1989-07-11 19
JULY 11, 1989
7:35 P.M.
PGul NGylor, Dove llc;tin
PRESS: G.F. Post Star, ChGnnel 8
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-Would like to welcome back Councilman George Kurosaka.
COUNCILMAN KUROSAKA-Thank you, it is great to be back home among family and friends.
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-Noted that the Town Board will hold a Special Town Board meeting
tomorrow, Wednesdoy, July 12th, in the Supervisor Conference room to conduct any further
business that may come before the Board, along with a request to hold an executive session
regarding pending litigGtion with Saratoga Associates.
7:40 P.M.
iUPERVISOR BORGOS-Is there anyone who wishes to speak to make any comments whatever
—7•elated to the proposed changes in the ordinance of number 34? 1 believe the major thrust
of this is to make into a violation rather than a misdemeanor, the penalty for exceeding the
speed limit in those Greas. Currently the wGy the law is written its a misdemeanor which
carries with it G jail term potentially. The change would make it G violation which would
carry hopefully G very heGvy fine. Anyone who wishes to speak for or against or in any wGy
about that particulGr item? Any members of the Board wishes to speak about this?
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Yes Steve, you just brought up a point that I had thought of and
I wonted to ask Paul about it. In the ordinance as it is now on the books, whet provision is
there,in there for fining?
ATTORNEY DUSEK-1 believe there is up to a one hundred dollar fine. It is set by the Judge
however, the exGct amount.
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-Are there any other comments from anyone? Hearing none, public
RESOLUTION NO. 363, Introduced by Betty Monahan who moved for its adoption, seconded
by Ronald Montesi.
WHF_REAS, Ordinance No. 34 of the Town of Queensbury reguiGtes the speed of mechanically
propelled vessels in the GreGs of Sandy Bay, Warner Boy, Assembly Point, and Harris Boy,
WHEREAS, it GppeGrs appropriate to amend, supplement, change, undlor modify staid Ordinance
to delete the provision set forth in Section No. 2 providing for imprisonment for violation
of the five mile cn hour (5 mph) speed limit in the areas of Sandy Buy, Warner Bay, Assembly
Point, and Harris Bay, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury duly called a public hearing for the
consideration of the Gforesaid amendment and duly gave notice thereof required by law, and
WHEREAS, scid public hearing w(,s held by this Town Bo(,rd of the Town of Queensbury (,t
the Activities Center, B(,y ut Huvil(,nd Road, Queensbury, New York, on the 22nd day of June,
RESOL VED, that the Ordinance No. 34 of the Town of Queensbury is hereby (,mended so that
the provision set forth in Section No. 2 providing for imprisonment for violation of the five
mile (,n hour (5 mph) speed limit in the areas of S(,ndy B(,y, Warner Bay, Assembly Point,
(,nd ll(,rris B(,y, be deleted, (,nd
RESOLVED, th(,t s(,id amendment and change will take effect immediately, and —"
RESOLVED, th(,t the s(,id (,mendment be entered in the minutes of the July 11, 1989 meeting
of the Town Bo(,rd of the Town of Queensbury, (,nd that the Town Clerk publish (, certified
copy of the amendment of the ordinance in the official newspaper of the Town and publish
such notices as m(,y he required by law.
Duly cdopted this 17th duy of July, 7989, by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kuros(,ka, Mrs. Potenz(,, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. h1on(,h(,n, Mr. Borgos
Noes: None
Absent: None
SECTION 2. A violation of this ordinance is hereby declared to be an offense punishable
by a fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars or by imprisonment for not exceeding thirty
(A.Vs orb both such fine_(,nd imprisonment for (, conviction of a first offense; by a fine of
not less th(,t7 Fifty Dollars nor more than Two Hundred Dollars or by imprisonment for not i
exceeding ninety days orb both such fine (,nd imprisonment or conviction of a second offense
committed within a period of eighteen months; by (, fine not less than One Hundred Dollars
nor more than Five Hundred Dollars or by imprisonment for not exceeding one hundred eighty
dugs, or by both such fine and imprisonment for conviction of a third or subsequent offense
committed within (, period of eighteen months.
7:45 P.M.
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-The main thrust of this purticul(,r proposed amendment is to increase
to the mt,ximum level permitted by the State law, the (,mount of income individuals, sixty-five
or older may have quc:lified for un exemption from the Town tax. This does not refer to school
tax or special district taxes. in addition to what has been true in the past where there w(,s
an income limit and if you are under that, to fill out (, form, you prove th(,t you are under
thcA li;r,it, you'd get fifty percent reduction in your Town taxes. You m(,y now by (, sliding
scale which is also permissible by the State law and which we are proposing to go to the maximum
o,?, im,y earn up to (,s much (,s fifteen thousand twenty-five dollars and still receive (, twenty
pf,rc oW reduction► in the Town portion of the t(,x. That is wh(,t this public he(,ring is about.
Anvor►e wishing to speak for or (,gainst or ask questions about is requested to speck at this
tune. Pleuse state your name (,nd uddress. Anyone here to speak about the over sixty-five
cxennptions? I'll simply indicate that I'm very happy that we've got this. i hope the rest of
the Board c.grees. For some time we've felt th(,t the need to assist our seniors every w(,y
possible. We've checked the l(,w and this is the m(,ximum allowable number. We'll do the
best cve can. i would encour(,ge you to go to the school bo(,rd to see if they would adopt the
s(,me philosophy, that would help in m(,ny more dollars to your tax burden. Any other Board
member wish to speck (bout this?
COUNCILMAN K UROSAKA-It's been the philosophy of the Bo(,rd since I've been on it.
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-it's been the philosophy of the Bo(,rd, that's right, for a few years
and we've finally got it planned. Hearing no further discussion, we'll close the public hearing.
RESOLUTION NO. 364, Introduced by George Kurosuku who moved for its adoption, seconded
by Marilyn Potenzo.
WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 23 of the Town of Queensbury exempts persons 65 years or older
from Town of Queensbury real property taxes, and
WHEREAS, it uppeors uppropriote to amend, supplement, change, and/or modify said Ordinance
o roise the income level below which owners can qualify for the exemption to $12,025.00
nd to add o new Section No. 3, and
WHEREAS, the Town Bourd of the Town of Queensbury duly culled a public hearing for the
consideration of the aforesaid amendment and duly gave notice thereof required by law, and
WHEREAS, suid public hearing was held by this Town Board of the Town of Queensbury of
the Activities Center, Buy at Havilond Rood, Queensbury, New York on the 11th day of July,
RESOLVED, that Ordinance No. 23 of the Town of Queensbury is hereby amended to raise
the income level below which owners can qualify for the exemption to $12,025.00 and to add
o new section No. 3, a copy of soid amendments presented at this meeting, and
RESOL VED, that said amendment and change will take effect immediately, and
RESOL VED, that the said umencmenL' b%� en'ered in the minutes of the July 11, 1989 meeting
of the Town Bourd of the T-wn of Queensbury, and that the Town Clerk publish u certified
ropy of the omendment of the Ordinance in the official newspaper of the Town and publish
>uch notices os may be required by low.
Duly adopted this 11 th day of July, 1989, by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosoko, Mrs. PotenzG, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monuhon, Mr. Borgos
Noes: None
Absent: None
(b) The income of the owner or combined income of the owners must not exceed Twelve
Thousund Twenty Five Dollars for the income tax year immediately preceding the date of
making the application for exemption. Income tax year shall mean the Twelve month period
for which the owners filed a federal personal income tax return, or if no such return is filed,
the culendur year.
To increase the maximum income eligibility level authorized by law and the aforesaid
proposed amendment to the extent provided in the following schedule:
More than $12,025.00 but
less than $12,525.00 45 per centum
$12,525.00 or more but
less than $13,025.00 40 per centum
$13,025.00 or more but
less thu,n $13,525.00 35 per centum
$13,525.00 or more, but
less then $14,025.00 30 per centum
$74,025.00 or more but
less then $14,525.00 25 per centum
$14,525.00 or more but
less then $75,025.00 20 per centum
COUNCILMAN MONA HA N-Suggested that flyers notifying people of the Gmendment be circulated
c.nd some posted in the Activities Center.
7:50 P.M.
SUPL-IZVISOR BORGOS-This is the public hearing regarding the tax status Gnd disillusioned
status Grid IRS provisions for the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Deportment. We've
discussed this in the past. Perhaps Attorney Pontiff who is with us this evening, I think on
this item, would be willing to very briefly summarize the purpose of what is proposed here.
PAUL PONTIFF-I'm an attorney for Queensbury CentrGl Volunteer Fire Company, office
at One Washington Street, Glens Falls. The Queensbury CentrGl Volunteer Fire Company,
although in substance, meeting the requirements for r, tax exempt organization, has never
obtained (, qualification letter from Internal Revenue Service. It is pertinent that they do
that, that in order to realize the benefits of tGx exempt status in the wGy of sbvings for sG/es
taxes and other items which would not be chargeable to tax exempt organizations. Also to
encourage contributions from some organizations which require that they submit G tGx exempt
letter from Internal Revenue in order to satisfy thei, requirements that they Gre making
a contribution to a tax exempt organization. So there for we are Emending the certificate
of', we have applied to Internal Revenue for G tax e):.?mpt status Grid to obtGin G qualification
letter from Internal Revenue. They require certain language in the certificate of incorporation
upon dissolution. That is to protect the Gssets of M.? corporation from ever Gccruing to the
benefit of Gny members of the corporation and u/ti 17ately upon dissolution of the corporation
_going to a like organization so thGt it preserves the 'status of tax exempt category for the
assets of the corporation should it ever dissolve. In order to Gccomplish that the state IGw
requires that a certificate of amendment Gs does c. certificcte of incorporation for a volunteer
fire company under the non for profit corporation law, be Gpproved by, lifter being signed I
and authorized by the membership End the Board q the fire company which has been done,
has to he approved by G Justice of Supreme Court, 'which is G fairly preform bpproach. You
hand it to the Judge and tell him what it is and he normally signs it. It also requires the GpprovGl
of the Town Board or the Village Board or the City Common Council, where ever the fire
company is operating, in which ever municipality the fire company is operating in. In this
case they are operating in the Town of Queensbury. So therefore it requires the GpprovGl
of the Town Board for the amendment of the certificate of the fire company Gnd in order
to have the (,pproval of the Town Board, the !Gw requires G public heGring Gnd thGt is why
we are here tonight. The language of the Gmendment Gs the dissolution says that the corporation
can not distribute its assets upon dissolution to any organization other then co similGr or like
organization and it puts that kind of distribution within the control of the Supreme Court
Of the State of New York. It Glso provides that the corporation cGn not engage in Gny_politicbl
Gctivity, that is, foster or institute or aggravate or solicit political Gctivity of Gny sort. ThGt
is to prohibit the tax exempt status for such types of organizations, Gnd the statue under
the fraternal Revenue Code requires it Gnd thGt's part of the lGngucge of the Gmendment.
If Gnvbody has any questions, i'// be hGppy to Gnswer them.
SUPF_RViSOR BORGOS-Thank you, that was concise.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Paul, l Glready asked PGu/ Dusek this Gnd just to get it on the
.record and I know he talked to you. I had G question. So often we use the fire houses for
neighborhood meetings to get feed beck ....Gs we did MEster PIGn Gnd so on Gnd so forth.
I'm assuming this language would no way prohibit that type of activity.
AIR. PONTIFF-This language in no way prohibits the use of the fire station for community '
activities such (,s holding a polling place or meetings such Gs you Gre discussing becGuse they
are not the type of political activity that is defined in the statue.
COUNCIL AAN MONAHAN-1 would call to your attention, Paul, on this Gffidavit on the back,
sever(,/ Board member's names (,re spelled wrong.
AIR. PONTIFF-That's very possible.
COUNCILMAN ,'l-1ONAIIAN--Before you finGlize th(,t.
MR. PONTIFF-Well I hGve the original here which I will ask to be signed but we'll correct
the names, once we get the correct spellings, I'll get them to Paul. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-Thank you very much. Any questions from anyone, any comments,
other than the fGct you don't like the rules and regulations and all the process that we have
to go through. Hearing none, public hearing closed.
RESOLUTION NO. 365, introduced by Ronald Montesi who moved for its adoption, seconded
by Marilyn PotenzG.
WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury presently has G contract with the Queensbury Central
Volunteer Fire Company, Inc., wherein the said Fire Company has agreed to provide fire protection
services for o certain GreG of the fire protection district located within the Town of Queensbury,
WHEREAS, the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Company, Inc., is presently desirous of
amending its Certificate of Incorporation to include paragraphs 8, 9, and 10 which pertain
to the distribution of assets upon dissolution of the corporation, as required by the Internal
Revenue Service and a copy of the Certificate of Amendment of the Certificate of Incorporation
of the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Company, Inc., having been presented to this meeting,
WHEREAS, G public hearing wus duly held on July 11, 1989, at 7:30 p.m., in the Queensbury
Activities Center Gnd all persons interested in the subject thereof were heard,
. i
RESOL VED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby approves and consents
to the said Certificate of Amendment of the Certificate of Incorporation of the Queensbury
Central Volunteer Fire Company, Inc., Gs the some are presented to this meeting and consents
to the filing of the same.
Duly adopted this 11th day of July, 1989, by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosako, Mrs. Potenzo, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos
Noes: None
Absent: None
7:58 P.M.
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-This next public hearing deals with on amendment to the sanitary
sewage disposal ordinance. 11l1 Gsk Mr. HGtin, our Building and Codes Enforcement Director
to please come up Gnd briefly tell us what this is.
DAVE HA TIN, Director of Building and Codes-Basically what this is is G holding tank provision
in the ordinance to set up specifications for the size of the tank to be installed, the alarm
system to be installed with that system and basically provide the Town with some ensurance
that if we do have holding tGnks that there is some control over them. I don't know if the
Board has the proposed amendments in front of them. One of the things is for year round
use, the person will have to seek a variance, it will not be a standard for a year round home.
There Gre Glso some provisions in here that the person must show G contract with a licensed
hauler for the holding tank, just so that there is safety added into it. The alarm...as specified
in there, i think it's pretty good Gnd I believe that we are one of the few Towns in the area
that has this, maybe the first.
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-Let me just ask you G question. I received notice that Lake George
Pt;rk Commission has instituted or will be instituting I believe on emergency basis their new
rules and regulations related to septic systems within o thousand feet and eventually three
thousand feet of LGke George. Will this holding tank qualify to meet their approving requirements.
AIR. IIATIN-1 haven't even seen the requirements Steve.
94NCiI.A-iA N MONA HA N-Nobody hos seen the requirements...
SUPFRVISOR BORGOS-i've given you c, list I believe of storm wc:ter...
AIR. HATiN-ThGt wus storm w(iter, septic wGs not on there.
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-They didn't hove septic requirements...
COUNCILMAN MONA14AN-1 w(is ut G meeting the other day Gnd 1 understand thct the Commission
hus not yet received them. It was a// G rumor whet was going to be...
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-1 either saw it in today's newspaper or whatever.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Yes, today's newspaper had on Grticle on it.
AIR. HA TIN-We may want to forward a copy of this to them.
COUNCILMAN MONAIIAN-But what I'm saying is, nobody has had a chance to look o them
and evaluate them.
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-We've got a concern. I'll ask our Town Attorney, if the Lake George
Park Commission does impose their regulations, do they enforce it? The newspaper or whoever
orticle i read, said they plan to enforce. Does their right of enforcement supersede our right
of enforcement?
ATTORNEY DUSEK-in this particular case what would happen, the more strict rules would
prevail. So it their rules are stricter they would in turn have the obligation to enforce those
rules. If_our rules are stricter, we would have the obligation to enforce ours to the extent
possible...both agencies work together.
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-Whet I saw written today indicated that people with Gny kind of a
septic system within those distances from the /Gke, have to apply for G' remove of three year
permit and pay (i fee of one hundred fifty dollars was the base fee for three years plus a lGrger
fee i f it goes above a thousand gallons.
COUNCILMAN AIONA IIA N-There Is clot more to It then then Steve. I think those rules Gnd
regulations are going to go under Glot of fleck.
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-1 would think they would hove to be publicized cnd be the subject
of public hearing.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-The meeting thGt I was o the other day, just going by, people —
were discussing the rules that they had heard, was kind of following today's pGper, some of
them being pretty...
COUNCILMAN MONTESI-Maybe this is (in opportunity that the Board should direct thGt Steve
send o letter to Mr. White who is the Chairman of the LGke George Perk Association with
u copy of our new ordinGnce if in fact we Gre on the leGding edge of lecding theway with
holding tanks. Perhaps it would be nice if we sent them an ordinance Gnd said here's G copy
of our ordinance, your the first to have them, we think it's fine and proper Gnd probably the
bast thing you con do with ...is to have G uniform set of standards.
MR. HA TIN-It would make it easier for me.
COUNCILMAN MONTESI-It sure would. I mean becGuse if their ordinGnce, if we follow the
tr(Jo of thought thGt Paul just said to us, if their's is more strict, which code book do you
take with you Gnd which do you enforce, (ire's or theirs?
COUNCILMAN KUROSAKA-It depends on whether it is in the Pork or not. If it's not in the
Pork, we use our's to enforce.
A T TOR NE Y O USEK-The other thing I should point out...we'd be enforcing our's and the LGke
George Park Commission would be enforcing theirs.
COUNCILMAN MONTESI-Right, I'm saying there could be duel responsibility there. The
-guy would get by us and not by them.
COUNCILMAN KUROSAKA-Where did you get this?
AiR. HA TIN--Rist-Frost is the one that drafted this up for me, Tom NGce...
COUNCILMAN KUROSAKA-They did G good job on it.
MR. HA TIN-They did on excellent job. They think it's a very good start and think it will work.
SUPER VISOR BORGOS-Thank you very much. Any other questions or comments from any
member of the public or any member of the Board?
HENR Y 14EYM-1 own the Costowoy Marino on LGke George. How does that effect holding
tanks that are there previously? We've had o tank on our property for fifteen years that I've
owned the property.
NR. HA TIN-Any existing system would be the some as an existing septic system, as long
--7:s they don't fail they continue to be maintained. If they do foil, they do have to meet the
new regulations and this would apply.
SUPER VISOR BORGOS-Thank you. Any other comments or questions? If not, we're ready
to close that public hearing.
RESOLUTION NO. 366, Introduced by Betty Monahan who moved for its adoption, seconded
by George Kurosako. .
WHEREAS, the Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance was adopted on May 11, 1982 and included
a provision defining holding tanks and setting the standards for said tanks, and
WHEREAS, it appears appropriate to amend, supplement, change, and/or modify said Ordinance
to redefine "holding tanks" in Section 2.020, and to change the standards for said tanks in
Article 3 of said Ordinance, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury duly called a public hearing for the
consideration of the aforesaid amendment and duly gave notice thereof required by law, and
WHEREAS, said public hearing was held by this Town Board of the Town of Queensbury at
the Activities Center, Boy at Havilond Road, Queensbury, New York on the i lth day of July,
RESOLVED, that the Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance of the Town of Queensbury is hereby
amended so that Section 2.020 defining "holding tanks" is changed and Article 3 setting the
standards for said tanks is modified, G copy of said amendment presented to this meeting,
RESOLVED, that said amendment and change will take effect immediately, and
RESOL VED, that the said amendment be entered in the minutes of the July 11, 1989 meeting
of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, and that the Town Clerk publish a certified
copy of the Gmendment of the Ordinance in the official newspaper of the Town and publish
stic:h notices as moy be required by law.
Duly adopted this 11th day of July, 1989, by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosoko, Mrs. Potenzo, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos
Noes: None
Absent: None
(Copy of Gmendment Gttoched to minutes)
RESOLUTION NO. 367, Introduced by Morilyn Potenzo who moved for its adoption, seconded
by George Kurosoka.
RESOL VED, th(t the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby culls buck onto the floor
Duly adopted this 11th day of July, 1989, by the following vote:
Ayes: ILIr. KurosakG, Mrs. Potenzc., Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahcn
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstc,in: Mr. Borgos
8:02 P.M.
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-Anyone here wishes to speck for or cguinst the erection of the Bedford
Close IVc.ter District extension which is going to be in the c.rec of cpproximutely thirteen
c.cres, I believe, that wcs previously omitted from thGt district for some strange reason?
COUNCILMAN MONTESI-Steve, my only comment is that if this public herring Gnd the resolution
come to the floor for c. vote, it's excepted, there is just one smell point, there is some letter
that you hGve to sign cn Gpplicction to send on to ENCON which needs to be done, yes, pert
of this orderly process...
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-P.ight, I think th(t's specified here in the resolution end there is c
copy Gttcched. That would be pert of the resolution. Anyone else who wishes to speck?
MR. PLINEY TUCKER-West Queensbury. I'm a little confused. I thought we did this the
last meeting, this wcter district.
SUPERVISOR BOR GOS-We had a discussion of setting the public hearing c.nd we did have
L public heGring, Mr. Dusek will explcin this, I discussed this with him ecrlier todGy. Would
you expl(in why we hod to hold another public herring cfter we held the other one?
ATTORNEY DUSEK-Originc.11y, that is correct, we held r public hearing Gs wus required
to estc.blish this perticulc.r water district. When we held the public heGring we were .... to
( particul(r section in the Icw, in this perticulcr ruse it's Grticle 12A of the Town LGw. At
thc.t time we were utilizing cn older formulG or method of erecting the district. After some
discussion with the cppliccnt, the Board, etceterc, it was decided thct`...it would be in the
better interest of the Town to estcblish the district pursuing to the newer section of the
l(w tlrc.t was passed in 1987 which the Town hGs not utilized us far us I con recall to dote.
What this new section in the Icw does, is tallow the Town not only to create the district but
Glso consolidate it ct the sane time. Which in-effect mecns the district is crested Gnd they...Gnd
they stcrt paying the s(me rate ('s everybody else in the consolidcted water district. So it's
felt that it's an advcntcge to the Town...(tc,pe ch(,nged)
COUNCILMAN MON TESI-...different sets of books Gnd etch time you send G' guy out to fix
c. pipe on ( particu/cr section of rood, if it was in c consolidated district, you use one set,
if it w(s in the West Glens Fells section, you'd have to use, you'd have to do c whole set of
accounting for ecch one of these districts. About three years Ggo we consolidcted c whole
bunch of those districts into one, into the centrGl one end now cs Pcu1 points out there's some
new law of legislation on the books the chows you to do thct immedictely. Those people
shore the burden of the cGpitc.l cost of the water trectment plcnt right off the bet.
MR. TUCKER-Let me clarify this for my own mind. Clendon Brook Water District. This
was a district thGt was put in after the development was Gll done. You people understrnd
the situation. At the time that wGS done, the cost to do thct wGs clot more then the cost...I
got into the wcter district. Now consolidation of c district like thct is in to the regular district,
do the people thGt are c.lready in the district hGve to pick up that sdditionuf cost? How is
tht.t figured?
1 ,
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-Thct is totally sepsrcte. We did hGve twelve or thirteen waster districts,
we ere down to five or six at the moment. Clendon Brook is not, nothing is being consolidcted
Gt the moment. We're just saying this new piece to be lidded will be consolidcted into our
/Grge wcter, one. If Clendon Brook were to be consolidated with the others. Number one,
there hc.s to be mother public hearing, we'd hGve to hove some GnGlysis of the dollGr impact
on the typical resident c.nd ct that time we would determine the formula or people here would
determine whet the impact would be. The only time you'd normclly consolidate is when the
typical tax burden on the udvulorem basis or the assessed value basis comes pretty close to
what the consoliduted district is. That's o good time to bring everybody,together and help
everybody shore in one item. Right now the other water districts out there are quite u bit
distant dollar wise from the consolidated water district. We'll watch, us they come close,
Mot's the time to do consolidation.
MR. TUCKER-If 1 understand it correctly, this thing .... will be paid for by the developer...
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-The developer is going to pay for the entire churge of building it.
What lie is not going to do is be paying a huge sum of money us hus been done in the post
few developments us a buy in charge to the plant and then leaving zero capital expenditure
'to the homeowners. What we've done, Paul has done most of the work, come up with a formula
thut would soy, this is what the reasonable buy in charge will be and in addition there will
be u capitol expense to the homeowners us port of their tax bill, us port of the consolidated
districts, that will lower the cost to everybody. It seems to make a lot of sense, it saves
on bookkeeping but it also helps to shore the cost.
COUNCILMAN IL1ONTESI-Pliney, that Clendon Ridge is really u good one, if the rate there
is three dollars per thousand and the consolidated district is u buck fifty per thousand, as I
the consolidated district grows to a dollar fifty, sixty, seventy, and Clendon Ridge comes
down, as it gets closer, and that's what happen when Tom brought it to our attention, there
were five or six districts that were very close, so we consolidated them. Clendon Ridge would
come in--too but only after they hove paid if you will, their fair share of their capitol cost,
which were high for that...
MR. TUCKER-1 understand...
COUNCILMAN MONTESI-That balancing act is something we look ut every year and as Steve
says I think there's five left that aren't consolidated but that is a big improvement over having
twelve or thirteen.
MR. TUCKER-This formula will not apply to on area that is already developed and they decide
that they wont to form a water district, correct?
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-It will apply to any new water district extension, is that correct?
ATTORNEY DUSEK-Right. This is designed to apply to only extension districts. if you hove
o sepurote district, like Hilund Pork is a separate district, they wouldn't be effected by this
COUNCILMAN MONTESI-See some extensions require a greut deal of capital investment.
For instance, if you were going to put in a new district, something that the residents not
the developer wonted, but the residents wanted, it be a tremendous amount of capital cost
for putting that pipe in the ground, that the developer wasn't going to pay for and that group
of people would shore that burden just like Clendon Ridge. This is a smaller extension. We're
looking at maybe doing a mop, plan and report for Easy Street and Eldridge Avenue, again
small developments that can handle this type of capital expenditure, and that's one that we'll
hove to weigh the capitol cost on that one because we'll be putting the piping, not the developer.
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-True. That should be coming before us fairly quickly.
AIR. TUCKER-Thank you.
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-Thank you. Okay that takes cure of the public hearings. We hove
u resolution related to that.
RESOLUTION NO. 368, Introduced by Marilyn Potenza who moved for its adoption, seconded
by Ronald Montesi.
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury is presently considering the approval
and outhorizotion of on extension to the Queensbury Consolidated Water District, such extension
to be known os the Queensbury Consolidated Water District - Bedford Close Extension, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has previously directed by resolution
that notice be sent to all involved agencies indicating that it was necessary to agree on lead
agency, and
WHEREAS, other involved agencies, the Department of Health, and the Department of Environmentul
Conservation have indicated that they have no objection to the Town of Queensbury being
lead agent, and the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury is thereby duly qualified to act
us lead agent with respect to compliance with SEQRA,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby establishes itself as
lead agent, and
RESOL VED, that after review of the mop, plan and report for the proposed Bedford Close
Water District Extension and the Environmental Assessment Form prepared in connection
with this action for possible environmental impacts and after reviewing, in particular, Section
617. 11 of the Rules and Regulations of the Department of Environmental Conservation, the
Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby determines that the environmental effects
of the proposed Bedford Close Water District Extension will not be significant, and
RESOL VED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adopts the annexed determination
of non-significance and hereby authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to sign, execute,
and place the seal of the Town of Queensbury upon the same, and
RESOL VED, that copies of this resolution and notice of determination shall be filed with
the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury and the negative declurution shall be filed with
the following:
1) The Commissioner of Environmental Conservation; 2) The appropriate regional office
of the Department of Environmental Conservation; 3) The Town Supervisor of the Town
of Queensbury; ✓I) The New York State Department of Health.
Duly adopted this 1 ith day of July, 1989, by the following vote:
Ayes: Mrs. Potenzo, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: Mr. Kurosaku
NO. 6
RESOLUTION NO. 369, Introduced by Marilyn Potenza who moved for its adoption, seconded
by Ronald Montesi.
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury is desirous of establishing on extension
to the Queensbury Consolidated Water District, and
WHEREAS, a map, plan and report has been prepared regarding the said extension of the
existing Queensbury Consolidated Water District, such extension to serve an area to the north
of Corinth Road, and to the east of West Mountain Road, near u high density residential development
known as Bedford Close, such area consisting of approximately 18.27 acres and being further
development of said Bedford Close Subdivision, and
WHEREAS, said proposed w0er district extension will include u portion of Bedford Close
known us .Section No. 6 that is not located in the Queensbury Consolidated Water District,
WHEREAS, the map, plan and report hove been filed in the Town Clerk's Office in the Town
and are uvuiluble for public inspection, and
WHEREAS, the map, plan and report were prepared by Kestner Engineers, P.C., One Kestner
Lane, Troy, New York 12180, a competent engineering firm, licensed by the State of New
York, showing the boundaries of the proposed extension of the Queensbury Consolidated Water
District, and a general plan of the water system, and a report of the proposed water system
and method of operation, and
WHEREAS, the map shows the water mains, gate valves, and hydrants, together with the
locution and a general description of all public works existing or required, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury held a public hearing on July 11, 1989
concerning the establishment of said water district extension ut which time all persons interested
were afforded on opportunity to be heard, and
WHEREAS, the suid Town Board has considered the establishment of said district extension
I n accordance with the provisions of the State Environmental Quality Review Act and has
dopted a negutive declaration concerning environmental impacts,
RESOLVED, that it is the determination of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, that
1) notice of said public hearing was published and posted as required by law and is otherwise
sufficient; 2) it is in the public interest to establish, authorize, and approve the Queensbury
Consolidated Water District - Bedford Close Extension as the some has been described in
the mop, pion and report on file with the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury and us more
specifically described herein; 3) all property, property owners, and interested persons within
said extension are benefited thereby; 4) aU property and property owners benefited are included
in said extension; and 5) pursuant to Section 206-a of the Town Law of the State of New York,
it is in the public interest to assess all expenses of the district, including all extensions heretofore
or hereafter established us a charge against the entire area of the district us extended and
it is in the public interest to extend the district only if all expenses of the district shall be
ussessed against the entire district us extended, and
RESOL VED, that:
1. The Queensbury Consolidated Water District - Bedford Close Extension be and the some
is hereby authorized, upproved and established in accordance with the boundaries and descriptions
set forth in the previously described map, plan and report, and construction of the improvement
may proceed and service provided, subject to the following:
a) the obtaining of necessary permits or approvals from the Board of Health;
b) the obtaining of the necessary permits from the Deportment of Environmental Conservution;
c) a permissive referendum in the manner provided in Article 7 of the Town Law of
the State of New York;
d) the adoption of a final Order by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury.
2. The boundaries of the extension of the Queensbury Consolidated Water District are as
BEGINNING of a point where the North East corner of the Bedford Close Water District
intersects the existing line of the Queensbury Consolidated Water District on the North side
of Corinth Rood. Suid point being N770-22'-40W; 205.83' from the intersection with the
North right-of-way line of Corinth Road,
Thence running S420-50'-20"W; 293.31' to a point;
Thence S420-50'-20"W; 198.75' to a point;
Thence S430-21'-50"W; 707.09' to a point; -
Thence N80 0--26'-49"W; 770.38' to a point;
Thence N040-08'-30"W; 207.391 to a point;
Thence N841)-28'-10"W; 59.51' to a point;
Thence N050-18'-20"E; 92.35' to a point;
Thence N770-27'-20"W; 89.05' to a point;
Thence N00°-04'-50"W; 125.00' to a point;
Thence N770-21'-20"W; 22.00' to a point;
Thence N 12°-42'-10"E; 97.56' to a point;
Thence N351)-58'-29"E; 230. 101 to a point;
Thence N060-34'-20"E; 311.25' to u point;
Thence S770-00'-10"E; 387.59' to a point;
Thence S 120-59'-50"W; 269.30' to a point;
Thence S771-22'-40"E; 244.83' to a point;
Thence S7211-371-20"W; 197.97' to a point;
Thence S770-22'-40"E; 648.57' to the point
of beginning and containing 18.27 acres;
3. The improvements proposed are generally wuter distribution facilities for the above
described parcel, said improvements to include water muins gate valves and hydrants and
suid improvements are more fully set forth in the map, plan and report on file with the Town
Clerk of the Town of Queensbury;
4. All proposed new water muins and appurtenances shall be installed by the subdivision
developer and turned over to the Town of Queensbury;
5. All proposed water mains and uppurtenunces Shull be installed in full accordance with
the Town of Queensbury specifications and ordinances and in uccordunce with approved plans
and specifications and under competent engineering supervision;
6. The maximum amount proposed to be expended for the suid improvement is estimated
to be $116,500.00;
7. The method of upportioning the costs is such that the developer of area where the water
district will be situated will pay the costs of installing the wutermuins and appurtenances
necessary to be installed in the district, and the developer will pay oll engineering costs associated
with the engineering of the map, plan and report;
8. There will be no financing of the establishment of the water improvements and district
by the Town of Queensbury or the Queensbury Consoliduted Water District. The developer
will contribute towards existing facilities and parcels in the proposed district and will contribute
toward existing debt of the consolidated water district us herein set forth;
9. The mop, plan and report describing the improvements are on file in the Town Clerk's
Office, for public inspection, and
RESOLVED, thut this resolution is subject to a permissive referendum and the Town Clerk
is hereby authorized and directed to file, post and publish such notice of this Resolution as
muy be required by law.
Duly adopted this 11th day of July, 1989, by the following vote:
Ayes: Mrs. Potenzo, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: Mr. Kurosaka
_RESOLUTION NO. 370, Introduced by Marilyn Potenzu who moved for its cdoption, seconded
by Ronald Montesi.
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury is presently considering the approval
and cuthorizotion of on extension to the Queensbury Consolidated Water District, such extension
to he known us the Queensbury Consolidated Water District - Bedford Close Extension, and
WHEREAS, other involved agencies exist, including the Deportment of Heulth and the Deportment
of Environmental Conservation, and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to file on application for Public Wuter Supply Permit and a joint
opplicotion for permit with the Department of Environmentul Conservation and Deportment
of Heulth, copies of the oforesaid upplicutions being annexed hereto,
RESOL VED, that the Town Bourd of the Town of Queensbury hereby authorizes the Town
Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury to sign and execute the uforesuid applications on behalf
of the Town of Queensbury and the Queensbury Consolidated Water District, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury is hereby authorized to
execute Gny other forms or Gpplications that may be necessary to secure the necessary permits,
including, but not limited to, Gny Environmental Assessment Forms or other forms required
by the StGte Environmental QuGlity Review Act.
Duly Gdopted this 11th day of July, 1989, by the following vote:
Ayes: Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos
foes: None
- lbsent: None
Abstain: Mr. Kurosuka `
RESOLUTION NO. 371, Introduced by Marilyn Potenza who moved for its adoption, seconded
by George KurosGku.
RESOI_ VED, that the Town Board of the Town Queensbury hereby revoke Resolution No. 365
Duly Gdopted this 11th day of July, 1989, by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosuko, Mrs. Potenzo, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos
Noes: None
Absent: None
tESOLUTION NO. 365, Introduced by Marilyn Potenza who moved for its adoption, seconded
by George Kurosuku.
WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury presently has a contract with the Queensbury Central
Volunteer Fire Company, Inc., wherein the said Fire Company has agreed to provide fire protection
services for a certain area of the fire protection district located within the Town of Queensbury,
WHEREAS, the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Company, Inc., is presently desirous of
Gmending its Certificate of Incorporation to include paragraphs 8, 9, and 10 which pertain
to the distribution of Gssets upon dissolution of the corporation, Gs required by the Internal
Revenue Service and o copy of the Certificate of Amendment of the Certificate of Incorporation
of the Queensbury CentrGl Volunteer Fire Company, Inc., having been presented to this meeting,
WHEREAS, a public hearing was duly held on July 11, 1989, at 7:30 p.m., in the Queensbury
Activities Center and all persons interested in the subject thereof were heard,
RESOL VED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby approves and consents
to the said Certificate of Amendment of the Certificate of Incorporation of the Queensbury
CentrGl Volunteer Fire Company, Inc., as the some are presented to this meeting Grid consents
f the filing of the same. {
�9uly adopted this 11th dGy of July, 1989, by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. KurosokG, Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: Mr. Borgos
HENR Y HEYA1-Owner of the CGstoway Morino, LGke George. Would like the Town Board
to reconsider the use of port-u-johns in the Town of Queensbury.
Mit-11IATIN-Noted Local Low No. 2 of 1987, prohibiting port-u-johns for permanent use other
than five day events or construction sites.
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-I thought there was some talk of consideration for allowing these
on a temporary basis while a permanent system was being put in?
MR. IIATIN-1 drafted that together for the Town Attorney and waiting for him to look it
MR. HEYM-That won't help me. My problem is that I have a permanent facility that I allow
my patrons to use, but would like the port-o-john available for everyone else's use. It is basically
needed on the weekends four months out of the year.
COUNCILMAN POTENZA--1 would support this for the marina's. I would hope the Board and
Town Attorney could put something together to allow these.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Noted concern over not having sanitary facilities in the port-u-johns.
AIR. HEYM-Noted that he questioned the person who takes cure of my port-o-john on whether
or not G sink could be provided. He told me that sinks can be built in, that they can have
holding tanks for fresh water and that they can be maintained.
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-Agree that we take a look at the Local Low and investigate the possibilities.
Possibly Mr. Hotin could do some research and submit a written report for us.
AIR. PLINEY TUCKER-Referred to previous discussion and resolution regarding Queensbury
Control Volunteer Fire Company. Where in the Town of Queensbury are they contracted
to fight fire?
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-They are contracted to respond to alarms anywhere in the Town of
Queensbury. They have an immediate response neighborhood or area, as does each of the
five fire companies.
AIR. TUCKER-Questioned the figuring of the pay scale for the two upcoming appointments
of account clerk Gnd deputy fire marshal.
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-The pay scale for the senior account clerk has been recommended
Gt the some rate us the union contract ca//s for, for a senior account clerk.
AIR. TUCKER-Referred to discussion at previous Board meeting regarding affordable housing.
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-There is a general comment from the public that we need affordable
housing. We have not token it upon ourselves as the Town Board to go out and create this
housing. We hove been contacted by several developers who indicate that they want to provide
GffordGble housing.
AIR. TUCKER-1 think it's great if there's a demand but not if there's no need.
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-1 feel it should be noted that the Town will not be building anything.
IndividuGls soy there is o need. I personally think there is a need. The developer will be providing
the funding, not the Town.
COUNCILMAN MONTESI-If this causes a developer to request u break in density for this
kind of housing Gnd the Board wishes to grunt that, I feel strongly that the Planning Department
should determine what oreGs Gre best going to be served us affordable housing and specific
criterias for this offordGble housing set up in advance. I feel there should be clot of homework
and ground work done by this Town Board and the Planning Department.
COUNCILMAN K UROSAKA--Alot of people think that affordable housing is subsidizing housing,
subsidize by government. If the state government wants to do subsidize housing, I'm o/I for
it, but I'rn not for the Town funding subsidizing.
SUPER VISOR BOR GOS-We ore ull concerned. We see the need to provide housing for people
who can't Gfford expensive housing so we're trying to gather G// the possible information.
COUNCILMAN MONA HA N-Noted the sludge that was dumped on the roots of the trees at
llovey Pond Gnd expressed concern in the amount of trees thGt111 be killed because of the
cGrelessness of the contractor.
3 `
COUNCILMAN MONTESI-Noted thct two businesses on Route 9, Long John Silver's cnd Pizzc.-
Hut huve requested thct there be cn extension of the sewer line so cs to provide them with
the sewer service. P(-ul is looking into this cnd will provide us with r legc.'l opinion.
DISCUSSION held regc.rding proposed CA Collins Grovel Pit in Fort Ann cnd the position
of the Town Bocrd. Agreed thct Town Attorney Pc-u/ Dusek cttend the APA herrings, present
the position of the Town Bocrd cnd mcke them c.wrre of the Town's concerns of the imposts
effecting the Town of Queensbury with the use of Lee York, Senior Plrnner to testify on
behclf of the Town.
UPER VISOR BORGOS-A couple of people hove celled to my rttention, r portion of rnd I
/LS on the rcdio yesterdcy cnd I got r little of this. A portion of whit I scid rt c meeting
.-7 Hudson Fells, I believe on June 29th rt r joint meeting of the Wcrren Wrshington County
Bocrd of Supervisors relc.ted to the siting of the lrndfill. A little bit wrs in the newspc.per,
c little bit cane over the radio yesterdc.y. A few people hive tc.lked to me including one
unhe,ppy person who sat in my office for c while. Wheat I scid ct thc.t meeting, I should mcke
it clecr, obviously I'd like to get your comments. I wclked into the meeting Cnd with out j
cnybody in the meeting knowing whc.'t the right things were going to be for lrndfill siting
for the two county rrec.. People were me.king comments. The engineer, C.T. ML-le, hc.d the 1
written recommendc.tion th0 the Queensbury site of our present lrndfill be cbso/ute/y dropped
from the list of possible sites. Becruse it is over send rnd grovel c.nd essenticlly cn rquifer. j
I wised my hcnd to mcke the stctement thrt, clthough it is, thrt is rlso the ruse of r number
of plcces where the stcte has grunted c permit. I think thct we should rerlize, c.t lec.st this
is my person(/ feeling, thct this Icndfill hrs been there for r long time, thirty yecrs or forty I
yecrs or however long. i rec.11y don't like some of the setting for the present lrndfill but it
is there. We hove hod monitoring wells there for yens. We tc.ke routine mecsurements.
[tile hove, to my knowledge, never hod c.ny concern of rnything thrt hrs been discovered in
the monitoring book. All reports gyre on file. We've rsked for c.n rnrlysis thrt everybody
indicctes we are well below every possible level of things thrt we get concerned(bout. Thut
is without my kind of r liner. Now, under the new stc.te regulctions, which ever lrndfill gets
built, where ever it is built, hrs to be built according to the perk 360 regulctions, which would
require c double liner, leech collection system, cnd c, whole host of protection measures thc.'t
would ensure c' very good Icndfill. Fc.r better cnd fcr srfer then whet we hove now, which
doesn't cppeur to our knowledge to be ccusing cny problems. It's c.lso the frct thrt right now
we he,ve stcte roods Iecding to it, if proper routing is done, minimal impccts on c.rec residents.
t the tresh plcnt is built, cnd this is pert of the whole picture cnd I did not vote for the trrsh
!ie.nt, it is a mutter of fcct thct we ore trying just to get things us low cost cs possible now.
=f the trc.sh plcnt is built c.nd Wrshington County then begins to hru/ to whc.tever lrndfill
site there is, there will be relctively less muterirl going to the Icndfill, substrntirlly less.
There will be c. greet recycling progrc.m first, r re-use progrcm, then some will be burned
cnd whet ccn't be burned or cc.n't be re-used or recycled will go to the Icndfill (.long with
some pcper sludge. So it wrs my recommendction thct with those conditions thct we sc.y
thct we rre not like everybody else, cnd not in my bc.-ckyLrd, we'll soy sure, we generc.te it,
we should be responsible for getting rid of it. We've got the lend or can Lcquire the Irnd,
we ought to do it here, with call those sc.feguc.rds. I did not stc.-te in public session of thct
meeting, but I did c memo right c.fter it cnd I believe etch member of the Bocrd hrs received
thct memo. Now, Mr. Robertson, cnd the newspcper might went to report this, this is new
cnd hcsn't been told to the public. Reminding him of the conversc.-tion thct we hod mc.ny
months ego, th.ct if the landfill were to be built c.t our present Icndfill site, I would strongly
recommend that cs pert of the construction cost of thct &-ndfi/l, the (Jueensbury Town WLter
supply be extended to that crec cnd to call residents within one mile, within ut le(--St one mile
Of thct locution. This would protect them from c.ny concern, I hope my concern of groundwc.-ter
pollution. I further indiccted thct I believe a subsidy of fifty percent of whit they normrlly
would pGy for water, be paid us pert of the lrndfill operction expense. This then should t(.-ke
core of the problem, but we don't think there is c. problem rnywc.y but just to mcke everybody
happy, they would hove Town water cnd it would only be c very, very moderc.-te cost. Now `
G few minutes later c.fter I scid that, Mr. Rotr from Wrshington County scid now we tcke
the bypcss mcteriul cnd the paper sludge cnd the rsh from the tresh plrnt up there cnd I scid, I
excuse me, just c. minute, I went to interrupt, this is the first discussion I've hec.rd Lbout rsh
wing ,mixed with everything else in the some p lice. I did miss one or two meetings, I think
the meeting (,bout c month ago where c,pperently they tclked rbout rsh rnd I made it very
*leur then Lnd I'll mcke it clec.r now, thct I hove not formed r personrl opinion (about the
c.sh residue from the tresh plant coming to our Icndfill c.nd I certcinly went to do c. greet
decal more investigation before I recommend bringing the c.sh up here. I think the other mrterirls
could come here, ell other things being equcl rnd provided thct everything wrs done properly.
Thct is the position of token. I'm rnxious to hec.r the Town Bocrd positions. I know Mrs.
Monc.hrn wanted me to mike thct clew. The man who cane to my office seemed hippy when
he left because we would be reducing the number of trucks, reducing the rmount of stuff
going in cnd I'm not c.t this moment supporting rsh ct thct locution c.nd I trlked cbout wrter.
I wanted to say that, that might stir up some interest.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-1 guess Steve 1 hove some questions. The pcper mentioned five
hundred acres. We don't hove five hundred acres, I don't know where you can even get five
hundred acres in that oreo.
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-1 indicated, when asked about that, that I believe there could be acquired
in the oreo, approximately two to three hundred ucres, could be acquired. There is about
two or three hundred...
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-In addition to what we've got?
SUPERVISOR BOR GOS-A total of two to three hundred acres. The engineer's concurred
that there was that much vacant land in that urea.
COUNCILMAN MONA HA N-Which is about half of their recommendation. Aguin we ore talking
about thut being on aquifer and you're talking about bringing water to that area within o mile.
We don't know how for the effects of that aquifer reach and to what wells. Thirdly, I would
want to see o very tight projection on the number of trucks that are going to be going there,
the volume, if the volume is going to reach anywhere's near what we're taking there right
now, were in a losing battle. 1 would wont a commitment definitely on the roods that are r
going to be used and there are clot of unanswered questions. You talked about affordoble
housing, people said we wont to know more information, I'm saying before anybody goes out
on o limb offering that landfill or that burn plant, I'd like to know the types of materials that j
are going there, the routes, the volume, the hours of operation those trucks are going to run
and a whole slew of others. Because I know the lives of the people up there hove been made I
miserable by the hours that the trucks ore going now there to some of those places. The
people who con't even use their front /owns, they can't use their telephones with the windows j
open, and there is on awfully lot to consider, frankly. i
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-1 agree wholeheartedly. My talking there was to keep us in the running
pending the determination of all these others. What the proposal from the engineer was,
was to take us out of the running entirely.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-1 think it would satisfy the people over in that area very much
if they'd been token right out of the running.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-You know what the people of West Glens Fulls says, we had one
Sherman Island...Shermon Avenue, we don't want another one. I think thut's what you're going
to hear from those people over there.
SUPERVISOR BURGOS-My concern is that if we don't have a place fairly close to where
we generate this trash to bring it, we're going to puy so much to haul our trash and dispose
of it, its just going to be outrageously expensive and tuxpuyers can't possibly afford the burden.
But with the proper ossurunces that you are talking about and the scientific documentation,
we could then have o real treasure here. We could hove something thut's close, it's successful,
it's big enough, with all the proper monitoring and with everything else taking care of...
COUNCILMAN AJONAI-IAN-I question the state of the art on the burn plant, frankly and
question the state, you know, are we going in the right direction, I'm not talking about Queensbury,
I'm talking about the government. Because what they came in with the burn plant, now there
(,re going to be a lot of cut backs and the volume needed, not the volume needed but in the
volume that should be going in there because of recycling and so on and so forth which is
going to probably mean importation of gurboge from other areas. I do also want to remind
you we do hove on our books, on ordinance about taking in garbage from other arees.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-So this double liner muy be the state of the art but I'm afraid
it may be just the same thing that happened to Queensbury's ...lundfiil. That wus done us
o state of the art and two yeurs later somebody changed their mind on the whole thing. So
nothing is fool proof or fool sore, that they have come up with yet, the linings, these...nothing.
You talk to all the experts and they'll tell you that.
SUPERVISOR B OR GOS-A nyone else wish to comment ubout the landfill?
COUNCILMAN POTENZA-One of the things that frustrates me uboyt government is for people
who give lip service to everything, nobody making a commitment. There are so many things
that are directly in front of us now and probably one of the major ones is garbage. I think
you've summarized it well Steve, when you said that we're the most populated community
in Warren Washington County. We make the most garbage. I think obviously recycling is
manduted and something that should have been leading the puck about that over u year ago.
I really feel that along with recycling and the burn plant, you ore going to have garbage.
I don't have a problem with the comments that you made because I don't think you've committed
this Town or this Board to anything. I think my interpretation of what you did was to leave
the discussions open and come to us with proposals with the option of this Board to except
or reject them. I don't want the door closed because I don't want the financial responsibility
nor the moral responsibility of sending the garbage out of Queensbury to somebody else.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-1 think that's great Lynn and I suggest maybe you put it in your
areG over there, going to the developers, your legal place for a garbage pit over there. I'm
sure the people in my area would be very happy if you do that.
COUNCILMAN MONTESi-1 would wholeheartedly support the fact that we generate it, we
Gve to be responsible for taking care of it. I feel strongly that we could be on the leading
—dge with some forms of recycling. I know you've worked hard. There are some sites we're
looking Gt that may prove to put us on the leading edge of recycling. But ultimately we need
G place for some landfill and we're going to have to bite the bullet and find it, develop it j
and we're going to have to do within our own community. 1 think we'll tax the people right
out of existence in terms of the cost. Where that is at this point, you make a strong point,
1 cGn only tell you that the Association of Town's meetings, a Town down in Broom County
faced all of these difficulties and fought a bottle for two or three years. They weren't aggressively
pursuing a landfill in their Town but they we're told it was going to be in their Town. Ultimately
when they saw that they were going to lose the battle, what they did do was negotiate the
way, I think you're negotiating, with the County and the State.and whoever else is involved
and said, we want water for a mile radius Ground this. Obviously you have the aquifer recharge,
can't be chartered, by golly a mile around that would give us a pretty good handle in terms
of the direction that we're going. They also got the County and the State to pay for G1l road
paving Gnd upgrading in and about that landfill because of the impact vn,traffic. They got
G concession for their tax payers on the cost of trash because they were going to hove the
landfill in their Town, just as they might have G burn plant, they ought to be given some consideration
for excepting that. The total package that the Town of Kirkwood received from Broom County i
was a twenty million dollar package over ten years. If I can only give you the kind of indication,
I'd say, let's negotiate very hard with the County and or any other bodies that you need to
Grid we're going to do something in our Town and we're going to except the responsibility
of controlling our destiny, we ought to be paid for it.
`UPERVISOR BORGOS-It could be another site in the Town.
;OUNCILMAN MONAHAN-1 just wish that you people would talk about the aquifer that have
springs that I've been attending the meeting of the Warren County Soil Conservation, it showed
what happened when there was a crack in the clay Gnd how the water travels Gnd travels
and travels for miles. So you know when you talk about you are going to protect with u mile,
my feeling is, it's bologna.
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-The engineer at this point does not recommend in any way, any kind
of a water supply in any of these Greos. He has listed a bunch of things he thought would
be good. I've tossed in this concern for water, us of...
COUNCIL-MAN MONAIIAN-But as I say, G mile away doesn't mean a thing.
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-Maybe we can settle on three miles or five miles but...
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-We shouldn't settle on anything until somebody figures out where
it's going to travel.
SUPERVISOR BORGOS-Right and the point is, in Gll probability, DEC won't approve this
site anyway, but I think we ought to take a shot at it to help our residents. Maybe there is
,o site in ward 4, maybe there is a site in ward 4 that will be, or ward 3....1 don't think we
ought to close the door on it, on Gnything until we've looked at it all.
UPE_RVISOR BORGOS-1 Gppreciote the discussion but this is the kind of thing where I have
_io kind of represent you at the County level so it is important to know...
SUPERVISOR BORGOS read letter from Highway Superintendent, Paul H. Naylor, regarding
verbal requests received on behalf of John Burke Drive. Discussion held and agreed to make
recommendation to the Sheriff's Department to increase patrol. (letter on file)
RESOLUTION NO. 372, Introduced by Marilyn Potenza who move for its Gdoption, seconded
by Stephen Borgos.
RESOLVED, that the Town Bourd of the Town of Queensbury hereby approve the Minutes
of June 22nd and June 30th of 1989.
Duly adopted this 11th duy of July, 1989, by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. KurosGka, Mrs. PotenZG, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monuhun, Mr. Borgos
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 373_, Introduced by Murilyn Potenzu who moved for its adoption, seconded
by George Kurosuku.
WHEREAS, the Fire Marsha/ advertised the ovuilability of u position for Deputy Fire Marshal,
WHEREAS, the Fire Marshal has advised that he has reviewed upplicutions, resumes, and
conducted interviews, and recommends that Mr. Clifford Grant be uppointed cs Deputy Fire
RESOL VED, that the Town Bourd of the Town of Queensbury, pursuant to Section 20 of the
Town Law of the StGte of New York, hereby creutes the position of Deputy Fire Marshal 1
for the Town of Queensbury and appoints Mr. Clifford Grunt us Deputy Fire Murshul, and
with his bi-weekly sulury to be bused upon the rate of $19,000.00 per year, and hereby approves
and ratifies his commencement of work ut such time as the Fire Marshal deems uppropriute.
Duly adopted this 11th duy of July, 1989, by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosuku, Mrs. Potenzu, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monuhun, Mr. Borgos
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 374, Introduced by Murilyn Potenzu who moved for its adoption, seconded
by Ronald Montesi.
WHEREAS, the Director of Accounting Services advertised the Gvuilubility of a position for
Account Clerk, and
6AlHF_R1=AS, the Director of Accounting Services has udvised that he hus reviewed upplicutions,
resume's, c:nd conducted interviews, Gnd recommends that Ms. Kuthleen F. DuBois be appointed
Gs u Senior Account Clerk,
RESOLVED, that the Town Bourd of the Town of Queensbury, pursuunt to Section 20 of the
Town Luw of the Stute of New York, hereby creates the position of Senior Account Clerk
for the Town of Queensbury and appoints Ms. Kathleen F. DuBois us Senior Account Clerk,
Gtx/ with her bi-weekly sGlary to be bused upon the rate of $16,395.00 per yeur, and hereby I
approves her commencement of work of such time us the Director of Accounting Services I
deems appropriate.
Duly adopted this 11th duy of July, 1989, by the following vote:
A yes: Mr. K urosGkG, Mrs. Potenzu, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monuhun, Mr. Borgos
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 375, Introduced by Ronald Montesi who moved for its adoption, seconded
by Marilyn Potenza.
WHEREAS, it is desirous to purchase uniforms, and to provide for dry cleaning, dues and registrations,
miscellaneous contracts and conference expenses for the Deputy Fire Marshal, and
WHEREAS, sufficient funds do not exist to provide these uniforms and expenses, and
1 'ESOL VED, to transfer funds in the following manner:
$ 600.00 to A-7753470482 Uniforms
100.00 to A-1 7534 104 18 Dry Cleaning
750.00 to A-1753410404 Dues and Registrations
7,1100.00 to A-7753470440 Miscellaneous Contractual
750.00 to A-1753470409 Conference Expense
FROM A2351990440 - Contingency Account
Duly adopted this 11th day of July, 1989, by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Borgos
Noes: Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Manahan
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 376, Introduced by Marilyn Potenza who moved for Its adoption, seconded
by Ronald Montesi.
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury recognizes the unique character of
he Lake Geroge area, and
---WHEREAS, Eurasion Milfoil infestation presents an environmental and economic threat to '
Lake Georqc, and
WHEREAS, the Adirondack Regional Chambers of Commerce have acknowledged the threat
posed by the milfoil and have recommended that the herbicidal treatment sonar be used to
control the milfoil infestation, and
RESOL VED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby supports the Adirondack
Regional Chamber of Commerce in its position regarding the treatment of Eurasian Milfoil.
Duly adopted this 171h day of July, 7989, by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mrs. Potenzo, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos
Noes: None
Absent: None
''ESOLUTION NO. 377, Introduced by Ronald Montesi who moved for its,adoption, seconded
y M(4 rilyn Potenza.^
Will-REAS, there is a subdivision known os Edgewater Place which lies partially in the Town
of Queensbury and partially in the City of Glens Falls, and
WHEREAS, the portion of Edgewater Place lying in the Town of Queensbury is serviced by
water furnished by the West Glens Falls Water District, and
WHEREAS, it? order to service the portion of the Edgewater Place Subdivision within the
Town of Queensbury, it is necessary to cross certain property owned by the City of Glens
Falls and therefore an easement is needed to allow the water pipes to cross the property
owned by the City of Glens Falls, and
3WIIEREAS, c: proposed Municipal Water Agreement and Easement has been resented to this
meeting, p
RESOL VED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby accepts the proposed
Municipal Water Agreement and Easement presented at this meeting and hereby authorizes
and directs the Town Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury to execute the said agreement
Gnd place the seal of the Town of Queensbury on the same, and
RESOL VED, that the soid Municipal Water Agreement and Easement be filed with the Warren
County Clerk's Office and upon return of the same, with the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury.
Duly adopted this 11th day of July, 1989, by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos
Noes: None `
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 378, introduced by 161Grilyn Po ten za who moved for its adoption, seconded
by Ronald Montesi.
WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 30 of the Town of Queensbury and its amendments dated April
22, 1980, August 24, 1982, September 23, 1988, and October 25, 1988 provide in Section 5
for fees to be charged in connection with applications for the issuance of building permits,
WiIEREAS, said Ordinance No. 30, Section 5 wus recently amended and the Director of Building
and Codes Enforcement has recommended certain additional amendments to the Town Board
of the Town of Queensbury, and
t IIIEREAS, said Ordinance No. 30, Section 5, is proposed to be amended to establish and set
forth a new fee of $20.00 for single inspections not listed in fee schedule, and r
WHEREAS, a public hearing concerning said amendment is required by law,
RESOL VED, that pursuGnt to Section 130 of the Town Law of the State of New York, a public
hearing shall be held concerning the amendment of the ordinance as set forth above to amend
and add the following language to Section 5: "... fees for single inspections not listed in fee
schedule - $20.00 ...", Gnd that said public hearing be held on Tuesday, July 25, 1989, at 7:30
p.m., in the Queensbury Court, Town of Queensbury, Bay and HGviland Roads, in the Town
of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, at which time all persons interested in the subject
thereof shall be heard, and
RESOL VED, that the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury be authorized and directed to
publish Gnd provide Notice of said Public Hearing in accordance with the law.
Oiscussion held Gnd agreed that there should be additional language regarding description
of inspection.
RESOLUTION NO. 379, Introduced by Betty Monahan who moved for its adoption, seconded
by Ronald Montesi. f
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby table Resolution No.
Duly adopted this 7 1th day of July, 1989, by the following vote:
39 ;
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos
Noes: None
Absent: None
+ RESOLUTION NO. 380, Introduced by Marilyn Potenzo who moved for its adoption, seconded
1 5y Ronald Montesi.
WHEREAS, there is a need to complete the inspection of sewer lines of the Central Queensbury
Quaker RoGd Sewer District, and
WHEREAS, Gn equipment lease between TV Ferret, Inc., and the Town of Queensbury has
been proposed whereby the Town of Queensbury would pay the sum of $4,995.00 to lease for
one (1) month, one (1) Model 0810 Monochrome Inspection System from TV Ferret, Inc., to
inspect said sewer lines, and
WHEREAS, a copy of the aforementioned equipment lease has been presented to this meeting
for approval by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, on behalf of the Central Queensbury
Quaker Road Sewer District,
RESOL VED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby approves of the equipment
lease and hereby authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury to
execute the agreement on behalf of the Central Queensbury Quaker Road Sewer District,
and place the corporate seal upon the same, and that the some be paid for from Account
No. 51-3858130440 ($500.00) and Account No.: H40-38-5-8150-440 ($4,495.00).
Duly adopted this 11th day of July, 1989, by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. KurosGkG, Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos
Y 1
—Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 381, Introduced by Ronald Montesi who moved for its adoption, seconded
by George Kurosaka. .
WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury, on behalf of the Central Queensbury Quaker Road Sewer
District, and pursuant to Owner's Contract No. 5 with Contractor, Joseph R. Wunderlich,
Inc., is presently installing sewer lines along Quaker RoGdond in the vicinity of property owned
by the 73 Quaker Road Corporation, and
WHEREAS, on on earlier occasion, the previous Owner of the oforesGid property now owned
by 73 Quaker Road Corporation, executed on easement giving the Town of Queensbury the
right to install sewer lines across its property, and
WHEREAS, 73 Quaker Road Corporation has requested that the Town of Queensbury alter
the Gligrunent of the sanitary sewer to be installed under and pursuant to the aforesaid Contract
No. 5 Gnd has agreed to pay for any increase in cost incurred by the Town of Queensbury
in connection with the re-alignment of the sewer pipes on the property, and
IVIIEREAS, Kestner Engineers, P.C., has reviewed the matter and has prepared a change
order indicating that there will be a net increase resulting from the change of $8,450.00 and
$800.00 for engineering charges for a total estimated cost increase of $9,250.50 and has also
advised thGt there ,q7(,y be further charges depending upon construction contingencies such
as utility interference, chc:nge of soil conditions, rock removal or any other unforseen instGllGtion
conditions, Gnd
11111EREAS, a copy of the proposed change order on on engineer's cost opinion Gnd design comparison,
together with a survey reap has been presented at this meeting,
RESOLVED, thou the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby authorizes and directs
the engineers End contractors to re-align the pipe in accordance with the documents presented
Gt this meeting and hereby Guthorizes and directs the Town Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury
to execute the change order Guthorizing such work to occur, subject to receipt of G signed
Ggreement by the 73 Quaker Rood Corporation to pay the sum of $9,250.50, plus any and
oll costs incurred Gs a result of any and all construction contingencies such as utility interference,
change of soil conditions, rock removal, or Gny other unforseen instullation conditions, together
with o certified or bank check in the omount of $9,250.50 pGyable to the Town of Queensbury.
Duly Gdopted this 11th day of July, 1989, by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. KurosGkG, Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 382, Introduced by MGrilyn Potenza who moved for its adoption, seconded
by Stephen Borgos.
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury is authorized to grant variances under
Section 9 of said Local Low No. I of 1986, Gnd
WHEREAS, Homestead VillGge, Inc. has Gpplied to the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
for 6 voriGnce from certoin standGrds set forth in Local Law No. 1, 1986 titled "A Local Low
to License Mobile Home Perks Within the Town of Queensbury," such variance to specificGlly
create 24 new mobile home lots which ore slightly smaller than required by said Local Law
No. 1, 1986,
RESOLVED, thut the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury will hold a public hearing on
July 25, 1989, of 7:30 p.m., Gt the Queensbury Court, Bay Gt HGviland Road, Town of Queensbury,
[V(t rren County, New York, to consider the application for a variance of Homestead Village,
!►ic. to create 24 mobile home lots which ore slightly smaller than what is mandated in said
L.octal Low No. 1, 1986, Grid
RESOLVED, that it is noted that the lots ore located off Sherman Avenue, in the Town of
Queensbury,, New York, Gnd that o description of said property is included in the subdivision
mGp filed with the Worren County Clerk's Office, and Gt that time Gll persons interested
in the subject thereof, will be heard, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury be Gnd is hereby directed Gnd
authorized when in receipt of o list of neighbors within 500 feet of the subject property, to
publish and provide Notice of said Public Hearing as moy be required by law, and authorized
to mail copies of said Public Hearing Notice to the adjoining neighbors.
Discussion held and Ggreed that further informotion is needed.
RESOLUTION NO. 383, Introduced by George Kurosoka who moved for its adoption, seconded
by Ronald Montesi.
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby table Resolution No.
Duly Gdopted this 11th doy of July, 1989, by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. K urosakG, Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 384, Introduced by Marilyn PotenzG who moved for its adoption, seconded
by George Kurosoka.
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby approves the following
lunge orders, as submitted by our Engineers related to the Central Queensbury Quaker Road
wer Dist. Contract Number 6 of Schultz Construction Company as follows:
A. Change Order Number 2 Doted June 28, 1989 in the amount of $1,247.81
B. Change Order Number 3 Dated June 28, 1989 in the amount of $16,150.69
Duly adopted this 11th day of July, 1989 by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. KurosGka, Mrs. Potenzu, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Montesi, Mr. Borgos
Noes: None
Absent: None
L TR from Highway Dept. regarding John Burke Drive - on file
Bid - Scrap Metal Removal - Landfill
Newmir Inc.
Warrensburg, NY Non-Collusive $39.991ton
R. f=reedman & Son Inc.
{ been Is[w7d, NY Non-Collusive $38.501ton
--ilorthern Car Crushers
Keeseville, NY Non-Collusive $35.00 1ton
R. Brown .& Sons, Inc.
Colchester, VT Non-Collusive $14.45 1ton
L TR from Landfill Superintendent, James T. Coughlin, with recommendation to go with Bid
submitted by R. Brown & Sons, Inc.
Town Attorney Dusek requested further time to review bid proposals.
COUNCILMAN MONTESI-Noted request for light at intersection of West Mt. Road and Pitcher
Road, resolution forthcoming.
RESOLUTION NO. 385, Introduced by Marilyn PotenzG who moved for its adoption, seconded
by Ronald Montesi_
RESOLVED, that Audit of Bills as appears on Abstract July of 1989 and numbering from 1957
to 2075 cnd totaling $481,827. 17 be and hereby is approved.
Duly adopted this 11th day of July, 1989, by the following vote:
;Ayes: Mr. Kurosckc,, Mrs. PotenzG, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos
Noes: Mrs. Alonahan, item # 2063
.Absent: None
Discussion held regarding South Queensbury fence.
R_ESOL U_TION NO. 386, Introduced by Ronald Montesi who moved for.its adoption, seconded
by trilyn PotenzG.
RESOLVED, that Special Audit of Bills us appeurs on Abstract July of 1989 and numbered
2076 and tot6ling $17,500.00 be and hereby is approved.
Duly 6dopted this 11th day of July, 1989, by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mrs. Potenza, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 387, Introduced by Marilyn Pctenzu who moved for its adoption, seconded
by Ronald Montesi.
RESOL VED, that the Town Board of the Town of �ueensbury hereby enter into Executive
Session to discuss matters of personnel and litigation.
Duly 6dopted this 11th duy of July, 1989, by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kuros6ka, Mrs. Potenzu Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos
Noes: None
Absent: None
On motion, the meeting was adjourned, t