RC-000666-2016 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 — _ Community Development- Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Permit Number: RC-000666-2016 Date Issued: Wednesday, January 2, 2019 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number RC-000666-2016 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 289.14-1-19 Location: 20 PIONEER PT Owner: Renee Little, Robert Little Applicant: Phinney Design Group This structure may be occupied as a: SFD w/FP 2466 s.f, Garage 376 s.f. Cross Ref. AV PZ 31-2015 and SP PZ 67-2015 aka SP PZ 32-2015 By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Occupancy DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building& Codes (518)761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: RC-000666-2016 Tax Map No: 289.14-1-19 Permission is hereby granted to: Renee Little,Robert Little For property located at: 20 PIONEER PT In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Unifoma Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance Type of Construction Owner Name: Renee Little Single Family-New $1,000,000.00 Owner Address: 814 Fox Glen PL Total Value $1,000,000.00 Walnut Creek,CA 94598 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications Single Family Dwelling w/FP 2466 s.f. Garage 376 s.f. Cross Ref.AV PZ 31-2015 and SP PZ 67-2015 aka SP PZ 32-2015 $599.60 PERMIT FEE PAID-TFOS PERMIT EXPIRES: (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the exp/i,[JationA date.) Dated at the Town of ueensb E/ Nrida 2017 SIGNED BY: lww_xf/ /•YJ for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement rK11NUIrAL ,l'KUU'1'U +' ArrLIUA11U.N Office Use Only Date: Z� lb Permit NtT' 45-m•lCj0 1 Tact Ma ¢ 111 P ID Z8�. 9 Permit�Feeik. 9-C' (00 - Zz ib Zone Vel R Historic? _Yes V No Rec Fee N )6 Subdivision Name /p, Lot# Site Plan#0-.iii Sor SP P2, 31 -!;- 1J � AV I�Z-31-aol Project Location i.aN rest- 4i-ALW-r &c� CAltz- TOWN BD.RESOLUTION 86-2013: $850 recreation fee for new dwelling units—single family,duplexes/two-family,multiple family, apartments,condominiums,townhouses,and/or manufactured&modular homes,but not mobile homes. This is in addition to the permit fee(s). Primary Owner(s) flo&en-T I QN3eE (-17Ttc Address H F-+c G� enJ R'4 WAL_NVT C26'2K CA 9Y578 Phone/Email I;+{k(F, ol) -Je ea .CoAk Applicant Address I y Z e m D Ale. I Sw uToa. SrR«x tl fJ`t l Z£56 Phone/Email s(g 5 g 1-. -4(2 V Contractor Address Phone/Email Contact Person for Building&Codes Compliance: Phone TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION -/Check all that apply New Addition Alteration I"floor sf 2nd floor sf Total sf Height Single Family ✓ iZIZ 125y Zybfo 2�-0� Two-Family Multi-Family (#of units_) Townhouse Business Office Retail-Mercantile Factory-Industrial Attached Garage (1, 2, 3, 4+) Other Town of Queensbury Building&Codes Principal Structure Application revised January 2016 If commercial or industrial please indicate name of business olk Proposed use of building or addition Source of Heat(circle one) Gas Oil ropane Solar Other Fireplace: Complete a separate application for Fuel Burning Appliances& Chimneys Are there structures not shown on plot plan? a Are there easements on the property? yx-:5 Site Information: a. Dimensions or acreage of lot b. Is this a corner lot? _Yes X No c. Will the grade be changed as a result of construction X Yes —No d. Public water or Private well (circle one) Public Private e. Sewer or Private Septic System (circle one) SewerPrivate Value of all work to be performed(labor or materials) $ 1 cec bo DECLARATION.• 1. I acknowledge no construction shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit and will be completed within a 12 month period. 2. If work is not complete by the 1 year expiration date the permit may be renewed, subject to fees and department approval. 3. I certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement / description of the work proposed, that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes,local building laws and ordinances,and in conformance with local zoning regulations 4. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed, I or my agents will obtain a certificate of occupancy. 5. I also understand that I /we are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. I have read and agree to the above: PRINTNAME: RoaM'r LtTt.E 90YID DATE: 9 L a SIGNATURE: DATE: `l L For office use only Operating Permit Issued: _Yes —No Occupancy Type Construction Classification Assembly Occupancy Limit Special Conditions Town of Queensbury Building&Codes Principal Structure Application Revised January 2016 Fuel Burning Appliance & Chimney Application Office Use Only Received DATE: –91 23 NO Tax Map ID TAx MAP ID: 1.61. 14 - I- I Permit No. ZONE: W f'� Permit Fee OWNER Rberf-T ISCNCL� Cvr-rL.6- PHONE/E-MAIL rIt1+Ic � � ti Ceti ADDRESS 614 Fox q e*J Pte. LA)AL ,,-r Cuvk CA 9 W15 INSTALLER/ PHONE/E-MAIL BUILDER CONTACT PERSON FOR BUILDING&CODE COMPLIANCE: PHONE/E-MAIL BUILDING ADDRESS ROOM OF INSTALL: Clvi n A*,.\ PLANNED INSTALL DATE: -_'AN V A a Zv 1� FUEL BURNING APPLIANCE INFORMATION WOOD COAL I PELLET GAS OIL NOTE: ROUGH-IN& STOVE FINAL INSPECTION ARE FIREPLACE INSERT REQUIRED. FIREPLACE,FACTORY BUILT* X NOTE: FIREPLACE,MASONRY MANUFACTURER'S FURNACE(GARAGE ONLY) INSTALLATION MANUAL MUST BE AVAILABLE AT TIME OF INSPECTION *If factory built provide manufacturer name: MAaesrlL ; Model #: E�++auar„ (p Listed by: CS'A Number: /SSI x.21 .8$ -7_01y_ CSA 7._&3-zei q CHIMNEY INFORMATION Masonry** (check one) —BLOCK —BRICK —STONE Flue _TIE _A STEEL _Size in inches Gw r'oti SF�k, Material _DOUBLE WALL _TRIPLE WALL _INSULATED ** If non-masonry provide manufacturer name: ; Model#: DECLARATION: Construction/installation must conform to NYS Fire Prevention & Building Code and/or manufacturer requirements. The applicant or owner agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations,and all conditions that are part of these requirements and also will allow inspector's to enter premises to perform required inspections. I HAVE READ AND AGREE TO THE ABOVE: I I�, PRINT NAME: I `1 w- Z, - �(� DATE: ! 3 SIGNATURE: I DATE: q 'own of Queensbury Building&Codes Principal Structure Application Revised January 2016 SEPTIC DISPOSAL APPLICATION Office Use Only Received DATE: 1(e Tax Map ID TAx MAP ID: . 1 4 - I - I q Permit No. ZONE: Permit Fee LJ R APPLICANT �JBcw.r' CcwL-a < <zTL-L4- PHONE/E-MAIL ADDRESS gly eX C.tr+ ��4�' �A�-NrT CIL'tK CA GI��j�JQS INSTALLER/ PHONE/E-MAIL BUILDER OWNER ADDRESS CONTACT PERSON FOR BUILDING&CODE COMPLIANCE: PHONE/E-MAIL RESIDENCE INFORMATION Year Built #of bedrooms X gallons per bedroom =total Daily flow 1980 or older Garbage grinder installed _Yes _No 1981-1991 Spa or Hot Tub installed —Yes X_No 1992-Present 3 PARCEL INFORMATION Topography Flat rolling �,Steep slope _%Slope Soil Nature X Sand _Loam _Clay _Other Groundwater At what depth: UUkNowIJ Bedrock/Impervious material At what depth: y v�nry M t Domestic Water Supply Municipal Well(if well,water supply from any septic system absorption is—ft.) Percolation Test Rate: per minute per inch(test to be completed by licensed engineer/architect) PROPOSED SYSTEM FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION-Q of- pg%h Tank size gallons(min.size 1,000 gallons,add 250 gallons to size for each garbage cylinder or spa or hot tub System Absorption field with#2 stone Total length ft.;Each Trench Seepage Pit with#3 stone How many: _;Size I Alternative System Bed or other type: YCS MU m *m 11 YoSi_1� 1 Holding Tank System Total required capacity? Tank size #of tanks W4cw Notes: 1)Alarm system& associated electrical work must be inspected by a Town approved electrical inspection agency;2)We will no longer allow systems to be covered until such time as an As-Built plan is received&approved. The installed system must match the septic system layout on file-no exceptions. Declaration: Any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material representation or failure to make a material fact or circumstance known by or on behalf of an applicant,shall be void. I have read the regulations and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. PRINT NAME: Rob LIMB g 6, U4e DATE: 23 6 SIGNATURE: DATE: o Town of Queensbury building&Codes Principal Structure Application Revised January 2016 INSPECTION WORKSHEET (004103-2018) Town of Queensbury - Building and Codes - Fire Marshal 742 Bay Road - (518) 761-8256 Building (518) 761-8206 Fire Marshal Case Number:RC-000666-2016Case Module:Permit Inspection Date:06/08/2018Inspection Status:Partial Pass Inspector:John O'BrienInspection Type:Residential Final Inspection Job Address:20 PIONEER PTParcel Number:289.14-1-19 Queensbury, NY 12804 Contact TypeCompany NameName Granted PermissionLittle, RobertLittle, Robert Granted PermissionLittle, ReneeLittle, Renee Contractor\[Kodiak Construction, Inc.\], Primary OwnerLittle, RobertLittle, Robert Primary OwnerLittle, ReneeLittle, Renee Applicant\[Phinney Design Group\], Agent\[Phinney Design Group\], Checklist ItemPassedComments Jun 08, 2018Page (12) INSPECTION WORKSHEET (004103-2018) Checklist ItemPassedComments General CommentsNO6/7/18 Preliminary Final Inspection Not Approved Remaining Items: -Submit Blower Door Test Report -Submit Final Survey -Submit As-Built Site Plan and Site Certification -Submit Engineer?s Field Inspection Report for House Force Main connection to existing 1000 gal septic tank. - Schedule a Rough-in and Final Fireplace Inspection with Kate Deck in our office. Kate will schedule Mike Palmer the Fire Marshal to meet on site with the responsible party who installed the fireplace without the required inspections. - Complete handrail and guards on stone steps at lakeside deck. - Install grills at siding for bathroom fans and dryer vent. - Install grill at vent location backside of fireplace. - Submit specifications on range hood. If the range hood is greater than 400 cfm fresh air must be provided. - Install address on front of residence. 4? high minimum numbers. - Submit letter from Mahoney Notifier that the smoke alarms and co detectors are installed in the required locations, interconnected and battery back-up. - Seal and trim out 1st floor hall bathroom fire shutter window on garage side. 6/8/18 Final Inspection Not Approved 4 inch Building Number Address visible from roadNO Chimney Height / B Vent / Direct Vent LocationYES Chimney Rain Cap InstalledYES Fresh Air IntakeYES 3" Plumbing Vent through roof minimum 18 inchYES Outside Spigots have Air GapYES Roof Complete / Exterior Finish CompleteYES Platform at all exterior doorsYES Handrail 4 or more risersYES Guards at stairs,decks,patios 30" + above gradeYES Guard at stairwell at 34" or moreYES Window guards req:<2' above floor/6' above grade - quick releaseYES installed Guard at deck, porches 36" or moreYES Handrail Termination at Newell Post or WallYES Interior/Exterior Railings 34 to 38YES Wood deck: 2'+ from grade dia bracing required - H/C ramp compliantYES 4+ Deck Joist Ledger Connections-24" From EndsYES Deck Ledger-Bolted per CodeYES Grade away from foundation 6 with 10 feetYES 6 clearance to sill plateYES Gas Shut-off Exposed & Regulator (18) Above GradeYES Jun 08, 2018Page (13) INSPECTION WORKSHEET (004103-2018) Checklist ItemPassedComments HVAC Vent Terminal 10' from Lot Line & OpeningsYES Dryer Duct Max Length 35', Labeled Over 35'YES Interior privacy/trim/doors/main entrance 36YES Bathroom / Kitchen WatertightYES Low flow toilet 1.3 gal/flushing cycle - showerhead/faucetYES Safety glazing: w/in 5' of tub/shower - stairwell win/adj to drsYES Smoke Detectors: Carbon MonoxideYES- Received Letter from Mahoney Notifier. Smoke Detectors 3' from Kitchens & Baths R314YES Every level, Every bedroomYES Outside every bedroom areaYES Inter ConnectedYES Battery backup: _____YES Attic Access 22 x 30 minimumYES Attic Access Insulation = Attic R- ValueYES Attic Access GasketedYES Bathroom Fans, if no windowYES Plumbing fixturesYES Foundation insulation to floorYES Energy Sticker on Elec. Panel:R-Val. & Heating SysYES Duct work sealed properlyYES Range Hood 400+ cfm-Fresh Air REQUIREDNO Blower Door Test CertificationNO HRV or ERV Installed per Bedroom RequirementsYES Emergency egress below gradeYES Furnace shut-off w/in 30 ft. or w/in line of siteYES Propane Tank: Proper Setback from Prop Line/StructYES Furnace Hot Water Heater operatingYES Relief Valve ,Heat Trap/Water Temp 110 deg or lessYES Encl. Stairs Sheetrock Underside minimum ½ GypsumYES 1/2" Gypsum or House Wall and GableYES 5/8" Type X with Living Space AboveYES 20 Minute Fire Door/Self-Closing HardwareYES Seals on Garage Doors, esp. WoodYES Basement stairs closed rise greater than 4 inchesYES Basement Egress: 5s.f. window w/sill or Bilco doorYES Garage Floor PitchedYES Fin Elect; Energy Saving Light Bulbs 50 PercentYES Final Survey Plot PlanNO Arc Fault Breaker Habitable SpacesYES Flex Gas Pipe BondingYES As Built Septic SystemYES-Received Letter from Tom Hutchins. Site Plan / Variance requiredNO Jun 08, 2018Page (14) INSPECTION WORKSHEET (004103-2018) Checklist ItemPassedComments OK to Issue Temporary C/OYES6/7/18 Preliminary Final Inspection Not Approved Remaining Items: -Submit Blower Door Test Report -Submit Final Survey -Submit As-Built Site Plan and Site Certification -Submit Engineer?s Field Inspection Report for House Force Main connection to existing 1000 gal septic tank. - Schedule a Rough-in and Final Fireplace Inspection with Kate Deck in our office. Kate will schedule Mike Palmer the Fire Marshal to meet on site with the responsible party who installed the fireplace without the required inspections. - Complete handrail and guards on stone steps at lakeside deck. - Install grills at siding for bathroom fans and dryer vent. - Install grill at vent location backside of fireplace. - Submit specifications on range hood. If the range hood is greater than 400 cfm fresh air must be provided. - Install address on front of residence. 4? high minimum numbers. - Submit letter from Mahoney Notifier that the smoke alarms and co detectors are installed in the required locations, interconnected and battery back-up. - Seal and trim out 1st floor hall bathroom fire shutter window on garage side. 6/8/18 Final Inspection Partial Approval-Temporary Certificate of Occupancy Conditions: -Submit Final Survey -Submit As-Built Site Plan and Site Certification - As per Section M1503 of the 2015 IRC the range hood shall discharge to the outdoors through a duct. The range hood is greater than 400 cfm and make up air must be provided mechanically or naturally. -Submit Documentation on 3/4 hour rated fire shutter at bathroom window or completely and permanently seal window opening to garage with 5/8? type x rock on garage side and 1/2? type x rock on bathroom side. -Submit Blower Door Test Report! - Install address on front of residence. 4? high minimum numbers. Jun 08, 2018Page (15) INSPECTION WORKSHEET (004103-2018) Checklist ItemPassedComments OK to Issue C/ONO6/7/18 Preliminary Final Inspection Not Approved Remaining Items: -Submit Blower Door Test Report -Submit Final Surveym -Submit As-Built Site Plan and Site Certification -Submit Engineer?s Field Inspection Report for House Force Main connection to existing 1000 gal septic tank. - Schedule a Rough-in and Final Fireplace Inspection with Kate Deck in our office. Kate will schedule Mike Palmer the Fire Marshal to meet on site with the responsible party who installed the fireplace without the required inspections. - Complete handrail and guards on stone steps at lakeside deck. - Install grills at siding for bathroom fans and dryer vent. - Install grill at vent location backside of fireplace. - Submit specifications on range hood. If the range hood is greater than 400 cfm fresh air must be provided. - Install address on front of residence. 4? high minimum numbers. - Submit letter from Mahoney Notifier that the smoke alarms and co detectors are installed in the required locations, interconnected and battery back-up. - Seal and trim out 1st floor hall bathroom fire shutter window on garage side. 6/8/18 Final Inspection Not Approved. O'Brien, John (Inspector) Jun 08, 2018Page (16) INSPECTION WORKSHEET (004022-2018) Town of Queensbury - Building and Codes - Fire Marshal 742 Bay Road - (518) 761-8256 Building (518) 761-8206 Fire Marshal Case Number:RC-000666-2016Case Module:Permit Inspection Date:06/07/2018Inspection Status:Failed Inspector:John O'BrienInspection Type:Residential Final Inspection Job Address:20 PIONEER PTParcel Number:289.14-1-19 Queensbury, NY 12804 Contact TypeCompany NameName Agent\[Phinney Design Group\], Contractor\[Kodiak Construction, Inc.\], Primary OwnerLittle, ReneeLittle, Renee Granted PermissionLittle, RobertLittle, Robert Granted PermissionLittle, ReneeLittle, Renee Applicant\[Phinney Design Group\], Primary OwnerLittle, RobertLittle, Robert Checklist ItemPassedComments Jun 07, 2018Page (5) INSPECTION WORKSHEET (004022-2018) Checklist ItemPassedComments General CommentsNO6/7/18 Preliminary Final Inspection Not Approved Remaining Items: -Submit Blower Door Test Report -Submit Final Survey -Submit As-Built Site Plan and Site Certification -Submit Engineer?s Field Inspection Report for House Force Main connection to existing 1000 gal septic tank. - Schedule a Rough-in and Final Fireplace Inspection with Kate Deck in our office. Kate will schedule Mike Palmer the Fire Marshal to meet on site with the responsible party who installed the fireplace without the required inspections. - Complete handrail and guards on stone steps at lakeside deck. - Install grills at siding for bathroom fans and dryer vent. - Install grill at vent location backside of fireplace. - Submit specifications on range hood. If the range hood is greater than 400 cfm fresh air must be provided. - Install address on front of residence. 4? high minimum numbers. - Submit letter from Mahoney Notifier that the smoke alarms and co detectors are installed in the required locations, interconnected and battery back-up. - Seal and trim out 1st floor hall bathroom fire shutter window on garage side. 4 inch Building Number Address visible from roadNO Chimney Height / B Vent / Direct Vent LocationYES Chimney Rain Cap InstalledYES Fresh Air IntakeYES Fresh air supply 3' from gradeYES 3" Plumbing Vent through roof minimum 18 inchYES Outside Spigots have Air GapYES Roof Complete / Exterior Finish CompleteYES Platform at all exterior doorsYES Handrail 4 or more risersYES Guards at stairs,decks,patios 30" + above gradeNO Guard at stairwell at 34" or moreYES Window guards req:<2' above floor/6' above grade - quick releaseYES installed Guard at deck, porches 36" or moreYES Handrail Termination at Newell Post or WallYES Interior/Exterior Railings 34 to 38YES Wood deck: 2'+ from grade dia bracing required - H/C ramp compliantYES 4+ Deck Joist Ledger Connections-24" From EndsYES Deck Ledger-Bolted per CodeYES Grade away from foundation 6 with 10 feetYES 6 clearance to sill plateYES Jun 07, 2018Page (6) INSPECTION WORKSHEET (004022-2018) Checklist ItemPassedComments Gas Shut-off Exposed & Regulator (18) Above GradeYES HVAC Vent Terminal 10' from Lot Line & OpeningsYES Dryer Duct Max Length 35', Labeled Over 35'YES Interior privacy/trim/doors/main entrance 36YES Bathroom / Kitchen WatertightYES Low flow toilet 1.3 gal/flushing cycle - showerhead/faucetYES Safety glazing: w/in 5' of tub/shower - stairwell win/adj to drsYES Smoke Detectors: Carbon MonoxideNO Smoke Detectors 3' from Kitchens & Baths R314NO Every level, Every bedroomYES Outside every bedroom areaYES Inter ConnectedNO Battery backup: _____NO Attic Access 22 x 30 minimumYES Attic Access Insulation = Attic R- ValueYES Attic Access GasketedYES Bathroom Fans, if no windowYES Plumbing fixturesYES Foundation insulation to floorYES Energy Sticker on Elec. Panel:R-Val. & Heating SysYES Duct work sealed properlyYES Range Hood 400+ cfm-Fresh Air REQUIREDNO Blower Door Test CertificationNO HRV or ERV Installed per Bedroom RequirementsYES Emergency egress below gradeYES Furnace shut-off w/in 30 ft. or w/in line of siteYES Propane Tank: Proper Setback from Prop Line/StructNO Furnace Hot Water Heater operatingYES Low water shut-off boilerNO Relief Valve ,Heat Trap/Water Temp 110 deg or lessYES Encl. Stairs Sheetrock Underside minimum ½ GypsumYES 1/2" Gypsum or House Wall and GableYES 5/8" Type X with Living Space AboveYES 20 Minute Fire Door/Self-Closing HardwareYES Seals on Garage Doors, esp. WoodYES Basement stairs closed rise greater than 4 inchesYES Basement Egress: 5s.f. window w/sill or Bilco doorYES Garage Floor PitchedYES Fin Elect; Energy Saving Light Bulbs 50 PercentYES Final Survey Plot PlanNO Arc Fault Breaker Habitable SpacesYES Flex Gas Pipe BondingYES As Built Septic SystemNO Site Plan / Variance requiredNO Jun 07, 2018Page (7) INSPECTION WORKSHEET (004022-2018) Checklist ItemPassedComments OK to Issue Temporary C/ONO6/7/18 Preliminary Final Inspection Not Approved Remaining Items: -Submit Blower Door Test Report -Submit Final Survey -Submit As-Built Site Plan and Site Certification -Submit Engineer?s Field Inspection Report for House Force Main connection to existing 1000 gal septic tank. - Schedule a Rough-in and Final Fireplace Inspection with Kate Deck in our office. Kate will schedule Mike Palmer the Fire Marshal to meet on site with the responsible party who installed the fireplace without the required inspections. - Complete handrail and guards on stone steps at lakeside deck. - Install grills at siding for bathroom fans and dryer vent. - Install grill at vent location backside of fireplace. - Submit specifications on range hood. If the range hood is greater than 400 cfm fresh air must be provided. - Install address on front of residence. 4? high minimum numbers. - Submit letter from Mahoney Notifier that the smoke alarms and co detectors are installed in the required locations, interconnected and battery back-up. - Seal and trim out 1st floor hall bathroom fire shutter window on garage side. Jun 07, 2018Page (8) INSPECTION WORKSHEET (004022-2018) Checklist ItemPassedComments OK to Issue C/ONO6/7/18 Preliminary Final Inspection Not Approved Remaining Items: -Submit Blower Door Test Report -Submit Final Survey -Submit As-Built Site Plan and Site Certification -Submit Engineer?s Field Inspection Report for House Force Main connection to existing 1000 gal septic tank. - Schedule a Rough-in and Final Fireplace Inspection with Kate Deck in our office. Kate will schedule Mike Palmer the Fire Marshal to meet on site with the responsible party who installed the fireplace without the required inspections. - Complete handrail and guards on stone steps at lakeside deck. - Install grills at siding for bathroom fans and dryer vent. - Install grill at vent location backside of fireplace. - Submit specifications on range hood. If the range hood is greater than 400 cfm fresh air must be provided. - Install address on front of residence. 4? high minimum numbers. - Submit letter from Mahoney Notifier that the smoke alarms and co detectors are installed in the required locations, interconnected and battery back-up. - Seal and trim out 1st floor hall bathroom fire shutter window on garage side. O'Brien, John (Inspector) Jun 07, 2018Page (9) INSPECTION WORKSHEET (000009-2019) Town of Queensbury - Building and Codes - Fire Marshal 742 Bay Road - (518) 761-8256 Building (518) 761-8206 Fire Marshal RC-000666-2016Permit Case Number:Case Module: Wed Jan 2, 2019Passed Inspection Date:Inspection Status: John O'BrienResidential Final Inspection Inspector:Inspection Type: 20 PIONEER PT289.14-1-19 Job Address:Parcel Number: Queensbury, NY 12804 Contact TypeCompany NameName AgentPhinney Design Group Primary OwnerLittle, Renee ContractorKodiak Construction, Inc. Primary OwnerLittle, Robert ApplicantPhinney Design Group Granted PermissionLittle, Renee Granted PermissionLittle, Robert Checklist ItemPassedComments Jan 02, 2019Page (1) INSPECTION WORKSHEET (000009-2019) Checklist ItemPassedComments General CommentsYES6/7/18 Preliminary Final Inspection Not Approved Remaining Items: -Submit Blower Door Test Report -Submit Final Survey -Submit As-Built Site Plan and Site Certification -Submit Engineer's Field Inspection Report for House Force Main connection to existing 1000 gal septic tank. - Schedule a Rough-in and Final Fireplace Inspection with Kate Deck in our office. Kate will schedule Mike Palmer the Fire Marshal to meet on site with the responsible party who installed the fireplace without the required inspections. - Complete handrail and guards on stone steps at lakeside deck. - Install grills at siding for bathroom fans and dryer vent. - Install grill at vent location backside of fireplace. - Submit specifications on range hood. If the range hood is greater than 400 cfm fresh air must be provided. ÿþ - Submit letter from Mahoney Notifier that the smoke alarms and co detectors are installed in the required locations, interconnected and battery back-up. - Seal and trim out 1st floor hall bathroom fire shutter window on garage side. 6/8/18 Final Inspection Not Approved 9/14/18 Blower Door Test Report Received & Approved 11/30/18 Final Inspection Not Approved -Submit As-Built Site Plan and Site Certification 1/2/19 Final Inspection Approved - Ok to Issue CO! Smoke Detectors: Carbon MonoxideYES- Received Letter from Mahoney Notifier. As Built Septic SystemYES-Received Letter from Tom Hutchins. Site Plan / Variance requiredYES11/30/18 Final Inspection Not Approved -Submit As-Built Site Plan and Site Certification Jan 02, 2019Page (2) INSPECTION WORKSHEET (000009-2019) Checklist ItemPassedComments OK to Issue Temporary C/OYES6/7/18 Preliminary Final Inspection Not Approved Remaining Items: -Submit Blower Door Test Report -Submit Final Survey -Submit As-Built Site Plan and Site Certification -Submit Engineer's Field Inspection Report for House Force Main connection to existing 1000 gal septic tank. - Schedule a Rough-in and Final Fireplace Inspection with Kate Deck in our office. Kate will schedule Mike Palmer the Fire Marshal to meet on site with the responsible party who installed the fireplace without the required inspections. - Complete handrail and guards on stone steps at lakeside deck. - Install grills at siding for bathroom fans and dryer vent. - Install grill at vent location backside of fireplace. - Submit specifications on range hood. If the range hood is greater than 400 cfm fresh air must be provided. ÿþ - Submit letter from Mahoney Notifier that the smoke alarms and co detectors are installed in the required locations, interconnected and battery back-up. - Seal and trim out 1st floor hall bathroom fire shutter window on garage side. 6/8/18 Final Inspection Partial Approval-Temporary Certificate of Occupancy Conditions: -Submit Final Survey -Submit As-Built Site Plan and Site Certification - As per Section M1503 of the 2015 IRC the range hood shall discharge to the outdoors through a duct. The range hood is greater than 400 cfm and make up air must be provided mechanically or naturally. ÿþ -Submit Blower Door Test Report! ÿþ Jan 02, 2019Page (3) INSPECTION WORKSHEET (000009-2019) Checklist ItemPassedComments OK to Issue C/OYES6/7/18 Preliminary Final Inspection Not Approved Remaining Items: -Submit Blower Door Test Report -Submit Final Surveym -Submit As-Built Site Plan and Site Certification -Submit Engineer's Field Inspection Report for House Force Main connection to existing 1000 gal septic tank. - Schedule a Rough-in and Final Fireplace Inspection with Kate Deck in our office. Kate will schedule Mike Palmer the Fire Marshal to meet on site with the responsible party who installed the fireplace without the required inspections. - Complete handrail and guards on stone steps at lakeside deck. - Install grills at siding for bathroom fans and dryer vent. - Install grill at vent location backside of fireplace. - Submit specifications on range hood. If the range hood is greater than 400 cfm fresh air must be provided. ÿþ - Submit letter from Mahoney Notifier that the smoke alarms and co detectors are installed in the required locations, interconnected and battery back-up. - Seal and trim out 1st floor hall bathroom fire shutter window on garage side. 6/8/18 Final Inspection Not Approved. 9/14/18 Final Inspection Partial Approval -Temporary CO -Blower Door Test Report Received & Approved Remaining Temporary CO Items:j ÿþ -Submit As-Built Site Plan & Site Certification 11/30/18 Final Inspection Not Approved -Submit As-Built Site Plan and Site Certification 1/2/19 Final Inspection Approved - Ok to Issue CO! O'Brien, John (Inspector) Jan 02, 2019Page (4) INSPECTION WORKSHEET (008307-2018) Town of Queensbury - Building and Codes - Fire Marshal 742 Bay Road - (518) 761-8256 Building (518) 761-8206 Fire Marshal RC-000666-2016Permit Case Number:Case Module: Fri Nov 30, 2018Partial Pass Inspection Date:Inspection Status: John O'BrienResidential Final Inspection Inspector:Inspection Type: 20 PIONEER PT289.14-1-19 Job Address:Parcel Number: Queensbury, NY 12804 Contact TypeCompany NameName Primary OwnerLittle, Robert AgentPhinney Design Group ApplicantPhinney Design Group ContractorKodiak Construction, Inc. Granted PermissionLittle, Robert Primary OwnerLittle, Renee Granted PermissionLittle, Renee Checklist ItemPassedComments Nov 30, 2018Page (1) INSPECTION WORKSHEET (008307-2018) Checklist ItemPassedComments General CommentsNO6/7/18 Preliminary Final Inspection Not Approved Remaining Items: -Submit Blower Door Test Report -Submit Final Survey -Submit As-Built Site Plan and Site Certification -Submit Engineer's Field Inspection Report for House Force Main connection to existing 1000 gal septic tank. - Schedule a Rough-in and Final Fireplace Inspection with Kate Deck in our office. Kate will schedule Mike Palmer the Fire Marshal to meet on site with the responsible party who installed the fireplace without the required inspections. - Complete handrail and guards on stone steps at lakeside deck. - Install grills at siding for bathroom fans and dryer vent. - Install grill at vent location backside of fireplace. - Submit specifications on range hood. If the range hood is greater than 400 cfm fresh air must be provided. ÿþ - Submit letter from Mahoney Notifier that the smoke alarms and co detectors are installed in the required locations, interconnected and battery back-up. - Seal and trim out 1st floor hall bathroom fire shutter window on garage side. 6/8/18 Final Inspection Not Approved 9/14/18 Blower Door Test Report Received & Approved 11/30/18 Final Inspection Not Approved -Submit As-Built Site Plan and Site Certification Smoke Detectors: Carbon MonoxideYES- Received Letter from Mahoney Notifier. As Built Septic SystemYES-Received Letter from Tom Hutchins. Site Plan / Variance requiredNO11/30/18 Final Inspection Not Approved -Submit As-Built Site Plan and Site Certification Nov 30, 2018Page (2) INSPECTION WORKSHEET (008307-2018) Checklist ItemPassedComments OK to Issue Temporary C/OYES6/7/18 Preliminary Final Inspection Not Approved Remaining Items: -Submit Blower Door Test Report -Submit Final Survey -Submit As-Built Site Plan and Site Certification -Submit Engineer's Field Inspection Report for House Force Main connection to existing 1000 gal septic tank. - Schedule a Rough-in and Final Fireplace Inspection with Kate Deck in our office. Kate will schedule Mike Palmer the Fire Marshal to meet on site with the responsible party who installed the fireplace without the required inspections. - Complete handrail and guards on stone steps at lakeside deck. - Install grills at siding for bathroom fans and dryer vent. - Install grill at vent location backside of fireplace. - Submit specifications on range hood. If the range hood is greater than 400 cfm fresh air must be provided. ÿþ - Submit letter from Mahoney Notifier that the smoke alarms and co detectors are installed in the required locations, interconnected and battery back-up. - Seal and trim out 1st floor hall bathroom fire shutter window on garage side. 6/8/18 Final Inspection Partial Approval-Temporary Certificate of Occupancy Conditions: -Submit Final Survey -Submit As-Built Site Plan and Site Certification - As per Section M1503 of the 2015 IRC the range hood shall discharge to the outdoors through a duct. The range hood is greater than 400 cfm and make up air must be provided mechanically or naturally. ÿþ -Submit Blower Door Test Report! ÿþ Nov 30, 2018Page (3) INSPECTION WORKSHEET (008307-2018) Checklist ItemPassedComments OK to Issue C/ONO6/7/18 Preliminary Final Inspection Not Approved Remaining Items: -Submit Blower Door Test Report -Submit Final Surveym -Submit As-Built Site Plan and Site Certification -Submit Engineer's Field Inspection Report for House Force Main connection to existing 1000 gal septic tank. - Schedule a Rough-in and Final Fireplace Inspection with Kate Deck in our office. Kate will schedule Mike Palmer the Fire Marshal to meet on site with the responsible party who installed the fireplace without the required inspections. - Complete handrail and guards on stone steps at lakeside deck. - Install grills at siding for bathroom fans and dryer vent. - Install grill at vent location backside of fireplace. - Submit specifications on range hood. If the range hood is greater than 400 cfm fresh air must be provided. ÿþ - Submit letter from Mahoney Notifier that the smoke alarms and co detectors are installed in the required locations, interconnected and battery back-up. - Seal and trim out 1st floor hall bathroom fire shutter window on garage side. 6/8/18 Final Inspection Not Approved. 9/14/18 Final Inspection Partial Approval -Temporary CO -Blower Door Test Report Received & Approved Remaining Temporary CO Items:j ÿþ -Submit As-Built Site Plan & Site Certification 11/30/18 Final Inspection Not Approved -Submit As-Built Site Plan and Site Certification O'Brien, John (Inspector) Nov 30, 2018Page (4) Natural Light,Ventilation,and Emergency Egress Calculations 20 Pioneer Point,Glen Lake Habitable Rooms Area of Room(SQFT) Required Light(8%) Actual Light(SQFT) Required Ventilation(4%) Actual Ventilation(SQFT) Egress opening(SQFT) Living/Dining/Kitchen 666 53.3 650.8 26.6 179.1 21.0 Master Bedroom 226 18.1 46.3 9.0 49.1 6.4 Rec Room 265 21.2 75.1 10.6 21.0 21.0 Bunk Room 181 14.5 14.7 7.2 16.4 6.4 Guest Bedroom 240 19.2 22.1 9.6 24.5 GA Natural Light,Ventilation,and Emergency Egress Calculations 20 Pioneer Point,Glen Lake Habitable Rooms Area of Roam(SQFT( ', Required Light(8%( __ _ Actual Light(SQFT) Required Ventilation(4%) Actual Ventilation(SQFT)—Egress opening(SQFT) Living/Dining/Kitchen 66 53.3 650.8 26.6 179.1 210 Master Bedroom 226 18.1 _ 46.3 9.0 49.1 _ __ _ 6.4 _ Rec Room 265 21.2 75.1 10.6 21.0 21.0_ I Bunk Room 181 I 145 _1_4.7 7.2_ _ 16.4 _ 6.4_ Gues[Bedroom 240 19 2_ �— _ 22.1 9.6 24.5 6.4 PHINNEY DESIGNGROUP 142 Grand Avenue Saratoga Springs I NY 1 12866 518.587.7120 1 phinneydesign.wm Date: December 1, 2016 To: Town of Queensbury I kw t s i ..w...."�...�". i 1 5 742 Bay Road Queensbury, N 12804 ` DEC Project: Little Camp Project No: 15107 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Two (2) Copies: • Little Residence Construction Documents: A0.0—Cover Sheet X1.0—Site Plan D1.0—Demolition Plan A1.0—Ground Floor Plan AM—First Floor Plan A2.1—Roof Plan A2.2—Roof Details A2.3—Roof Details A3.1—Exterior Elevations A3.2—Exterior Elevations A4.1—Building Section A4.2—Longitudinal Section A4.3—Transverse Sections A4.4—Section Details A5.1—Window Schedule A5.2—Door Schedule A6.1—Plan Details A7.0—Fireplace Details A7.1—Stair and Railing Details A7.2—Pergola Details A8.0—Ground Floor Reflected Ceiling Plan A8.1—First Floor Reflected Ceiling Plan E1.0—Ground Floor Electrical Schematic E1.1—First Floor Electrical Schematic 50.1—General Notes 51.0—Foundation Plan 51.0.1—Foundation Dimensions Plan 51.1—First Floor Framing Plan 51.2—Roof Framing Plan 0 architecture I interior design I construction management 52.0—Foundation Sections S2.1—Foundation Sections 53.0—Framing Sections 53.1—Framing Sections 54.0—Typical Details 54.1—Typical Details 55.0—Axonometric Framing Views C1.0—Site Plan C1.1—Detail Sheet • RESCheck Compliance Certificate • Asbestos Abatement Verification Letter • E-Z Hatch Attic Door Specifications • Rub-R-Wall Physical Properties Chart • Rub-R-Wall Brochure To Whom It May Concern: Please find attached two copies each of the Little Residence Construction Documents, REScheck Compliance Certificate, Asbestos Abatement Verification, E-Z Hatch Attic Door Specifications, Rub-R-Wall Physical Properties Chart, and Rub-R-Wall Brochure. Please contact me with any questions or issues at 518-587-7120 ext. 12. Also, please note that the Blower Door Test for this project will be performed by Adam Devit of Thermal Associates,whose information is presently on file with the Town of Queensbury. Regards, PHINNEY DESIGN GROUP �I n Nicole Zumpano LEED AP BD+C Architectural Designer Sending via: [Delivery]—December 2,2016 REScheck Software Version 4.6.2 DgW Compliance Certificate TOY Project Little Camp ED/IRO. Energy Code: 2010 New York Energy Conservation G�5\ E1. P / 111 Location: Warren County, New York Construction Type: Single-family .,.- Project Type: New Construction * 3Ss Conditioned Floor Area: 2,466ft2 Glazing Area 20% NO,p�g5`-5 Q� Climate Zone: 6 (7635 HDD) FILE COPY �TFOFNE�yO Permit Date: Permit Number: Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 20 Pioneer Point Michael Phinney Michael Phinney Queensbury, NY 12804 Phinney Design Group Phinney Design Group 142 Grand Ave 142 Grand Ave Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 518-587-7120 518-587-7120 mphinney@phinneydesign.com mphinney@phinneydesign.com Compliance: Passes using LIA trade-off Compliance: 9.2%Better Than C*de Maximum UA: 422 Your UA: 383 The%Better or Worse Than Code Index reflects how close to compliance the house is based on code trade-off rules. It DOES NOT provide an estimate of energy use or cost relative to a minimum-Code home. Envelope Assemblies Gross Area Assembly or avity Cont. Wall 1:Wood Frame,24" D.C. 951 22.0 6.0 0.039 26 Window 1:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 165 0.280 46 Door 1: Glass 94 0.300 28 Door 2: Solid 21 0.230 5 Wall 2: Wood Frame, 24"o .c. 363 22.0 6.0 0.039 13 Window 2:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 25 0.280 7 Wall 3: Wood Frame,24"o .c. 653 22.0 6.0 0.039 20 Window 3:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 88 0.280 25 Door 3: Solid 21 0.230 5 Door 4: Solid 21 0.230 5 Wall 4: Wood Frame, 24" o.c. 281 22.0 6.0 0.039 8 Window 4:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 66 0.280 18 Basement Wall 1: Solid Concrete or Masonry 99 15.0 10.0 0.037 4 Wall height: 8.0' Depth below grade: 6.0' Insulation depth: B.0' Project Title: Little Camp Report date: 11/09/16 Data filename: Z:\15107 Little Residence\DDs\Code Rev iew\161109_Little.rck Pagel of 7 Gross Area Assembly or Cavity Cont. Perimeter R-Value R-Value LI-Factor ILIA Basement Wall 2: Solid Concrete or Masonry 230 15.0 10.0 0.035 8 Wall height:8.0' Depth below grade: 7.0' Insulation depth: 8.0' Basement Wall 3:Solid Concrete or Masonry 428 15.0 10.0 0.034 15 Wall height: 8.0' Depth below grade: 7.5' Insulation depth: 8.0' Basement Wall 4: Solid Concrete or Masonry 204 15.0 10.0 0.035 7 Wall height:8.0' Depth below grade: 7.0' Insulation depth: 8.0' Basement Wall 5: Solid Concrete or Masonry 31 15.0 10.0 0.044 1 Wall height:8.0' Depth below grade: 0.0' Insulation depth: 8.0' Floor 1: Slab-On-Grade:Unheated 159 10.0 0.684 109 Insulation depth: 6.0' Ceiling 1: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 461 59.0 0.0 0.024 11 Ceiling 2: Cathedral Ceiling 1,212 59.0 0.0 0.018 22 Compliance Statement: The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with the permit application.The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2010 New York Energy Conservation Construction Code requirements in REScheck Version 4.6.2 and to comply with the mandatory requirements listed in the REScheck Inspection Checklist. Name-Title Signature Date Project Notes: Agent Project Title: Little Camp Report date: 11/09/16 Data filename: Z:\15107 Little Residence\DDs\Code Review\161109_Little.rck Page 2 of 7 REScheck Software Version 4.6.2 Inspection Checklist Energy Code: 2010 New York Energy Conservation Construction Code Requirements: 50.0% were addressed directly in the REScheck software Text in the "Comments/Assumptions" column is provided by the user in the REScheck Requirements screen. For each requirement, the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented, or that an exception is being claimed. Where compliance is itemized in a separate table, a reference to that table is provided. Section Plans Verified Field Verified # Pre-Inspection/Plan Review Value Value Compiles? Comments/Assumptions &R .ID 103.2 Construction drawings and ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PR111 documentation sufficiently ❑Does Not demonstrates energy code � compliance for the building ❑Not Observable envelope. ❑Not Applicable 103.2, Construction drawings and ❑Complies 403.7 documentation sufficiently ❑Does Not [PR3]1 demonstrates energy code 1 j compliance for lighting and ❑No[Observable mechanical systems.Systems ❑Not Applicable serving multiple dwelling units must demonstrate compliance with the commercial code. 403.6 Heating and cooling equipment is Heating: Heating: ❑Complies [PR2]2 sized per ACCA Manual S based Btu/hr— Btu/hr []Does Not .Q) on loads per ACCA Manual J or Cooling: Cooling: ❑Not Observable other approved methods. Btu/hr— Btu/hr ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 I High Impact(Tier 1) 2 1 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 1 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Little Camp Report date: 11/09/16 Data filename: Z:\15107 Little Residence\DDs\Code Review\161109_Little.rck Page 3 of 7 Section # Foundation Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID 303.2.1 Exposed foundation insulation ❑Complies Exception: Requirement is not applicable. [F011]2 protection. ❑Does Not 19 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 403.8 Snow melt controls. ❑Complies [FO12]2 ❑Does Not 'dJ ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable j Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 I High Impact(Tier 1) 2 1 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Little Camp Report date: 11/09/16 Data filename: ZA15107 Little Residence\DDs\Code Review\161109_Little.rck Page 4 of 7 Section Plans Verified Field Verified # Framing/Rough-In Inspection Value Value Complies? Comments/Assumptions &Re .ID 402.4.4 Fenestration that is not site built ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FR2011 is listed and labeled as meeting ❑Does Not 14 AAMA/WDMA/CSA101/I.S.2/A440 ❑Not Observable or has infiltration rates per NFRC 400 that do not exceed code ❑Not Applicable limits. 402.4.5 IC-rated recessed lighting fixtures. ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FR16]2 sealed at housing/interior finish ❑Does Not J and labeled to indicate&It;= 2.0 ❑Not Observable cfm leakage at 75 Pa. ❑Not Applicable 403.2.2 All joints and seams of air ducts, ❑Complies [FR13]1 air handlers,filter boxes, and ❑Does Not 10 building cavities used as return ❑Not Observable ducts are sealed. ❑Not Applicable 403.2.3 Building cavities are not used as ❑Complies ;Requirement will be met. [FR1513 ducts or plenums. ❑Does Not 'OJ ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 403.3 HVAC piping conveying fluids R- R- ❑Complies [FR17]2 above 105 QF or chilled fluids El Does Not Q below 55 QF are insulated to R-3. j ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable j 403.4 Circulating service hot water R- R- ❑Complies [FR18]' pipes are insulated to R-2. El Does Not 'J ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable j 403.5 ;Automatic or gravity dampers are ❑Complies ;Requirement will be met. [FR19]2 Installed on all outdoor air ❑Does Not ;intakes and exhausts. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 11 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 1 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Little Camp Report date: 11/09/16 Data filename: Z:\15107 Little Residence\DDs\Code Review\161109_Little.rck Page 5 of 7 Section # Insulation Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Re .ID 303.1 All installed insulation labeled or ❑Complies Requirement will be met. ]IN13]2 installed R-values provided. []Does Not to []Not Observable ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 11 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 1 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 1 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Little Camp Report date: 11/09/16 Data filename: Z:\15107 Little Residence\DDs\Code Review\161109_Little.rck Page 6 of 7 Section Plans Verified Field Verified # Final Inspection Provisions &Re .ID I I Value Value Complies? Comments/Assumptions 402.4.2, Building envelope tightness ACH 50 =_ ACH 50 =_ j❑Complies Requirement will be met. 402.4.2.1 verified by blower door test result j❑Does Not [FI17]1 of&lt;7 ACH at 50 Pa.This 10 requirement may instead be met '❑Not Observable via visual inspection, in which ❑Not Applicable case verification may need to occur during Insulation Inspection. 403.2.2 Duct tightness via post- _cfm _cfm ❑Complies [FI411 construction with maximum ❑Does Not leakage of 8 cfm to outdoors, or ❑Not Observable 12 cfm across systems. For rough-in tests,verification may ❑Not Applicable need to occur during Framing Inspection,with maximum leakage of 6 cfm across systems and 4 cfm without air handler. 403.1.1 Programmable thermostats ❑Complies [FI9]2 installed on forced air furnaces. ❑Does Not j J ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 403.1.2 Heat pump thermostat installed ❑Complies [FI10]2 'on heat pumps. ❑Does Not J ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 403.4 Circulating service hot water ❑Complies [Flll]z systems have automatic or ❑Does Not accessible manual controls. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 401.3 Compliance certificate posted. ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FI7]2 ❑Does Not J ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 303.3 Manufacturer manuals for ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FI18]3 mechanical and water heating ❑Does Not equipment have been provided. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 111 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 1 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Little Camp Report date: 11/09/16 Data filename: Z:\15107 Little Residence\DDs\Code Review\161109_Little.rck Page 7 of 7 �( 2010 New York j Energy Conservation Construction Code Energy Efficiency Certificate Insulation Rating R-Value Above-Grade Wall 28.00 Below-Grade Wall 25.00 Floor 10.00 Ceiling / Roof 59.00 Ductwork (unconditioned spaces): Glass&Door Rating U-Factor SHGC Window 0.28 Door 0.30 Heating&Cooling Equipment Efficiency Heating System: Cooling System: Water Heater: Name: Date: Comments kTOVWVN EOVie 0 5 2016UEENSgURY $ CODES SECTION 08310 ACCESS DOORS AND FRAMES PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 06100- Rough Carpentry: Roof framing and opening support. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300. B. [ Product Data ]: Manufacturer's data sheets, includin 1. Brochures. 2. Installation Instructions. 1.3 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Store attic access door hatch in manufacturer's unopened packaging until ready for installation. B. Store attic access door hatch until installation inside under cover in dry area out of direct sunlight. 1.4 WARRANTY A. Limited Warranty: One year against defective material and workmanship, covering parts only, no labor or freight. Defective parts, if deemed so by the manufacturer, will be replaced at no charge, freight excluded, upon inspection at manufacturer's plant which warrants same. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable Manufacturer: Battic Door Energy Conservation Products. Box 15, Mansfield, MA 02048-0015 U.S.A. Phone: (508)320-9082; Fax: (508) 3394571 e: infoabatticdoor.com; is www.batticdoor.com 2.2 FABRICATION A. Manufacture each access panel assembly as an integral unit ready for installation. 2.3 OVERVIEW OF PRODUCT A. Model 22 x 30 Attic Access Door System is an R-42 insulated and triple-gasketed door that installs in minutes and provides an air sealed, insulated access opening to residential attic space. Door is provided with wood trim attached to the wood frame. The door face and trim are pre-finished satin white and the unit is shipped ready to install. Exceeds 2009, 2012 and 2015 IBC and IECC requirements. 08310-1 revised 3/8/14 An R-50 Version is also available. 2.4 MATERIALS A. Wood frame and door. Unit installs into a 22-1/2"x 30-1/2"framed opening. Fits within the standard space between trusses spaced 24'o.c. or joists 16"o.c. to simplify installation. Pre-painted satin white door face and trim. R-42 insulated door core is 10" thick Extruded Polystyrene(EPS). Door face is mineral board facer and is painted satin white. Wood trim is attached to door frame and is painted satin white. Triple rubber gaskets provided for air tight seal. Solid wood frame and trim. An R-50 Version is also available. 2.5 ACCESS DOOR AND FRAME FOR ATTIC ACCESS IN RESIDENTIAL APPLICATIONS A. Non-rated attic access doors and frames. 1. Door: White mineral board face, extruded polystyrene (EPS) R-42 core 10" thick, and fire rated rubber sealing gasket over top of EPS core. Door is pre- finished and painted satin white to match trim. R-50 Version also available. 2. Frame: Plywood frame is installed into a wood framed 22-1/2"x 30-1/2" rough opening. Frame is 12"tall and provides insulation dam. Wood trim is pre-secured to frame. Rubber gasket is installed on trim on each side of frame. 3. Trim: Tapered wood trim 2"wide is pre-secured to frame and painted satin white to match door. 4. Finish: Pre-finished satin white painted wood door and trim. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. If substrate preparation is the responsibility of another installer, notify Architect of unsatisfactory preparation before proceeding. B. Examine materials upon arrival at site. Notify the carrier and manufacturer of any damage. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 3.3 PROTECTION A. Protect installed products until completion of project. B. Touch-up, repair or replace damaged products before Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION 08310-2 revised 3/8/14 Colour Green D E C E a W E Solids by Weight 65% (approx) DEC 0 5 LJ Jj OF Weight 0.9 kg/I (approx) TO BUILDING GU& CODESR (6.8 - 7.8 lbs/U.S. gal) (8.2 - 9.4 lbs/Imp. gal) Coverage FELE COPY 1 .61 I/mz Block - 20-27 sq.ft./U.S. gal Poured Walls or Parged Walls - 25-35 sq.ft./U.S. gal Service Temperature Minus 40°C (-40°F) to +60°C (140°F) Application Temperature Minus 15°C (5°F) minimum Elongation (ASTM D412) 1800% Water Vapour Permeance 5.32 ng/Pa.s.M2 - for 1 .03 mm dry (ASTM E96) 0.093 perms - for 40 mil dry Asphalt Content 0.0% Abrasion Resistance Less than 0.10% membrane loss 700 psi on .06"x.06" point moving 1" per sec Crack Bridging (ASTM C836) Exceeds ten cycles to 1/8 inch (3 mm) at -15°F (-9°C) 180 Degree Peal Adhesion 18 Ib/inch (8 kilo's/2.54 cm) Liquid Water Absorption Less than 0.5% (weight) (ASTM D95) Resistance to Bacteria No attack ASTM D4299-83 (modified) Resistance to Degradation in Soil Excellent ASTM E154 (soil preparation) Chemical Resistance Resist salt solutions, mild acid and alkalis Life Expectancy Exceeds 100 years ASTM D 412, ASTM. D2240 E DEC 0 5 � TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING&CODES Rub-R-Wall brochure final.gxd 8/16/07 6:59 PM Page 1 ' � t 1 T t .; T" ' The'Rub is'non-tox!c.and can't leach into our ground dater. r; PHYSICAL PROPERTIES, Colour Green ENVIRONMENTALLY {' , ` FRIENDLY , u Solids by Weight 65%(approx) �r T-,,Pub-R-Ws1ll.. WATERPROOFING ' ■ • ■ ■ ■ • . Weight 0.9kg/I (approx) ' (6.8-7.8 lbs/U.S.gal) r • ' r - (8.2-9.4 lbs/Imp.gal) r' - W ;A.T(E R P R O O F I N G MJ Coverage 1.611/m + Block-20.27 sq.ft./U.S.gal Poured Walls or Purged Walls-25-35 sq.ft./U.S.gal ?"• �, ;i a ;� ' Service Temperature Minus 40°C (-407)to+60°C(1407) ' �� ` , •" i. Application Temperature Minus 15°C (5°F)minimumt THE RUB-R-WALL WATERPROOFING _ _�: t .'., ' •- MEMBRANE IS ASPHALT-FREE!IT IS - 'n - NON-TOXIC,NON-CARCINOGENIC AND WILL - ^•+. 1t:0(0?;'c •� NOT CONTAMINATE THE GROUND WATER • , •� Water Vapour Permeance 12.09 ng/Pa.s.m2 -for 1.03 mm dry (ASTM E 96) 0.21 perms-for 40 mil dry v P o s A011ANCER : Asphalt Content 0.0% COATINGS INC. Abrasion Resistance Less than 0.10 percent membrane loss 1 700 psi on .06"x.06" Head Office: Branch Office: I j 7 '• c point moving 1"per sec P.O.Box 670 22 Oxenden Crescent 15288 Highway 12 Etobicoke,Ontario I Crack Bridging Exceeds ten cycles to 1/8 inch(3 mm)at-15°F(-9°C) Midland,Ontario M9C 4H4 _ (ASTM C836) LAR 4P4 Tall Free: I-800-730-0814 Toll Free: 1-800787-8059 Tel:416-410-0814 180 Degree Peal Adhesion 18 Ib/inch (8 kilo's/2.54 cm) Tel:705-534-4760 Fax:416-695-2480 r r Fax:705-534-4125 Website:www.advancedcoatings.on.ca E-mail:info@advancedcoatings.on.ca Liquid Water Absorption Less than 0.5 percent(weight) l tr , 4 (ASTM D95) :' -- — — — - — J . BMEC.• + ' BOCA5:. Ontano Building Code Approval No •• Research Report No. Resistance to Bacteria No attack 94-04.1.83 r -t' { - ;93-22 _ •I, 'i ASTM D4299-83 (modified) Your Rub-R-Wall Dealer/Applicator: 1 ' Resistance to Degradation in Soil Excellent ASTM E154(soil preparation) i Chemical Resistance Resist salt solutions,mild acid and alkalis `,' i `."y - : • r r Life Expectancy Exceeds 100 years ASTM D 412,ASTM. D2240 vvW.w:.'adva.nced:.coatr. s':on ca :J,= 9 f ,• Rub-R-Wall brochure final.qxd 8/16/07 7:00 PM Page 2 ' ' 1 ... _t ." ': ..� - .. -.. .- .__ _.--_._-__.._._. l;I fi14 'A•�`.+'^'mcann'+tea+a.!v _ _ . f. MORE THAN r i 3 50,000,000 J SURFACE PREPARATION SQUARE FEET of underground structures14 11-11 1 • • • •• have been protected by 1 :' 1 1• s Rub-R-Wall waterproofingr it membrane.Rub-R-Wall • - has been specified and • used by architects for jobs ranging from tunnels to '� t ' .. I� white tiger habitats,from the hot environment of CERTIFIED APPLICATION � •- • �� •- _ ° �;, `'�y '` � 1 China to the variedk�' > ) • l• tt _ climates of the US and Canada. -� k ,' -rye'-. •t 1�ir Rub-R-Wall spans the �`,A' t ; ••t r e, „=4 globe and the elements. y' r¢ „ ,jar_ THE COST ' Ak y -- FEATURESf :w RUb•R Wall cures of ambient temperatures to RUb'R-Wg11 form a seamless,impermeable;non-deteriorating' J ri TM .' rubber membrane that allows for expansion and elastomeric membrane is contraction over a wide range of temperatures. , ` 'L%1 . a state-of-the-art product y {h} based on advanced The membrane resists the attack of fungus, Hydrocarbon Polymer algae and bacteria and maintains its superior WATERPROOFING technologies.This performance properties when exposed to r s LIMITATIONS r technology produces chemicals and gases found in the soil.Rub-R-Wall r 9 o r %• t r ' Yy�.. u e over long periods of waterproofing coatings is incredibly elastic(over 1800%elongation)and R b R Wall is not ultra violet stab) which are VOC compliant and provide a; ° - easily bridges cracks up to 1.5mm(1/16")wide. exposure and is no designed to be permanently ti exceptional adhesion, incredible inherent r a9 .�� / r `, exposed.Backfilling should not begin sooner than 24 Can be applied at ambient temperatures down ^ r hours after theapplication of the Rub-R-Wall membrane. strength and unsurpassed elasticity. to-15°C(5°F)on frozen(not ity)substrates. • 1 '� •� BUILDING CODE APPROVAL USES • TTED PRECAUTION J' In Canada, Rub-R-Wall meets the requirements Rub-R-Wall's primary use is in vertical j,I .. Take suitable fire precautions.Do not allow smoking set by, BMEC#94-04-183 (Building Materials waterproofing where it affords positive J', '' - ': or welding in working area. ' waterproofing to foundation walls. It has ' 4 r a �•'/ Evaluation Commission). In the United States, P 9 � 3' :�'� �'• , � Rubber Polymer'Corporahon• •� "'� c�, w Rub-R-Wall complies with BOCA(National excellent adhesion to most vertical surfaces ' CLEAN UP Building Code) Research Report#93-22. such as concrete block, poured concrete, provides a li{ettme limited warranty.'. yy plywood and insulated concrete forms(ICF). 'f orrrestderitial,6elow'grade' ,r fra�'�i '. P Use minerals frits. ' foundation walls. . ;. '� ; _ �• .. •�. " fir, :��' _ , x �., ,m � •R� n L °� ,� fit' ' I i, ......... r �! Zv r PROPOSED GRINDER 34 r PUMP STATION _ 1.10 Ln rD � 0000 (D PROPOSED AIR CONDITIONING , z z } CONDENSER LOCATIONS ON v) GRAVEL PADS AS REQUIRED cr a z a, O ¢ u~ v EXTENT OF TREELINE,SEE ~ ' DEMOLITION PLAN ON N a DRAWING D1.0 U L LAKE { 00 PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED GENERATOR LOCATION DRAIN FOOTING TO DAYLIGHT AT 408' i ON GRAVEL PAD AS REQUIRED z (� rn '.'PROPOSED PERMANENT Z � m ELECTRICAL PANEL W w Lw 0000 o wLn O ZCID _ T W O Z m LINE INDICATES ITEMS TO BE _ - — / // !/I �, / �� / ® _ EXISITING PVC STAND PIPES ? w ^ _ CJ o Lu Z 't REMOVED,SEE DEMOLITION PLAN 400 / pti ,— �- _ _ — — / / ® / — — — �� ' _ _ u Z ¢ ip °C Z N ON DRAWING D1.0. TYPICAL / �p3 / /I / i— — — -- — — — — Z '^, W WHERE SHOWN , / / / / 0.� �� — / - _ _ _ _ _ _ PROPOSED UNDERGROUND = -405 49�' `Js q08 40 / _ _ — _ = PROPANE TANK c"' H m a W 416' Zz 41q, — • 417' 420' -. EXISTING RETAINING WALL / / / / 414' l 41 419 — / /'�- �— ✓� �r� 5 _ _ ' O — r n / -® Lt- v o rFUP n a� PROPOSED WELL �� a t� ' yYs:r"� . 'a' o �♦ - 20'SID AR ✓ (r 100, f Y E ;ice , / ♦ ® aJ / / �' T E�- +" ��,t, ,t`� '� � \ \ � � \ ♦♦ l ® �,_o '_®-- � ',,``,ems-,« 184� 10/1 CK f .rr f / / r" s fy�;f r; ,',N,.. ✓r it GARAGECD - - i N ' . 419'-O" � ,/P♦, ...� 1 E , RELOCATED UTILITY POLE a / PROPOSED THREE-BEDROOM 3k c� ` REINFORCED GRASS ® a / PAVERS .� O SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE �— 420' ® O ® ® EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEM TO REMAIN Z a. LLI -� ,� / / / /T r',.. 7• - GRAVEL DRIVE 63' 7" O TBACK / o / /// 50'SHORELINE SE-- - ! �P�O / ' O O o + /OHO/ 0ti / / FIRST FOR \ do > w / / / _ O / 111 Jo (� a~ // DECK / 42 '0"> O. / / ti� b� IRP 00 O LJ.1 Q 00 tD - a N N / _: . - Oto �o _ 1 ( / / SI '�_ / IMPERVIOUS AREA CALCULATIONS 20'v o - o I / / \ / DE.YARD SET8,4' `"d/ /O� STONE PATH I� \ // EXISTING BUILDING: 1,305 SQFT EXISTING ACCESSORY STRUCTURES: 90 SQFT \ \ �y00000" OTHER EXISTING IMPERVIOUS SURFACES: 2,235 SQFT PERGOLA,ABOVE p w ® o) TOTAL EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA, 3,630 SQFT � V / oole Z EXTENT OF ROOF ABOVE � in � L / ® PROPOSED BUILDING: 1,730 SQFT Z ¢ -+ " J PROPOSED ACCESSORY STRUCTURES: 0 SQFT \� ,. �• 5 ��ars 140 g5° OTHER PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS SURFACES: +1,35 SQFT \ \ s co TOTAL PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA: 3,085 SQFT Q Q g V \ ® Z) J m � .p / w Zy, i PROPOSED IS 545 SQFT LESS THAN EXISTING f= W ¢ ¢ J J PERCENT OF LOT COVERAGE OCCUPIED: 24.97% ¢ (n N N i LINE INDICATES ITEMS TO BE REMOVED,SEE DEMOLITION PLAN SYMBOLS LEGEND _ r 0~C ON DRAWING D1.0. TYPICAL .:,r • O WHERE SHOWN X'-X" Z DIMENSION LINE(CENTERLINE) X' X" DIMENSION LINE(FACE OF FRAMING) SITE PLAN SCALE: 1"=10'-0" (24x36 LAYOUT) - X X„ SCALE: 1"=20'-0" '(11x17 LAYOUT) DIMENSION LINE(FACE MATERIAL) k CD DETAIL DESIGNATION SITE PLAN BASED ON SURVERY MADE BY VAN DUSEN AND STEVES - XX.X LAND SURVEYORS,169 HAVILAND ROAD,QUEENSBURY,NY 12804. - — — — — — — EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY PHONE:518-792-8487.DATED MARCH 27,2014 I u 11 i i 1 1 11 ii 1,111 1 1 1111411 111, 1 u - s FINISHED TOPOGRAPHY 1 Llj U SITE PLAN NOTES w d' p !� 00 1. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLTHE 5, THE PLANS SHOW SOME KNOWN SUBSURFACE STRUCTURES OF WHICH 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR KEEPING EXISTING PUBLIC HIGHWAYS AND w N i cc REQUIREMENTS OF LOCAL,STATE,AND NATIONAL BUILDING AND SAFETY THE EXACT LOCATION MAY VARY FROM THE LOCATIONS INDICATED.PRIOR ADJACENT LANDS FREE OF DEBRIS,SOIL,AND OTHER MATTER WHICH MAY ACCUMULATE DUE TO z CODES AND ALL GOVERNING AGENCIES. TO BEGINNING ANY CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL CONSTRUCTION RELATED TO THE SITE,AND PROVIDE MEANS FOR COLLECTION AND RECYCLING OF J � °® EXIST.UTILITY LOCATIONS BY CALLING UFPO(1-800-962-7962),BY FIELD ALL APPLICABLE CONSTRUCTION WASTE. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT ALL SURVEYING OF THE VERIFYING ALL VISIBLE UTILITIES AND PERFORMING TEST PITS AS NECESSARY L a PROPERTY LINES,BUILDING,PARKING,UTILITY LOCATIONS,AND GRADE IN CONGESTED AREAS. 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT ALL REQUIRED EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE w ® C c ELEVATIONS AS NECESSARY TO PROPERLY AND ACCURATELY COMPLETE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE COURSE OF THE WORK. (j 4 N THE SCOPE OF WORK.SURVEY WORK IS PERFORMED BY A NYS LICENSED 6. NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT OF ANY CONDITIONS THAT VARY FROM THE PLANS z ON � LAND SURVEYOR. PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. 11. THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR WILL PROVIDE A CERTIFICATE TO BE POSTED ON OR IN THE ELECTRIC PANEL AS REQUIRED BY NYS ENERGY CODE SECTION N-401.3. 3. PRIOR TO ESTABLISHING THE BUILDING LOCATION,THE LICENSED 7. NO EMBANKMENT SLOPE SHALL EXCEED THREE(3)FEET HORIZONTAL TO SURVEYOR SHALL STAKE OUT ALL CORNERS OF FOUNDATION AND ONE(1)FOOT VERTICAL. CONTACT THE ARCHITECT TO REVIEW AS REQUIRED. �-, �� �� 8. AREAS OUTSIDE OF THE LIMIT OF THE PROPERTY LINE SHALL BE PROTECTED p� �' x 10 4. ALL TESTS AND INSPECTIONS REQUIRED BY LOCAL,STATE AND TO ENSURE THAT NO GRADING,DEVEGETATION OR SUBSTANTIAL J GOVERNING AGENCIES SHALL BE CONDUCTED AND THE SUB CONTRACTOR DISTURBANCE OCCURS EXCEPT AS IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY TO INSTALL RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WORK SHALL NOTIFY THE GOVERNING AGENCY, UTILITY PIPING. DEC j 2 20, THE ARCHITECT AND THE ENGINEER A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONDUCTING THE TEST AND/OR INSPECTION. TC3VVN t7f~QUE!~NSSUI�Y BUILDING&CODES J DOCK REMAINS M GLEN LAKE \x RETAINING STEPS Cf\ WALL O, LANDS N/F OF COLLEEN HOGAN Q 3 WELL z_ Q STEPS �i �T W WOOD ORY HOUSE CV) CV) PAVER5 � 1Go j ED of - 0 4 Ct FIRE s0 O yg O IT X \ PAVERS ° DPP 259 , . MAP REFERENCES: AREA p�vtir\ h Gs°Rr \13,358 DS sq. ft. CIR MAP OF A SURVEY MADE FOR \ R 0.31 acres W. TERRENCE & JANE BARTON aC\ BY T VAN DUSEN &ED AUGUST 2STEVES 't'G UNIT WOOD GRINDER LADDER aQ LAND SURVEYORS TF ST O PUMP A/C UNIT IPF \Fi^ a2 9 MAP OF A SURVEY MADE FOR RE COVED MICHAEL CLARK & COLLEEN HOGAN-CLARK LANDING ASPHALT O�FRN �G'y ��, DATED APRIL 3, 2012 WALK 41,JeS 0�r \ �c sTFP _ �O GENERATOR BY VAN DUSEN & STEVES SQL/Jy p tiG O LANDS N/F OF �: LAND SURVEYORS \ \ ELECTRIC 1y,. W. TERRENCE BARTON \�� �� \ ® PANEL - - � � GUY �v, MAP OF A SURVEY MADE FOR ANCHOR O _ MICHAEL & PATRICIA O'CONNOR Trar'w' E BO�c O cn I _� DATED FEBRUARY 2, 2005 ``� ` ('� s OWE — BY VAN DUSEN & STEVES SHED \ �ay 3) Cl LAND SURVEYORS � CO\ p'� �ryf 99\ UTILITY NG350LF_ JULL tJ L�1 CRUSHED \ o t� DEED REFERENCE: STONE ° TOvw,,a OF QUEENSBURY \ °�S o COMM,IUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROPANE WILLIAM H. BARTON, JR. �o FILL COVER TO LANDS N/F OF j \ \ JOHN W. GARDNER k' ROBERT I. HUGHES AND EDITH R. HUGHES � \ \ - DATED DUNE 21, 1957 VENT52 C��'l ✓LtG ��k1 B:367 P:322 FINAL SURVEY NOTES: clRs CIRs v�6 l �'�'�err t'I` 1. THE REGULATORY (100-YEAR) STILLWATER Of NEWrQ� LEGEND FLOOD ELEVATION OF GLEN(NGVD 29) LAKE = 403.8' . HOUSE O O �► J+ ASPHALT DSF = DOCK SPIKE FOUND 2. NOT ALL FIELD LOCATIONS WERE UPDATED • , LANDS N/F OF FOR 09115115 REVISION. SOME OF THE MICHAEL O'CONNOR IPF = IRON PIPE FOUND REMAINING BASE INFORMATION WAS OBTAINED ,cam" CIRF = CAPPED= WELL ROD FOUND DURING WINTER WEATHER CONDITIONS. �7I � = UTILITY POLE 3. VERTICAL DATUM IS NGVD 29. LAND SL CRUSHED STONE ' I 6 6127118 DIMENSIONS TO FOUNDATION Datel March 2/,2014 a Du Is ALTERA10N OR ADDITION TO A SURVEY Map of a Survey made for 5 6111118 FINAL SURVEY Scale 1'=20' MAP BEARING A LICENSED LAND SURVEYORS SEAL IS A SEW YO �STATE EDUCATION SUB—DIVISION z,�,HE Robert & Renee Little 4 9/16/15 NOTES 1 & 2 ADDED NEW YORK STATE EWCATION LAW." S t e v e s .ONLY COPIES ORIROMGINAL THE ORIGINALTHEOF SUHISRVEYORS SURVEY NARKED WITH AN ORIGINAL OF THE LAND SURVEYORS as trustees for the 3 9115115 TOPOGRAPHY ADDED, MAP S SEAL SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE VALID TRUE COPIES.- 'CERTIFICATIONS INDICATED HEREON SGNIFY THAT THIS SURVEY OF PREPARED IN , �S THE Robert and Renee Little Revocable TrustUPDATED, & CERTS REMOVED Land Surveyors BY THE NEW PORK STATE ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATIONSDated January 4, 2013 2 5/7/14 DESCRIPTION LAND SURVEYORS.SAID SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED,AND SHEET 1 F 1 ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY,GOVERNMENTAL 169 Haviland Road Queensbury, New York 12804 TO THE AND 7LENDINGEES OF I�LNUITIOTC INS ,SON'AND Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York 1 4/30/14 DESCRIPTION LITTLE C2808 (518) 792-8474 New York Lie. No. 50135 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION DWG. NO. 14-016 ` x, I' H I N N E Y D ESIGN GROUP r-i N Cf y ® U PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED/ADA STATION EXTENT OF TREELINE,SEE r O DEMOLITION PLAN ON AIR CONDINSER DRAWING D1.0 O � n U / LOCATIONS AS PROPOSED GENERATOR LOCATION " �.J REQUIRED ON GRAVEL PAD AS REQUIRED r n U) /I' // // // — — — EXISITNG PVC STAND PIPES CD_ — _ �DRAIN FOOTING TO DAYLIGHT AT 408' / / / l / / / Jam - — G cA 415 — _ _ _ — — — PROPOSED_ _ I ' / / ! — — PERMANENT� ,� � _- — — — — — --_ ELECTRICAL PANEL LINE INDICATES ITEMS TO BE �, _ _ _ ` — , — — — _ _ REMOVED,SEE DEMOLITION PLAN ON DRAWING D1.0. TYPICAL / pti/ — — / / / — WHERE SHOWN / Ap%/ p2 i i / — i/ / / / // — — — — i ` / / / a� . �,,, PROPOSED PROPANETANUNDERGROUND W � \� �g/ / k/ X03 / / i Z-1 _ — -r oc ~ j Ln 420' 409 �" GLEN LAKE 41�' 414' 15 ��6 •:v, ' i L .2o'SIDE YARD SETBACK _// / /� Q 2 b u Ej£, /\'i o LL / / / / / �`--' ✓� / �® , ,' � p O EXISTING RETAINING WALL / / / // / ✓ // // t ,�� �� ®/ \� ' / RELOGA76 UTILITY POLE PROPOSED // /j / / / // I FIRE PIT WELL / j / / \ ® ,°r ` �ti� �'� j / EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEM TO REMAIN U) SITE-BUILT PATIO RETAINING WALL ` / .O �/ �• �," ® ® �`�� ,� 410'-9" ®®' �® / ,� ,. r ® ,�®,,, ® / A / STONE STEPS ol :*, GARAGE 419- PROPOSED 19 / I f ! / / 4 2' ® / PROPOSEDTHREE-BEDROOM I ff ! SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE r ,mss DECK / ;•' �G� ® / ® REINFORCED GRASS r® �® 419' �` " �� �pe"Q / RAVEL DRIVE PAVERS 00�'� FIRST FLOOR X� � Io FIRST 420'^(�,i / `�v rn N ®� IMPERVIOUS AREA CALCULATIONS Q � EXISTING BUILDING: 1,305 SQFT Q Q EXISTING ACCESSORY STRUCTURES: 90 SQFT r / \\/ / I Q` OTHER EXISTING IMPERVIOUS SURFACES: 2,235 SQFT O 0 IF lc�l TOTAL EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: 3,630 SQFT Z 77 / l i l / / ! ® "'»»^ / .M»._.--^`_» __ O� ® PROPOSED BUILDING: 1,730 SQFT Q 00 , - L 6f PROPOSED ACCESSORY STRUCTURES: 0 SQFT a 2OSIDE YARD SETBACK_ OTHER PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS SURFACES: +1,355 SQFT TOTAL PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA: 3,085 SQFT U ) STONE PATH EDW�--•� PROPOSED IS 545 SQFT LESS THAN EXISTING U a PERCENT OF LOT COVERAGE OCCUPIED: 24.97/ (� u , I / � / ♦A I I � ® ., «.� o �'�"-� 1G0$$� ® SYMBOLS LEGEND E-+ I EO JOIN t I ,�/ DIMENSION LINE(CENTERLINE) XI-XII DIMENSION LINE(FACE OF FRAMING) LINE INDICATES ITEMS TO BE S, II X' X" `, DIMENSION LINE(FACE MATERIAL) REMOVED,SEE DEMOLITION PLAN ON DRAWING D1.0. TYPICAL WHERE SHOWN I y y DETAIL DESIGNATION SITE PLAN BASED ON SURVERY MADE BY VAN DUSEN AND STEVES oxx.x I LAND SURVEYORS, 169 HAVILAND ROAD,QUEENSBURY,NY 12804. — — — — — — EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY ' SITE PLAN SCALE: 1/8"=V-0" (24x36 LAYOUT) DATED MARCH 7,2014 SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" (11x17 LAYOUT) ��� ® W ONE:518-792-8487. PFild���,.�i i.:�:.rurl �i,u�uiu,u..,�d��da,u�u u,,em��u,�o�i �u���:�:�.�uni�m�, : .�i:��iui,u,��:u,m ui,i�ni.:�i,,,ei���:i,m� FINISHED TOPOGRAPHY U � W V Q o SITE PLAN NOTES v ®� r 1. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL THE 5. THE PLANS SHOW SOME KNOWN SUBSURFACE STRUCTURES OF WHICH 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR KEEPING EXISTING PUBLIC HIGHWAYS AND r REQUIREMENTS OF LOCAL,STATE,AND NATIONAL BUILDING AND SAFETY THE EXACT LOCATION MAY VARY FROM THE LOCATIONS INDICATED.PRIOR ADJACENT LANDS FREE OF DEBRIS,SOIL,AND OTHER MATTER WHICH MAY ACCUMULATE DUE TO G� \ CODES AND ALL GOVERNING AGENCIES. TO BEGINNING ANY CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL CONSTRUCTION RELATED TO THE SITE,AND PROVIDE MEANS FOR COLLECTION AND RECYCLING OF EXIST.UTILITY LOCATIONS BY CALLING UFPO(1-800-962-7962), BY FIELD ALL APPLICABLE CONSTRUCTION WASTE. i 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT ALL SURVEYING OF THE VERIFYING ALL VISIBLE UTILITIES AND PERFORMING TEST PITS AS NECESSARY W PROPERTY LINES,BUILDING,PARKING,UTILITY LOCATIONS,AND GRADE IN CONGESTED AREAS. 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT ALL REQUIRED EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE r, ELEVATIONS AS NECESSARY TO PROPERLY AND ACCURATELY COMPLETE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE COURSE OF THE WORK. Z THE SCOPE OF WORK.SURVEY WORK IS PERFORMED BY A NYS LICENSED 6. NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT OF ANY CONDITIONS THAT VARY FROM THE PLANS LAND SURVEYOR. PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. 11. THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR WILL PROVIDE A CERTIFICATE TO BE POSTED ON OR IN THE ELECTRIC PANEL AS REQUIRED BY NYS ENERGY CODE SECTION N-401.3. 3. PRIOR TO ESTABLISHING THE BUILDING LOCATION,THE LICENSED 7. NO EMBANKMENT SLOPE SHALL EXCEED THREE(3)FEET HORIZONTALTO SURVEYOR SHALL STAKE OUT ALL CORNERS OF FOUNDATION AND ONE(1) FOOT VERTICAL. CONTACT THE ARCHITECT TO REVIEW AS REQUIRED. 8. AREAS OUTSIDE OF THE LIMIT OF THE PROPERTY LINE SHALL BE PROTECTED )XI"i0 4. ALL TESTS AND INSPECTIONS REQUIRED BY LOCAL,STATE AND TO ENSURE THAT NO GRADING,DEVEGETATION OR SUBSTANTIAL • GOVERNING AGENCIES SHALL BE CONDUCTED AND THE SUB CONTRACTOR DISTURBANCE OCCURS EXCEPT AS IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY TO INSTALL RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WORK SHALL NOTIFY THE GOVERNING AGENCY, UTILITY PIPING. THE ARCHITECT AND THE ENGINEER A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONDUCTING THE TEST Al INSPECTION.