02 14 2017 Queensbury Planning Board Agenda
First Regular Meeting 'Fu(.,m ay, F(.,,I4)ruivairy 14„,2017/Time 7—11 pm
Queensbury Activities Center @ 742 Bay Road
Approval of Minutes:
Dates: December 20,2016&December 22,2016
Planning Board Recommendations:
Applicants) STEPHEN&CARYN LAFLECHE Application Type Site Plan 6-2017
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Owner(s) Same as applicant SEQR Type.. �� TYpe...11
Agent(s) Dennis MacElroy Lot size .19 acre
Location 12 Waters Edge Drive I Ward: 1 I Zoning Classification: WR
Tax ID No. 227.17-1-29 Ordinance 179-13-010
CrossReference .......AV...1..1..-20.1.7......................................................................................................................... a.... e....n..C.......o...............................................�.e....b.....r....u.....a....r....y........20.1.7...................................................................................................................................................................
Public Hearing n/a for recommendation
Site Information APA,LGPC, CEA
Project Description: Applicant proposes to renovate the second floor of an existing home. Floor area existing on second floor is 474 sq.
ft. and existing garage storage is 232 sq.ft. Proposed second floor with addition(36+/-ft.x 5 +/-ft.)is 697 sq.ft.with removal of floor
area storage above garage. The 2nd floor addition allows for 2nd floor bedroom expansion and 1 st floor bedroom expansion—total 3
bedrooms.Project includes site work to install permeable pavers. Pursuant to Chapter 179-13-010 of the Zoning Ordinance,expansion
of non-conforming structures shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought from setbacks.
Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Applicant(s) MARY SOTANSKI Application Type Subdivision Preliminary Stage 2-2017
Subdivision Final Stage 3-2017
Owner Ma &Thomas Sotanski SEQR Type Unlisted
Agent(s) I Lot size I 4.93 acres
Location 21 Hiland Drive Ward: 1 Zonin Classification: RR-3A
Tax ID No. I 290.10-1-6 Ordinance Reference I Chapter 183
Cross Reference II'I 2004-64 756 sf addition;AV 10-2017 Warren Co.Referral I
Public Hearing I n/a for recommendation Site Information I
Project Description: Applicant proposes a two lot subdivision of a 4.93 acre parcel.One lot to be 3 acres,has an existing home and to be
retained by owner. The second lot is proposed to be 1.93 acre vacant lot for sale. Pursuant to Chapter 183 of the Zoning Ordinance,
subdivision of land shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought for lot size. Planning Board
shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Applicant(s) NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS Application Type Site Plan 12-2017
Owner(s) I� Kubricky Construction Corp. SEQR Type I Unlisted
Agent(s) Centerline Communications;Phillips Lot size 9.38 acres(portion of)
Location 1359 Ridge Road Ward: 1 Zoning Classification: MDR
Tax ID No .... �. 279.-1-4„8 .... .... .... Ordinance Reference 179-5, 179-9. .... .... .... .... .... .',
Cross Reference I SP 55-2015,UV 57-2015 Warren Co.Referral I Febru 2017
.... .... ary
Public Hearing I n/a for recommendation Site Information I APA
Project Description:Applicant proposes to construct a telecommunications facility - 130' monopole with 9 antennas,associated
equipment shelter and pad all within a fenced area. Pursuant to Chapter 179-5& 179-9 of the Zoning Ordinance Telecommunication
Towers shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Use Variance required as telecommunications facilities are
not allowed in a MDR zone. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Applicant(s) RONALD&CYNTHIA Application Type Site Plan 9-2017
Owner(s) Same as applicant SEQR Type T pell
Agent(s) Hutchins Engineering Lot size 0..81 acre
Location I 9 Glen Hall Drive Ward: 1 I Zoning Classification: WR
Tax ID No. 289.11-1-33 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040, 179-5-020, 179-6-060
Cross Reference SP 9-2014 garage/addition/septic; 74-
Warren Co.Referral n/a
2014 garage;PZ 59-2016 garage
Public Hearing n/a for recommendation Site Information CEA
Project Description: Applicant proposes construction of a 440 sq.ft.garage with overhead storage. The project includes removal of 155
sq.ft. shed,site grading and a retaining wall.Project occurs within 50 ft.of 15%slopes. Pursuant to chapter 179-3-040& 179-5-020 of
the Zoning Ordinance,construction within 50 ft.of 15%slopes shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance:
Relief is sought for side setbacks and second garage. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals.
New Business:
Applicant(s) STEVE SCOVILLE Application Type Subdivision Preliminary Stage 4-2017
Subdivision Final Stage 5-2017
Owner(s) Little Tree Property II,LLC SEQR Type Unlisted
Agent(s) Vision Engineering Lot size I 11.22 acres
Location I 294 Quaker Road/Everts Avenue Ward: 2 I Zoning Classification: Cl
Tax ID No. I 302.8-2-66.1 Ordinance Reference I Chapter 183
Cross Reference SP 74-2010 Seasonal produce stand; Warren Co.Referral n/a
PZ 2-2002 Zoning Chg.; SUB 3-1999
3 lot sub.;2009-126 demo of burned
Public Hearing February14,2017 Site Information wetlands
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Project Description: Applicant proposes to subdivide 11.2 acre parcel into 3 lots. Lot 1 —3.018 acres Hewitt's,Lot 2—3.262 new self-
storage facility with 5 self-storage blocks,and Lot 3—4.930 acres existing residence. Site Plan/Special Use Permit is required for self-
storage Waiver is requested from sketch plan.Pursuant to Chapter 183 of the Zoning Ordinance,subdivision of land shall be subject to
Planning Board review and approval.
Applicants) STEVE SCOVILLE Application Type Site Plan 11-2017
Special Use Permit 2-2017
Freshwater Wetlands Permit 1-2017
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Owe (s) tt e Tree o ertes C SEQR
Type Unlisted
Agent(s) I Vision Engineering Lot size I 3.262 acres
Location Everts Avenue Ward: 2 Zonin Classification: Cl
Tax ID No. I 302.8-2-66.1 Ordinance Reference I 179-3-040, 179-10
Cross Reference SUB 4-2017& SUB 5-2017 Warren Co.Referral Fru 2017
Public Hearing February 14,2017 Site Information Wetlands
Project Description: Applicant proposes construction of five self-storage blocks—1)30' x 210',2)30 x 210',3)25'x 210',4)25' x 200'
and 5) 180' x 20'—total units 224+/-. Project includes disturbance of 2.5 acres,site work and new access from Everts Avenue.
Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040& 179-10 of the Zoning Ordinance,self-storage units shall be subject to Planning Board review and
A lis PRIMELIN INC. Application Type Site Plan 8-2017
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Owner(s) T& M Jacobs Pro erties,LLC SEQR Type Unlisted
Agent(s) n/a Lot size 5.,38 acres
Location 643 Glen Street Ward: 2 Zonin Classification: Cl
Tax ID No. 302.11-1-2 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040
Cross Reference SP 41-2003 fence/landscaping; SP Warren Co.Referral February 2017
42-2005 warehouse; AV 64-2006
storage bldg.
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Project Description: Applicant proposes to lease 1,843 sq.ft.first floor interior space of an existing building 27,488 sq.ft. (footprint),
31,182 sq.ft. (floor area). Project is intended for a new tenant—no changes to interior,building exterior or site. Pursuant to Chapter
179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance,adding a tenant to an existing building shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval.
-Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board-