Agenda Revised Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda Meeting: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 Time: 7:00- 11:00 pm Queensbury Activities Center- 742 Bay Road Agenda subject to change and may be found at: www.queensbury.net Approval of meeting minutes: April 19 and April 26,2017 Administrative Item: Z-AV-17-2017 Fastract Markets,LLC(Brett Hughes)773 Quaker Road: Request to further Table. %1OO Z-SV-2-2017 Fastract Markets,LLC(Brett Hughes)773 Quaker Road: Request to further Table. 1�gdRh OLD BUSINESS: Applicant(s) Gregory Teresi,Member Dark Bay Properties Area Variance No Z-AV-31-2017 WOO Owners Lawrence Davis SEQRA Te 11 Agent(s) J.Lapper,Esq.BPSR/Hutchins Engineering Lot Size 1.5 acres&0.23 acres Location 3300 State Route 9L Zoning WR Ward No. Ward 1 Tax Id No 239.18-1-27.1;239.18-1-27.2 Section 179-4-040 Cross Ref P-SP-33-2017 Warren County Planning Aril 2017 Public Hearing April 26,2017 Tabled to May 17,2017 Adirondack Park Agency ALD Project Description: Applicant proposes a boundary lot line adjustment to construct a single family home with a shared curbcut with the adjacent parcel. Parcel 239.18-1-27.1 will reduce a 1.5 ac parcel to 0.91 ac and increase parcel 239.18-27.2 to 0.81 ac. Project also involves construction of single on parcel 239.18-1-27.2 and associated site work on both parcels. Relief requested for increasing the nonconformity of an existing non-conforming parcel. Relief is also requested for stormwater device setback.Planning Board: construction of single family home within 50 ft.of 15%slopes and stormwater for slopes and location in a CEA. Applicant(s) Fastrac Markets,LLC(Brett Hughes) Sign Variance No Z-SV-3-2017 Owner(s) Jerry Nudi-SwitchCO LLC SEQRA Type Unlisted Agent(s) Napierala Consulting-Matthew R.Napierala,PE Lot Size 2.155 Acre(s) Location /Ward No. 208 Corinth Road-Ward 4 Zoning CI-18 Tax Id No 309.13-1-35 Section Chapter 140 Cross Ref P-SP 22-2017;P-SUP-5-2017; Z-AV-18-2017; Warren County Planning March 2017 SP PZ 51-2016&AV PZ 69-2016 Hotel,DISC 2- 2017 Public Hearing March 22,2017 Tabled to May 17,2017 Adirondack Park Agency n/a Project Description Applicant proposes installation of revised signage including a 45 sq.ft.freestanding sign and 70.7 sq.ft.wall sign on front of the building. Relief requested from number of allowable wall signs; 1 allowed; 3 are proposed-32 sq.ft.wall sign to be installed on the side of the building and a 22.2 sq.ft.canopy sign to be installed on the new gasoline canopy structure. NEW BUSINESS: Applicant(s) Frank&Isobel Munoff Notice of Appeal No Z-NOA-1-2017 Owners Harold and Lyn Halliday SEQRA Type n/a Agent(s) n/a Lot Size 1.66 Acre(s) Location /Ward No. 2599 State Route 9L-Ward 1 Zoning WR Tax Id No 240.5-1-32 Section n/a Cross Ref SUP 1-2017;SP 2-2017 Warren County Planning n/a Public Hearing May 17,2017 Adirondack Park Agency n/a Project Description Appellant is appealing the Zoning Administrator's determination as to whether a duplex or multi-unit building constitutes more than one principal building. The appeal is directed at a specific Planning Board approval on property owned by Harold and Lyn Halliday;parcel 240.5-1-32;2599 State Route 9L in the Town of Queensbury for a construction and special use of boat storage building on said parcel where the Halliday's reside. Page 1 of 2 Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda Meeting: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 Time: 7:00- 1 1:00 pm Queensbury Activities Center— 742 Bay Road Agenda subject to change and may be found at: www.queensbury.net Applicant(s) James Beaty Area Variance No Z-AV-35-2017 Owners Hars Pars,Inc. SEQRA Type lI Agent(s) n/a Lot Size 10.69 Acre(s) Location/Ward No. 168 Sunnyside Road-Ward 1 Zoning MDR Tax Id No 290.5-1-50 Section 179-3-040 Cross Ref SB 7-2017 Prelim&SB 8-2017 Final Warren County Planning May 2017 Public Hearing May 17,2017 Adirondack Park Agency n/a Project Description Applicant proposes subdivision of land where existing golf course bar/and 4-unit apartment complex are located into two parcels. The apartment complex,Lot 1 will be 0.30 acres and the golf course,Lot 2 will be 10.56 acres.Relief requested from minimum lot size/density,building setbacks,and permeability requirements of the MDR zoning district. Planning Board: Subdivision review is required for the creation of the new lots. Applicant(s) Glenn Durlocher Area Variance No Z-AV-30-2017 Owner(s) Great Escape Theme Park,LP SEQRA Type lI Agent(s) n/a Lot Size 10.48 acres; 1/5th acre (using 4,500 sq.ft.) Location/Ward No. 1115 State Route 9-Ward 2 Zoning Cl Tax Id No 295.12-1-4 Section 179-5-020; 179-3-040 Cross Ref P-SP-32-2017 Modification;SP PZ-265-2016 Warren County Planning April 2017 Public Hearing May 17,2017 Adirondack Park Agency n/a Project Description Applicant proposes to relocate a 160 sq.ft.shed this includes a 50 sq.ft.porch on the shed. Project is for an outdoor tree art business where the shed would be closer than 75 ft.to the front property line. Relief requested for travel corridor overlay and front setback requirements of the Cl zone.Planning Board: Site Plan modification for relocation of shed and display area. Applicant(s) Chris Mackey Area Variance No. Z-AV-36-2017 Owners Mary&William Carey SEQRA Type lI Agent(s) Dennis MacElroy,Environmental Design Lot Size 0.26 Acre(s) Partnership Location/Ward No. Vacant parcel just west of 310 Corinth Road- Zoning CLI Ward 4 Tax Id No 308.16-1-54 Section 179-3-040; 179-4-030 Cross Ref n/a Warren County Planning May 2017 Public Hearing I May 17,2017 1 Adirondack Park Agency n/a Project Description Applicant proposes construction of 2,450 sq.ft.storage structure on a vacant 0.26 acre parcel off Exit 18,1-87. Relief requested from minimum Travel Corridor Overlay(TCO)district setback requirements and setbacks for the CLI zoning district. OTHER BUSINESS: Signage Discussion—Per March 29th meeting the Chairman requested having a sign discussion at the May 2017 meeting. This is a general discussion Any further business that the Chairman determines may be properly brought before the Zoning Board of Appeals. Revised: 5.17.2017 Notations Applications ;Added Other Business: Signage Discussion LM/sh Revised: 4.27.2017 Z-SV-3-2017 Address from 220 to 208 Corinth Rd Final Version: 4.27.2017 CB/LM/sh Page 2 of 2