08 22 2017 Queensbury Planning Board Agenda
Second Regular Meeting: Tuesday, ugFu�s�u::i2,2017/Time 7—11 pm
Queensbury Activities Center @ 742 Bay Road
Administrative Items
Tabled Items
Applicant(s) WILLIAM ROURKE Application Type SP 40-2017
Owners Same as applicant SEQR T e T e II
Agent(s) II n/a II Lot size .29 acre
Location 21 Jay Road Ward: 1 Zoning Classification: WR....
Tax ID No. 289.10-1-.13 Ordinance Reference 179-13-010
Cross Reference 1995 se tic alt.;AV 38-2017 Warren Co.Referral n/a
Public Hearing June 27,2017,August 22,2017 Site Information CEA
Project Description: Applicant has revised plans for a 2,016 sq.ft.addition to existing 494 sq.ft.camp to include crawl space for mechanicals and an
attached garage. Project includes removal of 300 sq.ft.detached garage and 60 sq.ft.porch. Pursuant to Chapter 179- 13-010 of the Zoning
Ordinance,additions to structures shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval.
Planning Board Recommendation:
A licant s KATHARINE SEELYE Application Type Site Plan 55-2017
Owner(s) V Same as applicant .... V SEQR Type.... Type II ....
Agent(s) II Dennis MacElroy,PE II Lot size I .62 acre
Location 14 Crooked Tree Drive Ward: 1 Zoning Classification: WR
Tax ID No. 239.15-1-10 Ordinance Reference !72-3-040, 179-13-010
Cross Reference AV 29-2001 deck&addition;SP 22-2003& Warren Co.Referral August 2017
AV 17-2003 160 sf addition;SP 59-2007
110 sf stone terrace;AV 53-2017
Project Description: Applicant proposes a single story,225 sq.ft.addition to an existing 1,064 sq.ft.home. Floor area existing 2,533 sq.ft.and
proposed is 2,788 sq.ft. Project includes minor interior alterations. Site work includes updated septic. Project is an expansion of a nonconforming
structure. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040, 179-13-010 of the Zoning Ordinance,expansion to nonconforming structures shall be subject to Planning
Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought from setbacks. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of
Old Business:
A licant s DANIEL&TIMOTHY LAWLER Application Type Site Plan 54-2017
Owner(s) II Same as applicants II SEQR Type I Type II
A ent s n/a Lot size .77 acre
Location 19 Reardon Road Ext. Ward: Ward 1 Zoning Classification: WR
I. Tax ID No .... a 28,9.7-1-36.:1 .... .... .... Ordinance Reference... . .179-13-010 .... .... .... .... .... ....
Cross Reference AST-000291-7017 Deck;AV 52-2017 Warren Co.Referral n/a
. Public Hearing August 32,.2017 .... .... .... .... � Site Information .... �. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....�
Project Description: Applicant proposes a 12'x 24'new open deck with 8x10 proposed stairs addition to an existing 1,100 sq.ft.home. Pursuant to
Chapter 179-13-010 of the Zonin Ordinance,expansion of non-conformin structures shall be subject to Planning Board review and appr2yal.
Applicants) V DOUGLAS MCCALL V Application Type Site Plan 53-2017
Owner(s) Richard J.Provenzono SEQR Type Type II
A ent s n/a Lot size .36 acre
Location II 6 Neighbors Way II Ward: 1 I Zoning Classification: WR
Tax ID No. 226.15-1-30 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040, 179-13-010, 179-5-050
Cross Reference SP 33-97-22126; 92426-893 sewage alt.; Warren Co.Referral August 2017
97461-6066 rebuild boathouse w/sundeck;
AV 49-2017
Public Hearing n/a for recommendation Site Information
Project Description: Applicant proposes three modifications to an existing 1,052 sq.ft.(2,689.3 sq.ft.floor area)single family home-utility room,
new entryway and an upstairs open deck. Addition total is 131+/-sq.ft.to home and a 28 sq.ft.deck addition(floor area 224.99 sq.ft.added).
Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040& 179-13-010& 179-5-050 of the Zoning Ordinance,expansion to a nonconforming structure and conversion of
seasonal to year round shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval.
New Business:
Applicants) MAGICAL SHORE ACRES LLC Application Type Site Plan Modification 56-2017
Owners Same as applicant SEAR Type Type II
Agent(s) II Dennis MacElroy,PE II Lot size I 2.63 acres
Location 10 Woods Point Lane Ward: 1 Zoning Classification: WR
Tax ID No. II 239.18-1-21 II Ordinance Reference I 179-9-120
Cross Reference IIII AV 20-2017,SP 20-2017 II Warren Co.Referral I August 2017
Public Hearin Au ust 22,2017 Site Information
Project Description: Applicant proposes two main modification totaling 573 sq.ft. One is 348 sq.ft.to include a covered parking area and entry area
and second is a 225 sq.ft.addition to the upper level living area on westerly side of the residence. Project also includes a 172 sq.ft.green roof access
bridge.The home with previous approvals and proposed modifications,is to be 5,546 sq.ft.(footprint)with 437 sq.ft.of porch/decks. The floor area is
to be 11,853 sq.ft. Pursuant to Chapter 179-9-120 of the Zoning Ordinance,amendment of an approved site plan shall be subject to Planning Board
review and approval.
-Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board