2.04 2.4 FINANCIAL\2017\PURCHASE—Truck for Wastewater-Piggybacking Onondaga County—7-17 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF 2017 FORD F-350 TRUCK FOR USE BY TOWN WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT RESOLUTION NO.: ,2017 INTRODUCED BY: WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: WHEREAS, the New York State Legislature adopted legislation allowing any political subdivision in New York State to "piggyback"off an existing County Bid, and WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury's Wastewater Director has requested Town Board approval to replace a 2009 Ford F-350 truck with a utility service body with 167,000 miles (Town Asset No.: 8811) by purchasing a 2017 Ford F-350 service truck with related accessories by the Town of Queensbury"piggybacking"with Onondaga County Bid 47974 2017SRW, and WHEREAS, the Town will adhere to all New York State Law bidding requirements, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves of the Town Wastewater Director's purchase of a 2017 Ford F-350 service truck for an amount not to exceed $44,326.57 from Van Bortel and approves an additional $1,000 for ancillary items needed to make it Water Department ready, to be paid from Vehicles Account No.: 040-8340-2020, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs that funding for such purchases shall be by a transfer of a total of $45,327 from the Wastewater Department's undesignated, unassigned fund balances as follows: • Pershing Ashley Coolidge - 030 - $ 433 • Technical Park - 033 - $ 1,330 • South Queensbury - 035 — $ 887 • Route 9 - 036 — $17,731 • Main St. - 037 - $ 887 • Qby Consolidated - 032 - $23,172 • Reservoir Park - 031 - $ 887 to Vehicles Account No.: 040-8340-2020 and the Town Budget Officer shall amend the 2017 Town Budget, make any adjustments, budget amendments, transfers or prepare any documentation necessary to effectuate payment, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Budget Officer to engage the services of auction company GovDeals to sell/dispose of the 2009 Ford F-350 truck with a utility service body with 167,000 miles (Town Asset No.: 8811) and deposit any sales proceeds into the appropriate revenue account(s) in accordance with the Queensbury Town Code and New York State Laws, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor, Wastewater Director and/or Budget Officer to take such other and further action as may be necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 17�1'day of July, 2017,by the following vote: AYES NOES ABSENT: