RESOLUTION NO.87 , introduced by Mr. John Austin who moved its
a option, secon ed by Mr. Daniel Olson:
WHEREAS, A1410. 2, Town Clerk' s Equipment Fund and A5010.4 Superinten-
dent of Highway' s Contractual Expense Fund will exceed their appropri-
ation for 1973, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the sum of $93. 00 be appropriated from the Contingent
Fund as follows : A1410. 2 - $39. 00 thereby increasing said appropriation
from $500. 00 to $539 .00.
A5010. 4 - $54. 00 thereby increasing said appropriation
from $200 to $254. 00.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Austin
Noes : None
Absent:Mr. Streeter
Meeting opened to the Public-no one spoke
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk
Regular Meeting March 8 , 1973
Members Present :
John Austin Supervisor
Daniel Olson Councilman
Robert Barber Councilman
Harold Robillard Councilman
Gordon Streeter Councilman
J. David Little Town Counsel
Mr. Everett Batchelder, George Liapes , Harold Boynton, Mary Lou
Quinn, Lee Coleman , Mr. Kokoletsos , Mr.Phillips , Mrs. Delong-League
Of Women Voters, Kip Grant
Supervisor Austin opened the meeting with a salute to the flag at
7 : 38 P.M.
First on the agenda is the Mobile Home Application for Everett Batchelder
5 Birwood Circle to locate at Sanders Road, owner of the land being
Stanley Phillips-proof of publication was shown-Mr. Phillips and Mr.
Batchelder were present. Mr. Boynton Assistant Bldg. Insp. approved this
application. No one spoke for or against thig application during the
public hearing.
RESOLUTION NO. 88, introduced by Mr. Gordon Streeter, who moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber.
WHEREAS, Everett Batchelder has made application in accordance with
paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury
locate a mobile home at property situated Sanders Road, and
WHEREAS, this town board has conducted a public hearing in connection
with said application and has heard all persons desiring to be .heard
in favor of or against said application, and
WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said
application and at said public hearing are sufficient to authorize
the issuance of the permit requested by said application, therefore
be it
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned
ordinance, permission is hereby given to Everett Batchelder to locate
a mobile home at property situated at Sanders Road and that the Building
Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to issue such permit in
accordance with the terms and conditions of said ordinance.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr.Austin
Noes: None
The Mobile Home application for Richard Finch Jr. was next, he wishes
to place a mobile home on Newcomb Street. No one appeared for or
against the application. Mr. Barber asked the board to table this
application. . The application was tabled, until the next meeting.
Supervisor Austin commended Carl Garb , noting this is "Mud Week"
and the Highway Department is working to handle the heavy mud situations
on roads such as Tuthill Road, Burke Road and other dirt roads in the
The Seward Street Area which has contacted the Town regarding drainage
problems this year, hhs now returned most of the questionnaires that
were sent by the town to all residents. As cost study is being made in
cooperation with the Highway Department, and Supervisor Austin, the board
will soon have a cost estimate for drainage in the problem area, as well
as the Ridgedale area off Quaker Road, including Meadowbrook Road, Sar-
gent Street, and others.
The 1973 Directory is available.
February 21, 1973
Mr. John Austin
Queensburg Town Office Building
Bay at Haviland Road, R.D.#1
Glens Falls, New York 12801
Dear Mr. Austin:
Thank you for your recent letter expressing support for
Senate Bill 638, which increases state aid to libraries .
I have sponsored this legislation because I share your
viewpoint that the present structure and level of aid
to libraries is inadequate to meet the ever increasing
public demands. You may be assured of my commitment to
an equitable and fiscally sound probram which allocates
additional money for vital library services.
Thanking you for affording me the benefit of your views ,
I am
RAS : d John J. Marchi
March 1 , 1973
Dear John:
Thank you for your recent correspondence regarding the pro-
posed Adirondack Park Agency Plan.
I agree wholeheartedly with your position and you may be sure
that I will continue to do my best to see that the rights of our
Adirondack citizens are protected.
Sincerely yours ,
John Austin, Supervisor Ronald Stafford
Queensbury Town Office Building
Bay at Haviland Road - R.D. 1
Glens Falls, New York 712801
RS :c
The following monthly reports were read and submitted to the Town Clerk:
The Building & Zoning, The Town Clerk' s, Thv Dog Warden monthly
report for February.
This resolution is not available at this time but will be forth
coming from evious Town Attorney Harbtd W. Katz , to be found on
RESOLUTION NO. 90 introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its
j a opt on, seconded by Mr. Gordon. Streeter:
WHEREAS , certain bills for the water storage and distribution system
are due and payable and bond -anticipation monies are not yet available,
therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the sum of $32 ,085.00 be transferred from the General
Town Fund to the Queensbury Water Storage and Distribution Fund, such
sum to be repaid to the General town Fund upon issuance of the bona
anticipation note.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr,. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin
Noes : None
RESOLUTION NO. 91, introduced by Mr. Robert Barber, who moved its
adoption, secon ed by Mr. Daniel Olson:
WHEREAS, it appears to be a proper town charge from the Justice
Contraetual Appropriation, to reimburse jurors for their services ,
therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the rate per day per juror be set at $6. 00 with mileage
at the rate of l21� per mile both ways and be it further ,
RESOLVED, that the meals for the jurors while on duty shall be furnished
and paid for from the A1110.4 Justice Contractural Appropriation.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin
Noes : None
RESOLUTION NO.92 , introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson, who moved its
adoption, secon ed by Mr. Harold Robillard:
WHEREAS, application has been made by William Kostechko for re-
zoning of his property on the northerly side of Weeks Road in the
Town of Queensbury from a C-3 to an R-5, a complete description is
as follows :
ALL that certain parcel of land situate in the Town of Queensbury,
Warren County, New York, located on the northerly side of Weeks
Road in said town, and which said parcel is bounded and described
as follows :
BEGINNING at a point in the northerly bounds of the Weeks Road at
a distance of 728. 59 feet, Westerly measured along the northerly
line of the Weeks Road from the westerly bounds of New York State
Route 9, as said westerly bounds existed prior to 1965, and which
point of beginning is also situate at a distance of 345 feet, Westerly,
measured along the northerly bounds of the Weeks Road from the westerly
line of a private roadway known as Pine Road, running thence from the
place of beginning, North 83 degrees 35 minutes West, along the north-
erly bounds of the Weeks Road, for a distance of 898.05 feet; thence
Nort1f 7 degrees 14 munutes East, and along the easterly bounds of lands
now or formerly owned:'by Louise Miller, for a distance of 855 .87 feet;
thence South 83 degrees 10 minutes East, and along the southerly
bounds of lands owned by Turnpike Theatre, Inc. ,for a distance of
1035. 58 feet; thence South 6 degrees 33 munutes East, and along the
westerly line of the aforementioned private roadway known as Pine Road,
for a distance of 651. 15 feet; thence North 83 . drgrees 10 minutes West,
and along the northerly line of lands now or formerly of Frank 0. Smith,
for a distance of 294.22 feet; thence South 6 degrees 25 munutes West,
along the westerly line of said lands now or formerly of Smith, for a
distance of 215 .84 feet to the place of beginning and containing 20. 70
acres of land, and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Queensbury, Section 11. 100
and Sections 264 and 265 , Article 16, Chapter 62 of the Consolidated
Laws of the State of New York provide that any proposed amendment or
change in the Zoning Ordinance be referred to the Planning Board for a
report thereon and a public hearing to be held thereon and
WHEREAS, the said application has been referred to the Planning Board
and said Planning Board has rendered its report thereon to the Town
Board, therefore be it -
RESOLVED, that a public hearing on such application be held by the Town
Board on Thursday April 12 , 1973 at 7 : 30 P.M. at the Town Office build- �1
ing, Bay and Haviland Roads in the Town of Queensbury and that notice
thereof be published at least ten (10) days in advance of such hearing
in the official town newspaper.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin
Noes : None
Supervisor Austin noted that the Town Clerk as a matter of couttesy
will send out a notice of the public hearing to residents within five-
hundred feet.
RESOLUTION NO. 93, introduced by Mr. Robert Barber, who moved its adop-
tion, seconded y Mt. Daniel Olson:
WHEREAS , it was reported to this Board that certain buildings on West
Howard Street in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New 'York were
in a condition dangerous and unsafe to the public, and whereas Harold
Boynton, Assistant Building Inspector for the Town of Queensbury was
duly appointed to make any inspection of such buildings and report
thereon to this Board, and whereas such inspection was duly made by
the said Harold Boynton, Assistant Building Inspector for the Town
of Queensbury, which report to this Board is that said buildings are
in such a dilapidated condition and so situate that they or parts of
them will fall in the near future unless the same are removed or re-
paired, and whereas it appears from the report of such person that the
said buildings are unsafe and dangerous to the public and a public
nuisance, and whereas it appears that James VanGuilder and Clara Van-
Guilder, his wife, are the owners of said buildings ,
RESOLVED AND ORDAINED, that the said James VanGuilder and Clara Van-
'Guilder, the owners of said buildings , either remove or repair the
said buildings , within the time limitation and in the manners set forth
in Ordinance Number 31, Unsafe Buildings and Collapsed Structures ,
adopted pursuant to the authority contained in Section 180, Subdivision
16, of the Town Law of the State of New York; further be it
RESOLVED AND ORDAINED, that the Town Clerk, pursuant to and in the manner
authorized by Town Law, Section 130, Subdivision 16, Subpar. b , shall
forthwith cause to be served upon the said owners a notice in writing
containing a description of the premises and of the particulars in which
the buildings are unsafe or dangerous in condition, and a further state-
ment ordering them to make the same safe and secure or to remove the
same as hereinbefore set forth; further be it
RESOLVED AND ORDAINED, that in the event of the neglect or refusal of
the said owners to comply withthe aforesaid notice, a survey of the
premises shall be made by George P. Liapes , Building Inspector for the
Town of Queensbury, and Hammon. Robertson, Jr. , Engineer, hereby
appointed and designated for such purpose, and by the parties nominated
pursuant to said Ordinance hereinbefore mentioned, by the owners, and
in the event or failure or refusal of the owners to appoint such person
to act in their behalf or in the event of the failure of the person ao
appointed by them to act, the survey shall be made by the persons appointed
by this Town Board; that if a practical builder, engineer or architect
shall not be appointed by the said owners and designated by the owners
within thirty (30) days after the service of this notice upon them, and
such owners notify the undersigned Town Clerk of the name of the person
or persons so designated, and/or such persons shall fail to cooperate with
the Inspector and Engineer named by this Town Board as aforesaid, then
said parties designated by the Town Board as aforesaid shall make such
survey and report to the,,e
enTown Board. In the event said buildings are
reported unsafe or dangerous by said persons or a majority of them as
designated by the Town Board and the owners, an. application will be
made at a Special Term of the Supreme Court in the juJicial district
in which said property is located, auch term to be designated by the
Town Clerk, for an order determining that said buildings are a pub-
lic nuisance and directing that the same be repaired or secured or
taken down and removed as the Court may determine, be it further
RESOLVED AND ORDAINED, that the report of thesurvey on the buildings
signed by the persons mak-ping the report, setting forth in full their
findings in respect to the building and compensation of the surveyors,
be posted by the Town Clerk upon the said buildings within five (5)
days after the receipt of such report by the said Town Clerk; be it
I further
`-- RESOLVED AND ORDAINED, that all costs and expenses incurred by the
Town in connection with the proceedings to remove or secure said
buildings , including the compensation of the surveyors and the cost
of repair or removal, shall be assessed upon the land upon which the
same shall stand; and be it further
RESOLVED AND ORDAINED, that notice of all of the aforesaid shall be
given in writing to the said owners by the Town Clerk as designated
in said Ordinance.
Duly adopted this 8th day of March, 1973 by the following 'vote :
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin
Noes : None
RESOLUTION NO. 94, introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard, who moved its
a option, seconded by Mr. John Austin:
WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury utilizes water from Lake George with-
in the Adirondack Park for a municipal water supply, To Wit: Shore
Colony Water District; and
WHEREAS, New York Assembly Bill 1158, 1973-74 Regular Sessions, intro-
duced by Assemblyman Fred Droms, proposes to amend the Environmental
Conservation Law to provide that no water may be withdrawn from lakes
located within the Adirondack Park for the purpose of augmenting a
municipal water supply; and
WHEREAS, the enactment of said bill would seriously impinge on the
availability of municipal water to residents of the Town of Queensbury;
Now, Therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby manifests
its opposition to said proposed legislation and hereby directs the Town
Clerk .to forward a copy of this resolution to Assemblyman Droms ; To
Chairman, Assembly Committee on Environmental Conservation; - To Assembly-
man Gerald B. Solomon, and to the Speaker of the Assembly.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin
Noes : None
Note: Senator Stafford will also receive the above Resolution #94.
Meeting Opened To The Public
Mr. Richard Pinch Jr. & Sr. were noted as now being present, they
were asked to speak to the board on the application to place a Mobile
Home on Newcomb Street. Mr. Barber noted reservations about the applica-
tion noting that their was no frontage on a road, how would fire and
._ emergence vehicles get to the property. The Finchs showed the Board
two seperate wa►p to reach the property. Must ask Town Attorney if you
need frontage to be granted this permit-Mr. Robillard. The permit was
The meeting was then closed to the public.
Councilman Gordon Streeter asked the Board if a survey might be taken
to see if the town needs an entertainment ordinance. Supervisor Austin
agreed that such a survey might be advisable and appointed Councilmen
Robert Barber and Daniel Olson to the entertainment survey committee.
MY. Barber of the Traffic Committee - the parking situation on Swwet
Road has been referred to Town Attorney: The Bo rd noted that no
parking signs may be placed on either sides of this area.
Meeting was adjourned, -opened
RESOLUTION No. 95 , introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard, who moved
i.ts a option, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson:
RESOLVED, that the Audit of Bills as listed on Abstract 73-3 numbered
304-through-417 totiling 92 ,639. 92 dollars is hereby approved.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr.Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin
Noes : None
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk
RESOLUTION NO. 89 , introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its
adoption seconded -by Mr. Gordon Streeter:
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has recommended
that we advertise for bids for the Queensbury Water Storage and
Distribution District, Contract No. 12 , Transmission Water Main and
Appurtenances , therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury solicit sealed bids f6r the
work as listed above and that the following notice be published in the
official town newspapers in the folltiag form:
Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York
Sealed bids for Queensbury Water Storage and Distribution District,
Contract No. 12 , Transmission Water Main and Appurtenances will be
received at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Queensbury, Town
Office Building, Bay Road at Haviland Road, It.D.#l, Glens Falls, New
York 12801, until 11 :00 A.M. E. S.T. , April 10, 1973. The Town Board
will meet in the Town Office Building at 11: 00 A.M. o' clock, E. S.T.
April 10, 1973, at which time the bids will be publicly operated and
read aloud.
The work consists of the furnishing and installing of about 6. 25 miles
of ductile iron pipe water mains , sizes 6" through 24inch, together
with valves , hydrants, and other appurtenances.
The information for Bidders , Form of Bid, Form of Contract, Drawings ,
Specifications and Forms of Bid, Performance and Payment Bonds may be
examined at the following places :
Office of the Town Clerk, Town Office Building
and at the
Office of Joseph A. Kestner, Jr. ,Consulting, Engineer
One Kestner Lane, Troy, New York 12180
Copies of the above documents may be obtained only at the Office of the
Consulting Engineer upon depositing the sum of $50.
Upon deposit of $50, any unsuccessful Bidder upon returning the documents
in-good condition immediately following the public opening of said
bids, shall be returned $40. Any non-bidder returning the documents
in good condition will be refunded the sum. of $25. All checks for the
documents shall be made payable to Joseph A. Kestner, Jr. , Consulting
Engineer. Documents must be returned within one week (7 days) after re-
ceipt of bids.
The owner reserves the right to waive any informalities and to reject
any and all bids.
Each bidder must deposit with his did, security in the amount , form and
subject to the conditions provided in the Information for Bidders .
Attention of bidders is particularly called to the requirements as to
conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid
under the contract and to the Non-Collusion Certification.
Under Section 1116 (a) (1) of the New York State Tax Law, the Town of
quee�sbury is exempt from payment of sales and compensating use
taxes and such taxes shall not be included in the bid.
No bidder may withdraw his bid within 45 days after the actual date
of the opening thereof.
Non-discrimination in Employment: Bidders on this work will be re-
quired to comply with the President' s Executive Order No. 11246. The
requirements for Bidders and Contractors under this Order, which con-
cerns Non-discrimination in employment, are explained in the Specifi-
Bidders are required also to comply with tie provisions of Article 15
of the Executive Law (Human Rights Law) of the State of New York.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard Mr. Streeter
Mr. Austin
Noes : None
Members Present
John Austin Supervisor
Daniel Olson Councilman
Robert Barber Councilman
Harold Robillard Councilman
Gordon Streeter Councilman
J. David Little Town Counsel
Quests :
Mr. Richard Finch Jr. , Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sanders Jr. , Mary Lou Quinn,
Tom Keith, ,Kip Grant, George P. Liapes , Harold Boynton, Mrs . Delong-
League of Women Voters, Ridgedale Residents , Frances Fish
Salute to the flag-7:40
First on the agenda was the opening of the bids;
Proof of advertising was shown for each of the following items ,
Value Line Leasing Incorporated $ 3 ,297. 00
Ford Garage, Glens Falls , New York 3,233. 85
non-col.* Glen Ford, So. Glens Falls 2 ,932. 00
Mr. Robillard moved to table the bids-turning them over to the Highway-
department for their recommendation.
* Non-Collusive was not attached on this bid.
Martisco Corporation, N.Y. - ind. pts. - 3 ,192. 36
Rexford Pump '& Supply 3,614. 95
LeValley-McCloud 3, 281. 52
L & C. Municipal Sales-Johnstown, N.Y. 3,409. 10
Mr. Streeter moved to accept the bids and turn them over to Thomas
Flaherty for his recommendation.
Abele Tractor & Equipment 2, 795. 00
Basic Construction, Latham, N.Y. (1) 2 ,040. 00
(2) 2 ,210. 00
(3) 3 ,225. 00
Mr. Olson asked the board to refer the bids to the Water Department.
State Equipment Corporation 6 ,639 . 00
South-Worth Machinery 21,849. 00
L. B. :smith -no bid-
Mr. Robillard recommedded tabling the bids for further consideration
by the Highway Department.
Mobile Home Application-Richard Finch Jr. of 4B Newcomb Street
to locate a Mobile Home on Newcomb Street on property owned by
Richard Finch Sr. -Mr. Finch Jr. was present-questions were
posed to Mr. Finch Jr. :The, right-of-way issue was discussed-