BOTH-000278-2016 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: BOTH-000278-2016 $P 201' "Gb Tax Map No: 240.9-1-16.11 ^ P Permission is hereby granted to: Ray Kraft Construction K I{� VISE D For property located at: 25 CLEVERDALE RD In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance Type of Construction Owner Name: Wendy Kraft Deck $15,000.00 Owner Address: 97 GLENWOODAVE Total Value $15,000.00 Queensbury,NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Ray Kraft Construction 97 GLENWOOD AVE Queensbury,NY 12804 Plans&Specifications , A , Repairs to 3 decks and 1 porch "E N E V\/ E D 688 total square feet i ■■ Renewal fee paid through May 27,2017 $ 0.00 PERMIT FEE PAID -THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Saturday, May 27, 2017 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town o ueens n �d/J�Ved d 1,2013 SIGNED BY: for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement 2115113 Dear Mr. Hatin; While rehabilitating my mother's house, I discovered thousands of dead bats and their feces along with mice in the ceiling and walls off the rear part of the house. It had permeated the wood to such extent that it had to be removed. 1 chased the rot and bat remains and ended up tearing a large amount of the bedrooms area and windows out. 1 replaced to the same footprint. I did use 2 by 6 material where there had been only 2 x 4, the new windows are insulated instead of the single pane ones that were there and I am appropriatly insulating the walls where there was little or no insulation before. The house is now bat and vermin free and much improved. I did not think about a permit as it was not my intention to remove as much of the house as I did. I now ask to finish the project. Thankyou; Ray Kraft MAR 0 6 2613 NOTICE: Smoke uetectors are required In beurooms, adjacent to bedrooms and on each floor level including cellar or basement TOWN OF QUEENSBURY All smoke detectors & carbon monoxide BUILDING & CO ES detectors shall be Interconnnected with PT. battery backup and located on all levels. Reviewed Carbon monoxide detectors are required Y outside slee^.ino areaq ant' on all levels. Date: NOTICE FOAM INSULATION MUST BE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING DEPARTMENT COVERED BY A 15 MINUTE Based on our limited e-,amination,compliance with our comments shau riot be construed as THERMAL BARRIER indicating the plans ano specifications are in full compliance with the Building Codes of New York State. NOTICE KRAFT PAPER INSULATION MUST BE COVERED BY NON-COMBUSTIBLE BARRIER I ; I r l LAM Y1 sd Glx T I ; rC rt7 rr,. "l 07-r1V � I i I I i i i i I SII 'i I ; 1 � i i . i _SC C ON Hair /:0.7 � - O 3�LJrndd a/ �G Ore - ai t i �, p � - - -- - - d i i W L. r /6f cviiti �nSk/h��n.r !l �}f a1µ4 0007':� --i1Rl -0 L) GALLS ay 4 /✓i.,� OLD NQ Hee06Rs A/L-:v is 301.51 \ o - AIL- Z v 4L 11 a� T u� c 4 I Q 7 ° �i u 11 I �) <� ' "�4�� <��� �� _ --�-t-�---r ��7 ���' �-,� �u�!^�--^��?J-��(' v`' � �i y _ � � � y4 ri i; '� � Y, �' 'L r; �17 1 �� n�� ,S ___.__.£ 00 M ..�_ ��I .__ ..__..�.�� £ � i m _ ' T c �Kt*f ♦ n � � f m T 4 b Nye ,r K r 'a lox 10 f `' s low ALa i .yaw T{l1 z s LT_ Front Elevation Right View �- _ �'.� ,.- �_ _ _ - - - -_ �` �- � � _ �- . �:� - �- � � s� � � �iyf � -`- - �r � ,: arm- -.r r ..6 y,a �Y t tib.:- _ - .i ! Revised 4/14/2010 WINDOW SCHEDULE JOBSITE/ADDRESS: ��5 � J�',�' f�"� �c �� C� DATE: OWNER: APPLICATION NO.: WINDOW NO. WINDOW WINDOW UNIT OR STOCK ROUGH ROUGH $O.FT. SO.FT. CLEAR CLEAR SPECIAL OR LETTER MANUF. MODEL NUMBER OPENING OPENING VENT EGRESS OPENING OPENING HARDWARE ON PLAN NAME TYPE CALL SIZE WIDTH HEIGHT /CLEAR WIDTH IN HEIGHT IN OR OPENING INCHES INCHES INSTRUCTI ONS JOD ' I' Q urge O O �; /-i nn'R�, , ��R%er .�'F�L{l30`/AR9 3�0 •' cf� � r; C�00 `� r)(7''�� Town of Queensbury" Community Development Office " 742 Bay Road, Queensbury NY 12804 Arl�nsen Andersen Windows Abbreviated Quote Report l Sold • Project Name: KRAFT-200 SERIES VV`p/_I eS ......•...... - --- - ^••••' •^ Print Date: 0111812011 Quota Dale: 01/062io Version: 11.0011 ._ .--- � - . Quote#_75773 Customer. I Dealer. Billing Address: Phone: Fac JIMW Contact: Sales Rap: P- 'CSR Name: Unit Price Ext.Price_ _ I ---- Size,(__ -Location - — Item O retlon - Item __ - -- — - - ------ - ---- - ---- S _.-_- -------..___—_ 489.81 f 489.81 0001 1 CN235(LR) I j 0001 =3'5114"W 235(L 8"H Unit Size=3.4 314"W x 3'413116"H IRD x 3' Unit,SandtonelClear Pine,5 3 Handing,(All Sash)High performance Low-E4 Glass Finelight Grilles-Between-the-Glass, Prairie A, 9 tiles, SandtonelSandlone,3/4" ' P ect�✓ _s I I_-L Insect Screen,Stone 1 C en ��{ l/j C Hardware Pack,PSC,Andersen Classic Series-Stone �' - - — - - - - $ 297.68 $ 1190.72 0003 4 244DH3049(AA) 1i1 RD Size=3'0"Wx4'9"H UnitSize=2'11112"Wx4'8112"H Unit,3114•Frame Depth,Sandtone/Clear Pine,Low E Glass,Finetight Grilles-Between-the-Glass, Prairie A,9 Lites,Sand[one/Ssrndtone,3I4-(Each Sash) 2 0F'1 ICGCi'ticsl insect Screen,Sandtone f) - -- -- j 239.98 $ 239.98 - 0004 1 244DH2436(AA) f R0Size• 2'4"Wx3'6"H UnitSize=2'312"Wx3'5112"H Unit,3 114"Frame Depth,Sandtone/Clear Pine.Low E Glass, Finel'ight Grilies-Between-the Glass, Prairie A,9 L'Res,SandtonelSandtone,314'(Each ' I Sash) ? a7 m S Insect Screen,Sandtone 1�; � L'i (\ _.- � s 514.785 514.78 0005 '.F 244DH2436-2(AA-AA) R0SIze=4'8"Wx3'8"H UnitS1ze=4'7112"Wx3'51/2"H I1 Composite Unit,3 114"Frame Depth,Sandtone/Clear Pine,Low E Top/Bottom'Low E'Fop/Bottom Glass, FinelgMGritles-Between-the-Glass -1. . ToplBottom'Finelighl Grilles -Between-the-Glass Glass TopBottom,Mulling Location: Factory(Direct), Mug Type: Narrow Mull,Mull Priority:Vertical Insect Screen,Sandtone �Jn yr, ----- -- - __ iQ Version: 11.0 Page 1 Of 3 Quote#_ 75773 Print Date_ 01118/2011 Rem Qty-- Item Size(Operation) Location Unit Price Ext.Price 0006 5 2440142840(AA) 3 264.85 $ 1324.25 RO Size=2'8"W x 4'0"H Unit Size=2'7 1/2"W x 3'11 112"H Unit,3 114"Frame Depth, Sandtone/Clear Pine,Low E Glass, Finelight Grilles-Between-the-Glass, Prairie A,9 Lites,Sandtone/Sandtone,314'(Each Sash) Insect Screen,Sandtone ------ ;-} 0007 3 244DH3040(AA) $ 275.21 $ 825.63 � � ROSize=3'0"Wx4'0"H Unit Size=2'11112"Wx3'11112"H Unit, 31/4"Frame Depth,Sandtone/Clear Pine,Low E Glass,Finelight Grilles-Between-the-Glass, Prairie A,9 Lites,Sandtone/Sandtone,314"(Each �... : Sash) Insect Screen,Sandtone ' I 0008 1 244DH2430(AA) S 224.76 $ 224.76 RO Size=2'4"W x 3'0"H Unit Size=2'3112"Wx2'11112"H Unit,3 1/4'Frame Depth,Sandtone/Clear Pine,Low E Glass,Finelight Grilles-Between-the-Glass, Prairie A.9 Lites,Sandtone/Sandtone, 3/4"(Each Sash) /'�Insect Screen,Sandtone .t5� ��iU77 yy f L3 0 Ara Subtotal K_q_809.9 Total Load Factor Ta).(0.000%) — —.._. .- -- ----- - - - --- - - -- Customor Signature -- Grand Total _ -- 4,-809.9' Dealer Signature All graphics viewed from the exterior "Rough opening dimensions are minimums and may need to be increased to allow for use of building wraps or flashings or sill panning or brackets or fasteners or other Items. Quote#: 75773 Print Date: 91/18/2011 Page Of 3 iQ Version: 11.0 SANITARY SEWER SERVICE PO Box 224 Glens Falls, NY 12801 (518) 792-7257 September 1 , 2011 Ray Kraft 25 Cleverdale Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Ray; Going back in our records I found that in 1968 my father (Chris Drellos) installed a 1000 gallon concrete septic tank and 240' leaching field. Daniel Drellos c ' OFFICE USE ONLY %""""'"'"'''.......... TAX MAP NO. PERMIT NO.� -D R t� 7A 0 6 LJ C� t e FEES: PERMIT RECREATION ENGINEERING ; ; .................(ifapplicable) ; Stamp PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE: APPLICATION FOR ZONING APPROVAL & BUILDING PERMIT A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BEFORE ISSUANCE OF AVALID PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION. p APPLICANT/BgUILDER: (7aN y�✓Q �f CQ�//rj7 OWNER: ADDRESS: 17 ItH1AJIJGYG d�- g ADDRESS: PHONE NOS. 1B - 79,W-0 B(o`� 6 -Q PHONE NOS. 7/o(T OS(o7 CONTACT PERSON FOR BUILDING & C DES// COMP/�LIIANCC'E: a PHONE: lo! D 3O8 LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 2rJ Cll yZY�ez/e /fLt ( !ST iToySeoy ��) 7 OB(o 7 HAS THERE BEEN A SITE PLAN REVIEW; VARIANCE OR SUBDIVISION APPROVAL? ❑ YES ® NO IF SO, INDICATE APPLICATION NO.AND DATE OF APPROVAL: PLEASE INDICATE MEASUREMENTS AS REQUIRED BELOW: CHECK ALL THAT z APPLY TO YOURz 0LL U)O d Luo PROJECT 0 0 O � '� co Lu Q Q :- d NU) Ori OFA a = cc SINGLE FAMILY (q _e, �J� �— G� 6ee- Cllle4chez TWO-FAMILY MULTI-FAMILY (NO.of UNITS_) TOWNHOUSE BUSINESS OFFICE RETAIL- MERCANTILE FACTORY OR INDUSTRIAL ATTACHED GARAGE(1,2,3) OTHER IF COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL- NAME OF BUSINESS: ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST: I ,-) Oc-;;G? FUEL TYPE: HEAT TYPE: 'HOW MANY FIREPLACE(S): AND/OR WOODSTOVES(S): ZONING CATEGORY: ARE THERE WETLANDS ON THIS SITE? IS THIS A HISTORIC SITE? PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR ADDITION: 'Please complete a separate Application for"Fuel Burning Appliances&Chimneys"available in our office B 3-LGL 11-05 ARE THERE STRUCTURES NOT SHOWN ON PLOT PLAN? ARE THERE EASEMENTS ON PROPERTY? I acknowledge no construction activities shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit. I certify that the application, plans, and supporting materials are a true and complete statement/description of the work proposed, that all work will be performed in accordance with the NY State Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed, I or my agents will obtain a certificate of occupancy. I also understand that I/we are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. I have read and agree to the above. Signed Director of Building & Codes* 761-8256 (for questions regarding Building Permits, construction codes or septic systems) Zoning Administrator: 761-8218 (for questions regarding required permits, the permit process, application requirements or to schedule an appointment) Permission is hereby granted to the above : This application / proposed action described ; Applicant to erect or alter the building ; herein is found to be in accordance with the described herein in accordance with said ; zoning Laws of the Town of Queensbury. Application: ; BUILDING & CODES APPROVAL ; ZONING APPROVAL , ; DATEDAT-FA—TE E—_ QUESTIONS? CALL 781.8258 OR EMAIL codesla aueensbury net Office Use Only VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION Operating Permit Issued: _Yes _No www.aueensbury.net Occupancy Type: Construction Classification: Assembly Occupancy Limit: Special Conditions: Q I { t , 't i 21 MINUTES PER INCH / 6 CLIJ -46' 10 E S23 10 141 ^ ° W 31 2 0 ---- - ---" I - A04 00 � 00 CO FI PART OF LOT 2 L AREA CD 264,672.34 sq. ft. ® Q- 0 o ASP 6.08 acres Fz -meq._„ DR VET .. - - - i GARAGE U (D -3.,70 Co 2 STORY. ;`,. fn WOOD FRAMED, L HOUSE'-.. 6 CL i l('� 41 CSI Y CV Q_ \ ~ SHED. / C 3 // IPF D 9 D2� 6 O� APPROX. OO o�, SEPTIC J`S f�p��W ", I HAVE PERSONALLY MEASURED THE DIST'ANCIT APPRox. D19 N Q°00 FROM THE PROPERTY LINES TO THE SEPTIC D14 3 PROPOSED TRUCTURE(S)OR SIGNS) LANDS N/F OF ,` v 1 _ Q JULIEN SIG lA RE A� TENNIS ✓ COURTS s AREA TO BE .MERGED WIT OTHER LANDS 'OF KRAFT y j � 3 MAR 0 �' 2013 r .. I - j