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TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 'r y Road,Q 742 Ba Queensbury,ury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 -- Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Permit Number: DEMO-000122-2017 Date Issued: Monday, May 8, 2017 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number DEMO-000122-2017 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 309.9-1-29 Location: 63 ILLINOIS AVE Owner: DKC Holding Applicant: Clute Enterprises,Inc. This structure may be occupied as a: Demolition Only(removal of debris that is remaining from whatever was there) By Order of Town Board Two Lots:61 &63 Illinois Avenue TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Asbestos Reports for both lots received Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance,or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: DEMO-000122-2017 Tax Map No: 309.9-1-29 Permission is hereby granted to: Larry Clute For property located at: 61 ILLINOIS AVE In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance Type of Construction Owner Name: DKC Holding Demolition-Residential $0.00 Owner Address: 6 Holden AVE Total Value $0.00 Queensbury,NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Lary Clute 6 HOLDEN AVE Queensbury,NY 12804 Plans&Specifications Demolition Only(removal of debris that is remaining from whatever was there) Two Lots:61 &63 Illinois Avenue Asbestos Reports for both lots received $30.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Friday,April 13,2018 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensb before the vats date Dated at the Town Queens /J Th pril 13,2017 SIGNED BY: �iV� V for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement Town of Queensbury Building & Codes Office Use Only Received DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATION Permit#: D _t22_ZoJ NO WORK MAY COMMENCE UNTIL PERMIT IS ISSUED Permit Fee _ 4 -,;o_)rlwi'k�___ Provide 2 plot plans drawn to scale,showing lot boundaries with dimensions and adjacent roads/streets. Show all existing structures on property and indicate which are to be demolished. Indicate the location of all utilities QQ(--k- Date __. U_gLLzDemolition Location _�k'_ sy,,e______ Tax Map ID "!a 7=1=2�(-{3o APPLICANT �ixf�L OWNER Address �po � ------ Address ---- Phone _____�L—Xy "Z _ 7 -77_ Phone CONTACT PERSON FOR BUILDING& CODES COMPLIANCE: ____________ �---Phone: t. Person Responsible for Work ✓. sir 2. Where will demolition material be disposed? 1 r--'a�CJ-6 3. All buildings to be demolished require an Asbestos Survey C 6'-V _ y_, 4. Any building substantially damaged by fire must obtain an Asbestos Removal Permit from the Department of Labor 5. Asbestos Information: The Asbestos Removal Report must be filed with our office before demolition begin a) Is there any asbestos in the building to be demolished _ __ Yes - o b) If Yes,our office needs the following Information ____ Yes E 0 V Name of firm removing the asbestos License number of firm 11111 MAR 2 9 2017 Indicate where the asbestos material will be disposed 6. structure Information TOWN OF OUEENSBURN' BUILDING& CODES a) Indicate the structure(s)to be demolished ___ Residence ___ Garage ___ Business ___ Storage Bldg. Other b) Size of Structure c) Number of Stories O G p d) Foundation Type e) Foundation �S f) Structure(s) 7. Utilities Information a) Indicate utilities for this structure _ _Propane �_ Pub r Public Sewer ___On-site well water pumg�� a) Have you notifled mown Water PepiartmeDder pu ter and sewer disconnect? Yes .... No b) Have all utilit been disco ted es Z.. N 8. Signature Print N "e ------ ---- -- - ------- Date --- --g t7 ----- S lyiliire: --- ------- - --------- Date --- ��- �� ----- Town of Queensbury Building & Codes - Demolition Permit - December 2014 MICHARL J.STEVENS licensed,Certified NYS Abestos Material Inspector ' P.O. Sox 2202 Glens Falk, New York 12801 (518)6563270 MlksoldeauRgmad,= =FILECOPY RECEOVE MA R 2 9 2017 D TOBUILDING UB CODES Y To Whom It May Concern, Please be advised that I have Inapeoted the property on the date indicated on the enclosed report and taken random samples as required. I have sent the samples to a New York State approved laboratory for testing. Based upon my inspection combined with the laboratory test results for the samples taken from the subject prop. arty,there were no asbestos containing materials(ACM's),found on the subject property or Identified In the sam- ples tested by the laboratory. Accordingly, It Is my understanding that,subject to any and all applicable states or locals and regulations at the time of the enclosed test report,the property owner may proceed with remodeling or demolition as the owner sees fit. Thank you, Michael J. Stevens TOWN OF QUE B UcenseNumber.72900 BUILDING & C D TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING DEPARTMENT Reviewed By: Based on our limited examination,compliance Date: with our comments shall not be construed as indicating the plans and spectifications are in full compliance with the Building Codes of New York State. MJS keg Eno. 309.9-1-29 & 30 DEMO-000122-2017 DKC Holdings 61 & 63 Illinois Avenue Demo Only (asbestos reports recv'd) I Y w000.r .Yr.uo ..re..YNon .........M anggYNw w.N. .YYn. �=ICY rC CY 1N. woiCCCw..wwmamaC'wC O..N..P..+vr....1................ ■YS CiCCC...YIC'wvw • �`lil �NYwY1�L .Nwma.w...NOr.a.aNO NNN C.L.�Nr.w.maO..N S... Mom l nowwa SPAIN YOUMUCHU. M, 'M "E" YC Y.v..r.YYN Ypf C�NY.Y WI..Y C ,marma.r..rMOONPN..YNNN+Y..I.mar.Ow..ma.lN.CmaaN Y...1YN.O YYirrr IIYYII.YY.1 U 1,/Ir.1 Y q• N.._<Y1 rN.NNN..NorYYNYN..1NrN YNNYrNNNNNYII esona'111" No iGir Awa + b IY M IRNI toNNYurNN.YrNo.YYNNNNrCwNN.NNYNNNrNYYYNNCo.uN.NYN.SYIIIYMICCCrra- W� .aI •f/l, ..O N....NO 1N..Oa.lrma.w..N.Y..wN.P....NYYNr..Orw.w.Nl.aMMONN 20a Y .r ,P-:a- It a■ " .n ' ISIIMY.I'.1 NrI�YN.nS+NNNYrY.NYNuw Nv1I��.��NY ►Y���r rYo.N•N.NYo�aNNYNYrYW CwNf�i a .1 Y. uv •1� 1 ww.1 rY�wYIN N. ..I w f r a .w ��tr1l o.vllr • N Nr.. .i11 �F. s Y.1 �C�TltYNI YIYC.NYNC CYC• Ca.IIYYw.IIY.IwRw :rYCa11CCYN. V Y . YYY�IYrV •.1 V11 . Y Y Y.. Yi YY •YINYY• Y.f Y�FY17� .L■.YYY..... .Y N .Y .MiI1II1.1�Ij .aI IwaY�SC.I N.wYrYC1Cr�CCCCa`CI 11Y�1.YN,IICSw� }r IICM' :� YYI IS�I � Y PwI Irl,. .. al N{a iYl lYYNYY / . . C' ma "O Mw/ 11. .IYr I I = 1 11 1Y/Y YNI.....Noma .,N ..rt .' 1 r CNYt.1.YY/.rra,.N.N.' 1t+NYYRY.• I.R.f.Y '..1 YI Nr< :aY/IL.u.Y_.Y I_a.r-ar .YYrr..' 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Y/ �� �r wll C�X�r{•�� Y� .0 .0+UC...NUmaCC.ww ....YNw.YY..NMt.YNYNC..11r....aY:..N.IYw. YYSNwCrY1�ICZY��\rrYw•I�Y I..Y.N.RNYNNrNNC.....YN.....x ..0atao..N r■rNYrYYYYYifN1.S•N...YY 1 fYY'=vIYW.Y.YYN..w.aY..atw..Y....N.p..NNMaM.aYYYY.0:0 ..oYYYN +wrY.1.H .far J I W/YYWYw.WYI....NNP.NOYY.:.NY.r..rr...Mw..Pa.YS.laaaa.ra{Yaar�N,l.N.YWwIISa CwY�■1MI ■� 1 M.Yf,NI .<t IYN Yf.........•aNY...NNYfYOO lam... ......o.YoNYax ar a....N..ma.Y.b MIF YI 1 ,.I ..... ir.r1: ...�..C: aC»CC••rr.........NNN...IINaYLp .64:a SNS.NNY..Nr.Y..1 M.E.J. .A i,iiwC�IC IwwiriCiCaY+f..uYYNaiiiiio *00 ACwY.IYYY.CrYY.{...rt.wwM.}..r�r..r.aun.Y •YNY_Yi . hall! YA.:: I:CC�: - Please Reply To: AmeriSci New York 117 EAST 30TH ST. AMERI SCI NEW YORK, NY 10016 TEL:(212)679-8600•FAX:(212) 679-3114 FACSIMILE TELECOPY TRANSMISSION To: Michael Stevens From: John P.Koubiadis Michael J.Stevens AmeriSci Job#: 217022257 Fax#: Subject: ELAP-PLM/TEM 5 day Results Client Project: 6163; 61 -63 Illinois Ave.; 61 -63 Email: mikesoldcars@gmail.com Illinois Ave.,Queensbury,NY Date: Wednesday,February 15,2017 Number of Pages: 17 Time: 00:48:48 (including cover sheet) Comments: CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: Unless otherwise indicated,the information contained in this communication is confidential information intended for use of the individual named above. If the reader of this communication is not the intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited. If you have received this communication in eror,please immediately notify the sender by telephone and return the original message to the above address via the US Postal Service at our expense. Samples are disposed of in 60 days or unless otherwise instructed by the protocol or special instructions in writing. Thank you. Certified Analysis Service 24 Hours A Day• 7 Days A Reek Competitive Prices visit our web site-www.emerisci.com Boston a Los Angeles•New York•Richmond AmeriSci New York 117 EAST 30TH ST. AMERI SCI NEW YORK, NY 10016 TEL:(212)679-8600•FAX:(212)679-3114 PLM Bulk Asbestos Report Michael J. Stevens Date Received 02/11/17 AmeriSci Job # 217022257 Attn: Michael Stevens Date Examined 02/13/17 P.O. # PO Box 2202 ELAP # 11480 Page 1 of 5 RE:6163; 61 - 63 Illinois Ave.; 61 - 63 Illinois Ave., Queensbury, Glens Falls, NY 12801 NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos #1 217022257-01 No NAD Location: Bedroom-Ceiling-Ceiling Tile (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ella Babayeva on 02/13/17 Analyst Description: Brown/White, Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 1.2% #2 217022257-02 No NAD Location: Bedroom-Ceiling-Ceiling Tile (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ella Babayeva on 02/13/17 Analyst Description: Brown/White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 1.5% #3 217022257-03.1 No NAD Location: Kitchen-Wall-Drywall (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Ella Babayeva on 02/13/17 Analyst Description: OffWhite, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose 10%, Non-fibrous 90% #3 217022257-03.2 No NAD 1 Location: Kitchen-Wall-Drywall Compound (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Ella Babayeva on 02/13/17 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% Comment: Very Thin Layer Of Joint Compound Present See Reporting notes on last page A,neriSci Job#: 217022257 Page 2 of 5 Client Name: Michael J. Stevens PLM Bulk Asbestos Report 6163; 61 - 63 Illinois Ave.; 61 - 63 Illinois Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos #4 217022257-04.1 No NAD Location: Living Room-Wall-Drywall (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Ella Babayeva on 02/13/17 Analyst Description: OffWhite/Tan, Homogeneous, Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose 25%, Non-fibrous 75% #4 217022257-04.2 No NAD Location: Living Room-Wall-Drywall Compound (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Ella Babayeva on 02/13/17 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% Comment: Very Thin Layer Of Joint Compound Present #5 217022257-05.1 No NAD Location: Living Room-Wall-Drywall (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Ella Babayeva on 02/13/17 Analyst Description: OffWhite/Tan,Homogeneous, Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose 15%, Non-fibrous 85% #5 217022257-05.2 No NAD 1 Location: Living Room-Wall-Drywall Compound (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Ella Babayeva on 02/13/17 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% Comment: Very Thin Layer Of Joint Compound Present #6 217022257-06 No NAD Location: Bedroom-Ceiling-Ceiling Tile (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ella Babayeva on 02/13/17 Analyst Description: Brown/White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 1.5% See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 217022257 Page 3 of 5 Client Name: Michael J. Stevens PLM Bulk Asbestos Report 6163; 61 -63 Illinois Ave.; 61 - 63 Illinois Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos #7 217022257-07 No NAD Location: Bedroom-Ceiling-Ceiling Tile (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ella Babayeva on 02/13/17 Analyst Description: Brown/White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 1.1 % #8 217022257-08.1 No NAD Location: Kitchen-Wall-Drywall (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Ella Babayeva on 02/13/17 Analyst Description: White/Tan, Homogeneous, Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose 15%, Fibrous glass Trace, Non-fibrous 85% #8 217022257-08.2 No NAD Location: Kitchen-Wall-Drywall Compound (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Ella Babayeva on 02/13/17 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% #9 217022257-09.1 No NAD Location: Living Room-Wall- Drywall (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Ella Babayeva on 02/13/17 Analyst Description: Whitefran, Homogeneous, Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose 20%, Fibrous glass Trace, Non-fibrous 80% #9 217022257-09.2 No NAD Location: Living Room-Wall-Drywall Compound (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Ella Babayeva on 02/13/17 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% #10 217022257-10.1 No NAD Location: Living Room-Wall-Drywall (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Ella Babayeva on 02/13/17 Analyst Description: Whiterfan, Homogeneous, Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose 30%, Fibrous glass Trace, Non-fibrous 70 % See Reporting notes on last page P.meriSci Job#: 217022257 Page 4 of 5 Client Name: Michael J. Stevens PLM Bulk Asbestos Report 6163; 61 - 63 Illinois Ave.; 61 - 63 Illinois Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos #10 217022257-10.2 No NAD Location: Living Room-Wall-Drywall Compound (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Ella Babayeva on 02/13/17 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% #11 217022257-11 No NAD Location: Bedroom-Ceiling-Ceiling Tile (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ella Babayeva on 02/13/17 Analyst Description: Grey/White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 35.5% #12 217022257-12 No NAD Location: Bedroom-Ceiling-Ceiling Tile (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ella Babayeva on 02/13/17 Analyst Description: Grey/White, Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 31.9% #13 217022257-13 No NAD Location: Kitchen-Floor-Vinyl Tile (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ella Babayeva on 02/13/17 Analyst Description: Green, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 4.8% #14 217022257-14 No NAD Location: Living Room-Floor-Vinyl Tile (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ella Babayeva on 02/13/17 Analyst Description: Green, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 2.8% #15 217022257-15 No NAD Location: Carport-Roof-Asphalt Shingle (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ella Babayeva on 02/13/17 Analyst Description: Black, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Fibrous glass 1 %, Non-fibrous 20.4% See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 217022257 Page 5 of 5 Client Name: Michael J. Stevens PLM Bulk Asbestos Report 6163; 61 - 63 Illinois Ave.; 61 - 63 Illinois Ave., Queensbury, NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos #16 217022257-16 No NAD Location: Carport-Roof-Asphalt Shingle (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ella Babayeva on 02/13/17 Analyst Description: Black, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Fibrous glass 5%, Non-fibrous 32% Reporting Notes: (1) Insufficient material so iu for accurate uantita', n do Z P nalysis(no QC possible). Analyzed by:Ella Babayeva L� 'NAD/NSD=no asbestos detected;NA=not ana d; A/PS= of ed/positive stop,(SOF-V)=Sprayed On Fireproofing containing Vermiculite; (SM-V)=Surfacing Material containing Vermiculite;PLM Bulk As estos Analysis by EPA 600/104.82-020 per 40 CFR 763(NVLAP 200546-0),ELAP PLM Method 198.1 for NY friable samples,which includes the identification and quanfitation of vermiculite or 198.6 for NOB samples or EPA 400 pt ct by EPA 600/M4-82-020(NY ELAP Lab 11480);Note:PLM is not consistently reliable in detecting asbestos in floor coverings and similar non-friable organically bound materials. NAD or Trace results by PLM are Inconclusive,TEM is currently the only method that can be used to determine if this material can be considered or treated as non asbestos-containing in NY State(also see EPA Advisory for floor tile,FR 59,146,38970,8/1/94)National Institute of Standards and Technology Accreditation requirements mandate that this report must not be reproduced except in full without the approval of the Iab.This PLM report trrelates ONLY to the /items �tested.AIHA-LAP,LLC Lab ID 102843,RI Cert AAL-094,CT Cert PH-0186, Mass Cert AA000054. Reviewed By: //��' END OF REPORT AmeriSci Job#: 217022257 Page 1 of 2' Client Name: Michael J. Stevens Table I Summary of Bulk Asbestos Analysis Results 6163; 61 -63 Illinois Ave.; 61 -63 Illinois Ave., Queensbury, NY Sample Heat Acid Insoluble AmeriSci HG Weight Sensitive Soluble Non-Asbestos "Asbestos%by *'Asbestos%b Sample# Client Sample# Area (gram) Organic% Inorganic% Inorganic% PLM/DS TEM y 01 #1 - 0.260 94.6 4.2 1.2 NAD NAD Location: Bedroom-Ceiling-Ceiling Tile 02 #2 0.135 94.1 4.4 1.5 NAD NAD Location: Bedroom-Ceiling-Ceiling Tile 03.1 #3 -- — --- — NAD NA Location: Kitchen-Wall-Drywall 03.2 #3 -- — -- -- NAD NA Location: Kitchen-Wall-Drywall Compound 04.1 #4 -- — — -- NAD NA Location: Living Room-Wall-Drywall 04.2 #4 -- — — — NAD NA Location: Living Room-Wall-Drywall Compound 05.1 #5 -- — --- -- NAD NA Location: Living Room-Wall-Drywall 05.2 #5 — — — — NAD NA Location: Living Room-Wall-Drywall Compound O6 #6 0.195 91.3 7.2 1.5 NAD NAD Location: Bedroom-Ceiling-Ceiling Tile 07 #7 0.182 92.3 6.6 1.1 NAD NAD Location: Bedroom-Ceiling-Ceiling Tile 08.1 #8 — — — — NAD NA Location: Kitchen-Wall-Drywall 082 #8 — — -- -- NAD NA Location: Kitchen-Wall-Drywall Compound 09.1 #9 — — — — NAD NA Location: Living Room-Wall-Drywall 09.2 #9 -- — -- -- NAD NA Location: Living Room-Wall-Drywall Compound 10.1 #10 — — — — - NAD NA Location: Living Room-Wall-Drywall 10.2 #10 — --- -- -- NAD NA Location: Living Room-Wali-Drywall Compound See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 217022257 Page 2 of 2 Client Name: Michael J. Stevens Table Summary of Bulk Asbestos Analysis Results 6163; 61 -63 Illinois Ave.; 61 -63 Illinois Ave., Queensbury, NY Sample Heat Acid Insoluble AmeriSci HG Weight Sensitive Soluble Non-Asbestos "Asbestos°/by "Asbestos%by Sample# Client Sample# Area (gram) Organic% Inorganic% Inorganic% PLMIDS TEM 11 #11 0.293 24.9 39.6 35.5 NAD NAD Location: Bedroom-Ceiling-Ceiling Tile 12 #12 0.248 25.4 42.7 31.9 NAD NAD Location: Bedroom-Ceiling-Ceiling Tile 13 #13 0.252 19.8 75.4 4.8 NAD NAD Location: Kitchen-Floor-Vinyl Tile 14 #14 0.218 19.7 77.5 2.8 NAD NAD Location: Living Room-Floor-Vinyl Tile 15 #15 0.294 20.7 57.8 21.4 NAD NAD Location: Carport-Roof-Asphalt Shingle 16 #16 0.413 19.1 43.8 37.0 NAD NAD Location: Carport-Roof-Asphalt Shingle Analyzed by:John P.Koubiadis :Date Analyzed 2/15/2017 "Quantitative Analysis(Semi/Fu ;Bulk Asbestos Analysi M by EPA 600fM4-82-020 per 40 CFR or ELAP 198.1 for New York friable samples or ELAP 198.6 for New York NOB samples;TEM (Semi/Full)by EPA 600/R-93/116(not covered by NVL:A Bulk accreditation)or ELAP 198.4;for New York samples;NAD=no asbestos detected during a quantitative analysis;NA=not analyzed;Trace= <t%;(SOF-V)=Sprayed On Fireproofing containing Vermiculite;(SM-V)=Surfacing Material containing Vermiculite;Quantitation for beginning weights of<0.1 grams should be considered as qualitative only;Qualitative Analysis:Asbestos analysis results of"Present"or"NVA=No Visible Asbestos"represents results for Qualitative PLM or TEM Analysis only(no accreditation coverage available from any regulatory agency for qualitative analyses):NVLAP(PLM)200546-0, NYSDOH ELAP Lab 11480,AIHA-LAP,LLC(PLM)Lab ID 102843. Warning Note:PLM limitation,only TEM will resolve fibers<0.25 micrometers in diameter.TEM bulk analysis is representative of the fine grained matrix material and may not be representative of non-uniformly dispersed debris for which PLM evaluation is recommended(i.e.soils and other heterogenous materials). Reviewed By:�f� �' /y / �+,�� CfUtK I+HAiIi OF i,.US7ODY Received By:_ � Dateri'me: 2 R�Sq AmmoSp Akw Ywa 117 SSTs 30th erweer Rennquished W / Na.Yawn,w tom Received ".-I 7aa Faw p"706.6727 DaleFTkrte �rC2t2�de000 ^ ' Fisc / u2 Di; SPC TM ELAP PLAYTM Othw to r�tl ate s 6 L b c f�S � /s»-L1IMbef Rte; T� �„ :�� 1 to: c Brpc Qwf WM orCat+mN lM��ct_5�2 Lg,etoe> C_, ate(- , � eti CRS re-�-l� dt L L.o.0 tri 2QD t� �[_J-- �L w tr�L Cid 00-1 �lELl2 art � RL ,e a:�--Ll, i.v 1-i._ c.c��y al�.n --rZ r3r3 COM otin ari 6 a -21>A e t „ r � I3( L rz �9-ziti Nav eL AroeBS %9rrlc CoC,rev,May 20.2049 See Ferms 8 Conddior:s on Bac4 . AMN-P1.N-sf030 P_AE of New York State m Qeparhnent of Ubor. DhMOm or Ssiaty And Health Uwtree WW Omftate Urdt State 08"m BURdIN 12 ARMy,NY 122AO - ASBESTOS HANDLING UCEN$E Mlchaet J Stevens FILE NUMBER: 19.72900 LICENSE NUMBER:42900 ` PO Sox 2202 LICENSE CLASS: RESTRICTED? . DATE OF ISSUE: 09/16/2016 t-- Glens Falls,NY 12601 EXPIRATION DATE: 09/3012017 DulY Authorized Repromm tfve—Michael Stevens: M licano bas been Issued In acconknoe with applicable provisions of Article 30 of the Inbar Law of New York Stata and of the New York State_Codes,Rules and Regulations(12 NYCRR Part 56). It is suldect to suspenslon or revocation for a(1) setions violation of-state,federal or local laws with regard to the conduct of an asbestos project,or(2)demonstrated lack of responsibility in the conduct of any job involving Asbestos or asbestos material. This license Is valid only for the contractor named above and dos license or a photocopy must be ptominoutly displayed at the asbestos project,iNo*dit: This license verifies that all persons employed by the licensee on an sobs"project inN4w York State have been issued an Asbestos Cardficate,appropriato for the type of work they perform,by the New Yotk State Depattntent of Lam. Eileen M.Pranko, Director SH 432(SM2) For the ConnuissIoner of Labor , 5n a Y ey „ ASBESTOS INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT INFORMATION ABBREVIATIONS KEY TM°leaa: PrjectN.: a Friability: Condition: Damage Potential: U,ONe1sjt- >�'�V F-Priebe 1-Iamt I-CemaclPotemisl Daa lmpectd: Buiid'mg Nave: NF-NocFxMle 2-DamegdSigniacamly Damgd TS1 2-Noire Porendal Accessibility 7-Damegd Surfchrg MeaW J-Vib floo Petmtmi 41 1-EmilyAttaalble 4-Slgoifi dy Damaged S.Mag Matalal 4-Air Emabo Fotmtial Page k: Wpatoc(a): 2_ 5-Demeged5igvificmtly Dmaged Mia,.Material S-Waa Porevaal bwd lriad Arm 6-ACBM wah PotmW Por Damage 6-Otha Enwmmnmtal Pommel 3-Pa Of 111 2v C'tS 4-Iemcktd 7-ACBM with Potmael for Sigeificmt Damage 7-Dma Phyaiat Potmtul wibSAMPLE IDENTIFICATION Functional Homogeneous Areas Quantity Friability/ Condition Damage Bulk Comments S ace ID# Accessibili Potential Sample# Floor rAom ' e F l oa0 Gt P D I 40— Wall JTJF v 3 f/ ODr2 J 2 u�rlIL Co-f 60 -0 #) Ceiling ,Lem 5 / LC)h I IK1 �zLy.• *-a- Other Gclln l 1` F / Eh ooh f Fr Ile `/ other ,w W&-L SD F / o60 +x Other „ 0249 3 0 l� Oont L ti Floor I / ( g Wall Kr 3 f�5(� / /3 Om�1 / 0a GlA-I,L GoM,990 ^7 Ceiling e o /�� 9oA / I f Tr CI d, I ic cl Other Lal I.vrl-L I r— / .i9, cy ooh 2 D'r+ L C 61W, Bt fJ fp Other Lv u9lr N la /, g oo/) I LL W I I Other o 6 0 Ftoor 3 / V L !Le vpf�{ �p � :� lC UIQ L lyLx la Ceiling a' y0 ! p, LY- ,His- 1 Y-¢! IS G other 20o �v�P l ki 000 1 oL ra I� other yDDS /C!i o!J /39 Z- 5 Other / Floor / Wall / Ceiling / Other / Other / Other / Floor / Wall / Ceiling / Other / Other / Other / Floor / Wall / Ceiling Other Other Other / f a / P NI , /S K �uf •fR • 1 s .> - _ _ - - _ _ _ _ - - . . _ - - _ _ _ . _ - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - M R. 1/2"IPF , _ - \"GIBE - I LI - 1. •� -_(775) (768} 1. - Lands N/F Of to Rebecca Labay - - _ Legend: - -- .__.-_._._...- ______ -- _ .._.."_ _... - - ---.._ ._....._._1___._- 347/96.. . 1 - - 1 �' - - - Gas Line Marking ® IPF -IrOn Plpe FQtlnd - - _ _ - : O. CIRF= Capped Iron Rod Found - (776} (767} - O M R. Magnetic Reaction . - _ 11 - - x O CIRS Capped Iron Rod 3et/To Be Set " 11 . _ - I Utility Pole cIRF 3/5"IPF, � :° - Wood Fence - : -' x = UYire Ferree �'`� S 78°22' 15" E - - �f _ -.--.--..----I- _._. �._AAAA_..._._ _ - , 100 00' l9CIRF y _ 'f'- - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - to - - - -- _� - - - - - .. _ - - - - - 10`Setback 14 - (777} (7. 6) _ _It P 0 Proposed I Story: �t y _ .A Lands N/F Of - �' Jeremiah Mulcah � Fram _ .-A Mulcahy Wood e Nouse �- } ° L - ,_w A 2G O ! r- S/ 4 JtatlS /CS:° t� 1505/154 - _... '-__..- _._-_____ _ _____.,_-,..__- __.__._._..__.., ____ . ___-- - -- ___._,.___ - ____ ..._ __. -_.-..__,_-_,._- _-_ _ __ _ _ - - . � _ - o - �- �, ( �� / Tax Parcel: 309.9 1 30 � . Q�. - 0 1 „ ��/ _ Existing Conditions ui so9 9- -so o � - Area 12,000 sq. ftJ0.27 acres _ p s Driveway - 20' ' - to W . _ (!78} (765} . Pro o ed N w LOt Width -1 z ! Y Lot Depth= ?0(1' - \ - Area - 1 . Proposed Conditions: - = 7,500.sq. ft./0.T 7 acres 7500,0 Sq o - Q._ r - _ _._., _ - _.._.._._. _.____._____ ____-___-.___ __............... -------1-1-1.1 r._.____. _ __.._______ __ _ - I..., . Feet 0.2 Acres - Area . oo� L f } Lot Dep h . L - - i' . - - �I O'Setback . . - - `r - - --` - (779} --(7G4) A: ;.`. 78 0 22 1 15 H E 100 00' `^`; Tax Parcel:309.9 1-29 S CIRS _ 1- a CIRS . - - - - - ter,{ Existing Conditions: - t. - - _ - - - - - - - - _ - - - 1 . _ 1 y ;� .. '. - _ - --.`_ _ -...:. -I O SdLbaCK �- --�.- -:. '. Ls, SCJ_' ,;�£ -�'=,-rte Area -,3000 ft./0 07 acres , - .. - --_-_ .- _, - - - - x - _ ._- - .,-...- - _ .. _ _ - - _ c. 3.4 x, Lot.Width -.30 - _ == O F,, Area o ;�,,n,;,. _. I_ Lot-De th-,400 - - - _�__ _ - . - - - . - - - -- - 7500.0 S u� - - • 9 i!,t `F - - - j , e�*1 Proposed Gorrdrt�ons: 309.9-1,29 cfRF- set' 0.2 :Acres - . �{ cIRF Ar _ X0.17 acres Deed References: - - - - _ 1. :> - 75' �, ea 7 500 sq. ft �.,/- (780) (71.G3) : I \ LOt Width _ - - o % _ Lot De th =.900` , ` Tax Parcel: 309.9 1-29 - _ - Shea Clear by s.�_ O Proposed Driveway - ,�1 _i. Paul R. Lopez Roof Glear By 2.6 " U . - - �n , '" 1'1 To - . - - - - .. .- - -_ . ---- _ _ _ - _ .- - - - - `� v ; (L.a Total Area Goldie.Lopez AAAA 1 .-.:-r_..vl _ -- lf�l - <:F.':,.-,;r a.._>.., . Dated:March 4 ?981 - - Lands N/F Of - - o -\ ;z 15,000 00 .sq: ft F I - , Book 788, Pae 139 - - - - _ _ k__- I „_-. -� _. - 3---- _..--,._.. _- _..___ _._.__, _... _____._ ..Deborah Wolfe f _ ^ sne�l x �l� -< 0:34 acres1. g - y I Pro osed I Sto = ;e ` . . . 3655/257 _ I . P. .. �'; - - w I - ,,:,AAAA - Tax Parcel:309.9-1-30 ----_1 Wood Frame tlou5e s in 7G2 L0 r r=AAAA:., = ( ) `� ( Fiora Taft . - -26x40' V <:°u .:' - . . - - - . . r \ - ;_ .„,, _ Lore Otis s Knapp L. , :_ - . - I - -__ _ - , ..-_. -_-_--:: -._: - . - - - -rzt a.. �; - - - - - - 5 - - To 78 I .- , I x ( ) a ,t. - Goldie Lopez,, ° \ p ,,, - I J : :` , - - - - - - - Janua 6, ?964 . . Dated.� ry T- - IO' et ack �. - - - - - -: S b CI .._ , ' RF _ > :,-.1, :;_;-:: Book 437, Page 469 . 7\ Z - - `u��.J= - -- . . 100x00 - - - - - -AAAA - - - - - - - _ - - _ _ Zoning Infarmat►on: > _: -i a Nei hbor ood Residential NR P - 4 5 W 1: - _. .. N 78 22 1 -gig,. .- f s .. ti,, - ^r ,r -. f z� :_sem-_.<-__,.. r s- G _._ r..,.' rr ate, ( t. . .u :_r,... #� .,-E ` v r k�:r ^ _ ry,...:„i Pi -V.S rirPis _ r j. NI nimurr►Lot Stz a _ =..- = a T a efe encs: . � M R r a . .:<.. 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Car(iss Reaft tris. _-..-_ _ Lands N/F Of - :._, _3}T .`sof" _;->,�=;�r >,:•, r,= l.0 - X - _._. st s /F Of _�, "- :� - ,_ Land N 5 feet . � �� - :f' Rear=`1 �., - �.1 - _ .s, =Y ". ;�_ _ Dated:Ju 1927 leweU�n - w e ce F "� - `�; - La r n s, 9 5 O t� 11 Gall :�=�-- �� a Ke -� - -' ���,AAAA>'._:zY a . _ Y - 4 r♦ - _ - - - - _ .-..._ , _ _ - - .- . - E'_ _ 'aTt'F .-3'- -.;c saT... -.1.> - - 812/214 ,_:,.. ._:._,_._AAAA > . _n :<_.,.. :.' _.s:,x_., ,•:. 4 - - �r.t > 1451/25 _._.. . ,...-1 _ '..� _ ":�.._,� :r_ _ By E. H. Welles V { i f` ' - - - - - -a$-c- _ - - - - - f 3' -. -. 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V40U710N OP SECIlIN17jU9,506-DIV1.,1011- OF THE ; "--- _- _- _- . - _. .- - - - /(�}/�' _ - IIflYYGRK STAVE EDUCAT1Ul UW_ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ - - �..J - _ _ _ :-- _ - - _ - _ - - _ - _ _ - _ - - _ - - - - --. - - - - - .. - „ - -.- _ .- - - - - - _ OGLYUX'E5 PRGhf THE Cit1G111AL OP JU5 SURVEY - -- - - - '" - - _ _ - - - - - - hURfED K1/H An GRIGIIIp{,Of niE IT1IO.SURVEYCRS --`__:.. - "- -- - - - - - - - - - - - fil - - -- - :., - SEAL SHALL BE GYNIS20EPL11 TO BE VALID TRUE CCPIfS,' _ -_ - - _ -- _ _: - - - - - ■ - - - - - - - ` IU S - 4 s 2 - - 'cucnPlcAna+s WDIcAIED nEP.Eou slcuiPY mat - - - '-'""� - nLis SURVEY WAS 2REPApLU III ACCGRDAlICE WlrFt THE - -_; _ _ _ U4 e n_ e - rises El15ni1G CODE OF PRACTICE fCR WID SURVEYORS ADOi'IED _---- :, ----- - : .s - - _ - BY THE HEVEYORh 5 ND CEp50CUTIg10P PRO RU11 C11AL � -_- -----.-.' _ .- _--_ @:.- _ _ _ _- _ _ _ _ - _ - - S i r- r. e, --o j, :F`.J - W ID SURVEYORS._`NID CERTIPICATI01d5 SHAL-RIJIi GNLY - - - - _ - - - - - Lac _ y = iO THE PER5011 FOR wHSnl THC SURVEY IS PREYAP.ED,MID - _ -- - - - _ _ - - -- - - -. . . . - - - I - -Ott H15 HIS©E14lLP TO THE TI I[E COkVPATLY,GOVEWlh1ETLTAI_- � - -P - _ - _ .- .- . - - - - AG€IICY NID IEIIDlUG 111=- - - - -_ - - -_ „ n ---- • - "1 8 - - eNUMO1,ITSTEDHERLOH,AHD - - - of---Que ury,- -nty, _ _ 1. - - - - - - - -- - - - (] 7 }�'( ('� - Town ensb barren Cou New .Yo. k _ '- 1617 -:Havidand-Road Queensbury, -lYew York - .2 4/� = TOTIE:55IGUU5OPTIICLE11QWG�H5TITUTIOH-__ -.- -::- _- - -- - - - - - _- - - - - _ - - - CLUte - - - - 1. - . - . - - Q - - New 'York Inc. Na. 5013 . . - _ DA 7E DESCRIPTION (518) 792-8.4741. NO = . ,. .: . Ta - - Tax Parcels'309.9 1 29&30