Application 'Fr zoningmini trate, s Ded lon
Application for anpp
De pt., of Community Developrirn
File Na. 106A
Town, of QueensbOry,
742 Bay Road Da,t6 Received:
Queensbury, ,NY 1280*
IAp,p,'llcan °s Name:
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Street rs: °
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Agent's arnw :,°kA���
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Street Address:
Citi, State, Zip:
"Telephone �3. The appli
" ppal c cr the prap+ r owned h
S. Zone Classification:
. iesri of'how to flrr: .the prep : 213�1
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74 Section f the Zoning', rddina.nm fiar which you are seeldng an 1hterpmt log. Pescribe.
spec reqs
S. Plead attath,addilJonal d cu:men , l tk r � reaps,, etc. thgt may,support this application for an
Appeal. ,
91, The 6pplicant shad r tu-m tine original appllication with ANN pages Intact,
nature applicant daT
Signature f went dam .
rown of Queensbury R 1 C 6/5/17
742 Bay Rd,
Queensbury, N.Y. 12804 E ',!01
Dear Town of Q Lie n s;b u ry, FF E
This letter is to, appeal the decision by the Tbwn of Queensbury to grant a
building permit on 4/13/17 to Harald Halliday for the construction of a Pole
Barn an his property at 2599, State Rt. L. This is an AccessoryBuilding
and because of its size would need a variance approval from the Town, We
as nelghbors have not been, notified of this pole barn use. We, also question
the setbacks as stated, since the property has been listed as 1 .62 acres,
not 1.66 acres, The LC recently denied the Permit application for a
Marina under SUP. Now that this Marina is no longer permitted, the
applicant nor the town has notified us of this new permitfor an accessory
building. Th[s building does not meet any of the Town Code Laws for this
use. All density requirements must be met since there is no longer a SUP.
The building permit was applied for under f6lse pretenses and
subsequently a,prove d by the Town solely based upon the January 4
issuance of the original SUP". According to our meeting with Craig Brown,
Zoning Administrator,, with the May, 2017 denial of a Class ,A Marina Permit
by the LGPC, this building now becomes an accessory structure that
excoed's the Towl-I Code limitations (size/scale/us,e). We also question the
functionality of the storm water runoff report on the wetlands. 'We are
requesting that Mr. Halliday's building permit be revoked since r it does not
meet any of the Town Code Laws.,
Frank & Isobel Munoff