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TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518) 761-8201 Community Development- Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Permit Number: AST-000316-2017 Date Issued: Thursday, May 17, 2018 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number AST-0003 1 6-20 1 7 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 295.14-1-18 Location: 39 BENNETT RD Owner: Brian Lamos Applicant: Brian Lamos This structure may be occupied as a: Deck 252 s.f. (18 ft. by 14 ft.) By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the f1 property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, /� 4 t r, Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 OL Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: AST-000316-2017 Tax Map No: 295.14-1-18 Permission is hereby granted to: Brian Lamos For property located at: 39 BENNETT RD In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance Type of Construction Owner Name: Brian Lamos Deck $3,000.00 Owner Address: 39 Bennett RD Total Value $3,000.00 Queensbury,NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications Deck 252 s.f. (18 ft.by 14 ft.) $50.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Friday,June 22,2018 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of ueensb before the ex tion date ) Dated at the Town of ueensb - t/ hur e 22,2017 SIGNED BY: �(y{X for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement Office use OnIV ACCESSORY STRUCTURE Permit 4: {���" 31 1p - 2_(D PERMIT APPLICATION Permit Fee: $ 5(7 Toren of Queensburry 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,IVY 12804 Invoice #: 1902— I©2— P:518-761-8256 www.gueensburynet Project Location: rat �g Tax Map ID #: 2`�5• �1' Subdivision Name: CONTACT INFORMATION: • Applicant: Name(s): 3rti `/ a,C S Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 3 eii G3e..> e,Tic � P61 6✓ee ti5 e" /V y 12 YO LL Cell Phone: ( 5_1V ) ��'�s' 1 - 2 Iq LY i Land Line: ( sib ) �y s- �� 3 Li Email: Ad''�� Primary Owner(s): � Name(s): Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 7 l Ue. , el-L 22 vee^sS�.� 1W Cell Phone: ( Ptd ) l - 2 0/-it Land Line: r1W ) 7`45� - SS q 3 Email: /I 14 �� CG • Contractor(s): F/ Business Name: Contact Name(s): Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone:. Land Line: Email: • Architect(s)/Engineer(s): / Business Name: /1-/0 Contact Name(s): Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: �_) Land Line: Email: Contact Person for Building & Code Compliance: I j r-_4z� /e,,'t u 5 Cell Phone: SI ) ' ��/ Z C! `� � Land Line: ( S'�� ) -7`>j - 92 3 Email: / �� �G�� o � . 1�r� ��� c-q Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Accessory Structure Application Revised April 2017 PROJECT INFORMATION: TYPE: Commercial Residential WORK CLASS: Deck, Open Porch _Solar Panels(w/o rafter upgrades) _Carport _Cell Tower Shed _Pavilion, Pole Barn,Canopy _Dock _Gazebo Detached Garage _Boathouse (with or w/o sundeck) _3-Season Porch _ Other(description: ) SQUARE FOOTAGE OF STRUCTURE: 1st floor: 2nd floor: Total square feet: 2 ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION: 1. Estimated Cost of Construction:$ 3 000 2. If Commercial project,what is the proposed use: 3. Are there any structures not shown on the plot plan? YES NO Explain: 2 3- �5 4. Are there any easements on the property? YES NO DECLARATION: I. I acknowledge that no construction shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit and will be completed within a 12 month period. 2. If the work is not completed by the 1 year expiration date the permit may be renewed, subject to fees and department approval. 3. 1 certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement and/or description of the work proposed, that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations. 4. 1 acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed I, or my agents, will obtain a certificate of occupancy. 5. 1 also understand that I/we are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. I have read and agree/to the above: PRINT NAME: 1 G Gam. SIGNATURE: DATE: 6 7 Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Accessory Structure Application Revised April 2017 REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBMITTAL: 1. Completed Accessory Structure permit application TWO (2) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING: 2. Structural drawings, which include: a.Signed & sealed architect or engineer stamp IF the cost of construction is over$20,000 b.Floor plan c. Foundation plan d.Cross sections e. Elevations f. Window & Door schedules–printed on the drawings is acceptable g.Calculation sheet for natural light,ventilation &emergency egress 3. Plot plan, using a survey map if possible, which includes: a. Drawn to scale (i.e. 1 inch = 30 feet) b.Indicate proposed changes, with setbacks c. Include all structures on the property d.Include location of water supply (well or water lines) e. Include location &configuration of septic system or sewer line 4. REScheck (residential projects) or COMcheck (commercial projects), signed and stamped— www.energycodes.gov ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 1. Any changes to the approved plans prior to or during construction will require the submittal of amended plans, additional reviews and re-approval. 2. If, for any reason, the building permit application is withdrawn, 20% of the fee is retained by the Town of Queensbury. After 1 year from the initial application date, 100% of the fee is retained. Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Accessory Structure Application Revised April 2017 1-dr,0';'"a.r"u s•,,.. Queensbury �^ urtis Lumber Co Inc 460 Big Bay Road : 1snD (aa<linidiAn `;,, re(518)792-86 1ensbury,NY 2804 (VIIIIIIIItIIIIVIIIIIfIIIItII II III IttItIllllli Fax:(518)792-8603 QUOTE -`- - 1706-264793 R1 PAGE 1 OF 3 j SOLD TO JOB ADDRESS ACCOUNT JOB Cash Sales Lands, Brian CASH 0 J CREATED ON 06/09/2017 6i8-;45-8934 EXPIRES ON 06/19/2017 TOVVN nF BUILC1 BRANCH 1007 CUSTOMER PO# �h�i �t� STATION 0833 Curtis Lumber Co, Inc CASHIER 750525 Store Hours: M-F 7am5pm SALESPERSON Sat 8am-4pm Sun Closed ORDER ENTRY 760525 MODIFIED BY 750525 item Deadlp6an D Quantity LOM Mfce Per I Amount 6810GCPT 5/4X8-10 PRM TREATED SYP GROUND 23 PC 9.0900 PC 209.07 CONTCT(96/UN) 5612GCPT 5/4X6-12 PRM TREATED SYP GROUND 6 PC 11.0900 PC 66.54 CONTCT(96/UN) 5614GCPT 5/4X6-14 PRM TREATED SYP GROUND 23 PC 12.0900 PC 278.07 CONTCT(96/UN) 2416GCT 2x4-16VI TREATED SYP GROUND 2 PC 12.5900 PC 25.16 CONTACT(104/UN) 2414GCT 2X4-14'#1 TREATED SYP GROUND 5 PC 10.9900 PC 54.95 CONTACT(104/UN) 4896THD 4x8 HEAVY-DUTY TREATED LATTICE 4 PC 22.4900 PC 89.96 25/8"SPACING 2412GCTP 2X4-12#2 PRIME TREATED SYP 1 PC 9.2900 PC 9.29 GROUND CONTACT(104/UN) TREBR 8'TREATED HANDRAIL 14 EAC 12.9900 EACH 181.88 2416GCT 2X4-16'#1 TREATED SYP GROUND 4 PC 12.5900 PC 50.36 CONTACT(104/UN) 4416T 4X4-16#2 TREATED GROUND CONTACT 4 PC 22.5900 PC 90.36 SYP S4S(65/UN) 21216GCT 2X12-16WITREATED SYP GROUND 2 PC 35.2900 PC 70.58 CONTACT(32(UN) 2128GCT 2X1 2-8`#i TREATED SYP GROUND 2 PC 18.0900 PC 36.18 CONTACT(32/UN) 561 OGCT 5/4X6-10 STD TREATED SYP GROUND 6 PC 7.3900 PC 44.34 CONTACT(96/UN) 1812T 1x8-12'#1 ABOVE GROUND TREATED 3 PC 15.7900 PC 47.37 (961UN) 2812GCT 2x8-12#2 TREATED SYP GROUND 6 PC 14.8900 PC 89.34 CONTACT(481UN) Subtotal Quote prices are subject to change without notice based on market condificns.Curbs Sales Tax Lumber cannot guarantee quantities listed are adequate for the customer's project.Please review your quote carefully to confirm ample materials for completion of project. Total Buyer: 295.14-1-1.7�1� AST-000316-2017 Lamos, Brian 393B Bennett Road Deck 276 S.f. Signature Queensbury urtis Lumber Co Inc ri 460 Big Bay Road NY QJQ' �89YD mnmernrtidumti�aomJe(5 8)92'601 8D4 IIIIDIIIVIIIVIIIAI(IIII IIII III VIII IIII VIII IIIIII Fax:(518)792-8603 QUOTE 1706-264793 R1 PAGE 2 OF 3 SOLD TO JOB ADDRESS ACCOUNT JOB Cash Sales Lemon, Brian CASH 0 CREATED ON 06/09/2017 518-745-8934 EXPIRES ON 06/19/2017 BRANCH 1007 CUSTOMER PO# STATION QB33 Curtis Lumber Co, Inc CASHIER 750525 Store Hours: M-F 7am-5pm SALESPERSON Sat 8am-4pm Sun Closed ORDER ENTRY 750525 I MODIFIED BY 750525 Item IDescription D Quantity I L#M I Price per I Amount 2814GCT 2X8.14#2 TREATED SYP GROUND 1 PC 18.0900 PC 18.09 CONTACT(48/UN) 288GCT 2X8-8'#1 TREATED SYP GROUND 1 PC 10.0900 PC 10.09 CONTACT(48/UN) 2812GCT 2X8-12#2 TREATED SYP GROUND 16 PC 14.8900 PC 238.24 CONTACT(48/UN) 21212GCT 2X12-12'#1 TREATED SYP GROUND 2 PC 27.4900 PC 54.98 CONTACT(32/UN) 21216GCT 2X12-16W1TREATED SYP GROUND 2 PC 35.2900 PC 70.58 CONTACT(32/UN) 2128GCT 2X12-8'#1 TREATED SYP GROUND 2 PC 18.0900 PC 36.18 CONTACT(32/UN) 2816GCT 2X8-16#2 TREATED SYP GROUND 2 PC 20.6900 PC 41.38 CONTACT(48/UN) 288GCT 2X8.81#1 TREATED SYP GROUND 2 PC 10.0900 PC 20.18 CONTACT(48/UN) 2812GCT 2X8-12#2 TREATED SYP GROUND 2 PC 14.8900 PC 29.78 CONTACT(48/UN) 2616GCT 2X6-16'#1 TREATED SYP GROUND 1 PC 15.8900 PC 15.89 CONTACT(64/UN) 2416GCT 2X4-16'#1 TREATED SYP GROUND 1 PC 12.5900 PC 12.59 CONTACT(104/UN) 668T6 6X6.8#2 TREATED FOR STRUCTURAL 1 PC 24.6900 PC 24.69 USE SYP S4S(24/UN) TZ28 LUS2aZ ZMAX JOIST HGR 2 X 8 16 EAC 1.0900 EACH 17.44 N8DHDG 1LB 8D 1-1/2"GALV NAIL JST HNGR 1 EAC 4.0900 EACH 4.09 N10DHDG 1 LB 1 OD 1-1/2"GALV NAIL JST HNGR 1 EAC 4.0900 EACH 4.09 8PDLF 8'PLASTIC DECK LEDGER 2 EAC 3.8900 EACH 7.78 127GCB 1/2X7 CARRIAGE BOLT GALV 22 EAC 2.3900 EACH 52.58 Subtotal Quote prices are subject to change without notice based on market conditiens.Curtis Sales Tax Lumber cannot guarantee quantifies listed are adequate for the customers project.Please review your quote carefully to confirm ample materials for completion of project. Total Buyer: Signature txcq.o"",aa"n sme, Queensbury �I M / �� LaAU2 urns ig Bay o inc , (� o 460 Bi Ba Road : 1s�n �e� ni:i mt. ensbury,NY MRUe(518)792-8601 2804 Fax:(518)792-8603 QUOTE 1706-264793 R1 PAGE 3 OF 3 SOLD TO JOB ADDRESS ACCOUNT JOB . Cash Sales Lamos, Brian CASH 0 CREATED ON 06/09/2017 518-745-8934 EXPIRES ON 06119/2017 BRANCH 1007 CUSTOMER PO# STATION QB33 Curtis Lumber Co, Inc CASHIER 750525 Store Hours: M-F 7am-5pm SALESPERSON Sat 8am-4pm Sun Closed ORDER ENTRY 750525 MODIFIED BY 750525 Item IDescripffon D Quantity UAW I Price For Amount 12GN 112-13 HEX NUT GALV 40 EAC 0.3900 EACH 15.60 12GW 112 GALV FLAT WASHER 40 EACF 0.4500 EACH 18.00 126GCB 112XB CARRIAGE BOLT GALV 8 EAC 1.8900 EACH 15.12 1210GCB 1/2X10 CARRIAGE BOLT GALV 10 EACF 2.9900 EACH 29.90 SON012-12 12'X12"SONOTUBE 2 EACF 26.9900 EACH 53.98 80CM SURE MIX CONC 30001b 80LB BAG 30 EACF 5.0900 EACH 152.70 H1Z Z MAX RAFTER TIE 22 EACF 0.8900 EACH 19.58 223TB 2x2-3'SQ TREATED BALLUSTER 96 EACF 1.1900 EACH 114.24 (480/UN) 5LB212XT 5LB PAIL 212 XT SCREW 1 EACF 24.6900 EACH 24.69 52XT BOX 500ct 2"XT SCREWS 1 EAC 16.7900 EACH 16.79 5LB3XT 5LB 3 XT SCREW PAIL 2 EACF 24.6900 EACH 49.38 ABA66Z Z MAX POST BASE 6 X 8 _ 5 EAC 18.7900 EACH 83.95 NCN1 Misc.Allowance 1 EACF 100.0000 EACH 100.00 EST "*Curtis Lumber does not guarantee that materials listed - will be exact amount needed to complete job. Subtotal2,696.03 Quote prices are subject to change without notice based on market conditions.Curtis WAR 7.00% Sales Tax 188.72 Lumber cannot guarantee quantities listed are adequate for the customer's project.Please review your quote carefully to confirm ample materials for completion of project. Total 2,884.75 Buyer: Signature o � �J L 'y LJ _ L To View Curtis Lumber Brian Lamos 885 Route 67 06/09/17 Ref:Deck17160 Ballston Spa,NY Scale:To fit ST�RWmbOsvN CUSTOMER: BR DATE: 06/09/17 DESIGN: DECK17160 REF: 17160105. ZP1 SALESMAN # 750525 ------------------------------------------------------- MEMBER STRESS FACTOR COMPOSITE TYPE SIZE FACTOR LOAD LOAD ------------------------------------------------------- JOISTS 2X8 DEFLECTION 75 PSF 16" BENDING 92 PSF SHEAR 99 PSF COMPRESSION 257 PSF 75 PSF BEAMS 3-2X8LM DEFLECTION 60 PSF BENDING 59 PSF SHEAR 71 PSF COMPRESSION 489 PSF 59 PSF POSTS 6X6 STABILITY 795 PSF BEARING 540 PSF 540 PSF ----------------------------------- TOTAL LOAD 59 PSF DEAD LOAD 10 PSF LIVE LOAD 49 PSF ------------------------------------------------------- STRINGERS 2X12 DEFLECTION 794 PSF BENDING 504 PSF SHEAR 292 PSF COMPRESSION 1048 PSF ----------------------------------- TOTAL LOAD 292 PSF DEAD LOAD 10 PSF LIVE LOAD 282 PSF ------------------------------------------------------- STRINGERS 2X12 DEFLECTION 794 PSF BENDING 504 PSF SHEAR 292 PSF COMPRESSION 1048 PSF ----------------------------------- TOTAL LOAD 292 PSF DEAD LOAD 10 PSF LIVE LOAD 282 PSF ------------------------------------------------------- m s 4 a a' 23' Cf71 L� 2' 6 U :t CD �Lj s' L . 0 O x 12IN SDND TUBE cu 6x6 Post 3-2x8Lm Beam 2' 6' � II Plan View Curtis Lumber Brian Lamos 885 Route 67 06/09/17 Ref:Deck17160 Ballston Spa,NY Scale: 1/4"= 1' F F e H .g a c � c'✓f� B B B B B B B B B B B A A A A A hl C E J Fy jJ i5 3'e 00 H —LL D LABEL LENGTH BEVELS LABEL LENGTH BEVELS A joist (5) 10' 9" G cap 3' 2 112" B joist (11) 11' 1 1/2" G section 3' 5' C fascia 12' 1)45 2)45 H cap 3' 1" C rim 11' 1 1/2" H section 3' 3 112" D fascia 23' 1)45 2)45 I cap 6' 10 314" D rim 22' 9" 1 section 7' 1 114" E fascia 12' 1)45 2)45 J cap 5' 3 314" E rim 10' 9" J section 5' 6 114' F fascia 23' 1)45 2)45 K cap 6' 11' F rim 22' 9" K section 7' 1 112" Cut List Curtis LuMbff Brian Lamos 885 Route 67 06/09/17 Ref:Deck17160 Ballston Spa,N' Scale: 1/4"= l' A � I3 J t 'r 11' 1 1/2" =` �E 1 bull LUB BEAM BEAM POST POST LABEL LENGTH COUNT SPACING A 6' 9 3/4" 2 5' 4 1/4" B 22' 9" 3 10' 7 3/4" Post spacing is measured center-to-center. Depth of concrete footers --- 48" Beam Layout Curtis Lumber Brian I amos 885 Route 67 R 17 Ref. Ballston S NY Ref.Deck17160 Spa, Scale: 1/4"=l' 9 C) 9'5' 134' A) q� A) 9'4' C) 13'5' C) 13'4' A) 9-5- A) 9'4' C) 13-5- C) 13.4• A) 9-5- A) 9'4' C) 13'5• ,J C) 13'4' A) 9'5' A) 9-4- C) 13'5' sa 2B A) 9'5' A) 9.4' C) 13'5` `s? A) 9-5- A) 9'4' C) 13'5' GU A) 9'5' A) 9'4' C) 13'5' C) 13'4• A) 9-5- A) 9'4' C) 13'5' Aj 9-5- A) 9'4' C) 13'5' Aj 9'5' A) 9'4' C) 13'5' C) 13'4' A) 9-5- A) 9'4' C 13'5' C) 13'4' A) 9-5- D) 22-9- D) 22'9' Plank Layout Curtis Lumber Brian Lamos 885 Route 67 06/09/17 Ref:Deck17160 Ballston Spa,NY Scale:3/8"=1' MAGNETIC aG. JCLL�7 LU �� v ark � �,}IJ o kr� st%ne � w Ate- "' �-� o 6 Gob% N 4�,5 �' � ° A 6\ L cv �y _ -� •� Lm V y 0 R' Green o / - ✓r C., to �., oo 7? E- ' n 0 (D oo° (D o CD 03 p; o0 _ 70 oa •Y a Cf) J yz 1 C 0 � -� n� -71O O srt 71 CO 4e Imm m � 0 �� ��x ���� �� `a ' ..•� � f~ti � � �,i,°ail t 71, ate,, D Ll ,� @� Map of a. Survey made for Q ` Q & Steves Brian R. & Michelle D. Lamos Land Surveyors 97 Cheater Street Glens Falls, New York 12801 Town of QUeE&)58v/s.Yt WAiusi� County, New York 0 518 792-8474 New York 11e. No. 95017 & 50195 $3- 1 - IS