05-03-2016 Queensbury Parks and Recreation Commission, Queensbury, NY 12804
Prior to the Mav 3, 2016 meeting the commissioners, many of the staf f of the
Queenshury Recreation Department and some family and friends of Mr. Harry Hanson gathered at the pavilion in
Gurnev Lane Park for the dedication and renaming of the pavilion. The pavilion u,as renamed
in honor ofMr. Har7T Hanson the fr'rstDirector of Recreation for the Town ofQueenshurv.
Minutes of the May 3rd, 2016 regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury which took
place a Gurney Lane
Commissioner Eicher called the meeting to order at 7:12PM
1.) Roll Call:
• Present— Todd Eicher, Judy Goralski, Greg Hewlett, Wendy Matthews, Lisa White, Fran Cabana
• Excused: Lisa White
• Staff— Steve Lovering—Director, Jennifer Baertschi-Program Coordinator & Q-Club Director, Gary
Crossman-Aquatic Director
• Guests— Amanda Mohr.
2.) Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Matthews motioned to approve the May 3, 2016 minutes, seconded by
Commissioner Cabana; all members approved.
3.) Communications and Remarks from Visitors: (see file for copies)
a.) Monthly Correspondence:
1.) Email from a citizen about the spring hours of Gurney Lane, concerns about the parking and cars being
locked in during the months of May and June (until the pool opens) and Director Lovering's response.
2.) Email from Kenny Brown owner of the Kayaks Unlimited regarding the cost of the Kayak Rental kiosk
at the Hudson River Park. After discussion the commission decided the cost will be $500 for the season,
with a certificate of insurance and a revocable license.
b.) Budget Control: No discussion at this time
4.) Unfinished Business
a.) Gurney Lane Pool House Renovations—Director Lovering and Aquatic Director Gary Crossman- gave
the commissioners a tour of the renovations. All agreed a job well done!
b.)Recreation programming space at Gurney Lane—Director Lovering has asked that we table any
further discussion until late summer—early fall.
c.)Leashed vs. Controlled dogs at town parks — Supervisor Strough has received some complaints about
unleashed dogs at Rush Pond. After a discussion due to the unique nature of Rush Pond it was decided to
add signage that it is recommended to leash dogs. This signage will only apply to the Rush Pond Park.
5.) New Business
a) 2016 Summer Program—delivery scheduled for the week on May 1611i online registration going
slowly but well.
b) Proposed Subdivision, John Clendon Road - the subdivision was tabled by the planning board. If it
gets approved excess property is proposed to be donated to the Town and will provide further access
to Rush Pond
c) Churney Gurney event -Commissioner Matthews provided an update
d) Equipment Building at Gurney Lane—authorization was given by the town board on May 2, 2016
to open the bid process for the building
e) Kayak Rental Space at Glen Lake- Six of the eight slots have been rented for the season at $150.00
f) Supervisor Strough will soon be officially appointed Amanda Mohr to the Recreation Commission
g) Dock at Glen Lake-Brunelle Lumber will be adding an additional 12 feet of the dock
h) Mountain Bike Signage at Gurney Lane—for both the new and existing trails has been ordered
i) Department News and Notes— a short recap of April 2016 Recreation Departments financials and
6.) Committee Reports —None at this time
7.) Additional Information and Reports (see file for copies)
• Queensbury Middle School has a mountain bike club that will use Gurney Lane of the weekends
• Marconi Kids Website A Weekly local newsletter of kid-friendly events and activities has named the
top 10 playgrounds in the Saratoga-Queensbury area; 5 of the 10 were Town of Queensbury Parks!
8.) —A motion was made by Commissioner Matthews, seconded by Commissioner Hewlett to
adjourn at 8:15PM. All members present approved.
Respectfully submitted Approved by:
Judith Goralski, Commissioner Todd Eicher, Chairman