03-07-2017 Queensbury Parks and Recreation Commission, Queensbury, NY 12804 Minutes of the March 7, 2017 regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury Chairman Eicher called the meeting to order at 7:04PM 1.) Roll Call: • Present—Judy Goralski, Todd Eicher, Greg Hewlett, Amanda Mohr, Fran Cabana Excused- Wendy Matthews, Staff— Steve Lovering—Director, Jennifer Baertschi-Program Coordinator, Gary Crossman- Aquatic Director 2.) Approval of Minutes: No minutes from the February 7th meeting due to a lack of a quorum 3.) Annual Organizational Meeting: • Commissioner Cabana nominated Commissioner Eicher for the position of Chairperson, seconded by Commissioner Hewlett, all members approved • Commissioner Hewlett nominated Commissioner Cabana for the position of Vice-Chairperson, seconded by Commissioner Goralski, all members approved • Commissioner Hewlett nominated Commissioner Goralski for the position of Secretary, seconded by Commissioner Mohr, all members approved • Committee assignments did not change with the exception that Commissioner Matthews is now the Chairperson of the School Liaison Committee 4.) Communications and Remarks from Visitors: (see file for copies) a.) Monthly Correspondence: 1.) 2017 Hourly Wages of the Part Time Recreation Employees resolution adopted by the Town Board on 2/27/17 2.) Boos and Bravos article published in the The Post Star regarding bed tax b.) Budget Control: No discussion 5.) Unfinished Business a.) 2017 Capital Projects —update from Director Lovering, looking to schedule this on the Town Boards agenda for approval on 3/20/17 b.) Rush Pond Dedication (Leuci Subdivision) —The access point in the subdivision will be created prior to sale of the lots. Discussion about how the donation of land for this particular subdivision was approved versus paying the recreation assessment fee. 6.) New Business • 2017 Summer Program Fee Schedule: Director Lovering, Jennifer Baertschi-Program Coordinator, Gary Crossman- Aquatic Director provided an overview of the increases. Commissioner Eicher motioned to adopt the 2017 Summer program fee schedule, it was seconded by Commissioner Goralski, all members approved • Hovey Pond Ceremony Fee: Director Lovering stated there are several requests over the course of the year to hold wedding ceremonies at Hovey Pond. It was discussed by the commission and agreed upon to charge a $100.00 for this type of usage. Commissioner Goralski motioned to adopt a $100 fee to use Hovey Pond Park for a ceremony it was seconded by Commissioner Mohr, all members approved • Had a discussion about recreation APPS. The Queensbury Recreation Department's facilities are on many of the APPS. and is reviewing joining additional APPS • Full Time Labor Position posting—Director Lovering explained this will bring the department up to four full time laborers. Commissioner Hewlett motioned to post the full time laborer position it was seconded by Commissioner Eicher, all members approved 7.) Committee Reports —None at this time 8.) Additional Information and Reports a.) Article titled Good Sportsmanship published on ParksandRecBusiness.com b.) Recreation Assessment Fees: spreadsheet with the history of the fees since 2010 c.) Parks and Recreation Department Revenues Comparison spreadsheet with the history since 2012 d.) Churney Gurney event at Gurney Lane is scheduled for August 5th 2017 e.) Gurney Fun Fest will be held on July 18, 2017 L) Ricks Bike Shop will sponsor the public bike repair stand at Gurney lane for $350.00 9.) Adjournment—A motion was made by Commissioner Eicher, seconded by Commissioner Goralski to adjourn at 8:12PM. All members present approved. Respectfully submitted Approved by: Judith Goralski, Commissioner Todd Eicher, Chairman