Agenda revised as of 11.09.2016 Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda Meeting:Wednesday,November 16,2016 Time: 7:00- 11:00 pm Queensbury Activities Center—742 Bay Road Agenda subject to change and maybe found at: www.queensbury.net Approval of meeting minutes: October 19,2016 Administrative Item: Request for extension of approval: Area Variance No.74-2014 David Hartmann 51 Assembly Point Road. Resolution for approval of Calendar for Year 2017 relative to the scope of activities for the Dept.of Community Development,Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Board. NEW BUSINESS: Applicant(s) Lisa Daigle Area Variance No PZ 246-2016 Owners Lisa Daigle SEQRA Type II Agent(s) n/a Lot Size 19.36 Acre(s) Location 1903 Ridge Road-Ward 1 Zoning RR-5A—portion in Ward No. CEA Tax Id No 253.3-1-32.1 Section 179-5-070 Cross Ref BOTH 601-2016 demolition barn;BOTH 650- Warren County Planning November 2016 2016 detached garage;BP 1374 yr. 1971 covered parcel Public Hearing November 16,2016 Adirondack Park Agency ALD Proiect Description Applicant proposes demolition of an existing barn and construction of a 3,640 sq.ft.building.(1,343+/-sq. ft.garage; 1,342+/-sq.ft.storage; 519+/-sq.ft.storage;275+/-sq.ft.utility space). Project site has 3 accessory buildings— this would be the 4th. Relief requested from the maximum allowable square footage of the combined accessory structures on the parcel,number of allowable accessory structures,and for more than one garage building. Applicant(s) Justin Reyes Area Variance No PZ 241-2016 Owners Ricardo Reyes SEQRA Ty e II Agent(s) n/a Lot Size 0.34 Acre(s) Location 29 Buena Vista Avenue-Ward 3— Zoning MDR Ward No. Westland Subdivision,Section 12 Tax Id No 301.7-1-52 Section 179-5-070 Cross Ref BP 2015-175 septic alt.;BP 96-382 porch over Warren County Planning n/a existing slab;BP 1899 yr. 1972 SFD Public Hearing November 16,2016 Adirondack Park Agency n/a Proiect Description Applicant seeks approval to complete installation of a 6 ft.high stockade fence in the front yard(Potter Road)of the property on the corner of Potter Road and Buena Vista Avenue.Relief requested from maximum height restrictions and type of allowable fence for the parcel. Applicant(s) Jack Schultz Area Variance No PZ 240-2016 Owners Jack Schultz SEQRA Ty e II Agent(s) n/a Lot Size 1.36 Acre(s) Location 27 Glenmar Drive-Ward 1-Stonehurst Zoning MDR Ward No. Section 1 Tax Id No 290.6-1-49 Section 179-5-020 Cross Ref BP 99-077 crawl foundation;BP 88-101 SFD Warren County Planning November 2016 Public Hearing November 16,2016 Adirondack Park Agency n/a Proiect Description Applicant proposes a 624 sq.ft.shed to be placed on the property where an existing 120 sq.ft.shed exists. Relief requested from maximum allowable square footage for sheds. Page 1 of 2 Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda Meeting:Wednesday,November 16,2016 Time: 7:00- 11:00 pm Queensbury Activities Center—742 Bay Road Agenda subject to change and maybe found at: www.queensbury.net Applicant(s) Sigh Monger Area Variance No PZ 247-2016 Owners Sigh&Patricia Monger SEQRA Type II Agent(s) n/a Lot Size 0.29 Acre(s) Location 43 Meadowbrook Road-Ward 2 Zoning MDR Ward No. Tax Id No 303.5-1-14 Section 179-3-040 Cross Ref RC 473-2016 res.alteration;BP 2015-331 Warren County Planning n/a solar panels roof upgrades;BP 2013-215 res. alterations Public Hearing November 16,2016 Adirondack Park Agency n/a Proiect Description Applicant proposes construction of a 144 sq.ft.roof covering over an existing walkway. Relief requested from minimum front and side setback requirements of the MDR zoning district. Applicant(s) David Bogue Area Variance No PZ 249-2016 Owners David Bogue and Brian Bogue SEQRA Type II Agent(s) Tom Hutchins-Hutchins Engineering Lot Size 1.43 Acre(s) Location 145 Eagan Road-Ward 4 Zoning WR Ward No. Tax Id No 315.8-1-4 Section 179-3-040; 179-4-050 Cross Ref BP 2006-563 Demolition Warren County Planning November 2016 Public Hearing November 16,2016 Adirondack Park Agency n/a Proiect Description Applicant proposes to relocate a 2-story 620 sq.ft.; 1,240 sq.ft.living space from west property "Edwards".The project is located 184 ft.from the shoreline where 320 ft.would be required based on two houses on adjoining lots. Project includes new septic and new well. Relief requested from shoreline setback requirements. Any further business that the Chairman determines may be properly brought before the Zoning Board of Appeals. Final Version ZBA Agenda: 10.26.2016 CB/LM/sh Revised: 10.31.2016 CB/LM/sh (Added Administrative Item) Revised: 11.09.2016 CB/LM/sh(Added: Calendar for Year 2017...etc.) Page 2 of 2