Application Matthew Brennan
593 Moon Hill Rd.
Lake George, NY 12845
(5,18) 798-6767
May 91, 2,017
Steve Ja,ckoski
Zoning Board Chair
Queensbury Town Hall"
742 Bay Road
Queensbury, NY 12804
Dear Mr. Jackoski,
I ann,writing to request a waiver from providing a current stamped survey for a 12 ft by 15 ft deck
f'or our above ground' pool that is placed in our front yard. My request is for dimensional relief
with use of the survey we have on file, I would be glad to provide any other information, you find
necessary. Thank you for considering this request.
Matthew Brennan,
(it, 74.E ay l�t?wi, ' 't���en,s'Irary, Y, 12304-5902
l y 25, 2017
Matt.&Krish+ Brennan
593 Moon Hill Road
Lake merge,Nit' 12845
]fie: Survey-Waiver bequest for Area mance
Matt,&l :risty Brennan
Tax Map Number-, 272,19-1-4; 593 l ooa n Dill Road
Bear I! r, and Mrs,.l mnnaa:,
1 am writing you with regards to your requested survey-waiver for the above-reference I;o ation in
the Town of Queeiisbury. Chairman Steven Jaa kol s i has approved your waiver request with the
fol[owing comment: "The fall.Board still has the right to request a survey for the,property."
';de r application will be placed on the Jude 21, 2017Zoning Board of appeals agenda. have any questions or comments regarding your application, please do not hesitate to
contact this office.
Craig Brown
Zoning ,dmiaistrator
Cc: Laura Moore, 1,and Use Planner
LACraid RrownUO 17 LetlersWa[ver Brennan 5 25_17..doc
" Horue of Natural Beauty ... cod Place to Live '
Mph 27, 2017
Ott&Kristy Brennan
593 Moon Tall Road
Lake George, NY 12845
Re: Pool Deck
3 Moon Till Road
Tai;Map Parcel. 278.19-1-4
Dear Mr. & Mrs, Brennan:
I am writing you with regards to ,ny review of the a;bowe-referenced project and to document the
recent conversations between you and Laura Wore of my office.
Upon my review l fired that your proposal will. require an Area, Variance prior to the
commcncermend of the prgject. Spmffically, an Area Variance is required as your plan offers die
construction of a deck that does not awet the minimum pro ay line setbacks of the Rural
Residential; (R A) district,
I understand that you .hake compiled or may be compiling the necessary application. This letter
sues as the required denial letter for the processing of your application package. Please note
our established submittal deadlines when completing your application papers.
Should you have any rlure�oions or comments regarding your application, Tease Flo riot hesitate to
contact this office,
Craig Brown
Zoning Administrator
L%Craig BrowjiM17 Nx0asOcaW Breniun 3 27_17,4(x
,� Hoone° of Natural eauty — A Good place to Lfue"
Area Va,ria11e� [ZBA approved: Seplc°rr mer 21 2016]
1. Applicant Naarne. Ma,4
#�a -�u 14Wn
. Tax Map; AD �1� Location:
3. zoning Classification Rk- .3 fl
4. Reason for Review: I-if fzA, -- e5dzWtO eI-_4njtP-J AQ-xrl,-� -4%,k
5. Zoning Section 9: .- E 1- 6.,2
6.. Pre-Submission Meeting Notes: Provided Outstanding; Please provide by
Beed VII
General Information complete
She Development Data Coiliplete
Setback Requirements Complete �.�.....
Additional Project Information Complete
'FAR,addressed 41
Compliaree with Zoning Ordinance
Checklist ileras adds s�sed
Environmental Form ennipl t d
Signature Page completed I
l cI If
r "
" r ` " '' ( C
�„ ` ° C-
C L. + L--e- w . `V ! 'fi e
cz qq
dc. da
t�> A "
kSJ - �' N c , 4 "
Staff Representative: � .
Applicant 1Agent: ._
4�V- 3 9-�O 1
Area Variance IZBA approwdl- September 2120161
General InfOrmallp.
Tax,Parcel ID Number.
Zoning District
Detailed Description of Project tinclude CUrrent & proposed use]-
Current Use.
ProposedUse- CA e c
. ...............................................
Applicaitt Name- N,N 0,TV + MailingAddress T'01 reNLCX�-'E) k 1, r
Home Phone city, tate,Zip
Cell Phone
4, 7 6;7
E-Mail: FAX No.
Agent's,Name. Mailing Address,
Home Phone City, State,Zip
Work Phone Cell Phone.
E-mail. FAX No.
Owner's Name Mailing Address
Home Phone city, state, Zip
work Phone Cell Phone
E-mail FAX No.,
Fagg I
Area Variance Rppavcd; Si,,plember21 201,61
jtq evil �ejit DLtg
Arca I Type LxWing sq. ft. Proposed T'Obl sq- ft.
Addition s .ft.
A. Building footprint
13. Detached Garage
C. Acc ssorryStructure(s)
D. Paved,gravel or other hard sUrtked area
E. Porches I Net's
. Total Non-Perrmable (Add A-F]
5.-Parcel.-Area [43,560 sq. ft. I acre]
I. Percentage oflmpenneable Area of Site [I=/Hl
Setback Requiremignt
Area Required Existing Proposed
Front Yard [l]
Front Yard C 1 l
Side Yard [l] 201
Side "hard [ 1 r
Rear Yard [I] l
i ear 'hard ( ,)
Travel Corridor .
Height[ ua:xirruum]
Mrn:ber of parking spNacea�
Page 2
Area Varian ce [ZBA approyed: S e pttmbvr 21 20 16]
Additional Project Information,
f. 'twill the proposal require a Septic V ari=e fro m the Town Board of Health? Q'J
2, If The parce I has previous approvals, I i st application nu rnber(s);
3. Does this project require coverage under the New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(SPI)ES) Permit
Program? _Yes/YNO
4- EstimatM project duration: Start Date: End Date:
5. Estimated total cost of project. C)
6Total area of land disturbance for projeQt, r o tCt,+ S5
Ftr Al;
_ga ,,&,Ratio Worksheet
FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) -- The relationship of building size to lot size, derived, by dividing the total building floor
area by the lot size in square feet,yielding a percentage.
Zoning,Distriet Symbol Floor Area Ratio [FAR]
Waterfront Residential WR 0.22
Commercial Moderate I Commercial CM /Cl 0.3
A� The cornbined area of all square footage, as measure froiri exterior,walls of all structures on the property, including all
floors of the structures, garages,, basements and attics with more than five (5) feet of ceiling height, and covered
porches. Building square footage does not include: Open deck, docks and that portion of covered docks extending
over water and one storage shed of one hundred twenty (1 0) square feet or less. Any additional, sheds will be
included. (See "FLOOR AREA RATIO").
B. Commercial or industrial: the total area in squaTefeet as ineasured from the exterior of the outside walls of a building,
or structure, and when applicable, the surn total of all floor areas of the principal and accessory buildings or structures
on the project site.
Parcel.Area sq. t
Existing Floor Area sq. ft. (see above definition]
Proposed Additional Floor Area sq. ft.
Proposed Total Floor Area sq.ft.
T ota I A)Iowa ble Floo r Area (Area x [see above table]
Page 3
Area Variance [ZB A approved- Septem bur 21.2016]
Comp'l i ance with Zonj ng Qrd inance
Requesting relief from SEC"l I ION: N 9
Need relief from the ry.,quirement(s)listed below which can not be; net by the project as proposed,
[Checkoff that qpj)1)j JU Setback I I B offer Zone I.-1 Lot W idth F I Other
The following questions refled the criteria for granting this type of variance. Mease complete them; use additional sheets if
I. Whether an Undesirable- change will be produred in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to
nearby Property ill be created ley the granting of this area variance?
qq U,-5, vitc',j Seo ire
La V-0 fOr i'V (-L/
e— q6 6,ur_i d
2. Whether the, benefit sought by the applicant can be aehieved by some method, feasible for the applicant
to pursue, other than ����
area variance?
......6f -
--- .......
3. Whet ie, the r, ties ff� area.vaxiaiwe is substantial?
. .........
4. Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or impact on,the physical or,environmental
conditions in the neighborhood or district.
0 57 VIA"r n C- I
U(' 4 ,6ze— 0op
5 wheti e t e ge%le d d*ffi It.
, i icuy was solf created?
is 4
Area Variance [ZBA approved: Septeinber 2120161
Section 179-14-0,30
Application materials and site plan drawing is to include suffloicat Informatian for the Board to review and provide a decision. The
applicant is to provide a site plan drawing(s)-a survey showing existing conditions,a proposed conditions map (see page 00 for
specific cilteTia)and include any other attachnients,that address A -D as applicable to the proposed project:,
A. GeneralT�jw—non Sheet 9
I Title,Name,Address of applicant& person responsible for are, aration of drawing,
2 Deed
3 North arrow,Tax Map ID, date Rrep vd.and s,caleLnInirawn'. I Inch--4q feet �t
4 l3ciundaries of the Eroperly plotted to scale, zoning boundary
,5 Principal structures,, acSSLqoiy structures with exterior dimensions
6 Site improvements incl, outdoor storage areas, driveways, parking areas, etc.: existing&
rain used — 'S w Lw-t
7 Setbacks for all 5truc tures and�mro�Snn!j
�sL_Sxi A-AVJ Q
8 Flcvations and floor plans of all. proposed and affected structures
wverShown on Sheet 4
t Project sewage disposal facilities, design details, construction details, flow rates,and number of
bedrooms ropp9ed
2 Water supply [i.e. well] & septic on adjoining lots with separation distances to existing,or,
vroposed, on-site water supply and septic
3e araation distance for ro Deed seww a e di orals st ru to well and water bodies CA
4 Existing public or private water supply[well, lake, etc.]. Method oifsecuring publicor private
water, location,design and construction of water sac gply inclUding daily water usage ..................
5Percolation test location and results
Parking/Penn eab le areas Shown on Meet
I Number of spaces required for project incitadingealeulation�a:ndjustificati,cn; existing&
2 No.of existing parking spaces, number to be removed, number to irtaintain andtype:of surfacing
tnateria",[e. -gravel,paved)
3 Provision for pedestrian and handicap access and arkig:,,:, exisfili2,rrn cased
4 DcsiEn,dqMilsof ingress,egress, loading areas and cutting: existing&p oposed.
5 Location and character of green arm [existing and proposed], modification to gre'e'n area, buffer
zone to rernain undisturbed
6i,.i btin& location and design of all existing and proposed outdoor ligjiting
D. Additional Site Development and Miscellaneous, Shown on Slieet 0
1 On-site &adjacent watercourses, streams,rivers, lake and wetlands t.)
2 Utility/eneM distribution system, as electric,solar.,telephone]. existing,&,pr9posed
3 Location, design and construction details of all existing and proposed site improvements
n E , etc.
including:� drains, ct&erts,reta,ining walls, fences, fire& Brauer enc zones,and Ehydrants, etc.,
_r ,
4 Square,footage of bldg. area proposed for office,snanUfaCtUring, retail sales or other commercial
activities: existing& proposed E
5 S.,,n, ',e: Location ize, type, designand setback: existing&proposed
6 WaiverRequest-, provide letter with application requesting anywaivers-. please reference
items ................................. ...........
7 Commercial I Industrial Development requires submission of Landscaping, Stormwater
-MlaLighting Plans,
8 Identification of Federal, State or County permi%jTq,u[red for the project together with a record
of application for all necessary permits,
Page 5
Pre-Submission Conference Form/ Section 179-9-040
Area Var`40[10C [ZBAappr0VL-d: Septumbcr2l 1016)
This page include,; the 1.) Authorization to Act as Agent Form: 2.) Engineering Pee Disclosure; 3.) ALWIOYiZatiOn for Site Visits; 4.)
Other Permit Responsibilities-,5.)Official Meeting DIsclosuiTand 6.)Agreement to provide documentation required.
OWN P,.itls A(.jpN,i,Foitm: Co[loplere tile following,if the OWNER of the property isnot the same as the applicant-
Designates:........ as Agent regarding owing,
g g the foil
Variance Site Plan— Subdivision—
For Tax Map Deed(Reference: Book_ Page_Date
At PL1('A NTNA .Vsr Fottm: Complete the following if the APPLICANT is unable to attend the
meeting or wishes to be represented by another party:
'Designates: as Agent regarding the fol[owirig:
Variance— Site Ilan. Subdivision—
For Tax Map No.:: Deed (Reference: Book Page Date
2.) ENGINEERING FEE DISCLOSURE:: Applications may be referred to the Town consulting engineer for review of septic
design, storm drainage, etc. as determined by the Zoning or Planning Department. Fees for engineering review ser-vices will be
charged directly to the applicant, Fees for engineering review will not exceed S 1,000 without noti ficatlon to the app licallt.
3.) AUTHORIZATION FOR SITE VISITS: By s,igning this page and submitting the application materials attached herein, the
Owner,Applicant,and.hisYheT/their agent(s)hereby authorize the Zoning Board or Planning Board and Town Staff to enter the subject
properties for the purpose of reviewing the application submitted.
4.) OTHER PERMIT RESPONSIBILITIES: Other permits may be required for construction or alteration Raivity subsequent to
approval by the 74aing BoaTd or Planning Board. It is the applicant's responsibility to obtain anyadditional permits.
.5.) OFFICIAL MEETING MINIJTES DISCLOSURE: It is the practice ofthe Community Development Depailinent to have a
designated stenographer tape:record the proceedings of meetings resulting frons application, and minutes transcribed from those tapes
constitutes the official record of all proceedings.
1,the undersigned, have thoroughly,read and � der t d
the instructions for submission and agree to the submission requirements, I acknowledge no construction activities shall be
comfliencM prior to issuance of a valid permit- I certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a,true and complete
statementidescripflon of the existing conditions and the woA proposed, and that all work will be performed in accordance with the
approved, plans and in conformance with local zoning regulations. .1 acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed, I or
rosy agents, will obtain a "dificate of occupanGy as. necessary. I also understand that I/we may be required to provide an as-built
survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed fac[I Rims prior to i ssuance of a certificate of occupancy
I have read and agree to the above.
Sigiiature[Applicarit] Print Name [A5p`i1Caflt1 Date signed
Signature [Agent] Print Name [Agent] Date signed
; U G: ;JI:4 11/19p2014 DEED 1maget 2 of a
NY DEED m WARRANTY Wilh Lien;Ca,,r.rhi �J
THIS INDENTURIEJ, Made the -day of November,2014,
FAMILY I RRE VO CABLE TRUST, resiling at 1 29 S anford Ridge Road, Quetnsbury, New
York, 12844,
Parties of tlic first part,
MATTHEW I LBRL, �lNAN and KMSTY L. B)EiENNAN,,husband and,wife, as
Tenants by the Entirety, residing at 1,05 Needle Park Circle, #1, Queensbury,New ork, 12,804,
Parties of the second part,
iTNU SSETH that,the Parties of the first part, in consideration of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00)
lawful moneys of the United States, and other good and valuable consideration paid by the Parties
of the second part, do hereby grant and release intro the Parties of the second part, their heirs
and assigns forever,
593 Moon Hill Road
Moon Hill Load
Town of Queensbury, County of Warren
Tax Map Number 2 78.19-1-4 „
Tax Map Number 778.1 '-1-
"rax 1"w+1ap Number 278.1 -1-6
Tax Map Number 289.7-1-54
(Property more fully described In Schedule A annexed hereto)
TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all of the estate and,rights of the Parties of the first
par in amd to said premises,
TO,HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the parties of the second part, its
successors and assigns forever,
AND said Parties of the first part covenant as follows:
FIRST, That the Parties of the second hart shall quietly enjoy the said premises;
SECOND, That said Parties of the first part will forever WARRANT and defend the title
to said premises.
T"H1RJ), That in compliance with 'Section 13 of the Lien Law, the grantor will receive the
comideration for this conveyance and will. hold the right to receive such consideration as a test
BK5073 PG: 312 11/19/2014 DEED Image; 4 of 7
(Tax Map Number 278,19-1-4)
ALL THAT PIECE OR PAR�CEL OF LAND, situate, in the Town of Queensbury,
County of Warren and State of New York; BEGINNINGat a point on the northerly side of the
French Mountain Road which marks the present boundary line between the properties ofthe
parties hereto and running thence easterly along the,northerly side of said road ten (10) feet to a
point; then=northerly and parallel to said boundary line one hundred thirty(130)feet to a
point; thence westerly ten (10) feet to a point in said present boundary line; and thence southerly
along said present boundaryli, hundred.'thirty(130) feet to the place of beginning being a
strip of land ten(10)feet in width and 130 feet in depth.
SUBJECT to any and all easements, right-of-ways, covenants,conditions and restrictions
of record,
BEING the same premises conveyed by HalIy E. Weller to Joanne L. Loftus and Gerald J.
Loftus,Trustees of the:Weller Farnily Irrevocable Trust,by Warranty Deed dated September 12,
2012, and recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office on November 30, 2012, in Volume
4628, at Page 21 O.
(Tax Map Number 278.1 -1-4)
Al f: TI AC' OR PARCEL OF LAND situate in the Town of Queenshury,
County of Warren and State of New York, briefly described as follows, Beginning at a point on
the northerly side of the old French Mountain Road, leading ftorn Bay Road over Ox Bow Hill,
said point of beginning,being located one hundred feet(100)measured along the northerly side
of said Road from the southwesterly corner of lands now or formerly owned by Benjamin
He-ndryx,,theme running from sinal point of beginning along the northerly side o(said old French
Mountain Road,a distance of one hundred ninety feet (190'); thence northerly a distance of
approximately one hundred se,ve:nty feet (170"):, more or less, to the southerly side of tile new
Farin to Market Highway;thence northeasterly along the southerly side of said Farm to Market
Highway a distance of two hundred twenty-five feet(225) to the northwesterly corner of a lot of
land heretofore sold by contract by the party of the first part to Isabelle Mi Ile r; thence southerly
along the southwesterly side of said Miller lot and along the continuation of said line, a distance
of aPproximately two hundred twenty feet(2201), more or less, to the point of beginning, being a
part of the premises described in a deed from Anna C, Reardon and others to Nettie Dineen
dated February 23, 1940 and recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office November 7, 1940 in
Book 216 of Deeds at page 5 16.
BK. t>OVI� PC. 312 11/19/2014 DEED Image; 5 of 7
(Tax,Map Number 278.19-1- )
ALL THAT PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate in the Town of Queensbury, County
of Warren, and, State of New York: Beginning at a point on the northerly side of the French
Mountain Road which marks the present boundary l,ine between the property of the party of the
first part and the property oonvqed by Charles H. Miller and Estella Miller to Holly E. Weller
and Angela Weller, his wife, by deed recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office on August
30, 1946 in Book 241 of Deeds at page 83 and running thence easterly along the northerly side of
said road forty-five(45) feet to a point;thence northerly and parallel to said boundary line one,
hundred and thirty (13 0) feet to a point; thence westerly forty-five(4 5) feet to a point in said
present boundary line between the property of the party of the,first part and said Wellers; thence
southerly along said boundary line one hundred and thirty (1 0) feet to the place of beginning;
being a strip of land forty-five (45) feet in width and one,hundred and thirty (130) feet in depth:
SUBJECTto any and all easements, right-of-ways, covenants, conditions and,restriction s
of record.,
BEINCY the same prernises wriveyed by Hally E. Weller to Joanne L. Loftus and Gerald J.
Loftus„Trustees of th P.Wei ler Family Irrevocable"frust,by Warranty Deed dated September 12,
2012,and recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office on November 30, 2012, in Volurne
4628, at Page 215.
(Tax Map Nurnber 7 8.19-1-6)
ALL THAT PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND situate in the Town of Queensbury, County
of Warren and State of"New York, BEGINNI`NG,at a point on the southerly side of the French
Moruntain Road which marks the junction of the pole I i ne right of way of New York Power&
Light Corporation wvith said Toad,and running thence westerly along the southerly side of the
French Mountain, Road six ty(00) feet to a point; thence southerly one hundred twenty-five (12 5)
feet to a point on the northerly bank of the brook which is the outlet of Glen Lake; thence easterly
along said brook 'forty-fawn(45) feet to the said New York Power & Light Corporation pole line
and thence northerly along the westerly line of said pule line right of way ninety-six (9 6) feet to
the place of beginning, but subject to a right of way or crossing ofNew York Power& Light
Corporation one rod wide along said brook.
Being the same premises conveyed by dally E. Weller and Angela Weller,his wife, to
Charles H. Miller and Estella M. Miller, his wife, by deed dated August, 1946, recorded in the:
Warren County,
ALSO al I that tract or parcel of land situate in the said,'Towey of Queensbury aforesaid,
bounded and described as follows-
BEGINNING at a,point on the southerly side of the new highway known as the Farm to
BK5073 PG., 312 11/19/2014 DEED Image. 6 of 7
Market Road running.from French Mouatain easterly to the Ridge.Road at the northeasterly
corner of lands conveyed by Anna C., Reardon and others to Nettie Dineen by deed dated
February 23, 1940 and recorded in Warren County Clerk's Office November 7, 1940 in Book
216 of Deeds at page 516, running thence southerly along the easterly line of the lands described
in said deed a distance of about three hundred fifty feet(350')to the old highway running from
French Mountain easterly to the Oneida;thence westerly along the northerly side of said old
highway a distance of one hand red,feet (100'); thence northerly a distance of about two hundred
twenty-five feet(225) to- the southerly side of the Farm to Market Highway; thence easterly
along the southerly,side of said highway a d i stance,of one hundred sixty-five feet(165') to the
place of be, irinin& Being the same premises described in a deed from, Nettie E. Dineen to
Charles 14. Miller and Estella Miller, his wife, dated October 6, 1941„recorded March 10,
1942 in Warren County Clark's Office in Liber 221 of Deeds at Page 225,
EXCEPTING AND, RESERVING from the above described premises the lots heretofore
conveyed by Charles H. Miller and Estella Miller:, his wife(party of the first part)as follows-,
L Deed from Charles H—Miller and Estella M. Miller to Tally E. We.1ler and Angea
Weller,dated August 1946, recorded August 30, 1946 in Book 24,1 of Deeds at Page 83,
2. Charles H. Miller and'Estella Miller to Robert C. Miller, dated February 27, 1948,
recorded March 2, 1948, in Book.261 of Deeds at Page 393.
3. Charles H. Miller and Estella Miller to Frederick Z.Normandin andAleda
Normandin,, dated November 30, 1949, recorded December 2, 1949 in Book 283 of Deeds at
Page 281, all in the office of the Clierk of the County of Warren,to which said deeds and the
record.thereof reference is hereby made for a more full) and complete description of the,premises
herein excepted and reserved.
SUBJECT to any and all easements,right-of-ways, covenants,, conditions and restrictions
of recordM
BEING the same premises conveyed by Hally E. ''Feller to Joanne�L® Loftus arrd Gerald J.
Loftus, Trustees of the Wc,ller Farnily Irrevocable Trust, by Warrarity Deed.dated Septtiriber 12,
2012, and recorded in the Warren Crunty Clerk's Office on November 30, 20,12, in Val Ume
4628, at Page 219
(Tax Map Number 28'9.7-1-54)
ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL,OF LAND situate in the Town,of Queensbury,
County of Warren and State of New York, and briefly described as follows: Bounded on the
north by French Mountain Road and having a frontage of O'ne Hwidred,forty-nine (149) feet on
said road; bounded on the east by the property of New York Power& Light Corporation and
having a depth of Ninety-six (96) feet ort said line; bounded on the south by the brook which is
the outlet of Glen Lake and having a depth of N inety-eight(9 8),feet along the brook; and
BK: 503 PG: 312 11/19/2014 DEED Image: 7 of 7
bounded on the west by a right of way Monging to New York Powei,& Light Corporation and
having a,depth of'One hundred and fifty (1 0)feet on said right ofway; being subj]ect to a right
of way orae(1) rod wide along the brook, which right of way is owned by New York Power&
Light Corporation. The aforesaid parcel includes a spring.
11, 1982, and filed in Book 648 at Page 99 of Deeds at the Warren County Clerk's Off",
SUBJECT to any and all easements, right-of-ways,covenants, coiiditions and restrictions
of record.
BEING the same premises conveyed by Tally E. Weller to Joanne L., Loftus and Gerald J.
Loftus, Trustees of the Weller Family Irrevocable Trust,by Warranty Deed dated eptember 12,
2012, wid recorded in the Warren County Cle&s Office on November 30, 2012, in Volurne
4628, at Page 206,
BK: 50�73 PG: 312 11/19/2014 DEED Image., 3 of 7
fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvements and will apply tbe
same first to the payment of"the cost of the improvements before using any part of the total of the
same for any other purpose.
IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, the Parties of the first part have executed this Devd, on the
day and,year first above written..
JOIJ !NE L. LOFTUS Arlo-Trustee of the
dERALD J. IAF 6-Trustee of th–C
Ori the— 1%,511-"day of November, 2014, before rne, the undersigned, per rally appeared
JOANNE L, LOVIrUS and GERALD J. LOFTUS, personally known to me or use on
the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose name is subscribed to the within
instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their capacities and that by
their signatures,on the instrument,, the individual, or the person on behalf of which the individual
acted,exec rated the instrument.
WLary Public
RAW PUbk,Stite of New Ya*
SMB"A ca -Na 4W�g
R&'R to S1 mo Frey r, Esq. WUryurei.EApires jjj('0-zff
Fr er �w LLC
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Pro Deck Design
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Warning and Important Instructions: This is not a final design plan or estimate. EDGENET„INC..assumes no responsibility for the correct use or
output of 1h Is program. All Info-itnation contained on this page is subject to Me terms in the diaclaim;ar[ocatedl at the,end ofthis document.
Adduer#anr,ia a instrcciomas importenlw: Es#o no as un plan ni una estirmaci6n final del dis0o, EDG,ENET, INC. no asurne ningune
responsibilidad del naso o de la sanda correc10 de axle programa.Toda la Informacifn contenida en esta p iaa es#A conforme a las tkminOS an
la negaciOn,,,siteada en at extremo de este documents.
Copyright 0 1989-2016 Edgenet., Ino,
Pada 2 of 22 Doe IL]
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