742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201
Community Development-Building&Codes (5 18)761-8256
Permit Number: BOTH-000275-2015 Date Issued: Monday, November 21, 2016
This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number BOTH-000275-2015
has been completed.
Tax Map Number: 308.16-1-53
Location: 362 Corinth RD
Owner: Four M Limited Partnership
Applicant: Lebowitz Brothers
This structure may be occupied as a: Demolition Only
By Order of Town Board
Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the
property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan,
Variance,or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement
Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals.
742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201
Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256
Permit Number: BOTH-000275-2015
Tax Map No: 308.16-1.53
Permission is hereby granted to: Lebowitz Brothers
For property located at: 362 Corinth RD
in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together
with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform
Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance
Tyne of Construction
Owner Address: 288 Glen ST,c/o Neil H.Lebowitz Demolition $0.00
Glens Falls,NY 12801 Total Value $0.00
Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency
W-P-N-T Construction,LLC
PO Box 376
Selkirk,NY 12158
$30.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Saturday,October 29,2016
(If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer
of the Town of Queensbu before the�piration 4datklDated at the Town f Qum ry r/ November 4,2015
SIGNED BY: ���yyjjjkkY" for the Town of Queensbury.
Director of Building&Code Enforcement
Town of Queensbury Building & Codes Office Use Only
Permit Feeb.CLD
Provide 2 plot plans drawn to scale,showing lot boundaries with dimensions and adjacent roads/streets. Show all existing structures
on property and Indicate which are to be demolished. Indicate the location of all utilities See Appendix 1
Date 11/04/2015Demol,i H 362 Corint, )
Location ad
Tax Map ID 308.16-1-53--- NOV 04 2015
Lebowitz Brothers, Managing Agent
APPLICANT p/S Neil H. Lebowitz -------- OWNE See Schedule A_her to
---------------- ------ - ---------
Address 288 Glen Street "_ U
---------------- __
Glens Falls, New YorTt T'ZSb� Addre
------------------ ---------
Phone (518) 792-1638 ---------------------------
Phone ---------------------------
------------------------------- Phone: ----------
1. Person Responsible for Work See Schedule B hereto
2. Where will demolition material be disposed? NYS DEC Permitted Solid Waste Facility
3. All buildings to be demolished require an Asbestos Survey Demolition pursuant to 12 NYCRR 56-11.5
4. Any building substantially damaged bV fire must obtain an Asbestos Removal Permit from the Department of Labo ee c e u e C
5. Asbestos Information: The Asbestos Removal Report must be filed with our office before demolition begin See Schedule C
a) Is there any asbestos In the building to be demolished —vy—_ Yes ____ No hereto
b) If Yes,our office needs the following Information ____ Yes ____ No
Name of firm removing the asbestos See Schedule B hereto
License number of firm NYS Department of Labor Permit No. 63312
Indicate where the asbestos material will be disposed See 2, above
6. Structure Information
a) Indicate the structure(s)to be demolished M Residence —__ Garage ___ Business
__Storage Bldg.___ Other
b) Size of Structure 2,1641 SF
c) Number of Stories Three, including attic
d) Foundation Type Limestone, brick, and concrete
e) Foundation See 6d, above
Q Structure(s) Wood, plaster and lath
7. Utilities Information
a) Indicate utilities for this structure___Gas .2;L Electric ___ Propane M_Public Water ___Public Sewer
ZL On-site well water pump (well water pump disabled)
a) Have you notified the Town Water Department for public water and sewer disconnect? $$__ Yes --__No
b) Have all utilities been disconnected? M_Yes _ No See Schedule D hereto
8. Signature
Print Name: $3.� d04t:X�d sienat e_page________________ Date l if 0412015
Signature: ---------------------------------------- Date ----------------
Town of Queensbury Building& Codes - Demolition Permit - December 2014
K rIr`
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t"J"' J3i `� eAIfJY}'FT k h'
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F.z7JU3`�G9 t;.'fi
Lebowitz Brothers, Managing Agent
By: NHL Real Properties, LLC,
a General Partner
By: ./I A -4
N it IA. Lebowitz, embe
Dated: November 4, 2015
Owner(s): Four M Limited Partnership;
B.A. Baracus Development Company, LLC;
The Lebowitz Co., LLC;
MEL Properties, LLC; and
NHL Real Properties, LLC
Mailing Address: c/o Neil H. Lebowitz
288 Glen Street
Glens Falls, New York 12801
W-P-N-T Construction, LLC
289 Maple Avenue
P.O. Box 376
Selkirk, New York 12158
Tel. No. (518) 210-3140
Fax No. (518) 767-2001
Contact Person: Larry Tune, President
NYS Department of Labor Permit No. 63312
1 b.Business Telephone Number of insured
ta.Lego!Name S Address of Insured(Use stmt address only) 516-767-2001
WPNT Construction Inc.
289 Maple Avenue lc NYS Unemployment Insurance Employer
Selkirk, NY 12158 Registration Number ofInsured
Work Location or insured(Only required ifcoverage ivspedffcally Id. Federal Employer
rity Number Number of Insured
limited to certafrt locations in New York State, f.e, a A'raP-UP
or policy) 27-0165294
3a. Name or Insurance Cartier
2.Name and Address of the En!12B04
Requesting ate of Holder)
Acadia Insurance Company
Coverage(Entity Being ListeCertificate Hotder)
3b.Policy Number of eatity listed in box"la"
Town of Queensb
742 Bay Rd WCA 5079862
Queensbury, NY 3c. Policy effective period
12/31/1_ to 12/31/_
3d. The Proprietor, Partners or Executive Officers are
nincluded. (Daly caeck lws hall aartnastalfiars iacludd)
Oall excluded or certain partnersfafricers excluded.
must be listed for
This certifies that the insurance can ft
indicated about is box aw.CTO use
the business referenced
k(N above to box ed an for wo -ers'
compensation undertheNewYorkStatcWorkeas'ComptmsationLnsurancepe(h�)-ThformNew Ynrk(Nl) entwillsend
on the INFORMATION,PAGE ortheivorkcrs'compensation insurance oli ').The Insurance Carrier or its licensed nS
this Certificate of Insurance to the entity listed above as the cera ficate holder in box 20• menta mivms or
The Insurance Carrierwill also notifythe above certificate holder withirs 1 D dada IFa pol(ry fc canceled due toe I ntur fere
within 3Q days IF there are reasons other than nonpayment of premiums that cancel the policy or eliminate the Iruvredfram the coverage
uafion date listed in bop 3e .whichever it eorller.
i itiin30dn sIFtherearte. (li+asenoficesmaybesentbyregularmail.) Othenrisc,thuCrnfficateisvd(dforonehiche erir rs ora
is approved by the iasarance carrier or ltt licensed agent,or"" the poGry erpu if due business continues to be
Please Notc: Upon the nnccllatio,a of the workers'compensation policy indicated on this form,
named on a permit,hec on el contract Issued by a certificate holder,the business muri provide that ecAificaw holder With a new
Certificate or Lir it ss of too New lion cosn York State gc or the a authorized
�i'a proof o that the business Is complying with the mandatory
cavema req'
Under a mqLnalty of perjury,1 certify that I am ra orutharized representative arlicensed agent of the insurance carrier referenced
above and that !hemmed insured has the coverage as depicted on this form.
Approved by: Paul A. Calhoun
(Pont nano oramhorved represcnrauvc or hcCtsea agent afmsurance mmt)
Approved by: _.. (noe)
(S�gnaturcJ '`'
•'late: _ Sr Vice President
'rclep hone 1•1umhcrof aulhori2cd representative or licensed agent of insurance carrier:
plearc Note: Ord)'insura'tre carriers and their licensed agents a)c oulhonsed to rssue !'arm 6705: ir2urance brokers Orr NOT
awhurlced to rssue n
See Letter from Edward A. Smith to Alpine Environmental Services (with enclosures),
dated November 2, 2015, a true and accurate copy of which is annexed hereto and
incorporated herein by reference.
Division of Safety and Health
Engineering Services Unit
Department of Labor
W. Averell Harriman State Office Campus
Building 12, Room 154, Albany, NY 12240
November 2, 2015
Alpine Environmental Services
438 New Karver Road
Albany, NY 12205
RE: File No. 15-1349
Dear Sir/Madam:
The attached is a copy of Decision, dated, 10/30/2015, which I have compared with the
original filed in this office and which I DO HEREBY CERTIFY to be a correct transcript
of the text of the said original.
If you are aggrieved by this decision you may appeal within 60 days from its issuance to
the Industrial Board of Appeals as provided by Section 101 of the Labor Law. Your
appeal should be addressed to the Industrial Board of Appeals, State Office Building Campus,
Building 12, Room 116, Albany, New York, 12240 as prescribed by its Rules and
Procedure, a copy of which may be obtained upon request.
WITNESS my hand and the seal of the
NYS Department of Labor, at the City of
Albany, on this day of 10/30/2015.
Edward A. Smith, P.E.
Associate Safety and Health Engineer
�iwxonK 'Department
of Labor
ALBANY, NEW YORK 12240-0100
Variance Petition
File No. 15-1349
The Lebowitz Company, LLC
Petitioner's Agent DECISION
On Behalf of Cases 1
Alpine Environmental Services, Inc. ICR 56
in re
Premises: Condemned Building
362 Corinth Road
Queensbury, NY 12084
Controlled Demolition with ACM In-Place
The Petitioner, pursuant to Section 30 of the Labor Law, having filed
Petition No. 15-1349 on October 26, 2015 with the Commissioner of Labor for a
variance from the provisions of Industrial Code Rule 56 as hereinafter cited on
the grounds that there are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship in
carrying out the provisions of said Rule; and the Commissioner of Labor having
reviewed the initial submission of the petitioner dated October 19, 2015; and
Upon considering the merits of the alleged practical difficulties or
unnecessary hardship and upon the record herein, the Commissioner of Labor
does hereby take the following actions:
Page 2 of 5 File Number 15-1349
Case No. 1 ICR 56-11.5
VARIANCE GRANTED. The Petitioner's proposal for controlled demolition
removal of non-friable and friable materials from the subject premises in
accordance with the attached 04-page stamped copy of the Petitioner's submittal
is accepted; subject to the Conditions noted below:
1. A full time independent project monitor shall be on-site to observe the
abatement contractor's work practices and to ensure that no visible
emissions are generated during the removal and cleanup activities. If
visible emissions are observed, work practices shall be altered according
to the project monitors recommendations.
Secure the Work Site
2. The entire controlled demolition area and all surrounding portions of the
site to be utilized for demolition cleanup, staging areas and regulated
abatement work areas, shall be enclosed within a barrier or fence. The
intent of this barrier is to define the restricted area at the work site, alert
the public to the asbestos work and associated hazards, and to prevent
unauthorized entry onto the work site.
3. Signage in accordance with the requirements of ICR 56-7.4(c) shall be
posted on the exterior of the work site boundary fence/barrier, to warn the
public of the asbestos hazard.
Establishment of Regulated Areas
4. The regulated work areas, decontamination units, airlocks, and dumpster
areas shall be cordoned off at a distance of twenty-five feet (25) where
possible, and shall remain vacated except for certified workers until
satisfactory clearance air monitoring results have been achieved or the
abatement project is complete. These areas shall have Signage posted in
accordance with Subpart 56-7.4(c) of this Code Rule. For areas where
twenty-five feet isn't possible, the areas shall be cordoned off as practical,
and a daily abatement air sample shall be included in the vicinity of the
Page 3 of 5 File Number 15-1349
5. All adjacent building openings within twenty-five (25) feet of the outermost
limit of the disturbance shall be sealed with two (2) layers of six (6) mil fire
retardant plastic sheeting. If the owner of an adjacent building does not
allow openings to be sealed as required, the asbestos abatement
contractor's supervisor must document the issue within the daily project
log, and have the affected building owner sign the log confirming that the
owner will not allow the asbestos abatement contractor to seal the
openings in the building as required. In addition, a daily abatement air
sample shall be included within ten feet of the affected portion of the
adjacent building
Controlled Demolition Removals
6. The provisions of ICR 56-11.5 shall be followed for all non-friable
controlled demolition removals, except as modified by this variance.
7. Decontamination system enclosures and areas shall be constructed and
utilized as per the requirements of 56-7.5(d) and 56-11.5.
8. Uncertified personnel shall not be allowed to access any regulated
abatement work area, with the exception of waste hauler truck drivers.
These truck drivers will be restricted to their enclosed cab, while
temporarily in the regulated work area for waste transfer activities only. All
equipment operators utilized for demolition or removal activities within the
regulated work area must be certified in compliance with ICR 5642.
9. No dry disturbance or removal of asbestos material shall be permitted.
10. Wastewater shall be confined within the controlled demolition regulated
abatement work area. All wastewater shall be collected by means of
trenching or ditches, properly filtered and directed into a holding tank.
Disposal of such wastewater shall be in accordance with applicable laws
and regulations. After wastewater has dissipated, the earth surface below
the trenches and holding tank shall be scraped and any residual asbestos
contamination removed and disposed of as asbestos contaminated waste.
11. Non-porous cleanable objects/materials, non-ACM material (concrete,
structural steel members, metal components and similar non-suspect
materials) may be fully decontaminated for disposal by appropriate legal
methods. Prior to disposal, the Project Monitor shall verify that the material
has been properly cleaned/decontaminated.
Page 4 of 5 File Number 15-1349
12. In addition to the requirement of Subpart 56-4.9(b-c), air monitoring within
the work areas shall be conducted daily during abatement and cleaning
activities. Two (2) additional daily air samples shall be collected within the
work area in the immediate vicinity of potential disturbance activities. The
inside work area air samples shall be collected for each entire work shift
with the samples locations being distributed both upwind and downwind of
the daily abatement activity.
13. Daily abatement air monitoring is required only on days when abatement
or support activities such as ACM disturbance or cleaning activities are
14. The contractor shall observe, at a minimum, the following waiting
(settling/drying) periods: Demolition -2 hrs.
15. In lieu of post-abatement clearance air monitoring in compliance with ICR-
56-9.2(d), the most recent daily abatement air samples collected during
removal and cleaning operations in the regulated work area, shall be used
for comparison with ICR 56-4.11 clearance criteria. All other applicable
provisions of ICR 56-4 shall be followed for the duration of the abatement
16. After removal and cleanings are complete and a minimum drying period
has elapsed, an authorized and qualified Project Monitor shall determine if
the area is dry and free of visible asbestos debris/residue. If the area is
determined to be acceptable and the most recent daily abatement air
sample results meet 56-4.11 clearance criteria, the final dismantling of the
site may begin.
17. Usage of this variance is limited to those asbestos removals identified in
this variance or as outlined in the Petitioner's proposal.
In addition to the conditions required by the above specific variances, the
Petitioner shall also comply with the following general conditions:
1. A copy of this DECISION and the Petitioner's proposals shall be
conspicuously displayed at the entrance to the personal decontamination
2. This DECISION shall apply only to the removal of asbestos-containing
materials from the aforementioned areas of the subject premises.
3. The Petitioner shall comply with all other applicable provisions of Industrial
Code Rule 56-1 through 56-12.
Page 5 of 5 File Number 15-1349
4. The NYS Department of Labor Engineering Service Unit retains full authority
to interpret this variance for compliance herewith and for compliance with
Labor Law Article 30. Any deviation to the conditions leading to this
variance shall render this variance Null and Void pursuant to 12NYCRR 56-
12.2. Any questions regarding the conditions supporting the need for this
variance and/or regarding compliance hereto must be directed to the
Engineering Services Unit for clarification.
5. This DECISION shall terminate on November 30. 2016.
Date: October 30, 2015
By r�
ard A. Smith, P.E.
Associate Safety and Health Engineer
PREPARED BY: Mark G. Wykes, P.E.
Senior Safety and Health Engineer
REVIEWED BY: Edward A. Smith, P.E.
Associate Safety and Health Engineer
362 Corinth Road,Queensbury,NY
362 Corinth Road, Queensbury,NY
The work to be performed this location involves a condemned building, as indicated in the attached letter
from the Town of Queensbury.
Answer to Questions 9& 10
There is hardship with complying with the provisions of the New York State Department of Labor's
Industrial Code Rule 56 due to the condition of the building.
Due to the condition of the building within this scope,pre-demolition abatement is considered unsafe.
We are specifically requesting relief from the following items of the Industrial Code Rule 56.
Case# 1 ICR 56-4.8(a) Area Air Sample Analysis Results—General Requirements
We are requesting relief from the requirement to turn around air sampling results from samples
collected on a Friday within forty-eight hours or less. Many laboratories do not have weekend hours.
Also we are requesting relief from the requirement to post air sample results on non-work days.
Case#2 ICR 56-11.5 Demolition with Asbestos In Place
Alpine proposes that the contractor follow 56 11.5, demolition with asbestos in place, with a couple
modifications. We are requesting approval to demolish unsafe building with the asbestos containing
materials still in place, leaving the foundation cut 2 feet below grade. In addition, it may be infeasible
to cordon off the building to a 25ft distance. We request that the contractor tape off, using asbestos
barrier tape and OSHA signage, 25 ft around the building,or as much as possible,and notify adjacent
building occupants, informing them of the pending asbestos disturbance, and offer to cover any
windows and doors within 25ft of the subject building. Each building will be cordoned off, and
asbestos certified workers with a licensed abatement company will perform the demolition.
Case#3 ICR 56-8.9(g) Trailers and Dumpsters
Since demolition waste is to be placed in the waste trailers/dumpsters using excavators or other heavy
equipment, it is impractical to use hard topped dumpsters. Dumpsters will be open topped during the
workday to allow placing waste materials inside. A temporary hard top will be placed on the waste
trailer/dumpster during non-work hours.
In order to perform the asbestos removal work in a manner to protect the safety and health of the public,
we are proposing to perform the asbestos removal work as detailed in the following work procedure. This
variance petition reflects the necessary work changes needed to accommodate these circumstances.
362 Corinth Road,Queensbury,NV
PROPOSED PROCEDURES (Answer to Question 11)
Part 1: Materials Addressed: Asbestos Containing Materials Removal as Part of Demolition
l] The entire demolition area at the work site shall be considered the regulated abatement work area
and shall be enclosed within a barrier (asbestos caution tape & asbestos signs) to prevent
unauthorized entry. The active demolition area shall be cordoned off at a distance of twenty-five
(25) feet, except where physical restrictions limit the barrier distance (property boundary,
roadway/right-of-way, building/structure). The regulated abatement work area shall remain
vacated except for certified workers until the abatement project is complete.
2] For areas where compliance with the twenty-five(25) foot barrier requirement isn't possible, the
areas shall be cordoned off to the maximum distance possible and a daily abatement air sample
shall be included within ten(10)feet of the reduced barrier.
3] Signage in accordance with the requirements of ICR 56-7.4(c) shall be posted on the exterior of
the work site boundary fence/barrier to wam the public of the asbestos hazard.
41 Personal decontamination system enclosures shall be constructed and used per the requirements
of ICR 56-7.5(d). Equipment decontamination areas shall be established and used per ICR 56-
5] Entry/Exit of all persons and equipment shall be through one (1) designated and controlled
"access way" in the barrier or fence, which shall provide an adequate and appropriate means of
egress from the regulated work area.
61 Non-certified personnel shall not be allowed to access any regulated abatement work area, with
the exception of waste transporter truck drivers. These drivers will be restricted to their enclosed
cab, while temporarily in the regulated work area for waste transfer purposes only.
71 No dry disturbance or removal of asbestos containing materials shall be allowed. Wastewater
shall be confined within the controlled demolition area. Wastewater shall be collected by means
of trenching, ditches, or berms made of solid absorbent material or similar method. Disposal of
wastewater collected shall be in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations,etc.
81 All demolition debris, used filters, and similar items shall be transported and disposed of by
appropriate legal methods. Structural members, steel components, and similar non-asbestos
components, shall be fully decontaminated as per ICR 56, prior to being treated as salvage or
91 Demolition waste shall be wetted prior to, during and subsequent to its collection and removal.
Fog nozzles or similar equipment shall be used to perform the wetting. Piles of waste not actively
being addressed shall be covered with at least one (1) layer of six (6) mil non-fire-retardant
10] All asbestos containing/contaminated waste shall be placed in hard-wall clused containers lined
with at least two (2) layers of six (6) mil non-fire retardant plastic sheeting. Waste containers
shall be sealed airtight prior to transport from the site. I.ioj'V 0 ') 2(M
1 1] Asbestos waste trailers/dumpsters shall be open top during the workday to allow placing of waste
, 51340
362 Corinth Road,Queensbury,NY
materials inside using excavators or other heavy equipment. A temporary hardtop will be placed
on top of the waste containers and secured during non-work hours.
12] Building demolition will take place in a methodical manner utilizing excavators with grapple or
thumb attachments.
13] Concrete basement floor slabs; concrete block, brick,or stone basement walls and foundations are
to be cleaned of asbestos containing materials, debris, and contamination and left in place. If it is
determined that the basement/foundation walls contain asbestos, these too shall be demolished
and removed from site. The site asbestos Project Monitor shall make the determination as to
whether or not there is suspect asbestos containing material on,or in the walls of the foundation.
14] Final clean-up and clearance procedures shall comply with ICR 56-9, except only one stage of
cleaning is to be performed.
15] The surface below the equipment decontamination area, and debris piles shall be scraped/cleaned
and any residual asbestos contamination shall be removed and disposed of in accordance with all
applicable laws, regulations,etc.
16] In addition to the requirements of ICR 56-4.9(c), air monitoring within the work areas shall be
conducted daily as per ICR 56-11.5. If more than one daily shift is required to accomplish the
work,air monitoring shall be performed on each shift.
17] Daily abatement air monitoring shall be required only on days when abatement or support
activities such as ACM disturbance or cleaning activities are performed.
18] In lieu of post abatement clearance air monitoring in compliance with ICR 56-9.2(d), the most
recent daily abatement air samples collected during removal and cleaning operations in the
regulated abatement work area, shall be used for comparison with ICR 56-4.11 clearance criteria.
19] After removal and cleanings are complete, an authorized and qualified Project Monitor,
independent of the Abatement Contractor, shall determine if the area is dry and free of visible
asbestos debris as per ICR 56-9.l(d)(I). If the area is determined to be acceptable, and the most
recent daily abatement air sample results meet ICR 56-4.11 clearance criteria, final dismantling of
the regulated abatement work area may begin.
Home olNatuT l Beauty.,.A Goad Place to Live
October 15,2015
Four M Limited Partnership
B.A.Baracus Development Co.,LLC
MEL Properties LLC
The Lebowitz Company,LLC
NHL Real Properties LLC
Lebowitz Brothers Managing Agent
c/o Nell Lebowitz
288 Glen Street
Glens Falls,NY 12801
RE: Notice of Unsafe Structure and Order to Demolish Property at 362 Corinth Road
Dear Neil:
This letter will serve as notice that the structure at 362 Corinth Road that was damaged by fire has
been deemed unsafe by this Department and must be demolished In accordance with Code Rule 56.
This letter Is to advise you that the structure must be removed and a demolition permit must be applied
for prior to any removal of any structure along with all associated paperwork Bled by your contractor
to do asbestos removal In accordance with Code Rule S6.
I trust this will answer all your concerns. If not,please don't hesitate to contact me.
Building and Code Enforcement
Celebrating Our Sesteirencennlal
1. Regarding municipal water disconnect, see annexed letter from Town of
Queensbury Water/Waste Water Department, dated October 22, 2015, which is incorporated
herein by reference.
2. Regarding electric power disconnect, see annexed letter from Sarah Stevens to Neil
Lebowitz, dated October 16, 2015, which is incorporated herein by reference.
3. Regarding cable services disconnect, see annexed email from Fred Barilli to dated October 21, 2015, which is incorporated herein by reference.
4. Regarding telephone service disconnect, Verizon orally confirmed disconnection of
telephone lines and boxes to building to be demolished on October 13, 2015.
5. Propane service discontinued and tank(s) removed more at an undetermined date.
823 CORINTH ROAD*QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804*PHONE(518)793-8866*FAX(518)798-3320
Christopher Harrington Alex Benway
Water Superintendent Water Treatment Plant Operations Engineer
Acting Wastewater Director
October 22,2015
The Queensbury Water Department turned the water off to 334 Corinth Road (aka 362 Corinth
Rd.),tax map#308.16-1-53 on August 3,2015.
The water meter was not retrieved due to the condition of the structure.
300 Erie Boulevard West
Syracuse,New York 13202
October 16, 2015
RE: Service Removal for Building Demolition.
To Neil Lebowitz,
This letter is to confirm that,per your request,National Grid has confirmed electrical
service and meters have been removed from 362 Corinth Rd; Queensbury,NY. The
work was processed on work request#20441794. If you have any questions or need
further assistance,please feel free to contact us at 800-260-0054.
Sarah L. Stevens
Customer Fulfillment