01-03-2017 Queensbury Parks and Recreation Commission, Queensbury, NY 12804
Minutes of the January 3, 2017 regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury
Chairman Eicher called the meeting to order at 7:05PM
1.) Roll Call:
• Present—Judy Goralski, Wendy Matthews, Todd Eicher, Greg Hewlett, Amanda Mohr, Fran Cabana, Gary
Crossman-Aquatic Director
• Excused-
* Staff— Steve Lovering—Director, Lori O'Shaughnessy-Assistant Director, Jennifer B aertschi-Program
Coordinator, Gary Crossman-Aquatic Director
2.) Approval of Minutes:
Commissioner Cabana motioned to approve the December 6, 2016 minutes, seconded by Commissioner
Hewlett, all members approved.
3.) Communications and Remarks from Visitors: (see file for copies)
a.) Monthly Correspondence:
1.) Lauren Rehm HHHN—interested in coordinating with the recreation department with an adolescent
pregnancy prevention program.
2.) Thank you -Note from Dan Crottell thanking for the recognition for his years of service
3.) Resolution - to reappoint Lori O'Shaughnessy to the Warren County Youth Board
4.) Email to John Strough from Steve Lovering-review of the 2017 goals for the recreation department.
b.) Budget Control:
Discussed final year end figures for part time staff
c.) Commissioners Terms of Office: List of the commissioners and dates that their terms will expire
d.) Revised 2017 Meeting Schedule
4.) Unfinished Business
a.) 2016-2017 Winter Programs Update—Ranger Rec game very popular— 85%return rate, deadline is
January 13 '. Wresting numbers growing, Junior Hoopers is full, swim lessons have strong numbers.
Afterschool program has 25 students but it is anticipated the number will increase.
• The United Methodist Church is available to use for recreation programming for a donation.
Assistant Director O'Shaughnessy will investigate further. Gymnasium space is still difficult to
5.) New Business
a) Tentative 2017 Capital Projects: Director Lovering provided a comprehensive list of projects that
need to be done at all the town parks. Commissioners reviewed list, discussed.
6.) Committee Reports —None at this time
7.) Additional Information and Reports
a.) Condition of the Gurney Lane Mountain bike trails.: discussed grooming efforts of
b.) Trail counter at Gurney Lane: Over 1200 people between 12/23/16-1/2/17; 61 snowshoe
8.) Adjournment—A motion was made by Commissioner Eicher, seconded by Commissioner Goralski to
adjourn at 8:32PM. All members present approved.
Respectfully submitted Approved by:
Judith Goralski, Commissioner Todd Eicher, Chairman