BOTH-000335-2015 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Permit Number: BOTH-000335-2015 Date Issued: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number BOTH-000335-2015 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 279.15-I-29 Location: 3 AZURE DR Owner: Mary Ponda Applicant: Mary Ponda This structure may be occupied as a: Residential Septic Alteration By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEEEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance,or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 QL Community Development-Building& Codes (518)761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: BOTH-000335-2015 Tax Map No: 279.15-1-29 Permission is hereby granted to: Mary Ponda For property located at: 3 AZURE DR In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance Type of Construction Owner Name: Mary Ponda Septic Disposal $0.00 Owner Address: 3 Azure DR Total Value $0.00 Queensbury,NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Hutchins Engineering 169 Haviland RD Queensbury,NY 12804 Plans&Specifications Residential Septic Alteration $40.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Thursday,November 10,2016 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town ween /� Mo d y, r 16,2015 SIGNED BY: /vJ for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement BOTH 000 335-2015 SEPTIC DISPOSAL PERMIT Mary Ponda (Hutchins Engineering) DATE 11/12/15 3 Azure Drive Residential Septic Alteration TAx MAP ID 279.15-1-29 I Permit No. off OG�J�33-o�0/S u -- -- Permit;F e !) LOCATION OF INSTALLATION 3 Azure Driv NOV 1. 3 201 Approya s: 9 APPLICANT Maly Ponda --,i_ '.)�if- -IJSE;tJR1PHo E/E-MAIL (518) 744-4244 ADDRESS 3 Azure Drive, Queens ury NY 12804 INSTALLER/BUILDER: PHONE/E-MAIL ADDRESS: WNER Mary Ponda PHONE/E-MAIL (518) 744-4244 Address 3 Azure Drive, Queensbury NY 12804 CONTACT PERSON FOR BUILDING&CODES COMPLIANCE: Hutchins Engineering PHONE(518) 745-0307 RESIDENCE INFORMATION Year Built #of bedrooms X Gallons per bedroom =Total Daily Flow 1980 or older 3 110 330 Garbage grinder installed Y X N 1981-1991 Spa or Hot Tub installed Y X N 1992-Present PARCEL INFORMATION Topography X Flat rolling _Steep slope _%slope Soil Nature Sand X Loam Clay _Other Groundwater At what depth? Bedrock/Impervious Material At what depth? Domestic Water Supply Municipal X Well(if well,water supply from any septic system absorption is 100 ft.) Percolation Test Rate: per minute per inch(test to be completed by licensed engineering/architect) PROPOSED SYSTEM FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Tank Size(Existing) 1,000 gallons(minimum size 1,000 gallons,add 250 gallons to size for each garbage grinder or spa or hot tub) System Type Absorption field with#2 stone Total length 200 ft.;Each trench 40 L.F. x 5 Trenches Seepage Pit with#3 stone How many: _;size Alternative System Bed or other type? Holding Tank System Total required capacity? Tank size #of tanks Notes: 1)Alarm system&associated electrical work must be inspected by a Town approved electrical inspection agency;2)We will no longer allow systems to be covered until such time as an As-Built plan is received &approved. The installed system must match the septic system layout on file-no exceptions. DECLARATION: Any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material representation or failure to make a material fact or circumstance know by or on behalf of an applicant, shall be void. I have read the regulations and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. Print Name: Ma onda Date: 11/12/15 Signature: Town of Queensbury Building&Codes Septic Disposal Permit July 2014 HavyRoad Queensbury, NY 12804 Hutchins Engineering Phone:(518)745-0307 Fax:(518)745-0308 November 23, 2015 Town of Queensbury Building Department 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Re: Septic System Absorption Field Replacement Mary Ponda, 3 Azure Drive Tax Map ID: 279.15-1-29 Our office prepared a wastewater design for Mary Ponda at the above-referenced property. The system consists of an existing 1,000-gallon precast concrete septic tank and a pipe-in-stone absorption field containing five laterals at 45 feet each for 225 LF of trench. A representative from our office visited the site during system installation. Based upon our site inspection and our discussions with the installer, it is my opinion that, with the exception of surface finishing and turf establishment, the system was installed in general conformance with the approved plan and the attached record drawing. Please contact me if you have any questions or if you require additional information. Best Regards, G. Thomas Hutchins, P.E. - Enclosure 9107 T 0 J30 Cc: Mary Ponda Pit Ca p 1 2Q15 G.Thomas Hutchins,P.E. ... , F �. SUGGESTED: POLYETHYLENE POL. � , EXTENSION TO GRADE WITH TAMPER RESISTANT ACCESS COVER (NON TRAFFIC AREAS) I` - , TEE BAFFLE WASTEWATER SY T SETBACK.SCHEDULE L 12" MIN. COVER ! PROPERTY LINE WELL HOUSE , 1 » TIC: /4 PER FOOT a EP NK 10 °, . . » fTA I S S0' :- 10' f MIN. SLOPE ., 12 MIN. COVER ° \ l 4 1/8 PER,FOOT DISTRIBUTION BOX , 3" MIN. SLOPE 'ABSORPTION.,FIELD 10 100 20 4 HOUSE SEWER - \F LIQUID LEVEL ° \ i � 4" EFFLUENT SEWER WATERTIGHT SLEEVE }' _ fi I & SEAL (TYP.) BAFFLE a '. °I —2 MIN. 16" 18 . `t : MIN. USE.SPEED LEVELERS TO ASSURE•ALL-OUTLETS ARE AT =+ is EXACTLY THE SAME ELEVATION _:' SITE LOCATION I. a _ 2" MIN DROP OCATION MAP 4„ PVC SDR-35 SOLID HEADER BETWEEN INVERTS TO ABSORPTION.FIELD, 118 i LIQUID DEPTH PER FOOT_ MIN SLOPE 30" MIN. DD . 60 MAX. f ` SEPTIC TANKWOTES 'UNITS ,SHALL`=COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NEW YORK -'STATE- DEPARTMENT- ;OF HEALTH AND SHALL BE OF PRECAST CONCRETE S 4 WASTEWATER Y T 1'1 DE A 1 SIGN YT INSTAL TION NOTES ° -MANUFACTURED :BY UTOPIA ENTERPRISES OR EQUIVALENT. 4 3A ! CONSTRUCTION 'SHALL BE AS ' SHOWN ON THIS DRA WING r BEDROOM RESIDENCE ( H _ W AND IN MINIMUM 2X WIDTH ;; ACCORDANCE_ WITH THE N.Y.S. 'DEPARTMENT OF, HEALTH INDIVIDUAL MAXIMUM 4X WIDTH .4 ALL STRUCTURES SHALL BE -PLACED ON FIRM, COMPACT SAND OR GRAVEL BASE. DESIGN FLOW — 110 GPD/BEDROOM e. HOUSEHOLD SYSTEMS __-AND .;