CC-000098-2017 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY r" Y 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Permit Number: CC-000098-2017 Date Issued: Tuesday, June 6, 2017 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number CC-000098-2017 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 296.18-1-5 Location: 63 QUAKER RD Owner: 63 Quaker,LLC Applicant: Michael Fiacco This structure may be occupied as a: Commercial Interior Alterations Creating 4 new offices; By Order of Town Board taking space from Passano Paints and giving it to Realty USA TOWN OF QUE ENS Issuance of this Certificate of Occupancy DOES NOT relieve the ( \ property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance,or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 OL Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: CC-000098-2017 Tax Map No: 296.18-1-5 Permission is hereby granted to: Michael Fiacco For property located at: 63 QUAKER RD In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance Type of Construction Owner Name: 63 Quaker,LLC Business Office-Alteration $8,000.00 Owner Address: 2 Fort Vaux LN Total Value $8,000.00 Watervliet,NY 12189 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency J&P Building 663 Cohwy 116 Johnstown,NY 12095 Plans&Specifications Commercial Interior Alterations Creating 4 new offices; taking space from Passano Paints and giving it to Realty USA $154.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Wednesday,April 18,2018 (If a longer period is required,an application for an exten bn must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the a rati/oA/date. Dated at the Town ofeucensb /.JTue Al 111 2017 SIGNED BY: (�NK VVV for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement . Office Use Only ADDITION/ALTERATION PERMIT Permit#: C C q�- �'(D I r) APPLICATION Permit Fee:$ /S---- Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 Invoice#: /S P:518-761-8256 www.aueensbury.net Project Location: � IAR{�1�+ G • — JE Gc '- 'J Tax Map ID#: a�j(o I �- I-S Subdivision Name: R MAR 16 2017 CONTACT INFORMATION: TOin%N OF OUEENSBURY • Applicant: BUfLDING & CODES Name(s): h .AcCC Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 9,FF;•-�- OTT wt)c Lis (,L Nktcu hMA 1•� J Y9 Cell Phone: ko�, ) 34 S— -)90C\ Land Line: 1K-Q' ) '3 26 -`-/MGC) Email:_ Y`f\�fv�4c� Primary Owner (s): Name(s): \ )— Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: Land Line: Email: �-C't n(--\- Ck d\c 1 cr !;Ldr-'L, a'-C C cam^ • Contractor(s): \ \ Business Name: Cv�� �3c,�.�\(��,nf. ContactName(s): 1Gh,(\ l��\L, Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 663 11ti �a c�c�✓ ��� l�(jq� Cell Phone: ( �A ) 7—I�I �I 6 L tk Land Line: Email: ire gcnht\L (n_�vc�,eaP�2�_ ua1 • Architects En ineer s : ,- Business Name: HlTfiv�ndli Contact Name(s): fil Mailing Address, C/S/Z: _u ftij4v, aptP6 Cell Phon ( ✓� ? )7- .eCq� Land Line: �) Email: } �i kcbarcl7� f7GkU/� - Go✓Vi Contact Person for Building &Code Compliance: bt Cell Phone: (moiy) 1?4 . 00q j Land Line: Email: } buu to �Pb 4;a hi lam. t_o r✓� Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Addition/Alteration Application Revised February 2017 PROJECT INFORMATION: TYPE: /Commercial Residential WORK CLASS: —Single-Family —Two-Family _Multi-Family (#of units ) Townhouse V"Business Office Retail Industrial/Warehouse _Garage (#of cars ) _ Other (describe ) ADDITION SQUARE FOOTAGE: ALTERATION SQUARE FOOTAGE: 1st floor: 1st floor: 110 2nd floor: 2"d floor: 3rd floor: 3rd floor: 41h floor: 4th floor: Total square feet: Total square feet: 110 ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION: 1. Estimated Cost of Construction: $ v 1 Gw• co /� c� 2. If Commercial project, what is the proposed use: I/4Zl GG 3. Source of Heat (circle one): as Oil Propane Solar Other Fireplaces need a separate Fue Burning Appliances & Chimney Application 4. Are there any structures not shown on the plot plan? YES N� Explain: 5. Are there any easements on the property? YES CO 6. SITE INFORMATION: a. What is the dimensions or acreage of the parcel? b. Is this a corner lot? YES c. Will the grade be changed as a result he construction? YES d. What is the water source? U PRIVATE WELL e. Is the parcel on SEWER or a PRIVATE SEPTIC system? /M/G✓ Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Addition/Alteration Application Revised February 2017 DECLARATION: I. I acknowledge that no construction shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit and will be completed within a 12 month period. 2. Ifthework is not completed by the 1 year expiration date the permit may be renewed, subject to fees and department approval. 3. 1 certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement and/or description of the work proposed, that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations. 4. 1 acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed I, or my agents, will obtain a certificate of occupancy. 5. 1 also understand that I/we are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities priorto issuance of a certificate of occupancy. I have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE: DATE: 3-16 - 12 Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Addition/Alteration Application Revised February 2017 kpbArchitccture D E6 E 9 d P.O. Box 697 D Clifton Park, NY 12065 � 3 2017 518.429.8093 11 0 r kbuff@kpbarchitecture.com CQPY TOWN QUEENSBURY F ISE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Date: April 12, 2017 Re: 63 Quaker Ave—Realty USA Office Expansion ADDENDUM NUMBER 1 This Addendum forms a part of the Contract Documents and modifies the original Drawings dated March 10,2017. DRAWINGS 1. G003- Replace Schedules Drawing G003 with attached. a. Added lever handles note to the door schedule b. Revised two partition types to be one hour rated 2. A001- Replace Life Safety Plan Drawing A001 with attached. a. Added indication of one hour partition on plan & legend b. Added location of exit sign with integral emergency lights to match existing on plan & legend 3. A101—Replace Floor Plan Drawing A101 with attached. a. Added exit sign note to overall plan b. Added door dimensions on enlarged plan to ensure 18" on the pull side c. Revised plan detail to show one hour rated partitions DOCUMENTATION 1. Contractor letter stating the existing HVAC system can provide the code required fresh air for the new and existing office spaces. END OF ADDENDUM NUMBER 1 Please contact me should you have any questions. Keith P. Buff,AIA 429-8093 kpb Architecture T 518.429.8093 kbuff@kpbarchitecture.com FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE Tozvn of Queensbury 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 (Dw " Home of Natural Beauty ... A Good Place to Live " PLAN REVIEW Realty USA 63 Quaker Road OLE COPY CC-000098-2017 4/1/2017 The following comments are based on review of the submitted plan: 1) CO detection required throughout the entire space 2) Additional fire extinguisher may be required 3) Verify operation of exit and emergency lighting throughout the space ,N\,o - Fire Marshal Michael J Palmer Fire Marshal 518 7618206 Sremarshal@queensbury.net Fire Marshal 's Office • Phone: 518-761-8206 - Fax: 518-745-4437 firenmrshalfteensbunt.net • wwiv.queensbumnet .•., Windy Acres Air 112 New Vermont Rd Bolton Landing,NY 12814 (518)812-9054 joeladetrick@gmail.com FILE COPY April 12,2017 _. Dear Sir, Pertaining to the HVAC equipment at 63 quaker rd realty USA office. Carrier M#48tme007-501 S#1809G2011B Heating BTU 115,000 Cooling BTU 71,000 This unit has a motorized economizer with a minimum adjustable setpoint to allow for continuous fresh air intake and exhaust. In its current state it is able to accomplish the necessary air exchange for the current space and new office spaces. Sincerely, Joel Detrick Windy Acres Air