Application kpbArchitecture
P.O. Box 697
Clifton Park, NY 12065
December 15, 2016
Town of Queensbury—Planning Board Submission
Re: Exterior Renovation @ 63 Quaker Road, Queensbury, New York
Project Description
The retail plaza at 63 Quaker Road was originally designed in 1974 and consists of a single story retail
space that currently houses Passonno Paints, Realty USA, Bennington Furniture and Carpet One.There is
also a second floor portion of the original plaza situated along Quaker Road that is home to Northeast
Parent and Child. Shortly after the building was originally constructed, a retail addition was added in
1976 which currently houses Classy Clip, a dog grooming and day care service. It appears that based on
some original drawings, another addition was added in 1978, adjacent to the 1976 addition, that is
currently home to Sagamore's Hair Salon. In 1987, a simple shed roof addition for storage was added on
the back side of the building and appears to be the last 'formal' addition to the plaza.
As with much of the retail architecture of that time period,the plaza consists of a course brown brick for
the first floor mass with little natural light and beige/brown EIFS (exterior insulation finishing system) for
the second floor volume that may have been a retrofit. Original drawings indicate that the second floor
portion of the plaza was originally conceived as metal panels. With that said, EIFS was becoming very
popular in mid-1970's and it is possible that the metal panel was swapped out to EIFS prior to original
construction. Each entrance for the plaza is also marked by bulky EIFS 'awnings' and oversized EIFS
columns which were common during that time and continue to be on many of the retail plaza's today.
One of the main goals of this project is to execute an exterior renovation that transforms the plaza from
a vague 1970's aesthetic to a more modern and relevant architectural style that utilizes simplicity in
both form and material. It is this style that we hope to be a positive contributor to not only the Quaker
Road corridor but the Town of Queensbury as well.The following represents the highlights of the
exterior renovation:
For the most part, the existing site will remain as is. There are currently 126 parking spaces and that will
remain in place and on-site vehicular and pedestrian circulation will remain unchanged.The existing
light poles are also to remain.There are four existing light poles on the west end of site for the main
parking area and one light pole with two lamps on the south side of the site adjacent to Quaker Road for
the front parking lot. All of the fixtures were replaced in 2014 with new cut off LED fixtures that
according to the product data for the fixtures does not exceed the 2.5 footcandles outlined in the Town
Code for commercial parking lots.
In large part,the south,west and a portion of the east facades will be getting a complete makeover. All
of the existing brown brick will receive new dark gray paint while the existing second floor EIFS mass will
receive new light gray paint. All of the existing EIFS 'awnings' and associated columns will be removed
from the structure to make way for a new entrance aesthetic. This aesthetic and associated material
palette is quite simple yet elegant with the use of painted brick, exposed steel, wood and glass.
Each significant entrance will be built out with new light gage metal framing clad in a tongue&groove
horizontal cedar siding with a clear finish.Wood is not only a regional aesthetic within the Adirondack's
but also offers a simple, classic and warm focal point for each of the retailer's entrances.The retail
entrances on the south fagade facing Quaker Road as well as the Bennington Furniture entrance on the
west fagade will also receive modern canopies that are comprised of canted steel columns with timber
rafters, tongue&groove decking and standing seam roofs.The far south facing retail entrances will
receive a more understated canopy with a simple pre-engineered hanger rod canopy.
As was fairly common during the 1960' and 70's, transparency and natural light were not as prevalent as
they are in today's retail buildings. One of the goals to this project is to create transparency by adding
large storefront windows on the west fagade.This not only brings natural light into an otherwise
artificially lit space, but allows retailers to put their products on display and use this transparency as a
contributor to passively activate the plaza as a destination.
Our sincere hope with this project is that the retail plaza at 63 Quaker Road not only continues to be an
economic contributor to the Town but also an architectural contributor to the continued development
of the Quaker Road corridor.
Keith P. Buff
kpb Architecture, PLLC
742 a�t� Road, 1r��rrs rr��, , 12804-5902
December 1,'201
Micbaaeel Flaceo
2 Fort Vaux Lane
Watervliet,NY '12189
Idem Fa ade Improvement
63 Queer Road.
Tak Map Parcel; 296.184-5
Dear r. Fiao:
I am writing you with regards to my review of the application and plans submitted to this
office relative to the above-referenced project and to documr nt the conversations
between you and Laura Moore, of my office.
Upon my review I find that your 'proposal will require ,area. '`parlance and Site Plan
Review prior to the commencement of the project. Specifically, an Area Variance is
required as portions of the proposed 'constructiono not meet the setback requirements
of the Conumercial Intensive ( 1) district. Site Ilan Review is necessary glue to the
expansion/exterior improvem nt to the commercial building,
I understand that you ray he preparing or have already prepared the necessary
application materials, as such; this letter serves as the necessary denial letter in the
processing of arca Variance application. Should you have questions or
eom.ments regarding your application,n,please do not hesitate to contact this office
Ca 'Br awn
Zoning Administrator
/ h
"Horne of Natural l B'eaaufl ... A Good Plage to Liver,
Area arianC� [VAuprrnved- Septcnber2l 20161
Ciene,ral Infonnatio
Tax Parcel I Number=
(,. 1
Zoning District; CJS � !'-� r` 1 - .
E]etai led Descriptton of Project[include current& proposed use]'
Current Use:
Proposed Use, jct `-' r L l oC C,! CA C
Location of Project: Ic '' 11-L C 1f
Applicant Name: Mailing Address
Home Phone { . L-/Li 0 City, State,Zip
Work PhoticCell Phone
�f�f - - f �
E-Mail: FAX No.
q f-, -3
t -C -
Agent's Name: � r 6k -61—' mailingAddress
Home Phone City, state,Zip
Work Phone J ��, � Cel l Phone
E-mail FAX No.
Owner's Name Vailing Address
Home Phone City,state, Zip
Work Phone Cell Phone
E-mail FAX No.
Page I
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S i tei}evelopxnr nt Data
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Addition .ft.
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Front Yard [2]
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Number of pavking spaces
Page 2
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Product Descriptian GA Mount
The free Edgelm Series has a skim•low pr6[ike design-lit tugged East alum)bu m hous[rtg minkmlzes
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Ordering Infnrmatlon
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Rev- VA 09�2MI)15c:Ian'
US.Ltjhl�rlg�rcc.eorM1141rtInQ T [att)258-600 f L36V5044415 Canada-L WWAFCcAoTrd4au9da T[0001473-1234 F 16061650-7507
Area Vat'i;Itice izan appruvcd' Sep►,:otiber 21 201 61
Additional Pro-e t 1 ForMaftn
1. Will the proposal require a Septic Variance from the Town Baa rd of Health? �c
2, if the parcel has previous approvals, Iist application number(s)_
3. Does tilis prajeCt Maui veragc under tate New York State Pollutant Discharge Eliminati0l'System ODES)Perol't
Progrs ni? —Yes!—No
4, Estimated project duration; Stail Datc �/ / End Date;
5, Estimated taW cost of project; V
b. Total area of land disturbance for project;
Floor Area Ratio Workslleat
FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) -- The relationslyip of building size to lot size, derived by dividing the total building floor
area by the lot size in square feet,yielding a percentage.
Zoning District Symbol Floor Area Ratio[FAR]
Waterfront Residential WR 0,22
Commercial Moderate I Commercial CM J CI 0.3
A, The combined area of all syuare fcota6v*e, as measure fi-om exterior }walls of all stuuctures on the property, including all
floors of the strummm, garages, basements and attics Nvith more than five (5) feet of Meiling height and covered
porches. Building square footage does not Include: Open deck, docks and that portion of covered does extending
over water and alie storage shed of one hundred twenty (120) square feet or lass. Any additional sheds will be
included, {See "FLOOR AREA RAT[Q").
B. Commercial or industrial: the total area in square feet as measured from the exterior of the out-,ide walls of building
or structure, and when applicable, the sum total of all floor areas of the principal and accessory buildings, or structures
on the project site,
Parcel r(!a s �
Exist in Floor Area ' sq, ft. see above definition
Pro used Additional Floor Area
Pro Proposed Total Floor ACOA ^ 6 s
Total Allowable Floor Arca ,Area see above table
Page 3
Area VariLlflC� lZ6Aappmvr,5. 5epicmhcu2120161
Coiupliance with Zoning ordinance
Re€iuestingreiiefifrom SECTION;
N ml relief from the req ireinent(s) fisted below which can not be rnet by the project as proposed.
heck a�!Thal a}p jx] ctbsc�C I i Buffer Zone ! I [sot Width ! ! Other
The. following questions reflect the criteria for granting this type of valiance. Please caMplete them; use additional sheets if
1. W Wher an undesirable change NOII be produced in the character of the neigliborllood or a detriment to
nearby property wi!l be created by the grand ng of this area variance?
2 Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant
to ��lrsue, other than an area variance?
3, Whether the i-equested area variance is substantial?
4, Whether the proposed variance wi 11 have an adveme effect or impact on the physical or environmental
conditions in the neighborhood or district?
5, Whtther the alleged difficulty was self-created?
-fin If
Page 4
Ainft Variance [ZDA appwved: Septwnber 2l 416]
Section 179-14--030
Application materials.and site plan drawing is to include sufficient information for the Board to review and pmvWe a decision, The
applicant is to prov ide a site pl an dravdng(s)—a survey showing"Isti ng cundit ions,it proposed conditions snap(see page 00 for
specific cr[teria}and inclutfe any Other ELttacbrnents that address A-D as applieabie to the proposed project.
A. enura! shown an Sheet#
1 'Title,Name Address of a licat�t& arson res onslble for re aration oii-dr2�win
2 Deed
3 North arrow 'Caw Iola ilk,date re gyred and scale rnirlitxtum: l inch=40 feet
4 Boundaries of the property [otted to scale,zoningboundary
5 Principal structures aecessor structures with exterior dimensions
6 Site improvements incl. outdoor storage areas,driveways, parking areas, etc.: existing&
ro sed
7 setbacks for al] structures and im roy=ents: existingro osed
8 Elevations and floor lens of all ro osed and affected structures
B. Water& Sewer Shown on MeetF #
1 Project sewage disposal faeilitics, design di�,taiis,construction details, flow rates, and nutrtber of
bedrooms ro sed
2 Water supply [i.e.wellj septic an adjoining lots with separation distances to existing ar
proposed onsite water supply and se is
3 Separation distances for proposed sew a disposal system to well and water bodies
4 Existing public or ptivate water supply [well, lake, etc,]. Method ofseeuring public or private
water location, desio and construction of water SUPPI includingBail kvater t�sa
S Percolation Jest location and results
C. Parkin !Permeable Areas Sftpn on sheet�
I Number of spaces required for project including calculations andjustification: existing&
ro osed
No, of existing parking spaces, number to be removed, number to mainlai n and type of surfacing
material [e.g, gravel,pavedl
3 Provision for pedestrian and handicap access and Orkin : existin&
Design details of ingress,egress, loading areas and cutting: existing,&ptoposed
5 Location and character of green areas [existing and proposed], modification to gzeen area, buffer
vane to remain undisturbed
6 Lighting,location and design of all existin and proposed outdoor fighting
D. Additional Site Development and Miscellaneous Shown on Sheet#
F.On-site &adjacent watercaurscs streams rivers, lake and wetlands
Utifity I energy distribution system fps, electric,solar, tele hone : existin ro osed
3 Lccattols, design and construction details of all existing and Proposed site improvements
�ludin : drains, culverts,retainingwalls, fences fire& em err zones and h drag#s,etc.
e footage of bldg. arca proposed for office, manufacturing,retail sales or othar commerciai
existin ro osed
Location,size j e,desi x and setback. existing pro sed
Waiver Request; provi de letter with application requesting any waiver' P1 ease reference
s ecific item
7 Cornmemial 1 Industrial Development requires submission of Landscaping, Storm%water
Mann ement,Grading& Li tin Plans
8Identification of Federal, State or County perm!ts required for the project togetWr with a record
of application for all necmaa permits
Pre-Submission Conference Form 1 Sectio], 179-9-040
?79 -961?..AnR1ica Wonfoi, S ito Platin Revitw Application fnaterials and tie site p]an shrill incl ude
sufficient information for the Board to review and provide a decision_ The applicant is to provicle a site
plan drawing€nd all attachments that address items A-V. The applicant can request a ►waiver from A-V and
is to provide ruasons for waiver(s) requested. Please label information to be submitted.
A vi ciliity map drawn at the SMIe that shows the relatbansltfp of the pr¢posal to ex isting oommun Ity ali al1'cct
or serve it,such as roads,Shopping anew%cereals,eta. the nlup Shull also show Ed I pmlacAim.idontify owners, r
subdiASI S,streets nod cestanenls tultlsiri 5H fbet of the property. Such o simob nsay be suWrnpt=d on A Uniicd States 0 1
Geolc ical SkIrVISE Rjup of tlra area.
Tho sitz plan shall bo drawn of a scale o F Jbtty Feel to the inch V =40 foe;}or such anter smie as the Plfinn ing ROIL may
d=na appTopri itc,on standard 24"x W'sliaels,161h.onnd nuation on$112"X 1 I"sheets as necessary for wrincn !
infori m6on. The in formation limad below sha11 be shown pa the site plari end cons inuptign cheats. 4
Name of the 13M.,tM boundaries,date,norrlt arrow,and scale of the plan,
D, NAme and address of the awnerofteoord,deve]nper,End seal of the engineer,architect or landscape architect. If tho *Kv� L444
app!icant is not Ilse reeord owner,a letter afautbarization Sbatt be ingkiired from the mWn.-r_ Aew
The location and use u r all existing and proposed structures wi thin the property,including all dimensions a FhOOt and
floor area al l exterior entrances and al l nutici bred futusc add i6wL5 and aherations.
F. TSC Ioeatiat of all pYesnd and pmpmsxd public A7rd PFNBW WAYS,oft-street purkl ng arem,driveways,outdoor 514rage arms,
sidawnll5,TunfpS,curl1S,patlis.Iattdscaping,walls orui rerlaes. Location,type and screening detnlls lbr all wmsie di5pm�al
containers shall also be shown_
(j Tate Iocgtipnr helglni,inidnslty Acid bulb typo(sodium,inenndenem,etc.)oraiI external lighting fixtures. The dlreetion OF #_
Muni inatlon and methods to CI irninatc glitrc onto g[piging,properl ies nnwst also be shown in cam I iencc with 1794-021). !t
F-1 711c laeatinn,height,size,motaria Is And design d roll proposed Signs, �I i
j The lacatitan oP all pirsent end proposed utE1 iiy systtms imiudiag: #k
1, sewn$C or septic system;
2. Water 5u#Ply SyStam;
3, Telephone,mbEe and electrical syvarnr;and
4. Storm drat cage system includinZ Causttng and prepwcd drain iines,culverts,emah basleo,headval Is,endwalls,
hydrants,wormholes and drafnuge swa]es_
P Eans to proveat the poAutfon of su rface or grow ndwamr,erosion of soil both during and attar construction.excessive runoff
WA f]oodilig of otl3cr pmpertics,a5 aR%Icsblc, A Stunnwutar E'ollution E'reven6mL Plan(5 WPM far fill Iand development
nctivilic5(cxeluding agricultural activfties)oil t11e She that re-stilts;In Iaad di Stu rhenee crone acre or marc, A$WPE}P Shall
comply with the requirements of the DEC SNI)ES MS-4(`,medal Permit and Chapter 147 aFilreTerm ofQueeesbury
('ode_ it 911011 4c At the d iycaetior<Or tha P Imfiing 13ourd Ae to whwtber a SW RPP or on erogion and control plan shA11 Ire
required for o site plan rcviaw project land disturbance ofless than One ocrc.
Existing and proposed topography at tiw-foot eonloar intcrwpl5,pr such other contour interval ns Elie Planning hoard shad
a Ilaw_ All c]evAtianS slnail refer to the nwnmst Un iced Sloles Coastal and Geodetic l3ench Mark, I r any portion of the parcel
is with ill the 100-year floodplain,The area will be shown and base tload elcvalions gfvwi. Areas S1tnlI be htdicattd within
ft proposed sit.-and willrin 54 feet o f the proposed site where sal l removnl OT f i I I ing i5 acquired,sliowfng tlio Approxinlate
walurne in ctibEo Yards,
j„ A Inndscope pian showing al l existing natural land fcatures than may inflwmw ilio design of the proposed Use such as rock
owtcrops,stands oftrees,single trees eiglkr or more inches in di:imefor, forest cower and wotersourees and all proposed
chaagesto these f�aluYts,Including sizes and types ofpiants_ wwteraounu include ponds,lair s,,vetlroudsa,id
Watemoua?C nquifms,fimodplainy and dratn-3Z�0 raicrAi"z"M&
M.] Land Use Dlstfict boundnries Within$00 feat arthc si%'s porimeler shall be dmwa and Wcntifled nn the situ P]anr os u,c11
as Any Overlay Districts that apply to the property.
SEte Plan Review Rev Ised October 2U 16
Tow of Queensbury Planning Office-742 Baty ted,QueerLsbury,NY 12804.518,761-0220
N TraMc flow ponern s wltliin Isle si%onlraiwas Grid CXA1,banding Ond unloujiing areP9,pS wal l as euro cuts on the site almd
wiihin 100 fact ofihc site, Tho P loan in&mTd may,wt ils discretion,require fi detailed traffic study for large devalopscuts Or
for those in i=vy traffic arem,which shell include,
1, 117c prgjoamd number ofmajor vehicle trips W enter or lewwe the slte,estimbicd Far weekly and
onnunb peak Irp ur truifF0 Igvals; 1
2, The prajouW traflio flaw pattarn inelualing vehicular movcmenis at 011 major Intersectbans likely l�
to be wiFacted by die prppo$cd use of the ciao;
3. The iMPKI fifthis IrnrFre an levels of smioC on abuUigS publ-iq srreeis and 0t ameled
inter5ccti0fl S. Existing and proposed weekly and aniival peak hour iraFfic levels a rW road enpncity
bevels shabb also bo given,
Q Far new eanstruction Or niteretkim to any stractura:,n lnblc eon]niuing the rDIlowing irtfarmatWn shall be included;
I. Estimmed crew of slrudture ra be used I$r para iau lar purpgses such as rejoin aperatimi,0 ft1 ca,
2. Esti rnntedmaximum numborofcrnpli)yoes;
3. hoax imam Hating cq{soolty,w]iere nppliouble;end
4_ Number of perking spnces exisling and required for fhe intended use_
p I. FIDarPlatns, I 4
7, Elcvattlom wt at s+cnfe ofonc-quarter inch egddS rnre fbot(114"a b foci)ror Al amorior Fa4codes of the proposed srructum(5) r 1
ondlar alterations til pr€xpfinso 0 of PX iSl lag bCPdn,Showing design fi�Gaures drid indifiaxing rho Iype and color OF materials
to be used.
SgiI legs,waier supply well and percolaHOal aest results,Did stone abler run13ffWlcul0tions a9 amdod to determine and
mitigate projW impacts.
iI Plans for disposal of cow wactian mid denuslitbon waste,erl;%cr grrsitr orut as approved iftosal kci4ty.
S. P laps fpr snow Tenl9Val,including loewtion(s)of on-situ snow stormgc.
T. An EnAffinmWal A59essmcn1 Fun„( EAF"l As rcyarircd by the SEQRA regulntians,wiEh Part f cpmplcbed by the Appl ieant
shall ba 5ubmirtcd as part oftlic application. If Me proposed poject requims o spccbal use permit and:in EAF has been
suls mIliad in ooefpnotloa;vit4 ia Gpecioi use prmtiit application,ndup]icate£AF is'lot regtlimd fpr Iha seta plan applieatian i
L f If on application is far a poral or pnrcols on which snare than one use is propmd,the app licant moy submit w single
nppliooflwi fbtIII l such uses,prgvided$0 proposed usos lat vrourately delineated on o site plan drown puTsnanete the
rcquimrnents M forth above. The Planning Board may grunt fire applicaiivn wish raspeot to soine proposed uses find not
others. For pauposas ofFovickying on application(and for SCQTtA oomplfaTim)ulI prap0sed Lucca 8n o Single pMrccl W On
eorari�.uaus pfireelG shall bo considamd togvher,
V A brief nwrrati++e statement an haw the p njew pmpvwcd for review fuetlrus.or is conslstent with the vlsiorn,$trills and Wieies
in the Town's Ccimpr€hunsiva P l an.
Site 1111" Review Rev iscd October 201iS
Town of Queemsbury Planning Office f 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804.51$-761-8220
Pre-SlIbtnission Couferenee Fern f Section 179-9-040 1
6 1. Appli anti swnre: Y 1L�, e—\ ACCC.� L r. 'L� ,•
Z. Tnx Map IT) ��� �y Ucation: C ,[.
3, Zorhing lassifkc pion
4. Remon for Review: '
5. Zoning Section9-
6. Pre-Submissiaa Meeting Dotes: Provided Otrtstwrding; X'lcase Vrovide by
Deer -
General Information complete
Site Development Data Complete f'r
Setback Requireinents Complete ;
Additional Project information Complete -
PAR addressed
Comp liarice with Zoning Ord inancc _
Ciieciclist items addressed
Environmental Form completed
Signature Page completed
� f -
1 4 C 111
s l LJ sra
Lt 1 C"JI Q ,'4 C L; 4 Cif I /q f L
c. xt
42 zlt
A -C -
Staff Represrvtative: _ G
Applicant! Ant: — Date;
Sire Paan Rs viekv Revised Ocks3ber 2016
'i,own orQucenmhury planning 0ffLcr- 742 Bay Road,Qkkaensbu,ry,NY 12RU4. 5y8-X61-&22Q $
Area VilrianCC [ZI3Aapprov0d- SCplCmber21 20161
This page includes the 1.) Authorization to Act as Agent farm: Z-) Engineering lice Disclosure, 3.)Authorirat3osi for Site Visits; 4.)
Other Permit Responsibilities;5.)Ofticia3 Moving Disclosure and G.)Agreement to provide doeurnentation repaired.
OWN(RIs AGmT FaRm: Complete the following if tht OWNER of the property is not the same as the applicant:
Designates: as Agent regarding the following:
Variance� Site Plan� Subdivision—
For Tax Mals No.: Deed Reforenae: Book , Page Date
AkPPLSCANT'S AGENT FORM' Complete the fo[lowing if the APPLICANT is unable to attend the
meeting or wishes to be represented by another party:
Owner- _
Designates: –as Agent regarding the fallowing,
Variance_ Site Plan Subdivision
Far'Fax Map No., Deed Reference: Book Page_Date
2, GINEERT E DISC E: Applications may be referred to the fawn consulting engineer for review of septic
design, storm drainage, etc. as determined by the Zoning or Planning Depwiment. Fees for engineering review services will be
charged directly to the ap plicant- Fees for engineering rev iew will not exited$ 1,000 without notification to the apPI kMnt,
3.1 AUTHORIZATION FOR SITE VIS By signing this page and submitting the application materials attached herein, tho
Owner,Applicant,and hisJltierltheir agent{s)hereby authorize the Zoning Board or Planning Board and Town Staff to enter the subject
properties forihe purpaseofreviewing the application submitted.
4. OTHER PlEJtM IT RESPONS ITIES: Other perinits may be required for construction or alteration activity subseq=t to
approval by the Zoning Board or Planning Board, It is the appbcant'g responsibility to obtain any additional permits,
5. 0rFJ AL MEETINQ MINUTESDIKLOSUR& it is the practine of the Community Development Department to have a
designated stenographer tape record the proceedings of meetings resulting from application,and minutes transcribed from those tapes
constitutes the ofTictul record of all proceedings.
6.t A,GREEMEM[TO PRO IRE DOCUMENTATION REOUIiI<LD.: 1, the undersigned, have tharaughly read and understand
the instructions for submission and agree to the submission requirements, 1 acknowledge no constnmtion activities shall be
commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit. T certify that:the application, plans and supporting materials arc a true and oomplete
statomemldewilption of the existing conditions and the work proposed, and that all work wilt be performed in accordance with the
approved plans and in conformance with local zoning reguJations. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the fad ities proposed,Y or
my agents, will obtain a ce€t3#irate of occupancy as necessary. I also understand that 146 may be required to provide an as-built
survey by a licensed land surveyor of al I newly constructed feel]itie5 prior to issuance of a cert!ficate of occuparioy
1 have read and agree to the above.
1 141ch ol 7 r 1 1160
Signa [Appl' nt] Pri Naptc[A ii Date Signed
Signat re gen] Print Na. [Agemj Date kig
A ort Envirown ental Assessment ForM
Part I - .Project Infor macho
i rLstry et ip.ns for Cori nieun
Part 1 -Project Information. The applicant or project sponsor is respausibic fur the-Completion of Part I. Responses
became puri of the,application for approva[or funding,are subject to public review, and may be subject to further verifcatiml
Coinp]etc Part 1 based on information currently available, If additional research or investigation would be aeeded to fully
respond to any item,please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information-
Cow p[etc al] items in Part 1. You may also provide any add Non al infortrialion.vhich you believe%yill he nccded by or useful
to the lead agency; attaQb additional pages as necessary to supplement any itetlir-
Part I - Project and Sponsor Information
.I LL U + Ch e.,
Name of Action or Project'
Project Location(describe,,and attach a i❑catioit reap)'
ByiefDescript'roo of
Proposed Action;
Name of Applicant or Sponsor; t Tclephone:€J f C f� � �Y'
C id { � �C, E- kdLiuIchaC
ityJPO: tate' Zip Cedc:
I.Does the proposed action only invo v4 the legislative adoption of a plan, local law,ordinance, N0 Y1
admiolstrmtive rule,or regulation? ❑
If Yes,attach a narrative description of the intent of the proposed action aisd the environmental res4urCCs that
may ba af£coted in the municipality and proceed to Part 2. If no, continuo to question 2.
2- Does the proposed action regtiire a permit, approval or funding from any other gavcrnrrtental Agency? NO YES
if Yes, list agency(s)name and pernmi4 or approval.
3.a.Total acrea6e,of tine site of the proposed action" acres
b.Total acreage to be physically disiurbed? R , acres
c.Total acreage(project site and any cantigttuus properties)owned
or controllcd by tile,applicant or project sponsor? _flcres
Check all land uses that occur on,adjoining and near the proposed ac
0 Urban E]Rural{non-agriculture} 7]industirial oiumercial EJ Res!dtmlial(suburban)
OFnrest DAgriQt3iture ElAquaic 00ther(specify);
Page 1 of 3
5, Is the proposed action, NO VftNIA
a. A permitted use unties-the zoning regulations? ❑ D
b. Consistent with clic adopted coinprelien31ve plan? ❑ ❑
G_ Is the proposed action ccnsiswrnt with tho predominant character•of the existing built or natural E:1landscape?
1. Is the site of the proposed action located in,or does it adjoin,a stale listed Critical E11Viron menOl Arca? NO YES
IfYes, identify:�� �,, �� ❑
8. A. Will the 1lropoged action resat# 'rn a substantial iltcrease in traffic above present levels? � SS❑
b. Aro public transportation service(s)FLvailable tit or near the site of the proposed action?
c. Are any pedestrian accommodations or bicycle routes a%raiIable an or near site of the proposed ;tctiotl`' ❑
9. Does the proposed action ineet al:exceed the state energy code reeluircinents? NO )T
If the proposed aclian %,,-it] exceed rcqui1,einents,describe design features a.nd tc011110togies; — ❑
10.^Will the proposed action connect to an existing publiclptivate water supply? �� YES
t� r) r
If No,describe inethod for pmviding potable water:� ❑
11.Will the proposed action connect to existing wastewater U ilities? NO YES
If No,describe method for providing wastewater treatment: /S h ❑
C. GSE.. I '
12. a. Does the site.oantauti a structure that is listed on tither the State or National Register of Historic NP �'ES
b. Is the proposed action located in an arcllaological sensitive area?
a. Does any portion ofti)e site of the proposed kletion,or lands adjoining the proposed action,conttein NO YFS
wetlands or 011ier waterbodies regulaMd l y a federal, state or local age.ncy?
Would the pI+npased anion physically alter,or encroach i�tito,any existing wetland or waterbody?es,identify the wetland or walerbodY and extent of alterations in square f"t or acres,
tine typical habitat types that occur on,or are likely to be found on the project site. Check all that apply:
eline ❑rarest DAgriculturaVgrasslands ❑larlymid-sucressioital
land ❑Urban burban
e site of the proposed action oontaL any species of animal, or associated habitats,listed NO YES
by the State or Federal government as tltreatcned or endangered? ❑
16. is the project site locatrd in the 100 year flood plain? YDS
17.Will the proposed action create storm water discharge,either from poiltt or nen-point sources? X10 ES
If Yes, ❑ ❑
a. Will storm water discharges flow to adjacent properties? NO YE
b_Will stone watel-discharges be dircoted to established conveyance systems(runoffND ndslorm�YmSrains)?
1f Yrs, briefly describe, :]
Page 2 cif 3
18.Does the proposed action include construction or other activities then result in the impoundrnunl of
water or other Liquids{e.g,retention pond,waste lagoon,dam)?
If yes, explain purpose and size;
19.Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining propertY been the location of ark active or closed NO YES
solid waste management facility?
If Yes,describe'
2U, has the s ite of#k1e proposed action ar an adjoining proper been the sabj ect of reined iation(ongoing or N O YES
completed) for hazardous waste?
if Yes,describe: El
Applicantlsponsor name:
PF «rt �0 Page 3 of 3
JARRETT Engineers, PLLC Civil&Environmental Engineering
December 15, 2016
Craig Brown,Zoning Administrator
Town of Queensbury
742 Bay Road
Queensbury,NY 12804
Re: Existing Commercial Plaza at 63 Quaker Road, Tn of Queensbury
JE 16-048
Dear Craig,
This letter pertains to drainage and stormwater management as it is impacted by proposed improvements
to the existing plaza (formerly known as "Mark Plaza") at 63 Quaker Road. Those improvements are
depicted on architectural plans entitled "63 Quaker Road, Proposed Site Plan" prepared by KPB
Architecture, PLLC, dated 12/15/2016.
Our review of the existing plaza suggests that formal stormwater management on the site is very limited.
Two drop inlets are present in the parking lot along the west side of the building, and other than that,
parking lot runoff appears to be by sheet flow to perimeter areas. The discharge of the drop inlets is
unknown, but may be piped to the rear (north) of the site toward a low area adjacent to an existing stream.
The building roof is apparently largely flat (except for sheds at the rear) and roof drains that collect roof
runoff may be routed through the interior of the building and may discharge, again, to the north of the
building. To the best of our knowledge, based on limited anecdotal data, the site is not subject to routine
flooding problems.
The proposed plans show that the building and site will remain largely unchanged, with the exceptions
that new canopies are proposed over several of the entrances, and new landscaped bed(s) will line the
store fronts. In as much as the existing plaza, within the developed area, is nearly 100% impervious, we
do not believe that the new canopies will add impervious area (or runoff). Conversely, the new landscape
beds along the store fronts will add pervious area and can be used to manage runoff from the new entrance
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at 792-2907 or me via email at
ti arrett2j
12 East Washington Street 518-792-2907
Glens Falls, NY 12801
Craig Brown,Zoning Administrator, Town of Queensbury December 15,2016
Re: Commercial Plaza at 63 Quaker Road, Tn of Queensbury
H. Thomas Jarrett, P.E.
Ecopies: Michael Fiacco
Keith Buff,KPB Architecture, PLLC
F:IDataFile12016 Proj 12016 Comm 116-048 Mark Plazal Work Docs116048161215 SfMSrce Files116048161215 SW Ltr.doc