Survey Map Und,.Athorized altera~tlon or ziddltlon to a aurvey map bearine a Ilcenaeol land surveryor'!� e,&al is a violation of + ectlon 12093, 9u6dl&lorr 2 OF the N5w York State Educat-or Law. co ;es From the ort lr7a I or the serve map ma r,l d with an orlglnal of the: land eurvayor's combcseed ee,51 " I_ I1 be coneiderec# t� be �Iiol true �apl�e. ,� #'1I � � I � C� 9ub,Feot to hrivahwa� "a-de dicatlon of re�oord and any eaeerr-ente or record, 1 . Refers ce Deed Richard l5ennett and Patricia Wells Iron PIM round to Nancy J. Burke Rourke Asaoc, � � � well dated= pr11 1 Tj records&,. April 16, 2000 1-16er 1162 of lDeeds. Pace 68 'S 5 * Rerer ce Map � aololit�on � 5 .� I�� lands now or formerly of �,r deck Rllc}iard 5. Straub map or a Survey prepared for Nancy A 5urko b�: Richard Bennett, Lard Bury or dated; 'July 2001 p � cl��n mut •i lrem pipe found r 0. 7 Acres, 90400} lj . --------------- iron Io1p� found � 1 not recovered fn 7016 } Idlnda new or formerly or Nicholas F. Conte lands now or Formerly ofo ' Robert F. Smiths or NEW � ID Vi Map of a eurLvec Prep6red for Mlchazl enol Narticu Wr'ktsl-Ra arr Town or Ouesnsb ury, County of Warren, 64.ateo of New York 41 $cake; I" _". 40' Date, W. B��netto�r. 21, 216 �. ° 0#99 A Lafid Ur' e�Or x Quoen5bury, N.Y-