61NCHES,TOPSOIL .I 1 J \ �'1 IIY317EG Strean �maio-ars ,•� , , •`.\ L lib '. 6-60 INCHES, SAND , � `Y lows_ A M y. .. \ S 8279'10' E eAf ALp a t1 .. r - - `.-�--ac._ �` "\ *. ^�.. rr,w a ww i a N �.- NO MOTTLING OBSERVED - 1 \,...��� �--•+ I \ 7Ci ,--�_�^� '\ \ - 1 46 •-""-. BEDROCK NOT ENCOUNTERED \\ I �'15 i !f i `' �. j'' Ae. r - \11 I iter / / / , \ . :. 1 ...,�, "11 ewerte 97-,-- 1 "' aCMA*AWNYAAMAW i /` / : -t&T-3-'8`81�CRES, _ ,` , ., 144.4.'. 1 I . • ( R'.. \ A,d N71 AIN 11d 3. .. . _ ..: / _. �y - 1\ "\ soI 28arosarItatd.7 39 / / <', '" I-Sl.�KREQUIR it \ _ :�\ ,, III Art > 1 I ( \ \\ \ : \ / /� i fS�E PLAN AL . \ '� \ . \ air Arw er Aia6+✓ , 1 . \ i . __ _ +` e t: /// / �J_. ///'� .•� '�P ­llllU . •. \ \ 1:,\ 1y _ �I O AW a: a wW►aNa neic„x "1 i -!,, •� tar sna+at / / /�- is Q_'� \ \\ \ \ .. 4. A,,. as • I ...w. - 1'. rtaar Q �,` \ A5/ /� / �O \ \ \ , aerr 11YN eGs ! to lr 1 ,/ i t` k `'. 81190/11EDArwi �� ` , / t\ 11 1 1{ I -- =' 'r'..• a . i . _ �. ,r � b- Or �� ,� i \ 1 I 1 s I , . , 3 LO 11 5.44 AC s-1: P .; _ �/' \� , �.., : !- T ` ..e,. ; .�� enL \ \ ` II SITE STATISTICS AND LAND USE DATA A ;> / `. '�- ( ISI L07 WILL �EQUIRE \ } , , - \ , .,_ ` . - ":..: /� I I ere.+. aewr ;�^. �� `` } M UAL SITE I - AL ` " I � I \ ` 1 l ' P r „ lV = "• / ........ "�:, ! I P \ �- r r \ \ ' \ \ \ TOTAL SITE AR A 18.469 P. R. S . , FR 4 THE TOWN OF QUEENSBU \ �\ l `r L \ \ \ WETLANDAt2EA=1.916,ACRES �.pIt� ,,; Lid ,,�� \ \ \ /rt1L - _ _b, *x r \ \ ►moi SLOPES > 15% = 2.827 ACRES BTATE OF NEW YORK ) } r.." 1 ; ` 1 / / rorw< � au.. .:, - l -, A \ SLOPES > 25% =0.035 ACRES ` CouNitr w/wR 1 °a, .;# 1 i A ; 1 I `:r.;% erste. I jp > ..:/ ' �i.../ / a \ ,.. �-0. �/�'�� ., ,/ J.. :. /' � ' : .:.T /--1 \ 1� : __. �..- �'� . , '( 4 -. 1'1% Treeeurer,ol the County or Warren, C _:, t� = T'`rmr�rr / , I \ \ ,.. �_ 7 6Wle of New York DO HER 'CERTIFY that. accord to the records tl ,� a,,,•,,, I / � ,+' 19 `� -DINING INFORMATION ' t In m.1, . !t e-ta."s on 9l property :hgwn on this have I! ,'• I--• 0 1 .5 CES' �,{� / ... , 1 i I I;� r0-=,` " AY . - //q . � , - _. � " ( ) -" : 8. . , UeeO �-- SCALEt 1`1000' h rr3 >�.. I .,c =-_ : : for tlfe �- �- �. _. _4 K �% / / ! \ 1{- SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL SR 1A I I. s �'� 1 ` - ye.r. ievled to zaPJo 200 �- o _ ,Y Ls I TAX NAP ,1_1" : I• a x�J. --y ROPERTI P OJECT SITE IMAwa / l \� i I ---...:,... = { {- 11 'VICINITY MAP 'o � i I SEflv=iR0" ,. (. / / f (,E t >� u I • .. so I I 1 { 3 PARCEL 290.10 1 5 R Warren Cowry treasur O �� P ES WITHIN 500' OF R nae- Sem OF ` I / / 1 "' . + , • . I t :. ;,g l s 0- 3 aniAi.Ti 1/ / _ : I , e / , ..,, I �rJ l 1 ( / l l. -_ l / I 1 / I n I.�. w f✓ ' PROPERTY LOCATION ', PROPERTIES 4'iiiTFiiN �- OF PROJECT SITE rcI'll I /lcur / // 1 i f / • n" • I 9 " ..e M wt. « ' 51 HILAND DRIVE , i ' Parcel td Owner Name i % ,� 2 2 E /11 aer. area ewr , /.e r.' "A§ SHOWN ON MAP 290.5-1-77 GreN1er. Raul & /' /' 1 D USE ULA 14 290.6 -ter Howe, 22990.1i0--dt0 v�va�ArL-n& i' I I i (tNnomRtte / //� / 1. 1 �� �� - m LAN US REGULATIONS REQUIRED LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 , ', , 290.10.1-12 Stevens, Michael r, �,. / l� "' "'w / / / ' � � LOT SIZE ACRES MIN 1 5.44 _ t, (5.16 2.72 2.63 _ ri / Y/ ( + _ 2sos-i-t Monahan, ruriotl,y & _ -_ �/ / ,_, _. ,. .,.,. , ' • _;:.:�-290.9 1, s :. e.. _ ,. L.., D . _ -�-.� -- ._ ..., .., .-, . _ _4 _ ,.. _ _ ..__. _ , _ " ...290 fin.".". tet..._ . �. _, .., y - , • , --,-s'-Mth15Cr 4+L ....,...5 �{ X94 ,• .., ,. ..,29040.1=w..Kub J � __._"� :.. :._ - _ L, " - LOT.DEPT (FeET) , 290.9-13 Manahan M�othy& ncky, eros - ::.:�.- /.: / r .. . . / �•:... � war u <. .-. \ �.,..-.� ._.. .-- - , .._...:_ - _:>.. `i .. .> �. s s5 0-5` z9o.1 -� ji` �/ \ LOT DEPTH (FEET) WA .,,,: ,,. 404 sw 409 317 347 290.9 i� Monahan, T & 0-1 5 SKubrickyedmith Leroy s jy �!.. , / ,-.. - ,: , • 1 :.. - : .10.1-1 Howe 290.10.1-16 Beckwith, Gerald & •,: I FRONT SETBACK FE MIN 30 ,`': z; 65 . 45 65 84 290 Scott 4_ e � rY\1 �' 1_(FEET) / I� s, ,,..... - .:. .::/I / / � 290.10-1-t7 K Ler & T5«> - _.,- .,..., .. • • � ..; :.., . -.,.� -� __: 290.10.1-2 Roberson Bar & uhrldry, all I ... SIDE SETBACK MIWSUM FE MIN 10/30 220/540 179!404 861363 118/238 �,��Fg � �-•, ;> _. _ .,:, _ 29o.iata6, vide An �; ad;!° I'; ..a.. // :: /- I / 4 J.ve 290.10-13 Town Oi Queensb & trot Anthony 4 ,,"A'�m :. ,d. �- - -� / 1 � _: \ REAR SETBACK FEE ;; MIN 20 ` 311 ,"277 ,., .,:170 ' 239 _ �--_•�b1�-- _ ,:-.., � �.�.'�- �- % l < "<' {� 1 . - ... � 1 - _� - :._ (FEET) .. _,_.,:. : ,; 290.10-1 19 KrynY. Kasten I/ / / I y z9o.iat 0-.i sauard;sootc& y % / ,. PERCENT PERMEABLE MIN 50 i 99 # :96 .r• 97 97 .10.1.42 ,Howe & 290.90 t-20 Freebem. Anon w & I ,. ;.:. ti: // .r / /. .;,, 290 .SING' ;:._ 11. I J `,2FX' ,/ !IM= , , , .290., -21 - & t , ,..... I / / / = z •.:; 0.1 Mc aughlin, Shannon ,..:r '. '. 1. _ #' nor .. BUILDING HEIGHT FE MAX 40 <40 T 0-0 <40 <40 290141 4.3 ` Ballard, Marcy & i J n . / -1 - / L�T 4 3 A RE 3 + t €, 290.10.1-6 Sotanski, Thomas & 29o.to 1-22 LaFleur, wsal & "l,": + (ill /� l l IR/ , / . r . , r �� \ ( all / / I 290.70.1-23 MarbaMona, AIGed 1 : ` _ % w . AM I I . ! IS LA� ITE 1 y/,T' P • DENSITY CALCULATIONS „ I i 29o.to-1-8 unnaur, Manfred a 29040-1-24 Cha Charles , ,,.� ;,, ,. ( m[n / / erlsrelAwr •e: / / - �,... E / u 290 -IG Delahoyd,Raymond& PrrNan. / I , asv-� , ) ) �,. SECTKNJA183-22I 29o.1a1-s Moeua<,wewer& 2so.ta1-25 cnaanan.chades I � a / I �ry / / �,,,,s / r 'C ) / n o (PER TOWN OF QUEENSBURY SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS // �lh I I I TOTAL PROPERTY AREA 16.469 ACRES l- ( / /a rue - I 1 /. w..�..v✓ �, GENERAL NOTES: . _.. ... .. u�F sctfvpc / N - Milt i a� sr. Al " ...... - .. ( .. .. •' o w.� �� "" i - -1. ` !-- - - - _ - i e t �" a EDUCTIONS -ACCESS & UTILITY EASEMENTS 0.274 ACRES I J , R • ` b�eYe 1StN Leet 1 tr - _: ` I 1. DISTANCE FROM INTERSECTION OF ROCKWELL ROAD. ALONG HILAND DRIVE, TO END _ - � ciwNecmM 43A78 ` - - UNBUILDABLE AREA � 1.951 ACRES iJ To / N 8675 3 W =,' OF TURNAROUND AREA =1275 LF - TOTAL r 2 225 ACRES \ > , ; . ' , ^ 3 .. 2. DISTANCE FROM EASTERN END OF HILIWD DRIVE. TO FJrD OF TURNAROUND AREA = �Mer ��4u ' / `YrC` "�7 a I' late AOCM 0" TILL 10111M ;We'de. ' t •, _ . ; \ "r 377 LF NJ: .e. 3 `N LA3 T � LOT AM 0AE *� _ _ REMAINING SITE AREA. 16.469 ; 2 225 = 14.244 ACRES 3. DISTANCE FROM INTERSECTION OF SUMMIT DRIVE WfTH HIVWD DRIVE, ALONG �, n 1 �'°'> a Aa err ie,ww,rr ✓ ar rat FA70691T wlt INE toeFtr V I r/W! i�t>• • aYo•1>tt ,, ; „ . :' 2 :.. ` : x°;' HMW D DRIVE. TO END OF TURNAROUND AREA =830 LF - "' I 1 /- NYehcic sown arnro-ms. »I ! VIII dW s dNalll� 9Naus n sorrwa s wln• avc amANw b - 1 taws AA(Y) suer W wg. ere (MEW IOM a rawonY aF..N1l8 L slMtrtla r '� N erg• MIX wort-ar-my 1= ne Snort Or a Ire rMff ww Ar ' � - : I 1 • MINIMUM ALLOWABLE LOT SIZE x �H • 4. ACCESS EASEMENT: THE PRIVATE DRIVEWAY OOP ON LOT 2IS SUBJECT TO A 1 .nr+ee.. sure res /ane a W 9�� ., . IW r N4) O ; aegr� aww.r a rgrw Len9MtN •IN's' Id SNI ! a✓ f - U . � . ;. • % f ". DRIVEWAY EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSES U INGRESS AND EGRESS FOR LOT 3 AND I '6 ILAIa6 "M CH FOONLY or "" a WM a ( ;`_ SUBURBAN mnES1,6,tNTiAL SR -1A ZONINt, - ; ` 1 ACRE ::;_; " ` LOT 4 AS DESCRIBED IN 771E DEED FOR EACH OF THESE LOTS. +, 1 Z " SIZAM F. 6018101 - JIM W. MW 8A .,; "_, � t>;, ( , :'. , ':) :« li , ": , <' - .:,. - TOWN OF aNwL:un . " ^�- ,. 4 5. ll•IIITTY EASEMENT: LOT 3 AND L07 4 HAVE A UTILITY EASEk�NT ACROSS LOT 2 AS I I ""WoSlg rAsmer N to , _ ,,;' ALLOWABLE NUMBER OF L0T5 UNDER ZONING 14.244! =14.LOTS DESCRIBED IN THE DEED FOR EACH OF THESE Lars. SUCH UTILITY EASEMENT Is A , :,., ;; : MINIMUM OF 10 FEET IN WIDTH. 4 (SaaK SIL ►�gE S 7J%W' _ .' ",.. ,� • �`'; ',, =.''i : � f -: . , 6. BEFORE EACH LOT IS DEVELOPED THE PROPERTY OWNER WILL APPLY FOR AND 54.76 CURRENT COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS REQUIRE LOT SIZE TO BE 2 ACRES OR MORE OBTAIN ALL APPLICABLE STORMWATER, GRADING. DRAINAGE, AND EROSION " L I .� PERCOLATION TEST INFORMATION „ ' '„` ry ;«,'„ •,'�` �` CONrRQLPF�t►artsANQ/oRAPPRovAt.SFROMIocAL,srATE.ANIxORFEOEwLL':'" �� A dnE I : '1. ` ` GOVERNMENTAL BODIES ANDIOR AGENCIES. " :. I / PERCOLATION TESTS PERFORMED JUNEI9, 2007 (PRESOAKED JUNE 28.2007) ' , ', PLANNING BOARD CONDITIONS:.- , - 7. THE OWNER OF EACH LOT WILL INSTALL ALL IMPROVEMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH / „ BY THE CMAZEN COMPANIES, 100 GLEN SptEET, GLENS FALLS, NY 12801 .. OF -THE TOWN HAVING „+ .; ... JURISDICTION. THE PRESCRIBED BYTHE OF THE DEPARTMENTS PART S ONS F- BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ;: ' i I / N 81 "ai'22' W TEST RESULTS SNOW THE TII.fE ELAPSEq(M1N:SEC) FOR THE WATER LEVEL IN ,`-1 I 1 / •� THE TEST HOLE TO DROP ONE INCH (FRO(A A DEPTH OF SD( LACHES TO A DEPTH :. 1. LOTS ONE, THRFS, AND FOUR WILL BE SUBJECT TO SITE PIAN REVIEW. , SETTING ALL MONUMENTS AS SHOWN ON THE FINAL PLAT THEREOF IN SUCH A , , - I - OF FIVE INCHES). ALL TEST HOLES WERfTAPPROXrNATELY 36 INCHES DEEP. AS 2. THE APPLIGW7 MUST MEET WITH STAFF AFTER APPROVAL AND PRIOR TO ISSUANCE ' " MANNER AS THE BOARD MAY DESIGNATE. H / / MEASURED FROM THE EXISTING GROU FIEVATION. OF BUILDING PERtLiITANOAOR THE BEGINNING OF ANY SASE WORK _SUBSEl1UENT 8. A SYSTEM OF PERMANENT MONUMENTS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT ALL PROPERTY N'"N' / / N 0 Si I = „ ; ISSUANCE,OF FURTHER PERMITS, INCLUDING BUILDING PERMfB IS DEPENDENT ON CORNERS, INTERSECTIONS, AND ANGLE POINTS AFTER THE COMPLETION OF THE / / 76 I PERC TEST 1 _ PERC TEST 3 : PERC TEST 5 :,.: COMPLIANCE WITH THIS AND ALL OTHER CONDITIONS OF THIS RESOLUTIOtI. , '= SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS. THE SYSTEM OF MONUMENTS SHALL !3E INSTALLED BY 1 / row or au®wwoY I RUN $1 -1:30 RUN it - 3:00 �i RUN it - 0:45 •, I a > «�;^ ,.. =3. THE APPLICANT tMLLPROVIDE AS -BUILT PLANS TO CERTIFY THAT THE SUBDMSKN/ IS NYS LICENSED PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR . / � T S°0- I RUN #2 - 200 RUN f2 - 3:30 I RUN i2 - 0:45 tr ; t i n; >i; -' - "' DEVELOPED ACCORDING TO THE APPROVED PIANS PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF OF THE 9. DURING A FIELD INVESTIGATION PERFORMED ON MAY 2, 2008, THE MEAN HIGH WATER n ----------------- ----_ : I RUNi3-200 RUN 113-4:00 .? �' -'N" `•; ^ ' "-CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. 'E :. - OF U ICH FLOWS AROUND THE PROPERTY WAS �z.,.. �i P�•,,--------- -----=- / I RUN 0:15 1 I ,, ,,, (.. MARK THE NNAMEDSTREAMWH ----- / om 15; ' ( I RUN AL4 - 2:30 RUN #4 - 4:30 ' � STA&L® ( « u `. OBSERVED TO BE CONSISTENTLY WITHIN APPROXIMATELY 5 TO 10 FEE �'' I•, I / BQ 0 801 RUN TS - 2:30 RUN 86 - 4:30 i RATE -0:45ANCH • ,, ;,rt,.:1. "-` - ." �1) HORIZONTALLY FROM THE STREAM CENTERLINE. :. , I / I STAB" 17r RUN t6 - 4:30 *z ' ,i s 7,:.:. ,. ;,. r. ! . _ - UND OF A RESOLUTION ADOPTED ` 10.SEE SHEET SDI FOR ATDTTIOWIL DETAILS. '... ;,�__-"-------------=--------- -- I / I RATE=2:30ANCH i'STABILIZED PFRCTEST6 1 PERMIT PLO T PLAM -----=------__-- __---- I RATE = 4: '1 'id „«� ° '...-r. < ` BY THE PLANNING BOARD OF.THE -` 11.THE SUBDIVISION PLAN AND PLAT IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE ZONING ORDINANCE . ; '. r 7. . ?w+ SCALE IN FEET 30ANCH ":RUNit.-0:45 , -;` OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY. I 1 HAI/I Pc�60PlALI-Y M[ASUKcD THE DIS rANCE 4` 11 [,� \ to i 1 "=I';d' 1 PERC TEST 2 1 RUN i2 - 0:45 �„ • "' ` T -OF WL ,NEW YORK • I " :x 12.THE SUBDMSION IS LOCATED WITHIN THE QUFJ=NSBURY SCHOOL DISTRICT_ -. 1 C I RUN 'I PERCTEST4 RUN 93-445 '- FRONI_TrIEFROPEflI'YLIN.ra I�� fI-IE- ,:. 13.TF1ESIJBDIVISIONISLOr,ATEDWITHINTHEBAYRIDGEFIREPROTECTIONDISTRICT. - ( i11 '. I 1 3 I RUN#2-7:00 RUN 01.1:30 susuzED.`, r PRC1 OS D''TRUCTUR�(S)ORSIGNS) � • � `•_ _:- ]J • -•-, Clarks ` I MAP REFERENCE: 3 n APPLICANT: OWNERS: I RUN t3 -TOO 1 RUN#2-1:30 =RATE-0.45ANCH ^:" • CHAIRMAN I I BASE MAP COMPILED FROM BOUNDARY SURVEY I -i i R. CASE PRIME R. CASE PRIME & MARGARET X PRIME I RUN #4 - 7:00 RUN t3 -1.30 s� 7016 � al I i0v Ll' (I• :!1: 51h 1'. ",Tri . 51 HILAND DRIVE 51 HILAND DRIVE I STASH 177 I STABIL m=D TU 3� /p TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY, AND WETLAND i I .e „' a» 4e5�- 1 j DELINIATION AND SURVEY PERFORMED BY THE 1• QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 I RATE = 7:oonNCH RATE=1:3amHCH E, "� sr zr C_cars ri r!: nal{ " I CHAZEN COMPANIES, DATED NOVEMBER 2005. 1 Z 1. i = W. , ,, 7. ' I •- s ; Tft L I ,, r,, � 11:x'"t ; I I t :- ; , ISSUED FOR PLANNING BOARD REVIEW -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION „- ;#„. ,� , 3, 1 )- 1 t1 „ �''- - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. COPY OR REPIODUCTION OF THIS PLAN i,o vle � �� of. OR ANY PORTION. THEREOF IS PROHIBITED.,VATHOUT THE WMTTEN �Q% L Q �(�G , M8a PERMISSION OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER, SURVEYOR, OR ARCHITECT. cop� .� (�� UNAuTNoPohAD ALTERATION OR ADDITION ro A suRvEY MAP BEARING V- `.. A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR'S SEAL IS A:V4LATION OF SECTION I 11 I IL * n•1..f * *.: }O 7209. SUBDIVISION 2 OF THE NEW YORK ATE EDUCATION TAW. IxIll1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 7X15 SURVEY MAP LS BASED GN AN ACTUAL B W FIELD suRvEY CoMKIETED NOvEua 7i 2003 AND THAT IMS SvRVEY 1. MY DRECROK AND CONFORMS ,I a OMAP WAS MADE WITH THE LBNIYUMB STANDARD ME OR �PRACTICE ADOPTED BY THE NEW A 052135 �CL� S 4977A ,YG YORK STATE ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS ROFfsSiON00! �� LAND s�P E , LS #49774 - .fes- - ' v: , r_, - ,., s C. .: _, Drawing Noma 5:\9\90500-90599\90532-W\Svy\DWG\SI&2-Pkld Plat-Sut,44 d PIan�2-00-dwg r, - f „ . ) II Xreea Attached: WaredeFramG1S X-AREAMAPS-90532: x9ase-cWtod Gan. survey 20070914-90532-00; X-LAYOUTI-90532 } Date Printed: Nov 06. 2008• tt:4lam : 1 " .` ' „;,: i <t,I .t:;. ,:y _.. ,... .. .v. ...I ei .i. �. 11. _ ,.,.-1: Yrtg n.. 1.. ._f. lk.,P `y __ .E wi ..,.� ,,. , < I .., ✓.�. g :r, ,,. �.. v".,. 1 1 '.'r :b,, -PT?V+'/ -4, NF y{-�.�:_L- :.. v . q• d� 1' r1� ' L ` 1(. 1 ,[� � , 1I . ' I.,:,,k : 'r: R. CASE PRIME suBowisloHII ' CHAZEN ENGI INEERING, -LAND SURVEYING N.l-.' drawn checked , . :r,.1:, .,' I � ' LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE CO.., P.C. ; ;, , DAP JEM t ` date scale . 4,:1 ;. , I 08/08/06 1=80 _ FINAL PLATS DIVISION PLAN UB -ri"- rnn...;,.w.e• , N - -_.- :, , project no. n. only cb DLdrr4k pMw >F ' lkrt a.Set,ic' • `L 0"I"atsa.* -.. , ` Street r eY. lyd�in �" ' ; '\, 90532.00 s e,".^. ShCEt n0. i`,„' „ : t, i ,: 2:. PI= .��. N.Y. 12801 Troy.R(t1xYr'' 21180 tNe.b�rph, 12550 - raK 128011 „�Materkrd Cr.. DO7S5 . Pllcna (805 X3980 518) 273-0055 Plwlec(845) 587-1133_? PMIc (518) 812-0513 : PIwIa(060) 410-2880 ' '�::. `:' 1. 5 1 <'I�'___ll_ �� rev. date destxiption . , .. i,TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK 1 OF 2 §. 11 .fes- - ' v: , r_, - ,., s C. .: _, Drawing Noma 5:\9\90500-90599\90532-W\Svy\DWG\SI&2-Pkld Plat-Sut,44 d PIan�2-00-dwg r, - f „ . ) II Xreea Attached: WaredeFramG1S X-AREAMAPS-90532: x9ase-cWtod Gan. survey 20070914-90532-00; X-LAYOUTI-90532 } Date Printed: Nov 06. 2008• tt:4lam : 1 " .` ' „;,: i <t,I .t:;. ,:y _.. ,... .. .v. ...I ei .i. �. 11. _ ,.,.-1: Yrtg n.. 1.. ._f. lk.,P `y __ .E wi ..,.� ,,. , < I .., ✓.�. g :r, ,,. �.. v".,. 1 1 '.'r :b,, -PT?V+'/ -4, NF y{-�.�:_L- :.. v . q• d� 1' r1� ' L ` 1(. 1 ,[� � , 1I . ' I.,:,,k : 'r: ljeC I A: EA �. ! ! i �� { �_�!_.. I.iXU�_-�i�� I I � } —E i i.T_. ; ; 1 � 4 E ' i �i4, E '/ skhz2� -I"adv I M) Al I ki 2: Lb *MED fA 1 F_T) L)guc -r,' Ins, Nil— NN r nA6 I j S-rAl f f,i 46Y-1 44411 I i 1 711 THIS DRAWING HAS BEEN PREPARED BY THI PECIAUY DESIGNED FOR: AND IS THE PROPERTY OF: V�Wkq 'D 059PPil og Nold &WfS i - F bJa 13Ut/, REVISED NUMBER